What am I talking about 6th rank.


Repair and self-development
Saturday, 27 Fierce 2016 21:48 + to quote book
1. You have an hour to come back to yourself
Too many people fail to achieve their goals because they lack focus.
If you don't start the day with something to think about, which is what you want to focus on first, then you are unlikely to guess your great goals as the day goes on.
Apparently, in the first half of the day, your brain works most effectively.
Vikorist this hour in order to take your life under the control of your mind, and not your emotions.
2. You have an hour to show up to plan your day
Larks may be able to plan their current day ahead of time before going to work.
The earlier your plan for the day is laid out, the more efficiently and productively you will spend your time.
Planning for tomorrow in the evening is counterproductive.
There is no point in making plans if your brain is not fresh and you want just one thing - a fix.
3. Early morning is a wonderful hour for practicing self-control
New York Magazine, in its article about Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, told readers that he starts his day at 5:30 a.m.
Dorsey chooses an hour before the start of the workday for meditation and a 10-kilometer run.
Tim Cook, Apple CEO, starts posting on his partner email list at about 4:30.
Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is also a great fan of screwing up early.
In one of his interviews with Business Insider, he learned that he wakes up at 5:45 and immediately gets to work.
It’s easy to sit at the computer every hour, and then you feel tired.
6. You will be two croci ahead of everyone else

Starting early, as evidence of research can help you unlock your creative potential.

Plus, it develops your self-esteem to the fullest: you begin to work even if all your competitors are asleep.

I have learned to level up to rank 8 with all the most inappropriate workers.

This idea allows me to live the entire day with a high level of energy and a feeling of vigor.

Quitting the most unpleasant thing early will reduce my stress and anxiety.

I still.

If you can teach yourself to spend two and a half years earlier, then, absolutely, you will take away the advantage of 150 working hours per day.
That's 17 and a half years per week, and over 70 years per month.

840 years per river.

About those that the life schedule of wise people is worth substitution, is confirmed by the Holy Scriptures: “Those that are nothing for all living things, for the one who lives with himself is the hour of awakening;

When all living things dissolve into sleep, for the sage, occupied with self-contemplation, nothing comes.”

3-4 wounds

These people also strive for enough strength to protect their spiritual nature.

In this case, her mental sensitivity is not high enough to lead an exhilarating way of life.

However, at this hour, it is recommended to engage in spiritual practice.

This is due to the fact that such an early hour of appointment is for these purposes.

For people who are trying to complete this plan and daily give up their morning prayer, the hour is preparing a great surprise - the deep recesses of the soul will be revealed to them.

One mind - they are guilty of smelling more of holy people and less of those whose knowledge is polluted by sinful activity.

4-5 wounds

Such a person is born from a pessimist into a deep optimist.

At this very hour, the Earth is in the midst of optimism.

All sleeping birds, who are in the mode of kindness, sense this and begin to sing in different voices.

Those people who do not actively sleep at all times are good poets, composers, musicians, singers, and also simply optimistic people.

It’s possible to supply food: “even though we are not in India, and in our latitudes during the winter the sun rises at 8-9 am, and in India the sun rises at the same hour, but here it’s not like that at all .

." On the right, there is no such thing in the respect here.

People must give up on the Earth early (before 6 years after sunrise) in order to mentally achieve their current mood.

Only in this case the weather will not give us various disturbances associated with magnetic storms, etc.

It’s true that people are adapting to the current mood of the Earth.

If you still sleep on the 6th wound, then there will be no such adaptation.

The one who gets up after 6 years in the morning can no longer be a true optimist, whose joy will be

Not natural, not natural, not dreamy, but piece-like and stretched.

7-8 wound

If a person rises from 7 to 8 levels, we are guaranteed to have lower mental and physical tone, which is due below.

In this way, you miss your hour.

Therefore, the whole day will be either bustle, or it will seem that there is no energy, strength, concentration of respect for successful activity.

Those who fast at this hour are susceptible to hypotension, migraine, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, passive living position, decreased acidity in the vagina and enzyme deficiency in the liver Intsi.

And if life wears out their appetite due to lack of energy, it results in nervousness, dizziness, overexertion, and, at the same time, excessive appetite, increased arterial pressure, increased acidity sti, ignition processes in the body.

Talking about getting up earlier makes no sense - the main pattern has become clear. Most people are people who work, whose working day begins at 8 or 9, and returns from work / starting at 18-19.

The rich among us have a stereotypical idea that the creative process begins in the evening, we create better work, have more strength, etc., but that’s not the case at all.

In France, you can obtain part of the information you have planned for the evening.

It is important to lie down after 22 years.

Doctors who plan to restore the human body one year before the night before and two years after the night, the body will begin to regain strength in the fourth year.

For your understanding, that the boat is not remembered by anyone, based on folk wisdom. If you continue to stick to your schedule at the same time over the years, you may find yourself enjoying your increased self-esteem.

From the beginning it will be important that the body continues to respond, with time and regular practice of this regime, and eventually (!) – the body adapts, and you can see a significant difference in your performance.

2nd quarter I posted a new call.

The management was simple: 21 working days I wasted about 4:30 in the morning.

It’s already too early for me to throw away (about the 6th year of the morning it’s probably too soon), but this time I want to go further.

Yaka there was a residual meta of everything?

Increased productivity.

I want to learn every day as much as possible.

I always think about how to improve my work, how to make my life better, and I have to take note of all the details and take steps that will help me achieve what I want.

Knowing early on that I was a morning person, my strategy was to get up earlier and get some sleep, which would increase my productivity.

God, what have I learned in this hour?

Lots of everything.

1. If you want to change something in life, you need encouragement

If people find out about your new brand, they’ll start making noise and they’ll turn on the power.

The best - you are afraid to show your weakness, and even one thing is enough, so as not to leave the conversation.

Tim wanted nothing more than to set fire to someone with his idea.

Naturally, I realized that if I didn’t see it in me, it wouldn’t be a tragedy, but the thought that other people could inherit my butt helped me collapse further.

2. People are respectful in detail

People love to say that it is impossible to earn money.

So, of course, there are song furnishings that can be used in a factory.

But I respect that a lot of people are simply lazy and don’t want to put in a lot of effort to make their lives better.

The stinks simply flow with the current, without particularly thinking about their real capabilities.

So, perhaps, it’s easy for me to say, because I am in the same mind: I don’t make friends, I don’t have children, my life belongs only to me.

Well, on the other hand, there was a lot lying behind my fear and motivation.

If I were alive with my father, it would be much more difficult to earn money, because I would have to pay attention to my family, to their names and the rhythm of life.

Well, having started this journey, having had a drink far away, I won’t get into trouble with anything.

Think about everything that is within the reach of the broom.

It’s not only important to quit smoking, but also to quit smoking, start going to the gym or, let’s say, eat vegetables.

How can you get rid of all the problems that affect your reach?

I knew that I needed the following: independence, the ability to sleep whenever I want, the ability not to break out in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, knowing that I have a bunch of unfinished issues, the ability to work out whatever the place at any time ...For good luck.

, Everything was fine with me.

It’s a big sin for us: we don’t get up immediately when the alarm goes off, but move it 10 days later.

Fortunately, I am so rarely timid, but at the same time I am left completely overwhelmed by the ugliness of this occupation.

If you want to hang out at the singing hour, then, kindly, forget about this “well, just 10 minutes.”

This seriously affects your day: you won’t get enough sleep for 10 minutes, before you feel more tired, and it will negatively appear on your right.

7. I love sleep so much, but my body needs 6-7 years to get enough sleep.

After 6-7 years of sleep, I can no longer sleep, but just turn around in my bed.

It’s better to get up and do something nice and brown.

On that note, I will sleep.

8. Spend more than an hour working

After I started throwing up at 4:30 in the morning, I had two more years to devote to my work.

What rank?

As I’ve already said, I’m a morning person and after 6 pm I can’t do anything particularly worthwhile, mine falls in the second half of the day.

So, I transferred the two evenings that I spent on the Internet to the early hours and dedicated them to work.

Now I can finish my work earlier and get back to work when necessary.

9. It’s time for me to show up so I can get my mail

As a rule, within two years I get notifications on all electronic sheets and plan my day.

Going for a run or a walk before the sun has set in - everything would have been impossible earlier if I lived on a standard schedule.

As I’ve already said, I’m a morning person and after 6 pm I can’t do anything particularly worthwhile, mine falls in the second half of the day.

12. First of all, willpower is required to change your daily routine.

If you have no willpower, it is even more unlikely that you will give up.

Train your willpower to get rid of the bad guy.

By the way, whatever you really want, no one can stop you!

People often make it a point to give up early on with success in life.

If you are skeptical about this, try to take a look at the order of the day.

With the passage of two fates, your life can change radically.

There are six incredible reasons before you, every morning you may begin with fresh ashes.

You have an hour to identify available resources

Many people are far from success in life only through marriage and respect for their own person.

Once you lose concentration as the day goes on, it’s easy to lose track of your tasks.

Apparently, the brain works more effectively from the wound itself.

By getting up from bed two years earlier, you can save the time before you can look for internal resources.

Take a look at the nicknames of successful people, and you will definitely see a pattern.

Everything smells like the early birds.

So, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, says that the sun rises at 5:30.

Then the businessman meditates and then runs 10 kilometers.

Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up even earlier - on his heels.