Chim korisne sun for people. Sonyachne prominnya: infusion. Shkidlivy sonyachnі change. Skoda solarium - video

Change the sun- Tse potіk radiatsії, scho maє razny spectrum infusion on our body. In front of the currents of the skin lita, we zamislyuєmosya, a little bit of a dream for our health, and we can also take away the damage. Ale, no matter what, gladly with the currents of summer. Sleepy prominnya raises mood, helping to get depressed. Let's take a look at all the pluses and minuses of a sleepy injection on healthy people.

Ultraviolet viprominuvannya

There are three classes of change, which may have a different impact on the body:

A-promenі - mum the smallest riven of radiation, їх shkidlivy infusion I'm the healthiest people. But for such changes, there is no need to change, the stench of the building will deeply penetrate the ball of skin and damage the structure of the epidermis, destroying collagen fibers. In a similar rank, the old shkiri will appear.

B-promeni - synthesize vitamin D, which is the main source of calciferol for humans. Ale tse prominnya can pass through the atmosphere in exact hour for 10 years. up to 16 years old. Significant part of this hour of the sun may be high activity, it is not a trace to change at this hour under direct exchanges, serious consequences can be blamed.

S-promenі - the most serious viprominuvannya, zdatne provokuvat navіt cancer ailments. The nature of the basement about tse, shkіdlі vіmenі poglanyayutsya ozone ball, dolіtayuchi not reach the Earth.

Positive impact of sun on the body

Taking sony baths, we improve immunity, to which we spray calciferol-vitamin D. brush fabric remove important metals from the body. In case of deficiency of this vitamin in children, it can become ill - rickets, and in adults - osteoporosis. The products of this vitamin are not enough, so we need sleepy change.

Under the influx of the sun, serotonin vibrates. Yogo rightfully vvazhayut "happiness hormone", vin pіdvischuє moods, taking part in the process of blood pharynx. The coming of summer will always be accompanied by a surge of positive emotions and a powerful mood. For people from moving the vise sleepy days are grace. Therefore, changing the sun, vplyauchi on the body, reduce the pressure and protect against heart attacks.

The sun shines brighter, bumps, wounds, pores, shards, but it can have an antibacterial effect. Pomіrne perebuvannya under the sun is unambiguously for health, I give a positive effect and plus a garn for zasmagu.

What a shkodi to run sleepy people's exchanges

Under the hour of a tribal perebubannya under direct exchanges of the sun, we can take an opik chi sleepy blow. It is accompanied by reddened shkiri, tediousness and temperature rise can be. Especially in the risk zone there are people from white skins.

Ruin_vna diya on the skin can mother ultraviolet light at the same time taking sony baths. Maybe before the old shkіri, dribnі zmorshki are coming. Also, there is a risk of vindication of unsafe illnesses for the sake of zabіgannya like a smear at the singing period of the hour. In obov'yazkovom order to coristuvatsya sonzahisnymi zasoby for shkіri.

The statistics confirm that people who live near the pivnichny districts look young, lower inhabitants of the pivnіchny. Trivala diya sleepy changes can cause an opik sitkivki. Therefore, take care of your eyes, especially if you are on the seashore, sun protection eyepieces may be your permanent companion.

Take proper sleep baths

1. In order not to hurt your health, you should choose the right hour for taking a sony bath. The early hour is from 6 am to 11 am and after 4 pm until sunset.

2. Without a headgear, those sunglass eyepieces cannot be seen in the sun. Moreover, eyepieces need to be selected only in optics stores, because non-standard eyepieces focus incorrectly on the change and you can lose your sight. And the head ubir was picked up by the light-colored bazhan.

3. Under direct exchanges, the sun did not last more than a year, otherwise you will surely ruin your body.

4. It is necessary to victorize sonzahisnі zasobi for the body before the next day of zasmagi.

5. When taking a sleepy bath, do not forget to drink enough water.

6. Otrimati garnu rіvnu zasmagu to help deyakі products - tse apricots, carrots, tomatoes, kavuni, dinі and іnshі. In these vegetables and fruits, there are speeches, which protect the skin from shkіdlivih changes in ultraviolet and opikіv, improve the water balance in the body.

It is simply impossible to live on earth without the sun. Yogo the pain of the health of the people is priceless. Learn to properly greet yourself with the gift of nature, and you will be healthy and happy.


  • Sleepy baths: carried out in the summer with a brush.
  • The whole truth about zasmagu: what is Skoda chi dirty? , beauty portal

Summer, sun, beach - koris tse chi shkіdlivo і, smut, what kind of world? Vcheni stverdzhuvali, scho in the sun more crusty lower shkodi, oskelki sonyachne viprominyuvannya lowering the pressure. Ale fahіvtsі protect your health and be conservative and do not worry about the safety of overly sleepy changes.

A small amount of UV radiation is associated with health and is necessary for the production of vitamin D. different types cancer shkіri, sooner її old, viklikaє cataract and other ailments of the eyes. Prove that UV radiation reduces the effectiveness of the work of the immune system by changing the activity of immunocompetent cells. in the INTERSUN newsletter- Programs of the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health.

Dekіlka facts

- in the case of 50% to 90% of skin cancer caused by UV radiation in the sun or in a solarium;
- 2000 year was diagnosed over 200 thousand. vipadkiv melanoma 65 ths. osіb vіd it died;
— In 2000, 2.8 million cases were diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and 10 million cases with basal cell carcinoma;
- In 2000, roci through the superworld due to UV radiation became 60 thousand. depression in early death;
- Approximately 18 million people in the world go blind as a result of cataracts, close to 5% of cataracts fall due to UV radiation;
- UV radiation causes photo-aging skins, її show - loss of elasticity and development of sony keratosis;
— It is recommended to zastosovuvat zahist in the sun, if the ultraviolet index reaches the value of 3 and more.

UV radiation and sleep optics increase the frequency of three types of skin cancer. One of them is cement melanoma, an aggressive cancer that threatens life. This is one of the most unsafe evil fluffs of a human being that develops from melanocytes - pigment cells that produce melanin, a natural dark pigment that is found in shkir, volos, sitkivtsi of the eye. For the recent publication of tributes, in Great Britain, melanoma is dying 2 yew. people in a crowd, and it confuses experts more often to talk about those, how to protect yourself from sleepy shifts. Two other types - ce subvidi carcinomas, a type of malignant swelling that develops from cells of the epithelial tissue of various organs (shkiri, mucous membranes and internal organs). Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, as a rule, does not develop as rapidly as melanoma and is less likely to lead to death. Basal cell carcinoma is a cancer of the skin, which develops in a common way, and is more important than other people.

Ale, yakscho everyone knows and guesses about negative injection the supra-world number of sleepy changes on the skin, then about the influx of UV radiation on the eyes is often forgotten.

At the same time, the hospital's UV radiation caused photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis (burning of the cornea and conjunctivitis). Chronic exposure to UV radiation can cause cataracts (clouding crystals, which can cause blindness or even blindness), pterygium (whitened on the surface of the eye), or squamous cell carcinoma of the cornea or conjunctivitis ( rare view swelling on the surface of the eye).

The riven of ultraviolet radiation is to deposit riches of chinniks. Nasampered, obviously, the height of the sun: the greater the sun in the sky, the greater the UV changes. UK National Health Service pay respect to the fact that

Although the maximum height of the sun falls in the period from 11 to 15 years of the month, the factors are low, which can increase UV radiation and at a later hour.

Tse, for example, in the air on the ground: richly on top of the sunny exchanges and increase the amount of ultraviolet (for example, grass, soil and water absorb less than 10% UV radiation, fresh snow - over 80%, dry sand - 15%, sea water - 25 %). %). The amount of ultraviolet to lie in the geographic latitude of the moon (the closer to the equator, the more UV radiation), the height above the sea level (UV radiation is increased by 5% from skin thousand meters in height) and the amount of ozone in the sun, in addition, as the ozone ball becomes thinner, more UV-changes reach the surface of the Earth). UV radiation is higher than a clear sky, but don’t forget what you can do in a gloomy sky, but you can do it high.

Children of that age are especially sensitive to harsh UV radiation. Overworld peresbuvannya on the sons of children can lead to cancer in the last century.

People with light skins suffer more from sleepy opiums and are attacked by a higher risk of developing skin cancer, lower people with dark skins. However, regardless of those who are less susceptible to cancer among dark-skinned people, their disease often manifests itself at a later, more unsafe stage.

Rizik poshkodzhennya eyes, before the hour old shkіri that strangled immunity does not lie in the type of shkіri.

For protection against UV radiation, it is recommended:
- Surround the room under the midday sun;
- hovatisya in the dark;
- wear headdresses for zahistu disguise that shiї;
- wear sunscreen eyepieces with a 99-100-hundred-inch shield for UV-A and UV-B changes;
- apply a protective cream with a protective factor (SPF) 30+ on non-critical areas of the body;
- unique tanning beds: tanning beds for up to 35 years provoking 75 years of melanoma risk reduction; Recommend fences for tanning beds for persons up to 18 years of age;
- Trimati in the darkness do not care for small children.

If you have a permit in warm, sleepy lands, then the most important recommendation is to stay on the sun for an hour (depending on the intensity and height of the sun above the horizon, this period can become 15 hvilin until the second year). It is necessary to look at it no more than once in 24 years and regularly look at your skin: at times there will be some suspicious changes, which have increased in the birthplaces of birthmarks and marvelous new creations, it is necessary to turn to the doctor in a negligent way.

In one of the upcoming materials of Gazeta.Ru, there is a description of the symptoms and prevention of heat stroke.

Zavdyaki Sontsyu z'appeared life on our planet, sleepy lightly ensures the life of all living things. Sontsya's grudge is unambiguous and unambiguous.

Yakby would not have had a Sun, there would not have been green onions on the Earth, thin forests and rivers, flourishing gardens, cornfields, no people, no creatures, no growths could have been.
From the scientific point of view, all things seem to be on the Earth, so how else do they support the Sun. For example, the Sun pours into the gas-like atmosphere, as if it were the whole earth's sump, after which we can watch different natural phenomena at the sight of falling, wind like fog.

Audio release of the program

Take revenge on the sun for yourself with a great amount of energy. Less than a billion pieces of energy are spent on Earth. And to the very same zavdyaki їy on the Earth there is a circle of water, life has developed and develops.

The positive impact of the Sun on the body of a person was marked already in the past. Ill and weakened people were prescribed walks on the open air and sleepy baths. Tse priyal improved my health. Regularly taking sleepy baths will improve the circulation of speech and blood, increase the tone.

It has long been brought to light that the sleepy light of the building is to drive the awake into rich ills., In addition, there are such serious ones, like tuberculosis shkiri. In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet changes in the body of a person, vitamin D is generated, in view of which the minerality of our brushes and teeth is deposited. With a deficiency of this vitamin in children, rickets is the cause.
Serotonin, a hormone that plays an important role in the processes of blood pharynx, is also called the “hormone of happiness”, the presence of serotonin in the blood sufficiently increases moods in the brain under the infusion of the sun.
Charging the sony energy, the body takes a straining positive impulse, mood virіvnyuєtsya, the nervous system calms down. Take a sleep bath the best zasib see the stress!

There is no life without sleepy light, like there is no life without help and guidance. For creatures and grown-ups, the Sun is such a force of strength, like for a human being, unfortunately, it’s rare to be able to succumb to the beneficial influx of sleepy light on your body.
In the light of the sony light, everything that exists on the Earth has begun to be deposited. Yakby the Sun raptly pinned down its activity, then the Earth itself would freeze, and everything on it would freeze and die.
So the Sun gives us psychic energy. The philosophers of old, and the prominent Russian teachings Oleksandr Chizhevsky spoke about it. A person is also a psychic energy, for that a person needs to obov'yazkovo z'ednuvatsya with the Sun, put respect on her. This is not a light bulb, this is the great Light, without which we cannot live.
And with all the light, with all my soul, having turned to the new, we take away the greed and help not only for myself especially, but for all prosperity. Remember the world, remember the planet, remember the Sun, and at the same time they will remember you!

All living organisms, which are found on our planet, practically zavdyachuyut tsim sun. It’s rich in why the dawn of the sun has formed such a great light in such a look, in which we can yogo posterigat, it’s possible, life on the planet and it wouldn’t have been born, but it’s not enough to see it otherwise, it’s like it was blown out in the cosmic expanse of sleep. The sun plays an even more important role in the development of all forms of life of people who live on the planet, so that all of us can love it light and warm, as it generously shares the stretch of millions of years, when life was born on the planet. The sun of life is necessary for all the roslins, creatures and other sacks of our world, zokrema and people.

Most people love to spend an hour under the sun. Those who are impatient with checks of the summer, deacons and bribes are ready to go to the spicy lands, just to relax on the beaches under the warm sun. The weather is gloomy, richly hto signifies a lack of strength, a lowered mood and a vital tone, I don’t want to work, I don’t want to go anywhere, then, if the bright sleepy days come, we don’t go out of sleep, sit like a magnet, sit on the magnet change yoga. , take a sony bath, lie on the beach or go and have a picnic in nature. All the zmіni in the mood of the pidsvіdoma RIVNI, the suicidal is brought, the pyd sons of Sonzi in the people in the brain of the river - serotonin, and the hormone hormone shtaski, the dose of Yaknaishvidsha, to the reaction, to the reaction. light, ale and a lot of other factors, for example, delicious hedgehog, it’s so hard for us to taste like a savory, for that it’s tasty and acceptable, and our brain is remembered.
The hormone of happiness raises our mood, we give strength, for a certain hour to introduce euphoria at the camp, but it may not be safe, the shards of riches can spend the world and rest on sleep more, lower it is necessary for real.
At moderate doses, the sun helps people, under the influence of changes in the body, an even more important vitamin D, which strengthens the bones, helps to master the impersonal mineral speeches and strengthens the immune system. Ultraviolet (UV) treatment, in small doses, it can be reduced, it may have antibacterial action, it is beneficially indicated for healthy skin, acne disappears, wounds start to burn, blood-bearing vessels expand, blood circulation improves, the skin becomes more elastic and healthy.

: skoda zasmagi

However, all the mischief in the sun can at one moment turn against people, and from a friend it turns into a shroom for our body, it sounds like a trap when it’s too long nailed to the sun, even if it’s not good, it’s more like a healthy reaction to the body’s reaction to UV radiation the first signs of Shkodi the sun appear on the shkir. Often the next day, after a day spent on the beach, the shkir starts to get sick, the liver is reddened, it starts to climb, it means that you took away the sleepy opik. Slid z'yasuvat what kind of phototype is your sheet (all їх 5), where it is possible to fall in the middle, how it receives UV vibration, the most unsafe sun for people, who may have 1 and 2 phototypes of the sheet, in their volodarіv shkira, as a rule, light eyes and hair (often red), often present gusset. For them, perebuvannya on the sun May is a special risk, oskolki people with such a skin are the most sick melanoma, ailment yak shkiri cancer. In addition, it was necessary to let the ultraviolet light dry the skin and spray it on the old times, ruin the whites and other brown speech.

: sleepy stroke

The shkidlivist of the sun may be not only for the shkir, but also for the brain, as if you had a long hour under the scorching sun with an unshaven head, you can take a somnolent blow, or it may be even more unsafe, like for children, so for grown-ups. Vin can be of a different degree of importance. In people who have taken away the sleep attack, the temperature rises, sometimes up to 40-41 degrees, nauseousness, increased heart rate and heartbeat, headache, may be a loss of memory and in., with a severe stage of the head stroke, it is possible to have a lethal end.

: come in later

Insanely, the sun is far from weak, but if you can secure yourself, you can completely hide all negative impacts view of the sun. If you have chosen to spend the day in the sun at the speku, then it is necessary for your mother to clean your head with your own head, as if you have been smeared on the beach for a long time, then vikoristovyte special gifts for zasmagi, if possible, better than your mother with you - for sure, it protects the view of the sun, for example, a parasol. If you go in for sports in a special way, or as other physical adventures, then drink more water, so as to avoid heat stroke. Another important accessory is the eyepieces of the sun, the stench is not less important, the shards marveling at the sun, unprotected eyes, are so very painful. If we are in a mood, we can’t make us feel the warmth of sleepy exchanges, and if we don’t slander him with kindness, it will give us a lot of health and joy.

Practically all living things on the planet Earth, including people, require sony energy. People can feel the warmth and light of the crooked sleepy skin. Ale z fate in the river of all times to talk about all the growing radiation of radiation, which is like the sun. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of zasmagi.

The healing power of the sun is at home for everyone. It's easy to make people's minds understand the mind. The need for a sleepy light is laid genetically, among different peoples it is absolutely different - among the native peoples it is, without a doubt, richly rich, lower among the pubs. For example, the skin of a resident of the pivnya, which is leaning in the minds of the Extreme Pivnochі, seeing the greatest stress, is even formed by the generations of the need for a sleepy lifestyle and is not satisfied with the stingy pivnіchny sun.

Sonyachne lightly takes part in the reactions of supporting the synthesis of insulin (hormone of the pharynx), improving the balance of the microflora of the skin. Well, a positive impact on the psyche of a person is not recognized by doctors. It is also possible that vitamin D, an important regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, is vibrated under the influence of ultraviolet light, and serotonin-speech (it is also called "chemical sound"), which controls impulses between the nerve cells, thanks to the "brain" like an appetite, a dream, a mood and an emotion of a person.

When the vibration of serotonin is reduced, depression is observed in the body, increased pain sensitivity, sleeplessness, migraine attacks. Serotonin is often called the “hormone of happiness”, which in moments of joy vibrates in great numbers. Light is necessary for the generation of serotonin, the lack of sony light in the winter season is the cause of extended seasonal depression. In addition, there is too much light in the absorption of another hormone - melatonin, which may be significant in depressive states.

Zagartovuvannya dormouse prominence increases the resistance of the child's body to colds, illnesses, strengthens the immune system, trains the mechanisms of thermoregulation. Ale, the light could become the cause of serious injuries and make you sick. About the outside, come in when you take baths every day.

Directly sleepy light to avenge ultraviolet change. Zavdyaki їkhny vplyu protirakhіtichny vіtamin D will help its work. Tse shche y naykraschy natural zasіb to fight against nedokrіv'ya. Sonechko expands judges, moves arterial vice that force the exchange of speeches. In addition, when looking at children, they simply dress up and improve their mood.

However, through the one who grew up with the distant past middle period human life, In the opinion of physicians, the melancholy of Sontsya became less significant equal to zі shkoda. For the remaining three centuries, people began to live approximately twice as much. In the past, for a short period of life (up to 40 years), the body of a person did not gain impersonal mutations, the rhubarb of which is unsafe for life (radiation of the Sun is the cause of such mutations). Because of the causes of skin cancer and other traces of sony fever, they were not known to medicine. Moreover, even often people daylight to live in latitudes where their genotype is not attached, to rise in price richly and the sun of distant latitudes is more sensitive to mandrivniks. The doctor of medicine Stefan Ruppert aims to point out that the Australian aborigines do not have cancer of the underworld, and for the great people who live in Australia, the most indicative of cancer on the planet.

There are more than two dozen different ailments, which are blamed for either getting sick under the influence of sony light, middle pigmented xeroderma, squamous cancer of the skin, basal cell, melanoma, cataract.

The most striking effect of the overworld sunburdened by the sun is erythema - shkira, made from red color or zasmagu. A further, less obvious adaptive effect is the creation of the most distant balls of the skin, which changes the UV penetration interval to the largest balls of the skin. All the changes are a sign of the fluff of the shkir.

More often than not, UV radiation also causes impersonal degenerative changes in cells, fibrous tissue, and blood-bearing vessels of the skin. The stench includes gusset, nevi and lentigines, as well as pigmented areas on the skin, and broaden the brown pigmentation. Ultraviolet radiation will speed up the old shkiri, and progressive loss of the elasticity of the shkiri to produce dry, rough shkiri and wrinkle.

Non-melanoma cancers include basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Qi carcinomas and less in a few depressions lead to death, but pain and surgery do not add to the susceptibility.

Malignant melanoma, although it is less broadened than non-melanoma cancer cells, but main cause death in cancer of the skin.

There is a large number of studies showing that there is a link between genetic and special features, UV-viprominence and malignant melanoma.

Head factor risk for people:

There is a large number of atypical birthmarks (birthmarks) - the strongest risk factor for malignant melanoma for fair people;

Malignant melanoma is more common in people with a blue color, blue eyes, and bright hair;

High, non-stable rіven of sony ultraviolet radiation is a significant risk factor for the development of malignant melanoma;

The breadth of malignant melanoma and the middle light races increases due to the change in geographical latitude of the place of residence;

Deyakі epіdemіologichnі іdlіdzhennya pіdtverdzhuyut zv'yazok іz zasmagoyu, espeialiy zasmagoyu at early vіtsі.

The sun also pours into the air. The eye is protected by a protrusion of an eyebrow, eyebrows and vіami. Yaskrave lightly activates the pressure of the eye, in order to minimize the penetration of the sun into the eye. The effectiveness of this natural protection against UV radiation has been measured. For example, in certain situations, such as a sun lounger or a strong blow to a dog, drive that snow.

Gostrimi vplyu vplyu UV-viprominyuvannya є photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis. Tsі zapnіn_rektsії, povnyanі zasmagu duzhe sensitive, similar to shkіri, fabrics of a night apple and povіk, and sound like a stretch of a decade after sleepy prominennia. The stench can be even more painful, but it can also be a werewolf and not lead to a fatal fatal loss of the eyes of the dawn. Extreme forms of photokeratitis - "bunnies" and "snow blindness".

Cataract is the main cause of blindness. Keep in mind that cataracts occur in a large number of people, the stinks of the stench are old, sonyachne UV exposure (UV-B change) is the main risk factor for the development of cataracts.

Navit with these problems, the melancholy of the Sun is overwhelmed by the unappreciated for the promotion of that improvement of human health, but it is necessary to be more careful with the sleepy promises.

For prophylaxis of sickness of the skin, in which the development of such an initial role plays an influx of sleepy changes, it is necessary to turn it off or close the hour of infusion of UVA and UVB-viprominuvannya on a person.

For healthy people, doctors recommend taking a sony bath at the early (before 11) and evening (after 16) hour. Fallow in the phototype of the shkіri, an hour of resting on the sun begins to increase the day from the minimum (sprat of quills) to a few dozen quills, the world has a steady zasmagi. In case of exposure to the sun, it is necessary to wear a headdress, sun protection eyepieces and cosmetics, which can be both UVB- and UVA-protective filters. It is necessary to protect yourself from the sun not only when you are in high latitudes, but high in the mountains, but also in the spring-summer period medium smoothie. It is necessary to unify the superficial dormouse opikiv and the direct injection of ultraviolet light on the nevus and the native plyami. On a day of safer rest in the dark, including falling on the unprotected skin of direct sleepy shifts. Keep in mind that changing by the water, to the pisca, active games and sports activities will reduce the power of photographic effects, which will require more frequent application.

A series of sun protection measures are due to adapt to the skin type of skin, skin phototype.

The Fitzpatrick scale transmits six phototypes. We won’t be able to see the rest of the world, because the representatives of the big one linger in Africa and other smoky lands. And among us, Europeans, there are only a few phototypes.

  • I type: even light is sensitive skin, black or green eyes, light or ore hair, gusset. Such shkir is not recommended for direct sleepy prominence, the shards burn instantly. For protection, follow the most intense sun protection measures with the sign “for a sensitive skin”: in the first days, change to sun SPF 40, then - SPF 30. Oliya for intensive sleep is contraindicated!
  • II type: light skin, black eyes, light hair, gusset. The skin of this phototype can be smeared, but if you don’t take an opik, you need to inoculate it to sleepy changes step by step. On the beach, it is more likely to be covered with water-resistant coats: the first days - SPF 30, the next - SPF 15.
  • III type: to milk the light shkir, dark eyes, chestnut or rusyave hair. This is the widest phototype in our country. Its representatives cover easily and quickly, often skipping the unacceptable stage of reddening the skins. Such a shkir is not more terrible than the sun of the middle latitudes, but it is not safe from the heat of the sun. The first days in the sun it is necessary to take care of the protection factor at least lower than SPF 15, and on the other - SPF 8-10.
  • IV type: smart coat, black hair, dark brown eyes, doveless. Representatives of this phototype smoky easily, without getting burned by the sun. And if such a coat does not give trouble to the Volodarkas, tied up with sleepy eyes, it is necessary to protect everything from the photo antiquity with the sign “for a smart coat”, so that it can be made even more beautiful. Now the skin is clearly not protesting against the trivial perebuvannya on the sun, for the sake of looking at the photo-ageing, it is boisterous with the sun protection measures SPF 6-8.

Patients who suffer from photodermatosis, whether they were small or small in the past, had malignant swelling of the skin or precancerous dermatosis, changing to sun is contraindicated. For photo-protective cosmetic reasons, they recommend special creams the highest step zakhistu, as it is necessary to apply during the spring-summer period on the surface of the skin of the skin curve when the skin appears on the sun. See a dermato-oncologist for a prophylactic review of such patients is recommended at least 1 time per day.

Even though you are still burned, the skin has turned black, it has become hot, it hurts more to get to it, immediately get used to the necessary visits. Golovne - do not cover її Oliya and creams on a fatty basis, shards of stink make it easier to give heat. Zavdannya - to help scorched dilyantsi throw off the heat. There are many ways.

Your actions

Method 1. Cool down the shkir p'yat-ten khvilin (as you need it and more) with little ice, rolled up in a clean cloth. As long as it’s not out of the blue, American doctors recommend applying a package of frozen vegetables rolled up in a towel to the singed bodily curves.

Method 2. Soak the folds at the chotiri-sh_st balls with a bandage (gauze) with cold water or with great milk from the refrigerator and apply a compress on the scorched bowl. After that, follow the milk with a cotton swab, wetted with cold water. Repeat the procedure of the skin two-chotiri year-round for a day.

Method 3. Another dієviy zasіb is a compress, which zastosovuyut so itself, like milk. Spread dry oats with a ball of one or two centimeters on a piece of clean cloth, lighten the chints, curling it up, soak it with cold water, let it drain and apply a compress to the skirt.

Method 4. Folk medicine for the sake of stealing the poshkodzhenі mіstsya fresh leaves white cabbage, thinly cut with skewers of gray ogirk, potatoes and apples.

Method 5. On the next day, take two tablets of tocopherol (vitamin E) three times a day. Vіn znіme zapalennya shkіri, scho viniklo vnaslіdok opіku.

Method 6. As long as you don’t recognize the unacceptable sight, look at the sweet, cologne and perfume that tease the skin. Slowly, for example, drive into the souls of the weak - never hurt the skin that you suffered! For good reason, forget about the jacuzzi for one hour.

Until the final flood of opikiv, do not give a shkiru to the sun and drink more motherland. Especially brown green tea.

The life of such people is bigger and stronger, and the floorings are bigger, so that the stench doesn’t guard for an hour, that the body can’t mittvosuvatisya to sudden changes in temperature dovkilla. Nadmirne perebuvannya in the sun, especially in calm weather with high humidity, can lead to overheating of the body. In the aftermath of the destruction of the equal balance between the heat, possessed by the body of the call, that yoga in the middle of the world blames the heat or the sleepy stroke.

First symptoms sleepy beat ring out to serve unwell, weak, almost broken, and then involuntarily. Step by step, they show confusion, bіl heads. Often, sleepy stroke is accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 39-40 degrees, tedium and vomiting. In a person who suffered from a sony stroke, there is a sharp increase in the furrows of the skin, in a bright-erysipelas color, there is a sweat. In especially important countries, it is possible to develop an inconspicuous and navіt sudomanny camp. Nose bleeding and noise in the ears can also be a warehouse clinic for a sony stroke.

For first aid, it is necessary to transfer the injured person in a cold, cold place. The patient is guilty of taking a horizontal position with raised legs. After that, following the robes and opening the veils, as if help is hoped for by the occupant. A rush of fresh wind and an invisible part of me coming in to help improve the patients from a sleepy stroke. To cool the skin curves, you can apply a piece of cloth soaked in cold water. In parallel with cym, regeneration therapy is being carried out - ailments are guilty of taking the optimal amount of blood, rather than giving mineral or zvichayn drinking water. With cloudy light garna diya give inhalation of ammonia. You can bring a piece of cotton wool to the patient's nose, soaked with ammonia, or wipe his temples.

Doctors are not happy to zastosovuvat antipyretic drugs. In case of a sony stroke, it is better to rub the palms and feet of the injured octu, half-diluted with water.

Symptoms heat stroke rich in what is similar to such with a sony stroke. Heat stroke is also accompanied by tachycardia (pulse moves up to 120-150 beats per whilin), changes in the side nervous system(There may be hallucinations and hallucinations).

The first aid in case of heat stroke is not considered as an aid in case of sony stroke.

Thermal and sleepy stroke sound to pass on its own in the lines of getting to the end of the day and rarely lead to important consequences. However, it is better to carry out the prevention of these camps, and then ask for help.

And in order to protect yourself from the heat and the sony stroke, uniquely tremble on the sun, on the beach. Sunbathe better not lying down, but in Russia, take a sleepy bath in the early and evening year and not earlier than in the next year. Korisno poddnuvat їх іz bathing. Protect your head with a light, light headdress, and your eyes with dark eyepieces. Wear light, light-colored clothing, which does not allow sweat to evaporate. At the bake, don’t eat even more strongly and don’t drink too much richness. Give priority to fermented milk products and vegetables.

І nasamkinets kіlka sіv about those who so praise mothers and grandmothers: what can you make a child look like? Physicians-pediatrists categorically guard children up to three years of their lives under direct sleepy promises. It has been scientifically brought to the fact that opiums, taken away from children, gave rise to the risk of development of evil newborn shkirs. In order to avoid the harmful effects of aggressive sleepy changes on the lower child's skin, the fathers are to blame for their beloved son: buy a special child's skin cream with SPF 30. It is necessary to apply it on the child's skin before a skin walk. Ale, to navitte the same skin of a little one cannot be taken in by the stolen one. That's why you can walk with a child less in the shade, de ultraviolet vibration is 20% less, lower in the sun.

Obviously, the smoky color of the body is beautiful and sexy, but not a trace of forgetting that the summer sun can be not only lagid, but pitiless. Preservation and respect to allow the whole world to be savored by the beneficial influx of sleeping baths, come garna zasmaga without the usual unacceptable surprises and frills.

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