Barayev: Nayzhorstokish militants of the Chechen war. "Nasha Versiya" publishes a list of the safest Chechen fighters, for whom the special services of the Chechen terrorists are fond of

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The death of the great and greedy militant Said Buryatsky was left with a mayzha unmarked for suspіlstva. The leaders of the Caucasian separatists have ceased to be famous, media figures. The “stars” of equal Shamil Basayev and Aslan Maskhadov have sunk into oblivion, now little characters with exotic names are cherished by the Islamist pundits, so as not to cry out to the inhabitant of everyday emotions. The stench practically appeared from the television screens and the newspaper sleepers, ale - the axis of the bida! - From the reality of the stench, they did not think of knowing. As before, the stench is poured into the political life of the pivnіchnokavkazsky republics, the Islamic religious organizations and organizations are respected with them, and the mіstsevі inhabitants are placed before them more quickly. Who stinks, the defenders of Dudaev, Yandarbiev and Khattab, who do you know - having tried to know the answer, the correspondent of "Nashoi Versiia".

Needless to say, odious leaders of the separatists appeared on TV for good reason. His own romantic veil of the anti-hero of that very Shamil Basayev chimalo gave a hint to the mass information. “The press, perhaps, and without prejudice to it, legitimized by the significant world Chechen fighters, robbed such heroes with a minus sign, - consider Volodymyr Zhirinovsky, the intercessor of the head of the Derzhdumi. - Some of the riddles at the press were given a suggestion to appoint another field commander as a politician, who is not engaged in driving, but as a huge diyalnistyu. And the goal is low for organizations to continue to go on about this speculation, let me understand, zarakhovuychi bandits to the sovereign fiends and swaying us in such a way, what, wait a minute, it’s wonderful. After the operation on Dubrovtsy in 2002, the deputies of the State Duma lived a low legislature, calling to change the camp: from the television “picture” once and for all, they stole the physiognomy of the separatist leaders, having saved them in recognition. I tsey zahіd vyyavivsya no less dієvim, nizh law, zgіdno zakim tіla terrorists hindered to see relatives. Now, no one has the right to recognize what happened to them, de stinks, that other land is up in the air, and now, no one could recognize that other separatist from the bearded men on the TV screen.

The recent liquidation of one of the ideologists of the pivnіchnokavkazsky zbroyny pіdpіll, the emir of the Ossetian jamaat Said abu Saad - Said Buryatsky, or, as always, Oleksandr Tikhomirov, revealed one cіkava detail: they took a bayat (Islamic oath) on the middle. Said abu Saad was a Buryat by his father and a Russian by his mother, and spent his youth at the Buddhist dance. Moreover, two-thirds of the life of the vines lived in Ulan-Ude for thousands of kilometers from the Caucasus and yogo problems. It would have been better if the lad had a Spanish turmoil? The head of the Islamic Committee of Russia, Heydar Dzhemal, considers Tikhomirov “a symbol of a new generation in the epic of the Caucasian struggle”: “Earlier, preachers were bred to belong to different ethnic groups. Bachili Avars, Laktsiv, Karachaivtsiv, Circassians, Arabs... But these people were either representatives of the Caucasian area, or they accepted another traditionally Muslim people. As an ideologist, as an authoritative representative of the first person of the Eurasian adventure, in the veins of such a flow of Russian and Buryat blood. Buvali, prote, similar phenomena and earlier. Let's just say that the leader of the Caucasian separatists, Doku Umarov, recognized him as the "commander of the Ural Front" for some reason - it turns out that Amir Assadullah, known to the world as Mikhailo Zakharov, is one of them.

The biography of Said Buryatsky is on the alert with an inconspicuous and incomprehensible turn: a young man, who, having obtained Buddhist religious enlightenment, is moving from Buddhism and from the Ulan-Uda datsan directly to the Moscow madrasah "Rasul Akram", we respect you. Chi so raptov buli change at the light-gazer youngak? “In the national republics of today, there have been few emisars of the avian-Caucasian slaughterhouse,” a representative of the FSB of the Russian Federation, having brought the fight against regional separatism into the minds of the anonymous correspondents of Our Version. – In the same Buryatia, there are at least two hundred such active recruiters at a time. The stench is manipulatively manipulating the national self-confidence of the Buryats, shifting quietly, which is their worst enemy - Russia. They gave rise to reports about good shahids and evil occupiers-non-volunteers, the religious “reforging” is being started, and the result is obvious: close to 1.5–2 thousand rubles for the cordon. Buryativ. Tse is not small. A similar “reforging” is carried out among the Buddhists of Kalmikia, but there are still a number of recruits, not by thousands, but by hundreds. Buvay". The headline of the lack of aggressive "reforging" of innovations among Muslims, promoted by separatist emisars, believes that another "scribe" can become a shahid literally in a few days. So it was with Said Buryatsky: two years before the new, like the theologian-pochatkіvtsyu, the Arab commander Muhannad came home, and the international terrorist Abu Anas.

By topic

Vidomosti about the pinky Tom, I go to pay the friendly Friends, I have to go to the pinkishness of the Agnitatsiyny Mother -Matereilv near the periode of the Viborsky deputy of the Moscow, the recognition of 8 is the Rock in our Verrosa "(

I Said Buryatsky pokіrno took up the armor.

Most of the world Said Buryatsky was afraid of being decapitated. Practically in all yoga articles - and їх він having written chimalo - so the topic of decapitation of martyrdom and narugi over yoga body at the sight of a distant wrapping of a pig's shkіri is still being discussed. On the right, in the fact that among the militants such death is respected in the region unbearably, it is unimportant to strike at those who are similar to the total share of the spitting onuk of the Prophet himself - the Islamic martyr Hussein ibn Ali. “The dead martyrs were beheaded and gagged in pigskin coats before and after Nord-Ost,” Said wrote two months before his death. - The French fought and occupied Algeria, supporting such a rite of jihad. But the occupiers (Russian. - Ed.) should not give in to jihad, to instill the stench of taking their own skins out of themselves, if the pigs are finished.

Zagalom Said as if he observed: after the operation in the Nazran district of Ingushetia, the corpse of a terrorist was “known” for decapitation, and then his head was okremo. "The same share" the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadirov told Dok Umarov, the head of the terrorist subdivision in the Caucasus.

We will try to grow up, but in our days the Caucasian separatist pidpillya and who is the leader. In the super-expansion of thoughts about those who in the Caucasus are destined to be divided into groups, the organization of militants should be more organized, less than 10 years ago. From the look of the separatists, today a new Islamic Shariat power is being formed in the Caucasus - the Imarat of the Caucasus *****, or the Caucasian Emirate, which includes Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Cherkessia. Vipadkovo chi ni, ale, the territory of Imaratu includes practically most of the recent creations of Pivnichno-Kavkazsky federal district. At the fierce fate Supreme Court The Russian Federation, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, has blocked the activities of the Caucasian Emirate in Russia as a terrorist organization, but about those who do not want an organization, but a power that is being formed, no one word has been said. They navmisne got confused, they themselves got lost. As if it had not been there, on the 25th of the fierce decision of the Supreme Court, chivalry was imposed, and now the Caucasian separatists are forced and underestimated themselves, like representatives of the Imarat of the Caucasus. Some of it is a fenced organization, some of it is an unknown foreign state.

There is no doubt that the new creations of the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky Federal District supposedly fit into the territory of the self-voiced Caucasian Emirate, Volodymyr Zhirinovsky, the intercessor of the head of the Derzhdumi, rosemary. - If you want, from the other side, it is possible to fight there directly against extremism and separatism. All the same, now it will be easier to kerubate, lower in the colossal framework of the Volga Federal District.

Two years ago, self-voted President of the self-voted Ichkeria, Doku Umarov, took the title of "president" from himself and voted himself Amir - the commander-in-chief of the Mujahideen in the Caucasus ***. By renaming the wines of the national republics, at the same time lowering them from the status of equal povitivs - vilayats. Sixth five: Dagestan, Nokhchiycho, Galgayche, Nogai steppe and Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachay. The heads of the valayats - valiyas - were the leaders of autonomous ethnic militant terrorist communities - jamaats. Far away, such mathematical insanity begins, touching what is given is more than illumined, like Dok Umarov, characters, more vilayativ five, and jamaativ - visim (Jamaat Shariat or Derbent jamaat, Galgayche, Kataib al-Houl, Karachaevskiy jamaat ta) . And yet not all: five velayats showed up as many as 11 valiats-kerivniks. Provisionally prepared, chi scho? Maybe, having sorted out through simple arithmetic actions, because of that, Doku Umarov divided the core of jamaats and vilayats - now two months of education have become vacant. And so that we don’t get lost in the hierarchical meetings, the Majlis ash-Shura was approved, a friendly organ that is formed from the heads of the provinces and jamaats.

With a power in a state, that її structure was approximately expanded, now it is taken for leaders. Who are the lesser-sadkoєmtsі anti-heroes of the 90s?

On this day in the Pivnichny Caucasus there are 11 amirs - a kind football team. The most notable of them are Doku Umarov, Supyan Abdullaev, Anzor Astemirov (Seifullah) and Akhmed Evloev (Magas). Doku Umarov - the most homicidal and, perhaps, the most bloodthirsty. The law enforcement agencies recorded close to 100 (!) murders, which Umarov used to be imputable. Vіn i rozstrіlyuvav, і vіdrіzav headsі navіt strangling the victims. The militants, who know yoga in a special way, signify not only the pathological zhorstokіst of their leader, but also the schilnіnіst up to sadism. Those, whom they killed with their hands, died freely. To become Umarov's closest associate Magas, ethnic Ingush Akhmed Evloev. Vin is one of the few who went through the first, and another Chechen campaign. Magas is a kind of financial bear of the Caucasian support. At the yogi without a middle order, the emisar of Al-Qaidi ** Muhannad (also to enter the warehouse 11 amiriv), is more than a rich man, who turns hundreds of millions of dollars. If material difficulties are dragged into the cohos from the pits of the militants, the stink rushes straight to Magas. It seems that two orderlies follow Magas everywhere: one is respected by a special guardian, and the other ... wears it. In the hands of the wearer, there are two bags, which look similar to the gospodar ones. At the skin lie 500 yew. dollars prepared. Heavy vantage, ale and worn by the past weightlifter-vazhkovagovik. About the special camps of Magas, there are a few names to walk about, but in everyday life wine is ascetic, practically does not stained pennies, may weakness is less than expensive.

Magas is one of the largest operationally deadly militants, helping him to move quickly around the entire Pivnichny Caucasus and appear in Moscow. President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadirov has repeatedly stated that “if Umarov and Yevloyev are killed, there won’t be enough military commanders among militants” – such a great infusion of Yevloyev.

If Doku Umarov and Ahmed Evloev are famous for their zhorstokistyu and special participation in the strata of the occupiers, then the third "whale" of the separatists, Sup'yan Abdullaev, is a direct proliferation. The strata of the wrong veins of the hands are not marav, wanting to shoot, you had a chance to chimalo. Sup'yan is not less than an amir, he is also one of the leading ideologists of Wahhabism, there are no less shamans in Saudi Arabia, and there are less sheikhs. Today Sup'yan is respected by his kind as an elder among the separatists. Already in the hours of the Soviet Socialist Republic, he organized the Party of Islamic Revival near Chechnya, and from 1991 took the most active part in anti-power struggles, until the first winter, the Islamic center of Ar-Risal near Grozny.

On the 26th leaf fall of 1994, Supyan took the fate of the first large-scale attack on the Russian military subdivisions, and stormed Grozny near the sickle of 1996. Then he served at the ranzi intercessor of the minister of the MShDB (Ministry of the Sharia State Security). Sup'yan is respected by Umarov's successor at a glance, as if he was beaten, - Akhmed Zakaev, having voiced the past fate, said this information beforehand. W specific features Sup'yana vіdoma yoga non-traditional state orientation.

The fourth leader of the Islamic extremists is Anzor Astemirov at the rank of Seifullah (Sword of Allah). Vin is one of the quiet ones who organized the attack of militants on Nalchik in 2005. Astemirov's accountability has been reduced to a number of especially serious mischiefs: burglary, robbery and plundering, including some minor ones. Repeated disregard for the law did not make Seyfullah become the supreme qadi - the head of the Sharia court.

There are still a few separatists of lower rank, but they are not less respected by honor and popularity among their stakes. Israpil Velidzhanov - the head of the Derbent Jamaat - having become famous for organizing close to 100 attacks on the security forces of the law enforcement agencies of Dagestan, he is credited with numerical terrorist attacks and strata. Velidzhanov was resting at the uneasy hundred days from Doku Umarovim: they went to inspire a little bit, that they were preparing to take the place of the supreme amir, organizing her swing. So it’s not clear, then it’s good to know about the beat, as it was for the recognition of Velidzhanov as the head of the jamaat in the autumn of 2008. Having beaten the wines of Umarov, who was not weak in appearance, mitzno. It seems that the reason for this was pennies, not given to someone from Velidzhanov’s friends by Umarov’s relatives. So what else, but on the terrorist's car'erist, while the beat hasn't appeared in any way, perhaps, that special popularity played a role, which Velidzhanov is known for in his fatherland, in Dagestan. It seems that they do it, especially without masking, seeing all the shocks, they were tied up with the fight and other single combats near Makhachkala.

The influx of Velidzhanov is more like the infusion of another prominent separatist and leader of the Dagestani Wahhabis - Bagautdin Kebedov, famously named Bagautdin of Dagestan, "the spiritual leader of the Dagestani monotheists." Sup'yan Abdullaev should become a special person: even for the Radyansk hours of wine, he organized illegal groups for the promotion of Islam, as if he had smashed the KDB.

In 1989, Kebedov created a Persian Muslim community in the Pivnichny Caucasus - a jamaat in the city of Kizilyurt near Makhachkala. And in 1997, you had a chance to emigrate ... to Chechnya. There, they blamed the FSB for re-investigation (putting the blame on you on the list of evildoers with 30 points, from the juvenile ones to the drowsy to the assault). In 1999, the role of Kebedov took a special part in organizing the invasion of militants Shamil Basayev to Dagestan.

Hocha Velidzhanov and Kebedov compete with each other for the right to become spiritual leaders of Dagestan, they have their second sleeping supernik. Tse emir Ibragim Hajidadaev. Vіn vouch for the popularity of the young among the Dagestan youth.

At the symbolic five of the most odious and bloody separatists, representatives of law enforcement agencies include Magomed Magomedov for the prize of Sunduk, Islam Dadashev, Isu Kostoev, Umar Khalilov and Sadiq Khudaibergenov for the prize of Uzbek.

Yak maximum - for liquidation for an hour of zatrimannya. For the shoulders of these people, hundreds and thousands of evildoers, it is possible, to inspire more, lower respect for the odious Basayev and Khattab. But in them there is not and will not be even the 10th part of that popularity and infusion, as the separatists of the 90s were portrayed. Ninіshnya overgrowth hoch i not less bloody, ale ... faceless.

And that th mensh zhittєzdatna.

* "Islamic Power" was recognized as a terrorist organization, the activity of which in Russia was officially blocked by the decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2014.

"Imarat Kavkaz" ("Caucasian Emirat") - officially fenced in Russia by an international organization.

"Islamic Party of Turkestan" (kolishnіy "Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan") is an international organization that has officially been closed in Russia. ** Supreme Court Russian Federation dated 13.11.2008 No. DKPІ 08-1956, dated 27.11.2008, recognizing the Al-Qaeda organization as extremist and fenced on the territory of Russia *** "The Great Majlisul Shura of the United Forces of the Mujahideen in the Caucasus." Recognized by the terroristic praise of the Supreme Court of Russia on February 14, 2003; **** "Imarat Kavkaz" ("Caucasian Emirat"), international organization. Recognized by the terroristic praise of the Supreme Court of Russia on February 8, 2010. Nabulo chivalry February 24, 2010

The most important operations of the FSB in the entire history of the foundation were taken to the list. No one has any information about zatrimanny spyguns and other small operations, to that from the middle of the 90s to the present day, the head straight from the FSB to the Pivnichniy Kavkaz. The very adoption of that zatrimannya of the key opponents in this region, we give a decisive influx on the development of the situation in all directions. The place of division in the world of the significance of the object of the operation and the situation is over.

10. Zatrimannya Magasa Ali Musaevich Taziev (previously known as Akhmed Evloev; posterior and prizvisko - "Magas") - - a terrorist, an active participant in the separatist movement in the Pivnіchny Caucasus in 1990-i - 2000-і pp., Ingush field of rock - commander ( supreme amir) with the help of moldings of the self-voiced "Caucasian emirate". In 2007, the fate of Ali Taziyev under the name of Gorbakov lived in one of the private houses near the front of the Ingush city of Malgobek, to others in the hierarchy of the Caucasus Emirate after Doku Umarov. Susidam vin introduced himself as a migrant from Chechnya. Behaving quietly and imperceptibly, I didn’t call out everyday pidozr. The operation from the burying of the "Magas" was completed for the first time before the threshing. Having drunk three wines at the sights of snipers, we still live. At night on the 9th of March 2010, the fate of the houses was taken by the special forces of the FSB. At the time of the capture, Taziev did not fix the support (for the Kavkaz-Center version - through the break), the FSB officers did not recognize the violation

9. Liquidation of Abu Hafs al-Urdani Abu Hafs al-Urdani - Jordanian terrorist, commander of the corral of foreign volunteers near Chechnya, taking part in the battles on the battleships of the separatists during the First and Other Russian-Chechen wars. After the death of Abu al-Walid Abu Hafs changed Yogo to the settlement of the Amir of foreign fighters and the coordinator of financial flows from behind the cordon. Keruvav by the attack of the fighters on the village. Tours of the Shalinsky district in 2004, as well as a bagatma of smaller scale militants. Abu Hafsa, as a military strategist, appreciated Aslan Maskhadov, who was planning operations in concert with him. After the storming of the booth by the FSB special airlifters, the militants were driven in.

8. Liquidation of Abu Dzeit Abu Dzeit (known as Little Omar, Abu Omar of Kuwait, Hussein, Moor) is an international terrorist, an emisar of the Al-Qaeda organization in the Pivnichny Caucasus, an organizer of terrorist acts in Bosnia and the Caucasus, including in Beslan. For deakim tribute, especially zustrichavsya from Osama bin Laden. 2002 to the fate of requests to Chechnya by one of the emissaries of Al-Qaedi, Abu Haws. Became an instructor-driver for one of the camps of terrorists. We will follow directions by the representative of Abu Khavs to Georgia, to Ingushetia. In 2004, the Mavr became a blacksmith for the Al-Qaedi center in Ingushetia. Having ended the first hour of the operation to liquidate the militants on February 16, 2005 in the Nazran region of Ingushetia.

7. Liquidation of Abu-Kuteyb Abu-Kuteyb is a terrorist, one of the closest Khattab. Became a member of the "Majlisul Shuri Ichkeria" and was recognized for the propaganda security of the activities of gangs, as well as being granted the exclusive right to place information on the Internet, which is transmitted by groups of Arab recruits from Chechnya. Same wine, near the birch 2000 rock in Zhani-Vedeno, having organized an attack on the column, after which 42 riot police were driven in from Perm. Be one of the organizers of the invasion of militants to Ingushetia. On the 1st day of 2004, the fate of blocking near the town of Malgobek, and after a one-year battle, he put on his “shahid's belt”.

6. Liquidation of Aslan Maskhadov Aslan Maskhadov is a military and sovereign fiend of the unknown Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CHRI). On the cob of the 1990s, taking part in the creation evil forces ChRI and keruvav fighting actions of separatists against the federal forces. During the storming of Maskhadov, they repaired the opir, and the spetsnaz_vtsі pіdіrvali pіdіrіvі, vіd shock hvіlі kakogo budinok buv vіzrujnovanâ.

5. Liquidation of Arbi Baraev Arbi Baraev - a participant in the separatist movement in Chechnya in the 1990s, supporting the creation of a "shariat" power in Chechnya. After the end of the first Chechen war, in 1997-1999, having gained popularity as a terrorist and a bandit, driving in and bandits of slave traders and vikradachi people, more than a hundred people suffered in the territory of Chechnya and sudan regions. The liquidation of the Chechen field commander Arbi Barayev became a special operation of the FSB and the MVS of Russia, from 19 to 24 chervnia took place near the village of Alkhan-Kala. In the course of the operation, Arbi Barayev, and 17 militants from the nearest sharpening were driven in, many of them were full of captures, the federal forces spent one hour of the operation one man driven in.

4. The liquidation of Dzhokhar Dudaev Dzhokhar Dudaev is a Chechen military and political playboy, the leader of the Chechen national-vibrant movement of the 1990s, the first president of the non-Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. At the last - Major General of Aviation, the only Chechen general in the Radian Army. For tribute Russian dzherel, Before the beginning of the first Chechen campaign under the command of Dudayev, there were about 15 thousand soldiers, 42 tanks, 66 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 123 armor, 40 anti-aircraft systems, 260 command aircraft, to which the support of the federal forces was supported by the militias. In 1996, Russian special services tracked down the signal from Dudayev's satellite phone in the area of ​​the village of Gekhi-Chu, 30 km from Grozny. At the front, 2 Su-25 attack aircraft with homing missiles were fired. Dzhokhar Dudayev, having fallen into the vibe of a rocket, right at the hour of a telephone call with the Russian deputy Kostyantin Borovim.

3. Elimination of Khattab Amir ibn al-Khattab - a political commander, a terrorist from Saudi Arabia, one of the Kerivniks loose moldings self-voiced Chechen Republic Ichkeriya of the Russian Federation in 1995-2002. Buv dosvіdchenim and well prepared terrorist, volodіv usіma types of strіletskoy zbroї. Razbiravsya at the min-pіdrivnіy pravі. Particularly in the training of the yoma fighters-suicide bombers. Having organized behind-the-scenes financing of the purchase of ammunition and the obstruction of camps for the training of militants on the territory of Chechnya. Khattab opened the envelope and suddenly died. Yogo okhorontsі could not understand what was being said in truth.

2. Liquidation of Shamilya Basayev Shamil Basayev - an active participant in military activities in Chechnya, one of the leaders of the self-voted Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CHRI) in 1995-2006. Having organized low terrorist acts of the Russian Federation. For the official tribute of the FSB, Basayev with the spilniks of the crimes of the hour, the vibukha stuffed with the vibukhivka of the KamAZ truck near the Nazranivsky district of Ingushetia. Vibuh tsey, having become the result of a relatively planned special operation, became a possible start for the operational robots of the Russian special services, chasing beyond the cordon. “Operative positions were set up outside the cordon, in front of quiet lands, in which armor was collected and delivered to Russia for a year for terrorist attacks,” Patrushev reminded, specifying that Basayev and his followers were going to carry out a great terrorist attack in order to repair the political. on the ceramics of Russia during the period of the summit of the "great winter".

1. Capture of "Nord-Ost" Terrorist attack on Dubrovtsі, also known as "Nord-Ost" - terrorist attack on Dubrovtsі near Moscow, which took place from 23 to 26 June 2002, on the hour of a the assault began about 05.17, when the special forces began to launch a special nerve-paralytic speech through the ventilation shafts. At that moment, a few guardsmen phoned to know and they said that some gas was coming to the DC, the sound of language became desolate, and then the stench in the fire could not get anything done. The gas strangled the will of all those present at the hall, and most of all - the terrorists. Yakby even if one of them caught a sprat of tumblers or darts on their belts, the bombs would begin to vibrate one by one, and wakefulness could simply fall. Already after a few seconds after the gas had begun to breathe, snipers shot all female suicide bombers with accurate shots in the head, and then the fighters in gas masks went to the ranks of the other bandits, as they perebuvali in the hall for peeping. One of them was hit by a Kalashnikov machine gun, but he didn’t catch up with him, having killed only one inappropriate line. At the same time, part of the special forces, who had penetrated into the life through the daha, were dealt with by the terrorists at the auxiliary premises of the other on top, with vicorist noise and light grenades. Most of the bandits, with whom, were already in an untiring camp, shards of gas blowing us in front of us quietly.

MASKHADOV Aslan (Khalid) Aliyovich Obrany from 1997 President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Born on 21 spring 1951. at Kazakhstani. Have 1957 r. at once from the fathers, turning from Kazakhstan to the fatherland, to the village of Zebir-Yurt, Nadterichny district of Chechnya. Have 1972 r. graduating from the Tbilisi Artillery School and directions to the Far Skhid. Passed through all the army hierarchical meetings from the platoon commander to the division chief of staff.

1981 r. graduated from the Leningrad Artillery Academy named after. M.I. Kalinina. At the end of the academy of directions to the Central group of soldiers in the Ugorshchina, de serving in the plantation of the commander of the division, then - the regiment commander. Lithuania follows Ugorshchina: the commander of the regiment of self-propelled artillery installations, the chief of staff of rocket troops and artillery of the garrison of the Vilnius city near Lithuania, the intercessor of the commander of the somoi division near the Baltic military district.

At the beginning of the 1990s, at the beginning of the hour of speeches in the independence of Lithuania, Maskhadov went to Vilnius.

Z 1991 - Chief Gromadyanskoy defense Chechen Republic, intercessor of the Chief of the Headquarters Supreme Radi CR.

In 1992 Colonel Maskhadov called out to the Russian army and beat the post of the first intercessor of the Chief of the Headquarters of the Chechen Republic.

March 1994 - Head of the Headquarters of the ZS ChR.

3 breast 1994 to sіchen 1995 cholyuvav defense of the presidential palace near Grozny.

Spring 1995 Aslan Maskhadov, cherubing the battlefields of armored formations for the headquarters of Nozhai-Yurt.

At the red 1995 ocholiving the headquarters of the Dudayevsky formuvans near Dargo.

U serpni-zhovtni 1995 having selected a group of Viysk representatives in the Dudayevsk delegation at the Russian-Chechen negotiations.

Top sickle 1996 Representing the Chechen separatists for an hour of negotiations with the secretary of Radi Bezpeka Oleksandr Lebed

On July 17, 1996, appointments were made to the premier-minister of the coalition order of Chechnya with the formula "for a transitional period."

In breastfeeding 1996, according to the law on elections, pishov from official posts - prime minister of the coalition order, head of the Headquarters of the Armed Forces, intercessor of the commander-in-chief of the Legislative Assembly of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, for the mother's right to vote for the president of the Chechen Republic

Z lime 1998 tying the shoes of the prime minister of Chechnya, going from one quarter to the other of the president.

At the breast 1998 Maskhadov's constitutional renewal under the drive of this "pro-Russian position" was slandered by the "poly commanders" Shamil Basayev, Salman Raduyev and Khunkar Israpilov. The "Rada of Commanders of Chechnya" were stunned by them, waiting for the Supreme Sharia Court to imprison Maskhadov. The Shariat court ordered Maskhadov to unilaterally cut off the blues from Russia. Prote the court did not know enough grounds to put the president of the Chechen Republic out of jail, even though they found him guilty at the pickup on the stone, plant the osib, like "spivpratsyuvali with the occupation regime."
Lowered 8 March 2005 special forces of the FSB of Russia near the village of Tolstoy-Yurt, Grozny district.

BARAEV Arbi. Suspecting the organization of stealing the FSB spies of Gribov and Lebedinsky, the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation to Chechnya Vlasov, the spies of the Red Cross, as well as the killing of some of the citizens of Great Britain and New Zealand (Peter Kennedy, Darren Hicky, Stenfaly). The MVS denounced Barayev from the federal criminal investigation for the fact that NTV TV journalists Masyuk, Mordyukov, Olchev and OPT TV journalists Bogatiryova and Chernyaeva were stolen from Chechnya. Zagalom on yoga special rahunka death is close to two hundred Russians - military servicemen and civilians.

March 23-24, 2001 near the ancestral village of Alkhan-kala and Kulari, a special operation was carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB to liquidate the corral of militants from Arbi Barayev. 15 fighters and Baraev were killed.

BARAEV Movsar, nephew of Arbi Baraev. The first battle of the Movsar christening took place in 1998. near Gudermes, if the baraivtsy together with the Urus-Martan Wahhabis collided with the fighters from the corral of the Yamadaev brothers. Todi Movsar was injured.

After the introduction of federal troops into Chechnya, Arbi Baraev recognized his nephew as the commander of a sabotage corral and drove to Argun. Vlitka 2001, if Arbi Baraev was killed near the village of Alkhan-Kala Groznensky rural area, Movsar, having voted for himself as the deputy uncle of the emir of the Alkhan-Kalinsk jamaat, having organized a sprinkling of attacks on federal colonies and a whole series of vibukhivs near Grozny, Urus-Martan and Gudermes.

Zhovtni born in 2002 terrorists under Movsar Baraev's church planted the Budinka culture of the Sovereign Bearing Plant on Melnikova Street (Theater Center on Dubrovtsі) at the hour of the musical "Nord-Ost". Watchers and actors were taken from the handguards (up to 1000 osib). 26 days of zaruchnikov were fired, Movsar Barayev and 43 terrorists were killed.

Suleimen Movsan. Nephew of Arbi Baraev. It was beaten on 25 April 2001 in the city of Argun under the hour of the event special operations Spivrobitnikami Directorate of the FSB of Russia in Chechnya. The operation was carried out with the method of establishing the exact misidentification of Suleimenov. However, in the course of the operation, Movsan Suleimenov and three commanders of the Middle Lanka were repairing an armory. As a result, it was reduced.

Abu Umar. A native of Saudi Arabia. One of the most famous assistants in Khattab. The expert at mine-vibukhovy right. Passing the approach to Grozny in 1995, the turn. Having taken part in the organization of vibukhiv near Buynaksk in 1998, there were wounds. Having organized a vibukh near Volgograd on May 31, 2000, 2 people perished and 12 people were injured.

Abu Umar learned practically all organizers of vibukhs in Chechnya and in the Pivnichny Caucasus.

Krim preparing terrorist attacks, Abu-Umar took care of the financial support.

militants, among those, transfers to Chechnya of recruits through channels of one

international islamic organizations

It was lowered on July 11, 2001 near the village of Mayrup, Shalinsky district, during the special operation of the FSB and the MVS of Russia.

Emir Ibn Al Khattab. A professional terrorist, one of the most uncompromising fighters in Chechnya.

Prior to the most "revealed" operations carried out under kerivnitstvom or for the direct participation of Khattab and yoga fighters, one can see:

The terrorist attack near the metro station Budionivska (70 cases were seen in Khattab's corral, there were no attacks in the middle of them);

Safeguarding the "corridor" of the gang of S. Raduyev for the exit from the n.p. Pershotravneve - prepared and carried out especially by Khattab Yarishmardi;

The uninterrupted fate of the preparations for the attack on Grozny in the fall of 1996.

The terrorist attack near Buynaksk on December 22, 1997. In the course of the attack, I attacked the Viysk part in Buynaksk, having taken off the wounded right shoulder.

RADUEV Salman. From April 1996 until early 1997 Raduyev was the commander of the military subdivision of the Army of General Dudayev.

In 1996-1997, Salman Raduyev repeatedly took the blame for suppressing terrorist attacks in Russia and making threats against Russia.

In 1998, rock took the lead for a swing at the President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze. Vin also took responsibility for the vibrations at the railway stations in Armavir and P'yatigorsk. The Raduevskaya gang was engaged in robberies on the bays, 600 - 700 thousand rubles were stolen from the embezzled sovereign funds from the rozmiri, which were assigned to pay the salaries of the teachers from the Chechen Republic.

On June 12, 2000, yoga was buried in full at the village of Novogroznensky at the beginning of a special operation carried out by FSB spies.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, Salman Raduev, received a call for 18 articles of the Criminal Code of Russia (zocrema "terrorism", "beating", "banditism"). Virok - dovіchne uz'yaznennya.

Died December 14, 2002. Diagnosis: "hemorrhagic vasculitis" (blood glottis). Burial of the 17th of the month at the Moscow tsvintary of Solikamsk (Perm region).

ATGERIEV Turpal-Ali. Kolishnіy svіvrobіtnik 21st roti DAI Grozny. On the eve of the fighting days, the commander of the Novogroznensky regiment, which at once from Salman Raduyev, took the fate of the Kizlyar and first-travel paths.

For this fact, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation violated the criminal law under Art. 77 (banditry), Art. 126 (zahoplennya zaruchnikov) and art. 213-3, part 3 (terrorism). Voted at the federal rozshuk.

On December 25, 2002, the Supreme Court of Dagestan sentenced Atgeriev up to 15 years of pardon for the fate of the attack on the Dagestan town of Kizlyar in 1996. Attacking the guilty of terrorism, organizing illegal slaughter, stealing people, and slaughtering guards, robbery.

Died 18 April 2002. The cause of death was leukemia. In addition, it was established that Atgeriev had a stroke.

GELAIV Ruslan (Khamzat). The largest commander of the regiment of special recognition "BORZ" PS ChRI, lieutenant colonel of the army of Ichkeria.

At the beginning of the battle day - the commander of the Shatoevsky garrison, the commander of the "Abkhaz battalion". There were about 50 snipers from Lithuania at the warehouse, 10 to 15 snipers from Estonia. So the ranks of the regiment of special recognition were stationed near the areas of Shara, Itum-Kale, Khalkino.

In 2002, the rotis voted about us and got the settlement of the president of Ichkeria; yogo pіdtrimav kolishnіy kerіvnik dudaєvskoi service zvnіshnoї razvіdka, vіdomy criminal naftovіy biznesman Khozhі Nukhaev.

On September 20, 2002, the gang of Ruslan Gelayev tried to make a safe passage from the Pankish Gorge in Georgia through the territory of Pivnichnoi Ossetia and Ingushetia to Chechnya.

On March 1, 2004, the territorial office of "Makhachkala" of the Pivnichnokavkazsky branch of the department of the cordon service of the rozpovyudlenny reported about the death of Ruslan Gelayev in the mountains of Dagestan (reports about his death sounded more than once).

MUNAYEV Isa. Chechen military commander. Curved by corrals, which are dying near the Chechen capital, we were recognized on the cob in 1999 by Aslan Maskhadov, the military commandant of the city of Grozny.

It was driven in on July 1, 2000 during the battle in the Stapromislovy district of Grozny (for information to the press center of the United Group Russian troops in Chechnya, 2000 r_k).

MOVSAEV Abu. Intercessor of the Minister of Sharia security of Ichkeria.

After the attack on Budionivsk (1995), they began to assert that Abu Movsayev was one of the organizers of the action. After Budionivska took off the rank of brigadier general. In 1996 - lime 1997 rock. - Head of the Department of State Security of Ichkeria. In the period of a violent conflict in Chechnya, the last hour in 1996 was the binding of the chief of the head headquarters of the Chechen uniforms.

KARIEV (KORIEV) Magomed. Chechen military commander.

Until spring 1998, Kariyev was the intercessor of the head of the Security Service of Ichkeria. Later, Yogo was appointed head of the 6th department of the Ministry of Sharia security, which is responsible for the fight against organized malice.

Kariev, having taken care of the stolen people and the hoarding of the guards, with the help of the pickup.

On January 22, 2001, it was beaten down on 22 January 2001 by the rock of the kіlkom they shot the white of the doors of the apartment, as if they were vinaiming near Baku under the look of a refugee.

TSAGARAEV Magomad. One of the gangs of Chechen gangs. Tsagaraev was the intercessor of Movzan Akhmadov and without intermediary cherubing combat operations; bv the closest trusted guise of Khattab.

At birch 2001, Tsagaraev’s rock was wounded, the prot zmіg stumbled and penetrated the cordon. On the cob of lime 2001, the fate of the wines turned to Chechnya and organized a bandit group in Grizny to carry out terrorist attacks.

MALIK Abdul. Vіdomy polovy commander. Entering the nearest sharpening of the vatazhkіv illegal slaughter moldings of Chechnya by Emir Khattab and Shamil Basayev. It was driven in on 13 April 2001 at the beginning of the special operation near the Vedeno district of the Chechen Republic.

Khaykharov Ruslan. Vidomy Chechen commander. Under the hour of the war near Chechnya (1994-1996), he commanded the corrals of the defenders in the village of Bamut and the Chechen army’s front line.

After 1996, the fate of Khaykharoyev made a great connection with the evil society of the Pivnichny Caucasus, controlling two types of malicious business: the transfer of zaruchniks from Ingushetia and Pivnichnaya Ossetia to the Chechen Republic, as well as the smuggling of oil products. Kolishnіy svіvrobіtnik spіvrobіtnik special ї pokhoristosі Dudaev.

It is said that Maxim Shablin and Felix Titov, journalists of the newspaper "Nevsky Chas", and also became the deputy of two vibukhivs at Moscow trolleybuses on 11 and 12 April 1996. voicings Russian Service Safety in the organization of the vibration of the intercity passenger bus near Nalchik.

The organizer of the meeting on January 1, 1998, the important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in Chechnya, Valentin Vlasov (this fact was established by the Russian law enforcement agencies).

He died on the 8th of spring 1999 near the district medical center of Urus-Martan of the Chechen Republic. Died from wounds, otrimanih at noon from 23 to 24 serpny 1999 at the end of the battle near the Botlikh region of Dagestan (fighting at the warehouse of the corrals of Arbi Baraev).

According to another version, Khaikharoev was mortally wounded by fellow villagers-bloodlines of Bamut. The news about his death was confirmed by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

KHACHUKAEV Khizir. Brigadier general, intercessor of Ruslan Gelaev. Commanding the Pivdenno-Skhidny sector of defense near Grozny. Complaint to Maskhadov from the ranks for the fate of the negotiations with Akhmad Kadirov and Volodimir Bokovikov from Nazran. Decreased on February 15, 2002, the first hour of the operation near the Shalinsk region of Chechnya.

UMALATIV Adam. Nickname - "Tehran". One of the gangs of Chechen fighters. Having changed with the Khattab gang. The 5th leaf fall of 2001 was driven in as a result of the operation carried out by the special forces.

IRISKHANOV Shamil. Vlivovy polovy commander from the nearest prisoner Basayev. Together, from Basaev, taking the fate of the raid on Budenovsk and the zaruchniks buried there at the Moscow liquor in 1995, the roci. Having killed nearly 100 militants in the summer of 2001, after that, as a special operation, his elder brother, the so-called brigadier general Khizir IRISKHANOV, Basayev's first defender, was humiliated. "For the operation" at the Budenovsk brothers of the Iriskhanovs, Dzhokhar Dudayev awarded the most important order "Ichkeria" - "Honor of the Nation".

SALTAMIRZAEV Adam. Vsplivovy participant of illegal ozbroєnih molding. Became the emir (spiritual leader) of the Wahhabis of the village of Mesker-Yurt. Nickname - "Black Adam". It was lowered on May 28, 2002 as a result of a special operation of the Federal Forces near the Shalinsky district of Chechnya. When trying to catch in Mesker-Yurt, they repaired an opir and a buv of murders under the hour of a shooter.

AHMADIV Rizvan. Paul's commander, prizvisko "Dadu". He was a member of the so-called "Majlis-ul-Shura Mujahideen in the Caucasus".

Akhmadov took command of the corral of militants of his brother Ramzan in the fierce fate of 2001 after the liquidation. Tsey zagіn died near Grozny, near the Grozny rural, Urus-Martan and Shalinsky districts, spying on helpers at the lavas of the orderly Chechen riot police near Grozny. On September 10, 2001, a group of supportive Dadu fighters choked Kenneth Gluck, a representative of the international organization "Doctors Without Cordons", at the handcuffs.

ABDUHAJIEV Aslanbek. One of the leaders of the Chechen militants, the intercessor of Shamil Basayev from the development of sabotage and sabotage. Prizvisko - "Great Aslanbek". At the warehouse of gangs, Basayev and Raduyev took an active part in the attacks on the places of Budionivsk and Kizlyar. During the reign of Maskhadov, he was the Viysk commandant of the Shalinsky district of Chechnya. Basayev's bandit formation especially developed plans for sabotage and terrorist activities.

For three days I will attack Budionivsk, having changed at the federal rozshuk.

On April 26, 2002, officers of the operational grouping of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Shali district and one of the SOBR corrals together with the soldiers of the military commandant's office of the Shali district conducted an operation in the regional center of Shali to capture a militant. When zatrimanni vіn repaired zbroyny opіr and buv iznischeny.

DEMIEV Adlan. A gangster batting. Accountable to a series of sabotage and terrorist acts on the territory of Chechnya.

Liquidated on February 18, 2003 federal forces of Chechnya as a result of a counter-terrorist operation carried out in Argun.

After the blockade of the federal forces by the federal forces, Demiev repaired the operation and tried it on the machine. However, let's fire down the fire at the military federal forces. Under an hour of looking around the beaten man, a PM pistol, grenades, radio stations and an updated passport were revealed.

BATAYV Khamzat. Vіdomy polioviy commander, which vvazhavsya "commander of Bamutsky directly" the support of the Chechen fighters. There were murders near the birch in 2000 near the village of Komsomolsk. (About tse povіdomiv komanduvannya aggregation vіysk vіysk MVS RF in Chechnya, General Mikhailo Lagunets).

In addition, there are gangs of bandits Rustam Hasanov. Gasanov, 1981 the fate of the people - a native of the village of Serebryakivka, Kizlyarsky district, is also responsible for the call "Umaraskhab". In 2003, the number of vins of arraignment and the punishment for robbery, in the spring of 2009, the transition to an illegal camp and the denunciations of federal rozshuk. Behind the one, at the birch of 2010, Roku Hasanov at the wardly sorcerer, rushed to the wizard of the nitrous of Yasna Polyana Kizlyari district of Dagestan, in the leaf fall of Roku Keruv, Kruuv, Pidriva Koliyny Bilya Plavomayska at the time of the passage of Pasagirts, and the Pasagirtsi was under the passage.

May 20, 2012 roku in the village of Vinsovgospnoy of the Republic of Dagestan, the number of battalions of the "Khasavyurtiv bandgroup", so the titles of Amir of the brewery sector Aslan Mammadov to Prіzvisko Muas, which is at the federal level.

19 April 2012 to fate in Dagestan, three militants were killed, including gangs of bandits, which are located on the territory of the republic, Ramazan Saritov 1983 rock people. The militants were natives of the village of Bammatyurt, Khasavyurt district. Bandit groups, zokrema, vimagannya pennies from pripriyemtsiv, shelled and vibuhi at shops, drove cars, encroached on the driving of lawyers into law enforcement agencies.

10 April 2012 By fate, in the course of two special operations near the Stavropol Territory, three militants were killed, including Eldar Bitaev, 1978 to the fate of the people, the gang of the "Neftekumusskaya bandgroup". Bіtaєv buv bezperednіmі organizer nedaloї try podrivu canvases zaliznitsi near the Mineralovodsky district at the moment of directing the electric train at the spring of 2010. Three mustaches stayed at an illegal camp, underwent further training in one of the bandit groups on the territory of Dagestan, took their fate from gangster forks near the Kizlyar region. At the birch tree, the stench turned to the Stavropol Territory for the purpose of sabotage and terrorist activities.

March 27, 2012 The fate of the special operation was to reduce the gang of the bandit, which was on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. Alim Zankishiev, for the prize "Ubaida". Zankishiev since 2006, having changed at the federal branch. Since 2011, after the neutralization of the large gang of bandits of Dzhappuev, Zankishiev, coordinating the terrorist activities of gangs in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Cherkessia. Zankishiev commendation to the cob of 2012 to the fate of the Viysky pilot Denis Nikolaev and the next Kantemir Kyarov. Vіn also became the organizer of the swing on the head of the administration of the Urvan district of the republic of Antemirkan Kanokov.

March 18, 2012 roku in the village of Novosasitl in Dagestan, the gang of the "Novosasitlinskaya" bandit group was liquidated Nutsalkhanov Shamil that її active participant, yakі buli prichetnі to zdirnitstva pennies from pripriyomtsіv, attacking pravohorontsіv and organizations podrivіv. For tribute to the Operational Headquarters of the Nutskhanov, I came to the "new-state" bandit group in early 2011, and then I became a teenager.

March 12, 2012 At the beginning of the special operation in Makhachkala, two militants were killed. One of them was recognized as a battalion of the Makhachkala sabotage and terrorist group Eldos Zulfukarov.

6 March 2012 at the beginning of the special operation in Dagestan, the gang of the "Kizilyurtivskoy gang group" was cut down Alibek Omarov, 1985 rock of the people. Omarov, having changed his mind at the federal rozshuk, became a figure in the eight rights of terrorist directives. Due to the shelling on 11 March 2011 to the date of the UVS Kіzilyurt, until the laying of the 11 September 2012 to the fate of six self-contained vibukhov outbuildings on the road, the passage of the military colony, at the hour of the remembrance of those dead, the military service of the MVS of Russia and the military servicemen were known.

March 3, 2012 To the fate of Malgobek of the Republic of Ingushetia during the first hour of the special operation, the bandit squad of the Ingush bandit was reduced Adam Tsizdoev. The special operation was carried out after receiving information about the preparation of a terrorist act by a group of bandits.

February 16, 2012 the date of the special operation in Dagestan was eliminated Magomed Kasumov, ватажок так званої "муцалаульської бандгрупи та його посібник, причетні до вбивств поліцейських та релігійних діячів республіки. Касумов був причетний до обстрілу у 2010 році автомобіля зі співробітниками поліції. Крім того, він був причетний до низки інших злочинів терористичної спрямованості, вимагач penny koshtіv at retailers, retailers stores.

February 14, 2012 fate in Dagestan, the bandit of the Dagestan bandpіdpіll 51-Richniy was reduced Ibragimkhalil Daudov, a kind of cholyuvav gangster pidpillya after the liquidation of Magomedali Vagabov at the sickness of 2010 rock

September 27, 2012 the fate of Ingushetia was reduced by the bandit gang of Ingushetia Jamaleil Mutaliyev(Prizvisko "Adam), having been raising from the federal rosshuk. Mutaliyv was treated to illegally Zbroini formuan PID an hour of another Chechensko campani, entering the blizka of the Othennya Shamіli Basaava. Rotski Pisli ali tazyvo on the Magalya recognition as so "Imarat Kavkaz" and a gang of bandits of Ingushetia. The leader of "Imaratu Kavkaz" Doku Umarov laid a sling on Mutaliyev's bands to carry out the most resonant sabotage-terrorist actions. In the middle of them, the terrorist attack on the market of Vladikavkaz in spring 2010 and a series of suicide bombers in Baku

December 12, 2011 to the rock near the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district, the bandit gang group was undermined Yusup Magomedov and yoga sleepers. Yusup Magomedov was a member of the so-called Khasavyurt sabotage and terrorist group.

7th thursday 2011 roku in the area of ​​the village of Kumish, Karachaivsky district of the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia, a gang of militants from Karachaevo-Cherkessia was reduced Biaslan Gochiyaev, as well as three yoga spilnikov. The militants planned a series of terrorist attacks, zokrema, for the fate of a suicide bomber. The 27th anniversary of Biaslan Gochiyaev is close to the fate of the appointment of the so-called Amir of Karachayevo-Cherkessia.

10-11 September 2011 In the course of a special operation in Makhachkala, six bandits were killed, including one woman. One of the fighters knows how Abdulla Magomedaliyev, born in 1977, for the prize "Daud". In 2010, Magomedali Vahabov was assigned to Magomedali Vagabov (neutralized in 2010) as a team of the so-called "special battalion", which specializes in conducting high-profile terrorist attacks among practicing law enforcement agencies and representatives of government structures. Magomedaliyev bouv reckoning to health in especially great rozmirah and stealing people from the method of taking off.

At nothing on May 3, 2011 roku in a special operation in the mountainous and forested area at the cordon of the Shatoisky and Vedensky districts of the Chechen Republic, 2 members of the bandit squad were driven in. One of the few militants known as Salauddin, who is known as "Kurd" and "Abdullah Kurd". Abdullah Kurd became the emisar of Al Qadi, after the neutralization of Moganned, becoming the head coordinator of international terrorists in the Pivnichny Caucasus.

April 29, 2011 fate in the course of a special operation on the cordon of Stavropol and Kabardino Balkaria, but there were murders of gangsters of the republic’s bandit, who were trying to get through the federal rozshuk Asker Dzhappuev. For the tribute of special services, Dzhappuyev, on the prize of "Abdullah", having won the title of "Association of the Vilayat of Kabardia, Balkaria and Karachai" in early 2010, after the fall of Anzor Astemirov, the leader of the bandpіdpіll of Kabardin Balkaria.

21 April 2011 fate in Chechnya, the head representative of "Al Qadi" in the Pivnіchny Kavkazі was abducted Khaled Yousef Mohammed al Emirat on a premium "Moganned", Arab s travel. Behind the tribute of the NAC, Moganned order from Doku Umarovim was the most famous figure among the bandits, accepting as an unparalleled "religious authority" and as a blatant "police commander". A terrorist who is accountable to a low level of mischief against the military servicemen and the civilian population.

At nothing on 18 April 2011 to fate in Dagestan, many active participants in the bandit sub-pill were reduced, incl. gang of Dagestan bandits Israpil Valijanov(nickname Amirhasan). For the tribute of special services, in the future of 2010, Doku Umarov recognized Validzhanov as "the first special in the gangster hierarchy of Dagestan."

March 28, 2011 Rocks near the village of Verkhniy Alkun in the Sunzhensky district of Ingushetia during the special operation, 19 militants were killed. The base of militants was destroyed due to pinpoint air strikes of the Air Force of Russia and ground operations. After the operation was carried out, one of the leaders of the terrorist organization "Imarat Kavkaz" Supyan Abdullaev, who, for operational tribute, was recognized as the main ideologist of the militants in the Pivnichny Caucasus.

September 27, 2011 At the beginning of the special operation near the village of Pivnichniy near the Dagestan Khasavyurt, one of the battalions of militants was killed Adam Huseynov. Vіn buv others for importance in the hierarchy of the leaders of the bandit pіdpіll Dagestan after Israpіl Valіdzhanov.

6th thursday 2010 fate in the course of the fighting in the Tsumadinsky district of Dagestan was eliminated Ahmed Abdulkerimov to the prize "Shatun". Rise of the militant as the "Amir of the Georgian Sector", responsible for terrorist attacks in the republic, actively engaged in recruiting young people to the lava of the bandit party, organizing their training. Suspected of a terrorist attack against the head of the Federal Security Service of the Tsumadinsky district, which took place on the 2nd of spring 2010 in Dagestan.

At nothing on 25 serp 2010 the time of the skirmish with the spivrobitniks of law enforcement agencies, which became the Dagestan Khasavyurt, the "emir" of the Khasavyurt district was destroyed Hassan Daniyalov and "Emir" of the Kazbek Jamaat Yusup Suleymanov at the prize "Shoip".

23 serp 2010 the fate of Ingushetia was reduced by the bandit squad Ilyoz Gardanov accountable to low heavy terrorist attacks. Gardanov was a member of the plієvskoi gang group and from a recent hour he became the coordinator of the bandpіdpіll of the bіl of the republic.

21 september 2010 at the beginning of the special operation in Dagestan, the gang of the Dagestan bandpіdpіll was reduced Magomedali Vagabov. Having voted for ourselves in 2005 the fate of "Emir Abdullah Gubdensky", the leader of the so-called Gubden sabotage-terrorist group, another special person in the hierarchy of "Imarat Kavkaz", "Sharia judge", we recognize Doku Umarov. For the tribute of the NAC, the gang of Vagabov is accountable for the number of terrorist attacks on the territory of Dagestan and beyond, zokrema vibukhiv near Kizil Yurt and in the Moscow metro, dozens of people became victims of these.

12 serp 2010 To the fate of the law enforcement officers of Ingushetia, at the beginning of the special operation, the intercessor of the gang of the so-called plіїvskoi gang group was liquidated. Haruna Plieva, attributed to a series of violent attacks on policemen and military servicemen

Thursday 26th 2010 fate in the course of a special operation in the Karabudakhkent region of Dagestan was reduced Jamalutdin Javatov, a gangster of the Karamakhinsky sabotage-terrorist group Vin, having been arrested by the federal authorities for the evildoing of terrorist directives.

Thursday 10th 2010 As a result of a special operation carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, there was a decrease in the number of Arab recruits near the Vedeno district Yasir Amarat.

March 24, 2010 To the fate in Nalchik, in the perestroika, in the aftermath of spivrobitniks of law enforcement agencies, a man was liquidated, who was recognized as a gang of the Wahhabi bandit gang of Kabardino Balkaria Anzor Astemirov. Astemirov, having visited the international rozshuk since 2006. Being one of the main organizers of the attack on the administration of the Derzhnarcocontrol of the Russian Federation from Kabardino Balkaria in 2004, as well as the attacks of militants on Nalchik in 2005.

March 22, 2010 power structures near Makhachkala (Dagestan) liquidated the so-called "Emir of Grozny" Salambek (Magomed) Akhmadov.

17-18 March 2010 At the beginning of the special operation near the Vedeno district of Chechnya, six militants were reduced, including one of the most important gangs of terrorists. Abu Khaled. An Arab for nationality, Abu Khaled, for operational tribute, arrived in the Chechen Republic 13 years before. Vіn engaged in technical and psychological training terrorists.

One of the leaders of the militants in the Pivnichny Caucasus Oleksandr Tikhomirov, vіdomy as well Said Buryatsky, buv March 2, 2010 fate as a result of a special operation carried out by spivrobitniks to the Center for Special Purposes of the Federal Security Service of Russia, near the village of Ekazhevo, Nazranivsky district of Ingushetia. Slidchi, Vyzhayat, Scho Tikhomirov, Yako Nazi the head of the Ideologist Boyoviki on the PIVDNI Rosії, Buv organized by the Great Teroristic Aktziy, the number of RVVS at the Budyvs of the Militia. Nevsky Express" at the fall of 2009 fate.

Supper February 2, 2010 fate in the mountains of Dagestan, one of the founders of the "Al Qaidi" company in the Pivnichny Caucasus, a native of Egypt, was killed Mohmad Mohamad Shabaan for the prize "Safe Islam". "Safe Islam" on the request of the Egyptian authorities, having gone to the international court for terrorist activity.

10 September 2010 fate in the capital of Dagestan, a gang of the Makhachkala-Shamkhal sabotage-terrorist group was liquidated. Madrid Bigov. A day earlier, on the outskirts of Makhachkala, on the Makhachkala Khasavyurt highway, an operation was carried out to reduce three militants, the middle of which was the "emir" of Makhachkala Marat Kurbanov.

December 31, 2009 By fate, the militia practitioners found at the Khasavyurt municipality several militants, among them the leader of the Dagestani bandpіdpіll. Umalata Magomedova to the prize "Albaro".

December 18, 2009 The fate of the President of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadirov, announced that during the special operation, the leading gang of militants was undermined. Aslan Izrailiv on a premium Sawab, what a trivaly hour buv vatazhkom zalishkiv gang group kіlkoh settlements on the stalk of the Vedensky and Nozhay Yurtivsky districts of Chechnya.

13 leaf fall under the hour of a special operation on the outskirts of Shalazhi, up to 20 militants were reduced, among them - the closest associate of Doku Umarov Islam Uspakhadzhiev, having been arrested by the federal court in 2004 for driving in spivrobitniki in law enforcement agencies and terrorist acts. About the liquidation of Umarov himself in 2009, the rock was told a few times. Proto official information has not been confirmed.

July 31, 2009 Under the hour of a special operation in Grozny, the destruction of gangs of bandits, the approach of one of the leaders of the separatists, Doku Umarov, the so-called emir of the equal part of Chechnya, a kind of mav "Іban".

July 22, 2009 the fate of the militiamen after the special operation, the so-called emir of the city of Gudermes near Grozny Saida Emі Khіzrіeva, like, for operational tribute, planning to launch a terrorist attack against the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadirov

19 spring 2009 Unfortunately, the guards of the UFSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan found three militants near the Kizlyar district of Dagestan, among the killed one of the leaders of the gang Abdulla Saadullayev, Vіdomy among militants like a Sharia judge Daoud. Vіn buv with the right hand of the so-called "emir" of Dagestan Umalat Magomedov.

12 spring the leader of the Makhachkala sabotage and terrorist group was humiliated Bagautdin Kamalutdinov. Vin is also the nephew of the ideologist of the Dagestan extremists Bagautdin Magomedov, who has been transferred to the federal and international authorities since 1999.

5th spring 2009 fate in the course of a special operation in the Ingush village of Barsuki was reduced Rustam Dzortov, who was a champion of the entire gang in the republic and was one of the organizers of the swing at the President of Ingushetia, Yunus Bek Yevkurov. Dzortov buv vіdomy on prіzvisko Abdul Azіz i was familiar with the all-Russian rozshuk.

30 september 2009 During the course of a special operation in the Khasavyurt region of Dagestan, a foreign recruit was cut down, who appeared to be the coordinator of the international terrorist organization "Al Qaeda" in Dagestan, led by the middle militants Dr. Muhammad.

25 Lipnya 2009 to the fate of the hour of the special operation in Chechnya, the head of the bandit group was destroyed Isa Izerkhanov, also known as "Isa Chornii". Izerkhanov having been arrested by the federal authorities for participating in terrorist activities and having been exposed to the crime.

11 Lipnya 2009 to the fate of the hour of the special operation, the gang of bandits was reduced Azamat Makhauri on the name "Yasir", who called himself the Emir of Ingushetia. At the same time, three more bandi participants were slaughtered with him.

Thursday 12th 2009 fate in Makhachkala, the leader of the "Makhachkala Jamaat" was killed Omar Ramazanov.

18 spring 2007 As a result of the counter-terrorist operation in the village of Novy Sulak, "amir Rabbani" was killed - Rappani Khalilov.

4 April 2007 On the outskirts of the village of Agish, Batoy of the Vedeno district of Chechnya, one of the most important leaders of the militants, the commander of the Skhidny Front of the Chechen Republic, was driven in Suleiman Ilmurzaev, reckoning before the driving in of the President of Chechnya Akhmat Kadirov

26 leaf fall 2006 fate in Khasavyurt, the leader of foreign recruits from Chechnya was killed Abu Hafs al Urdani, who, for the tribute of the special services, was an actual kerіvnik and one of the financiers of the militants in Chechnya and the southern regions.

10 Lipnya 2006 fate in Ingushetia after a special operation, a terrorist was killed. Shamil Basayev.

Sunday 17th 2006 roci in Argun, the protector of Maskhadov was humiliated Abdul Halim Sadulayev.

March 8, 2005 the time of the FSB special operation near the village of Tolstoy Yurt the President of the Chechen Republic was liquidated Aslan Maskhadov.

February 16, 2005 to the fate of the special operation in Ingushetia, a field commander was humiliated Abu Dzeit- Moved out of Kuwait, who was engaged in the coordination of terrorist activities in the Pivnichny Caucasus.

17 spring 2004 the fate of Chechnya was caught by a native of Algeria Kamal Burakhlya, Vіdomy among militants on the prize of "Abu Muskhab"

16 April 2004 to the fate of the shelling of the mountain massifs of Chechnya, the leader of the foreign recruits from Chechnya was killed Abu al Walid al Hamid.

February 28, 2004 fates under the hour of a skirmish with mortally wounded mortally wounded officers Ruslan Gelaev.

3 leaf fall 2000 to the fate of the hour of the special operation, the inflow field commander was reduced Shamil Iriskhanov, scho entering to the closest sharpening of Basayev.

25 sickle 2000 the fate of the city of Argun during the first hour of the special operation by the FSB spies, the field commander was humiliated Movsan Suleimenov, nephew of Arbi Baraev.

11 Lipnya 2000 To the rock in the village of Mayrup, Shalinsky district of Chechnya, during the special operation of the FSB and the MVS of Russia, Khattab's assistant was killed. Abu Umar.

23-24 worms 2000 to the rock near the village of Alkhan kala Arbi Baraeva. 16 militants were killed, including Barayev himself.

May 19, 2000 the fate of the intercessor of the minister of Sharia security of the CRI Abu Movsaev.

27 September 2000 to the fate of the hour of the battle for Grozny, the field commander was driven in Isa Astamirov, intercessor of the commander of the military front of the militants.

Since the beginning of the counter-terrorist campaign in Chechnya, dozens of field commanders and militants have been enslaved by federal forces. But for the time being, the majority of figurants are left in the wild. What's more, Chechnya has new titles, titles of "amirs", "commanding fronts" and "ministers of defense of Ichkeria", who live on the basis of violence and violence. Most of them may have a criminal past, solid combat experience and, as a legacy, singing capital, gains in war. At the order of "Ytra" new tributes of the Russian special services were sent to these military commanders, who are still alive and continue to repair the opir to our soldiers.

Leaders of illegal massacres

(as a rule, "ministers" Dudaev and Maskhadov, "brigades and divisional generals", "commanders of regiments and okremi brigades", etc.)

1. Abdul-Malik Mezhidiv- the closest associate of Gelayev, the most intercessor of the Minister of Sharia security. Brav fate from the Basayev raid on Budionivsk in 1995. Cheruvav on the memory of General Gennadiy Shpigun on 5 February 1999 at Grozny airport. Taking the fate of the invaded to Dagestan in the 1999 fate. For operational tribute, in the autumn of that year, the kilka once left his gang on the territory of Ingushetia.

2. Abdulkhadzhiev Aslambek, Nickname "Great". An old friend of Basayev. Having taken the fate of the war in Abkhazia on the cob of the 90s, at the warehouse of the "okremy battalion" Shamil Basayev. Having broken through from the blockaded Grozny with his corral near the fierce 2000 fate. Spring and autumn were in the mountains under Shatoym. Zgіdno with operational tribute, you can change from Georgia.

3. Abu Abdullah Jafar- a hulk to Pakistan, a Pashtun, a member of the terrorist group Al-Badr (Last month). Vіdomy is one of the sponsors of Khattab, sending dozens of thousands of counterfeit dollars to Chechnya. Having fought under Khattab's ceramics in Dagestan, commanding a corral of 200 Arab recruits. For deakim tribute, dosi perebuvaє in Chechnya.

4. Abu Dar (Darr)- a citizen of Saudi Arabia. Representative of the extremist organization "Al-Haramain", as a sponsor of militants. Respected by a close friend of Arbi Baraev. For example, chervnya 2000 rock with a paddock of Arabs, having spent until sharpened in the village of Serzhen-Yurt near the Shalinsky district of Chechnya. After a day of fighting, a group of fighters broke through the mountain. It’s imaginary to be in one of the pens of Khattab.

5. Abu Umar- One of the most crooked features in Khattab's sharpening. Instructor-miner of the highest qualification. Passing the road near Grozny 1995. Having taken the fate of the attack on the military part near Buynaksk, in 1998, roci, falling on mine, and wounded. Special instructions for terrorist groups to direct to Russia. For the tribute of the special services, people of many people ruled a terrorist attack near Volgograd on May 31, 2000, when two military alarms were killed, and 12 people were found out early. May all the pidrivniks who ruled sabotage in Chechnya and in the Pivnichny Caucasus, passed through this people.

6. Arsanov Vakha- a large policeman, until 1991 - a spivrobitnik of the DAI. Fighting in 1994 rock. In 1996 he became the "commander of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Front". Vice President of Ichkeria. Commanding a small corral of militants. Bazi raztashovanі near the center Argun gorge. Do not play a role in the middle of the field commanders. For operational tribute, looking to Afghanistan and Georgia. Until the rest of the hour, at the order of the "Borz" camp, the soldiers of the same joined in the paddocks of Basayev and other military commanders. Reckoning to the rich rich stolen day in Chechnya.

7. Atgeriev Turapl-Ali(zatrymany and premises at next insulator FSB "Lefortovo"). Kolishnіy svіvrobіtnik DAІ, 31 rіk. In 1996, brothers with Salman Raduyev took part in the attack on Kizlyar and Pervomaisk. Number of ministers state security of Ichkeria. AT stay out of war without taking an active part in the battlefields. Crime of special protection at the sight of the guards.

6. Akhmadov Rizvan. A gang of six Akhmadov brothers specializes exclusively in stealing people. For the rest of the tribute, one of the brothers was choked by special services to the full. Brothers Akhmadov, the vikradachs of the people: Abu, Rizvan, Ramzan, Uvais, Ruslan, Apt. Three hulks of Great Britain and the New Zealanders with special zhorstokistyu were strafed - they cut off the heads of foreigners. In 1999, in the area of ​​the Dagestan village of Gunib, the women of Poland, Sophia Fischer-Malanovskaya and Eva Markhvinskaya-Virval, were raised. They specialize in the abduction of the mothers of the Chechen soldiers. Valentin Yerokhin from Perm and Antonina Borshchova from Rostov-on-Don were taken over by the Akhmadovs. They shot and shot ITAR-TARS photojournalist Volodymyr Yatsina. For the rest of the tribute, they are on the territory of the Pankisi Gorge near Georgia.

7. Baraev Arbi Alaudinovich- a native of the village of Alkhan-Kala. Zatyaty Wahhabi. Persha Chechen campaign commanded the subdivision "Jamaat". Nini - commander of the "Islamic Regiment of Special Appreciation". In September 1996, the fate of 29 Rostov power engineers was snatched from the handcuffs. Organizer over 70 (!) Weekdays foreign hulks, an important representative of the President of Russia Valentin Vlasov, spivrobitnikov FSB, journalists NTV and GRT, businessmen and clergymen. Organize an attack on military servicemen and policemen. For operational tribute, contact Grozny. Koristuetsya documents spіvrobіtnik special services.

8. Basaev Shamil Salmanovich- The one-legged head of Shuri. Leader of the irreconcilable militants. For days, having become friends with each other. Paul's commander, who fights on the cob of the 90s. Became the intercessor of the Minister of Defense of Abkhazia. Tactics of the partisan war started in Afghanistan. Vіsіm razіv wounds, sіm razіv contusions. Leader of the irreconcilable militants. To be found near the Vedeno district of Chechnya. Pribіchnik "Viny until the end of time" .

9. Basnukaev Ahmed- "Brigadier general", "commander of the Urus-Martan Front". "Lighting up" in history with Andriy Babitsky. Taking the fate of the battles for Grozny.

10. Gelaev Ruslan (Khamzat)- a recidivist who has three previous convictions. "Divisional General". Under the hour of fighting near the village of Komsomolsk near the birch 2000 fate, having spent close to 1200 people killed. With a small paddock near the mountain. Gelayev moves to the cordon regions of Georgia and Ingushetia. For operational tribute, we have our base at the Pankisi Gorge of Georgia. Recruitment of militants among Chechen refugees in the Akhmetiv region of Georgia. May there be differences with Basaevim and Khattab.

11. Gelishkhanov Sultan- Kolishnіy head of the department of state security of Ichkeria. Having consumed Basayev's fresh water. In the first Chechen campaign, he entered the most powerful political commander. Taking part in the negotiations with federal representatives.

12. Ismailov Aslanbek Abdullaevich- "general", "protector of the commanding officer of the armed forces of Ichkeria". Rozroblyav plan of defense of the Chechen capital. Pribichnik Yandarbiev. Vіdpovidav for the defense of one of the sectors of Grozny. Behind the words of the representatives of the militants, commanding the defense of the place. The press service of Maskhadov reminded me, having died at the end of the hour to get out of sharpening. There are no other witnesses about yoga death.

13. Koriev Magomed- a large "head of the department for combating organized crime" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ichkeria. Especially strativ zaruchnikov. At the fall of 1999 the rock was wounded by Argun.

14. Maskhadov Aslan Aliyovich- President Pecher and Blindazhiv. Be found in Chechnya. Kіlka dnіv otrimav chergovu wounded і diva drooping full.

15. Saikhan Zaurbekov

16. Suleymanov Ruslan

17. Udugov Movladi Saidarbievich- a journalist who didn’t know. "Vice-premier" in the order of Ichkeria. Three friends. Awarded with the Order of Honor of the Nation. The head ideologist of the Chechen fighters. One of the richest people in Chechnya. For deakim tribute, hovaєtsya in Turkey. Sponsoring the appearance of the newspaper "Ichkeriya" and other organ-supported Chechen militants.

18. Khambiev Magomed (Mahmad) Ilmanovich- "Minister of Defense of Ichkeria". For some kind of reassurance, in the middle of the leaf fall, having removed the wounded under the settlement of Benoy. Do not play the essential role of the midfield commanders. Actually vіdіyshov vіd ref. Vіdomy his "duel" with Basaevim. Sounds like the rest of the invasion of Dagestan in 1999.

19. Khasuev Abubakar Yakubovich- Ker_vnik "viysko-patriotic union of Chechnya". Mav conflict with pleasurable commanders.

20. Khasukhanov Islam Sheikh-Akhmedovich- "Chief of the Operational Headquarters for the President of Ichkeria". "Vtrativsya" with the cob of counter-terrorist campaign in Chechnya.

21. Khattab- Chechen Jordanian campaign. Prizvisko Black Arab, One-armed Ahmed. Fighting in Afghanistan. Awakened by a special zhorstokistyu. Particularly cutting the throats of the captive soldiers. Moving near Nozhai-Yurtovsky and Vedensky districts of Chechnya.

22. Yusupov Ramzan

23. Yandarbiev Zelimkhan Abdulmuslimovich- Action sings. "Vice President of Ichkeria". In 1995, he commanded the defense of Grozny. Narazi perebuvay over the cordon, organizing financial assistance to the militants. For operational tribute, seeing Pakistan. May restlessness in Turkey and Azerbaijan. One of the "ichkerian" millionaires.

Polish commanders of the Middle Lanka

(just "generals", "ministers" without a portfolio, "colonels" and "colonels")

Abalayev Aydamir- "Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ichkeria", Maskhadov's hanger-on. Nearly 250 cars were driven around the village of Alleroy, Nozhai-Yurtivsky district of Chechnya.

Abu Al-Walid- Arab commander, the "right hand" of Khattab. For the sake of radio coverage, the hour of the operation was set under Serzhen-Yurt in the year 2000. There are no other data about death.

Ampukaev Shirvani

Asludinov Magomed

Akhmadov Daud Dabaevich- Pole commander. Special Representative of Dzhokhar Dudaev, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ichkeria. Prihilnik of the Torish invasion of Dagestan.

Basayev Shirvani- 1995 the commandant of the village of Bamut. "Prefect" of the Vedeno district. For the rest of the information, injuries from the results of a special operation of the UFSB in the Chechen Republic on July 27, 2000. He died from a wound and was buried near the Vedeno district of Chechnya. The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has witnessed deaths. Go search for the body.

Bataev Zelimkhan Murtselovich

Beysamiriv Ibragim

Bimurzaev Saleh

Dalayev Ali

Dataiv Islam

Jabrayilov Apti

Dimaev Ali- "brigadier general", one of the closest to Aslan Maskhadov. Moving through the Chechen-Dagestan cordon.

Zakaev Ahmed- Pole commander. I commanded the "front" in the first Chechen campaign. Large actor of the Grozny theater, "minister of culture" of Ichkeria, vice-premier. At the peak of Udugov's appointment as "Ministry of Information" to Maskhadov. In the middle of the sickle of 2000, the fate of the wounds at the beginning of the special operation near the village of Gekhi, Urus-Martan district. For operational tribute, visit the Pankiska gorge in Georgia.

Ismayiliv Sharpudin- many director of the state television company Ichkeria

Kilay Bibulatov

Magomedov Khalid

Madaev M.

Markaev Hussein

Movsaev Turpal- a relative (brother) of the murdered last year "head counter-reconnaissance officer" of Ichkeria kat Abu Movsev.

Murtazaev Ahmed

Ozniev Umar Amarbekovich

Patsaev Sultan- "General", commander of the "regiment of special recognition No. 007 "Borz" of the Ministry of Sharia Security" of Ichkeria.

Pashayev Zhabir

Saidaev Mikhailo (Mumadi, Umadi) Minkailovich- "Chief of the Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ichkeria", Major Major of the Radyansk Army. The right hand of Maskhadov. Arrested on 27 April by FSB agents in Urus-Martan. To be found at the SIZO "Lefortovo".

Suleymanov Arbi

Takaev Said-Khussein Lechovich

Khalilov Rabbani- one of the commanders of the Jordanian Khattab. Zagin Rabbanі dіє near Nozhai-Yurtovsky and Vedensky districts of Chechnya, beating the cordon with Dagestan.

Khachukaev Khizir- "Brigadier General", Ruslan Gelayev's intercessor. Paul's commander, who had captured the settlement of Samashki at the birch tree in 1996. Tsiogorіchnu campaign commanding the "pіvdenno-skhіdniy sector" of defense near Grozny. Having especially shot the militants, they negotiated about the building with Bislan Gantamirov. Complaint to Maskhadov from the ranks for the fate of the negotiations with Akhmad Kadirov and Volodimir Bokovikov from Nazran.

Husain Movolody

Tsagaraev Magomed Magomed-Saliyovich- one of the intercessors of Baraev. Yogo militants live near Grozny and Urus-Martan. For operational tribute, especially by shooting Imam Urus-Martan Idrisov. The organizer of the remaining terrorist attacks near Grozny.

Eldarov Sulima Shirvanovich- The chief of the Nozhai-Yurtovsky RVVS, under order to Maskhadov. Get to know the gang near the regional center Nozhai-Yurt. Eldarov's fighters roar single forks. So, at the chest near Nozhai-Yurt, two soldiers were shot dead.

Emir Adam

The commanders of the group and okremih pens of militants

Abduljan Dolguev- "general", defender of Basayev, cherubing the actions of the militants under the hour of the invasion to the Novolatsky district of Dagestan. For deakim tribute, driven in the fall of 1999 to the fate of Argun.

Abu Al Khaled, Abushev Alkhazur, Akbulatov Lechi, Albastov Almirza

Amriyev Adam - ("Emir Adam"?)- Polish commander, who controlled the village of Assinivska and Sernovodsk.

Arsabiev Umar-Khadzhi

Arsaliev Magomsoyat Montaevich- Polish commander, who took part in terrorist attacks against the heads of the military administration. For one version, killed. Posthumously awarded Maskhadov Order.

Arsanukaev Abu- "Brigadier General", chief of the security service Dudaev, "protector of the prosecutor of Chechnya". Tramming near the village of Tsa-Vedeno. Rozshukёtsya and "commander" Apti Arsanukaev, a great practitioner of the militia.

Astamiriv Isa- Brigadier General. "Vice-premier of Ichkeria". For deakim tributes, driven into Grozny on the cob of a fierce 2000 fate. For the others - it is reduced by the herbal ones. Posthumously awarded the Order of Maskhadov.

Akhmadov Apti- Pole commander. For some kind of tribute, it was driven in by Pskov paratroopers in the battle under the settlement of Ulus-Kert near the birch rock.

Bazaev Akhmed "Sniper", Bakaev Aliskhan Musayovich, Baraev Suliman, Bachaev (Batchaev) Rasul, Bekmurzaev Emir Saikhan, Vissangeriev Zubair (Zubayr), Daudov Zubaira, Dashaev Alkhazur, Dzhumaev Emirkhan, Dombaev Musaev Kyur, Rusmaudovych Nurad , Mazashev Moudi, Matuev Khamzat Aliyovich

Natuev Umar, 26 years. "Defender of Khattab from the technical side". Organizer of vibes near Vladikavkaz. Zatrimany autumn tsgo rock spіvrobіtnikami RUBOZ MVS Rosії.

Ozniev Ali Yedilbekovich, Saraev Adam, Smirnov Volodymyr (Arabic named after Abdul-Malik) Ivanovich, Suleymanov Eli, Taramov Ahmed

Balaudi Tekilov- A large representative of the President of the Chechen Republic in Russia.

Temirov Isa- a great intercessor of the head of the Chechen parliament, subordination to Basayev. Commanding a corral of militants near Grozny, they defended the Khvilinka square and the settlement of Michurina near the leaf fall, chest 1999 - sich 2000 pp.

Tokarzai Akhsan, Tulaev Shaa Saidovich

Umarov Ahmed- Polish commander, Meshkanets of Maiturup village. Organizer of terrorist attacks. Vikupovu fighters, yaki perebuvayut at SIZO. Prepare winter foundations for extremists.

Umarov Isa - brother of Movolody Udugov."Secretary for security" Basayev and Khattaba. Zatyaty is the enemy of Russia. Ideologist of Chechen fighters. Oppositionist Maskhadov.

Khaldimuratov Aslanbek

Khamzativ Movolodi- Brigadier General. Reckoning to see people. Trapped at a checkpoint near the village of Goiti on April 1, 2000.

Khatuev Mogomed- a large "chief of the cordon and military services" of Ichkeria, "brigadier general". Basayev's friend. At the bases of the fighters of Khatuyev, dozens of guards were trimmed. In September 2000, severely wounded in the Vedeno district of Chechnya.

Chekhaev Zaurban Abdulkhadzhievich, Chichiev Usman, Shovkhalov Shamil Sharipovich, Elisultanov Sultan, Elmurzaev Beslan, Eliuprzaev Makhma, Emir Sup'yan, Ependiev Turpal.

Members of illegal armed groups

Abdulayev Lechi Said-Emievich, Azdamirov Agdan, Ayubov Salman, Baitukaev Aslanbek, Bisaev Batir (Alaudin) Kerim-Sultanovich, Borgeshvili Omar, Kushtov Issa Salambekovich, Magomadov Dzhambulat, Magomadov Lema, Magomadov Muzav Talkhadov (Dalkhadov, Arbіvli) Mokharbіvli Supyanovich, Emiev Mahmad-Salekh.


Belkharoev Yakub, Borshchigov Rizvan, Vakhidov Ruslan, Vakhidov Magomed, Visa Rasuev, Visaitov Emin, Visaragov Ruslan, Gabaev Іbragim, Makhtiev Khasan Shalautdinovich, Sabdulaev Makkhala, Saidov Arbi, Takaev Khasan Vakhayevich, Umarov.

Oleg Petrovsky

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