Analysis of initial biological programs.


Software security

“A bad reader presents the truth, a good reader finds it.”

Adolf Disterweg

This quote really reinforces my aspiration to the profession of a teacher.

p align="justify"> The pedagogical concept, which I pursue throughout the three stages of pedagogical activity, sounds like the following: “An active approach is the basis for the development of the creative potential of students in biology lessons.”

Vaughn is aimed at teaching schoolchildren to be smart.

By testing this or that theory, analyzing the facts, we teach ourselves how to arrive at the correct conclusion.

Having completed the “How to read?” question, you need to respond to another “What to read?” question.The local aspect of such knowledge today means the national lighting standard.In the absence of initial programs and assistants, it is sometimes difficult to think about the usefulness of their contribution to the process.

In the history of biological science techniques, there have already been episodes when, when programs were “launched” into practice, the tools turned out to be insufficiently effective.

Successfully completing the shortcomings of the program allows for a variety of different forms and methods of development, which also facilitate the development of the creative potential of students, the deepening knowledge of biology, as well as moving interest in the subject that is being studied.

The most important form of activation of cognitive activity of students during biology lessons is laboratory and practical work.

Laboratory-practical, the screeches of the Scabits Ma, Boti is planned in Taki Obsіb, the natural nibutty znojan, vid factor, ryymani pіd, the hour of the conduct of Dosvіd, the reserve, and the experts of the gypothesis to Znan.

In my opinion, these are not the same robots where ready-made investigation results are given, and the task of the scientists is to explain them, and those in which the student’s part in the pre-investigation activity is transferred.

During the hour of preparation before the lesson, I review the material of the teacher, and a lot of other information.

What do I get from the students, vikorystya as homework information, evidence on those that are either absent in school assistants, and this information in them is even insignificantly illuminated.This encourages students to look for additional literature and ask their fathers for help.

In the era of over-importance of information technologies, the process of informatization cannot be neglected without respect.

Another important element in advanced biology is the encouragement and development of students’ skills.

Working with gifted children is now an invisible part of the school’s initial development process.

The medical characteristics of gifted children and preschool children must be transferred to the possibility of increased independence, initiative and reliability of the student himself.

It is important to teach gifted students vicoristic methods of a creative nature - problem-solving, searching, research, project-based.

These methods have a high cognitive-motivating potential and demonstrate the level of cognitive activity of students.

Under my supervision, scientists conduct research on the work force, their robots take prizes at regional and regional competitions, which, of course, promotes the self-esteem of the boys and their credibility with the authorities.

The process of raising gifted children reveals the obviousness and high prevalence of different devices and methods of removing information.

The rise of innovative technologies opens up new possibilities in working with children, which may result in high levels of creativity.

Incorporating some form of discipline into the mix of new technologies gives children room to think and participate in creative elements of the lesson.

Having said all that has been said, I would like to point out that regardless of my short teaching career experience, I am trying to use my work to try different approaches before becoming biology students.

Absolutely, this path is long and folding, aka “dosvid - the chief reader.”

    Any transition to the road will always lead to the search for new methods and forms of pedagogical activity.

    Without the apprehension of such paths, there is a real sense of the activity of the professional teacher - the master.

    Municipal budgetary lighting installation

    "Shorshelskaya secondary school

Named after pilot-cosmonaut O.G.


The program is maximally focused on the development of environmental awareness of schoolchildren in the process of learning biology, on the development of ecological culture, on a wide combination of living nature, the nature of the local region, the development of a consistent approach to natural 'ects, inspiration for patriotism, love for nature, Fatherlandism, the subject of biology.Purpose of the program – to develop in the process of biological awareness the understanding of the greatest value of life, the value of biological development.

Features of the program:

    Increased commitment to environmental protection.

    Increased respect for biological diversity.

    Increased respect for the ideas of the evolution of the organic world, for the ideas of the development of nature and matrimony.

    Expanding the flow of practical work and excursions to nature, with a focus on active and independent knowledge of the phenomena of nature, on the development of practical and creative skills in students.

The study of biology in grades 6-9 was encouraged to understand the development of basic biology, which is available in the course before the course and in those before those in the course.

Programs for 10-11 grades:

This program is a continuation of biology programs for grades 6-9, where biology education ends in grade 9 with the course “Fundamentals of Basic Biology.”

The connection with these programs for grades 10-11 represents a substitute for the course of advanced biology of a higher level of education, developed on an integration basis.Integration of materials from various fields of biological science will provide an initial replacement for new and more useful materials for students.

Purpose of the program

Hand tools that are included in the warehouse of the initial methodological complex, included before the Federal transfer of hand tools recommended by the Ministry of Light and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the illumination process in dark lighting installations.

All of them reflect the benefits of the federal basic initial plan and the federal component of the sovereign standard, the concept of modernization of Russian lighting.

In all handbooks, the principle of variability in the replacement of material is implemented: a binding material is given from additional training, and the principle of attack is maintained.

Podruchnik “Biology.



Mushrooms and lichens" 6th grade

(Auth. Ponomarova I.N., Kornilova O.A., Kuchmenko V.S.).

The biology course is devoted to the development of plants, bacteria, fungi, and lichens.

The concept of the handyman is based on a systemic-structural approach to the development of biology: the formation of biological and ecological ones is understood through the establishment of the sacred signs of life.The topics are presented sequentially: from the biological development of sprouts, cells, living organs to the main processes of sprout life (life, growth, reproduction, growth).

The handbook is based on the concept of diverse organization of living matter and the historical development of the created world from the simplest forms to highly organized ones.

Particular respect is given to the practical importance of animals, the interactions between living organisms, especially animals in ecosystems, grub links, the conservation of sustainable water and the protection of the created world.

Before the initial material, topics such as “Cell”, “Tissues”, “Organs and Organ Systems of Creatures” were included (which were not available in the old handbooks).

( The handbook has a lot of illustrations.

The skin section also ends with a task block to verify knowledge.

Proposed laboratory and practical robots.

The kit includes 2 sewing tools and a manual for the teacher.

( Podruchnik “Biology.

Lyudina" 8th grade

The assistant has laboratory and practical work, in which it is necessary for the student to monitor, follow up, follow up, follow up, learn, critically analyze information - all this develops intellectual creativity and the value of the students.

They convey information to scientists, and also work with encyclopedias, popular science literature, and experts.

It should be noted that all of these consist of practice-oriented material.

At the end of the day, it is essential to understand from the main points of view what the practice and repetition conveys.understand the system of scientific development.

The kit includes a workbook and a methodical manual for the teacher.

Teachers “Zalna Biology” 10th and 11th grades,

The program will review the approach to previously taught sections of biology such as the basis of cellular biology;

molecular plantings of life;

    Fundamentals of Biological Development Most of these chapters are based on the integration of approaches to both naturalistic and humanitarian cycles.

    A few words about the structure: nutrition and management for self-control in the end allow you to organize your home management, which can be used in preparation for control work.

    I also want to define the work using keywords.

    Firstly, the smell is seen in the text, in another way, it is caused by the skin.

The assistants have the following headings: “Find your point of view”, “Problem for discussion”, “Material for discussion”.

Those seminarians were seen to take up the material before them.

I appreciate the shortcomings of the presented initial methodological set:

Often the basic material is laid out in a way that is easily accessible to students.

The book is the most adequate representation of the current minimum of biology: it will allow most of the obligatory to understand and equally small amount of additional information.

It is a dictionary of basic biological sciences to understand that the number of genetic studies and laboratory workshops is small.

Obviously, it is necessary to obtain a reliable textbook for the study of advanced biology and preparation for the Unified State Institute.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of the assistant: for example, the concept of homeostasis is given in §22, and even if you don’t overestimate it, it is among other signs of the living.

The oldest among the current assistants of advanced biology, which has seen two dozen appearances.

The structure of the book is traditional: the report is conducted not from the lowest structural levels to the highest, but instead: starting with evolution (or rather, looking at the historical development) origins and ending with genetics and selection.

The material must be thoroughly processed with the KIMiv codifier due to the presence of a number of important elements, for example, various signs of life, hormones, vitamins, circulation of carbon and water.

Natomi Podruchnik can hardly be recommended to readers.

First of all, the knowledge of biology does not reveal many elements of the obligatory minimum.

For example, daily sections about the energetic and plastic metabolism of speech, the details of the plant cell (vacuole and cell wall), regulation of transcription in lower and higher organisms, features of the Every day among creatures and plants, the importance of individual development in the minds of the environment.

Numerous sections are reviewed concisely - for example, photosynthesis, protein biosynthesis and selection, which the school program has great respect for.

In the end, the guide places “masterpieces” on the basis of the “meaningful” life: “Life is the form of the birth of living matter that came to fruition at the time of biopoesis” (2003, p. 10), and biopoiesis, as it is said on the same page , “the process of creation of living cells as a result of chemical evolution.”

It’s good that the authors didn’t try to twist the handbook of chemistry.

If they could explain what “chemical evolution” is, then their meaning would look something like this: “Water is a watery form of matter, which has the power of water and is involved in chemical reactions like water.”

Ilf and Petrov had something similar when describing the machinations of Koreika!

In fact, the book contains expressions of an experimental nature, and to top it all off: the material is poorly grouped on topics. Apparently, it can at most be recommended as a supplementary aid, and not as a handyman. Ivanova T.V. ta in, 2000. The book, with its traditional structure and presentation, presents a lighter version of the school guide from foreign biology. The material is presented concisely, in places that need to be squeezed together, literally in two words. Before the stubborn gang, the uninterrupted hacking of the power of the living, the explanation of the river rocker chromosomes in the process of status pinkishness, the ontogenesis of the ONISHNISHIC MOMOMS, the understanding of the purity of the gametes, and the row of the Ekologic crates is not visible.

The text has inaccuracies.

The text has elements that are relevant to the course of natural history, lower biology, for example, §2.2.1 “The evolution of chemical elements in outer space” and §2.2.2 “Illumination of planetary systems.”

Additional biological information includes concepts about stress, embryonic induction, limiting factor, alopatric and sympatric species, a description of the circulation of sulfur and phosphorus, and the basics of bionics.

It’s not surprising that the daily assistant clearly saw the criteria of the mind, the re-examination of evidence of evolution and the function of living speech, the understanding of agrocenosis and the sub-spreading of plants, although all this nutrition is destroyed in K IMax.

The concept of “anabiosis” has not been introduced (despite the fact that the supporting material is §17.3.2).

A special feature is the English summary of the sections, a double glossary of terms and knowledge from the Russian-English translation.

According to the authors' plans, the guide could become a companion for the interdisciplinary study of biology and foreign languages.

But the resume is written in bad English, and it’s not easy to start using them.

Let’s finish the little bit about the KIMiv codifier.

Obviously, there are no doubts: no one, for example, can remember the abundance, decline and existence before the evolution as the essential power of living things, the function of proteins, hormones, glycolysis, diarrhea there are transcriptions and translations in higher and lower organisms, the prevalence of contamination in animals and plants , the importance of ontogenesis in modern minds, the multiplication of genes, genetic drift, divergence and convergence, soil formation, as well as such global problems as poverty and population growth.

All the above concepts are important for deep biology and, what is more important, are analyzed when the CIMs are folded, and they can be turned on before the codifier.

It can be assumed that in the near future the codifier will be further regulated in accordance with the specific requirements of the school program. Vin is guilty of wrestled not the heading of the cordons with rosple flowers (to the same, “genetic terminology I Symbolika”), and Boti Chitko is subsidible to understand, the yaki nobility virtuisor of the middle school, Yaki Rozrahovan on the visible ball of

I bring my gratitude to the contributions of biology – I.V. Boldina, T.M.

Grigor'eva and V.V. Leonichova (m. Uyar and Uyarsky district, Krasnoyarsk region) for assistance with the Vikonian robot.

List of analyzed handbooks Belyaev D.K., Borodin P.M., Vorontsov N.M., ta.

. Zagalna biology.

Handy tool for 10-11 classes of dimming lighting installations.- M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2001. 304 p.

Zakharov V.B., Mamontov S.G., Sivoglazov V.I. Biology Underworld patterns.

Handbook for 10-11th grades of dark-lighted elementary lessons.- M.: Shkola-Press, 1996. 624 p.

Ruvinsky A.O., Visotska L.V., Glagolev S.M. ta in.

Zagalna biology.

A handbook for 10-11th grade schools with advanced biology studies.

- M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1993. 544 p.

Side 1

In line with the new concept of biological awareness and the current primary plan, the priority areas for studying biology at school include increasing the importance of environmental knowledge and the humanization of primary the process as a whole.

Having analyzed biology programs for six classes using the method of identifying the minds of students to ensure environmental literacy, we found that:

1. The program "Nature awareness" (author I.T. Suravegina ta in) addresses the upcoming ecological environment - ecosystems;

the quality of the dowkill and the protection;

natural officials;

anthropogenic factors of the environment.

In addition, scientists are gaining basic knowledge about monitoring and the steps that people must take in order to preserve the natural environment.

We can distinguish these ideas that will ensure the environmentalization of the analyzed course:

Familiarity with natural systems and their hierarchical series;

Introduction of the concept of "dowkill";

Showing the involvement of people in natural strength as a subject of activity;

3. The program "Nature Studies" (authors I.Yu. Aleksashkina and N.I. Oreshchenko) declares that one of the main directions of the course is the idea of ​​​​the interconnection between people and nature, and the middle task of the course is the development of the educational system know-perekonan , which give a clear orientation in the system of information “People - Nature” as the basis of environmental awareness and education of scientists, as well as the specific formation of humanistic, moral ideals as the basis of environmental awareness Innocent setting to nature.

4. The course "Biology - 6" - section: "Frost. Bacteria. Fungi and lichens" (author I.M. Ponomarova) is complex, including the foundations of various biological sciences about growth and growth: morphology, anatomy, physiology, ecology, phytocenology, microbiology, plant science.

Instead, the structure of this course will ensure the achievement of a basic level of biological knowledge, the development of creative and naturalistic minds, scientific outlook, humanity, ecological culture, as well as the strengthening of independence, practicability and sustainability connection with nature.

The sequence of topics is determined by the logic of the development of basic biological understanding, the consideration of biological phenomena from the organismal level of biosystems to the supraorganismal - biogeocenotic and combines the formation of the evolutionary and ecological world, It focuses on the understanding of the interactions in nature as the basis for the vitality of living systems and the role of humans in these processes.
Instead of the course, we aim to provide students with a high level of significance of life, reasonable value, knowledge about the diversity of kingdoms: plants, bacteria and fungi in the biological system, knowledge of the scientific picture of the world and Other practical activities;

formulate basic concepts about the biological diversity of living organisms, about organisms and biogeocenosis as special forms of life organization, about biological diversity in the nature of the Earth as a result of evolution and as the basis of the development.
Nuances to cover:

The use of electronic resources in school mathematics

The stagnation of digital lighting resources has its positive and negative sides.