30 battery.

Repair Golovna

Coastal Battery (BB) No. 30 or Fort “Maxim Girky-1”

- The largest fortification plant in Sevastopol.

She played an important role in the Defense of Sevastopol in 1941–1942, lasting 256 days.

The legendary battery was built near Krim on the approaches to Sevastopol, near the village of Lyubimivka. In addition, the Museum of Coastal Forces of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia is open here. This is, without further ado, a brilliant project. Bathing over the excessive mass was ensured by two double-frame 305-mm installations that rotate 360 ​​degrees, all-round firing. The 30th battery of the Fahivtsi was called a masterpiece of Radyan's fortification mystique. The batteries themselves were called an artillery fire factory and an underground battleship. Description

The battery is small “royal” caliber - twelve inches 305 mm, the ability to fire at enemy ships and his ground units, the range of the projectile - 471 kg, shooting range - up to 42 mm km


In other words, the battery reached Mikolaivka or Poshtovoy, and Bakhchisarai could have been hit by any kind of shell.

Thirty trimalas under control cover an area of ​​over 5 thousand square kilometers. "Fort "Maxim Gorky-1""(German name of the battery, under a different number there was battery No. 35) during the defense of Sevastopol, the first leaf fall of 1941 was fought against the grouping of German troops in the area of ​​the Alma station (nine Poshtove).

Over two months of combat operations, the BB-30 fired 1,238 rounds, which led to increased wear and tear of the harmonic barrels.

In the bitter 1942 of 16 days, in front of the advancing fascists, the Black Sea Fleet artillery repair plant replaced the harmonic barrels.

According to doctors, the water of the skin trunk amounted to 50 tons, such an operation without a special crane equipment was unique in world practice.

In the spring of 1942, the Germans, preparing for the ultimate assault on Sevastopol, assembled a strong group of important artillery to fight against the BB-30, including specially delivered 600-mm mortars “Thor” and “Odin” from Nimechchyna 00-mm zaliznichnyu harmata.

On June 7, 1942, after the direct impact of many important shells, the 1st battery tower was taken out of order.

Another vezha, which was lost, with the stretch of the offensive 10 dіb, generated close to 600 shots.

Moreover, after the French 17th century went wrong, the Germans buried the battery.


Before the start of the Second Light War, there were two batteries of this caliber in Sevastopol.

After the “thirty” had been deployed near the village of Lyubimivka, the fleet’s base was covered by battery No. 35 at the Chersonese mission.

The grievances reached the warehouse of one adjacent artillery division of the coastal defense of the Main Base of the Black Sea Fleet.

The offensive batteries were initially located on the shores, so they were used to fight enemy ships: the 30th battery covered the area in front of Miss Lukul, the 35th battery was responsible for shelling the sector from Miss Khersones to Miss Fiolent.

As early as 1941, the German troops escaped to Crimea, the coastal batteries, designed to defend Sevastopol from the sea, became the main caliber of the city’s defense from land.

It should be noted that the 35th battery was deployed far from the area of ​​the German advance and only reached the Mekenzi Mountains station, and that same “thirty” was destined to play a major role in the defense of Sevastopol.

After the war until 1954, the BB-30 was replaced by the tri-armature MB-3-12-FM, taken from the Baltic Fleet battleship Frunze.

The 256-day defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942 was about to lose one of its brightest aspects.
Behind Hitler's plan, his army will hardly want a place for treatment days.
Under the surface there was half a meter of soil, then two and a half meters of reinforced concrete, another two meters of sand, again two and a half meters of reinforced concrete, then 30 centimeters of asphalt concrete, and at the very bottom the entire structure was reinforced with steel arches similar channels.
On July 17, 1941, the Hitlerites began their most powerful artillery preparation.
Over 200 enemy batteries were fired against the fort.
The 30th battery was working hard. Germany occupied Norway in 63 days, France in 44, Poland in 35, Belgium in 19, Holland in five, and Denmark in one day.

Another assault on Sevastopol began.

Colossal forces were thrown at the depleted 30th battery - five enemy divisions went on the attack.
The aviation attacked the position of the “thirty” with bombs.

In 1947, the decision to update the battery was praised.
Due to the impossibility of updating the MB-2-12 installation, the first and fourth time from the battleship "Poltava" was destroyed.

Due to its larger dimensions, now already three harmonic batteries have recognized the need for modifications.

The battery entered service in 1954 as the 459th Bastard Artillery Division, and over the years it has changed its name several times.

Vlitku 1997 r. This is due to the agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine about the division of the Black Sea Fleet, a special warehouse for the 632nd regiment and the 459th battalion division, which entered before the new one, having been saved in the Caucasus.
The territory of the large battery town and the technical position of the regiment was transferred to the Ukrainian Naval Forces. Nina has been completely robbed.To strengthen the formation and fortification of the large 30th battery that was lost from the Black Sea Fleet's warehouse, the 267th conservation platoon of the Coastal Forces of the Black Sea Fleet was formed. Vlitku 2004 r. The 30th battery marked the 70th anniversary of its deployment at the Black Sea Fleet warehouse.
Unfortunately, the further share of the battery is lost to the unknown, since the transfer from Ukraine can lead to the looting of the battery and further disintegration of the unique 305-mm tower installations for metal brucht, as has already happened in Sevastopol with the transfer from Ukraine Neither 180-mm tower and 130-mm open .



N.V.z vidannya: Nachtrag zu den Denkschriften uber die fremde Landesbefestigungen.Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, 1943.

Seen right, angry to the right:

Transformer substation (German: Umformerstation),


Dalekomir and command post (Feuerleit-und Funkstand; Bastion).

The spring-falling bucket No. 2 is shown in red, the spring-falling bucket No. 1 is in blue.

Numbering on the 30th battery in the gearbox

The command post connects to the artillery block of a 600-meter loss (red dotted line).

The diagram of the 30th battery has been adjusted:

1. Garmatny block

2. Command post

3. Dalnomir

4. Posterna

5. The drain and the crane
6. Transformer substation

You can get to the 30th battery from Sevastopol on any route that goes to Lyubimivka.

Having arrived at the gate, we begin to climb through the living area along the road up the mountain, passing by the booths-museum of revolutionary women.

If you take a little left-handedly, then, having gone all the way, on the other edge of the wasteland you can add one of the anti-sabotage defense DOTs of the 30th battery from the water tank installed on it.

looks extremely condescending.

or better yet, never mind.
Here I first visited Lipna in 1977 with my mother and brother.
We came from behind 16 and 24 batteries (they were called catacombs), we wanted to marvel at the “thirty”.
Just to marvel, a monument appeared in the distance.
They bumped into each other at the gate, the soldiers said that they couldn’t go any further, they only forgot that behind the tattered parka hung a huge thing under a masculine border.

Let's walk a little left-handedly for a drop and marvel through the parkan and the thorny drow.

The beautiful axis is Vezha No. 2. It’s the same as on the Voroshilov battery since the heat-insulating ball has been removed.

Wanting with this ball and masculine frame, the clothes suited me better.

They look like a real military man, and not ostentatiously

Bashta No. 2 close-up.
The MB-3-12 MF installation was specially rebuilt after the war for installation on the 30th battery of the turret installation of the battleship "Poltava".

When the Voroshilov battery No. 981 was in operation in the 30th century, the ship’s installation required minimal reworking, and the harmonic blocks were designed to fit its dimensions, then on the 30th battery everything was different.

It was impossible to renew the installation of MB-2-12 after the war.

There were no others like them in stock.

A look at the director of the shooting house and Lyubimivka from Dahu Vezhi No. 1. 1977 the townsfolk still remembered the fate, as when shooting with a head caliber, the glass towers were flying.

From the left you can see the armored visor of the working place of the horizontal turret guide.

On the Voroshilovsky battery this opens on a daily basis.

In front of the vezha you can see a specially concreted maidan, so that when shooting the fence, the saw does not rise to remove the mask.

Armored visor of the vezha commander, in the background vezha No. 1

The armored visor of the commander of the Voroshilov battery has a different design, although it was rebuilt in the same place.

Samostril on Dahu Vezhi

View of the tower No. 2 from the view of the Tower No. 1

I was lucky enough to have a chance to ride the world’s most popular carousel.

True, no matter how hard it was, it didn’t work out to take a photo, even if you’re in the middle of the tower, it turns around, and you need to call.

And I took the vertical guidance axis of the right stovug from another plant.

And I took the vertical guidance axis of the right stovug from another plant.

To speak a rare shot of the old man No. 2. That’s right, if the hedge comes to life, everything will be in the middle.

Tower No. 1. There in the filthy camp, the bottom tower No. 2 and in the middle of it I am not.

Bashta No. 1. At first glance, the armor of the anitrokha is no less than that of the Voroshilov battery
Tower No. 1, guard tower and winch for cleaning equipment, tower No. 2

During the post-war period, the division's warehouse included two 305-mm tanks and an 8-mm anti-aircraft battery (57-mm guns of the "S-60" type) and an anti-aircraft machine gun installation.

The anti-aircraft battery was previously located on the height of the battery command post (visible on the right side of the photograph).

Narasi has lost only one harmata, which is being considered as an exhibit.

Bashta No. 1

View from the fire position on Lyubimivka

Negative evidence of the Russian-Japanese conflict back in 1905. The Russian command came to the conclusion that an armored coastal battery was needed.

General and composer Ts.A.

Having developed the project and chosen the location of the village of Lyubimivka, we pay attention to the clock.

Life began in 1912, when the smell of gunpowder from the First Light was already in the air.

However, the acquisition of the defense complex is not a literal one.

It turned out that wine is not so needed on the Black Sea.

The Russian fleet was absolutely dominant in its waters and there were no “reckless” warlike naval commanders who would risk stumbling towards the dirty Sevastopol.
As a legacy, harmonized with a caliber of 305 mm, designated for the battery in Lyubimivtsi, 1915 rub. sent to Petrograd.

17 chervenya 1942 r. The "thirty" appeared to be completely blocked, and that day it had the highest amount of ammunition.

Then the firemen filled the fire with metal blanks for practice shooting.

If such a “fool” blew up a German tank, I began to attack again.

Then the battery was shaken up in the heat of the moment, with blank charges - jets of powder gases at a temperature of +300 degrees worked smoothly.
Once the enemy broke through in position, the remaining defenders lost their strength and new guidance devices.

Behind them came a clearing in the passages of underground fortifications with flamethrowers, a vibrator and blasting streams.

The entire 30th battery of Sevastopol was buried by the enemy for about 26 rubles, several days before the fall.

It’s noticeable that a German was in command the whole time.

How to get to the center of Sevastopol?

You can get here by public transport only from the Pivnichna bus station or .

Choose minibuses No. 36, 42, 45, 47 and 51. Get off at either the Vodokanal or Radgosp im.


  • On the car, you can independently reach the battery on the car like this:
  • Contacts and excursions
  • Addresses: Batareina street, Pivnichna Storona, Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia.

GPS coordinates: 44.663792, 33.559225.

Excursions: please contact the administration. Crimea has always been an important point on the map of Russia and the Black Sea.

Important ship units with 30 batteries are constantly lurking behind the shore of Lyubimivka, encouraging the unfavorable guests to leave Sevastopol. Finally, we present a video tour of this glorious place - Fort Maxim Gorky, welcome back! 30-a Bashtova coastal battery - one of the most important fortifications of the coastal defense of the Main Base of the Black Sea Fleet. It was born in 1913. on the high Alkadar (near the village of Lyubimivka) behind the military project. engineer general N.A. Buynitsky.

The beginning is small number 26. In 1915 the birth was added. Extracted from 1928-1934 for the project “Vijsk”. was part of the warehouse of the 1st adjacent artillery division of the coastal defense of the Main Base of the Black Sea Fleet, being the most current and well-prepared battery. Persha boyova strilyanina 30 B.B. V

defense of Sevastopol 1941-1942 was carried out on November 1, 1941 by parts of the German Ziegler group in the area of ​​Alma station (nine Poshtove). For two months of combat operations, 30 B.B. completed 1238 shots, which led to the constant wear and tear of the army. U sіchen.-fierce. 1942 by the workers of the Leningrad plant"Bilshovik" , Artillery Repair Plant No. 1127 of the Black Sea Fleet (brigadiers S.I. Prokuda and I. Sichka), with a special warehouse of batteries with a length of 16 dib, there was no analogue to the world practice of robots from replacing harmonic barrels in with over 50 tons of skins, without a special crane possession and less than 1.5 km from the front line. Getting ready for spring 1942 before the final assault on Sevastopol and understanding all the importance "Fort Maxim Gorky - I"(German name of the battery) in the defense system, the enemy is in the middle to fight 30 B.B.

Moreover, after the 17th century and the war went well, the German troops (213th Infantry Regiment of the 132nd Infantry Division, two battalions of the 132nd Sapper Regiment and the 1st Battalion of the 173rd th engineer regiment) to the result Days were able to drain the battery.

This special warehouse together with some of the fighters and commanders of the 95th SD, which defended itself in the region of Lyubimivka, fighting in underground disputes for even more years, repeatedly tried to break out of isolation. Preventing the destruction of the battery's supports, the German sappers hammered away at the middle of the already destroyed walls. The fire began to burn in the hearth. Most of the people who were present in New died. Injuries due to a recent accident and leakage of the commissar battery art. political instructor E.K. Solovyov shot himself. A group of a special warehouse in the presence of G.A. Alexander was forced to cross the road to the central post, at night on the 26th, through the drainage gallery, they came to the surface and tried to break through to the partisans, the next day, near the village of Duvankoy (nin Verkhnyosadov) was discovered and buried by the enemy. 26 German assault groups broke through the middle of the harmonic block and filled the 40 remaining soldiers. In 1949-1954, the battery was updated (instead of the old two-armature ones, tri-armature tower units were installed "


"removed from battleship"

"removed from battleship"



