The Golden Ring of Russia. Pereslavl-Zalessky. Presentation on the topic "Pereslavl-Zalessky" Presentation on the topic Pereslavl-Zalessky

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Pereslavl-Zalessky. History. By Lake Pleshcheeva, a hundred kilometers from Moscow, lies Pereslavl-Zalessky. For a long time people settled near the lake, where the wind blew with little wind. Here 1152 rub. On the crossroads of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky fell asleep in a new place. Pereslav Kolya was rich and famous. The name of the place itself is translated from ancient Russian as “taking over the glory.” The most famous prince of Pereslavl was Alexander Nevsky, who was born in the city and later reigned in Novgorod. The people of Pereslavl did not forget the name of the great commander. On Chervonia Square, a monument was erected to Prince Alexander Nevsky by his fellow countrymen. After being annexed in 1302 to the Principality of Moscow, Pereslavl became more numerous than all the great princes and kings. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Pereslavl became a stronghold of oprichnina. The Tsar, planning to move the capital from Moscow to Vologda, saw Pereslavl as a strategic point. Nikitsky monastery, which stood along the road leading to Vologda, in 1561-1564. there are transformations on the impregnable fortress. At the beginning of the 17th century, Pereslavl-Zalessky was buried by Polish-Lithuanian interventionists, such as 1609 r. The military Skopin-Shuisky was driven from his place. At the same time, from the militias of Minin and Pozharsky, the Pereslavl people took their fate from the liberated Moscow. The end of a century of celebrations for Pereslavl is unprecedented. At 1688 r. Petro began to be on Lake Pleshcheyevo with a “powerful flotilla”, which gave birth to the Russian fleet. From all over the region, carpenters, farriers, lumberjacks, and razbers began to flock here, as they contributed to the development of crafts in the area. Today's Pereslavl, unimportant on the low level of great industrial enterprises, is losing its reserved place. A place to fill your skin with a special calm, the tranquility of narrow streets, the quiet flow of Trubezh, the upturned stones of the neat little small buildings that were spread along the offending sides of the street-river. In connection with the development of tourism, Pereslavl has become one of the most attractive places on the “Golden Circle”.

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Asked to the text: De roztashovane Misto Pereslavl-Zalessky? Who fell asleep somewhere? How do you translate the name of a place from ancient Russian language? Who was the most famous Pereslavl prince? Whose princes did their fellow countrymen erect a monument to on Chervonia Square?

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Monuments of the Goritsky Assumption Monastery in the 16th century. for Ivan Kaliti. The monastery is located at the top of the flooded shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo. You can always see your place in the area. Monuments of the 16th century. the monastery has not been preserved, the current ensemble dates back to the 17th-18th centuries.

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The most important monuments of the place are the Transfiguration Cathedral (1157). The oldest sporade of Pivnichno-Skhodnaya Russia, one of the early images of Volodymyr-Suzdal architecture. The temple is borderline simple and modest, but there is so much power and strength in it! Vin conveys his fierceness and inaccessibility. Unfortunately, the interior improvements to the temple have been wasted. Apart from that, fragments of paintings, icons, and church objects are found in the largest Moscow museums. The son and onuk of Oleksandr Nevsky was buried at the cathedral. On the square in front of the temple there is a monument to the commander. On Chervonia Square, not far from the Transfiguration Cathedral in 1585. The Church of Peter the Metropolitan was erected in honor of a prominent church leader of the 14th century. First Metropolitan of Moscow Peter. The shape of the intended temple was reduced to resemble the wooden Russian churches. Stone tented churches are very rare. To what type of temple life should the all-worldly Church of St. Basil the Blessed on Chervonia Square near Moscow.

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Monuments of the place Pereslavl High-Capacity Plant The Pereslavl High-Capacity Plant was set up in the 30s for the export of peat. This resort also serves remote villages that cannot be reached by other means of transport.

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Monuments of the place Pereslavl high-speed railway In 1989, the high-speed railway was purchased from the state from private authorities and became the only private school in Russia. In 1991, in support of the new construction of the road, a group of enthusiasts organized the Pereslavl Salvage Museum - the first in the region to preserve the salvage history of the past. A three-kilometer-long museum road leads to the olive-growing village of Talitsa, where a collection of locomotives and a rickety warehouse are located at the tracks of a small station and in the depot. Three locomotives, a number of carriages and railcars have already been repaired and are in production, other equipment is working its magic.

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Important places Mikita Stovpnik. Nikitsky Monastery. Having become familiar with the local saint Mikita Stovpnik. Mikita at that hour was greedy for his filthy glory. A drunkard, a libertine and a scrounger, he acquired a great state, being a tax collector. Having learned about the people's and prince's anger, Mikita Pishov at the monastery. There is a legend that before Mikita was tonsured, he stood for many days in the swamp, covered in mosquitoes, and lived with the earthlings on bread and water. And after such “purification” they were admitted to the monastery. Mikita perished in the hands of the angry people. According to another version, he was killed by the prince’s relatives. Already in the monastery Mikita received the gift of rejoicing. When the Chernigov prince arrived to Pereslavl to seek healing from Saint Mikiti, the saint of God did not reach the prince, but handed over his club. Having reached the club, the prince took aim.

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Monuments of the place Blue Stone A majestic boulder of an ice-covered stone, gray-blue color, lies on a snowy birch lake, not far from the mountain, which may be called Oleksandrova Mountain. Vaga stone 12 tons. For a long time, Yomu was worshiped by pagan ancestors. They made sacrifices on the stone, decorated it, and danced round dances around it. The acceptance of Christianity did not change the setting in stone. The local residents did not dare to admire the joyful saints in the lap of nature. The secular government and the Orthodox Church were seriously affected by such unnecessary behavior of the population. There was a struggle over the stone, it was buried, drowned, but to no avail. The stone turned lightly in its place. It turned out that the spring wind brought hummocks to the snowy shore of Lake Križaní, which sometimes reached the height of the double-top of the cabin. Freezing in the hummocks, the stone crumbled along with them to the shore, the docks of the ice did not push him to the shore.

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Monuments of the place Taemnitsa Lake Pleshcheevo Perlina of Russia - Lake Pleshcheeve, marvelous for its beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalisky. The lake is an ice-covered lake, this century – about 30 thousand years ago.

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Museums of History, Art and Architectural Museum-Reserve Since 1919. The Pereslavl History and Art Museum is located near the booths of the Goritsky Monastery. His collection includes unique and varied exhibits, many of which have been at exhibitions in Russia and beyond the cordon, well known to the Fahians and lovers of Russian history and culture. Among them are rare archaeological finds, first-class works of ancient Russian painting of the 15th-18th centuries, marvelous images of wood carving and wooden sculpture, jewelry art, canvases of famous artists of the 19th-20th centuries. There is no analogue to the “Petrine” collection of the museum, which collects rare speeches related to the stay of Peter I on the Pereslavl land. Here there are exhibitions of ancient Russian mysticism, Russian painting of the 18th-20th centuries, decorative-living mystique of the 16th-19th centuries, the nature of the region, including the exhibitions “For the Glory of Vitchizny”, “The Mystery of the Russian Village”, “Pereslavl at the Petrov’s Day” What time is it", " A gift to the gardens", "Masks of literary heroes" by folk artist S.I. Potapov, "Furniture and lighting fixtures of the 18th-19th centuries." ta in. On the territory of the museum, folklore and theatrical performances of holy, educational and honorable events for children and young people are held. The museum's branches include: the museum-garden "Botik of Peter I", the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Danilov Monastery, the Ganshinykh garden near the village of Gorki. (Tue - Week - W 9.00 to 17.00)

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Museums Botik of Peter I. Museum-garden. A few kilometers away from the place on Mount Gremyach, on the birch of Lake Pleshcheeva at the end of the 17th century. Petro, having begun the life of the “quiet” flotilla, laid the foundation for the Russian military and naval fleet. Until now, only one ship has survived in the entire flotilla - the boat "Fortune" (all other ships burned down in the 18th century). In 1803 r. A special booth was created, which housed an exhibition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia. From 1688 to 1693 r. Nearly 100 ships were launched near Pereslavl, among them a number of frigates, including 30 ships “Mars” and “Anna”. This is where the first Russian ships and military sailors underwent their training.

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Museums Teapot Booths Museum on the birch of Lake Pleshcheyevo opened at the linden tree in 2003 near the village. Veskov, Pereslavl district, Yaroslavl region. Principals: Andriy Vorobyov and Dmitro Nikishkin. The young boys collected over a hundred unique exhibits of copper, porcelain, cupronickel, teapots and other teapots of various shapes and purposes, which lasted until the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, as well as everything related with the tradition of drinking tea in Russia. Boxes of zucchini, zukornitsa, spoons, forks, tongs for zukru, stands, jars for preserving tea. The exposition is located near a wooden hut with Russian furniture, lovingly renovated and originally furnished.

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Praska Museums The Praska Museum, creations by collector Andriy Vorobyov with the participation of the artist Budinka, Pereslavl, was opened on June 29, 2002. The first riddle about metal dust appears in 1656 in the book of records of the queen’s gifts: “I see 5 altins from Koval’s Ivashtsi Trofimova, and for those pennies I will sacrifice the dust from the queen’s chamber.” In the collection there are 5 types of metal polishes: coal wax, which is heated using an additional object, chavunny, alcohol, electric coal sand. warmed up with baked birch vugillas. The collection includes carbon: chavunni, 11 bronze, aluminum threads; polishes, manual sanders. Russian, Polish, Belarusian.

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Museums Prask Museum One of the oldest sands in the collection of cast sands is the lion polish. One of the youngest sands is the sand that tells a whale a fortune. Prask, which is heated using an additional hotplate. Before praising, an additional 2-3 dies were applied. They can be heated and changed alternately. The processing process is uninterrupted. These were the prayers of the 16th, 19th and 20th centuries. The Museum has a number of types of such polishes: bronze, similar to a sewing machine; chavunniy similar to a telephone; bronze, which guesses the rocket. All the dust is of carnage, but of leather - a spirit of mysticism. One feels that he has been shattered forever and shattered in his soul.

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We missed it. Pereslavl embroidery Embroidery is one of the oldest and most widespread types of folk art. Many hundreds of thousands of people used embroidery to decorate various items of peasant clothing and costume. Weaving and embroidering was done by the past skin of the villagers. With great craftsmanship and relish, the women decorated homespun robes, skirts, towels, and embroidered assorted woven caps on them with linen, fleece, and seam threads, like the stinks they made from growing barnberries. The exquisite embroidery gave the woman's costume an extra-ordinary look of shabbiness. The shirt, apron, poneva, and headdress formed a single barvy ensemble. Antique embroideries are distinguished by their richness and diversity, some of them are single-colored and richly colored, some are very thin, similar to a mesh, and thick, which suggest aplomb.

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We missed it. Pereslavl embroidery The designs of Russian embroidery tend to include geometric, floral, and other architectural motifs. Due to the nature of the vezerunks, the techniques of wiconnaya and the color of folk embroidery, different regions of Russia have their own unique rice. In the last ten years, the embroidery industry has grown significantly, developing and occupying one of the first places among other artistic industries in Russia. p align="justify"> A special place in a number of enterprises that specialize in embroidery is occupied by the embroidery factory “Novyi Svit” (metro station Pereslavl-Zalessky), whose masters are not only thoroughly knowledgeable in the skills of the ancient Russian embroidery Shivannya, and it is obvious to develop this industry until 6 o'clock. All in all, Russia has a great machine production of unique embroidery on any kind of fabric.

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Build dialogues based on the given situations. Your friend said that soon there will be a bus excursion to the famous places of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Find out what you can learn on such an excursion. Do you want to visit a historical, artistic and architectural museum-reserve? Call there, find out about work days and weekends. You arrived to Pereslavl-Zalessky for two days. Talk with your friends about where you can go and go in one hour.

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Brief information about the place

By Lake Pleshcheeva, a hundred kilometers from Moscow, lies Pereslavl-Zalessky. Here 1152 rub. On the crossroads of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky fell asleep in a new place. Pereslav Kolya was rich and famous. In 1302 the place was annexed to the Principality of Moscow. At 1688 r. Petro began to be on Lake Pleshcheyevo with a “powerful flotilla”, which gave birth to the Russian fleet. A lot of people helped develop crafts in the area.

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Taemnitsa of Lake Pleshcheev

Pearl of Russia - Lake Pleshcheevo, marvelous for its beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Age is approximately 30 thousand rocks, depth 25 meters, oval shape. For a long time, in these places there were settlements of lay people and Slavs. At the bottom of the hills, on the birch of the lake, there is the famous blue stone

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Blue stone

A majestic boulder of ice-blue color, gray-blue color, lies on the snowy birch of the lake, not far from the hill that may be called Oleksandrova Mountain. Vaga – 12 tons. For a long time, Yomu was worshiped by pagan ancestors. They made sacrifices on the stone, decorated it, and danced round dances around it. There was a struggle over the stone, it was buried, drowned, but to no avail. The stone turned lightly in its place.

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Wheel of the Russian fleet

A few kilometers away from the place on Mount Gremyach, on the birch of Lake Pleshcheev, the foundation of the Russian military and naval fleet was laid. This is where the first Russian ships and military sailors underwent their training. The only ship that has survived until our time is the boat “Fortune” (all other ships burned before the 18th century). In 1803 r. A special booth was created, which housed an exhibition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia.

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Mikita Stovpnik, Mikitsky monastery

The Nikitsky monastery became the home of the local saint Mikita the Stovpnik. Mikita at that hour had gained filthy fame: a drunkard, a robber, having acquired a great camp, being a tax collector. Having learned about the wrath of the people and the prince, they went to the monastery. Before his tonsure, Mikita stood for several days in the swamp, covered in mosquitoes, and lived with the earthlings on bread and water. And after such “purification” he was admitted to the monastery. At the monastery, having taken away the gift of burning - rejoicing. Vikoristov and his gift were won by the prince.

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Pereslavl Vuzkokoliyka

The Pereslavl vuzkokoliyka was created at the 30th century for the export of peat. This resort also serves remote villages that cannot be reached by other means of transport. In 1991, the Pereslavl Saliznichny Museum was founded. A three-kilometer-long museum road leads to the olive-growing village of Talitsa, where a collection of locomotives and a rickety warehouse are located on the tracks of a small station.

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Pereslavl-Zalessky is one of the oldest places
center of Russia, which enters the warehouse of the Yaroslavl region.
The history of the place is already there, there it is
There were a lot of significant ones. It saves memory about
rich of famous people, sovereigns and
religious figures and important milestones of their formation
Russian state. Roztashovaniy u duzhe
Malovnichny locality, place and architectural
monument. This is one of the poorest places, until now
a few of the most recent images have been saved
Russian architecture.
Pereslavl is included in the tourist route
"The Golden Ring of Russia", and is rightfully respected

Important reminders
Goritsky Monastery.
Monastir foundations on the cob
XIV century, amazingly
Ivan Kalita.
Tourists and city residents
respect Uspensky Goritsky
monastir golovnim
Boat Petra 1
One ship of a quiet flotilla
Peter the Great,
save yourself
I'll call it Mav for now
"Fortune". Age of the ship - more
three hundred rocks, prote
Donina was miraculously saved.

Important reminders
Kremlin of Pereslavl
The historical center of the place, moved here by Yuri Dolgoruky in the XII
centuries, oozing with a well-preserved ring of earthen shafts
close to 8 meters. The depth of the Kremlin is 800 meters, width is 600. On this territory
A number of temples, the most important and the oldest, have been removed
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, the birth of the people of Oleksandr

Important reminders
Sadiba Ganshinih
Possible local citizen Oleksiy Ganshin lived in a small mansion in
twenty kilometers from Pereslavl. The merchant added more booths for the most part
nineteenth century. The merchant was trading at that time from the underground
organizer of the revolution and coups d'etat Volodymyr
Illich Lenin. The future leader handed over to a friend the manuscript of the book “What
This is how friends of the people fight with the Social Democrats.”
Handbook for Pochatkivtsev
revolutionaries and simply
those who doubt have been crushed into
garden Nezabarom u village
about thirty budynki burned,
He also has Ganshin’s little budinochka.

Important reminders
Metropolitan Peter's Church
The tree was planted on the cob in the 15th century. sporuda
It’s a simple fact that the church was abandoned for one hundred and sixty years. Budivlya
It became stone and there were only two tiers. In the basement version it was rebuilt
the meeting, and on the first day, divine services were held. Sporudi architecture
tent-type, the fragments at that time looked like a lot of churches. on
In the meantime, restoration work was underway. Received one from
The greatest fakhivts of Russia. For tourists, the entrance to the temple is fenced off!

Important reminders
Solensko-Kornilievska Church
The church was replaced by the Borisoglib Monastery. Staru
The monastery was built at the beginning of the thirteenth century under the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Important reminders
Monument to Oleksandr Nevsky
According to a long-standing retelling, on the territory of the Pereslavl Kremlin at 1220 r.
The great commander Oleksandr Nevsky was born. This very prince nav
fear throughout Europe, having suffered the Swedes at the Ice Battle. Cream of the monument,
There is a memorial plaque hanging on the white stone walls of the Mykilsky Cathedral.

Important reminders
Museum of Cunning and Cunning
The current vocabulary has acquired a new word “life hack”, which literally
translation means “zlami zhittya.” The younger generation has no problem, what
The fathers loved to do tricks to make it easier for them to work in the field.
The exposition to the museum will show that in Russia there lived the same “shulgas”, famous people
getting out of difficult situations.

Important reminders
Museum of Steam Locomotives
The “Zaliznichna Road” is located about twenty kilometers from the place.
Previously, there was a large peat hill here, later it was turned into
museum. The exhibition area extended for two kilometers. All exhibits
correct or victorious earlier, or more formal. Kozhen
Anyone can ride a trolley for one hundred and fifty carbovants.

Important reminders
Teapot Museum
Another private museum of Pereslavl-Zalisky. Budіlya is small,
Reminds me of my ancestors' house, in the middle is a room with a majestic structure
shelving There are dozens of exhibits on display: teapots,
samovars, saucers and much more.

Important reminders
Praska Museum
The museum will be located on Radyanskaya Street. Businessman Oleksiy Vorobyov
There’s a lot of fate involved in buying a small sporade. Having renovated the booths after the fire,
welcome to the open antique store
Having carried out repairs, the businessman imports a large quantity of various types of sands
long ago and is transforming the mansion into a museum.

Important reminders
Blue stone
The ritual reminder after the board turns blue. Dovzhina three
meters, the width is two and a half, and the weight is about twelve tons. Folds up
slate with houses to quartz. It is important to get acquainted with the shore of Lake Pleshcheev.

Important reminders
Oleksandrova Gora
The center of the place itself has grown up right here. Archaeologists
they thoroughly taught the humpbacked man his place: in the 20th century it was developed
more than a hundred excavations.

"The Golden Ring of Russia" - Uglich. Ancient churches and architectural monuments have been preserved here. Rostov the Great. The place of Kostroma was retouched and appeared to be shining. Really loving Ples Isaac Illich Levitan is a Russian artist. The obov'yazkovy attribute of the place is fineness. Founded by Prince Yaroslav Mudrim. Sergiev Posad. Here is one of the first hydroelectric power stations built on Volz - Uglichska.

“Putivnik Golden Ring” - Page 6-15 Zmіst. Volodymyr. #2 Map of the place. Travel guide “Golden Ring”. Ivano-Frankivsk. Vidavnitstvo "Exmo" (Moscow) Author: Svitlana Bogdanova (text, photo). "Golden Ring" Features of the 2nd re-show (completed). Subject structure. TOP -15, or the Author's rating of original reminders. #1.

“Golden Circle of Russia 3rd grade” - Project goals. Why is the “Golden Ring” called gold? The result of the project is a profound lesson. Main food: Map of the Golden Ring of Russia. Creative name: Vikhovny: Adopt a form of communicative culture and patriotism. In this way, the children’s horizons expand and their acquired knowledge is updated.

"Lesson in the Gold of Russia" - Pereslavl-Zalessky. Side view of the dzvinitsa. Mikyilska Church after 1720. The heart of Batkivshchyna is Moscow. Only the largest and most beautiful. Suzdal. Scheme of the Moscow Kremlin. Kripaks and vezhi of the Spaso-Efimievsky Monastery (17th century). Volodymyr. Rostov Kremlin. Ivan Kalita is the brother of Yuri, who conquered and expanded Muscovite Rus'.

“The Place of the Golden Ring of Russia” is the largest place of the Golden Ring. Kozhen has its own name. Protect the project from the presentation. The Boroshnyan and Chervon ranks were revived near Kostroma. A wonderful place on Volz. The word “lavra” means the main, most important monastery. Stand on the Volza River. Sergiev Posad is our first choice. Plіs-tupna zupinka.

“The Golden Ring in Russia” - The Museum of Wooden Architecture is simply heaven. Mykolo-Galeiska Church. Assumption Cathedral. Volodymyr is the “gate” of the “Golden Ring” of Russia. Pereslavl-Zalessky. Autorka: G. Majer??kov? Obchodn? akad?mia Trebi?ov. Cathedral of the Birth of the Virgin Mary. Dmitry's Cathedral, Volodymyr. Transfiguration Cathedral. Length – close to 1000 km.

The topic has a total of 10 presentations

Brief information about the place near Pleshcheyevo Lake, a hundred kilometers from Moscow located Pereslavl-Zalessky. Here 1152 rub. On the crossroads of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky fell asleep in a new place. Pereslav Kolya was rich and famous. In 1302, the place was annexed to the Principality of Moscow. At 1688 r. Petro began to be on Lake Pleshcheyevo with a “powerful flotilla”, which gave birth to the Russian fleet. A lot of people helped develop crafts in the area. By Lake Pleshcheeva, a hundred kilometers from Moscow, lies Pereslavl-Zalessky. Here 1152 rub. On the crossroads of trade routes, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky fell asleep in a new place. Pereslav Kolya was rich and famous. In 1302, the place was annexed to the Principality of Moscow. At 1688 r. Petro began to be on Lake Pleshcheyevo with a “powerful flotilla”, which gave birth to the Russian fleet. A lot of people helped develop crafts in the area.

The secret area of ​​Lake Pleshcheevo Pearl of Russia - Lake Pleshcheevo, marvelous for its beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Age is approximately 30 thousand rocks, depth 25 meters, oval shape. For a long time, in these places there were settlements of lay people and Slavs. At the bottom of the hills, on the birch of the lake, there is the famous blue stone Perlina of Russia - Lake Pleshcheevo, remarkable for its beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalissky. Age is approximately 30 thousand rocks, depth 25 meters, oval shape. For a long time, in these places there were settlements of lay people and Slavs. At the bottom of the hills, on the birch of the lake, there is the famous blue stone

Blue stone A majestic boulder of an ice-covered stone, gray-blue color, lies on the snowy birch of the lake, not far from the heights that ring the Oleksandrova Mountain. Vaga – 12 tons. For a long time, Yomu was worshiped by pagan ancestors. They made sacrifices on the stone, decorated it, and danced round dances around it. There was a struggle over the stone, it was buried, drowned, but to no avail. The stone turned lightly in its place. A majestic boulder of ice-blue color, gray-blue color, lies on the snowy birch of the lake, not far from the hill that may be called Oleksandrova Mountain. Vaga – 12 tons. For a long time, Yomu was worshiped by pagan ancestors. They made sacrifices on the stone, decorated it, and danced round dances around it. There was a struggle over the stone, it was buried, drowned, but to no avail. The stone turned lightly in its place.

The Wheel of the Russian Fleet Just a few kilometers away from the place on Mount Gremyach, on the birch of Lake Pleshcheev, the foundation of the Russian military-naval fleet was laid. This is where the first Russian ships and military sailors underwent their training. The only ship that has survived until our time is the boat “Fortune” (all other ships burned before the 18th century). In 1803 r. A special booth was created, which housed an exhibition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia. A few kilometers away from the place on Mount Gremyach, on the birch of Lake Pleshcheev, the foundation of the Russian military and naval fleet was laid. This is where the first Russian ships and military sailors underwent their training. The only ship that has survived until our time is the boat “Fortune” (all other ships burned before the 18th century). In 1803 r. A special booth was created, which housed an exhibition of one of the first provincial museums in Russia.

Mikita Stovpnik, Mikita Monastery Mikita Monastery became known to the local saint Mikita Stovpnik. Mikita at that hour had gained filthy fame: a drunkard, a robber, having acquired a great camp, being a tax collector. Having learned about the wrath of the people and the prince, they went to the monastery. Before his tonsure, Mikita stood for several days in the swamp, covered in mosquitoes, and lived with the earthlings on bread and water. And after such “purification” he was admitted to the monastery. At the monastery, having taken away the gift of burning - rejoicing. Vikoristov and his gift were won by the prince. The Nikitsky monastery became the home of the local saint Mikita the Stovpnik. Mikita at that hour had gained filthy fame: a drunkard, a robber, having acquired a great camp, being a tax collector. Having learned about the wrath of the people and the prince, they went to the monastery. Before his tonsure, Mikita stood for several days in the swamp, covered in mosquitoes, and lived with the earthlings on bread and water. And after such “purification” he was admitted to the monastery. At the monastery, having taken away the gift of burning - rejoicing. Vikoristov and his gift were won by the prince.

Pereslavl Vuzkokolіyka The Pereslavl Vuzkokolіyka was created in the 30s for the export of peat. This resort also serves remote villages that cannot be reached by other means of transport. In 1991, the Pereslavl Saliznichny Museum was founded. A three-kilometer-long museum road leads to the olive-growing village of Talitsa, where a collection of locomotives and a rickety warehouse are located on the tracks of a small station. The Pereslavl vuzkokoliyka was created at the 30th century for the export of peat. This resort also serves remote villages that cannot be reached by other means of transport. In 1991, the Pereslavl Saliznichny Museum was founded. A three-kilometer-long museum road leads to the olive-growing village of Talitsa, where a collection of locomotives and a rickety warehouse are located on the tracks of a small station.

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