Women's organs are called men.

Repair Golovna

Fetishism - sexual exhilaration, which is characterized by a sexual desire for various spiritual and inanimate objects, body parts and clothing elements.

Pheromoney - biologically active compounds that act as a form of chemical binding between two individuals of the same species.

The stinks appear to be special holes that are found right in the furry covers of both other creatures and people. Pheromone flows on an obvious level, triggering a sexual desire.

Frictions - pendulum-like reversible and progressive movements, which more often become a statutory member in praise of the statutory act.

The average number of frictions for a healthy person is 25-30 frictions. Frotteurism - The form of state craving has been dissolved, in which state arousal and sexual gratification reach rubs about the body of a person of pre-deceased status. Call frotteurism occurs in places where mass buying of people takes place.

Frotters - those who practice frotteurism - are called "transport squeezers" in common language. Geisha bags

- Vaginal balls for training the meat walls of the soil (including after the curtains). They are prepared from latex, medical gum, plastic or metal, and may have a displaced center of gravity, or various convexities and ribs.

Shaving - Particularly sensitive areas on the body, which may lead to sexual arousal. In men and women, the primary erogenic zones, penetrated by a mass of nerve endings, are approximately the same. Secondary

erogenic zones which can be formulated independently from a partner.

Every time, after the orgasm has been thoroughly enjoyed, you begin to do the same (for example, kiss him on the neck or stroke him on the shoulder), after about an hour a mutual relationship is created between them. Then, immediately, if “that same act” is repeated, the thought of sex immediately appears in a person’s head.

Cuff effect - Pristosuvannya pіkhvi to the human state body in front. An elastic cuff is formed at the outer third of the epidermis, practically at the entrance, causing a strong rush of blood to the venous plexus of the epidermis in this gallus and up to the cibulin of the parietum: the entrance at the outer third is swollen whine and sound strongly, strongly spluttering the member.

The cuff is a signal that the woman’s organs are adjusting to orgasm. There you go, crossing the vicinity of sperm. Ejaculation

- sexual intercourse, seeing the living room from the seed in humans, which seems to be accompanied by an orgasm.

- sexual intercourse, seeing the living room from the seed in humans, which seems to be accompanied by an orgasm. Normal ejaculation usually ends with vikid in the amount of 1.5 to 5 ml.


In the anatomy of the penis, the trace is divided into:

  1. Korin(fall asleep).
  2. Tilo(trunk), which has a cavernous body, is similar in the middle to a sponge with no internal voids, intended for a smooth filling with blood during preparation for the union.
  3. head a stately member, which covers the end of the stovbur and is covered with the tender foreskin - the thinnest skin.

At the central upper part of the head there is an opening, the so-called urethra, through which sperm is discharged. Also, the head, which contains a large number of nerves, is very sensitive to any signals that play an important role in awakened people.

In the awakened state, the penis becomes more liable for the swelling of blood and increases strength and elasticity. A painful erection is possible due to the fact that the root of the penis is made up of special pressures that can block the flow of blood in a few seconds. After completion of the act

stinks softly relax, the penis falls off and changes in size.

The head emerges from the awakened stool with softness and tenderness, which allows you to avoid injuries to the skin resulting from even active sex.

  1. Before we talk about injuries, it’s purely clear that many times more, even women, we pay attention to those who are more likely to injure themselves. may be brought to a private or permanent establishment
  2. human organ, or until the death of a person, he needs to be careful.

During the state act, two types of activity are visible:

Smegma(We all know the oil) - a visible gland of the foreskin (the fold of skin that covers the head) to ensure a change in the rubbing of the head and the unique occurrence of microtraumas.

Mastila is composed of fats and a colony of mycobacteria. The new ones are white and plastic, and soon the stench becomes bitter and develops a strong odor. Sperm(as it is known as the nasal liquid) - which consists of two warehouses: nasal plasma - a hodgepodge of the products of the activity of various hosts and spermatozoa, the pouch product of the human system and reproduction.

Scrotum The scrotum is a skin-muscle organ propagation

So, for example, for the fertilization of healthy sperm, body temperature must be two degrees lower than the original human body temperature.

Allows you to reach with the help of a unique system for maintaining the necessary temperature - so in the cold the scrotum is pressed up, and in the heat it moves away from the body as much as possible.

Abnormal development of external organs in humans Establish new standards for the development of external state bodies..

And compliance with these norms is anomalous

  1. The axis of the butts of the irregular development of the penis:
  2. Congenital - the impossibility of completely opening the head through the adult or insufficiently opening the foreskin.
  3. Getting sick threatens the development of all kinds of infections and the complete impossibility of the state act, otherwise it is diagnosed in the first stages of the child’s life and is successfully treated either with a right or with additional surgical intervention. Congenital absence of the penis or anomalies in the development of any of its parts, including the absence of the head, as well as the destruction of the integrity of the stovug (removal from the body, for example, or bifurcation). Ectopia of the penis (also known as micropenis) is a developmental anomaly in which the penis grows up to one or two centimeters, and the length in the active state does not increase more than 3-4 centimeters, so it is natural to work article of life absolutely awkward.
  4. Many people worry about the size of their organs and deliberately call them small, although, according to global medical standards, they are normal,
    average size and will not require additional water.- anomaly in the development of the urethra (open where the cut comes out). The anomaly lies in the fact that the opening of the urethra can become distended in a place that cannot be touched by the human body, for example, on the scrotum. Disparities are spreading.

Mostly surgeons like the world,


, so that

A doctor who can examine and identify illnesses, pathologies and anomalies of human organs (inflammation, infections, congenital diseases, etc.) and in most cases can carry out self-treatment, medical specialties of patients – andrologist.

You may notice that both men and women have illnesses that are not present in the same way as in women.

The little one can clearly see Bud's system of human organs in a section:

Scroll down to read a description of what the internal organs of the human body are, according to physiology.

For the harmonious functioning of the human reproductive system, the participation of both external and internal organs is required. What should the internal organs of the human body include?

Internal organs are divided into

: testicle, seminal veins, anterior duct, vernal cord and prostate.

This report will look at the peculiarities of the work of the skin and these organs. Yaechka


(Egg) - this is a hanging plant, which indicates the formation of spermatozoa and the release of the hormone testosterone into the blood, which indicates the state of human arousal. The size of the egg in the middle ranges from four to six centimeters..

The place where the testicles are removed is the scrotum, where the testicles are separated by a special membrane (a visible suture on the scrotum). What is normal is that the eggs may vary in size or spread out at different heights. Egg, perhaps, the most extensive organ of the human statistic system So,

for example, overheating is strictly contraindicated for them

aje too much

high temperature

interferes with sperm development. The norm for hot work is a temperature that does not exceed 32-33 degrees..

The scrotum is responsible for regulating temperature, otherwise it may not be able to cope with tasks, such as, for example, a person taking hot baths, doing a sedentary job, or wearing extremely white clothes that are tight. This way of living can lead to infertility and erection problems.

Nasinny canal The nasal canal - tse organ, purpose for draining the testicle with blood and removing it from the new life

A pair of sinuous nasal tubules emerge from the epididymis

The filling is no more than 9 centimeters, the filling is lined with epithelium around the balls.- these are special ducts that drain the nasal cavity from the ducts to the appendage.

These are two organs, the skin of the widow is close to five meters, intended for the production of sperm.

Beginning at the epididymis, they pass through the odorant canals and join the renal vasculature, which, having passed through the anterior ovary, ends in the posterior part of the ovum.
The fluid flow of the spring along the flow of the mighty, short-lived flow that awaits orgasm.

At the peak, the sperm is quickly absorbed into the urethra, at the moment of ejaculation.

Prostate Peredmihurova zalozha (prostate) - tse single organ

through which the urethra passes, which indicates the production of secretions, which is an important storage area of ​​the urinary system. Zovni Peredmikhurova Zaloz Recalls a capsule made of thick spring fabric.

In the middle, it is filled with vine tissue, whose vines vibrate a secret that is brought into the anterior part of the plant to help shorten the smooth flesh of the vine during the hour of ejaculation. The secret of the call looks like the darkness of the land white color

, is intended for diluting sperm and ensuring smooth passage through their ducts.

Also, an increase in the quantity of natural fluid will ensure sexual intercourse and a vivid orgasm.

The surface of the prostate is formed at the time of completion of state maturation in the human body, then its growth and development begin. More one small, but important organ - the nasal bulbs - the guys' buds,

are responsible for the secretion of protein and fructose.

This increase to the present day is necessary to saturate the sperm with energy and increase their chance of reaching the female egg.

Abnormal development and illness of internal organs in humans

  1. If abnormal developments of the external organs lead to the impossibility of the human body, then any changes to the internal parts of the human body will lead to the fertilization of non-viable sperm, and, obviously, to the failure I'm coming.
  2. The causes of damage to internal organs can be different:
  3. Congenital or acquired as a result of surgery, the presence of one or two cells.
  4. - Illness, in which one or two testicles did not descend into the scrotum, but were lost in the cervix or in the groin.
  5. Injuries to the groin that led to the destruction of the robot’s testicles or rupture of the genital duct.
  6. Ignition processes caused by venereal diseases.
  7. Inherits from inflammation caused by the remaining stages of hemorrhoids, prostate cancer and urethra.

Only strong work of both external and internal human organs will ensure the possibility of clear functioning of the entire organ.

Destruction in the work of one of the organs, illness or serious work on one’s body can lead to infertility or complete impossibility of the statutory act.

A short video on the topic of the structure of the internal and external human organs: find out what the functions of the body are and how the reproductive system is controlled

The large and small lips, the pubis, the anterior flange and the anterior cibulin can be seen in the female pubic area.

The pubis is strengthened by pelvic sulci along the spine, and by the pubic sulcus along the abdominal area.

It covers the hair so that it goes onto the large lips.

This galus also has a good apology for the axillary fat ball.

Between the great stately lips there are small stately lips.

Their front ends caress the clitoris, create the labia, and the rear ends create the frenulum of the lips.

The clitoris rubs the body, the leg, the head and the foreskin.

It has a thick fibrous protein membrane.

And the skin that covers him is rich in sensitive nerve endings.

The front lips are the space between the small, stately lips.

The uterus is located in the pelvic area.

The central fleshy organ is pear-shaped.

The body, the neck and the isthmus that lies between them are divided.

The cervix is ​​filled with a lot of tissue, where you can see viscous, thick mucus. Vaughn removes the Christeller plug, which closes the lumen of the cervical canal. The uterine or fallopian tube is a male tubular organ.

It absorbs the released egg into the empty uterus from the ovary.

The hymen is a tubular organ surrounded by the cervix and unoccupied hymen (or surplus).

Its depth is 8-10 cm, and its width is 2-3 cm. Instead, the smell is bluish in color and has a specific smell.

These visions have bactericidal power, which helps to remove lactic acid.


female organism

a lot of similar things;

The main thing is their responsibility - these are the state organs behind which, more powerfully, they separate a boy from a girl immediately after their marriage.

The state system is also called reproductive, which means “which produces offspring,” as well as the main production of human organs - healthy children.

The remaining ripening of the organs and plantings lasts until approximately 18 days.

Zhinocha state system The female organs are divided into external (vulva) and internal. All necessary daily speeches will be present.

Humans also have milk bumps, but the stink is not to blame.

Cholovic state system

The external organs of the human body are the penis or penis, and the scrotum, in the middle of which there is a testicle.

Before the internal organs there are the anterior organs, nasal bulbs, eggs and appendages.

Cholovic state system

The penis is composed of a special elastic labial tissue (corpus versicolor), which can be filled with blood, as a result of which the organ increases in size.

Such a state is called an erection, as a result of the necessary amendment of a statutory act.

Human State Organs

The testicles grow in the scrotum unevenly - sperm require a temperature two degrees lower than body temperature.

In a 10-year-old boy, the egg value is 1 g, in a 14-16 year old - about 7 g, and in an adult - 25-30 g.

The eggs begin to vibrate human hormones, and the human cells – spermatozoa – begin to develop.

Maturation of spermatozoa occurs in the epididymis.

Then the statues of the walls are squandered from the natural bulbs, mixing with the real life, which maintains its originality until it becomes dense.

The amount that comes out is called sperm.

Here are the findings among respondents with children of different ages: as a rule, people who have minor children are happier (84%), less happy than those whose children have reached adulthood (74%).

The sperm consists of a head, a middle part and a tail, and moves through each vein.