You can teach daddy. Wicked parrots can talk about what? Easy ways to teach papuha to speak.

The fluffy papues are one of the most impressive sights in the building. For opportunities to learn people's words, they don't do anything but Jaco's scarlet tail.

If you want to learn to speak your own praise, singsongly, everything will be done, smut to finish the sequence and do not miss the moment to take the cob, the shards of the ideal age for these purposes in birds are 1.5-2 months.

Read in your books how to make a room safe for your bird, get a game room and make it so that your bird comes out every day. Since you don’t have time for one-on-one training, take your family’s birds to work around the house. Talk to him and let him sit for a while, de vin can help people who come and go.

To give respect, that I am guilty of knowing myself for safety, and that I am not in the center of the city, I am not guilty of a series of stretches, and in the kitchen, Imovirno, too much toxic fumes for a new one. Bagato hacks never say muddy. If you make this purchase, you care that you speak kindly about the bird, you do not praise the wise decision.

Another important mind is to buy a good education, a prote for which you need a singing part of the spring. But do you believe in your sagging daddy? How about?

Trochs about zdіbnostі before talking

Wicked daddies everything without a blame can do good vibes to imitate sounds. Like a lot of other mockingbirds, the stench will remember up to 1000 different sounds and can make them sound like a special voice.

There are a lot of good bases, African birds are one of the best, and not all birds are smart enough to say “human”. Zupinіt and think, first bring your bird home, because this bird no longer whistles, calls out to the birds and shouts at the svitanka and in the day, do you still love yoga? If you say “n”, then it won’t turn out for you.

If you don’t like noise, make a short, fusible guard, you can’t pull your bird out of the cage for one or two years, don’t like yoga so much, you don’t change wine, think girls, first bring Hook-dim. Tse dowshe, nizh most of us є children-utrimantsi booth. Smart, grayish, untidy, beautiful, hooting birds merit on the best, what we can give them, and stink to turn richer!

However, it is necessary to respect that the pugnacious parrots are not informed to speak, but rather repeat the words. Prote іnodi sip at the apple, with which they cry out a sea of ​​positive emotions.

I have a thought, that the males of a young woman should learn to roam, prote, a lot of females are ready to compete, that this girl should not speak louder for any kind of healthy lad. He will drink on males for the same reason, but the technique of learning is the same, like a male, like a female.

Day and night balakati there is nothing! Vchi tell lies that evening!

Find out about the behavior of birds. Tina Mishke, expert in consultations on farming and pir'ya, lived in Pivnichniy California and May 40 years to see creatures. In the beginning, the parrots-parrots are worried, as if they go far beyond the inter-royal value of the parrots, as they can speak and work tricks. Navchannya zmіtsnit zv'yazok for your daddy, which s intolerant chekatim of respect, like to join for individual employment especially if success means a lot of praise and respect for the order of beloved satisfaction.


In order to teach a frail parrot to move, it is necessary to create a bird of all mind for him. There are not a few minds, for that it is necessary to work everything positively. The most pleasant week is 35-40 days.

Tobto, like only a bird has learned to live independently, it is necessary to start taking care of it. Dosit often dosvіdchenі ptahіvniki s method to teach the male the first words, take yoga for a few days to the villota from the nest, tame it to the hands and bring it down piece by piece, prote tse vimagaє special skills that mind.

In addition, navchannya deakim simple commands to ease the care of your father. Keep yoga positive. The key to learning your father is to encourage positive interaction. Three concepts provide the basis for the study of parrots.

How long do you need to read a daddy?

As you get closer to the training, you can help to improve the positive result of the training. Train only once, if you are relaxed. A positive start will require patience! Choose an hour, if your bird is respectful and do not go to work, re-examine or home work. Parts, but short training, as a rule, are more effective. Dekilka khvilin at a time, kilka once a day, good practice. Choose to love the city. End the skin session on a positive note. Check for a successful test or, accept, for a good test for those who are trying, give satisfaction and go on to something else.

Preparation of minds for feathered learning

I have a little bit of minds, which your father can have rooms for a successful passage of the course "Young Balakun":

  • presence of birds by state;
  • oversized cage;
  • the presence of "sharpness" in the dwelling;
  • completely trust the master.

It’s easier for the shards of the praised parrots to hear the sounds of other birds, lower human mov, then other parrots will be at the front. If you want to learn how to speak quickly to your feathered friend, then isolate yoga.

Keep the training optimistic and fun for your bird. Even the basic instruction: crochet forward and croc down. You were guilty of choosing only two words, so that you could teach your father, it would be enough to choose the same. Tse means that the parrot is guilty of activating the command with a finger or a wrist, and then we will start again. It is evidently simple and super-important for the newcomers. Pretty much - to finish the natural ruh for the bird, which, as a rule, is easy to learn after the command. Taking away your bird, to activate and drink at the insertion, ask for a workaround and help to establish deeds for your bird.

Also, special respect needs to be added to the mission, de bude "study". In order to tame the bird and give the ability to learn to speak, the clitina is to blame for the mother of small roses.

Such a professional pidkhid is explained by the fact that a whistleblower can occupy a unique place, hovering at the far end of the cellar.

How do you have a baby bird, wine or out, ymovirno, dosit cooperatively, but start s early century for the help of the commands “uphill” and “downward”, like before, it’s a good idea. Not only that, the training of a cooperative child allows you to give a lot of positive reinforcement, but it creates a good basis for training your bird in the future.

If your parrot is tame, he will move on your hand and snuggle up to you from time to time. In the course of time you can remember that your feathered companion is swollen with pir'yam shiї and shaved his head. If you traplyatsya, your parrot ask the beloved wihavantsa chi podryapiny v_ you. Tse miraculous showing whimsicality, which for deyaks is not easy. Deyakі papugi vagayutsya to human dotik, іnshі participants are ready. The greater number of parrots will, so that their feasts begin to roll over the crossed rush, or against the straight line, like the stench grows.

To the one who lives less than a bird, then it is more alive to see all the necessary things of the beginning. Maximum expansion wedges for parrots 40x30x20 cm.

In the presence of no one, without squeezing the posture of the client, ale obov'yazkovoy umovoy for the other, the handy bird.

The clerk may have the first two months of the next two months of the same subjects. Toys, goydalki, and especially mirrors, strongly encourage a feathered friend to occupy, reduce its concentration on the poochal.

As a rule, a parrot does not like pestiti out of the blue. When dotik and caress your bird, obov'yazkovo unique shkіri, dotik before it can call out razdratuvannya tsієї area. If your father loves you, if you start pestiting your father, you will fall from place to place.

With the improvements of what has been said, it's an hour, if you remember that your parrot love will be destroyed at the straight line of his growing pen. Tse v_dbuvaєtsya under the hour of linen. It is super important to know the krevene pir'ya and tongs. Remember that tse pir'ya avenge bloodshed and is more sensitive. However, know the hour to change your mind, that your parrot will enjoy the dot; you can understand that it is easy to tolerate your contact, and you are guilty of pestiting at that hour.

Birds cannot recognize themselves in a mirror, to that they perceive their own image in a different person, with some kind of obligatory language. That klitin for the future balakun is needed in the "Spartan" style: poles, anniversaries and a napkin.

It is also necessary to reach out and come in safely. Whether it’s some kind of unbearable croc, your tandem can help you trust and start everything anew. Therefore, in the first few days, do not let the papas out of the closets, so like the wines from the stars you can’t quickly look out in the open, you can fight about windows, walls, and mirrors.


The big daddy is respected for better, so that the villagers would be hooted and smooth. Ochnі kіltsya Tales and pіdloіtniki inflate and the beast on the tail Deyaki nіzdrі Code under wings. Gently tugging at the pir'ya, you take away the attention for the parrot. Under the hour of the process, carefully trim the pen to the shaft and stick your fingers up the hill at the straight tip of the pen. Tse m'yake vytyaguvannya that forging of fingers can help new blood pir'yam.

In any mood, your parrot will show obvious signs of satisfaction, as if you will enjoy your happy session. Vіn pushime pіr'yam, de vin take the dot and swindle to your hand. Your bird can squash eyes and corn; Your parrot will be left as early as before, or maybe it will change from hour to hour, so that you can move to another region for affection. As soon as you stop pestiling your parrot, the new one will show signs of good fortune and happiness. Qi symbols can be included.

Always be in order, letting out praise. Even more often they trapleyetsya, that the parrots clog at the gap between the furniture and the wall, which can severely injure the bird or lead to its death.

Yearn for the papa only in a clit: you should inculcate yoga before you need to turn around in the same place. If you don’t go to your donkey for a long time, then in the only safe way you will turn off the light, take it in your hands and put it in a cage.

  • Strushuvannya or vytyaguvannya pir'ya.
  • Stretching krill.
  • Perforating pir'ya.
  • Turn shafts.
  • Nibi at the trans.
It is clear to everyone that the parrots are connected with their sergeant-major, who kimos at her. Deyakі papugi can zv'azuvatis z more nіzh odnієyu people, but zdebіlsh stink choose one vlasnik and po'yazyuyut іz them specifically. Tse is absolutely normal rich. However, if a parrot can become tied up to one hairdresser, then they really show aggressive tendencies to other people at home.

І only a little bit after that vmikati light. Tsya cunning will help you save your trust, as it is so easy to indulge in careless behavior.

Croc the first - taming

It is necessary to start learning to move the sagging papa from the first taming. Ptah, ready to learn to speak, is guilty again to trust the hairdresser, but on the same day you can drink a precious hour.

This type of behavior is called communication. If there are more fluent connections, blaming impersonal problems from behavior, they can blame them all at once. You will need to use methods to get past the glue, and as it turns out, you will need methods to solve problems. Usunennya gluing is not accompanied by one deed. It is possible that you happen to have a sprat different methods, Until you know a correcting method, which will be practiced without making your bird more aggressive.

So, don’t try to take the daddy in your hands, stroke it, don’t put your fingers in the clitina and try to make the conversation to a minimum. As a rule, on the very cob of the ear, the whips are already turbulent and thrown into the cloisters, the docks do not ring until the situation.

So that you don’t make your own wiggle and don’t complicate the process of starting, try not to go into the room abruptly, don’t shout and don’t create sharp rukhiv in the process of cleaning the clitin.

How to learn rose parrots of different breeds

The axis of a sprinkling of speeches, as you can try, as if you suspect that your bandage is your father. Regardless of the fact that, like a bird attacking any one, it is guilty of negainoly turning to its clitina for an hour to calm down. Natomist, for example, something that is especially not worthy of a bird, let these people give papules a salt. Tse bude turn on the bathing and lighting, or simply turn the bird to its clitin. Parents love to be in the posture of their clitin, and they happen to take actions to vibrate from their clitin.

Sufficiently calmly and smoothly fill the water and enter the safe wake. Ring out, for a few days the birds will already ring out again in new minds, start to eat without anxiety and ready to collapse far away.

The next stage - take it to the hands. The technique is the same - it is necessary to carefully give an understanding of praise, that the hand does not carry any harm. Stretch out your finger and like a whistleblower you can step on a new one in a clitz - you are ready to learn to speak.

It is necessary for you, if you please, not to be tied from a bird, poking your hand. The stench is to blame for the robit of a proper and non-aggressive rank, so that the birds do not threaten. Zreshtoy, ptah know, that mother has a chance to get out of her own cells, only as if we were holding someone else's hand.

It's a fact that the parrots call out for one person. It is not to blame for the fact that there are no attachments to one person, that she is aggressive in terms of age to others. Just like your daddy shows himself according to the age before the behavior, you can get used to coming in for the solution of the problem. Mayte on uvazі, scho vimagatime hour and patience, but the problem can be corrected.

Krok is different - first words

You don’t need to put a lot of money on education. You can only judge about the steps of the building of a sagging parrot, if you more often inherit your intonation and your timbre of voice. This is the first sign that the whistle-axe will say his first words. And before that, smut regularity and consistency.

Yakby could tell us everything about those to whom we love parrots, more for everything, you don’t have to speak. Let's lay the miracle at the rose with the bird, and then we'll feel like we're roaming. Obviously, there are thousands of other reasons to love loyal, nutritious and funny birds, but you can say better for everything, you can say everything, what can you say about your parrots.

The problem with the new vlasniks of the parrots is that they don’t know how to teach their parrot to speak. The stench will be clear that the birds themselves will twist the mustache. Let's sweat, if the parrot doesn't start talking, the stench will get embarrassed. If you are the new ruler of the bird, then remember that you can teach your father to speak without resentment, which you will accept correct pidhid to new.

The more often you talk to your Vikhovanian, the better. Bazhano spend time with a bird in the morning, if you are hungry and for the joy of viconuvatim everything to eat food. The first words can be the same, or better, start with your name.

To speak to your feathered friend is necessary affectionately and calmly. At the same time, do not allow teasing in your voice when talking to him, shards of praise can easily forget rudeness and can do it for an hour. Do not overtime the lesson - sound no more than 15-20 whilins at a time. Always praise the bird for the sake of being busy.

In order to teach a daddy to say a single word, you need close to a thousand repetitions. Ale next vrahovuvat y vіk. Young birds in 2-3 months are less likely to pick up and remember, and the building of the stench appears until 5-6 months of age.

To the fact that your feathered friend after 3-5 days has not yet learned to speak, then the reason, obviously, is that he is too young for him.

Another one Dive method learn to speak papugu, which allows you to truly save the hour and zusilla - so write down the words in an accessible way and make it last for a long time. After a short pause, about 2-3 years, start the recording again.

And so a sprat once a day. However, respectfully, what to teach for help only technical aids it is difficult to milk young parrots.

What are the results?

The more often a poultry farmer speaks with his Vikhovanian, the more often a whistleblower becomes tame and begins to speak. You can make contact yourself, intercede with the ruler, try to vibrate from the cell and the system on your shoulder.

In the course of time, papazhok's diction is improved, and if you know more words, then it is easier for you to be given this way.

At rich budinkas live beautifully, zhvavі birds with stringy feathers - wimpy daddies. The stench pierces the hearts with its lifelike character, restlessness and energy. Suspіlstvі such a birdie will not get confused and nudguvati for sure. Oskelki everyone knows that the papushkas of the building marvelously copy language and sounds, practically the gentleman helps the bird to learn to speak. It’s not for everyone to go out, for that, in order to achieve the result, it’s necessary to know the rules, so you can see the video clip in this article.

The middle of us ptahіv-smіshnіkіv zdatnіst up to rozmovi more pronounced in males, lower in females. You can also learn the human movement of females, but you can remember the stench no more than 10-20 words. To that team, who wants to take up the job of a sagging daddy, it is recommended to choose a lad.

It is necessary to bathe the bird in the country for 35-50 days for the people. At this hour, the papas already fill up the father's nest and eat on their own. A lot of lovers of birds, for a long time they have been engaged in breeding and breeding fawning parrots, vvazhayut that the result of breeding can be better, like taking a bird for a sprat of days before the villota from the nest. When tsimu yogo happen self-arrange with a spoon.

Wash the morning bird, what is learned

The first step is to proceed before the start, papuzhtsі it is necessary to create a comfortable mind for the morning, de vine is guilty of adapting for a long time.

Choose and own a cell for the sagging daddy Bazhano in line with the following recommendations:

In the first days, so that you don’t make a papuka, practice and take yoga on hand is not recommended. So that the fluffy daddy will sound more to new minds and people, it’s necessary to go to the yogo cell and speak with a calm voice. As if the birds were instructed to be turbulent when necessary, then the first few days of turbulence are not required.

Sound for a few days, the feathers will become more adaptable, stop whining, fluttering on the clitin, and begin to watch over the people and the navkolyshnim otchennyam. During this period, you can begin to walk in a prayer and speak with a parrot in a calm voice. At the first time, the next thing was to move primly, as if having taken off the wimpy daddy.

How do you say a shabby parrot?

Navchannya papugi movi - the process of tsіkaviy and tsіkaviy, ale to finish trivalium. For 5 hvilin, learn to say the bird is not viide. Necessary patience, constant presence and respect.

As soon as the fluffy parrot calls to a new situation, you can proceed to the beginning of yoga, ending up with the current rules:

So you don’t have to spend a special hour on the head of the parrot, you can catch a bird with a bird put in the room chi in the kitchen, and say to him the words that are learned in the process of preparation, cleaning up any other household inquiries.

Chi can you learn to say a daddy in a day?

Starting hour sloppy daddy to lie in the sight of the individual characteristics of birds. Feathered vikhovanets can appear more povіlny, navpak, spritnym. I’ve become a wicked dynamic, as if I’m already persevering for the parrot to listen to the words, it’s just that it’s more likely to spit out the dzhob or to inspire the sound of rosem with a sound. If already the first day the birds are trying to make sounds, then she has talent, and you can boldly continue learning.

Most often roam parrots start in 3-5 months on the cob. Only after 2-3 months, the feathered vikhovanets will say the first word. Dali navchannya pide rich swidshe.

How to understand that training is carried out correctly?

Shards learn the roses of papugi - on the right is a foreigner, sometimes it’s impossible to understand - why is everything right to rob the master, and why will the little bird talk without a bar? You are definitely conducting the lessons correctly, as your vihovanets act like this:

  1. Take an hour to respectfully marvel at you.
  2. Hearing you respectfully, fluffing up the pir'ya and closing your eyes.
  3. Start biting and biting, just like you stop talking.
  4. He flies himself, sits on his finger and begins to marvel at his mouth.
  5. Beginning to make new, unimaginable sounds.

You can talk to the shabby parrot, however, price process, like a vimage for an hour that affectionate setting up to a feathered wiggle. And a lot of words, as if you will be in the future in the birds, lie down in the middle due to your diligence and patience.

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