I want to register a company.


How can I independently register a TOV in 2018?

What package of documents is required to open a company?

What to do after registering a TOV?

Hello, friends.

This is Oleksandr Berezhnov.

Today there is information about the registration of TOV.

This topic is relevant both for start-up entrepreneurs and for those who are already running their own business.

In one of my previous articles, I published “”, but many readers of our business magazine had a need for a clear article about the development of TOV.

During the preparation of this article, I consulted with knowledgeable lawyers to ensure that the information they provided was up to date. I wish you productive development of materials and kind tax inspectors :)

1. What is TOV and when should you open it? From now on I will give the meaning of the organizational and legal form of doing business.

Then we will find out who will be eligible for the partnership with an interchangeable liability (LLC). Partnership with interconnected division(official short name - TOV) - government partnership (firm, company), founded (created) by one or more legal entities and/or individuals.

Statutory capital of TOV

divided into parts according to the contribution of each of the participants (principals).



Partnerships with interconnected activities do not represent their duties and bear the risk of surpluses associated with the activities of the partnership, between their respective shares and the statutory capital of the partnership.

Features of activity of TOV

1. A TOV can be opened by either one person (the so-called TOV with a single director) or by many individuals (co-founders)

Therefore, all types of activities involved in registering a partnership are nothing but tools, with the help of which you earn money.

4. The main regulatory document for the conduct of activities of the LLC is its Statute

This is a binding document, which is submitted before the tax order when registering a TOV.

You can read the report on the Statute

5. TOV can be sold or bought as a company

For example, if you want to sell your business (part of the business), you can contact a professional business appraiser and withdraw your interest based on the market value of your product.

If, however, you want to buy a business (a share from a business), you will only need to buy the entire estate or part of it from as many principals and withdraw the profits according to the size of your share.

If you are a sole proprietor, if you are an individual entrepreneur, you will not be able to sell your business as a company.

It is also not possible to buy a business in the form of an individual enterprise.

You can buy, for example, possessions, inviolability, transport or goods in IP, as a private person.

So it is on the right and with the sale of business in an individual entrepreneur.

6. TOV has various functions, for example, as an individual entrepreneur (individual enterprise)

TOV may be legally named and not subject to any restrictions on carrying out commercial activities (subject to licenses and permissions).

The husbandry also pays higher taxes, lower IP.

  • It is more difficult to maintain the accounting of a partnership, but also for a limited liability company there are more fines, taxes, tax liability, and less for an individual entrepreneur.
  • These are the main points you need to know before registering your TOV.
  • In some cases it is better to open the TOV:
  • What do you want to do?

purchases or take part in tenders (quotations).

Once you have registered a TOV, you will have much less risk of losing it to the Borg.

2. Package of documents for registering a TOV

If you wanted to independently open a LLC, then for registration you will need the following documents:

  1. Trans-Galno-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (ZKVED - 2018)
  2. Application form No. R 11001
  3. Decisions of the leaders about the creation of TOV
  4. TOV Statute
  5. The receipt for the payment is kept for the registration of the LLC.
  6. For now, the fee for registering a TOV is 4,000 rubles.
    However, be careful that it can increase up to 6,500 rubles. The payment document form can be generated on the official website of the Federal Tax Service and paid to the bank.
  7. Statement about the transition to a simplified payment system.
  8. Respect!

You will repeat this statement only because your type of activity falls under the “forgiveness” category.

Before submitting documents, consult your accountant.

Warranty sheet from the owner of the legal address (local location of your future LLC).

Required in original.

You can obtain (rent) a legal address from companies that provide such services in your area.

A document confirming the payment of the statutory capital of the LLC (seen by the bank) or a statement from an independent appraiser confirming the presence of the necessary statutory capital contributed in a non-penny form at the time of the creation of the LLC.

  1. You can prepare these documents for registering a TOV either on your own or with the help of specialized companies that deal with the preparation of documents for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
  2. You can also prepare documents for registering a TOV free of charge through the 1C-Start online service.

To create a LLC without any problems, do not hesitate to become familiar with these laws.

It’s best to give your year or two an hour or two, then spend days correcting documents.

Term 2. Depends on the types of activities

If you have already decided what you are going to do, for example, sell household materials in bulk, then you will need to know the code of this type of activity (Zalno-Russian classifier of types of economic activity).

To do this, download it, open it and find the appropriate type of activity.

  1. Let's wonder once again what you need to earn:
  2. We fill out form No. P 11001. All data about the spouses, as well as the types of activities involved in the marriage, are entered here.
  3. We reiterate the decision of the directors regarding the creation of the LLC (bring the original document to registration).
  4. The Statute of TOV is folded (obov'yazkovo in 2 examples).
  5. We are adding a check for the registration of the TOV in the amount of 4000 rubles (original).
  6. We fill out the application for switching to a simplified payment system (if the activity on the simplified payment system is completed).
  7. We add a guarantee sheet from the owner of the legal address (authority of the location).

Check of the expert-assessor about the contribution (payment) of the statutory capital of the LLC.

After this we create documents for registration.

If you have problems filling out documents, then contact a well-known lawyer who will show you how to fill them in correctly, and also for a small fee they can easily provide you with the service “turnkey registration of TOV”.

Krok 8. Removal of documents

If the documents were completed correctly, hold.

The registrar at the tax office has accepted them and given you a receipt, then within 5 business days they will open the LLC for you.

You select the entire package of documents, including the TOV registration certificate, which you will need further to prepare the seal.

Please turn over the documents carefully!

It’s not often that people turn to numbers and data during the preparation of documents.

The human factor has not affected anyone yet.

Since everything went smoothly, you can be greeted, now you are a full-fledged ruler of the powerful company!

A few more funds have been lost in order to begin official activities.

The term of preparation by hand is from many years to 2 days for different companies.

Together with the signet, Raja immediately added ink to her.

After preparation, your friend will look something like this:

You will need a friend when signing contracts, registering agreements, and in all cases, if you recognize something in the name of your LLC.

Krok 10. Opening up the rosary shell

The TOV law is subject to a mother's rule, where the company is obliged to re-insure all the money it has withdrawn.

You can open a rose-colored shell from any bank that provides such a service.

If so, be respectful of the tariffs.

Wash everyone's minds as soon as you open the market, so follow the rules.

Some banks have a subscription fee, but here the fee is daily and you pay either a small amount for one transaction or a hundred percent per turnover.

Very important!

One well-known businessman bankrupted a bank and ended up with nearly a million rubles in the bank account!

You know that the deposits of individuals are insured by the state and once you obtain a license from the bank you need to be compensated up to 700,000 rubles.

Commercial organizations don’t care, and if you ask the bank for a license, you spend pennies on your bank account.

Therefore, open the opening for your TOV only in reliable and safe jars.

4. What to do after opening a TOV

After you have opened TOV, you must:

1.Go to the statistics section behind the company registration center

Correctly, this department is called “Territorial body of the Federal Service of State Statistics (local Moscow)” - here Moscow is taken for granted.

You will go to the statistics section for your location.

There you will be given a code, given TOV during registration.

2. Articles on oblіk to sub-budgetary funds (Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund)

Go to the FSS and Pension Fund.

So I’ll tell you everything and help you fill up your paper needs.

In this article we briefly describe the secret algorithm of actions that you need to go through in order to open a TOV from Moscow.

In this article you will also learn about cost-free and hassle-free online services for preparing documents, the option of registering goods on a turn-key basis, selecting a legal address for registering goods in Moscow, as well as about those Which tax inspectorate is responsible for registering organizations in the capital.

Methods for registering a TOV

There are two main ways to register a TOV in Moscow, each of which carries its own weight:

Cost-free registration of TOV independently

It is necessary to prepare and submit all necessary documents before the filing inspection independently.

The cost of such a procedure in this case is minimal: you only pay the state for registration - 4000 rubles.

and further payment of statutory capital (10,000 rubles) for 4 months after the registration of the LLC.

The terrible chi folding in the TSOMO is a considerable way, the Deniylki for the moment є special-alіsovanovy online online-servisi for the piddovka document, Yaki is recommended Vicoristovuvati, Schobo Uzobsadii T. WILECHITISHITIITIVITION DREAMENT.

  • For example, you can prepare a set of documents for the establishment of a TOV for just 15 euros directly on our website.
  • Paid registration of TOV turnkey
  • The price for installing a TOV in Moscow on a turnkey basis for a specialized company is based on the number of options included in this service, the main ones being:
  • submission/withdrawal of documents from the tax form without your participation;

whether you have a legal address;

retrieval of registration numbers from budgetary funds (PFR and FSS);

preparation for each other.

  • On average, in order to open a turnkey TOV in Moscow, it is necessary to purchase insurance at a price ranging from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles for all services, but without the settlement of the sovereign transfer (4,000 rubles), as well as further payment statutory capital (10,000 rubles) for 4 months after registration of TOV.
  • Necessary steps before preparing documents
  • Vibrate the compression system.

In the absolute majority of cases, merchants are subject to the simplified tax system when registering a TOV.

You can read about choosing the type of simplified tax system: 6% or 15%.

You can familiarize yourself with a complete list of supply systems for TOV, as well as their functions.

Legal addresses for registering a TOV in Moscow

The average price per square meter for renting a real office in Moscow is the best in Russia.

In connection with this, most organizations in order to save money use the service of renting a legal address for registering a TOV.

You can read the report on choosing a legal address.

Documents for registering a TOV

The list of documents for one or more founders of the LLC is becoming increasingly diverse. List for 1 principal:

  • List for 2 principals and more
  • Document completion notes
  • List of updated document attachments for the creation of a TOV
  • List for 2 principals and more

as a single founder captivate the eye).:

  • The decision of the single director of TOV in Moscow (bewitch the image).
  • TOV Statute in Moscow (zavantazhit zrazok).
  • Transfer of completed documents for the registration of the LLC
  • List of updated document attachments for the creation of a TOV
  • dekilkom by the leaders

Application for registration of a TOV in Moscow (click here).

Protocol for collecting the leaders of the TOV in Moscow (zavantazhit zrazok).

Agreement on the establishment of TOV in Moscow (zavantazhit zrazok).

Application for the transition to the simplified tax system in Moscow (zavantazhit zrazok).

At any tax register TOV in Moscow

In general, the package of documents must be submitted before the tax inspection.

In Moscow, the registration of all goods is confirmed by a single registration filing inspectorate: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for Moscow.

Term for registering a TOV in Moscow

According to the law in 2019, the term for registering a TOV is 3 business days. After the end of this hour, you must go to the Moscow Tax Inspectorate and pick up documents that confirm the fact of registration of the TOV.

Most people, beginning to be in power on the right, flock from the diet of the company, which little is known about.

In addition to the preparation of documents, the statute and the budget, there are no other nuances.

An important parameter is the authoritative friend, which is recorded in the confidential registry.

The product is round in shape, and the name of the company and registration number must be indicated.

The obligations of the new company include maintaining the accounting system, informing about how local taxes can be collected without any obligation. Another one.

An important attribute of the organization is the payment of taxes

State registration of enterprises is a long bureaucratic process, as a result of which the company receives a certificate and an identification number that must be obtained from the statistical authorities ects.

The formal procedure for registering a business

Russian legislation confirms that non-profit organizations may be subject to liability. If legal obligations are required to be assigned to the tax service, then.

Large companies can register with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation:

  • The formal order of registration consists of many stages
  • collecting all necessary documents and their preparation;
  • submission of necessary documentation to government authorities;

Obtaining a certificate about the execution of the document.

One of the remaining stages will be filing a tax filing, which is one of the most important, since violation of the rules of the declaration and the lines of its filing are reinvestigated according to the law.

Read more about the order of ship contraction of the Borg.

The balance with the accounting system is rather complicated, but it has its subtleties in the given and designed form.

All programs, such as Microsoft and 1C, can automate this process.

Documents of guilt must be drawn up as soon as possible, which are presented before them, which establishes the procedure for registering the enterprise.

It is necessary both to protect the rights of the general director and to protect the rights of the founders of a future company. Let's take some time to ease the misery, It is recommended to contact the responsible accountants who register small companies and large organizations

in commercial quantities.

Such people already have the necessary knowledge and connections that can help speed up the process.

  • Documents for business registration
  • Documents for the registration of a business, relevant for the creation of a non-public joint stock partnership and a partnership with an interim division:
  • documents that establish the factual location of the enterprise;
  • a notarized certificate of company registration;
  • Information behind the passport details about the accountant and general.
  • directors;
  • Rosstat sheet with assigned CVED codes;
  • the number of shares and their nominal price;
  • Cody KVED;
  • bank details;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the sovereign tax (dermit);

Information about the bank that plans to open the account.

Place of registration of business

Legal registration process

individuals are subject to the location of the military authority.

This information may be assigned by the principal to the application for holding. registration.

As a result of the situation, if such a body is a daily one, registration is required at the place of permanent transition to another body/individual, which secures the right to act without a power of attorney from a legal entity.


The infection lies on the shoulders of the subordinate organs, then there will be a trace to the local supply.

If you change your medical company, or if you change a legal entity.

individuals have three requests to make changes to the registration authority.

All information must be submitted to the register, and the information will be sent to the registration certificate.

Pre-existing documents and correspondence should be sent to the new address.

Information about the company's location is included in the license and patents

, as such.

Strictly speaking, the place of registration of a business is determined by geographical differences.

Type of business registration certificate

The Tax Inspectorate is actively fighting against companies whose life terms can be learned on your fingers.

Upon completion of the remaining stage, it is possible to verify the registration of the company, which is carried out by the filing inspection and by companies whose tasks include auditing activities.

Since the registration of enterprises is carried out from a single state register, the registration from the register is removed by itself, unless you first need to obtain the exact OGRN of the company.

After 5 working days, you will receive a notification that will indicate: the full legal address of the organization, the initials and nickname of the General.

directors, principals and other participants, as well as the size of the budget and other information. Ale yakscho the applicant violates the procedure for completing documents, the organization does not revoke the certificate


The decision about the vindictive revenge is a constructive reason with instructions for obvious damage.

Parts of food before business registration

What can you expect from a registered business?

Vidmova, when registering a business, the process of creating a company can be significantly delayed and cause unnecessary additional costs: the payment of notary services is held, because if a negative decision is made, it is not returned.

  • Moreover, at the stage of collecting documents, it is important to turn off all possible reasons for the cancellation, so that the creation of the company proceeds as smoothly as possible and with less material costs.
  • The main reasons may be:
  • related to incorrect documentation;

associated with the legal address;

  • associated with the founders and kerivniki. Also, the reasons for the refusal to register a company may be other inconsistencies prescribed in Art.
  • 23 Federal Law “On registration”: Incorrect organization name
  • .;
  • The name of the company can be sent to an organizational form (TOV), the name cannot be sent to a different legal form (it is not possible to name the LLC “Close the joint stock company of ficuss”). It is not allowed to use the words and similar words “federal”, “Moscow”, “Russian Federation” without special permission, and it is also not possible to use any words or phrases (bank, government partnership, etc.), since the company is not engaged in daily activities;
  • The applicant did not give time to enter information about the company to EDRYULu.

How to correctly write an application for company registration?

The application for company registration must include the following information:

  • information about the registration authority;
  • information about the organizational and legal form of the company (for example, an individual entrepreneur, open a joint-stock partnership, close a joint-stock partnership or a partnership with interconnected subordination);
  • name, legal address, number of participants of the future organization;
  • all necessary data about the applicant, statutory capital, number of affiliates, as well as other similar information.

Please note that completing the application for company registration is the right of relevant professionals.

If, at least, the slightest pardon is allowed in the process of filling out an application, it may cause Vidmova to register.

That's why the lawyers recommend that you apply for this service to highly qualified lawyers.

What is better, registering a company on your own or entrusting it to intermediaries?

When registering a company, be sure to take into account two important nuances - time and money.

It is obvious that self-registration in pennies will help to save not such great sums as people think, but you will soon waste a lot of money.

  • The cost of expenses per hour of contacting a company through intermediaries becomes close to 6,000 – 10,000 rubles.
  • The cost of self-decorating a warehouse is approximately 5,000 rubles. Money goes to:
  • Sovereign payment fee: 4,000 rubles;
  • Application for company registration: 300 - 500 rubles;

production of company seals: 500 - 1000 rubles;

invoices spent (travel, delivery of documents, etc.): 100 - 200 rubles.

When a company is established, the applicant establishes a portion of the contribution to the statutory capital, where, after completion of registration, other participants contribute portions.

The law has transferred new terms for the creation of statutory capital.

The owner must contribute his share of the statutory capital to the line specified in the agreement on the settlement (or the decision of a single owner). The maximum permissible term is 4 months

from the moment of registration.

The company is known to the address where its office is located (director, general director, etc.), i.e. the official executive body of the company.

Addresses can be the addresses of the official office of the owner, as well as the home address of the partnership participant. The company may be registered at the address of the location that is being rented.

Registration authorities pay respect to those who can honestly contact the authorities at the specified address.

The services of companies that specialize in the sale and sale of ready-made goods are now expanding.

  • This is a compelling proposition that a lot of early adopters are hastening to arrive at.
  • But there’s one thing you can’t guarantee: the addresses of a ready-made company are most often the so-called.

the address of the mass registration, which includes more than a dozen enterprises.

Mass registration addresses for the subscription service are one of the symbols of the same company.

  • This is one of the shahrai schemes, in which the organization is created, including the method of evading the payment of taxes, filing false reports or carrying out other illegal activities.
  • Collection of documents

Prepared documents can be submitted in any way convenient for the applicant:

in paper's eyes;

  • or . The application form was approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012. No. ММВ-7-6/25@ about the confirmation of forms and before the execution of documents that are submitted for state registration of legal entities.
  • The paper form can be obtained from the Tax Inspectorate or downloaded from the FNP website.
  • The applicant's signature is notarized, except if the applicant specifically submits documents and immediately presents his passport. The decision about the establishment of the TOV was drawn up in accordance with the decision of one director and the protocol of secret meetings of the directors.
  • Statute of the organization. Submitted prior to filing inspection in two samples (originals) when specially submitted or sent by mail, or in one sample - when submitted in electronic format.
  • Receipt for payment of derzmit.

Obligation of the sovereign mit for violating the jurisprudence - 4000 rubles.

You can ask the tax collector to unzip the form or independently form it through the “Payment of the State” service on the FNP website.

The form can also be downloaded on other websites dedicated to finance, etc.

If the LLC is owned by a foreign company, you will need a document that confirms the status of the owner.

For a list of documents for registering legal entities, please refer to Article 12 of the Law on the State Registration of Legal Entities.

Together with all the documents, you can immediately submit an application for registration of the simplified tax system (simplified tax system).

  • If the application for the SSP is submitted by the applicant himself and can present his passport, notarization is not required.
  • The documents can be sent electronically by the applicant himself or by a notary who verifies the applicant’s signature on the application.
  • The tax collector, who has accepted the documents, sees (or forces by mail) a receipt confirming their withdrawal.
  • Termini and vartіst

How many days does it take to register?

Since the principal is in charge of all the food (collects all the documents, especially submits them to the tax office), he is required to pay a total of 4,000 rubles.

If you become a notary, you must pay additionally for his services (up to 2000 rubles). Entrepreneurs without warning often turn to specialized companies to create a “turnkey” operation, the quality of which is in order. 15,000 rubles


Below are the average prices for the services of companies that represent the TOV:

Official beginning of activity

  • After completing the registration procedure, you can print it officially, but before doing so, you can open the bank account.
  • The company has a circle of friends, which is due to its name and address.
  • Please provide the following details to your friend:

Full name of the company;

full legal addresses, including location and subject of the Russian Federation;

OGRN (main state registration number).

You can also cover each other with a short or foreign name and the company logo.

The company can make a bunch of seals.

For the obviousness of their phyla and representations, it is possible to create a friend for each of them.

On such seals the inscriptions “filia” or “representation” are printed, their addresses, IPN and checkpoint are indicated.

Also, an organization can label different stamps and forms with its own company name.

  • If you have a registration certificate, you can open a bank account at any bank, and also quickly use corporate electronic payment methods.
  • The procedure for opening the archive and the list of necessary documents can be found in the Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 206. No. 28-I “About the opening and closing of bank accounts, accounts for deposits (deposits).”
  • Slide indicate those from 05/02/2014. Obligations for payers to notify the tax service about the opening and closing of bank accounts are affected.

Vidmova may be unprimed, so as not to comply with the legal framework.

In such a case, the tax service agent can sue the consumer within the framework of the inspection, then through the court.

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