Why should a penny tree bring misfortune?

country house

Popularly called the cowberry tree the penny tree.

It is important that the indoor plant earns money and maintains financial stability.

There are a lot of signs and concerns associated with this tree, so you can learn a lot about the future of your child and about the energy present in the room.

  • Notes about the penny tree
  • The penny tree attracts an unexpected glance.
  • The cream of watering and processing of leaves and soil needs to be mixed with it.
  • Once you tell the penny tree about your income and expenses, then the fat woman will help you implement all your plans and recover unpaid expenses. Leaves falling on a penny tree is a bad omen. This means that your alarm system is low on energy.
  • In this case, it is recommended to transfer the pot to another place.
  • Also, the falling leaves of a penny tree can mean that you will soon be subject to great losses.

The tree loses its leaves before financial losses.

The power of the penny tree is even more varied.

The penny tree, the Crassula, or the Crassula has long been respected by its growth, as it should be in every home.

These fleshy leaves, with their appearance, predict great coins.Possibly, through this similarity, the grasshopper began to be valued with pennies.

However, just a correct observation of the trees is not enough to advance


The trace should be planted correctly and spoken to, and then we will achieve the old signs of wealth.Watching for the fat woman and, more correctly, from the esoteric point of view, engaging with her will help to establish connections with the penny egregor.

Until then, people are connected who adhere to the rules of energy and information essence.

Penny notes, including notes about indoor plants, are included in their list.

If you want to connect to the egregor of wealth, try starting with the grassroots.

How to plant a penny tree to earn pennies?

Ensure the month phase.

Like your income in the future, it is due to growth.

During the waning month, you don’t plant butternut squash, as being a different type of plant is a bad sign.

The shortest day of the year is to plant this spring - the middle.

The fat woman does not see the energy of wealth in itself.

Vaughn її to carry through yourself.

Let a small tree come into the little house and bring me a lot of pennies.

I’ll put a coin in the countryside, I’ll bring a larger salary to the booth.

Rich people will bestow generosity, In pennies I don’t see more turbo.

Let it be so!

So trichi viconano!

Locked with a key!



Amen." After this, you can sap the weeds and start watering, which can also be accompanied by a snake. This same phrase on a coin can be repeated every time, if you want to place a bunch of coins in a pot.

Just for the sake of your mind, the stench will be buried in the ground.

Zmova on a penny tree when watering:

The note on the penny tree is read during the hour of watering the bushes.

This can be done immediately after planting. And at any other time, you can cast a spell on the cowberry so that it will bring you a profit. As you water the vines, say:

, You grow, and I bloom in abundance.

Amen. "

The water for irrigation will be infused with wood or gold.

In about three days, the energy of precious metals and profits will begin to flow through.

If you have a fat woman and a room fountain or a picture with a waterfall, they should be placed in the same way.

Water fights fire, and penny streams will be “extinguished” by the energy of water.It is not possible to grow cowweed from cacti.

Note about cacti that the stench steals away the energy that is beyond your control - you may not miss a penny flow.

The thorns and curly buds do not feed on the fat plant and attract penny streams.

Do you know how to plant a penny tree and get pennies, which is not enough.

You should also know about the tradition of placing roses and other items in the booth.

In this sector, a booth or an apartment indicates material wealth.

The fat woman and other financial symbols belong in this part of your life.

If there is a toilet or a corridor there, place a tree there where there is plenty of light - away from the sides of the world. The magical powers of the penny tree only appear when the tree is looked after with satisfaction. In a loving family, a fat woman generates more income.

Not everyone has enough money to live in everyday life, and this has always been associated with extremely intriguing legends and tales.

It was hoped, for example, that the living rooms would only sleep normally in quiet villages, so that there would be prosperity in the future.

Today it is important that two types of indoor plants can attract money - geranium and crassula. Both those and other heights require constant observation. Crassula is sometimes called fat woman or crassula.

Bring it up to succulent growths.

The “penny tree” has thick, lignified stovbur, fleshy, round, dark green leaves.

Small flowers of white or pale horn color with thinned three-fold twisted petals, chosen to match the appearance of parasols on the tops of the stems.

Feng Shui says that looking after the “penny tree” will bring penny wealth to any home or family.

The tabletop tree is so immovable that it can easily fit into any interior. Before speech, few people know what those speeches seem to be room dew

In order for the “penny tree” to be more easily absorbed, you can use a bucket from the spitting material, which must be thoroughly ventilated.

If you cannot make such a “cap,” then simply cover it with a glass bottle, and then open it for an hour to ventilate.

It’s important that you know where the ticket will stand when you go out for a special gathering.

You can also tie a red stitch to a tree, which will also attract good luck and profits.

Before planting this tree, you can place a coin at the bottom of the pot to increase your material income. And in the summertime, you can take the cowtail out onto the street, where there is plenty of light. As much as you love her, even if she comes from Africa, you will only receive growing and valuable growth, which will, of course, increase your wealth.

Likuvalny authorities

Who can believe that the fat woman will bring in pennies, but you don’t know everything? jubilant power Whose tree.

If you keep an eye on the penny tree, you will be guaranteed good mental and physical health.

It is important that the penny tree itself relieves stress and fatigue.

In the meantime, you may have to worry about it because your apartments will have a diminished and poor microflora.

Until then, these faces are always with you, always under your hand, on your windowsill.

You only need to know and take advantage of it.


loving authorities rosemary - bactericidal and antiviral leaf juice..

Apply it to the hemorrhoids, if the smell is close, or place a cotton swab for 15-20 minutes.

Repeat the procedure a few times a day, so that the muscles change and the sound becomes clearer.

Liquorizing with the leaves of the grass plant is also effective for stiffening of the gut and duodenum: eat 2 leaves of penny tree at a time, without washing them down with water. Consume only after one year. However, if there are any illnesses in the room, the plants immediately begin to decline sharply: the leaves begin to fall off. However, as soon as the sick person breathes, the fat woman in the sky revives again. People have long believed in different signs.
And it’s not surprising that even in addition to the physical reality, we are also aware of a subtle, energetic light.

Give energy to this world

great influx


too much of a middlebrow
, And people have long noticed these invisible patterns. On their basis, all sorts of notes and habits were formed, which are passed on from generation to generation. There are many signs associated with money and material prosperity.
The fat woman is as keen as the energy of a human being.
As soon as warmth, a good-natured atmosphere, and members of the family live together in the house, the rose feels good, and as in this part of the fight and scandals, the fat woman may begin to wither.

There is a clue: as a penny tree begins to shed its leaves, then financial well-being begins to deteriorate.

Whatever happens, it is necessary to ensure the growth of additional surveillance.

How can you give a penny tree at home? In fact, the common name for a penny tree is Crassula svichaina. You can buy this roslin in any flower shop.

However, in addition to these plants, there are also other indoor plants - succulents, which also grow in the berry of a penny tree.

People have known for a long time that a tree can be a talisman that turns pennies into a box and brings financial benefits.

Slovenian peoples
Vikorist was used as a talisman to earn pennies from the red fruits of cherries and peas.

And in the Celtic tribes, the oak tree was considered a symbol of wealth.

For the cob, buy this room-sized plant, and then begin to check your enchanting authorities.

It’s even easier to keep an eye on this small growing plant, since Crassula is an imperturbable growing plant.

It’s true that you have absolutely no idea that you can grow your own “penny tree” when you grow tall trees.

The fat plant needs to be watered regularly, approximately once every three days.

Whoever cares how rich this village is, the more, the more wealth there will be in the day. If you want you to have prosperity at home, grow the growth yourself. Don’t think that a penny tree bought for you will give you wealth and prosperity.

Call the “penny tree” only for the ruler who grows him and watches over him. How to earn money so that the penny tree begins to bring pennies? In order for the tree to begin its work, you must put it into the work.

Most of the trees of the “penny tree” are convinced that the growth actually helps to polish their goodness.

If you want to effectively obtain the desired result, you must not only keep an eye on this room. It is your responsibility to launch the growing magic. Take a splinter

penny bills

, Fold them and tie them with a red stitch or thread and hang the bills on the nails of the tree.