The All-Russian project is a great Arctic expedition. The Great Arctic Expedition is the coolest lighting project in Russia. Term of the Competition


about the Moscow competition of directors “Great Arctic Expedition”

1. Foreign regulations

1.1. These Regulations indicate the procedure for organizing and conducting the Moscow competition of directors “Great Arctic Expedition” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The competition is held for the implementation of the task of the illumination project “Great Arctic Expedition”, the mission of which is to cultivate and preserve Arctic ecosystems, formulate an ecologically sustainable culture, healthy image living for the minds of the Arctic.

1.3. A competition aimed at increasing the effectiveness of management by a school director in an educational organization for the development of educational, creative, scientific and research activities of children and youth in the capital region, the formation of environmental culture, physical health of schoolchildren in Moscow.

1.4. The sponsor of the Competition is the Moscow Methodological Center for the Department of Place Illumination of Moscow.

1.5. To prepare and conduct the Competition, an Organizing Committee is created.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. Goals: increasing the motivation and management culture of pottery workers and lighting organizations in part of the environmental awareness and education of students, with initial knowledge of environmentally friendly activities clarity in the implementation process initial projects and research on the history of the Arctic.

2.2. Zavdannya:

  • the adoption of management decisions for the creation of minds to promote the creative activity of students in the project and the last activity, readiness and creativity will be fully included in real projects (last, with central, business projects);
  • prompted value systems and ethical ambushes of the school management system as guidelines for the formation of an environmentally friendly view.

3. Participants of the Competition

3.1. Participants of the Competition are representatives of lighting organizations of the Moscow City Lighting Department.

4. Lines for the Competition

  • completion and submission of questionnaires in the interactive system via special office, supply of bags for the Competition - from 21 February to 12 April 2018.

5. Submission of bags to the Competition

Before the end of the competition, the organizing committee has identified 3 options that will make it possible to make a trip to the Spitsbergen islands for the Polus and Barneo races in the 2018 season.

Additional information: the trip to Spitsbergen takes 24 to 36 years, assuming normal weather. Vimoga - mother of a foreign passport, what is it? All expenses related to the trip will be spent on budget funds.

5.1. Selection criteria:

  • student activity lighting organizations at the passage of the “Arctic Dictation”;
  • activity of students in the competition for initial projects and research “Arctic”;
  • the activity of teachers during lessons about the Arctic with different scenarios from the MESH and the anniversary lesson “The Road to the Arctic”;
  • activity of students and teachers of educational organizations social measures from posting materials about the “Great Arctic Expedition” with a hashtag #Pole;
  • Completeness and reliability of the information provided in the questionnaire.

6. Organizing Committee

Head of the Organizing Committee: Lebedeva Marianna Volodymyrivna, Director of the Moscow Methodological Center, Department of Place Illumination of Moscow

Spivgolov to the Organizing Committee: Shparo Matviy Dmitrovich, director of the State Budgetary Institution "Center" additional education"Expensive Laboratory".

Members of the organizing committee:

    Gorlina Olena Ivanivna, intercessor of the director of the State Budgetary Institution “Center for Advanced Education “Advanced Education Laboratory”;

    Kuznetsov Mikita Sergeyovich, teacher of pre-school education, DBOU School No. 498, Department of City Lighting of Moscow;

    Mordvintsev Illya Mikolayovich, scientific spіvropіtnik FDMUN “Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems. O.M. Severtsova Russian Academy Sciences" (IPEE RAS);

    Smirnov Ivan Oleksiyovich, teacher of biology, DBOU School No. 171;

    Turkina Valentina Kostyantynivna, methodologist of the Moscow Methodological Center, Department of City Illumination of Moscow

Tell me, have you ever wanted to visit the Pole? I think that in childhood everyone had such dreams. These boys, girls and dreams have become reality. Nina and schoolchildren are staying in places where even the most important students previously went. And all within the framework of the coolest lighting project in Russia – the Great Arctic Expedition.
It’s hard to believe, I even thought that everything was smoothed over, as if I didn’t get to know these guys.
So, how do cross-country schoolchildren go to the Southern Pole?

There are actually people buried in the world. One of them is Matviy Shparo, a mandrivnik, a polar explorer, and a volunteer who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Matvy not only himself has supported important points many times, but also actively helps others. From his expedition, Matviy Shparo often takes people with limited abilities, and another one directly – a robot with young people. A lot of people have already been working on the “Great Prigoda” campaign, and the coolest project is the “Great Arctic Expedition”.

The Great Arctic Expedition is a project in which Moscow schoolchildren who love tourism, geography and dream about the Arctic could become participants. At the first stage of the project - Arctic Dictation - over 7.5 thousand students took part.
And in order to travel to the Arctic, it was necessary to go through a significant competitive selection process, and then prepare for the collection - a long trek through winter Karelia. After all testing, 14 individuals were selected, from which two pens were formed - “Barneo” and “Polyus”.

Offensively, the corrals flew to the Barneo station, which was drifting in the Ice Ocean. Participants of the Barneo corral conducted scientific research together with the other, and the “Pole” together with Matviy Shparo on lykes to go directly to the Northern Pole.

The “Great Arctic Expedition” project is carried out in support of the Moscow City Illumination Department. Participants in the expedition learn much more than they can write in books and handbooks.

I was lucky enough to meet the boys and Matviy Shparo and accompany them to Spitsbergen, the stars flew to Barneo.

To which I have shown respect: the boys are already open, drunk and alive. And my eyes are burning in them, it’s really cool. I can proudly say that the participants in the expedition got the best results from the independent lads without wasting time there.
One small point: it was wonderful to learn so many things like reading Paper’s books.

We spent quite an hour at Zhukovsky airport, checking out the flight, and then flew to Spitsbergen airport. Spent a little time with the boys, asking how they heard about the project, how they passed the selection test, how their classmates were so ready to fly to the pole.

The stories of the big ones are similar. The participants learned about the project from the school and wanted to try their strengths, with the encouragement of their teachers playing a role. Given a difficult competition, collect that request. I'm sorry, the axis of the boys, who have passed along the path from the beginning and ... not yet to the end. The expedition itself fell apart. Let's follow her and hope for long-term completion for everyone!

Our routes ended at night on Spitsbergen. We were lost on the island, and the boys flew to the Pole on a different plane.

I didn’t wash myself, having said nothing. Marvel at what Spitsbergen looks like on a polar day. Fantastic! You can read it a hundred times, but it will be much more beautiful.

The guys go to the An-74, which will land right on the slope at the Barneo station, which is drifting.

Group photo before the dance.

The time has come to say goodbye.

Be friends.

I am so glad that in our country we have such guys and girls who organized and supported this expedition. I wish you success and achieving all your goals!

Guys, I know that many of you will read this post. You're really cool! Continue setting funny goals throughout your life and achieving them! As if it didn’t sound pretentious, the edges of the future are behind you. Your butt is very important for rich people to believe in themselves and move forward, and not only for schoolchildren, but also for rich adults.

You can follow the details of the expedition

On May 21, 1937, the scientific station “Pivnichny Polyus-1”, drifting in Krizhina, surrendered its work to fate.

In advance significant date Geography teachers conducted thematic lessons “Arctic” within the framework of the All-Russian educational project “Great Arctic Expedition”.
The purpose of the lesson was to enhance the knowledge of scientists about nature, the history of exploration and development, and the current development of the Arctic.
The children were shown a multimedia presentation “The History of the Exploration of the Arctic”, during which time they learned about the mandrians and the descendants of the Pivnichny Pole, the history and investigation of the Pivnichny Pole sea ​​way How the development of the Pivnichny Ice Ocean has begun. Also in class, the students learned about the growing and creaturely light of the Arctic. During class, the boys marveled at the film from the series documentaries“Russia is from edge to edge. Arctic. “The quiz “Do you know the Arctic?” was also held.
At the end of the lesson, students were recommended popular science films to watch at home.

The Great Arctic Expedition is the most beautiful geographical undertaking of rock. Only students from Moscow schools will become participants. First of all, the Expedition brings together thousands of boys and girls who love tourism, geography and love the Arctic. Under the leadership of Matviy Shparo, a well-known polar mandarin, for the trip to the Southern Pole, two main expedition corrals will be formed - the BARNEO corral, which will destroy the Russian drifting station and the And the POLE, the task of which will be on the roads to go to the extreme point of the earth.

A Moscow school student could become a participant in the Great Arctic Expedition. You just need to submit an answer to the online quiz.

Beginning from the first stage of the Expedition, you become honorable to the great geographical divers, known as the mandrivniks, the subsoilers of the Northern Pole. The expedition will give a unique opportunity to revise your knowledge about the unexplored territory of the earth itself, to declare your previous projects and try your hand at extreme minds.

In order to reach the expedition team, the participants of the Great Arctic Expedition must undergo difficult testing to ensure that they themselves are ready to receive the cry of the Arctic ice.

The paddocks should end up in the center of the Pivnichny icy ocean. There, where is the Southern Pole. Participants in the “BARNEO” corral will study and verify their hypotheses raised as part of the “Saving the Planet Together” festival. The “POLE” route, under the leadership of Matviy Shparo, can cover 100 km to the very top of the earth.

It will be important! All the support of all participants of the Great Arctic Expedition will help the corrals reach the set mark.

The Upper Pole, as 200 years ago, is being deprived of the territory of inconsistency and obscurity. Rushing to the very top of the earth, a person develops his character and gains a rich life record. Without a doubt, the expedition of Moscow schoolchildren will become part of the contribution to Russia’s reach in the Arctic.

The expedition is carried out under the supervision of the Misko Methodical Center of the Department of City Illumination of Moscow.

Regulations about the Great Arctic Expedition.pdf
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