All kinds of phimosis in boys, photos and reports describing the disease. Phimosis in a boy is an intimate problem, what is a physiological peculiarity? Phimosis in a boy 10 years

The lads and the girl from the people may have the same physical features and vіdmіnnostі. Infection of the statutory sphere is always to bring the fathers to the right task. Up to one of these ailments lie phimosis.

What is it?

Phimosis in boys is called a pathological state, when it is impossible to open the head of a member of the foreskin. The given pathology manifests itself in the growths of the foreskin and in the presence of such disorders of the sechovipropulsion. Illness for phimosis in boys is high.

It is important that the won will decrease with age. So, in malyuki 7-9 years old, the disease for phimosis does not exceed 10%. In the subdivisions, the won will be less than 2%.

The newborn boy has his own physiological characteristics, which make him look like a grown-up man. In the norm, in all peoples, there are small children between the head of the state member and the inner shell of the foreskin. Qi structural warehouses connected with each other. Such a peculiarity nature has conveyed unviously. This helps to prevent the infection from getting to the lower tissue of the outer organs, and also reduces the risk of developing a secondary infection.

In the world of mature children, there are various physiological changes in every organism. In the skin of another boy, up to 1 year, the head of the state member is visible. Up to 2-3 years, the value becomes 90%. In deyakih vipadkah all the same razvivayutsya vіdhilennya. The stench is produced to the development in children of a lifetime of illnesses, zocrema phimosis.

chime in state system The boys are molded up to 6 years. As if the children were victorious in the field of reproductive health, they try to be jubilant conservatively, or to stick to "obvious" tactics.

In the rich little ones, who may have different pathological conditions in children, until the old age the stench is resurfacing and without recognition of glee. Have a change of heart for a little one, follow the obov'yazkovo posterigati and see if it's a change in the camp of your health.

Cause a vindictive

The only reason, how to lead to the development of an illness, present moment no. A lot of andrologists and child urologists report about those who treat the development of phimosis in small children. The stench sees a sprinkling of reasons, as a result of viciousness in the boys of their pathological state. In some cases, before the development of illness, you can induce a number of causal factors by pouring in at once.

To which pathological I will direct:

  • Damage to the intrauterine development. Diagnosis of unfriendly factors in the sovnishny middle, or chronic illness in the vaginal woman, takes on the formation of various pathologies during the hour of winemaking of the future child. In the fetus, the stage of organogenesis is disrupted, which infects the cob of various diseases. Sound clinical signs of phimosis at times blamed in the child before the rock.
  • Traumatic diseases. Zovnіshnі stateevі organs in lads are easy to harm. Especially in malyuki early century. A blow to the area of ​​the intimate organs, a fall, or an independent attempt to open the head of a member can cause a child's injury. As a result of this, sing, you are forming a stable phimosis.

  • Infectious and ignition pathologies in the sphere of state bodies. A child's organism, through those whose immunity resources are reduced in a new one, is easily succumbed to the influx of any infectious agents. Call them the most highly addictive viruses and bacteria. Sweeping into the intimate area at once with the bloodstream or with a contact-butt path, the stench of the building viklikati in a child is strongly inflamed. As a result of this, sound, the molding of persistent andrological pathologies is becoming.
  • Complicated urological operations. Incorrectly selected operative help in more cases to bring up the molding of the other in the distance. One of them is vvazhaetsya phimosis. Ushkodzhennya fabrics of the head of the state member or the foreskin to form a pathology and swollen anatomical defects in this zone.
  • Lack of number of good structures. This particularity is individual and grows only in small children, which may be especially schilnist.


Doctors see a sprinkling of forms of this pathological state. Such a classification is necessary for the understanding of the essence of the disease, and also for the folding of the tactics of exacerbation of that exuberance. So, phimosis can be congenital, hypertrophic or scarring.

A lot of changes in cicatricial phimosis are blamed for the violation of the rules of special hygiene. This should be done to the extent that the area of ​​the outer organs of the body is easily penetrated by infection, and the ignition process develops.

More likely cicatricial stenosis - ce pathology is congenital. The Danish pathological state is characterized by long-standing extreme flesh, as it earns the full opening of the head of a state member. As a result of pronounced inflammation, various cracks appear on the shkіrі and scars form.

At times, conduct hygienic procedures become very complicated. As soon as the inflamed rises, then phimosis can be transferred to an even more unsafe camp - paraphimosis. The tactics of treatment of cicatricial phimosis is a recognition of conservative therapy as a surgical operation. The choice of judicious tactics is left to the urologist. The prognosis of illness is susceptible. Rizik development is more complicated - medium.

For statistics, most often before the development of a hypertrophic form of phimosis, it should be apparent in a child of the epididymis. The most unsafe in this case is obesity in the lower part of the abdomen and in the groin area. The number of fatty cells in the reproductive zone is large due to the fact that fat folds are easily formed there. Tsya form of ailment is not only in the smallest patients, but also in older people.

Great accumulation of adipose tissue to produce before the head of the state member is squeezed really hard. Shkіrnі krivi begin to get wet, which calls out the formation of various macerations and teasing. Pressurization of the adipose tissue of the organs, spreading in the reproductive zone, to cause the foreskin of the member of the penis to begin to vibrate the head sharply. It will definitely help to overcome the illness. The moisture content of the skin covers is pronounced to the point that there are various teasing on the skin, as if they become a miraculous medium for the development of disease-causing bacteria.

In treating hypertrophic obesity, it is even more important to normalize the daily routine and recognize a mild hypocaloric diet. For such children, the necessary regimen of physical training is obligatory. Therapy for hypertrophic phimosis of the diseased is conservative.

Doctors of many specialties take the fate of the jubilant child at once.

Borodzhenі form phimosis zustrіchayutsya dosit often. A lot of doctors agree on the thought that the cause of this pathological condition is congenital anomalies of intrauterine development and genetic schilnist. In some cases, fahivtsy cannot reveal the causal cause, which called out to the baby when the appearance of unacceptable symptoms. Congenital phimosis is characterized by the presence of a pronounced ringing of the opening of the foreskin, which is manifested by the impossibility of the exit of the head of the state member. To finish it often, so become married to the baby of many synechias.

Doctors do not deal with active phimosis of a born phimosis. Basically, the stink is to choose a vicious tactic, as it allows you to control the overrun of an illness and predict the result of an illness in the future. Child urologists are engaged in the treatment of natal forms of phimosis.

Like a doctor for an hour spent looking around a child, having revealed signs of illness in him, he “puts” the baby on a dispensary appearance. In my case, seeing a doctor should not be more than 1-2 times per river.

For some children, I’ll look around the doctors for an hour to make a diagnosis of proboscis phimosis. Tsei pathological state is hypertrophic. It is characterized by superfluous collars in the area of ​​the head of the state member, which creates a “proboscis”. Tactics at times are the same, as in other forms of illness. If conservative treatment is ineffective, a surgical operation is performed.


Clinical signs of a pathological state of the disease are associated with damage to the head of the state member after a pronounced ringing of the opening. This symptom is the most characteristic. Yogo, as a rule, and bachat the father for an hour of carrying out regular hygienic procedures.

Deyakі tati and mami swear to the edge of an unlawful pardon. The stench is self-sustainingly "opening" the head of the state member through the hem of the zusilla. Whose work is categorically not a trace! Such self-exaltation can take away the injury of a child. Only a childish urologist is to blame for this pathological state. Self-adjusted - unacceptable!

Crim the main symptom of illness, to investigate other clinical signs of ailment. Before them one can see:

  • Painful sechovipuskannya. This symptom does not persist, it means that the baby becomes self-conscious when it appears. An easy break in the disease is not accompanied by disruption of the sechovimission. More severe and more complicated forms of ailment will spriyat if there is damage at the cross section. Malyuk can feel pain during sechoviprosy or develop pain syndrome.
  • Damaged sechovipuskannya. In some malyuki, especially with a pronounced phimosis, the cut can be seen with some kind of “interruptions” or with a thin string. As soon as the pain syndrome comes to the symptom, then the child's self-perception is sharply broken. The smallest patients are crying. Older children begin to swear, often run to the toilet to urinate.
  • Soreness in the groin area. Sound this symptom due to the expansion of the ignition process throughout the intimate zone. As phimosis is aggravated by a secondary bacterial infection, the child has additional unacceptable symptoms. Before them one can see: suppuration from the opening of the head of the penis, swelling and swelling of the foreskin, an increase in body temperature and swelling of the testicles.

The severity of symptoms may vary. Lighter options for overcoming illness, as a rule, are practically asymptomatic.

The main clinical sign in the right direction is the ringing of the opening of the head of the state member and the lateness to full disclosure.

Severe illness is accompanied by the appearance of numerous symptoms, yakі vymagayut signs of conservative likuvannya. With the appearance of the first signs of phimosis, the next time you turn to a child for a consultation with a child urologist.

What kind of look can the new people have?

In all the boys who were born, the head of the state member and the foreskin are grown. In the world of mature children, the situation is changing. Hurry up from the conducted surgical treatment is not varto. Physiological phimosis is practically common in 90% of children up to three years old. For the least patients, the doctors recommend extra careful steps, and also conduct a correct regular hygienic inspection.

Most often, the fathers of the lads independently show the children's deeds of physiological peculiarities. The skin of the foreskin of newborn children is even lower and easily injured. It is strongly grown from the head of the state member. When trying to self-deprive the head of a child, you feel sore, start to swear and cry.

Curves of the foreskin see a special speech - smegma. There is a white color and a specific smell. From the vіkom її kіlkіst and warehouse deshcho change. The adoption of smegmi is a whole physiological process. Vіn is necessary for the fact that the inner leaf of the foreskin protrudes from the head of the state member. Such a physiological situation helps to improve the opening of the head.

As soon as it is possible to settle down to something rich, otherwise the warehouse of inherited chronic illnesses is changing, the process of normal development of intimate organs is being disrupted. This situation can lead to the fact that the baby has clinical signs of various infectious diseases. Smegma is a living medium for microorganism. Carrying out a hygienic monitoring of a newborn baby is necessary as a preventive measure for contaminating the intimate area.


The appearance of the first unfriendly signs of ailment can motivate the fathers to be sent to the doctor. The doctor carried out the necessary clinical obstezhennia, after which it is possible to establish the correct diagnosis. In some cases, phimosis is accompanied by other pathological states, yak vymagayut strong guard or recognition of adequate exaltation.

Diagnosis of phimosis does not become a significant difficulty for doctors. For the establishment of a diagnosis as a whole sufficient clinical examination. Additional diagnostics may be needed only in folded depressions, or in case of an aggravated illness. For this, the following are prescribed: global blood tests and sections, biochemical follow-up (due to complexity), ultrasound follow-up, dopplerography and other methods for indications.


The prognosis for phimosis is mentally pleasing. Sound, the illness proceeds without the development of further negative consequences. However, phimosis can be unsafe. Especially in weakened small children, they may become immunodeficient, or concomitant chronic illness. The celebration of all arrangements is carried out only at the hospital. For this baby, they are hospitalized until urological discharge.

To endure partial complication of phimosis and paraphimosis. This pathological state is characterized by the appearance of an obstruction of the head of the state member by the extreme body. Most often, it is heard when trying її vіdkrittya. Milking is often registered in children at the age of 7-10 years.

Paraphimosis is accompanied by the appearance of a strong painful syndrome, which brings significant discomfort to the child. Tsey pathological camp vmagaє carrying out an emergency treatment for the minds of the hospital.

Organs in the intimate zone are more sensitive to any infections. The expansion of the ignition process is carried out to the point where the ignition is transformed into the anatomical illumination. Supplement with partial relief at times of urethritis. This pathological state blames the fact that bacteria are consumed on the mucous membrane of the sich paths. Urethritis is accompanied by the appearance of various unacceptable symptoms: disruption of the uterus, sickness after going to the toilet, pain syndrome in the groin area and the lower third of the abdomen.

It's important what physiological phimosis does not affect conception. This pathological camp will independently pass to the school age.

Less aggravated options for phimosis can alleviate future problems from conceived children. However, traplyatsya rarely. The proliferation of phimosis does not cause problems for the future for the planning of children.

Jubilation in domestic minds

Self-supporting therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of specialists. Call such a home celebration until the end of all medical recommendations, as well as until the correct hygienic procedures are carried out. All manipulations are due to be carried out in a gentle way. Steps for good hygiene follow from the first days of the people of the child. So varto step by step graft to the first baby.

Deyakі likari praktіyut sposіb step-by-step vіdkrittya of the head of the state member. Fight in stages, troch is more than 0.5 -1 mm per boot. All movements are due to smooth, weak intensity. Sound them off after a warm bath, if the pelvic floor ointments are as relaxed as possible. As an additional therapy, various ointments are used, as if they were prescribed by a doctor.

At the bath, as it is carried out before the procedure, you can add different preparations of antiseptic products and windows. medicinal herbs. How to make a note of it: chemist's chamomile, calendula, a weak concentration of potassium permanganate, chamomile and others. Such baths are prescribed 2-3 times a day for 10-15 quills. The temperature of the water may be a reception room and not cause discomfort in the child.

After the procedure was carried out, the last thing was to apply a special liquor ointment, to recognize the medicine. Tsі likarski zasobi can be good early campaigners and regenerative authorities. Carry out such a home treatment only with the obov'yazkovym control of a child urologist.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of unacceptable symptoms, doctors prescribe various medical treatments. Behind their mechanism, these stinks can be different: anti-spasmodic, wound healing and regenerating, to reduce blood flow, pain-inducing. Choose a scheme of healing to lie with a child urologist. In children up to 6-7 years of age, active therapy is not carried out. Perevaga rely on conservative methods, which are favored in sparing ways.

How mіstseve likuvannya likarі write different ointments and creams. You should apply them on the skin in the area of ​​the foreskin after a hygienic bath. "Diprosalik", "Miramistin", "Levomekol", "Akriderm" to help protect the secondary infection and to saturate the most obvious tissue fold. Cі zasobi mаyut vіdmіnnu antiseptic diyu, yak nebhіdna for prophylaxis sláknen pіmosis. Hormonal ointments and ointments, which avenge antibiotics, are guilty of being recognized by the doctor for strict indications. Self-sufficiency of such remedies without consulting a doctor will help you significantly improve the illness, side effects with a trivial victory.

Look at the exaltation of the pathological states of vicarious tetracycline ointment. Dosage, frequency and duration of the choice of this drug determines the drug. Usі antibakterіalnі preparations and are assigned a course of treatment. In the process of treatment of obov'yazkovo, a suvory control of the effectiveness of the recognized therapy is carried out.

Hormonal effects are observed in cicatricial phimosis, as well as in depressions, if the previous therapy appears to be ineffective.

Hydrocortisone ointment and "Ftorokort" to strike a protizapalny dіyu, start talking dribnі wounds and cracks on the shkіrі, and also to spriyat the reduction of the bare head of the state member. Hormone therapy also takes place as a course. With a trivial vicarious liking, unsustainable systemic and medical side effects can be blamed.

In small children up to 6-7 years of age, conservative therapy is carried out only. As a rule, there will be an improvement and a change in unacceptable symptoms. Before exaltation, such exaltation is to produce more lower in 90% of the cases. In quiet situations, if conservative therapy appears to be unsuccessful, different invasive techniques should be instituted and surgery should be initiated.

Promptly likuvannya

Today, there are a few methods of surgical therapy for phimosis. Before them, one can see how much more widely used methods, and stagnating in less than one country. In some countries, a number of operations are not carried out for ethnic and spiritual reasons. In any case, the choice of tactics of likuvannya is left behind by the doctor and obov'yazkovo will be fine with the baby's fathers.

You can carry out the operation in the traditional way. And here the surgeon nadskaє the foreskin and rob at the new axis of the cut. All excess shkiri can be seen at any time. Potim likar zshivaє delyanki foreskin. Tse spryaє to the pronounced expansion of the opening of the head of the article member. Vaughn is easily exposed without the appearance of a painful syndrome. This operation is carried out under general anesthesia.

Another one to finish with the popular method of operational litigation is important operation according to Shkloffer. In this case, hanging the foreskin in a zigzag manner is carried out. Then the edges of the wound are sutured. This technique also allows you to visikti zayvі dіlyanki shkіri, yakі suttєvo destroy the head of the state member. To be carried out tsya operation zazvichay pіd mіstsevim znebolennyam.

Circumcision is a frequent procedure for the whole world. Change your mind and sound like a medical one. Little boys are also given a bath for spiritual and ethnic reasons. This procedure is painless, as it is carried out in even small patients. In older children, її follow-up is carried out with obov'yazkovy anterior pain.

One of the least invasive procedures today is the removal of excess skin curves for the help of a laser. This technique is safe and can be used in children's urological practice. Under the hour of the end of the procedure, the child practically does not blame the complications.

The laser allows to minimize blood loss, reduce the risk of developing postoperative scars and distant unfavorable lesions.

In polyclinic minds of children, urologists go to great lengths of adhesions for additional probes. Such a technique has a positive result more than in children with mild forms of uncomplicated phimosis. For this procedure, do not sing every day, see the pain. Introduce the drug near the space between the extreme body and the head of a special medical metal instrument - a probe. Zdiisnyuyuchi ruhi small amplitude, the probe "explores" the anatomical zone.

The first month after the operation, all active physical challenges are intermingled. Especially obezhennya superimposed on vidi sports, de mozhut buti injuries. As a physical adventure in the first month after the operation, it’s good to go for walks in the fresh air. Active games can also be present in the baby's day regimen. Expansion of the physical regimen is carried out according to plan, under the control of the doctor.

For swedish burning of soft fabrics, doctors write different anti-seizure ointments. Call them zastosovuyat 2-3 days a day mistsevo. The stench is applied to the skin of the foreskin, and in some cases, to the head of the state member after the conduct of regular hygienic procedures.

To improve the choice medicinal products next, leave the licks on the sprig of quills on the shkir і until fully soaked.


Headaches in case of phimosis and the loss of the skin of the foreskin and on the head of the state member of various infections.

Prevention of secondary infection is an important meta in any pathological state.

For whom should one speed up with such joys:

  • Carry out regular hygiene procedures. For this purpose, you need special children's cosmetics, so you don't have alcohol and aggressive perfume aromas in your warehouse, buildings vibrate the child's allergic reactions. Vaccinate a child before the toilet was carried out as early as in the early century. For the protection of reproductive health, for the rest of the year, the following hygienic procedures should be carried out for two days: bedtime.
  • Don't let it get complicated chronic illness . Accompanying ailments of internal organs can significantly help to overcome pathological conditions in the sphere of the intimate zone. Dotrimannya recommended mode, optimal healthy food that active physical desire to take self-confidence the little one is immune to yoga.

About those who have such a phimosis in a boy, marvel at the video.

Phimosis: what work?
What is phimosis?
Colon troch anatomy. The head of the penis is curled up with a fold of the skin, which is called the extreme body (preputium). Use the middle of it to fill the void, which is called a preputial bear. Between the coat of the preputial bear and the basis of the head of the state member, the so-called crown furrow is known. On the middle line of the posterior surface of the head there is a posterior fold of the foreskin - a frenulum. The skin of the inner surface of the preputial bear is rather thin and lower, to avenge its own ridges, which can be seen smegma - oily white color with a specific smell.
In a grown-up man, the foreskin is freely shifted, exposing the head of a state member. In a baby, this skin is curled up and it protects the head, it may not stretch to the base of the penis. Naturally, or else the foreskin ringing, if it doesn’t work out and don’t expose the head of the penis, is called phimosis.
Tilki, for the sake of God, after reading this material, do not rush at once to misunderstand what phimosis your son has, and do not panic, that you have been suspected. Wrong actions can cause you to bleed or cause blood to bleed, and "wyvern navivorit" the preputial bear, to call the head of the penis. In the first years of life, the baby is completely normal, that the empty preputial bear does not open completely and the head of the penis is not exposed. Talking about phimosis in a baby is less possible in cases of difficult sechoviprosy or inflamed foreskin.
In the world, the growth of the child, the openness of the foreskin grows more and more, so that the bare head is covered.
Smegma, accumulating in the preputial bear, may become infected, develop more, and then chronic inflammation, to bring to cicatricial changes the skin of the foreskin, the growth of the growth between it and the head of the penis. The most common phimosis occurs in many times more often than congenital. Spriyaє tsomu sound insufficiently retelne before the hygienic procedures, and scarring, with your own blackness, makes it even more comfortable to carry out. The ringing of the opening can reach a point, so that it will almost certainly skip a thread, but it will be hairy.
Having piled up the burdens, you can build them up to the hardening of the flooring, that the stench will tell you with the look and hardness of the stone (smegmolity), that the bridles of the crown furrow will kick in.
First, show phimosis in children for the first time - ce bіl і different kinds of difficulties during sechovipkannі. When looking around, the foreskin is stretched, the proboscis is conjured and it swells even more and seems to "swell" when cutting at the cut for the cut, which accumulates in the preputial bear.
Nayavnіst can lead to nocturnal slaughter, the development of cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the sich system.
The exaltation of the hot phimosis is laid in the stretching of the ringed lapel of the preputial bear with a special tool, the adhesions between the head of the penis and the inner leaf of the foreskin are broken, the braces are removed with a swab and washed with antiseptic roses. After inserting that usunennya ringing, the head of the penis should be smeared with an anti-seizure ointment, or with a sterile vaseline oil, and covered with an extreme body.
Nadal is necessary, the strap is regularly washed, and sometimes douching is done with a weak amount of potassium permanganate. Obviously, all procedures cannot be performed by ourselves. Trust your little one to a competent specialist!
Watching for the shamefulness of your child, you ob'yazkovo ahead of the appearance of an unacceptable illness. And yakscho vinikli sumniv - go to the doctor.
In case of recurrence of phimosis, rough cicatricial ringing of the foreskin, the operation of circular excision (circumcision) of the foreskin is indicated. In rich countries, this procedure is carried out practically without exception and, although it has ritual religious and religious significance, it is obvious that the hygienic aspects of life in ancient times were out of whack. It is not without reason that the circumcision has grown especially wide in the lands with a scorching climate. Ale report about the circumcision, all the pros and cons of the procedure - for the second time.

Cryptorchidism: please the fathers
You've got a baby, you're happy. Turning from the canopy booth, respectfully look at the newly born son. What a garnished wine - small fingers, lower fluff on the head! Ale raptom, with a black change, the pelyushka with a perelyakom mark that there are no testicles near the crychti. Can you do that?
Yes, unfortunately, maybe. On the right, in the fact that the small egg is born deeply in the belly of the fetus and gradually moves into the scrotum in the world of that, like a baby growing up in the mother's body. For the hour of the people, may you continue to stink already in your fasting place. Ale, approximately in 3-5 full-term boys over 100, one or more testicles are offended during the day, and in the middle of premature babies, it is common in 10-30%, which is due to the term of prematurity and the weight of the body of the newborn. It made sense. Adzhe yaechka just haven’t caught up yet to go through this long way from the month of their adoption to the end of the roztashuvannya.
This illness is called "cryptorchism" (from the Greek words kryptos - attachments and orchis - testicle, that is literally - the testicle is buried) and it is insinuated by the descent of the testicle at the intrauterine period of the life of the baby.
The ringing sounds like the presence of a scrotum of one or both testicles. Moreover, the right-handed cryptorchidism is most often observed. Vin can also be associated with other anomalies of intrauterine development.
Distinguish the true and wicked cryptorchidism. With true cryptorchidism, the testicle is found in the cherevniy empty or in the cherevniy stanci. When this happens, the scrotum on the bots of the tattered testicle becomes underdeveloped. Often congenital inguinal hernia sprays entrapment of the testicle in the inguinal canal. An egg can descend into the scrotum on its own. Sound tse vydbuvaєtsya on the first turn of life do not grow up in the world and do not require special likuvannya.
Hibny cryptorchidism appears to be more common, lower true. With a new testicle, which normally descended, you can periodically and inspire for three hours to burn up with a special m'yaz and know the posture of the scrotum. Perelyak, rag, cooling, bіl yell out reflexively fast meat, which raises the testicle, and it can hang high into the inguinal canal. With a soft, protective coating of the scrotum with warm hands, the testicle goes to the bottom of the scrotum, which is not a sign of pardon cryptorchidism, which does not mean glee. As a rule, during the first years of life, or, in the extreme depression, until the puberty, there is residual fixation of the testicle in the scrotum.
An undescended testicle is often undescended, in others dystrophic changes develop, which can lead to infertility, especially with bilateral cryptorchidism. The testicle, rotting in the inguinal canal, is weak to the point of inversion and necrosis. In addition, there is a lot of growth in the development of fluff, including evil ones.
Why do you have to work, why have you crept in doubts, why is everything in your lad? Obviously, go to your pediatrician or to a child surgeon. The stench or rozsіyut your sumnіvi, or to please, like a likuvannya next to carry out and find out the optimal terms. Often you can just pokachat an hour and do nothing, but obov'yazkovo perebuvat under medical supervision and visually.
The treatment of cryptorchidism is both medical and surgical. Medical therapy is recommended for recognized hormonal preparations and is carried out by an endocrinologist. With tsimu in 35-45% of depressions, it is possible to reach the descent of the testicle into the scrotum.
The operation of bringing down the testicle (orchidopexy) is to be performed in children from 2 to 6 years of age. Direct indications until a later date of operation are periodically blamed for testicular vulva in the inguinal canal, or congenital hernia. The essence of the operation lies in the protective ring of the testicle with the vessels, which is to revive yoga, putting yoga in the scrotum and fixing it there. Successful vtruchannya lie down in the middle of the primary growth of the testicle that stage of yogo development.
In certain vipadkas, one can see a testicle. In case of unilateral cryptorchidism, do not cause any damage to the state development, or free.
Health to you and your homeland!

If someone knows for sure, tell me. If it is the fault of the inability to see the skin and expose the head of the state member? From the moment of the people's chi through the singing period?

From the people and mayzhe until the rock of life, the foreskin grows strongly up to the head of the state member. Vіdkrivatisya (tobto with the pulling of the skin) is only to blame for the vivid dirochka (otvіr sechіvnik). Vіdkrivayuchi tsiu dіrochku, gauze with oil (sterile) softly take the vision that has accumulated, once again drop the oil and close it. You can with furacilin. Repeat - 1 time per week. But even before the rock, the head does not start to get better, or you can talk about phimosis, or even to the urologist.

Well, the tse vi turned down .... UNTIL 3 ROKIV it’s not varto turbuvatisya. About the third one, I didn’t see it - show it to the surgeon. Vіn assign the reason. Yakshcho є phimosis is the most important operation. If the phimosis is physiological and nothing is turbulent, then check up to 6 years, and then the operation

As the surgeon told me, before we were sent with phimosis at 6.5 years of reinsurance from the medical polyclinic: , i at 10, i at 16 rokіv buvaє.) І, fight God, reveal її to you yourself ... "

Nothing to talk about rozkrittya! Opening the sight of the open door! And if it doesn’t show up, then see a urologist!

My son is 6.5 years old at the same time. In 1 rіk and 7 months, when looking at the surgeon, he was diagnosed with phimosis and recommended surgery to remove adhesions (for a fee, among others). I, like a hearing mother (bad bula), came in handy. I pitiful dosi. The barbarian operation, the child was even more sore, the day was not falling down, it was more painful to write, and every time it was necessary to come to the doctor, they opened their head, they smeared it with an antiseptic. The child wailed so that my heart was shaving. We were pleased to give the head a break once a day and wash it with infusion of chamomile. Wherever there. I don’t let you get stuck. Maybe remember the hellish bill. I'm afraid that they can blame the problems for the hour of the state's dozrіvannya. I inquired later from other doctors, for it was necessary to torment the little child so much. Dumki raznі, but basically, scho - nі, movlyav, s vіkom all come to the norm itself. I told you such a terrible story. Maybe something to please and calm my mother's soul - to hurt my dosi.

Our son's head did not show up as a national. Before the rock, I called, checks chi vіdkrivati. One surgeon was so uplifted that he didn’t chip up to 3 years. Ale for the mind, as if there is no inflamed (chervoninnya, the little one smacks the organ). Zagalom, if in our country before the rock the head was cut on the sirnikova head and blackened, they blew it. Maybe it would have happened to itself, but there were guarantees that it wouldn’t have been without complications. Until then, with special notice, that earlier, it is less painful for a child to endure this procedure.
From the other side, our tato remembers that he himself did everything at his own vіtsi (Rokiv at 10-12) and without problems.

A lot of urologists agree on the fact that circumcision is not the style of dotrimanny national, or be it a reconciliation, but a hygienic procedure. There will definitely not be a phimosis, even a phimosis in the mid-life period can be aggravated by pinching the head of a member.

Do you want to say that nature has created a biological species that cannot be built normally without it?!! piece cut, encirclement, circumcision? Lighthouse Yakas! And why would not the fixation on the state organs be promoted, tied up with the receiving impressions, such a psychological trauma for a child?

My son is 10 years old. The new bull has the same situation with the second rock. And so it went through the postoperative period. I didn’t torment yoga with samples to shatter the foreskin, that wine and without giving it a ride. There are no problems with sechovipuscanny, the foreskin does not come up. And a doctor-urologist with experience told me that earlier and they didn’t make the boys suffer "the natural process of molding and physiological growth, as there are no medical reasons for the introduction"

The girl, who stuck with phimosis and robbed the little one. Which one has the best operation?

Kuzkina mother
Phimosis and circumcision - speeches of difference! With phimosis, it is not circumcised, but adhesions are broken. The whole speech. Theoretically, there are two approaches. The first (Old Radyansky) - if it didn’t open before the rock, then it needs to be cut. Another pidkhid - you don’t need anything in the fire, so you don’t hurt. When you open yourself. I don’t know if I was right or wrong, but I went down the first path - I went to the river for an assistant surgeon. The operation takes 3 seconds, on an outpatient basis. Children are still 3-4 days sicker than writing - they sprayed pussy with oil chlorophyllipt, they wore writing by the bath with potassium permanganate. Now everything is easy, past regularly. Ale, it’s possible, it’s true, it’s not varto.

The axis of the other pidkhid is better turned off. Namely, scho reveal itself. My man happened to have an operation at 24, oh, we endured, but the history was still alive ...

Olenka + Ivanushka
I’m still aware. At the same time, I have such a dilemma itself - what is work? Vzhe rіk, but there is no pressure on the opening. Ale at the man, like his mother, seemed to be herself, the fate of 3-4.

Ksyusha and Sasha
And my man, it seems, that at the new hour of state ripening, and on my experience of the first drive, the son simply laughs, it seems that nothing is needed.

My titmouse surgeon robbed the vision (circumcision?) of the foreskin of the 2nd tyzhniv. Because of this, we robbed baths and independent (хі-хі manually) insertion of the foreskin. If the foreskin is not inserted until 11-12 (? I doubt the dates) of the year, then surgery is recommended. And circumcision - tse for bazhanny, and nothing sleepy with phimosis.

Masha P
And how can I say? Guilty for the second time, the head of the head is naked?

With us, more precisely with Gosha, it is absolutely absolutely obvious, there is nowhere else ... But we were robbed for the suspicion of an incompetent phimosis.

Marina Shadrina
And we were given a physiological phimosis for rіk. We have the foreskin open, but the opening of the sechivnik is not in the center, but the troch is on the side, and the foreskin of the dovg (through this filthy opening). The surgeon also said, just for prophylaxis, take a body during the bathing hour and come carefully for a look around.

In our country, the answer of a sechivnik is not found on the very tip of the head of a state member, but a troch lower. I foreskin dosha, lower sound. Do you have a yak? To the side - from the bottom? And what do the doctors say, what do you need to see the shkir? I am the axis, sing-song, I saw yoma qiu "over the zayva" foreskin, so that it was "like at all". Ale tse roku at 3, maybe? Doctors seem to us - as you wish, purely cosmetic. So, there is no phimosis with whom.

And we, on river and two, took away the very inflamed foreskin (balanoposthitis - I can’t vouch for the correctness of writing). Everything blew up, writing became more painful. We drank in the liquor store. We were told that we were promily (not blamed, the child was being taken to the operating room), she was sent to the clinic - to sign up for a planned operation. The surgeon at the polyclinic tried vodkriti, didn’t try it, but rather tore the extreme body, blood, op, nightmare. My child was taken away and taken to the Institute of Andrology. de us uncle surgeon all vydkriv, hands without any operation. Order through a cry of vіdkrivati ​​every other day in the evenings, if you see it, you wash it with weakly erysipelas potassium permanganate and smear it with vaseline oil, oil itself. They suffered for a long time. It was more painful to write, they wrote under the water's jet, and it was more painful to exclaim. Two trimals, and I did it. Now it’s waking up once every few days, washing under the tap, closing it. Everything is quiet and peaceful. What is the surgeon on my question, why do you think so, why do 50% of the boys end up on the right? And in the norm, you can say it yourself to the rock - chotirioh.

Kolishniy Phimoznik
How did I feel about me? Under the hour of the first state act, there is no koїtus (vibachte for details), and I respect the fact that I don’t have a head (now I’ll understand that I didn’t say a word). To the one whose heads are pierced in other people, I did not give any significance. Zim dashingly I went to the urologist in the clinic. Vіn putting phimosis and acknowledging the operation. I drank yogo: "Maybe I'll break it down like that." "Well, try it," said the doctor. It took two or three days before the operation. I am today, taking a bath, trying to open the head, lovingly. It’s better that I didn’t hasten and was satisfied with small successes (I would have torn my coat and only), I didn’t allow pain. Through the week, only a part of the head was given, and more and more during the day. I don’t want to do anything, I respect, the shards of the rizik are inflamed, it’s possible to perform an operation on children. But you can try "expanding", even if the skin is gradually twisted - guess how the lobes of the natives of Africa are stretched out. I give up, it’s important not to hurry and not to allow pain.

Natasha Aprelikova
We have the same phimosis of the young. Pediatrician, whom we trust even more, for the sake of ourselves until the end of the day, what we are doing today. In my opinion, it became more beautiful. The look of the pediatrician is still unfamiliar.

We mayzhe chotiri roki tezh not v_dkrivaєtsya. The doctors said that the fates to the somoi can calmly work itself out, but it is necessary to force yourself (not by force) to open it up. I have a problem - I CANNOT exercise my body when bathing. Well, don't leave me! Vin dangling from my hands, even if not nice, but wet.

Olenka + Ivanushka
Girl, how can you pull it yourself? At Vanyukha's floorings, they lie flat, you can see a little, little girl, and you know, that it will tear like a pull.

We had a urinary tract infection in our babies. They treated me with antibiotics, the family doctor said that there was no phimosis (I immediately energized). Ale sent to the urologist. We in Canada, having said, that all the boys who want to have one infection here should go straight to the urologist, in order to check the future systemic system for the presence of any defects, which could lead to infection. A few days ago we went to the urologist. Vin said that we still have phimosis. Having said more, why would anyone want to have an operation, and write a corticosteroid cream, because. it is important that it is less serious and safer technique of trickery. As a result, he wrote us celestoderm and said to smear 3 times a day, pulling, naskilki go out, the foreskin. Vzagali, I'm ruining. We are suffering from diathesis, we are stressed by these hormonal creams, but here we are. In the Internet (English language) I pored, I also knew similar statistics that no more than 7 lads out of 1000 have to have an operation, in other cases, corticosteroid cream supplements the treatment (and sometimes it can be broken). But I haven’t read much information on this topic yet, so if anyone has a message, share it, be kind.

Elena and the boys
We have the same phimosis, moreover, Misha’s is small, and Tim’s axis is such that, if you pee, the foreskin of the troch inflates ... So far, they said you need to take a breath at the bath, but I’m afraid of getting hot.

After reading the topic, after a couple of days I went to the doctor, we just needed to be robed. I was specially hospitalized, they told me suvoro, sit, swear, and don’t rip. Until 3-4 years everything can be opened, but if not, then boom. Get it right. And I feed, and even if it’s for me, they told me that even if it’s not strong, then it’s possible, even though it’s not possible to bud. Axis.

Our doctors told us with one voice that earlier in 4 years, do not betray your respect. At 4 roki, we have a meal ... sheds, if everyone is blown away by the majestic mіkhur. And in the 5th anniversary of the year, they still gave us a head with a surgical path. Ale, all the same, it’s important to see ... The youngest is 2.5 at a time, but the daily pressures are on those who can’t be seen at all.

The surgeon told me at the polyclinic that up to six years of phimosis are considered physiological. And after that, you already need to open it with a surgical path. We daughted six rokіv i went to vіdkrivati. There was an old flame. The flesh has not grown a little to the head. And they didn’t dirty my nibs, but phimosis is a strong bov, maybe nothing was left in the bathrooms from the head. The young axis has three fates and in the new one there is also a strong phimosis. I check the letter, I’m going to the clinic to the surgeons. Six years of checks will not become.

At our eldest titmouse, here at 4.5 years old, the tip of a state member became a trifle chervonim, snarling that "pisya hurts." They called to medical doctors (we live in Holland), not marveling at the child, they prescribed an antifungal ointment. And if they came to Moscow, all the doctors seem to unequivocally operate, moreover, terminologically, to that in the new already not just adhesions, but the establishment of scar tissue has begun. And if you tighten it on the right, it can be even more foldable operation, well, but at the same time I’m going to be circumcised.
And the young (7 months old) has a sound in the same place. One doctor said - until the fate of nothing, don’t eat anything, here at 1.5 live in. And another doctor, having pleased, if my little one under the shower, slowly get drunk.

Take care of another doctor: "if you have a baby in the shower, slowly wake up." I am a childish urologist, and we try to keep watchful tactics: there are no special scargs - watch out. In case of partial blackening of the skins, discordances of the cut, "special" interest in the "thy" month, it is recommended to open adhesions, which do not allow the head of the p / member to be opened.

And the axis of us was immediately sent to Morozovsky for an operation! Good, I immediately woke up in the face of shock, in the sight of the buddy and the one who felt there, and pulled the little tit to the other clinic. The axis there really pleased the vichikuvati ... Otherwise, I was already afraid to know the successors at my glance among the surgeons ...

Prote, tell me... I read it and was amazed - to find problems on this forum! What do not say, singsongly, not without reason to shy away from Muslims and Jews. Perhaps, I’m giving up for nothing to the bazhann of my colossal (Muslim) robe of a synovial ablution.

Phimoz: How we rejoiced at human problems Goryushkina Natalia

Phimosis: big problems for little boys? Hi, great problems of their fathers.

What kind of phimosis (impossibility to expose the head of a state member) in boys, I miraculously knew from literature. And the very thing, which until the singing hour is not guilty of vodkrivatisya, is called physiological phimosis. Until the singing moment, the collar stretches, and the head bulges. How to manipulate the extreme body in case of phimosis is necessary even more carefully, through the risk of shrinkage (the same term operation and phimosis in a child will not be any worse). It is necessary to carefully guard the head behind the camp, if the infection is penetrated, adhesions can be broken, and it will also require surgical insertion. But the axis of why the doctors didn’t share a single thought - so in the same “date X”, if physiological phimosis is attached to pathological patients. A darma. How would it be ruchno - 5 April 00:00 - All brothers, you have a pathology! Terminovo pid nizh!
Ale, burn with fires, but I tried to give peace to the doctors, let them sort out the terms themselves and just grow a son. Tim is bigger, that nothing was turbulent itself, the head did not bulge through the extreme body of a neat little proboscis, which, of course, did not respect the child to fawn with his "pisyun" for direct confession.
The axis grew so old with him up to 5.5 years, if on one clear spring evening at the nursery school nursery there was a note from the nurse, that the child should be shown to the surgeon with the phimosis drive.
And our "going through torments" began. The first step will be a visit to the district polyclinic. Our nursery, and also the surgeon himself, having revealed the "problem", is located in a different area. Stupidity was naturally necessary for itself. I didn’t zdivuvalsya, if the likar looked gloomy (a man, before the speech!) For a long time and gloomily drooled, with whom they waved to the new. After what commanded: "Undress!" Chim, having thrown ruination into me, Well, I didn’t dare to slander in the place ... Looking gloomy at the result - the doctor blamed the verdict: "You need to tell!" It seemed like it happened - in view of the fact that I was having fun with us ("I have such a rich work, from what it is at a non-working hour" ...) Ale, the stolnik was not in the mood for everything, and having taken the direction to the Morozov likarnya and the phone, I followed it was home, we were let in by the light.
On the phone, we should once again get a radio message, what we ate “for the address”, stink for the sake of us, but I’ll do it without a child ... Well, it’s necessary - it’s necessary! The child went to the garden (truancy is not wiyshov!), And I - to Morozivka.
The pleadings of the guarded surgical corps led to a small room, at the end of the day a pretty woman saw me like that ... First, we need to put the operation on the cob of corn, we need to bring the child to appointments until the 10th year, with speeches (the list is added! ) , and the smut - with the results of obstezhen (another list!). I everything! "Will there be food?" - the good Samaritan chimed in... I didn’t have a power supply... Until I looked at the lists I saw.
- And now 2 pajamas, - I timidly clicked.
- Schob was in what to sleep at night, - was a logical conclusion.
- What about now? - I didn't get it.
- And to the one who spent 3 dobies with us, you won’t have a golyak to sleep.
- Skilki???? - Mayuchi dosvіd laparoscopic view of the appendix at the tіtka, like a viphali from the clinic of the coming day, I thought it was a wonder that such a thing, like phimosis, can be "cut" with a stretch of three deb.
- And what do you want, this operation is under general anesthesia.
- So??? - and I naїvna wondered what it was! Chick with scissors - and that's all! What is there to cut? The same one under anesthesia?
- Yak scho? Phimoz, you have written. And shvidshe - work yourself ...
Come on your own, I thought vaguely, stupidly back to the subway ... So far, I did not look into the other list. analiziv. There were exactly 14 pieces, a banal blood-section, there were X-rays of the chest, blood for VIL and hepatitis, scatology (now?), and a bunch of fungal labuda of the type z_skrіbka for enterobioz, notes from the card, chipping and from the history of ailment. It is not surprising that I became so on the mission. It seemed that phimosis was impossible to exalt, as if a child had worms. Abo low hemoglobin. But there is no splintering of pigs. I was more struck by the skin analysis, standing for the term of yoga attachment (that is the hour of yoga results). A beautiful picture came out, like a raptom of a baby to pick up the undead, and you can’t arrive at the instructions for the day “fuck low”, everything, krіm mabut, VILu, happen to resend. With the price of the mind, protecting our health, taking snot once a month, the ability to spend on the operation was close to zero. That and my bajannya - tezh.
Why do you need to say that the ideal mother's work would not change the child's mind after all the litter died out ... vzagali.
At home, out of grief, she tried to phone her friend. Її sinochok - the same age as mogo. Problem nachebto tezh close .... Її vіdpovіd pleasing me: "And you just got carried away, we also went to Vovka in the second half of the year until the 9th lіkarnі, remember, if you got an infection."
It appeared that її Vovka raptom began to scribble on those who were more painful to write to him. There was no surgeon in our current clinic, and the child was sent to the Consultative Center at the 9th child clinic. "And the smut - we were all killed there right at the hospital, without the annual analyzes and hospitalizations," - she hurried to please me, - "We went home in five years." But I didn’t even hear where the liquorary was located - I knew we had been there for a while, and now I was scooping documents up to the bag.
All the way I was tormented by only one thought - from the other district! True, we took the policy from Zakhidny, and yet we live 2 more years from Pivdenny. So I didn’t pay for special success. I for nothing. It turned out to accept us from our policy and directly (to our liquor, ha-ha!) without any problems, only the axis of the child needed to be brought with him at once, for that there was no way for them to write down the record. You just need to come to the 11 office. Best of the wound. On that we wrote.
In the morning at the 11th office, seeing my son looking at the fish at the majestic aquarium with radio words: "Who came before us?" - We were jostled by the manager. to the acknowledgments. "We have come! With phimosis!" I think my son is already twisting the word.
- Phimosis? We marvel, we marvel, - the doctor shook her hands and began to smear the object of my son's future pride, - Well, de phimosis? Come on, you can see the head!
So, the head of the bula is visible, having erased the raspberry edge at the nicely folded folds of the skin like a spiral. It turned out that there was no need for more. And my unsmiling respect, that she didn’t show it, was filled with food: “And now it’s time for you to break it at once?
Viyavlyaєєєєєєєє, the norm vvazhaєєєєєєєєєє the foreskin is rotten, did not grow to the head, under it there are no dry visions (smegmolіtіv - tse kamenі so z spressovannyh vidіlenі - brr!). I don’t care about the life of a child in full little life. I everything! Pull it tight, pull it out by force - it's less than a chance to bring an infection!
And with these words of advice, we were safely let home!
Then now I know that my child has NO phimosis! What would there not say lovers of infamous anesthesia.

It is not uncommon for an hour of prophylactic treatment at a child's doctor, phimosis is diagnosed in boys. Dane's illness is often irritated in the chest cavity and is considered an absolute norm - it is due to the fact that all the structures of the baby are only developing. That is why it is not varto to boast and get accustomed to terms of therapeutic approaches.

What is phimosis, how to cause this development, how to exult and in what kind of mood it is necessary to go to the doctor? Vіdpovіdі mаut nobility wіth batki, yаkі vihovuyut probable cholovіkіv. The untimely manifestation of pathology and exuberance can lead to complications, problems from the cuts and state of life are gone.

Phimosis in the breast is considered an absolute norm

What is phimosis and why is it blamed on boys?

Phimosis is a pathological state, in which the head of the state member is not exposed in any way. Like a camp, do not start to tell about the presence of a child who is ill, it is not necessary for him to try to open his head on his own, even if with his actions you can only get sick.

Up to 6 years old, the state system of the boys is still being formed. As soon as the next hour it becomes imminent (the head does not show up, the baby suffers from discomfort in the intimate zone), then turn around for help to fakhivtsya.

Іsnuє kіlka reasons for the development of phimosis:

  • born pathology, which is the cause of the damage to the intrauterine development;
  • injury to a member, which provokes a sound of prepuce and formation of a scar;
  • ignition processes in the intimate zone, zocrema balanoposthitis;
  • incorrect restoration of the tissue structure after the operation on the state organ;
  • small number of elastic good structures.

Which one can blame the problem?

Tsei camp becomes aware of most of the newborn boys (mayzhe in 95%): the head of the penis comes out frequently, the foreskin shards are tied around it with synechia. Therefore, phimosis in children of 2-3 years of age is an absolute norm - such a camp is called the term "physiological phimosis in boys."

Up to 4 years, everything is normalized for the rich little ones without third-party intervention. Shkira, what do you feel reproductive organ, becomes rukhomoy, and the head is bared all over. It is important that it can be taken up to 6 - 7 years of age - it is a sign of a general physiological development.

Deyakі fahivtsі do not give rise to rozpochinat likuvannya phimosis up to 10 years, as the main signs are not afraid of other concomitant symptoms (bіl, sverbіzh, diffi- culty of the séchovizannja toshcho). It is necessary for a young person to consult a child's doctor, so as not to allow the appearance of a complication and not to aggravate the child's body.

Classification and symptoms of pathology

Phimosis in boys is divided into 3 types - cicatricial, hypertrophic and congenital. Depending on the variety of pathology, the scheme of treatment is determined. Peculiarities of the disease of the skin type are examined in the tables.

Form a phimosis
Type of phimosisReason for developmentSymptomsWay of likuvannya
  • the main factor that provokes the appearance of cicatricial phimosis is the absence of special hygiene rules;
  • inflammation of the state / secovidial organs;
  • born pathology.
In case of phimosis of the cicatricial form, the foreskin dipped and pereskodzha voluntarily exiting the head. Cracks and scars are blamed on the shkіrі, they appear in a bruise, after which the ringing of the state opening is heard. Carrying out hygienic procedures is practically impossible. Often, the passage of cicatricial phimosis is accompanied by inflammation of the cієї region (paraphimosis).Medical therapy and surgical operation.
  • There is only one reason for the vindication of hypertrophic phimosis - a veil of the eye, including obesity in the intimate zone (there are too many tissues in such a state that the accumulation of fatty cells is superfluous).
Pathology develops in small children, and in older adults. Through the zayvi fat prosharok, the prepuce is subdued, under the skin it is accumulated large number vologists. The foreskin tightly fits the head of the penis, through which it cannot be named. Increased moisture sprayed the development of inflammation, so the child can be seen.As soon as you reveal an illness, you can manage without surgical intervention. Therapy can be carried out at home, moreover, it is necessary to prepare a meal for a child.
  • you can vinikati like this;
  • genetic strength;
  • pathology
Physiological phimosis is manifested in the ringing of the foreskin, through which the head cannot go beyond the border of the skin. In some cases, there is an increase in the prepuce of that state body.The jubilation is carried out after reaching the boy of the singing century. Vykoristovuyut drug therapy, with її impossibility, surgery is indicated.

The head symptom of phimosis is the impossibility of opening the head of the penis (the foreskin foreskin) or outside of it (the photo shows how it looks like phimosis).

Prior to the manifestation of pathology, it is also known:

  • problematic sechovipuskannya - little children often cry or swear, cutting is seen with specks (thin jet) with small zatrimki;
  • painfully visible at the hour of erection;
  • irradiating bill at the top division of a state member;
  • if phimosis is accompanied by a burning process, then when the state organ opens, rot can come in, the body temperature rises, the head of the penis is very swollen and blue.

Methods of diagnostics

Pathologically it became easy to detect the hour of visual inspection. Dosvіdcheny urologist vyznaє stupіn that form of zahvoryuvannya on zvnіshnіy vglyad that carg of the patient. Other needs for additional diagnostic procedures - ultrasound, dopplerography, OAC, OAM. Based on all the available information, an accurate diagnosis is established and a therapy plan is formed.

A urologist can make a diagnosis of phimosis after a visual examination

Features of jubilation

Likuvannya can be carried out only after consultation with the doctor. Pochatkov stage of phimosis is celebrated with medication and for the help of other methods, fakhivets give recommendations on how to change the diet, if necessary.

If the ailment is running, then it is impossible to do without prompt intervention. Physiological phimosis, as a rule, pass independently, but sometimes the problem is solved promptly.

Surgical insertion from the photo before the next operation

Surgical intervention is only indicated if conservative therapeutic methods have proven to be ineffective. The operation is carried out dekilcoma in the following ways:

  • traditional - the surgeon to rob the axis of the foreskin opening, then sew it up (in this way, the diameter of the pulpal ring is increased);
  • the operation according to Shkloffer - zigzag-like expansion is performed, after which the edges of the wound are closed with sutures (before the procedure, obov'yazykovo to loosen the pain of pain);
  • circumcision - outwardly retracted shkiri around the head of the state organ (result - in the photo).

The result of the circumcision

One of the alternatives to surgery is to remove the foreskin with a laser. Such a way can have a low impact - absolute painlessness, blood supply, quick rehabilitation.

Therapy at home

Phimosis in children is used in dekilcoma in ways that sound like one day. During the period of rejoicing, follow the steps for the hygiene of the child, doctors recommend taking baths with additional herbs (chamomile, celandine, calendula, etc.), rosemary of manganese or sea salt.

After bathing, smear the upper skin of the state organ with cream or a special ointment and loosen the ruhi that stretch (two fingers spread the tissues to the sides). You can’t work even more quickly and sharply - manipulations are not guilty of hurting a child. This method allows you to reach garnogo result for two months. For the final procedure, 10 quilin per day is enough.

Also, doctors often prescribe corticosteroid ointments - Betamethasone, Triderm, Diprosalik, Budesonide, Clobetasol and others. The stench can wash antimicrobial and antibacterial action, saturate the tight tightening of scars and microcracks.

Corticosteroid ointment Triderm

Even though the use of ointments is contraindicated, you can replace them with vaseline. Be it medicine, it is impossible to stop without the recognition of a doctor.

Possibly folded

In the event of possible discomfort and difficulties during hygienic manipulations, additional problems and pathologies are often manifested, which require negligent treatment. Before them, you can see sickness:

  • Balanoposthitis is an igniting process that occurs in the foreskin and the end of the state member. Blame through the lack of hygiene. A sick person has the following symptoms: sverbіzh, seeing festering scum, hyperemia, bіl.
  • Paraphimosis is formed when the father tries to independently expose the head of the penis. Sharp and wrong movements lead to a violent stretching of the foreskin and a distant squeeze of the state body. Vіd tsogo suffer blood-bearing judges and tissues. The patient sees a strong pain in the eye, the tip of the penis increases in size and bulges. If you don’t start exuberant ailments, you may develop necrosis or gangrene of the state organ. The way out of the situation will be the amputation of the affected litter.
  • The growth of the foreskin and that head is exploding, as if for a long time not to live in the annual visits for the elimination of phimosis - synechia (growing) is step by step formed (recommended to read:). For such a person, I will not be able to solve the problem on my own.

Prevention of phimosis in children

The physiological form of phimosis will not require therapy. In order to prevent the development of illness in lads, it is important to follow up with regular hygiene procedures, see a pediatrician for preventive examinations. Like a child, she is shy to the full, it is necessary to take care of a special diet.

Phimosis- a camp, which is characterized by the narrowness of the foreskin, which leads to friability. In such a rank, the first, and often the only sign of phimosis is the ability to expose the head of a state member in peace and/or at the hour of erection.

The extreme body, or preputium, is the name of the skin fold in people, which covers the head of the member. Preputium with specialized fabric, rich in what is supposed to be the life of the eyes and lips of women.

The foreskin is folded from two sheets, which are attached to crown furrow, roztashovanoi in the basis of the head of the state member. The outer leaf of the lining is thin outer epithelium, and the surface of the inner leaf is a mucous membrane.

Dodatkovu fixation preputium secure bridle, ruffled on the lower side of the head and bordering the foreskin at a straight line to the base of the article member. Budov's frenulum of the foreskin is rich in why guess the frenulum of the tongue.

As a rule, during erection, the foreskin is pulled down to the base of the penis and the head of the member is exposed. In the splendid state, the prepuce completely covers the head, so that the inner surface of the foreskin seals the preputial empty (preputial bag) - the lace of the chin between the head and the extreme body.
In this way, the foreskin stops its function, protecting the mucus membrane of the head of the penis from drying up and unfriendly spleen. The very reason for the treatment of phimosis, doctors try to save anatomical illumination and go to circumcision (distance of the foreskin) only in extreme depressions.
How often does phimosis develop?
Again, it should be noted that phimosis is a more widespread phenomenon and in rich depressions does not cause any particular concern to patients.

This is due to the fact that the head and foreskin during the period of intrauterine development are formed from one tissue. The development of the new state bodies continues until the end of the state maturation, to which the birth of a physiological phimosis is more likely to occur in 95% of the newly born people are not a human state.

On the cob of a different life, the head of a state member is less likely to be raised in 20% of people, and on the cob of a third - in 50%. As a rule, mimoly usunennya physiological phimosis occurs in preschool age (3-6 years).

Prote is far from a unique depression, if the head of the state member is already in the period of the state development, the signs of the increase in the level of the state hormones, as if to saturate the relaxation and stretching of the upper body of the extreme body.

In wealthy peoples of the world, the gene of agility is extended to the preservation of the physiological child phimosis in the age-old age. So, for example, in some countries of Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia, phimosis in mature people is considered the norm, for a little bit of quiet fluctuations, if the ringing of the foreskin is caused before the appearance of painful symptoms.

And in culture Ancient Greece the foreskin was not only not taken in by pathology, but it was accepted as a sign of beauty and masculinity. The bare head of a member of the state was considered obscene, shards told about circumcision. On the ancient frescoes of images, sound piece by piece, step by step, lift the foreskin.
For this ancient Greek youths victorious a special shkiryan line - kinodesma, one end of which was attached to the foreskin, and the other was tied around the waist. The wear of the cinematographer was seen as showing particular modesty and decency.

Classification of phimosis

Phimosis can be divided into two main classes:
  • bandages with features to the development of the head of the state member and the foreskin physiological phimosis in children;
  • pathological phimosis.
Tsya classification is the most important, the oscillators indicate medical tactics: in case of physiological phimosis in children, it is recommended to take care of hygienic visits to that medical caution, and in case of pathological phimosis - conservative treatment

Behind the mechanism of development, hypertrophic and atrophic phimosis are distinguished.

Hypertrophic phimosis it is characterized by a significant subtraction of the foreskin (through the very characteristic appearance of yoga, it is also called proboscis phimosis).

Statistically, hypertrophic phimosis is more common in boys, who suffer from obesity, which is associated with both impaired speech exchange and accumulation of fatty cells in the pubic area.

Pro atrophic form of phimosis to speak in vipadkah, if the foreskin, navpaki, is changed by obligation and tightly encases the head of the state member. With this preputial opening of the sounds, I do not miss the head.

Cause phimosis

Most often it is sharpened congenital phimosis, if the physiological phimosis is not self-sustaining and the head of the state member is not recognized - no childhood, no period of state maturation.

The reasons for such anomalies do not exist. The fact that in some peoples phimosis is more frequent, lower in others, testifies to the savagery of the genetic susceptibility to congenital phimosis.

Clinical studies have shown that congenital phimosis often occurs with other anomalies of well-being tissue and the musculoskeletal system, such as flat feet, scoliosis, and heart failure.

In children common cause the development of pathological phimosis and injuries, in addition, with rough violent tests, fathers corrected physiological phimosis in little boys.

In such cases, adhesions are established between the mucous membranes of the head of the penis and the foreskin, which lead to the sounding of preputial emptying and the development of secondary pathological phimosis.

I, nareshti, to cause phimosis in children and grown-ups with a wide cause, infectious-inflammatory processes in the preputial bear, which lead to the formation of a characteristic cicatricial phimosis.

Stages of pathological phimosis

Anatomically distinguish between several stages of the sounding of the preputial ring.

With phimosis first step it is possible to see the head of the state member in a calm state, at the hour of the erection of the naked head it is more difficult or painful.

Pro another step Phimosis to speak, if it is difficult for bare heads to blame and become calm. Under the hour of erection, the head is either completely chained under the extreme flesh, or it is only a small part that is exposed, which is often irritated by the looking bag.

At third step The phimosis of the head of the state member is no longer possible to lead beyond the preputial ring.

fourth step Phimosis is characterized by such a sharp ringing of the foreskin, as if it were difficult during cuts.

It should be noted that it is customary to speak about the first-third stage of pathological phimosis, if the patients are grown-up people, or they are older. Well up to the fourth step, then normally, with a childish physiological phimosis, preputial emptying may be sufficient for a free entry of the section.

Therefore, the signs are like a reminder of a preputial bear at the hour of the cut and / or a ringing of a cut, to blame the stink of an early child, unequivocally to be aware of the pathology and to indicate an emergency medical intervention.

Symptoms of pathological phimosis in adults

In quiet moods, if phimosis still does not cause problems from sechoviprosy, the most frequent scars of patients are the manifestations of a greater and lesser world of non-handiness for an hour of sexual stature, so:
  • soreness under the hour of the state act (with phimosis of the first or other stage);

  • before the hour of sim'yaviporskuvannya;

  • decrease in the intensity of sexual sensations under the hour of the statutory act;

  • changing potency.
In addition, a lot of people who suffer from phimosis, suffer from a lot of psychological problems associated with the “wrong” look of a state member. Quite often they develop various complexes, so it is necessary to spend a day in a urologist and a psychotherapist.

At the same time, I don’t have rash and depression, if people with pronounced phimosis don’t have daily problems with the sexual plan.

Why is there a problem with asymptomatic phimosis in adults

Today, you can see how the treatment tactics are used in cases of phimosis, which are accompanied by the appearance of some unacceptable symptoms. Really, why should a defect be corrected, such as among the wealthy peoples, having taken in a sign of beauty?

Unfortunately, phimosis becomes a problem for a healthy adult person. On the right, in the fact that the cells of the mucus membrane of the inner leaf of the prepuce see a special secret that can be stored in a warehouse (fat, bactericidal speech, pheromones (awake speech) and so on.). This secret is the main part of smegmi (at the translation of the walnut "shkirne lard"), to the warehouse, which also includes the dead cells of the epithelium and microorganism.

The activity of clitins of the scalloped epithelium of the foreskin increases during the period of state maturation (the maximum smeg formation occurs on 17-25 years) and progressively decreases in summer people.
In norm, smegma protects the mucus membranes of the head of the penis and the inner surface of the foreskin from drying out, and also plays a role natural oil under the hour of the statute act.

However, the secret of the mucus membrane of the inner layer of the foreskin is an excellent living medium for rich pathogenic microorganisms. This stagnation in the preputial bear can be caused by the development of infectious-inflammatory diseases, such as balanitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the head of the penis) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the head of the penis and the inner leaf of the extreme body).

In addition, due to this, due to the richness of research, in case of trivial stagnation of smog, carcinogenic speech is established and accumulated in it, which causes the development of oncological diseases in people (papilloma of the head of the penis, cancer of the penis) and those sexual partners of the uterus (cancer of the sexual partners of the uterus).

In a child, the cleansing of the preputial bear is independent, the amount of smegmy, as seen, is small. For grown-up people, in order to make it easier to grow up, it is necessary to take care of the rules of hygiene, so that you can put a toilet in it, which will lie in the washing of the foreskin and the head of the state member with warm water with sweetness.

With phimosis, this procedure is usually complicated. In this order, the ringing of the foreskin in mature sprites accumulated smegmi in the preputial bear.

Navitat in quiet situations, if phimosis does not manifest itself with some-nebud unacceptable symptoms, doctors rave about the development of pathologies, splinters, crimson problems, the development of infectious-inflammatory and oncological diseases, and also the possibility of such a serious development paraphimosis.

Paraphimosis as a severely aggravated phimosis in adults

Under paraphimosis, there may be a complication of phimosis, if the head of the state member is inserted, it appears to be infringed in the destruction of the foreskin.

Yaka leaned in the tight ring of the ringing foreskin, the head swells, with which the pressure of the ring rises. In this order, a vicious ring is created: viklikana with a strong grip of the broken blood circulation, force a bump on the head, and a bump will force a squeeze on the head of the foreskin ring.

In older people, such parafimosis is most often blamed for the hour of the state act or masturbation. It should be noted that such an aggravation is less than phimosis of the first or another stage, but more important forms of phimosis simply do not allow the possibility of exposing the head of a state member.

Clinically, paraphimosis is manifested by severe pain, the head of the penis becomes swollen and bluish. Over time, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases due to severe damage to the blood circulation. In vipads, which have gone far, the head of the purple or black color is infringed.

Severely, this trival blood circulation disorder can lead to deep necrosis (death) of the tissue of the foreskin and the head of the penis. To that paraphimosis is in the region of unsafe conditions, which will require non-gay help.

The first help in case of paraphimosis in people who are polygay in non-gay animals for specialized medical help. At the early stages, the development of paraphimosis can be done by doctors by manually adjusting the head of the member (manipulation is even more painful, this is carried out after the introduction of narcotic analgesics). In severe depressions, they go up to the rosette of the foreskin.

Physiological phimosis in children

Nasampered, the next thing to note is the peculiarity of physiological phimosis in them: the presence of tornness of the foreskin of the pouch is not already due to the vuzkistyu її open.

In such a lower vein, most of the boys have an inner leaf of the foreskin of adhesions from the head of the state member. For the same reason, in any case, it was not necessary to forcibly expose the head - it caused the internal surface of the preputial emptying to be eroded, the development of the ignition process and the vindication of secondary pathological phimosis.

Vidomiy Dytyachiy Likar Komarovsky is indiscriminately solvio, in 99 vipads zi 100, the fiction fiziro -like firosis at the Malyukivs, it is rude to the non -literate trustees, and the daddy for the pleasures of the relatives, Susidiv, Luchkar.

As a boy, there is nothing turbulent (there are no problems from sechoviparous launches, I hurt, I will overthrow it too much) the daily supplementary visits, when the phimosis is corrected, there is no varto. It’s necessary to run a great toilet more than once, washing the crotch and the organ with water. It’s nicer to vikoristovuvat not more often than once in three or three days, not allowing it to fall into the preputial bear.

The expansion of the mucous membranes of the head of the penis and the inner layer of the foreskin ruptures progressively to the progressive lesion of the clitin epithelium. It’s worth doing a proper process, which is a piece of stimulation.

The cells of the epithelium, which are angry, form the basis of the so-called childish smegmi, as if accumulating, properly protrude until the exit and appear at the sight of the grains at once from the cross section. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd smegmi grown, the child smegm not become unsafe for the development of infections and oncological diseases.

Physiological phimosis itself, by itself, has an important function to protect it, protecting the lower epithelium of the head of the penis, which has not yet formed, and the inner layer of the foreskin against the outer aggressive agents.

Until what age phimosis in a boy can be considered a physiological phenomenon

On this day, the doctors didn’t manage to do anything about it, for which time the boy’s phimosis should be taken into account by pathology, if it is necessary to get used to special visits to yogo adoption. Therefore, in the articles of fahivtsiv, you can add different numbers - 2-3 years, 5-7 years, 7-10 years and 14-17 years.

Based on clinical data, the possibility of self-sustaining physiological phimosis in a 5-year-old boy is 90%, in a 10-year-old boy it is 83%, and it drops to 33% to a 13-year-old boy.

It’s good for pediatricians to please the fathers until they reach the age of state maturity, to take a vicarious position: even if there are no usual anxious symptoms, it’s better to bud, oscillating phimosis can be carried out at the elder’s head.

It should be noted that saving phimosis until the 11-13th century can be due to a low level of human hormones in the blood, as a beneficial effect on the process of helping to relieve that stretching of the foreskin.

In addition, it is necessary to revive the birth of physiological phimosis in the form of secondary phimosis, which is the culprit in the result of any infectious-inflammatory diseases.

Zrozumіlo, such a diagnosis can be put only fakhіvets. Ale in quiet depressions, if the child already had a warning of the head of the penis, and then the viniclo ringing of the foreskin, more for everything, there is a pathological phimosis.

What can physiological phimosis cause problems in boys and what work in such temperaments

Physiological phimosis in children is rarely caused by complications. Problems are most often blamed for broken elementary rules of hygiene, as well as for overheating and progression to allergic reactions.

In depressions, if the manifestation of unacceptable symptoms is insignificant (sverbіzh, easy redness, restless child), you can try to fix the problem on your own. Many pediatricians recommend washing the preputial empty with warm furatsilin for the help of a great ten-millimeter syringe.

The procedure is in the offensive:

  • Take a warm dose of furacilin or an ectericide from the syringe;

  • Pull the scruff up on the mountain, without baring the head;

  • Insert a syringe without a needle into the slit (it’s better to double the manipulation, so that one person pulls the foreskin, and the other one robs others with a syringe);

  • Let go under the pressure of the cracks from the syringe, watching the sights that have accumulated.
If necessary, repeat the washing of the sprat once and complete the procedure by instillation at the opening of oily varieties (2-3 drops of vaseline, olive oil or oily vitamin A).

When the child's stubbornness advances to allergic reactions (exudative diathesis, atopic dermatitis, skinny), unacceptable symptoms may be due to the influx of allergen-speech, which can be delivered from the cross section, or from the contact infusion on the skin.

  • if possible, use a fortune-telling agent (look at the menu, faces, antibiotics, vitamins, vicarious diapers, butovu chemistry then);
  • turn off the splash on the skin of chemical speeches;
  • zbіlshiti kіlkіst rіdini for yaknishvidshy "avoidance" of allergens from the body.
It is impossible to be evil at home minds at the same time. As if, no matter how hard it is, unacceptable symptoms are avoided, you should seek specialized medical assistance (pediatrician or child urologist).

Navitat in quiet moods, if the boy has phimosis, bezzarezhno iznazneniya phyziologichnym, next negainoly turn to the doctor with the onset of anxiety symptoms:

  • blaming problems with sechovipkannyam (difficulty with sichovipkannі, soreness);

  • є signs of inflammation (swelling and blackening of the foreskin area, pain syndrome).

What is the need for specialized medical assistance to help reduce phimosis in children

Before specialized medical assistance, which helps, aggravate phimosis in children, one can see such pathological conditions:
  • balanoposthitis;
  • paraphimosis;
  • blockage of the section.

Balanitis, post that balanoposthitis in children

Balanitis name the inflamed head of the article member, fasting- Inflamed foreskin.

Balanoposthitis- Podnane іnfektsіyno-fuse damage to the head of the state member and the foreskin.

The names of the illness in lads are common in sprats more often, lower in older people. The rest of the furnishing is connected with the very physiological features of being a human child state organ.

Crimia for physiological phimosis are important factors that help to prevent the development of ignition processes in the area of ​​the head of the penis in children:

  • bloody diabetes (high blood pressure in the section against the development of infection in preputial emptying);
  • obesity (destruction of exchange processes, deterioration of minds during special hygiene visits);
  • avitaminosis (decrease in overall fatness to the body).
As a rule, gostry balanitis, fasting or balanoposthitis starts without a basis for aphids of overall health. In case of any good, one is given a sign of infusion, which served as a postal service to the development of illness. You can use:
  • trauma, taken away with a rough test, expose the head of a member;
  • severe allergic reaction (visualization of food or drug allergens from the cross section or direct contact with the allergen (pampers, cosmetic concerns, cute, pralny powder thinly));
  • overheating;
  • severe hypothermia, more pronounced decrease in immunity;
  • an external injury, including an unhandled robe (over a narrow pair of panties with a seam in the middle, traumatized by a snake skinny).
In children, it is most common to see the fuse of the lesion of the head of the penis and the foreskin.

Symptoms of illness are characteristic:

  • chervonіnnya that nabryak at the dilyantsі foreskin (to fast);
  • through the opening you can see the hyperemia of the head (balanitis);
  • bіl, scho posilyuєtsya at sechovipkannі (teasing dіya sechі on the inflamed tissue of the head and foreskin);
  • sverbіnnya and discomfort;
  • serous sero-purulent vision.
The severity of symptoms, as well as an increase in lymph nodes, an increase in body temperature, the appearance of symptoms of intoxication (weakness, malaise, headache, loss of appetite) are an indicator of the severity of the illness.

In case of suspicion of infection, the head of the state member and / or the extreme body should be negligently turned to the doctor, which is to recognize the need for exaltation.

In case of recurrence of illness, as well as in the case of a second phimosis, the need for operative treatment can be blamed.

Paraphimosis in children

In little lads, the pathology is most often blamed in the aftermath of violence, try to expose the head of a member of the state, crushed by naughty fathers under the hour of “corrected” physiological phimosis.

The clinical picture and aggravation of phimosis in boys are the same as in grown-up people. A characteristic arc is a strong pain syndrome, blackened and slowly progressing swelling of the head of the penis. Untimely or inadequate medical help can lead to inaccurate consequences in the appearance of necrosis of the foreskin of the state member.

First aid for paraphimosis in children. At the edge, there are many occasions when the heads are adjusted by powerful forces (applying cold to reduce the sagging; Insanely, richly lie down in the face of the severity of the paraphimosis (the manifestation of the disorder and the pain syndrome) and I will become a child's psyche.

Ale, wiser, similar rites do not follow. Repositioning the head of the penis in case of paraphimosis is a rather sickly procedure, as in medical settings it is carried out under anesthesia (in pediatric practice, intravenous anesthesia is carried out, which is carried out for a short time, but only outside the connection).

So it’s best not to spend a precious hour and not to worry about a child, but rather to seek medical help. Transportation of patients in such cases should be carried out in the supine position with legs apart.

Difficulties in cutting

Difficulties in sechovipkannі blaming with the arch of the narrow opening of the foreskin. In such cases, a characteristic symptom is observed: the development of a preputial bear in the cut at the hour of the cut. The strumina section becomes thin and intermittent, and sometimes the section is seen in drops.

In addition, in such situations, children often complain about pain and discomfort at the hour of entry into the battle. The stench repair uniqueness in the toilet, which leads to the development of secondary enuresis (daily enuresis).
Difficulties in the discharge of the vagina in infants are manifested by restlessness, crying and strong tension during the passage of the cut.

The given pathology is to bring up the pressure in the cutting paths, which threatens with serious complications. That is why it is difficult for sechovipkannі є indications to the emergency liquidation of phimosis.

Medical tactics in the treatment of pathological phimosis

Today, in order to treat pathological phimosis with surgical methods, conservative methods are widely promoted, such as:
  • stepwise hand stretching of the foreskin;

  • vikoristannya spets_alnyh pristroїv, scho stretching the foreskin;

  • medical treatment of phimosis (suspension of steroid ointments to help relieve the tension and tension of the foreskin tissue).
The position of doctors-fahivtsiv before the listing of other methods for treating phimosis is not unambiguous. Deyakі professionals vvazhayut conservatively likuvannya in a vague way to put an inevitable operation on tomorrow.

Such an unimportant attitude was conceived by the fact that a lot of patients independently, without consulting with professionals, engage in self-delusions and often resort to rude pardons, which lead to serious complications (paraphimosis, infection and inflammation of extreme diseases).

Until then, it is often not safe that absolute contraindications to the choice of conservative methods form scarring phimosis. On the right, in the fact that the scar tissue does not stretch, try everything to get the phimosis adopted in advance doomed to failure.

At the same time, there is data on the effectiveness of conservative methods in many patients with other or third stages of congenital phimosis.

An important positive aspect of the use of non-surgical methods of treating phimosis is the “naturalness” of the splinter, the stink shards actually repeat the mechanism of the physiological self-sustaining of age-old phimosis.

In addition, conservative methods of treating phimosis allow you to save insanely important functions of the foreskin and avoid unacceptable side effects and complications.

Thus, due to the fact that it is a counter-indication, conservative methods can, as a whole, be vikoristan as a basic alternative. Understandably, jubilation can be carried out after consultations with a specialist and under the supervision of a doctor.

Prote in quiet moods, if it is necessary to seek early and radical treatment of phimosis for medical (for example, with phimosis of the fourth stage) or for special indications, it is better to try to overcome surgical intervention.

Non-drug conservative treatment of phimosis. Pull method.

Methods of tightness have been reduced to practice by the rest of the past century, if the original statistical studies were carried out, they showed that the risk of development of congenital phimosis lies in the method of masturbation.

As a result, a hypothesis was put forward about the possibility of eliminating congenital phimosis by the method of incremental stretching of the foreskin and a special method of conservative treatment of pathology was developed.

The main rules of these methods are:

  • obov'yazkove in front of a professional consultation and away from the medical guard;
  • postupovіst raztyaguvannya (at the same time it was not possible to admit pain sensations);
  • regularity of manipulations.
Method naked heads during masturbation, becoming one of the first conservative methods of treating congenital phimosis. The Danish method is based on the rights of exposing the head of the penis, for example, at least 10-15 times per day are carried out.

Yes, it’s possible to achieve the adoption of phimosis of the first or another stage for additional right to bare the head for three or three years.

Method stretching of the foreskin lie in the right tightness of the foreskin on the head of the penis for an hour of a wounded soul, and also after a cut until the appearance of painful sensations.

The Danish method often zastosovuyt when zatrimtsі self-sustaining phimosis in a child's veins. In such types of wines, it is effective to achieve an effective course, which is why it can lie in the type of phimosis and can reach 3-4 months with hypertrophic (proboscis) phimosis.

Method finger stretching polygaє in the protective introduction into the preputial empty fingers and step-by-step separation.

For some credit, the effectiveness of the above methods for congenital phimosis reaches 75%.

Treatment of phimosis with ointments (drug treatment of phimosis)

Medical treatment of phimosis and a combination of the above methods of stretching out of ointment soaking in order to avenge corticosteroid preparations.
  • expansion and expansion of the elasticity of the foreskin;

  • changes in the severity of inflammatory reactions (drugs of these groups are called steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
It has been proven that the use of corticosteroid ointments with tightness methods allows reaching a greater dry effect, spraying the most obvious closure of microcracks and protecting from unacceptable pain ducts.

Particularly indicated is drug therapy for children and young adults (recommended by the American Association of Pediatricians), but this one has the best chance of catching congenital phimosis by conservative methods.

At the same time, it was safe to say that similar ointments are far from being shown to everyone. So, for example, corticosteroid preparations are contraindicated before the miscarriage of corticosteroid drugs - the presence of bacterial, viral or fungal infections, both acute and chronic.

Trivale of drug overdose in the early stages of incurable side effects (thinning of the skin, hyperpigmentation, damage to the surface of the vessels), and in case of uncontrolled disease, the manifestation of systemic corticosteroids, which can lead to unsafe complications.

Therefore, it is possible to apply ointments with corticosteroids only after a thorough consultation with a physician, which may be sufficient evidence for the treatment of congenital phimosis by this method.

It is understood that the necessary individual selection of the drug and the dose of medicinal speech, as well as constant medical control over the results of therapy.

Folk ways of celebrating phimosis

It should be noted that folk medicine, like homeopathy, was absolutely powerless to fight against the ringing of the foreskin.

However, the deacons loved by the people's healers are widely victorious as an additional zasib. Go about the herbs that can be anti-spasmodic, bactericidal, and help to improve the diapason, such as:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • low.
We prepare according to a standard recipe, which can be read on the packaging in the drugstore of medical syrovin, and vicorist for baths, which is carried out before manipulations of stretching the foreskin.

Rozparyuvannya shkir of the foreskin at the bath with a vіdvar collection of medicinal herbs with a stretch of 15-20 strands of spryaє effective, painless and careless drawing.

It is especially recommended to carry out such anterior procedures for children and young adults.
In the course of the jubilation of phimosis, you can pick a variety of different medicinal herbs, or you can vicariate for the selection of medicinal roses.

The only contraindications to vikoristannya folk medicine as an additional cause for treatment of phimosis, there may be individual intolerance or allergy (they are rarely affected).

Surgical treatment of phimosis

Usunennya phimosis by a bloodless method

This surgical manipulation is most often victorious in children;

Introduce a special probe into the preputial sac, which separates the synechia (adhesions) that have settled between the head of the state member and the inner leaf of the foreskin. For which probe, carefully stick the middle to the crown furrow and add more ruhi behind the annual arrow.

Then we expand the opening of the foreskin for the additional zatiskach of Pean: insert the zipper into the opening and open the branches.

Quite often two or three such manipulations are sufficient for complete adoption of phimosis. In quiet depressions, if positive dynamics are not suspected, invasive surgery is indicated.
After sessions of bloodless adoption of phimosis, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the surgeon in order to prevent the growth of the mucous membranes of the foreskin and the head of the state member.

For a month, it has been shown to come in protirecidivism: it is best to manually open the foreskin and wash the preputial empty with a weak potassium permanganate. If a manipulation is given even if it hurts or is unacceptable to a child, you can work once every two or three days, but not sooner.

Surgical intervention in phimosis

Today, it is possible to report a great number of methods of surgical correction of pathological phimosis. Choose the method of the operation according to the age of the patient, the type of phimosis (atrophic or hypertrophic, congenital or cicatricial), the degree of pathology, as well as the qualifications of the surgeon, who is operating, and the ability of the clinic, to help.

Operative intervention in case of phimosis is most often carried out under general anesthesia, indications before general anesthesia can be:

  • already young age of the patient;
  • increased emotional lability;
  • individual intolerance to drugs that are used for macular anesthesia;
  • special care of the patient.
All surgical manipulations, which are carried out in case of phimosis, are performed in one day operations and do not require a trivial visit of the patient to the hospital. The folded teeth are very rare.

If the operation lasts for a few days, it is possible to be unacceptable in the area of ​​the surgical wound, the prote, as a rule, can do without additional pain relief.

In cases of depression, if it is necessary to remove the stitches, the manipulation should be carried out 7-10 days after the surgical intervention. Until the closing of the seams, it is necessary to put on dressings in a day and follow them, so that the slash does not heal the postoperative wound.

As a rule, the patient can have sex two days after the operation. Before this term, it is necessary to wear tight whiteness, which will ensure the additional support of the penis.

Circular vischennya of the foreskin

The circumcision of the foreskin, as in medicine is often called circumcision, and "in the world" - circumcision, the most extensive operation for the treatment of pathological phimosis.

The most important positive aspects of this surgical intervention are the elimination of all unacceptable symptoms and the number of relapses (the only surgical intervention in phimosis, which ensures 100% efficiency).

The only, but the only shortfall of the method is the completely usunennya foreskin, then, and the irreversible loss of all its functions. However, it should be said that millions of people in the world are scrupulously robbed of religious motives and do not suffer from antrocities.

Circumcision is a non-alternative method for cicatricial phimosis, as well as for the fourth stage of phimosis, paraphimosis and recurrent balanoposthitis (the operation is carried out after the elimination of the acute process).

Surgery for foreskin plasty in pathological phimosis

An alternative to circumcision is plastic surgery, directed at the adoption of phimosis in patients with partial preservation of the foreskin.

So during prepucioplasty, on the view of the circular vischennya of the foreskin, the foreskin is not visible on the surface, the shards splinter a significantly smaller cut.

The second widest method of foreskin plasty is the Schloffer method. During the operation, the surgeon does not make a straight line, but a zigzag-like cut, and then sew the edges in such a way, so that the opening is significantly expanded, saving the foreskin.

In addition, the methods of foreskin plasty according to Roser, spiral foreskin plasty and others are widely used.

Before the last short periods of such operations, it is possible to add more trips during the recovery period, the possibility of recurrences and a short change of indications. So, for example, it is impossible to carry out operations for partial foreskin conservation in patients with important cicatricial forms of phimosis.

Treatment of phimosis with a laser

The treatment of phimosis with a laser is the implementation of such an operative intervention, if the surgeon's scalpel replaces the energy of the laser exchange.

For the help of a laser, it is possible to carry out both operations on the circumference of the foreskin (laser circumcision), and plastic surgery that saves the foreskin.

Laser surgery is known for the high accuracy of the examination, which is why the need for the most delicate tissues is minimal.

In addition, laser exchanges cut tissue, instantly soldering judges, and washing bactericidal action.
In this way, laser surgery can lead to the following:

  • safety (during the day there is a risk of bleeding and infection of the surgical wound);
  • less expression of pain syndrome;
  • short recovery period.
Operations for laser correction of pathological phimosis are performed under local anesthesia.

Due to the most significant surgical procedures, the post-operative period with laser correction of phimosis is more comfortable (almost one day of tissue swelling, there is no need for dressings, removing the seams too thinly) and three or three days. Prote likari not glad to start state of life earlier lower for the next two days after the operation.

The skin lad is born with the light of physiological phimosis. Many mothers lakayutsya, if they smell the doctor's diagnosis. Actually, the physiological phimosis is not safe. This problem is self-evident in children who are growing up. Moreover, in some boys, phimosis may no longer be in 6 years, and in other wines, even in 14 years.

With a physiological phimosis, additional help from a doctor is not needed. Before fahіvtsya it is necessary to start only once, if the child is blamed for problems due to sechoviprosy, it starts to get inflamed. A consultation with a doctor is necessary even in that case, as until the end of the period of state maturation, the head of the penis is not exposed. Let's find out what phimosis is in children, how fathers can help their child.

In all newborn boys, the head of the state member is curved at the extreme body. Tsya skin-mucous membrane is not ruchoma. Vaughn to serve as his own zahisnym "kovpachka", which protects the head of the state member from the fermentation of feces and other sections. The inability to see the head of the penis is called phimosis.

Tsei camp became two types:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

The first variety of phimosis is an absolutely normal phenomenon. The head of the state member in a child begins to open step by step. At the time of the end of the period of state maturation, it will become apparent practically in all children.

Phimosis can be pathological. Doctor to make such a diagnosis with pronounced ringing of the foreskin. Causes of phimosis in children lie in individual characteristics of good tissue, evidence of microtrauma. The following symptoms may appear, which indicate the presence of a pathological ringing:

  • disrupted sechovipuskannya;
  • child to grieve, turbulence;
  • the foreskin is reminiscent of a section (a bag is formed);
  • slashing through the opening to come out with specks or a thin stream;
  • red skin.

What to work with physiological phimosis

Tsim pitannyam ask rich father. Deyakі likarі to please mums and tatam step by step, indulge the foreskin, try to bare the head, without checking the end of the period of statutory dozrіvannya. In fact, in case of phimosis in a child, it is not necessary to follow the order, because such actions can lead to a child's shoddy.

The International Association of Pediatricians does not recommend fathers to work at any time when diagnosing a child with physiological phimosis. Neberezhna diya on the foreskin can lead to the appearance of microcracks. For їх zagoєnі will be formed more pronounced sound.

Physiological phimosis of the child will pass by itself:

  • in the period of new birth - in 4% of the boys;
  • when reaching a single vіku - in 50%;
  • 3 rocky - 90%;
  • in children aged 5-7 - in 92%;
  • in 12-13 years - in 97%;
  • in 14-17 years - in 99%.

Only 1% of children need help from specialists. Even before the 14th-17th birthday, the physiological phimosis will not pass, then it will be necessary to turn to the doctor. Vіn recognize medicamental surgical treatment. Promptly vtruchannya is needed in a few vipadkah. For statistics, only 1 boy out of 2 thousand children will require surgical treatment.

What to work with pathological phimosis

With a pronounced sound, the appearance of problems from the sechovipkannyam followed by turning to the doctor. You may not need additional help from a surgeon. We are going to zastosovuetsya non-drug conservative treatment of phimosis in children. Medical therapy may also be considered.

For example, the fahivtsy of the past century have broken up the methods of conservative pathology. They are koristuyutsya dosi. Doctors for the hour of diagnosing pathological phimosis choose the method of incremental stretching of the flesh. They recommend that you work on a special day right, directed at the extrusion of the head of the penis. However, with whom it is necessary to trim the singing rules:

  • how to fix the methods of incremental stretching of the foreskin after consulting a doctor;
  • tension due to guilt but step by step (you can’t sharply bare your head, everything is not guilty of pain);
  • manipulations may be regular.

Harm effect can be given medicinal treatment pathological phimosis. Physicians vikoristovuetsya corticosteroid therapy. Children who suffer from pathological phimosis are prescribed an ointment based on glucocorticosteroids, which improves the elasticity of the skin, which reduces inflammation and swelling, and also heals small cracks. For example, a doctor can write Prednitop. Vikoristannya ointment is applied with a mechanical infusion on the skin of the foreskin (the head is stripped step by step). Such a way to cure phimosis in a child without surgery.

Pathological tinnitus of the foreskin may be usunene surgical intervention . However, in this hour, this method of exuberance zastosovuetsya in the arc of lonely depressions (if drug therapy did not give a reliable result). In case of cicatricial changes in the foreskin, fahivtsy, carry out a private or outside circular hanging.

Carefully - parafimosis!

The deyakі fathers, having felt the diagnosis of "fimosis" from the doctor, try to self-tighten to relieve the child of the problem. Ponochinayut namagatisya bare the head of a state member, train it. Violent, unmistakable misunderstandings of mothers and tat lead to the fact that the baby is blamed for paraphimosis.

Tsey pathological camp is more unsafe. With paraphimosis, the head of the state member bulges through those that are infringed by the foreskin. Children need the term medical help. Paraphimosis can lead to the development of congestive manifestations in the head of the state member, necrosis (admiration of the clitin), amputation.

As if the head of the state member appeared to be infringed, it is necessary to go to the surgeon without a hitch. You can try and correct the situation. For whom it is necessary:

  • gently squeeze the head of the penis with your fingers;
  • apply it colder to the penis.

Zavdyaki to the physical infusion and the cold blew a mitt in the recession. The foreskin can be turned on the plate.

Features of hygiene of lads

Viniknennya physiological phimosis can not be overcome, even if wine is absolutely normal. And the axis of the appearance of pathological forms can be lost. If the child did not show symptoms of phimosis, the fathers are guilty of carrying out hygienic procedures.

Mothers and tatams need to take care of the purity of their child's genitals. It is recommended that the baby be drunk in the evenings with clean warm water. In the hour you can koristuvatisya with plump servets. Stopping pins for bathing is not recommended. In these ways, there are chemical speeches, as if they could tease me on the lower skin of a state member.

You can beat the child nicely for the old mitt of the state organ. At any other time, it is not possible to make a naked head and namity її, or to pour under the foreskin a mile's pin for the shortest cleansing. Zasіb mozhe viklikati rozdratuvannya that inflamed.

In case of physiological phimosis, it is not necessary to expose the head of the penis for an hour of bathing. As soon as the child began to burn through the ford, which accumulated under the last body, then it is necessary to see the sound of the offensive rank:

  1. Draw up a syringe without a needle 10 ml. pure heat water or an ectericide (as a substitute, you can vicorate furacilin).
  2. Pull the foreskin uphill so that the head of the member of the bula is attached, but not exposed.
  3. Insert the syringe at the slit, as it has settled down between the extreme body of the penis and the head of the penis (it is better to double the procedure).
  4. Let go of the homeland, vimivayuchi in this way the rubbish that has accumulated.
  5. Repeat the procedure 1 or 2 more times.
  6. Drop into the crevice between the extreme body of the state member and the head of 2-3 drops of olive oil vaseline oil(You can beat the oil with vitamin A, E).

Obov'yazkovo is necessary to change the diapers more often in a small child. Zavdyaki tsomu trivalny contact of the head of the state member with feces and the section will not be. The ignition process is not vinic.

Nasamkinets varto indicates that it does not varto lyakatsya the diagnosis "fimosis". For little boys it's the norm. So already the power of the child's organism. Pathological phimosis is not terrible either. Yogo can be easily overcome without any nasledkіv zadjaki medicamentous luvance. Also, an operation can be performed for phimosis in children. Won not vpline on zdorov'ya and not sign up for the future statuary life.

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