How many times have you been reborn? How many lives does a person’s soul have and what is reincarnation? How many lives does the human soul live?

From esoteric literature it is clear that there are many ways of meaning.

It is important that the planets in the horoscope of the people of the people are dissolved in the same way as at the hour of death of the people in their previous lives. So people are celebrating this testimony, which they obtained before the hour of their first return to Earth and with which they died.

How to find out how many times your soul has already been transformed onto the earth. It is important that the more people suffer in their present life, the more mature their soul is, the closer it is to the final point of reincarnation. Before the hour of death, such a person had accumulated a lot of sins and now satisfies them, becoming close to God. And people with “young” souls are easy to commit careless offenses, sometimes indulge in evil, and it seems that their life is not particularly punishing. It is very important for such people to pay back their sins from the next generation.

There are other ways to find out how mature your soul is. In mythology, the month most often ends for souls after death. According to the legend, the birth and death of the month go through the phases of decline and growth of the month, because every 28 days the month “dies”, and then is born again.
It is important to note that people who were born in the last quarter of a month are people with a “young” soul. Those who were born in the last month and quarter are people with an “old” soul.

The most accurate way to determine the age of the soul is the primary zodiac horoscope. The most mature souls are those of people who were born under the sign of Rib. The longer your birthday appears under this sign (observe the requirement against the anniversary arrow), then your soul is “younger”. Aquarians are also “old”, Capricorns are also “young”. The youngest souls belong to Aries. People under this sign are also just starting the important path of a large-scale overtranslation, they are also filthy aware of the future sufferers and, perhaps, that’s why they have such an untidy temperament.

In what era did you live in the past era? The exact answer can only be given by a specific horoscope, but you can approximate the manifestations arising from the elements of your sign

Let’s remember these elements:
Povitrya - Twins, Terezi, Aquarius.
Vogon - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Water-Cancer Scorpio, Ribi.

Representatives of the ancient signs are the people who, one might say, were spared. Since this past life, few fates have passed - no more than a hundred, and 20-30 at most. Actors can change their minds in just one or two moments. This is great luck, the fragments of souls that are about to be poured in, richly more, lower body, so the “cherry” is extended for thousands of years.

Representatives of fire signs count two to three hundred fates on their “drawn”. Last time they lived in the era of Revival, during the hours of the celebrants and the cult of the Beautiful Lady. Therefore, representatives of the fire signs are so anxious to understand the nobility, honor, character, justice.

Earth signs count hundreds of fates on the new birth. Last time, representatives of these signs lived in the hours of the gloomy Middle East. This explains their desire for the earth (the Middle Ages - the era of the development of the village), materialism (during the Inquisition, heretics were sent to riches) and the poverty of thought and thought.

And, you will find that water signs will mark more than a thousand rocks for the new birth. In the past life | fell in love in ancient times, and this can be explained by the special romanticism of spirituality, faith in God, faith in love seems to be light. Among them there are the largest number of poets, musicians and artists. Special people are those who were born on the last day of their sign. It is important that in their past life they have lost something unfinished on the right, a complex karmic task, so their life will have a lot of trouble in them.

Do you believe in this?

(Parts of esoteric literature

New arrival in Shararam: Shararam mishi. Shararam of the forest and Shararam of the tree. Sharar trees flow from Sharar forest! Kopatich checks the shararama on his head!

How to pick up Shararam's bumps. Tree stumps and shararas have transfer cones (PART 1).

The operation to destroy the Shararam trees at Shararam begins on the Head Square:This is what Kopatich is counting on us.

Make me happy by going for mushrooms...Yalinka-diggers, you see, will go for a walk in the forest in the morning, but there’s nothing... there’s nothing...

We have met, dear friends!Honestly, I don’t understand where the Sharars of the tree went! Then I marvel - to stand. Of course, the axis is only not in the forest, the niches have flowed.

... Help!Having marveled at them, I wanted to say what I wanted, but I couldn’t understand what. My old friend, Sosna Petrivna, will help us. Pick up the pine cones - transfers - to grow your tree. Gifts will be given to you for your additional help!

Pick up shararam cones:Help me collect transfer cones to the Sharars - win the “Lisomobile” and other prizes. The buds of the cone mature within 60 skin years (skin time).

And from:and a list of gifts.

Yak watering Shararam tree - Shararam water and Shararam tree (PART 2).

The operation to destroy the Shararam trees will continue! Straight to the forest:Gospodar Shararam Diving Center checks on us.

How to help Gospodarev Sharar Diving Center:I noticed that there were no small trees in the Shararam forest. Singing, they couldn’t get in, like a reshta. Can you help me water them so that the stinks don’t dry out?

Water the Shararam Tree!I stretched out the hose and pumped water here. Fetch water from me and quickly into the labyrinth - water the small trees.

We need:water 18 Kuli village The skin of the tree needs to be watered 3 times. Water can be taken for skin up to 240 years (skin for 4 years).


New arrival in Shararam: Shararam mishi. How do balls know the targets? The sirna bags will come in handy! How to understand targets from Shararami?

We will help you if you encounter difficulties and this will come in handy!

Kuli mishata. Find out the targets at Shararami. De mishi u Shararami. The balls are different. (PART 1)

The best weather in Shararami begins on the Cote d'Azur Beach.Let's start talking about Joe-Raven.

Caramba! Sharam is transformed into sire! This is through the targets: everything that stinks sticks out becomes lilac.The stench was turned into sire and the cat’s box was created, and now it smells like a mustachioed one.

I will rise in price a lot, and as if I know the island of Misha’s happiness in the ocean.Vіn all zroblenie iz siru. Our targets there deserved it.

Find the targets at Shararami and let them sit in the chaven before the stinks overtake our land. I’ll take them to the blue island, and you’ll take them away from the city. The icon at the top right corner of the screen shows how many targets are no longer imprintable.

We need to know:8 targets at Shararami!

For starters straight away:on the head square of Shararama.

I would go to Syrah Island, but I love malt more than Syrah.Prepare a supply of honey for me, and I’ll be fine.

Idemo on the Square in front of the discoAnd we collect honey from Shararama.

Another target in Shararami:in Port.

On Sirny Island, perhaps, Garneau. I'm going to paint a lot of little ones there.Help me stock up on farbs.

Sharam farbi select:at Autodrom.

Third Misha in Shararmi:checks on us at Autodrom.

Let's go to the island of siru?.. Even there and decorate with siru, and I love the glitter!Pick up some diamonds for me, then I’ll go!

Shararam Almazi we choosein Port Shararama.

Fourth target in Shararami:on the square in front of the Disk.

I want to take you on the road... sir! The dirtiest stuff is the most delicious. Meaning yogo.Just marvel at the image.

Targets in Shararama. Find out the targets at Shararami. Bags of sirn are useful. The balls are different. (PART 2)

Five bears in Shararami:near the Romashkova Valley.


I want to take my beloved green color to the island of speech. Please write: how many speeches will I take? 8

Shosta target in Shararami:on Snow Mountain.


I'm going to the island of sire, so can you guess: how many pieces of sire will I eat? Treat all your little clothes and write a testimonial! 14

Soma bear in Shararami:on the square of the medicine.


I'm sure the lilac island is not far away? I'm so afraid of sea sickness! Come on, how many years do we have to drink? 16-10:2=11

Eight targets in Shararami:checks for us at Sita.

4 shifts

I read about Sirny Island in encyclopedias. I'm going, as you can guess: how many features do the pictures from my books have? 5 shifts

Talk to yourself 0

Before learning the answer to the power of how many lives the human soul lives, it is necessary to understand that such reincarnation and what is the law of karma.


How many lives does the human soul delay?

Chantly, every human being knows what it is deja vu. Seeing that we have already experienced this situation, people have been worried about this situation, it is more than once blamed on any person. Unfortunately, today people cannot come up with a single idea to explain such a phenomenon.

However, there is a theory that such a phenomenon is based on knowledge from previous lives. For such a time, nutrition is to blame - how many times does a person’s soul live? But we can’t date anyone with an unambiguous answer to this question.

And the massacre is inflicted with goodness. I would like to believe that people have nine lives, while others are close to 15. If we look at the treatise “The Chalice at Once,” then we can see that it states that people live 350 times. And people, as we believe in those who are able to 777 earthly incarnations from the lowest levels to humans.

Nowadays, people are always trying to find out what rank they have in their past lives and how many years they have lived. For whom are they special?

There are also special techniques that allow people to divine their dreams. There are many ways to earn money. One of the most popular is the practice of meditation. The establishment of such a practice makes it possible to remove information about your previous incarnations.

Most often, people find it easy to tell whether a man or a woman smells. More advanced practices allow one to distinguish one’s appearance, clothes, identify the country where they lived, find out how many lives have been lived.

Another popular way to find out a little about your past life is this informed dreams. And the theory is that people can sometimes guess their own thoughts in their dreams. It is enough to learn to memorize your dreams and analyze them correctly.

Help someone who wants to know how many lives they have lived, built. This attribute is sometimes replaced with a mirror or water. However, if a person who is not strong enough, energetic, or unprepared takes up such a practice, then most often it is difficult for her to understand stories from past lives, and it is even difficult to give up a clear guide to nutrition.

The last and most simple way to learn a little about your past life is hypnosis. The difficulty of this method lies in the fact that it is very important to find a professional specialist who can effectively help you improve your early intentions and not harm yourself.

What is reincarnation and the law of karmi?

What is karma? This is the energy of knowledge in a child, the law of cause and inheritance, knowledge. The law of karma will oblige the rebirth of the soul until all karmic cycles will be of equal importance. The story about karma is not the same as the story about reincarnation.

However, this particularity is not ideal, and over the course of your skin’s life, it continues to produce negative influences that may need to be neutralized. Reincarnation is the ability that allows a number of good and negative aspects to be equally important.

If you believe the law of karmi, then all thoughts and thoughts of people in one universe mean the minds of life in the next universe. Karma will not block the manifestation of free will. Human skin is free to choose whether it is good or evil.

Unfortunately, often one life is not enough to neutralize all the negative influences created earlier. This person is given a small amount of life to make amends.

It is important that souls from the beginning are not divided into evil and good. All the stench appears new, absolutely clean, like an arkush paper. From the moment the soul is created by God, it begins to emerge on its own, and the soul that has been infused into the physical body has to work on its own choice. From this moment people begin to be called upon to do everything.

It is very important to say in what manner a person will have to absolve his sins. You can no longer worry about the massacre. One thing can be said about success - good and evil may be equal. For example, if a person stole something, then it would be enough to give it to someone else without any harm.

If an individual has taken someone else's life by killing someone, then in the next day he will have to date the life of the soul he killed earlier in order to renew the life that he himself took.

Vera at the Transmigration of Souls

Since people for centuries have been looking for evidence for such eternal nutrition as slaughterhouse living, rebirth of the soul and reincarnation, evidence for this nutrition has been inspired by religion. Apparently, faith in the reborn soul is an ancient phenomenon.

The ancient peoples were reborn, so that all souls were reborn from their relatives. It is worth mentioning that in the newborn child the spirit of our fathers will most likely be the spirit of our fathers, not a third party.

The first is the fact of the rebirth of the spirit of descriptions in the sacred ancient writings of Hinduism - such as the Upanishads.

The ancient Greeks also developed similar theories. Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates spoke about the possibility of transmigration of souls.

Today, the New Age trend is promoting belief in the rebirth of the soul. It’s a great thing to remember that only people and all of us who are absent have a soul.

For example, Agni Yoga sings that the human spirit can only be reborn into a human being. There is also the idea that the soul can become either a man or a woman. However, Buddhism respects that from the very beginning the spirit inhabits the body of any creature and in the world of development it can become human.

However, not all religious denominations agree with the idea of ​​reincarnation. For example, the Christian religion absolutely blocks the possibility of rebirth. As early as 543 years ago, the theory of reincarnation faced critical criticism from the side of Emperor Justinian. A similar accomplishment was ultimately condemned to 553 fate by another council of Constantinople.

Flavius ​​Petro Savvatiy Justinian

Through the fact that today there is no significant real confirmation of reincarnation, the episodes that people face are difficult to explain, but it is not possible to accurately predict whether the transmigration of souls is possible. That's why you believe yourself, that's what you believe.

Vikory and various magical sessions and tests can mean how you are procrastinating in life at the moment. However, many people are driven to such practices more as a matter of pride, and not as a way to reject reliable information. We can say with precision that it doesn’t matter whether reincarnation or the law of karma is true, the more good things will be done for the skin of an individual, and the better for the self and of all humanity.

Alexandra Romanova

In the world, the French word deja vu has become increasingly fashionable and popular, which can now be translated. If a person spends time in an unknown place, he will clearly inform him that if he is here. Chisinau student Lilia Bila, for example, literally talks about Costa Rica - these places seem like family and friends, although no one has ever lived there.

Oops, we washed ourselves off: “Whose life is.” Thousands of people on the planet are absolutely convinced that life is no longer possible. What if there was a stench - maybe an ancient Aramaic, maybe a Roman patrician, maybe a mysterious Etrusian. We present to our readers the version from this report by the famous Odessky psychic, professor, doctor of medical and philosophical sciences Emmy Yosipovna Gonikman, who published it in the book “Psychology of Choice”.

As it is confirmed in eternity, our soul lives on the Earth more than once.

Newly born souls to be present in human bodies with a dormant sense of consciousness. They can be seen in the sight of people in many great places. Evolutionary, these substances under which they can only dig the ground or wear vantages. There are a few thousand on the “kultsi”. The stench is deaf emotionally and mentally. Then souls form creaturely instincts and develop emotions. Meta and tradition of “newcomers” – life lessons, stinks are popular among primitive civilizations and cultures. For a more guilty spouse, the stench will not fit into society, it looks foolish. Such people appear in ritual dances, tattoos and rose-colored guises, sacred sex, drugs, and drumming. It is important for these souls to be reincarnated in tropical lands.

Another age of the soul Gives priority to order (mode and schedule). Such people become lawyers and security officials, and join the army of officials and police officers. The souls of another level will push away high authorities, and the stench of collectivism looms. A significant part of the United States is inhabited by such souls, which manifests itself in a dense border of government departments, which reveal a “strong turbo” about their citizens. These are numerous committees, measures, foundations, opikunskys, etc. Such a system deeply believes that it is right, imposes it on everyone and every person, and gets rich in the face of something unusual. People of this category reverently worry about their physical body, often turning to doctors, even to themselves. They love cleanliness and order, and also respect more, so that marriage controls such instinctive areas as food, special hygiene, sex and sleep.

The third age of the soul (young soul)– a strong focus on the material side of life, the cult of the body, the creation of an industry with its services. Vlasnikov’s souls show a skin wrinkle on the face, the stench itself is a steady clientele of plastic surgery doctors. Immortality does not have souls to believe in; it is terribly fearful of death. Image is everything for them. Just like a car is the most beautiful, the area of ​​residence is the most prestigious. Ideals – wealth, crazy profits, success and glory. They are attracted by politics, and most of the souls from this century have created great empires. The emotions of such people are not respected, which is why they rarely get rid of their father.

Fourth century (mature soul). The rulers of such souls are already trying to live out their selfishness and protect the interests of others. The emphasis is on family and close people. They strive to achieve religious commandments and become angry when something breaks them. The reward for mature souls is not powerful aggression and belligerence. The emotional sphere is rapidly developing, which can sometimes lead to breakdowns: mental illness, self-destruction, etc. These people have a conscience. They can rebel against the cult of speeches (hip, anti-globalism, etc.). The hallmarks of mature information include, for example, places and cultural centers (Berkeley in the USA, Cambridge, Oxford in England, etc.). The souls of the fourth century have an interest in traditional religions, and a tendency towards metaphysics and occultism. Such people tend to search for the sense of life.

Fifth century (old soul) The emotional development of it was unleashed on the onset of spiritual fulfillment. The treasures of the old soul are spoils of karma. Such people are respected as marvelous, white crows, and they themselves are reduced to the point of self-deprecation, not meeting the standards of behavior. These souls are surrounded by different things. They rise above the worldly vanity, cultivate philosophical doubts, accept the situation as such, without trying to rise above the situation. Ikhne zavdannya - Matronship. There are a lot of old souls among psychologists, famous musicians, poets, writers, etc. They don’t like parties, they prefer the mingling of conflicting souls.

The soul is transcendental. There will be integrations across all categories. Such a soul is sometimes unable to enter the newborn, but more often the vikory body of the old soul is suitable for such a replacement. Transcendent souls of the boules: Socrates, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Mahatma Gandhi, Saint Francis of Assisi.

An incomparable soul. She knows about her nature and her superhuman abilities, she has cosmic knowledge. The greatest untouched soul was Jesus Christ.

A. Early on, the French mandrivniks came ashore by the waters; they could not find the way to where they were the night before, because they had gotten lost in the dark. The stench smelled of the greatness of the lake, and the scale and expanse that stood before her gaze struck her with joy. Vranza, in the midst of the golden light that peeked out from behind the Girsky peaks, the water surface seemed to them not only endless, it was felt as a single element that was present in the mandrivniks at that moment. It seemed as if there was a shore on which the mandrel trees had rested, being a single solid point of support - it was so impossibly far from the prolongation shore. There was no sky at all - the sky turned into a turbo-free surface of water, and all the same - the expanse of the sky was one purpose in this world, which had just spilled over. Only here, on the birch of Lake Baikal, the stench could smell the majesty of the lake created by mother nature.

B. Lake - accumulation of water from the natural sunken land. Naturally, the sinkhole is called a lake catchment. According to the nature of lake basins, lakes are classified into ice lakes, river lakes (oxbow lakes - near the large river beds), coastal lakes (lagoons and estuaries created near the seas, their parts), volcanic and others. The lakes behind the water storage are fresh and salty. Lake Baikal is a freshwater lake, tectonic, created in a giant fracture of the earth's crust. And the largest lake in the world (about 1620 meters). The depth of the lake is 636 km, the average width is 48 km. Baikal has 336 rivers and rivers, from the lake there is only one river - the Angara, so the lake is considered to be the same (there are also only one river). There are 27 islands on the lake, the largest of which is Olkhon Island. Baikal is rich in plants and creatures: the flora and fauna of the lake are represented by approximately 1800 species.

    Use the arrows to set the appearance between the texts A and B and the styles in their report:

popular science fiction A, B

3. Vykoristovuyuchi text B fill out the table.

1. Type of lakes behind the water storage

No. 2. Lake type

for criminal charges

4. Look at the diagram (blocks of different heights on the diagram) and work under them at the appropriate place to write down “types of lake valleys”, “types of lakes behind the water storage”

____________________________ __________________________________

5. Based on the diagram, it means how many different types of lakes have more water storage, less water storage in them:

A) approximately 2 times; b) approximately 3 times; c) approximately 4 times.

5. While writing text B, write down the following:

Stichne lake - _____________________

6. Based on the information from one of the texts, write down which lakes are used to soak salt water:______________________________

7. Use extracts from text A and B to show that Baikal is a great lake beyond its size:

Text A

Text B

8. The sequence of work from the beginning of the writing department to the test:

A. Select from the initial article to the letter.

B. Check the correctness of the letter order.

G. Viconati writing department until the initial status.


Test 2.

1. Read the text.

Kamin, Strumok, Icicle and Sontse.

Let's find it, let's find it, see you on this spring day!

It’s warm in the forest, it’s light from the clear sun, the droplets are chiming cheerfully. The animals and birds are joyful: the hares are chattering, the black grouse is muttering, the tits are pouring out like buboes.

Grace to the fox!

At the junction of the old Kamin - a boulder to boast:

Bow to me, bow to me. I'm waiting for spring!

Don't you know, grandpa? - animals and birds feed.

Me, children, me! My sides are as hot as they are... Just before the snow began to melt, the grass died right next to me, before the blizzards could fly. If it weren’t for me, there wouldn’t have been spring!

Oh, you old lazybones! - Dzvinky Strumok shouts from the gala. - Don’t brag for nothing! You will turn into molts, and I will spend every day at work. Don't let everyone bow to me, don't let them all bow to me!

So, you, Strumok, are you robish in the spring?

I, fools, of course, I! Marvel - I will melt the snow and drill the ice. I drink the trees with living water... How can spring be without me?!

Ay, basics! - shout Icicle from the yalin paw. - Don't listen to me, you idiot! Bow to me, respect me!

How about you, Icicle, are you looking forward to spring?

If only it weren't me! I'm the only one! As soon as the flaming tears begin to flow, as they gurgle throughout the entire forest, it will be spring for you... How else will spring begin?! Any other way...

The Icicle did not overtake the house. “Cap” - and closed.


And to the one who kicked Sonechko out of the woods.

Sonechka began to roll, and there was a sound - there was a stone - a boulder of cold, and a stream of ice, and an icicle that was frozen. Moo.

It immediately became clear who was going to stop spring.

(For E. Shim)

2.Indicate the genre to which the text of task 1 appears:

a) confirmation b) tale) c) kazka d) bilina

Please send a letter to select your branch:

    While writing the text, fill in the table:






    the significance of the dawn of spring

    The correct meaning is:

A. It’s time for fate to change one another across the surface of the Earth and around the Sun.

B. The change of hours of fate is determined by the Earth’s wrapping around its axis.

B. Change at the time of fate is achieved through the peculiarities of the sleep system.

    Continue the expression so that it is true (correct), select the option to continue the expression and enter it:

“The greater the height of Sontse above the horizon, the more ___________________________________________________”

Version options:

A. more for the trouble of the day.

B. less triviality of the day.

6. Show the trivality of dobi - ______, rock - ___________, hundred - __________

7. Explain the last part so that a clear explanation emerges:

“The sun has come for the forest” - the sun has come for the forest

Sank lower above the volume

The forest respects the sun

    In the meaning of new words, created as the word Sontse:

a) Sontsya b) sony c) sony d) under Sontsya

7. Select 6 words from the warehouse that fit the warehouse to the given scheme (root, suffix, ending). Write down and let us know that your choice is correct:


    Renew the algorithm for sorting waste from the warehouse:

A. We saw the root of the word.

B. We saw the suffix (suffixes) that are in the word.

V. We saw the basis of the word.

G. We saw the completed words.

D. We saw the prefix, as it is in the word.

Write down which analysis points can be changed in places: _______.

Test 3.

1. Read the text.

Olympic Games.

In Ancient Greece, twenty-nine centuries ago, the emphasis on athletes' strength, speed and flexibility began to prevail. The most famous events at the site of Olympia were called the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games were held for 1417 days, and only once every day. The Skin Olympic Games were transformed into something sacred for the people, a kind of gathering for rulers and philosophers, a competition for sculptors and poets. The days of the Olympic tracts are the days of the sunshine. As soon as these cities were at war, the Olympic truce was immediately established.

For the first time, the Olympians were running faster than ever. Later, the Olympic program also included wrestling, pentathlon-pentathlon, which consists of running, dovzhin, discus throw, throw and wrestling; as well as fist fighting and chariot racing.

Another nation of the Olympic Games began at the end of the 19th century. In 1896, the greatest international sports events took place in Athens, the prototype of which became the ancient Olympics. Since 1924, another winter Olympic Games have been held, which are called the Great Olympics.

Summer Olympic sports include light running, pole skiing, throwing, racing, cycling, rowing on ships of various classes and other activities. In the winter, athletes train in long distance races, biathlon (running and shooting), and hockey. Alpine skiers race on ski jumps and slalom during a rapid descent from the mountain. The figures from figure skating look really beautiful, in which Russian athletes have been constant winners for the past decade.

To answer the riddle about the ancient Olympiad, a torch relay race starts at the Greek site of Olympia a few years before the opening of the Chergovy Mountains. The burning of the resin tank begins the journey to the Olympic stadium - on airplanes and trains, cars, motorcycles and bicycles. The first axis of the resin skim is in the hands of the runner, who brings the Olympic fume into the main stadium of the Olympics. The athlete rises to the majestic bowl of the lamp installed in the stadium and ignites the Olympic flame, which does not go out until the Games.

For materials from the popular encyclopedia for children “Everything about everything” O. Likum.

2. Fill out the table for statistical materials.

Winter Olympic sports

Summer Olympic sports

3. Re-read the text.

a) Write down the birth dates of the Olympic Games:

Zimovikh _______________

Summer _______________

b) Tell me, how many years later did the Olympic Games begin to be held:

A) for 26 rocks B) for 28 rocks C) for 30 rocks

4. Pay attention to how many days the Olympic Games will be held at this hour:

This means the correct answer is:

A. 1460 days B. 1461 days C. 1417 days

    Read the instructions.

In the biathlon relay, men run 4 stages of 7 km each, and women run 4 stages of 5 km each.

A. Read and circle the possible food for this store, so that we can store it?

1. How many fewer kilometers do women run in a relay race?

2. How many more kilometers do men and women run in a relay race?

3. How many kilometers do men and women run in relay races?

4. How many kilometers do people cover in a relay race?

5. How many kilometers do the women run in the relay race?

B. Indicate the numbers to be requested before the appointment, during what remaining activities will the leader have a day? ______

Indicate the food numbers, for which stays will the rulers be given? _______

B. Write down the associated task in nutrition No. 3:

Version: __________________________________________________________.

D. Indicate the numbers to be requested before the appointment, in which the text of the appointment is due: ____________.

D. Read the solution to the problem:

1) 4 x 7 = 28 (km)

2) 4 x 5 = 20 (km)

3) 28 - 20 = 7 (km)

Write down your answer before completing this task: __________________________________________________________

    Find and make corrections in the decision record.

E. This is a diagram that illustrates the correct recording of the associated task.

A) .___.___.___.___.___.___.___.

Total km

b) ._______._______._______._______.

Total km

Test 4.

1. Read the text.

People can learn from little darlings. As wide as it is, you can get away with it, as it appears. The more warmth there is in the words of a friend, the more valuable it is for those to whom it is addressed. In tits this is manifested in the diversity of their spp. As spring approaches, when it gets warmer, they change their winter song to a spring one, their chirping becomes shrill and ends with a trilling whistle. The mother's titmouses sound different - nature for its bad weather and sun, for the winter frost and snow storms.

We, people, having learned how to deal with little yellow-breasted birds, must remember again about those who appear in such a way every now and then. We thank our little sisters for the butt of humanity for the ability to live, to do good, and to give back to distant people for those who are around us not only in joy, but also in important life.

For materials from the American Institute of Advanced Science.

2. The sign above the name is “submitted” in the text of the administration and the completion of the administration is visible. Please indicate the correct words:

a) I.P.D.P.R.P.D.P.I.P.R.P. b) D.p. I.P.R.P. D.P.I.P. R.P. c) R.P.I.P. D.p R.p D.p I.p

3. Write the words created as the word “podyaka”:


Distribution of numbers over words in the following order:

1 – word in the unimportant form, 2 – word in the present hour form,

3 – a word in the form of the hour, 4 – a word in the form of a multiplier, 5 – a word in the same form.

4. Check with yourself that the answer is correct:

2, 3, 4, 5 1

a) yak, yak, yak

2, 5 3 1, 4

5. Write down the word exactly as it looks in the form of the last hour:


Show graphically that the written word is in the form of the past hour - you saw the suffix.

    Place the markings in front of the name of the “underdog” so that the words come out:



On right


If you saw the finish in the annexes, indicate the row above them.

    Read the encyclopedia article about tits.

Tits are a species of birds of the tit family. There are 48 species. Widened in Eurasia, Africa, Northern America. Russia has about 12 species: great tit, black tit, Muscovy, forelock tit, chickadee.

A. Podkresli, as it is understood more broadly - “homeland” or “homeland”.

B. Read the book. Inserting numerical data into the text of the assignment.

The world knows __ species of tits. Russia has ___ species. I learned from the statistics of the names of tits, which are widened in our region.

Read the nutrition:

    How many fewer species of tits are there in Russia and around the world?

    How many more types of tits are there in the world than in Russia?

    How many fewer species of tits are there in Russia than in the world?

    How many more species of tits are there in the world than in Russia?

    The number of specific species of tits that are widened in Russia is less than in our region.

Write down the number of the meal option you need to check out for:

Subject No.________

Issue No._______

B. Write down the following:

___ times more (less). There are ___ less (more) species.

There are fewer designated for __ specific species.

D. Obtain signatures for the participants of the diagrams.

______________________ _______________________ __________________

7. Read the sentence. Indicate the main words in them, supplying food to the stale words in the words.

Great tit, big tit.

We saw the completion of the accessories, their row.

8.Re-read the book 6.

Voices on the names of the continents on which the tits are not wide: Pivnichnaya America, Pivdennaya America, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, Eurasia.

Test 5.

    Read the text.

Chervona Square is the central square of Moscow, which is adjacent to the Kremlin. It was established at the end of the 15th century, and was named Chervona (Garna) in the 2nd half of the 17th century. Originally it was a trading square; since the 16th century, local ceremonies have been held on Chervonia Square. From the sunset, Chervona Square is surrounded by the Kremlin wall with towers, surrounded by a fortified moat. Around 1555-1560, the Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral) was founded. After the fire of 1812, the composition was changed: the roar was bubbling, the trading rows were bustling. In 1818, a monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky was erected on Chervonia Square. For example, in the 19th century, opposite the Intercession Cathedral, a Historical Museum was built, and opposite the Kremlin Wall, new shopping arcades (GUM store). Military parades, demonstrations and other cleanliness are taking place on Chervonia Square. From the square there are roads along all the highways that lead to Moscow.

A. Tell me if this text was taken as a star:

From the collection of Cossacks,

From a collection of artistic references,

From an encyclopedic dictionary,

Zi collection bilin.

B. Based on the lexical meaning of the word “Chervoniy” in the 17th century, write down the current understanding of the upcoming words:

Red girl - ___________________________________________________

Chervona Square - _________________________________________________

B. Re-read the text and explain why people on Chervonaya Ploshcha in the 17th century were called Chervonaya Ploshcha:


    Look at the map - a map of Moscow and write down which metro stations you can go to the central square of Moscow:


    Turn around before the task 1. Write down the answers to the question according to the text:

A. For how many centuries has the history of the Red Square been present?

a) 6 hundred b) 5 hundred c) 5 and a half hundred.

B. How many times has St. Basil’s Church been built?____

B. Tell me what the elder is like on Chervony Square:

a) Historical Museum b) Kremlin Wall d) Intercession Cathedral

e) monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.

R. Vipishi, which sequence on Chervonia Ploshcha appeared to have meaning in the text:


    Vikoristovuyuchi data zavdannya 1, turn back to the power supply.

A. From which side of the horizon Chervona Square adjoins the Kremlin:

a) from sunset b) from evening c) from immediately d) from afternoon

B. In which direction from the Intercession Cathedral you need to go to the Historical Museum:

a) on the way out b) on the way in c) on the day d) on the day

B. Anybody from the Kremlin wall needs to go to the new shopping arcades:

a) on the day b) on the way out c) on the day d) on the way out

5. On the plan, indicate by numbers the location of historical objects on Chervonia Square:

1 – Historical No. 1 – Historical Museum, No. 2 – Kremlin Wall, No. 3 – GUM,

4 – monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky, No. 6 – Intercession Cathedral.

Test 6.

    Read the text.

“The Golden Ring of Russia” is a circular tourist route that goes from Moscow to the ancient gathering through the ancient Russian cities of Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl - Zalesky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Suzdal, Volodymyr. The route is like an excursion from the 70s to the 20th century.

In 1335-1345, the birth of Sergius of Radonezki fell asleep at the Trinity Monastery of Sergius, near which the place of Sergiev Posad was built. Near the monastery, the place is notable for the Toy Museum, the Gremyachiy waterfall, the Abramtsev Garden Museum and other historical monuments.

There will be a place on the route of the Golden Ring of Russia - Pereslavl - Zalisky. He was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The place is home to the Nikitsky Human Monastery, a museum-garden in the village of Veskovo, where there is a boat (wooden ship) built by Peter 1, as well as Lake Pleshcheyevo, on which Peter 1 organized the first potish "sea fights."

Rostov the Great will first be remembered in the “Tale of Bygone Years” by 862 people. Rostov has the Trinity Monastery - Sergius Monastery, where Sergius of Radonezky was born. In addition, the place is home to human and female monasteries, the Rostov Kremlin and other museums.

Yaroslavl changed its name to the name of the Kiev prince Yaroslav the Wise, who fell asleep in the place of 1010 people. Around the temple (church) monuments in the place there is an Art Museum, a museum of the place and a historical and architectural museum. The place was growing on the banks of the great Russian river Volga.

Another Volk place - Kostroma - was founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Near the ancient churches near the town of Kostroma there is a Museum of Wooden Architecture, Jewelry Industry, and an elk farm overlooking the whole of Russia.

The place of Suzdal is first mentioned in the Novgorod Code (law) in 999, like other places of the Golden Ring of Russia and is a historical, architectural and Orthodox center. Tourists are attracted there by the Kremlin, Vasilyevsky Spaso - Evfimiev and Pokrovsky monasteries, the museum of wooden architecture and rural life.

The place of Volodymyr is first mentioned in the chronicles of 990 years. Monasteries and churches - Orthodox cultural centers - have always been the first to appear in great places, and Slovenian settlements were organized around Russian shrines. Volodymyr is rich in them, as all the places in Russia are the historical centers of the region. Beside the temples, active churches and monasteries near Volodymyr, you can see the museum “Ridna Nature”, the buildings - the museum of the Stoletov merchants, and the Golden Gate of the place.

You can reach all of these historical centers of Russia from Moscow by buses and trains to get to know the traditions of our ancestors and get to know our history.

Write down what will unite all the places of the Golden Ring of Russia:


    Using the text, write down a table about the places of the Golden Ring of Russia.

Select and enter the order you choose to quickly fill in the table items:

a) ABC b) BAV c) BVA





B. Name of the place

V.Date of the anniversary and mysteries of the place

    Wow, how many rocks are there in these places that are older than younger than them? Write down your decision:

    Look at the card. Eat the colorful olives of the Golden Ring of Russia so that you have the best tourist route.

The early century of Moscow with the places of the Golden Ring of Russia. Proceed with the words so that they have correct words (correct spelling). Note: the first riddle about Moscow dates back to 1147.

“Older than Moscow, the place is _____________________________________________________

“Youth for Moscow place___________________________________________


    Set the line between the place names and their owners, connecting the required lines with arrows:

Sergiev Posad Petro Pershiy

Kostroma Sergiy Radonezky

Yaroslavl Yuri Dolgoruky

Pereslavl - Zalisky Yaroslav Mudry

    Write down who became the founder of two places of the Golden Ring of Russia, which are:


    Read the proposition and sort it out after the parts of the speech and write the parts of the language above the words:

Yuri Dolgoruky fell asleep on the cob of the twentieth century in the Russian city of Kostroma.

Write down the words in which the sounds of the solid are present:


Test 7.

1. Read the text.

The heart is the central organ of the circulatory system of creatures and people. It pumps blood into the entire body. The human heart is an empty (empty) organ of meat, divided into 4 chambers – the right and left atrium, the right and left chamber. The heart mass of an adult person weighs about 300 g. In normal minds without advanced physical activity, it pumps about 70 times per person and in one hour “pumps” about 5 liters of blood. The heart's activity is regulated by the nervous system. However, the heart has automatism, so you can function independently, without influx of the nervous system. It pumps blood to all organs, keeping them acidic. The heart for a person’s life is never lost in a robot.

In the human body there are a lot of different substances that can easily become stressed due to physical stress. Why isn’t the heart, working without a beat, tired? On the right is that in the rhythm of the work of the heart there is a period of recovery, so that they (cameras) move around as if alternately. Vcheni was encouraged that the heart works almost half the length of this life, and the mind expects that the chambers are in a relaxed state.

A person’s heart trains, just as she has been doing exercises since childhood, and has acquired an inconvenient physical commitment. To protect the heart of a healthy person, you need to stay away from bad habits - chicken and alcohol, so as not to overindulge in them and not to kill blood vessels. It’s important to take care of your heart: today, take leisurely walks in the open air, take care of Rozumov’s obsession with awkward physical rights or work, maintain a daily routine. For the victory of these awkward minds, the heart works clearly and uninterruptedly.

Write down your heart:

2. Taking advantage of the facts from the statistics, please:

a) the number of quick heartbeats in 1 year –

b) the amount of quick heart meat in 12 years –

3. Using statistical materials, determine the volume of blood in liters that it pumps:

a) in 2 years –

b) for free -

4. Write down which part of life your heart believes in:

5. Follow the required diagrams with the text and solutions (or confirmation) of your assignment No. 4.

an hour to work on your heart, an hour to fix your heart

6. Look at the diagrams. Write down the solution for power supply:

a) how many times does the higher heart rest, the lower works?

b) how much less does the heart work, how much less does it work?

7. Explain in words from the text that the activity of the heart is important for the body:



8. Fill out the table.

Korisny diy people on the heart's meat

Cheap people on the heart's meat

9. Do a morphological analysis of the word “heart” (as a part of the language):


We added a letter in the word “heart” that is not visible at the time of reading.

10. Decline the phrase “healthy heart.”






We saw completion in the notes and names.

Test 8.

1. Read the poem of King Solomon.

“Sonce goes, and Son comes in, and he hurries to his place, and then he goes. When the wind turns to afternoon, it gets foggy, foggy, and the wind turns in circles. All rivers flow by the sea, but the sea will not renew itself; Until then, the stars of the river flow, the stinks turn to flow again.”

About the processes that occur in nature, King Solomon wrote:

A. about the cultivation of the Earth near the Sun;

B. about the circulation of water in nature;

Article about grub lantsyugi;

G. about the Earth's wrapping around its axis.

2. Show directions to the horizon:

a) where to go to Sontse - _____________

b) where to go Sonce - ______________

3. Read the meaning of the “period”: the period of time during which any process takes place. Vikonai is such a treasure:

A) Write down why the ancient period of the Earth’s rotation on its axis is ___________

B) Write down why the ancient period of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is _____________

C) wonder how many times the earth has turned around the Sun, below its axis.

d) wonder how many more days the Earth will turn around the Sun, below its own axis.

4. Read the text.

The circulation of water in nature is a continuous process of movement of water in the atmosphere (the Earth's soil), the hydrosphere (the Earth's water), and the Earth's crust, which consists of evaporation, the transfer of water vapor in the atmosphere , the transformation of steam in the water and the loss of fallout. Water evaporation occurs at an elevated water temperature, and condensation (conversion of steam back into water) occurs at a lower temperature. If the water is cooled, then at a temperature below 0 degrees Celsius it freezes and turns into ice, snow, and other things.

In the water cycle in nature, the most active part is taken from the surface water of the Earth - in rivers, lakes, seas, and reservoirs. Mensch is actively, then completely, the water cycle in nature takes the fate of underground water and ice reservoirs.

A. Write down the statistics of condensation – _____________________________________________________________________

B. Tell me, how many different countries can there be water on Earth:

a) in two b) in several c) in three d) in one

5. Fill out the table for the statistical materials from the assignment 4.

Take an active part in the water cycle in nature

It is good to take part in the cycle of water in nature

6. Write down the atmospheric fallout in the table:

Rain, frost, hail, snow, dew, fog.

1. Fall in rare conditions

2. Fall in a solid state

3. Fall in a steam-like state

7. Select a diagram that matches the details of task table 6.

A B C________________

8. He divided the words “Rain, frost, hail, snow, dew, fog”

Please see the table for the symbols assigned to it.

Words in which all the sounds are in the firmament

Words that cannot be divided for transfer

Words that stand for one type of treatment

Words that do not linger form and multiply

Test 9.

1. Read the text.

Numbers are mental signs for assigning numbers. The first figures appeared in Egypt and Babylonia. Among the ancient Greeks, Syrians and other peoples, numbers served as alphabet letters. The same writing of numbers in letters was adopted in Russia until the 16th century. In the Middle Ages in Europe they were written in Roman numerals - 1, 11, 111, 1V, V, V1, V11, V111, 1X, X - which is consistent with the Arabic writing of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. However, when writing in Roman numerals, the same letter designations were preserved. For example, X = 10, C = 100, M = 1000 and one half: V = 5, L = 50, D = 500. The current numerals - Arabic - were transferred to Europe already in the 13th century (X111th century). Widely recording in Arabic numerals expanded from the 2nd half of the 15th century (XV century).

The people began to touch objects with their fingers, like the first shell “sticks”. Perhaps this became very wide and the system took away dozens of rackets. If you already know what the hour is, take the number 60 as one unit: there are 60 seconds in 1 year, 60 seconds in 1 year.

At the temples of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, little ones have been discovered:

You write down the numbers 1,10, 100, 1000. To read such a number, you had to add up all the values. Recording numbers was not manual - great numbers took up a lot of space for their recording with such numbers.

Writing in Arabic numerals from 0 to 9 has become the most handy, because no matter where the digit is written in a number, it can represent units, tens, hundreds, thousands, units of thousands, and so on. You can easily read a large number if you know the names of the categories and classes.

Write in the text what numbers are presented to you:


2. Set the type of recorded numbers using arrows.

Write in Roman numerals Write in Arabic numerals

V1 100

1V 12

XV 1000

X1V 4

X11 3

C 6

111 14

M 15

3. Look at the record of the number of Egyptian numerals. Write this number in Arabic numerals: _________________

4. Sign up for the nutrition blitz:

A) How many paws do 10 guts have - ____

B) How many fingers do 10 people have – ____

C) How many more fingers do people have on 2 hands, fewer on 1 nose - ____

D) How many fingers do 5 valleys have – ___

5. Read the book.

It was announced on the radio that the wind speed yesterday reached 5 meters per second. Respect, why is this speed comparable in meters in one year?

Fill in the hint for cherries:

1 year = ___ xv. 1 xv = ____ sec.

Write down your calculations:

6. Read the book.

Mandrivnik I'm moving a part of the route and the pishki for 2 years with a speed of 5 km per year. The other part of the journey was done by bicycle for 3 years at a speed of 20 km per year. The third part of your route is transported by car and lasts for 6 years, developing a speed of 75 km per year. What kind of path is it, what kind of mandrivnik is it?

A. Provide the correct diagram for solving the problem:




Write down the tasks involved.

Version: the path of the fire is ancient _______________.

7. Read the questions and write down the answers.

A) What is the price of a car, what is it worth? ____

B) How can the Swede finish the way?___ For what hour?___

Q) How can the speed of a bicycle be increased to 0 km per year? ___

For what reason? ___________________________________

D) Can 2 individuals pass the battle in one hour?___

For what reason?______________________________________________________________

D) A pedestrian and a cyclist move along one highway from a place to a village in 1 year. Have you been seated at the back of your mind, who is the fastest to get to the village?

8. Using the numbers 3,5,6, write down all three.


They raised one rice for one, two rice for tens, three rice for a hundred.

Write down the names of the classes you know while writing down the rich numbers:


9. Read the speech and fill in the missing letters.

From the village to the village the children walked all the way. Near the forest, going from birch trees to birch trees, mushrooms smelled. In the abandoned garden, from apple tree to apple tree, stinks ran across the apple tree, searching for apples. When it began to get dark, the boys rushed home to arrive before light.

Vikonay zavdannya.

A) Above the words with missing letters, write their additions.

B) Show which parts of the language are words with missing letters:

a) words b) name tags c) name tags

c) Write down the words that mean rukh from the greatest to the greatest: __________________________________________________________

Test 10.

1. Read the text.

It’s early to get the latest newspapers to the Soyuzdruk kiosks and deliver them by car to the kiosks. On the way to work, people buy newspapers to learn from them about the latest news - political, economic, sports, labor, pre-Christmas and others.

If the word means periodically seeing materials about the latest news, it was also called, and the newspaper was written in Venice. In the 16th century in Venice, for a sheet of news, they paid a fractional coin newspaper, which became the name of the periodic publication of news.

In Russia, the newspaper “Vidomosti” was founded in the first place and published the world for Peter the Great in the 18th century 1702. In 1987, 8,532 newspapers with a single circulation were published in our region (circulation is the number of copies of one issue), and about 208,000 copies were circulated by 55 languages ​​of various peoples that inhabit the region, and also 9 foreign languages. Nina's Vedomosti newspaper began to appear again in 1999.

Newspapers, magazines, collections and other materials published at regular intervals are called periodicals. I see that they are released every day, once per week, twice or once per month, once per week or once per week. On any periodical material you see, you can read what date it is published and how often (with what frequency) it is published for readers.

A) Write down the text of the newspaper:


B) underlined the text meaning “periodic friend”.

C) Write down who this “kiosker” is - _____________________________________________________________________

2. Take the “Russian language” handbook and look at it carefully. Write the following information about the initial book:

B) Circulation – __________________________

C) rik vidannya – _____________________

3. Have a blast:

A) how many fates are seen in Russian newspapers up to what fate:

B) How many years after the first publication of Vedomosti, the newspaper began to publish the following:

4. Write down the hidden meaning for words “magazines, collections, newspapers” - _____________________________________________________________________

5. Please write down:

A) how often do good things come out?______

B) how rare is it to come out today?

c) how many centuries later did newspapers begin to be published in Russia and Venice?___________

6. The newspaper "Sport Express" has been seen 6 times a week since September 14, 1991. Smash how many new numbers Smash how many numbers

Do you ever see this newspaper? released in 1 month (28 days)?____;

For 1 Rik: __________

What do you think the Sport Express newspaper is writing about?


How do you care what the Moskovska Pravda newspaper writes about?


7. Read the book.

The first kiosk brought 4 packs of newspapers, 50 copies each, and 3 packs of magazines, 20 copies each. Another kiosk brought 5 such packs of newspapers and 2 such packs of magazines.

A) Select food before delivery in order to equalize the number of imported copies at two kiosks. Circle the food.

a) How many newspapers and magazines were brought from the two kiosks?

b) how much more was the periodic friend brought to one of the kiosks?

c) how many copies of each periodical were brought to the first kiosk?

Unleash the task and we will provide you with food.


B) Write down in different ways how the task is related to nutrition a):

1 way 2 way.

Version: ________________________ Version:_______________________

8. In order to resolve the tasks, share the content with the diagrams with the signatures before them.

newspapers magazines magazines magazines

at the 1st kiosk" at the 1st kiosk" at the 2nd kiosk" at the 2nd kiosk"

9. Curse the word “newspaper”.

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

We saw the completion in the skin form of the word that came out.

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