Confirmation by the Synod of the Rivers. Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. Rules of the Universal Church

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History of the Synod for Peter I

The original plan of Peter the Great did not include changing the established church order for hundreds of years. Even as the first Russian emperor showed his attention to his transformations, the tsar was no longer obliged to share his power with other persons, including the clergy. Other motives for the Petrine church reform were important to the ruler.

In 1700, after the death of Patriarch Adrian, Petro the First began to quickly become rich and seize the patriarchate, motivating his duty among the representatives of the clergy of a suitable candidate for the seat of the Great Patriarch.

In this manner, the Patriarchal throne was left empty, and all the ceremonies of the vast diocese of the Patriarch were entrusted to the Intercessor, Metropolitan of Ryazan Stefan Yavorsky. Ale yomu tsar entrusted the warden with further information.

On the twenty-fourth of 1701 there was a renewal of the Monastic Order, to which the patriarchal dominions, territories, as well as bishops' and patriarchal offices were assigned. On whose order was Ivan Oleksiyovich Musin-Pushkin put.

The vigilante is obliged to respect all the important people on the right with the bishops. And that’s why I have the right to call the rest to Moscow. In this case, the results of such skin problems are obligated for the Patriarchal Throne to be presented to the sovereign himself in a special manner. Varto points out that the people themselves and the gathering of bishops from various dioceses, as before, are not enough to call the Consecrated Cathedral. However, Denmark Cathedral And the boyar Miscebelistel still separated the rule of Musin-Pushkin in the governing Russian Church.

In 1711, in place of the old Boyar Duma, a new sovereign body was formed - the District Senate. From this day on, both the worldly and the spiritual authorities were obliged to irrevocably submit orders to the Senate in order to become equal to the royal ones. During this period, the Senate began to form the Church, ordering the bishops to recruit priests themselves. Likewise, the Senate itself signifies the abbot of the monastery.

So it continues until the twenty-fifth day of 1721, until Tsar Peter the Great signs a manifesto on the founding of the so-called Spiritual College, which was soon renamed the Holy Synod. In a month, on the fourteenth of February, the local authority of this church-supported body will be born.

The reasons for the church re-creation of Peter and the creation of the Holy Synod

Renewal of the Holy Synod

At the ceremony of the new organ, the Tsar conveys:

  • drukarsk office;
  • office of school certificates;
  • the order of church certificates;
  • monastic order;
  • patriarchal punishments (palace, official and spiritual).

In this case, in St. Petersburg, the Tiunskaya Khata or Tiunskaya office is so called, and in Moscow, a spiritual dicastery, an office of scholastic certificates, an order of inquisitor certificates, as well as a synodal office and the office of the synodal government are established Inya.

The warehouse of the great church governing body is assigned to the regulations of “a dozen officials,” three of whom, at a minimum, have a low mother’s rank of bishop. The Synod, as in any common college at that time, had one president, five assessors, including rulers and two vice-presidents.

Reform of the Holy Synod

In 1726, all the gods were named because they were not at all connected with the clergy of the people who sat at the Holy Synod, and were replaced by the following:

  • present at the Synod;
  • members of the Synod;
  • and a permanent member of the Synod.

The first person (formerly the president) behind the regulations has a voice equal to other members of this board. Metropolitan Stefan became the first chief presenter, and the tsar recognized Theodosius as the vice-president, who was at that time the bishop of the Oleksandro-Nevsky monastery.

In general, in its structure (business and office) the Synod was similar to the Senate with its colleges. Each one had the same meanings and functions. Petro Pershiy added about the creation of an unprecedented overview of the work of the new church organ. So, on the eleventh of May 1722, by royal decree at the Synod, the new posadovtsa, the chief prosecutor, was appointed to be present.

The Chief Prosecutor was able to inform the Synod of the decision, since these matters lay solely under the will of the sovereign. With this, the planting itself was planned in a more cautious, less orderly manner. Until 1901, a new member of the Holy Synod was required to take a special oath.

Pouches of the church re-creation of Peter I and the legacy of the creation of the Holy Synod

As a result of Peter's church changes, the Church lost its independence and came under the control of the state and the king. Until 1917, the resolution of the Synod was issued under the stamp “By the decree of his Imperial Majesty.” It should be noted that the church government was called among the sovereign papers, like others (financial, military and judicial) - “The House of Orthodox Confession.”

Scheme: the place of the most holy synod in the authorities for Peter I

all members of the Collegium have equal voices and everyone, not including the President, submits to the court of the Collegium, even as the Patriarch may not want to appear before his bishops, and this court itself is in the eyes the common people would seem suspicious and German; so that for the trial of the Patriarch it would be necessary to call the Ecumenical Council, which is very important through the blood of Russia with the Turks; and finally

The conciliar order can become a school of spiritual administration.

To give greater authority and canonicality to the new church order, Petro addressed the Patriarch of Constantinople Jeremiah III with his prayers, so that, along with the other Patriarchs, “the establishment of a spiritual Synod for the benefit of recognizing the poor.” At 1723 r. Jeremiah issued his firm letter, in which he announced the recognition of the Holy Synod as his “brother in Christ”, who has the power to “create and operate even as much as the Apostolic Holy Patriarchal Thrones.” Similar letters were taken from other Similar Patriarchs.

In this manner, the Holy Orderly Synod was recognized as a permanent Council, which precedes the authority of the Patriarchs, and thus bears the title of Saint. At the time of the Synod under the Similar Patriarchs, our Synod did not retain the Patriarchal power, but replaced it, being neither a collegial Patriarch. Thus, it replaced the Local Council as the supreme body of church government. The dissolution of the Holy Order, its replacement by a “headless” Synod, as well as more than 200 years of Local Councils from the life of the Russian Church, became a gross violation of the 34th Apostolic Canon, therefore the bishops of any people shall owe the nobility first in them, And recognize him as the head, and nothing outweighs their power to create without his merging... And the first one does not create anything without merging everything.”

The first member of the Synod, in no way competing for their rights with other members, only symbolically representing the first bishop, the first bishop, without the permission of anyone in the Church there is no need to do anything that would exceed the power of the our bishops. Not the Synod, which was formed of just a few bishops and presbyters, and a full-fledged replacement of the Local Council.

Another dubious legacy of the reform was the alignment of the ecclesiastical order with the secular supreme power. For the members of the Synod, an oath was taken: “I swear with the oath of the final judge of the Spiritual Board of the All-Russian Monarch our most merciful sovereign.” This oath, which reflected the bishop's confusion, contrary to the canonical roots of the Church, lasted until 1901, perhaps 200 years. The “Spiritual Regulations” unequivocally stated that “the Legal Collegium under the sovereign monarch is inserted.” The monarch, instead of the traditional title of “anointed one,” is called in the “Regulations” “Christ of the Lord.”

The Holy Synod of Order, as well as the Senate, acting in the name of the sovereign, removed from the new high decrees and punishments from all church records. Everything was decreed by the Holy Synod until 1917. were issued with the stamp “By the decree of His Imperial Majesty.” Among the sovereign papers, the Church Authority from that hour began to be called the “House of Orthodox Confession,” along with other departments: military, financial, judicial, and internal affairs.

The synodal reform in church literature has received a comprehensive and fair critical assessment, but in discussions about it it is not good to fall into one-sided criticism. Once again, Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow should lose sight of his thoughts and opinions: “The spiritual college, having adopted Petro as a Protestant, was sent to the Holy Synod by God Providence and the Church Spirit.”

This reform brought joy to the church, the hierarchy, the clergy, and the people. It was accepted no less by both the law-abiding clergy and the believing people, which means that regardless of its canonical defects, nothing was added to it that would twist the order of church life on the table, so that the Russian Church would fall out of Catholic unity of Ecumenical Orthodoxy. Praised by the hierarchy and the people, recognized by the Converging Patriarchs, the new synodal authority became a legitimate church order. And regardless of those that the will of the emperor was often truthfully imposed on the heard Synod, this will, first of all, did not at all respect the purity of the Orthodox faith, which the Church in particular did not acknowledge to the Synod, or in other words, church authority to the synodal acts nevertheless, she gave the signatures of the members of the Synod - the hierarchs; the stamp is “By the decree of His Imperial Majesty,” similar to the signatures of the Byzantine emperors under the designated Ecumenical Councils, without giving the synodal decrees the status of sovereign laws.

The Synod is the primary administrative and judicial authority of the Russian Church. During the year of the Great's reign, he had the right to create new departments, remove hierarchs and place them in the widow's departments. We have established supreme care for the implementation of church laws by members of the Church and for the spiritual enlightenment of the people. The Synod had the right to establish new holy rites and canonize saints. The Synod published the Holy Letter and liturgical books, and also subjected the supreme censorship of theological, church-historical and canonical works. Vіn has the right to fuss over the needs of the Russian Orthodox Church before the Supreme Court. As the treasure of church judicial power, the Synod was the court of the first instance for the accusations of bishops in anti-canonical acts; It was also an appellate court for the rights that were heard in the diocesan courts. The Synod had the right to make residual decisions on the most wicked adultery laws, as well as on the right regarding the removal of clergy and the anathematization of the laity. Nareshti, the Synod served as the body of the canonical union of the Russian Church with the autocephalous Orthodox Churches, with the Ecumenical Orthodox Churches. At the home church of the First Member, the names of the Converging Patriarchs were presented to the Synod during the services.

In addition, the Synod central authority management of the Russian Church, which was still the diocesan authority for a large Patriarchal region, renamed to Synodal. The Synod of Cherubs, through the same punishments that were issued for the Patriarchs, was renamed, however, into a dicastery (in Moscow) and a city office (in St. Petersburg). However, after the establishment of the Moscow and St. Petersburg dioceses in 1742, the Synodal region began its foundation. The entire Synodal region lost the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral and Stavropian monasteries from the immediate Synod.

Change at the warehouse to the Synod

Warehouse to the Synod, at the hour of its sleep, repeatedly recognizing ground changes. Already after Catherine I (1725–1727 r.) it was divided into two apartments (1726 r.): spiritual and economic. The first apartment, from whom the new president was deprived including spiritual certificates, was formed from the Pershop present (after the death of Metropolitan Stephen in 1722, the new president was not admitted to the Synod) and 6 members. The economical apartment was supplied by land plots of monasteries and diocesan buildings and by officials. For Catherine I, the Synod ceased to be called “Order” and became the “Spiritual Synod”. This year the first name was renewed. What is the need for an economical apartment to the Synod, then under various names: “chamber-office”, “collegium of economy” - the information was repeatedly transferred to the Synod from the Senate and back, until it was decided, as a result of the secularization of the population of church lands in their rule was not the rest Church Vlada is stuck.

Under Empress Ganna (1730–1740), the Synod consisted of 3 bishops, 2 archimandrites and 2 archpriests (rectors of the Kremlin Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals). For the states 1764 rubles. The Synod was to have 3 bishops, 2 archimandrites and 1 archpriest.

For the states, confirmed in 1818, the Synod had its own representatives, one of them called “First”. For Mikoli I (1825–1855), the place of archimandrites at the Synod was taken by the head priest of the guard and the grenadier corps (also the confessor of the king) and the head priest of the army and navy. This year, the Synod also added a bishop's warehouse, which was more in line with church canons. Before him, there were also permanent members - the metropolitans of St. Petersburg (before the head), Kiev and Moscow - so often the exarch of Georgia. Other bishops who were summoned by the Synod (for their tributes) by the emperor’s decrees on the non-interpretation of the term were called “present in the Synod”. In the 20th century, protopresbyters began to join the Synod.

Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod

At 1722 r. By decree of the Emperor, the Posad of the Synodal Chief Prosecutor was established. The Instruction of the Chief Prosecutor was literally copied from the Instruction of the Prosecutor General under the Senate. Chief Prosecutor, according to the thought of Peter I, may be appointed “from the officers” good people..." Yoma was placed in the position of being “the eye of the sovereign and the attorney of the sovereign’s right.”

Over the years, especially in the 19th century (for Princes Golitsin, Protasov, Pobedonostsev), the rights of the chief prosecutor were expanded from those of the official who controls the conduct of synodal documents, as was transferred in the Instructions, and became an increasingly important matter. structure, which is not subject to the emperor's only for the extension of the legal form of the activity of the Synod, but in essence.

The Obligations of the Chief Prosecutor included:

monitoring of the sovereign laws of the Spiritual Department and control over the current laws of the state;

review of the protocols of the Holy Synod, first of all there will be Vikonians;

the presentation of evidence to the Synod of the Emperor and the stunned Synod of High Orders;

presence at the meeting of the State Committee of Ministers of the Right of the Orthodox Church;

through the Chief Prosecutor, all communications were made to the Synod with ministers and other high secular leaders;

Until now, on the front crown there were all the certificates that could be seen in the Senate, which were related to church inviolability;

The chief prosecutor was the chief officer for secular officials who were in the service of the Spiritual Department.

As a sovereign dignitary, responsible for his rights to the ministers, the Chief Prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice is accompanied by an intercessor - a companion to the Chief Prosecutor and an office similar to departments under ministries. This office was founded in 1839. The Office of the Chief Prosecutor was also the Office of the Holy Synod, and was also subordinate to the Chief Prosecutor. She saw and prepared documents that were confirmed by the Synod.

Synodal installations

In 1839 on which the government's administration was founded with the synodal chief prosecutor, who had all the power penny koshti Synod. In 1867 The Chief Committee was appointed to the Holy Synod. Its Head and 9 members were recognized by the Synod: the head - exclusively from spiritual persons, and the members - from spiritual and secular ones. Moreover, secular members were confirmed by the Synod at the expense of the chief prosecutor. Before taking part in the activities of the Committee, the Head asked other individuals (with the knowledge of the Synod and the Chief Prosecutor) for their friends and teachers in St. Petersburg. The Primary Committee was responsible for the underground administrative management and scientific and methodological care of seminaries and religious schools.

The Central Synod also had two synodal offices: Moscow and Georgian-Imeretian. The first of them, under the head of the Moscow Metropolitan, and in his capacity - the first vicar of the diocese, formed from the archpriests who are at peace in the Moscow monasteries, the archimandrite of one of the Moscow stauropians of other monasteries and the protopresbyter of the Assumption Cathedral. These candidacies were confirmed by the Holy Synod with the most recent instructions. The Synodal Office in Moscow was in charge of the Assumption Cathedral, the Moscow Stavropian monasteries, the synodal booth, the Church of the 12 Apostles, the synodal sacristy and the library. Moreover, she knew the preparations of the holy world.

The Georgian-Imeretian Synodal Office under the leadership of the Exarch of Georgia consisted of 4 members: 3 archimandrites and 1 archpriest. There is a small and broadly important area, Nizh Moskovskaya, being a kind of synodal branch of the administration of the Georgian dioceses. The Synodal office, together with the exarch, selected candidates for vacant Georgian departments and presented them for confirmation to the Synod. The bishops of Georgia, in charge of their dioceses, carried out their activities separately from the exarch and the synodal office.

Projects for the re-creation of the great keruvannya. Russian Orthodox Church

The canonical defectiveness of the synodal system weighed on the conscience of bishops, clergy and laity. In the other half of the 19th century, the need to remake the church order began to be discussed publicly. The 80s rock. in the diocesan places of Russia - St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kazan - take place for the sake of the diocesan bishops of the surrounding regions, on which the nutrition of church life is discussed, especially in these localities. In literature, such episcopal people rejected the name “cathedrals.”

The church people have hope for the calling of the All-Russian Memorial Council. In the minds of people, who were especially painfully worried about the non-canonical nature of the synodal government, the idea of ​​​​renewing the Patriarchate is brewing.

When the hour of the revolution of 1905-1917 approaches. Manifestos were seen that gave broad rights to foreigners, non-Orthodox and Old Believers, the clergy and church community were alarmed by the fact that the Orthodox Church, which had been under the cruel tutelage of the sovereign power for 200 years, may appear in the worst conditions, lower foreigners and non-slavs.

They started talking about this from the pulpit and on the side of the church building. Most everyone in the Church was aware of the call to the Holy Council as necessary and unexpected.

Differences immediately emerged in relation to the future Council. “Group 32” was established in St. Petersburg, as it voiced the long-standing renewal of the very foundations of church life. This group wanted a wide representation of clergy and laity at the Council and so that they (clergy and laity) were denied equal rights with bishops from the main source of church life. This tendency clearly manifested the establishment-party interests of the modernists, the desire to secure more rights and privileges for the white clergy with the help of episcopate and monasticism; representatives of the “Group 32” of black non-bishops began to respect ineffective and non-canonical appeals to the Council. “Without fearing the correct idea that the first Council will strive for a thorough organization of its difficulties, it can be formed from only bishops, we respect that it is the first for everything, and the nature of the pan-church representation is to blame,” it said in Travni 1905 r. from the note of “group 32” to Metropolitan Anthony (Vadkovsky) of St. Petersburg – two hundred years of councils and the current becoming of a great hierarchy, which does not, like the old ones, deal with the churches themselves, the clergy and the people of the dowager churches themselves, obligatory take part in the councils of the lower hierarchy and lay people

The modernists are denouncing their opponents as a church schism, which will arise if their opportunities for equal participation of clergy and laity will not be accepted at the Council. “The bishops are violating and confirming the settlement project at the cathedral; However, this decision does not detract only from the fact that it will be the same goal of all bishops. The Church, for example, can say that it does not praise such authority, does not respect it, and recognizes it as one that does not meet any of its actual needs, nor the dictates that it preserves. Rights and rights will be, the Church will be arbitrarily alienated from the bishops, otherwise there will be a split,” wrote a member of the “Union of Church Renewal” N.P. Aksakov. For the first hierarch of the Russian Church, the authors of the “Note” transferred the title of archbishop of the capital city to the Patriarch, but did not want to give him the same administrative rights of hundred other bishops, giving him the first honor i.

A whole series of retellings about the nature of the re-creation of the great church power that Bishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky) achieved. “The bishops,” he wrote, “hover over themselves no less than the Patriarch, but they show their readiness to submit to the metropolitans. Vlad the Patriarch will be taken away by only one, and the others will become his novices: seven (toil in the respect of the metropolitan to stand on behalf of the metropolitan districts) without middle, and the other 92 – novices of the metropolitan. This is as much commendable on the side of the bishops as it is detrimental for the Church, since with the weakening of the ecclesiastical discipline of the church, firm power is needed over all of us.” Bishop Anthony spoke exclusively for the episcopal warehouse of the revived Cathedral. The same lady composed the testimony of the Holy Synod, which was presented to the sovereign in 1905.

Archbishop Sergius of Finland (the future Patriarch) addressed the press at the meeting with a thorough analysis of the food warehouse of the Metropolitan Cathedral. He wrote: “It is possible, standing on a strictly canonical point of view, to affirm that clergy and laity have the right, on an equal basis with bishops, to take part with the highest voice in regional councils... This answer may be too negative. Shcho Klir I Miriani Obov'yazkovo Buli Tnotni on the cathedrals of I Shcho Deaki, they took a fate in the Mirkavanni Cathedral, Truth ... Ale say, Shchob Taki Buv’s law, Obov'yazkovy for all, Shchob Tsyogo Vimagali Rules of St. and the Holy Ecumenical and the Great. cathedrals... impossible. The “Book of Rules” does not prohibit the legalization of the participation of clergy and laity in regional councils and, for example, here, when talking about Councils, talk only about bishops and some about presbyters, clergy and laity (IV Ecum. 19. Trull. 8 , VII All-World 6, Carth.14, 27, 87,141,142, Laod.40 and etc. However, for the sake of unity and church light, Archbishop Sergius respected the permissible invocations before participating in the Council of clergy and laity: “Ah, - for meaning vin, you need to put qiu fate so that it does not ruin... the basic principle of the canonical harmony." For this, Archbishop Sergius proposed to introduce the following mentality into the regulations about the Council: "If there is a decree for the cathedral, whether a vote is reached by the way or without it, it imposes obedience to the law, and perhaps e was protested, for stated reasons, and submitted for consideration to the Council of Bishops alone. Since the praise has a dogmatic-canonical character, for a protest one vote is enough, no matter who is guilty. In all other cases, it is necessary for a protest to be made either by statements or by three mania no less than one four of all present."

Regardless of the best hopes in Sweden, the call to the Council, regardless of those that were specially founded by the Pre-Council presence prepared material for the upcoming Land Council, the Tsar respected the call to the cathedral by accident. 1912 r. The materials of the Presence were looked at by the People before the Council, but the Council on the right did not come again. Without the Emperor's words, the roads to the Pomesnogo Cathedral opened. In 1917, the Proceedings of the Council Council, which worked under the leadership of Archbishop Sergius, prepared the “Regulations on the All-Russian Local Council.”

Chapter Five of the Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church:

  1. The Holy Synod, established by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Mestoconservator), is the governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church during the period between Bishops' Councils.
  2. The Holy Synod before the Bishops' Council and through the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia submits to it the report of its activities during the inter-conciliar period.
  3. The Holy Synod is formed under the Head of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Mistookhorontsia), seven permanent and five temporary members - eparchial bishops.
  4. The permanent members are: by department – ​​the Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine; St. Petersburg and Ladozky; Krutitsky and Kolomensky; Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus; Chisinau and all Moldova; behind the posada is the head of the Veddilu of the external church connections and the right hand of the Moscow Patriarchate.
  5. Timely members call for attendance at one session, according to the seniority of the bishop's ordination, for one of the skin groups into which the dioceses are divided. The bishop's appeal to the Holy Synod cannot be inherited until the end of the court term of his administration of this diocese.

Permanent members of the Synod by departments and ex officio

    • Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine
    • Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomensky (Moscow region);
    • Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus;
    • Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova;
    • head of the External Church Links;
    • active on the right of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Regular members (personal warehouse) of the Holy Synod at this time

  1. Volodymyr (Sabodan) - Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine
  2. Juvenaly (Poyarkov) – Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomensky
  3. Volodymyr (Kotlyarov) - Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladozky
  4. Filaret (Vakhromiev) - Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus
  5. Volodymyr (Kantarian) - Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova
  6. Barsanuphius (Sudakov) – Archbishop of Saransk and Mordovian, v.o. of the rightists of the Moscow Patriarchate
  7. Hilarion (Alfeev) – Archbishop of Volokolamsk, head of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate

Commissions and branches

The Holy Synod received the following Synodal subdivisions:

  • Vidavnica Rada;
  • Heading Committee;
  • Department of catechesis and religious education;
  • Division of charity and social service;
  • Missionary branch;
  • Engaged in cooperation with the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies;
  • Veddil is young on the right;
  • Contributed with the Church and the marriage;
  • Information section

Also during the Synod the following will be established:

  • Patriarchal Synodal Biblical Commission;
  • Synodal Theological Commission;
  • Synodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints;
  • Synodal Liturgical Commission;
  • Synodal Commission at the right monasteries;
  • Synodal Commission for Economic and Humanitarian Affairs;
  • Synodal Library named after the Holy Patriarch Oleksiya II.

In the synodal period (-)

This is the extent of the knowledge of the Similar Patriarchs and other autocephalous Churches. Members of the Holy Synod were appointed by the emperor; representative of the emperor at the Holy Synod Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod.

Setting up functions

At the same time, the Patriarchal orders were transferred to the Synod: Spiritual, State and Palatsovy, renamed synodal, Monastic order, order of church records, office of scholastic records and drukarsky office. A city office (Tionskaya Khata) was founded near St. Petersburg; in Moscow - the spiritual dicastery, the office of the synodal government, the synodal office, the order of inquisitor certificates, the office of scholastic certificates.

All the rules of the Synod were closed during the first two decades of its founding, besides the Synodal Chancellery, the Moscow Synodal Office and the Drukar Office, which were founded until 1999.

Chief Prosecutor of the Synod

The Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod of Orders is a secular official who was recognized by the Russian Emperor (in 1917 they were recognized by the Timchasov order) and was his representative at the Holy Synod.


Initially, according to the “Spiritual Regulations”, the Holy Synod consisted of 11 members: a president, 2 vice-presidents, 4 rulers and 4 assessors; This warehouse included bishops, abbots of monasteries and white clergy.

Ostannі rocks

After the death of the head member of the Synod, Anthony (Vadkovsky), and the appointment of Metropolitan Volodymyr (Epiphany) to the St. Petersburg See, the political situation around the Synod became significantly more complicated, which was connected with the incursions of R. Rasputin from the church administration management In leaf fall, by the High Rescript of Metropolitan Volodymyr, it was transferred to Kiev, wanting to preserve the title of the head member. The displacement of Volodymyr and the recognition of Metropolitan Pitirim (Viknov) was greatly accepted by the church hierarchy and the estate, which saw Metropolitan Pitirim as a “Rozputinist.” As a result, as Prince N.D. Zhevakhov wrote, “the principle of the incompleteness of the hierarchs was destroyed, and this was sufficient for the Synod to decide not to be in the vanguard of this opposition to the Throne, but to vikorize this act for the underground revolutions goals, as a result of which the hierarchy’s offense , Metropolitans of Peter and Macarius, were devastated by the “Rozputins.”

The main task of the Synod was the preparation of the All-Russian Pomesnogo Council.



  1. Kedrov N. I. Spiritual regulations in connection with the re-creative activities of Peter the Great. Moscow, 1886.
  2. Tikhomirov P.V. Canonical history of Peter the Great's reforms from church administration. - Theological Bulletin, 1904 No. 1 and 2.
  3. Prot. A. M. Ivantsov-Platonov. About Russian church governance. St. Petersburg, 1898.
  4. Tikhomirov L. A. Monarchical sovereignty. Part III, goal. 35: Bureaucracy in the Church.
  5. Prot. V. G. Spivtsov. Lectures on church law. St. Petersburg, 1914.
  6. Prot. Georgy Florovsky. Paths of the Russian theologian. Paris, 1937.
  7. I. K. Smolich

), is the governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church during the period between Bishops' Councils.

  • The Holy Synod before the Bishops' Council and through the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia submits to it the report of its activities during the inter-conciliar period.
  • The Holy Synod is formed under the Head of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Mistookhorontsia), seven permanent and five temporary members - eparchial bishops.
  • The permanent members are: by department – ​​the Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine; St. Petersburg and Ladozky; Krutitsky and Kolomensky; Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus; Chisinau and all Moldova; behind the posada is the head of the Veddilu of the external church connections and the right hand of the Moscow Patriarchate.
  • Timely members call for attendance at one session, according to the seniority of the bishop's ordination, for one of the skin groups into which the dioceses are divided. The bishop's appeal to the Holy Synod cannot be inherited until the end of the court term of his administration of this diocese.
  • Permanent members of the Synod by departments and ex officio

      • Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine
      • Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomensky (Moscow region);
      • Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus;
      • Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova;
      • head of the External Church Links;
      • active on the right of the Moscow Patriarchate.

    Regular members (personal warehouse) of the Holy Synod at this time

    1. Volodymyr (Sabodan) - Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine
    2. Juvenaly (Poyarkov) – Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomensky
    3. Volodymyr (Kotlyarov) - Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladozky
    4. Filaret (Vakhromiev) - Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus
    5. Volodymyr (Kantarian) - Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova
    6. Barsanuphius (Sudakov) – Archbishop of Saransk and Mordovian, v.o. of the rightists of the Moscow Patriarchate
    7. Hilarion (Alfeev) – Archbishop of Volokolamsk, head of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate

    Commissions and branches

    The Holy Synod received the following Synodal subdivisions:

    • Vidavnica Rada;
    • Heading Committee;
    • Department of catechesis and religious education;
    • Division of charity and social service;
    • Missionary branch;
    • Engaged in cooperation with the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies;
    • Veddil is young on the right;
    • Contributed with the Church and the marriage;
    • Information section

    Also during the Synod the following will be established:

    • Patriarchal Synodal Biblical Commission;
    • Synodal Theological Commission;
    • Synodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints;
    • Synodal Liturgical Commission;
    • Synodal Commission at the right monasteries;
    • Synodal Commission for Economic and Humanitarian Affairs;
    • Synodal Library named after the Holy Patriarch Oleksiya II.

    In the synodal period (-)

    This is the extent of the knowledge of the Similar Patriarchs and other autocephalous Churches. Members of the Holy Synod were appointed by the emperor; representative of the emperor at the Holy Synod Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod.

    Setting up functions

    At the same time, the Patriarchal orders were transferred to the Synod: Spiritual, State and Palatsovy, renamed synodal, Monastic order, order of church records, office of scholastic records and drukarsky office. A city office (Tionskaya Khata) was founded near St. Petersburg; in Moscow - the spiritual dicastery, the office of the synodal government, the synodal office, the order of inquisitor certificates, the office of scholastic certificates.

    All the rules of the Synod were closed during the first two decades of its founding, besides the Synodal Chancellery, the Moscow Synodal Office and the Drukar Office, which were founded until 1999.

    Chief Prosecutor of the Synod

    The Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod of Orders is a secular official who was recognized by the Russian Emperor (in 1917 they were recognized by the Timchasov order) and was his representative at the Holy Synod.


    Initially, according to the “Spiritual Regulations”, the Holy Synod consisted of 11 members: a president, 2 vice-presidents, 4 rulers and 4 assessors; This warehouse included bishops, abbots of monasteries and white clergy.

    Ostannі rocks

    After the death of the head member of the Synod, Anthony (Vadkovsky), and the appointment of Metropolitan Volodymyr (Epiphany) to the St. Petersburg See, the political situation around the Synod became significantly more complicated, which was connected with the incursions of R. Rasputin from the church administration management In leaf fall, by the High Rescript of Metropolitan Volodymyr, it was transferred to Kiev, wanting to preserve the title of the head member. The displacement of Volodymyr and the recognition of Metropolitan Pitirim (Viknov) was greatly accepted by the church hierarchy and the estate, which saw Metropolitan Pitirim as a “Rozputinist.” As a result, as Prince N.D. Zhevakhov wrote, “the principle of the incompleteness of the hierarchs was destroyed, and this was sufficient for the Synod to decide not to be in the vanguard of this opposition to the Throne, but to vikorize this act for the underground revolutions goals, as a result of which the hierarchy’s offense , Metropolitans of Peter and Macarius, were devastated by the “Rozputins.”

    The main task of the Synod was the preparation of the All-Russian Pomesnogo Council.



    1. Kedrov N. I. Spiritual regulations in connection with the re-creative activities of Peter the Great. Moscow, 1886.
    2. Tikhomirov P.V. Canonical history of Peter the Great's reforms from church administration. - Theological Bulletin, 1904 No. 1 and 2.
    3. Prot. A. M. Ivantsov-Platonov. About Russian church governance. St. Petersburg, 1898.
    4. Tikhomirov L. A. Monarchical sovereignty. Part III, goal. 35: Bureaucracy in the Church.
    5. Prot. V. G. Spivtsov. Lectures on church law. St. Petersburg, 1914.
    6. Prot. Georgy Florovsky. Paths of the Russian theologian. Paris, 1937.
    7. I. K. Smolich Chapter II. Church and Power History of the Russian Church. 1700-1917 pp. (Geschichte der Russische Kirche). Leiden, 1964, 8 books.

    Div. also


    • A. G. Zakrzhevsky. The Holy Synod and the Russian bishops in the first decade founded the “church order” in Russia.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    • Holy Synod of Order
    • Holy Orderly Synod

    Marvel at the “Holy Synod” in other dictionaries:

      Holy Synod- ¦ The Holy Synod was founded in 1721. The reasons for replacing the patriarchal government with a synodal one are stated in the Spiritual Regulations and lie, among other things, at the present time: 1) the truth can be more clearly recognized by a number of individuals, at least one; 2)… … Modern Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary

      Holy Synod- Most Holy One, I, її. The warehouse shares the title of the current patriarchs, as well as the Pope of Rome. Tlumachny Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Tlumachny Dictionary of Ozhegov

      HOLY SYNOD- (Greek synodos collections) one of the greatest sovereign bodies in Russia 1721 1917 Knowing the right of the Orthodox Church (the corruption of religious dogmas, the extension of rituals, the nourishment of spiritual censorship and enlightenment, the fight against heretics and...). Legal encyclopedia

      Holy Synod- Holy Synod, Holy Synod (Greek Σύνοδος “assembly”, “council”), according to the official Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church, the greatest “governing body of the Russian Orthodox Church during the period between Bishops’ Councils.” Zmіst… Wikipedia

      Holy Synod- Div. Synod... Encyclopedic Dictionary by F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efrona

      HOLY SYNOD- (Greek synodos collections) one of the greatest sovereign bodies in Russia 1721 1917 clicking right Orthodox Church(the debacle of religious dogmas, the extension of rituals, the nourishment of spiritual censorship and enlightenment, the fight against heretics and... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    The spiritual regulations were issued by Peter I in a special Manifesto and signified the legal establishment of the Russian Orthodox Church. The regulations became the fruit of the passionate creativity of the Tsar himself and the Pskov Bishop Feofan Prokopovich. Archpriest Georgy Florovsky, having characterized the Regulations as “purification”, rather explained the note to the law, not the law itself, since in the new there was more distortion of the old order, rather than “direct positive regulations”. Proteus, as a result of the adoption of this document, which initiated the reform of the Church, remained independent from secular power.

    If Patriarch Adrian died in 1700, Peter I did not recognize the successor, but entrusted the administration of church rights to the Ryazan Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky. The facts show that the idea of ​​putting the Synod to rest was not immediately conceived by the Tsar. In the minds of the Pivnichnaya War that had begun, Petro fell into the thoughts of the “profit-maker” Andriy Kurbatov about the irrationality, from the point of view of sovereign interests, of concentration in the hands of the Church of significant land and human resources.

    The tsar’s first move was the affirmation of the “temporary” minister of the Patriarchal throne by the young Ryazan bishop Stefan Yavorsky, whose church administration was actually concentrated in the reinstated 1701 r. Monastic order. Until this whole secular establishment, which developed among the officials of the great Astrakhan voivode Musin-Pushkin, passed not only the administrative and gospodar's certificates of the reorganized patriarchal court, but also the administration lineage of church estates through secular people who belong to them. This allowed the Church’s income to be squandered to satisfy the needs of the foreign powers and for our own needs. It was buried in the monastery of the estate for the funeral of the soul. In addition, the mits, which were collected by bishops and monasteries from their subordinate clergy, were transferred to recognize the salaries and staff for bishops, monasteries and parafial clergy. This put the Church even more behind the powers. The monastery's order put ordinary monks on starvation rations, and by the way of establishing monastic staffs, they slowed down the growth of their numbers. Once again it was still suitable for the Execution.

    Looking at the price, installed 1721 RUR. The new order of church governance went through painlessly. More importantly, the Synod, although also responsible for the secret plan of collegial reform, will be the basis for other government institutions - the Senate and the Collegium. Various arguments were heard to support such reforms - from the preponderance of the college to the unsafety of the patriarchy for the absolutist government. Before the speech, the benefits for the rulers of the Patriarchate were not mentioned in the text of the “Regulations”: “The common people... think that such a ruler is another Sovereign, equal to the Autocrat, or more than that, and that the spiritual rank is different. beautiful Power" .

    The new law involves preparations without the participation of the church. Pskov Bishop Feofan Prokopovich, who drafted the Regulations, deprived him of the throne of the Tsar. The commission was written for the project of the Spiritual Collegium (“Spiritual Regulations”) by Petro Dav Prokopovich in 1718, and RUR 1,719 A commission was created to identify new ambushes of the church administration. Until the fierce 1720 r. text buv ready, ale Petro I I made my own edits there. Following a decree to the Senate, which, having previously examined the draft, the text of the Regulations was promulgated to the consecrated Council of six bishops - Ryazan Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky, Smolensk Metropolitan Sylvester Kholmsky, Nizhny Novgorod Archbishop Pitirim Potomkin, Bishops of Tver (Varlaam Kosovsky), Karelian (Aaron Eropkin) and Par'era prof. Under the pressure of the king, they were hesitant to sign the document that would later messages were sent to the strongest bishops, archimandrites and abbots of the most important monasteries. The signatures of 19 bishops, 48 ​​archimandrites, 15 abbots and 5 hieromonks were collected (often not without pain). Moreover, as is typical for new bills of power and the church, there were no lists or amendments before the draft.

    25 June 1721 r. Petro saw a manifesto about the dissolution of the “Spiritual College, that is, the Spiritual Council Order,” and on the 14th of February, after a prayer service at the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, a revival of the Spiritual College emerged. Following the orders, at the first meeting of the board on the fear of the proposal to revive the patriarchy, the tsar placed a dirk at the table with the words: “You have a wicked patriarch!” The compromise was reached through the new name of the newly created body - the Holy Synod of Order. Tobto z The end of reform lay in the hands of the shattered patriarchate and the sleepy replacement of the new Holy Orderly Synod. The Synod consisted of: a president, two vice-presidents, some radniks and some asesori. The king's representative at the Synod was the chief prosecutor. Tobto z The Synod was too typical for secular colleges. Fiscals were due for him.

    The position of the Synod in the system of sovereign bodies from the beginning appeared to be even unstable, which resulted in constant conflicts both with the Senate and the colleges. Of course, the Synod has the right to formulate bills from the power of church administration and the kingdom without a king and can formulate laws and publish them, but only after the year with the Senate. So it was in 1722, following the Caspian (Persian) campaign, Petro officially subordinated the Synod to the Senate. On the other hand, the Synod had the greatest judicial power not only over the clergy, but also over secular persons from the unloving, blasphemous and other rights. The administrative activity of the Synod was even greater: spiritual illumination and the publication of liturgical books, the maintenance of churches and the creation of parishes, care for the correct recording of metrics, etc. But everything is under the strict control of secular power and the king especially.

    The Synod consists of permanent members. Timing members were asked to sing the terms by the emperor from among the bishops, archimandrites and archpriests. The head and vice-head were also designated by the sovereign. On the other hand, the imperial government did not accept the challenge of appointing to other church posts the people who were promulgated by the Synod. The supervision of church lanes was established under the Synod of the monastery order, and in 1724 p. A chamber office was founded for the collection of collections from monastery estates and the collection of funds, to the storage of which secular individuals were included. Later, the policy of subrogation of the Synod for the control of church power further expanded, reaching its logical conclusion as the secularization of church lands for Catherine II.

    The church reform of Peter I is small and clearly utilitarian in nature. The spiritual regulations called for diocesan bishops to create schools for the children of the clergy, institutionalizing spiritual censorship, preventing the Synod from recognizing the place of “miraculous apparitions” and prohibiting people from becoming monks until the age of 30 c. The Chents are less likely to confess and receive communion as often as possible on the river. It was forbidden to push women of the monastery and private booths. The Chergu monks were forced to accept the remaining habitation for up to 50 years. In addition, obligatory practice was introduced in monasteries.

    The great intercessor Stefan Yavorsky became the President of the Synod. U travnі 1722 r. By decree of the emperor, the position of chief prosecutor was founded in the Synod, which was assigned the role of “the eye of the sovereign,” thus entrusting control and supervision over the activities of the great church body. Alas, after the death of Yavorsky, the imprisonment of the President of the Synod was cut off. Which actually put the Chief Prosecutor in charge of the Synod. Having achieved recognition by the Synod from all the Ecumenical Patriarchs, Peter I established such a position that the Synod could create a legislator, judicial and administrative authority in the Church beyond the reign of the emperor. Apparently, the praises of the Synod throughout the synodal period were issued under the stamp: “By the decree of His Imperial Majesty.” Until 1901 Members of the Synod and those present at the Synod, upon entering the seat, were required to take an oath, which designated the emperor as a “spiritual judge.” But the process of the possession of the church began long before the reign of Peter Oleksiyovich (from the middle of the 16th century). Petro has now completed this process, giving him legal formality.

    Before the anonymity, the inadequacy of the established system of Church governance was revealed in the fact that from the reign of Peter I until the beginning of the First World War, the number of the Orthodox population did not grow, but decreased even further - from 66% to 63%. The advent of spiritual illumination in Russia, the development of ancient church science was related to the utilitarianism of the Church in the 19th century. However, following the Petrine tradition, the Russian Orthodox Church was completely transformed into a part of the imperial apparatus of the empire. In official documents, the term “church” was replaced by the concept “house of Orthodox confession.”

    Decree of the Tsar's Majesty
    vote for the people's news.

    Mi Petro the First Tsar, and Autocrat of All Russia,
    and the other, and the other, and the other

    Between the wealth of the God-given power we have, it is necessary to correct our people, those of the other Powers given to us, marveling at the spiritual order, and many people in the new world of wrongdoing, and great misery on the right, which is not in our conscience give me fear, hi not obviously indifferent to Vyshny, and even though it has been denied, the haste in the correction of both the military and civil ranks, the necessary correction of the spiritual ranks, and if not the hypocritical one of the judges, asks There are reports from us about the new one handed to us Let's not be hopeless. Therefore, for the sake of greatness, both in the old and in the new testament, the pious Kings received worship, about the correction of the rank of the spiritual, and not in the most beautiful way, more than the conciliar order, but not a single person has it without partiality, before it is not a slack Vlada, there’s no need to complain anymore; We are inserting a spiritual Collegium, so that the spiritual conciliar order, which under the current Regulations holds all spiritual authority, is held by the All-Russian Church, and is punishable by all our faithful subjects, every rank, spiritual and temporal, mother for the important and a strong order, and in the new extreme power spiritual governance, decision, and the sacred ask, and the court of his song, to be content, and the instructions of his hearing, for everyone under the great for support, and the disobedience of punishment against other Colleagues, the Collegium is guilty of this, and the new additional rules cover the Regulations of your own rules to force, slaughter of justice, but to be guilty The spiritual college is not without our will; This means that this spiritual College is named here for members. One President, two Vice-Presidents, several Radniks, several Asesors.

    With the powerful hand of His Royal Majesty, today is 25 days.

    Regulations and statute of the Spiritual College


    Between the riches, behind the obligation of God to Us, the vows about the correction of Our people, and other tributes to Us Powers, marveling at the Spiritual rank, and most in the new richness of the unknown and great in the right of His wretchedness, not vain in conscience And we got our fear , so it is not obvious to Vyshny, but if the successes of the correction of both the Viyskov and the Gromadsky rank are often denied, we know the correction and the rank of the Spiritual. And if the not hypocritical Vin Judge asks us for testimonies about the part given to us by Nogo, let us not be without testimonials. Therefore, for the sake of greatness, both in the Old and in the New Testament, the Pious Kings, having received worship about the correction of the rank of the Spiritual, and not in the most beautiful way before, more than the Council Order. No one person does this without partiality; Vlada is not in such a state of mind, so don’t worry about it anymore. We are establishing the Spiritual Collegium, which is the Spiritual Council Order, which, according to the current Regulations, holds all Spiritual authority for the All-Russian Church. And we punish all of Our faithful subjects, of every rank, Spiritual and temporal mothers, for the important and strong Order, and in the new extreme, administer the Spiritual government, decide and orderly ask, and be content with the judgment of His song, and the orders of His listen to everyone, under the great support and listen to punishments against other Colleges.

    It is the Collegium’s fault, and with new rules it is necessary to supplement its Regulations, which rules apply for different reasons. The College of Dukhovna is obliged to work on the basis of Our will.

    This means that this Spiritual College is named here for its Members: one President, two Vice-Presidents, four Radniks, and several Asesors.

    And then it became clear in this Regulation in the first part, in the seventh and eighth paragraphs, that the President submits to the court of his brothers, including the Collegium, so that I have significantly sinned; For this reason, it is clear that my mother’s voice is one of the equals of others.

    All members of the College, upon entering into office, must take an oath or pledge before the Holy Gospel, following the given form of the oath.

    Oath to Members of the Spiritual College

    I, below all names, promise and swear to the Almighty God, before the Holy Gospel, that I am, and for justice I want, and I will do my best in the honors and courts and all the rights of these Spiritual Orders. roll back the real truths and the events themselves, all for writing in the Spiritual Regulations by statutes, and as a result of this Spiritual Order, and by the will of the Royal Majesty, it will be designated. And in all my conscience, I am not afraid of partiality, not of the fortune teller’s illness, of lateness, of stubbornness, and simply captivated by passions of no kind, other than the fear of God, always looming in the memory of the unfathomable judgment of God, in the bosom of our neighbor’s God. with love, with respect to all my thoughts and words and actions, such as the crime of the end, glory to God, and the salvation of human souls and the entire Church of creation, do not bother, my dear, and even the Lord Jesus. I swear to God we live, that forever, remembering the terrible word of Yogo: God does the damned thing in heavenly ways, before every authority of this District Council, as before the authority of God, I will walk without hair, with all my diligence, in my hire silt, poorly all sorts of peace and peace. I will not disobey me; Whenever I am born, I will always hasten to search for wisdom and knowledge from the sacred writings, and the rules of the council, and from the ancient great teachers. I still swear to the Almighty God whatever I want, and I swear to my natural and true Tsar and Sovereign Peter the Great, the All-Russian Autocrat, and after him His Royal Majesty, to the High Lawful Descendants, as, by the will of Himself Sovereigns of the Tsar are now designated, and until their reconciliation The throne will be honored. I am a faithful, kind and listening servant and subject. And all up to the high Royal Majesty of autocracy, the power and authority to possess rights, and prerogatives (or advantages), legitimized and further legitimized, recognized reasonable, the power and ability to guard, and to defend, and therefore the life of St. Wow, never have mercy. And, moreover, we must hurry up to get everything done so that before His Royal Majesty, faithful service and justice may arise in any circumstances. About the harm of His Majesty’s interest, harm and spoilage, as I only know about it, I can’t safely talk about it, otherwise I will make every effort to divert it and not allow it. If before the service of the priest of His Majesty, either the church, which is hidden on the right, or if it had not been there, as it is punished, it is less vengeful, and then vengeful in a thorough secrecy, and not to tell anyone who knows about those nobility, and not will be punished by being blindsided. I swear by the oath of the extreme Judge of this Spiritual College, who is the All-Russian Monarch Himself, Our All-Merciful Sovereign. I also swear by the All-Seeing God that all this, no one is blamed on me, I do not otherwise languish in my mind, as I preach with my lips, but in that power and mind, as the power and mind of the words written here wander and hear. I stand by my oath, God be my Heart-Seer, I will give my testimony, for there is no truth. If we are evil and not for my doubts, then the Just One will take revenge. At the end of this, my vows are complete with the words and cross of my Savior. Amen.

    Regulations and Statute of the Spiritual College,
    for how to know your obligations, and all spiritual officials, as well as worldly persons, the fragments of spiritual management support, and at the same time, the administration of their records may

    The Regulations are divided into three parts, for the number of three spiritual needs, the conduct of the year and the management of those that require, which is the essence:

    1) Describe the important faults of such a government.

    2) Inquire, the management of whom is extended.

    3) The posad managers themselves, action is power.

    And the governing body, which is the law of God, has the sacred scriptures, and the canons themselves, and the rules of the council of the Holy Fathers and the civil regulations, according to the word of God today, are drawn out in old books, but here they do not fit.

    Part I.- What is the spiritual Collegium, and what are the important faults of such a government?

    The Imperial Collegium is nothing else, but the imperial assemblies, if the deeds of power are not a single person, but rich before, and due to high power, they are fundamentally promoted to control.

    Otherwise, the Collegium is one-time, and otherwise forever. At the same time, if there is only one thing on the right, or in abundance, but in one hour, the decision to make one’s decision is taken, the individuals chosen are selected. Such are the Church Synods and the community, through primary considerations, judge and please.

    Later, the Collegium will come to fruition if the right people, often once again at the Fatherland Party, are assigned a controlled number to them if they are satisfied with the people.

    Such was the ecclesiastical Sanhedrion of the Old Testament Church in Jerusalem, and the civil court of the Areopagites in Athens, and others in the same place of assembly called the Dicastery.

    It’s similar in other rich powers, both ancient and new.

    Such massacres of the Collegium, according to the rights and needs of the Powers, the All-Russian Tsar, Petro the First, wisely put in place the fate of his fatherland in the summer of 1718.

    And as a Christian Sovereign, the rightful believer and everyone in the Holy Church were buried, admiring both the spiritual needs and the best control of their desires, deigning to insert the spiritual Collegium, which would carefully and innocently guard oh, what a waste to the church, They all act in order, and let them not be ignorant, for this is the honor of the Apostle, for he is more favored than God Himself.

    Don’t let anyone think that this management is not profitable, and rather, a single person has the right to rule the entire spiritual kingdom, like private lands, or the Diocese has the right to rule over the individual persons of the Bishop. There are important faults to be confessed here, which show that this council is more stable, like the permanent Synod or Sanhedrion, and more accurately, the lower uniform order, especially in the Monarchy State, which is Russia.

    1. First of all, the truth is gathered together in a united camp, under one guise. Long after Gretsk: others have sent wisdom that are greater than the first; then if more have thought richly, they will blink about one right, the wisest will be, more than one. It’s a shame that in the song’s harmoniousness it’s possible to convey something that is simple to a person, something that a bookish and warm-hearted person can’t relate to; then it is not necessary to have a Conciliar Order, in which there is a stated need to sort out our minds richly, and what one does not sleep, then the other sleeps, and why not add this, then we will increase? And so the speech is doubtful and surprising, and sooner it becomes clear what the significance entails, it doesn’t matter.

    2. And just as the message is in the known, so the power of the designated authority is great, here it is even greater until it is chanted and subjugated by the verse of the cathedrals, the lower one-sided decree. The monarch's rule is autocratic, with which God Himself punishes for conscience; More of their followers are toiling not only for the sake of the short truth of aggravation, but also so as not to be slandered by disobedient people, but with greater force and behind their own spirits, the lower court and the truth commands the Monarch: then more in the Church government, where the order is not royal, I The ruler is commanded not to panic the clergy. Where one more thing is inserted, can the enemies of one individual of his hardening the force of insertion of his choice, which is not the case, they can become like a cathedral.

    3. It is more valuable if the Collegium of Government is established under the Sovereign Monarch and under the Monarch. It is clear here that the Collegium is not any faction, thus it was in the interests of its union that it was intended to serve the good purpose of the autocrat, and Yogo, with other views, on the selection of individuals.

    4. What is even more important is that in a single-role government there is often a support and support for the ruler who is suffering from unnecessary needs and illnesses. And if there’s no one alive, then they’ll fight harder. Otherwise, in accordance with the Council: I do not attribute the same, or even the first person, to others, and to the right, going unstoppable.

    5. Ale tse korisno, that at the Collegium such a person does not know the place of partiality, accessibility, and greedy court. How can they bow down to the blade of the guilty party, or to the condemnation of the innocent party, who will be the only one of them in the face of the judged pre-emption of the cruel, as well as the other and the third and others from the anger and partiality of that one? How can the wine-towns be healthy, if not in their own right, but for the right and important reasons, things will happen on the right, and the only other thing (unless you show your blessed thoughts of your fault) is disgraceful, and will not be aware of your own debauchery? This is especially true if the Collegium is formed in such persons, which it is impossible to put it all together, as there will be persons of various ranks and titles: Bishops, Archimandrites, Abbess and under the authority of the white Priesthood. In truth, it is not visible here how such one is alone and opens the door to attack the world, not only that it will be suitable for untruth.

    6. And it’s just like that the Collegium has the strongest spirit in itself before justice: not like a one-sided ruler who fears the wrath of the powerful; That’s why it’s not as easy to make jokes about rich people, as well as different people, as it is about one person.

    7. Great are those who, like the conciliar government, are not afraid of being stabbed and beaten, as if they were like their only spiritual ruler. For the common people do not know how spiritual power is undermined by the Autocratic; Although one marvels at the great honor and glory of the Most High Pastor, I think that such a ruler is another Sovereign, equal to the Autocrat, or greater than the other, and that the spiritual rank is a different and more beautiful Power, and the people themselves think so. What if we add more dolls of power-hungry spiritual roses, and add fire to the dry fire? It’s so easy for hearts to think that it’s not so easy to admire one’s Autocrat as one’s Supreme Shepherd. And if there is any sense of evil between them, it is more spiritual than the worldly ruler, and it is blindly and madly to please, and to fight for someone, and to rebel, to dare, and to flatter the damned ones who, according to God Himself, are fighting , but do not desecrate your hands, sanctify them , if they rushed towards bloodshed. The same among the people of the Duma is also for the sake of and not simple, but approachable people; for those who are at enmity with their Lord, if they start the conflict between the Sovereign and the Shepherd, they steal for a good fit of their anger, and under the gaze of Church zeal, they do not hesitate to raise their hands against Christ the Lord; And it is as lawless as it is for the work of God to encourage the common people to strive. Well, since Pastir himself is so proud of himself, he doesn’t want to sleep? It’s important, the star is dashing.

    And God willing, it would be difficult to think about this, but I believe it has happened more than once in the rich Powers. Just delve into the History of Constantinople, especially Justinian’s Hours, and you’ll get plenty of it. This Pope is not the only way to change, not to sharpen the Power of the Roman half, and a large part of it was stolen, and other Powers were shaken more than once to the point of extreme ruin. But you won’t be able to guess the great swings we have like this!

    There is no place for such evil in the Cathedral spiritual order. Because there is no great President himself, and the people have no wonder of glory, there is no cherished lordship and ruin, there is no lofty thought about him, they cannot be filled with endless praises to offer him. If it were good enough to follow such an Order, it would be impossible for a single President to subscribe to it. The very name of the President is not proud, because otherwise it means only the Head; I can’t think more highly about myself or anyone else about someone else. And if you still want to tell the people that this Council Order has been established by the Royal Decree and the Senate Verok; Then we are more experienced in our laziness, and in great hope I will help my mother before her rebellions in the rank of spirituality.

    8. Another benefit of the Church and the Power from such a Conciliar Order will be that in it there is not only one type of judges, but the President himself and the Head to submit to the judgment of his brethren, then the Collegium, so that someone has sinned notably, not so Yes, where is the single self-controlled shepherd of Volodya: he does not want to sue his fellow bishops. As if there were such confusion, it would be more common among simple people, ignorant of justice, and blindly respectful, such a court would be suspicious and cunning to the point of cunning. So what happens, that for the evil of such a unified ruler, it is necessary to call the Ecumenical Council, which, with all the great difficulties of all times, and with many mornings, is happening, and in these hours (if the same Patriarchs are to live under the Turkish yoke, and the Turks of our Power are not afraid before) you will be unbearable.

    9. In such a Council Order there will be a school of spiritual government. Because of the knowledge of rich and varied values, and the joy and correct arguments that can often be achieved, people can easily learn spiritual politics, and become familiar with everyday mysticism, I to be more beautiful the house of God keruvati mig; And therefore, depending on the number of colleagues and neighbors, individuals come to the level of the Archpriest every day. And so in Russia, with the help of God, rudeness will soon fall away from the spiritual rank and all the finest things will be accepted.

    Part II.- Inquire, whose management is extended

    The size of the authorities, which can be managed in the spiritual college, is of all two kinds: the first type of justice is for the entire church, both the spiritual and the secular rank, and all the great and small ranks of officials, as well as for ordinary persons. ibnh, where to be careful , and everything is correct according to the Christian law. And how is it good for you to know, and there is no wretchedness in the attitude of every Christian, who suggests that a little lower word will be.

    Another type of information regarding the official rank required.

    These five-numbered essences are:

    1. Bishops, 2. Elders, deacons and other church clergy, 3. Monks, 4. Colleges, and in them the teachers and students, and the church preachers themselves, 5. Worldly individuals, often the essence of spiritual institutions, which are spoken of about the right ones and wrong love affairs and other rights that bother social people.

    About everything in order, what is more important is explained here.

    Spread the word. Here two people are surprised to follow the above-described proposition. First of all, since everything is correct and follows the Christian law, and if you don’t follow the law, it is contrary to that law.

    The other one, who is satisfied with Christian, decides to get used to it.

    Before the first sight, the following points will be required:

    1. Discuss the newly created and warehouse Akathists and other services and prayers, which are especially in our times in Malaya Russia, are not a small number, and what is the essence of this writing for the written word? And who doesn’t care about the word of God, who wants something obscene and presumptuous?

    2. So it goes without saying that the number of prayers, even if they are direct, is not necessary for everyone, and by the will of everyone in one place, and not in a church council, it is difficult to live them out, so that over the course of an hour they do not fall into the law and conscience people were not burdened.

    3. Marvel at the Stories of the Saints, whose deeds are not the essence of their fortune-telling, which seem to have never happened, and the Christian Orthodox veneration is contrary to the timid and funny stories of the day. And such stories will be rejected and the defense will be greeted by the deafening nonsense in them. Because the essence of such things is clearly destructive and unacceptable to a healthy person. For example, in the life of Euphrosynus of Pskov, the superechka about the double aleluia is clearly poisonous, and there is some uncertainty in which, in addition to the current dogma about the double aleluia, we know Savelliev, Nestoriya and other lies. And although the author of that ignorance has sinned, otherwise the spiritual order should not tolerate such guesses, and instead of a healthy spiritual hedgehog, present it to people. Most of all, if the common people are unable to languish between the gums and the noise, even if everything is written in the book, then they stubbornly struggle.

    4. It is important and diligent to discover the clues that lead people into bad practices and rightly, and to demonstrate the image in a proper manner. For example, don’t bother holding holy days on Friday, and it seems that Friday is angry with those who don’t celebrate holy days, and poses a great threat to them. In the same way, fast for the twelve twelve Fridays, otherwise for the rich, physical and spiritual; Just as important as other hours, the services of veneration, the Day of the Annunciation, the Matins of Resurrection and the evening of Pentecost, are more important. For example, it’s hard to guess, because there’s not much of a stench and it’s easy to smell. If I want to talk about the poor and about my brother, my mother may feel involuntarily, please don’t worry about her, for whose sake Christ died; Otherwise, the essence of this is similar to reverence, as honorable persons for their simplicity could be me, and that is the essence of it. The Kiev Pechersk Monastery also says that a person was buried there, even if he died without repentance, he would be buried. And how far from such stories lead to the path of ritual, kozhen, at least a little tribute to the Orthodox novice, but a person of good conscience, the confession is not without a story.

    5. There may be actions and ceremonies that are unnecessary or costly. It seems that in Malaya Russia, in the Starodubsky Regiment, on the day of Saints, a squad of commoners is led under the name of Friday, and they are led in the procession of the church (in truth, it seems) and in the church, the honor of them is given to the people with gifts and with hope yu deyaki koristi. Also, on another occasion, pray with the people in front of the oak tree; He distributes the leaves and oak trees to the people for blessing. Find out why it’s like this and know about this place of these bishops. For there are others like them who lead people in obvious and doubtful idolatry.

    6. About the relics of saints, although they appear to be doubtful, there is a lot of confusion about this. For example, one can rehearse the deeds of others: the body of the Holy First Martyr Stephen lies in Venice on the frontier, in the Benedictine monastery, in the Church of St. George, and in Rome in the castle church of St. Lawrence; So there are so many flowers of the Cross of the Lord, and so many tributes to the Most Holy Theotokos in Italy, and countless others like them. Wonder why we don’t have such timidity?

    7. About the Icons of the Saints, marvel at what is written in the rites of the appointed Bishops.

    8. Just beware, so that what happened would not have happened: as it seems, that some Bishops, to help the Church of the poor, or new occasions, punished the discovery of icons in the desert, and when the icon was buried, it would take the icon for itself we have witnessed a miraculous .

    9. Thin and disgraceful and even blasphemous call for church services and prayer services to be sung loudly and richly, so early or evening is partly disseminated, a rapt of rich things is sung, and two and three prayer services will be held in front of many chanters and chanters. This happened to the Leningrad clergy, and it became necessary, and there is absolutely no way to describe such a prayer service.

    10. Even more rubbish was found, (as it seemed) people’s prayers were far away. Let's move away, give through their messengers at the droplets. For the sake of memory, it is necessary to write, in order to eat something, and to eat something else.

    But here there is no need to sum up all the wrongs: in a word, promote that they can be called carers, however, it is completely unnecessary, for the sake of their own interests, the hypocrites have been revealed, and the common people are worried, and as in dreams govі notes, the right path of truth is blocked . All of those, when you look around, you can see that the evil is deeper: no matter what ranks you can find. And here the deeds will only practice for the butt, so that they will be greatly guarded against each other.

    This first view is the reference of the sleeping.

    Another important thing to do is, as it was said, to look at what is enough in us to correct our Christian faith?

    For we want to know that the Holy Scripture itself contains in its entirety the laws and covenants until our salvation, according to the voice of the Apostle, 2 Timothy 3: every scripture is divinely inspired and corrupt, until it is eternal, until it is destroyed, until it is corrected, until it is punished, what's the truth, May you be a man of God to the utmost in every matter of good preparation; Otherwise, these actions take away the honor of the book, and among book writers, few can collect all the writing that is essential for salvation; For the sake of which the care of finding thorough people is required. Therefore, for the sake of the pastoral rite, the word of God was inserted, so that from the Holy Letter, having begun to entrust oneself with the flock.

    And yet, it is unacceptable for the Russian Church to the people, such presbyters, who could remember the dogmas and laws of the Holy Letter; then there is an absolute need for short and simple books, which are clear and understandable, in which everything that can be reached by the people will appear; And these books should be read in parts during the week and holy days in church before the people.

    And if there are enough such books in number, consistency, homology or confession to Orthodoxy, so the same goes for the great teachers of the Holy Ones, tlumful conversations and everyday words; But there is something more indescribable for everyone, especially for the simple people. Because the book of the Orthodox confession has not been written, and for this reason it is incomprehensible in the memory of ordinary people and written in a difficult way, and for this reason, let us forgive it, it is not very clear. So, the very books of the great readers, Chrysostom, Theophylact and other writings are the essence of the Hellenic language, and in their different essence, and the Slovenian translation of them has become dark and with difficulties, it has become clear to the people and the past, but we will not forgive I'll say it's almost unforgivable. And besides, the cloudy roses of the teachers are rich in lofty theological mysteries; so it would seem that it was due to the complexity of different peoples, and to the circumstances of these times, that no insatiable person could live to the fullest extent of his life. And the common people are often inspired by those who are always in good sleep, and their skin is healthy, and take care of their callings. There are still many books of these in all the rural churches, even in the local ones, and in the rich ones. Therefore, it’s good to use another way to cherish the German people. And so the world would come, if only all the most important faiths knew our dogmas, and were guided by the sight of God to save us; And if they knew the commandments of God to avoid evil and do good, then the instruction would be sufficient for them. And as if, even with such a revelation, having suffered; then he himself would be such a person before God without evidence, and not the pastoral rank, a good servant of his salvation.

    And for this you need three small books. I am talking about the most important military dogmas of our faith; The same is true about the commandments of God, in the Ten Words.

    To a friend about your plantings.

    The third one, in which there will be clear sermons from various Holy readers, both about the most important dogmas, and about sins and honesty and power about the planting of any rank. The first and other books prove their worth from the Holy Letter itself, but they are clear and short. The third of the Holy Fathers is the same as in the first and in the other.

    Reading books in this order is not a matter of course. On a day of the week, or on Christmastide, in the morning, read a small part from the first one, and in the other row, a part from another book, and on the same day, at lunchtime, read a word from the third book about the same thing that was read in the morning. And the same thing, I feel in the morning and confirmed in the afternoon, perhaps more quickly in the memory of those who feel it, will be confirmed.

    And then separate all these parts so that all three books can be read in a quarter of the day. Because the people feel that they need their own injunction once again, and can remember a little better.

    But it will still be clear that I can read and write a friend’s book and the children can start learning from the beginning of their happiness.

    And if you want to stink, the books will be number three; Or maybe all three can fit in one small book, so that little mornings can bathe, and not only in churches, but also in the huts of any kind of prayer, they can easily live.

    Contact the Bishops. There was a word about the dormitory documents, which are already being repeated, and about the authorities that are guilty of bishops, presbyters, censi and others

    About the Bishops here comes the essence of the present day.

    1) The bishop is the mother of all Ecumenical and local councils, and what is entrusted in them, both to their own rank and to every clergy, must know richly, which cannot be done without diligent and frequent reading.

    2) It is our responsibility to know the degrees of uniformity and diversity, which friends can accommodate, and which cannot, and for the commandment of God in the books of Levitsky, chapter 18, and for the church, in the canons of Fathers some and royal ones. They themselves would have known this, and would not have descended on anyone, if only they had had a master with whomever they had.

    3) And like the first, so and the other, we cannot know this settlement well without diligent reading; and whoever thinks before the reading, it is unknown: for this purpose, the Collegium of the Spiritual Decree will be given to all Bishops, so that everyone at their reading meal will have the canons of their own, and at the same time they can stand up on the day of great theirs is holy, because in the presence of the guests of this day, but for my other guilt I am correct.

    4) If such an incident was important, the Bishop would wonder what to do; then first write about those requests for the sake of the next closest Bishop, or to another master; and then, as if he were so dissatisfied, he wrote to the Spiritual Collegium in the Reigning St. Petersburg clearly, and concisely, and concisely.

    5) The essence of the canons, which protect the Bishops from the difficult hour of interfering with their Diocese (which is like the cathedral book of the mother of any nobility). If the demand is necessary, the posture of the Diocesan places him on the butt, serving in the Kingdom, and another right guilt, as the German will come, is heavy, and the ceruvati right is not even allowed (since it is German, so it will not come nіy e) : in this case, the Bishop, in addition to his primary house stewards, is obliged to appoint to the knowledge of any reasonable and honest person, the Archimandrite or the Igumen, who has previously pressed for the assistance of other few reasonable people like the Chernech wow the priestly rank; And they would inform this Bishop, in reality, with important references on a sheet, and they would inform the weak one in words that they could hear behind the Germans. And if they were to blame, the rulers of these people were extremely confused, then they would write about them to the Spiritual Collegium, as has been said about the Bishops themselves.

    6) A similar commandment and decree would be given by the Bishops and their assistant Archimandrite, Abbot, Budivelnik, parish priest, when the Germans come and the guilt is important, which their posture with the monastery and their arrival erases m.

    7) And if the Bishop, due to his advanced old age, or due to some other illness, would come into extreme illness, without hope of better health, so that it would be impossible for me to manage his own plantings; And at that hour the Bishop, in addition to the fortune-telling of the superiors, in the place of his sung stewards, is obliged to describe himself to the Spiritual Collegium. If the Bishop did not want to write about himself, then both of his stewards would have to write about him. And in the Spiritual Collegium there will be a demise, so work to appoint a certain Administrator to this Diocese, and install a new Bishop.

    8) It is the Bishop’s fault to wonder, why he should wonder, having sworn an oath at his appointment, to sit down about the disciples, so that they do not drag themselves around aimlessly, so that the most deserted churches are not awakened, so that the icons of the Saints do not see any miracles; also about the cliques, about the bodies of the dead, the unaccounted for, and others, so beware.

    All those, so that it went more handily to the right, say that the Bishop is guilty in all places, so that the buyers, and in all places the chanters are so honorable, as if they were spiritual fiscals, then everyone looked and reported to the Bishop. It was like this that appeared here, under the guilt of overthrow, in order to seize lusts.

    9) Even before the restoration of the church, it is necessary to have a bishop at his house, and at his house to have a school for the children of priests, and others, for the hope of the priesthood of singers. And at school, he would be a reasonable and honest teacher, who would teach children not only pure, clear, and exactly in the books honor (what you want, more dissatisfied on the right), but also honor and understanding. And just remember to read the first two books of knowledge: one about the dogmas of religion; and I’m talking about the imprisonment of all sorts of officials, if such books are seen. And any kind of teaching would be extremely stupid, or if they wanted both warm and ribaldry, and stubborn and insurmountable days, such would, with sufficient calm, be allowed out of the school, having given them the hope of the priestly rank.

    10) Such are the only ones in the school of Bishops who have assigned students (if, with God’s help, they are able to succeed) to work for the priesthood; because if they have a black rank of obere, then in Archimandrity, or Igumeni, if only some serious fault would appear, which does not allow it.

    And if the Bishop places a person who was not in this school in the Priesthood, and at the black stage, past the past, and without the correct guilt: then it invites punishment, as will be determined in the Spiritual Collegium.

    11) If there was no reproach from the fathers of the students for the great cost of their teacher, and for the purchase of books, so they themselves and their sons, far from the home of their students: to face, so that the students are one year old and in more than 100% prepared Bishop's books.

    And so it could be, about this process of commodification it is as follows: from the famous monasteries of the Diocese, the brothers share 20 shares of all bread, and from church lands, in essence, they share 30 shares of all bread. And so many people would have enough bread to live on and other needs (others not included), so many students and needed servants would be.

    And the reader himself and his readers were satisfied with the Bishop’s food and a penny from the Bishop’s treasury, as the Spiritual Collegium was responsible for the marring.

    12) Likewise, from monasteries and from church lands, no little poverty should not be brought to the churches and monasteries, otherwise it would be kinder and more faithful in their household work. And at all times the Bishops would give knowledge of how much bread was collected; and the Bishop, having seen that bread being eaten, fulfilled all the necessary needs to satisfy his needs.

    And for the same reason, may the Collegium of the Spiritual have the books of parishes and the expenditures of all the famous monasteries in Russia. About the use of the word here: typical and basic, and not super-typical, for example, for the necessary everyday life

    The obligation and for such superfluous expenses must be made in the Collegium according to the requirements of any monastery and parish.

    13) And so that the bishops do not get bored, they do not want to ruin their readers and readers, they insist that their servants are not harassed, and the necessary workers are not harassed, (even during the weekdays, for example treasure, mlini and inshi); So the most sacred thing and all the cloth, due to their own needs, were not multiplied.

    For the best management of everything, be sure to book books with episcopal parishes at the Spiritual Collegium. Otherwise, about the readers, that honor will be inferior in its place.

    14) If every bishop knew the world of his honor, and thought little about it, and on the right it is great, but there is no honor, it is considered significant in the written word. The Apostle, echoing the thought of the Corinthians, about their shepherds, who are boasting, it seems that on the right the shepherd has all the success and fruit of God himself, in the hearts of men. I, mov, planted it, Apollos gave it to me, but God grows. And to suggest that for turning a person around, praise will in no way be lost. Tim doesn’t plant anything, doesn’t solder it, but let God take care of it. And he calls shepherds there, servants of God, and the everyday secrets of God, and in the matter of fidelity they failed. Because the point of the outer pastoral right is to be preached, attacked, defended hourly and hourly, and the rites of the Mysteries of the Saints will be. On the right is the inner one, which will harden the heart to repentance and new life, the one God, His grace through the word and the darkness of the shepherds, as through the order of the invisibly orderly.

    So, for the sake of this, we are trying to tidy up even the bitter Bishop’s glory, so that their hands, as long as the docks are healthy, are not allowed, and the brothers would not bow to the ground here. And these mischief-makers, self-righteously and impudently crawl on the ground, and slyly, so that the step is to stand unworthy, so as to cover up their mischief and villainy. The truth is that on the right the shepherd would only work, even if it is from outside, but not a little, like the embassy of God. And God commands, those elders who act kindly will be honored, and the more they work in the word and in honor. 1. Timothy 5. Obviously, this is dead, but the king will not be promised; And it’s not the shepherds themselves who joke about the death, nor the ones who help them, but they’ll be satisfied with what’s served.

    16) It follows from this that the Bishop should not be praiseworthy and kind, but patient and reasonable in the victorious power of his bond, so that he is excommunicated and anathema. For the Lord will give dominion over creation, and not over ruin, like the Apostle 1 Corinthians 10. And the purpose of that same reader of the nations was to bring back the Corinthian, clearly a sinner, Satan to drain the body, so that the spirit could be saved. 1 Corinth. 5. Vlada, for sure, so that it is properly implanted, two things are required:

    First of all, because the offense is punishable.

    Otherwise, how to fix the Bishop as punishment for that.

    The guilt of these blasphemy can be revealed: who is clearly blaspheming the name of God, or the Holy Letter, or the Church, or clearly a sinner, do not hesitate to do your justice, but rather be arrogant, and without the right offense, repentance and holy And he no longer accepts the Eucharist , or what else to do, with the obvious Law of God, like and ridiculed, such after repeated punishments, stubborn and proud, incessant, ready to be judged by the devil of passion. For it is not just for sin that anathema is imposed, but for open and proud ignorance of the judgment of God and the rule of the Church with the great peace of the German brothers, and that such a stink of godlessness is seen in itself.

    Inheritance of any changes will be more correct. First, the Bishop sent to his confessor to find out his fault, including his laziness and his pleas, so that he would cease to do his justice. And since the Church has been overcome by obvious sin and pride; then the grace of your spiritual camp, so that on the coming day of Saints, your spiritual father will bring repentance, and by accepting penance, and taking communion of the Eucharist, the Saints in front of the people, so that your change will become obvious, and you will lose your temper, and you will not turn back on your vomit . And if you feel guilty, he submits and punishes you to do it, adding the Bishop of his brother, and nothing more to do.

    And as soon as the embassy is here, Father, the Bishop, having passed the hour, called upon him to be honest with his groans, and repeat this order, in the presence of only the one spiritual one who has walked before. And if he listens, he says brother.

    And if you don’t reach the title of Bishop: then the Bishop of the same spiritual with other honorable persons, spiritual and temporal, especially with his friends, went to exhort him in the same way as the first ones. And here, if they got smart, and when they decided to do it, the deed was accomplished.

    And if he is so inconspicuous and proud, it will be even more difficult to renew the same embassy.

    Since everything is going smoothly, the Bishop ordered the protodeacon to preach to the people on Holy Day with these and similar words: people, you have been told (they are), with such a clear sin the church itself is trying to destroy the wrath of God, and the setting is pastoral, not united, with husky meaning; For this reason, your shepherd (name) pray to your father’s love, let him pray for the good-hearted God, let him soften his cruelty, and let him have a pure heart and cultivate him to the point of repentance. And if you are closest to him, please beseech him, and be kind to him, and always with all diligence, bring repentance, and tell him that if there are any irregularities and contempts, there will be until such an hour (the hour of the will be for the mirkuvannyam); then I will fall out of favor with the church.

    And since he is already so invincible and is such a persistent evildoer, then the Bishop will not begin even before the anatomy; Before us, write to the Spiritual Collegium about how it happened; and the Collegium, having drawn content on the sheet, clearly anathematized the sinner, pronouncing such a similar formula or expression, and the protodeacon in the Church in front of the people, punishing: how have you known a person (name) like that? m a clear mischief to the law of God, having suppressed the Church more than once in pastoral prayer, before repentance, seeing him off, knowing; and after that, the removal from the church, if they do not repent, the rumors of the people are told that those who have found out, remain in the cruelty of their own will, not giving hope of correcting themselves: for this our Shepherd commanded, for the commandment of Christ, given to himself from that Lord's dominion, he is cast out As a Christian marriage, and as an unneeded member, the body of the Church of Christ stands, informing all the faithful about the fact that the gifts of God, the blood of the Savior and our Lord, are unworthy We have been infused with Jesus Christ until our hearts truly repent. And for this reason, it is not possible to enter the church, since the sacred and terrible secrets of the Eucharist and the other Mysteries of the Saints and the needs of the church are not possible for participants in the church, neither in their home nor in their home. who cares about something else. And if only before the church of the Uviyshov, either secretly or openly, or by force; then it invites greater condemnation, and multiplies more, as it is possible and forcibly to receive the Sacrament of the Saints. And don’t let the priests block every church entrance; And if they cannot protect you for the sake of his strength, then besides the liturgy, let them cease from all church services, until you leave. So, please do not let the priestess go to anyone with prayer, blessings and the Holy Mysteries, under the privilege of their dignity.

    In the spring, it will be that he himself is the only one who is anathema to this, but not his team, not his children or anyone else at home, either of them would be jealous of his mischief, and for Qiu swore an oath and would proudly and visibly strengthen the Church of God.

    This, or any other of the corrupted Collegium, will enter into anathema of the words, after reading the attachments, let it be on the doors of the church, the United Throne, or in all the Diocese of the church, to judge the Collegium.

    Then, when the overthrow comes to you, I want to bring repentance; then you will be guilty yourself, or, if you yourself cannot, then through honest others, bring your repentance with all humility publicly in the church to the Bishop, and ask for permission to confess the sin of your own and proud contempt. And then the Bishop proponates his prayer: because it is true and for the sake of the forgiveness of sins, fearing the wrath of God and asking for God's mercy, he repents; And it is easy to believe that the power of the pastoral, to edit and bind, is not vain, but strong and effective and terrible; And we promise that the rumors of the sons of the church will be given and we will not be in the grip of pastoral disrespect: and for the testimony of this, in the hearing of all the people who have heard, the Bishop is ordered to trust in the God of mercy, for the death of the Savior. Shnikov, what to repent, what to repair, etc. . Also, having learned about the correction of life, (how the correction can be completed afterward), on every holy day, for confession before the spiritual father, come before the communion of the holy Eucharist.

    And if you commit overthrows, without repenting, you will begin to bark church anathema, otherwise you will disgrace the Bishop or other clergy; And so the Bishop sent about those petitions to the Spiritual Collegium, and the Collegium, having discovered the truth, would ask the court of the proper worldly authorities, or from the Royal Majesty himself.

    All the Bishops of the Collegium, so that the stench, like anathema, did not work for the sake of the gain of their own powerful interest, and would joke with this important justice, not their own, but not the Lord Jesus .

    Such a conclusion is correct, suitable for the word of God and beyond suspicion.

    But this word was anathema, which is a curse, a stratum similar to death. Because the anathema is that people look at the mystical body of Christ, that from the church, and before that no Christian has been, the loss of all blessings has filled us with the death of the Savior. This is the word of God: whether you are a pagan or a mitar, and do not harm Satan, then others are similar.

    And the Church of Saints has the least punishment, which means excommunication or protection. This is true, if the Church does not clearly anathematize the sinner, and does not cast him out of sight of the flock of Christ; Otherwise, he reproaches him from joining with the faithful at the holy prayers, not ordering him to enter the temples of God, and at every hour he withholds the communion of the Holy Mysteries. In short, through anathema a person is similar to being killed, and to excommunication or a fence is similar to arrest.

    Both of these great and lesser strata are represented at church councils, where heretics are anathema. And those who are evildoers of the cathedral rules are punished by excommunication.

    The guilt of a lesser passion, then excommunication is worth it, is a great and obvious sin, but not the greatest obvious sin, which is what the word was about. For example, if someone is clearly running away, he walks away from the church singing, clearly depicting, but having honestly denounced the wicked, he does not ask for forgiveness; Such a bishop himself, but through the confessor, having repented, and repentance will be brought, as one does not want to do, although, without showing great pride and contempt, one can reproach the excommunications without many great ones through the protodeacon's enlightenment, and even just a few on the small they wrote the crime of the evildoer.

    And in such a case the Bishop is not guilty of submitting himself to the Spiritual Collegium for liberation, but he himself is strong and strong, but he did not do it out of passion, but out of diligence. If someone is not guilty, he will be excommunicated, and he will be sent to his court at the Collegium, the punitive Bishop will be, for the death of the Collegium of the Spiritual.

    17) There was a word “more” under the number eight, so that the Bishops would marvel at how their kind of presbyteries and ceremonies of other necessary commandments are preserved throughout the Diocese, and so that they are kept in the center of spiritual fiscals. Ale lower tse little їsti; Because they were fiscals, being friends with their benefactors, and the wine-city of the earth received richly: for this purpose, the Bishop would be fit for the river, or in two times they would go around and bring their diocese. And this, besides many others, is the great image of Paul the Apostle, who is in Acts ch. 14th century 21, 22. and Diy goal. 15th century 36. Roman goal. 1, Art. 11, 12. 1 Corinthians goal. 4, Art. 12, 1 Thessaloniki goal. 3 tbsp. 2. 1 Thessaloniki goal. 3, art. 10.

    As best as we can do this, the next steps are necessary:

    1. The summer hour seems to last longer before the winter season. This is for the sake of the fact that the influx is not as rich as in the winter and the Bishop himself and the churches are fed for food and other needs are spent. There is no need for hay, but there is little need for firewood. Bread, fish, quinoa food are cheap. And maybe the Bishop, not far from the place on the field, will stop for an hour, so as not to work for the priesthood, but for the people in the apartment, especially in a poor place.

    2. Upon his arrival, the Bishop on the next day or on the third, having gathered the city and village presbyters, performed the sacred liturgy, according to the Liturgy with all the Priests singing a prayer for the health and victory of the Sovereign Mon archa, about the correction and goodness of the church, about the fertilization of dissenters, , about the great number of fruits of the earth. And the powerful canon of compositions will be to avenge all kinds of needs.

    3. Then, according to the obedience of everything, the word will be spoken to the priesthood and the people carefully about the truth of repentance, and everyone, especially the priestly rank of posads. And in the same place, add advice to confirm to you that there are some spiritual needs and dubious manifestations of conscience, so that the same thing is not corrected in the church parish. And since not every Bishop can say a pure word, it is necessary for him to read such a word in the Spiritual Collegium, and then the Bishops in the leading churches would read it.

    4. The Bishop may also be with the lesser churchmen, and any other is created, nourishing how presbyters and deacons live. And I want everyone to be born without delay, unless a reason appears before they are examined and corrected.

    5. Until the Bishop sends the reports, he does not call the guests to himself, and there are no further calls, so as not to end up with a treaty, or on suspicion that he is guilty of judging for partiality for his own satisfaction.

    6. If it appears on the right for a long time, which indicates the absence of information, or for some other error: then, having written it down on the right, put it before going to your house. Otherwise, in order for me not to stay in one place for too long, it would be one hour before the departure of the entire Diocese.

    7. If the Bishop wanted to call guests to himself, he would direct the entire treaty with his treasury, and not by imposing a tax on the priesthood, but on the monastery. And I cannot be embarrassed by my misery: it is not because of obligation, but because of my own free will, that I invite guests or not.

    8. Other ceremonies and dignitaries, both the priesthood and parish people, may be presented before the Bishop, even if they are obvious to the people; And it’s secret and masterful to learn about such people. But we can’t get over the fact that the Priest is reading a book of instructions on Holy Day, about what the word was all about. And if anyone does not read his books, he will be punished by martyrdom for other priests.

    9. Does the Bishop feed the priesthood of those other people who do not melt away? Do you know any cliques? Who doesn’t show for the evil arrival of evil miracles with icons, with krinitsa, dzherelah and others? And such carelessness should be defended with the threat of an oath against opponents.

    10. It is better to inquire about the rules and behavior of close (or the essence of) monasteries in localities and rural types of clergy and laity, but in the monasteries themselves about the same ones.

    11. And so that the Bishop does not forget what he is obliged to guard at the ancient churches and monasteries; For this purpose, if you write off with yourself, plant blacks and priests, who will go lower here:

    12. It is important that the bishop owes his servant the duty to act in religious places and monasteries with dignity and steadfastness, and not to cause any disturbance; And most of all, we wouldn’t ask the Chinese and the pops for poison and drink, and for the kin’s food. They could no longer rob under the guilt of cruel punishment. For the servants of the Archpriest call for the light of evil to appear; And where the power of their rulers lies, there, with great pride and shamelessness, like the Tatars, they throw themselves at stolen goods.

    13. This is the message of the Bishop, who is not at the same level as the simple Bishop, or the Archbishop, or the Metropolitan, or the Ecclesiastical Collegium, as the supreme authority, the orders, the orders of his hearing, and the significant wow, please be guilty. And for this reason, as a mother against his brother, another Bishop, it seems like him, to take revenge on him, not with slander, without telling, even if it were true, his sins, not with the influence of the strong, some kind of spiritual people chi worldly ones, especially she does not dare anathema the enemy of your Bishop; If you don’t let your image be presented to the Spiritual Collegium, and there you will ask for two judgments.

    14. Therefore, it is clear that every Archimandrite, Abbot, Budivelnik, parish Priest, as well as deacons and other clerks, freely and freely ask the Ecclesiastical Collegium for a trial against their Bishop, whoever There will be a lot of damage in the future. So, if you are not satisfied with the court of your Bishop, it is free for you to create a provocation, sit down, and transfer the right to the court of the Spiritual Collegium; And the Bishop owes such petitioners and positives this freedom to allow, and not to stop them, to threaten, and, after they reach the Spiritual Collegium, to destroy and rob their houses.

    Unless the rich people were guilty of fearlessness and contempt of their shepherds, the Ecclesiastical Collegium considered punishment for those who had indulged in the vile full-term shepherds of their pastors, and in vain the Episcopal court was taken to the court of the Ecclesiastical Collegium. would have caused a provocation.

    15. It is the responsibility of the bishop of the river (or as well as of the entire Collegium) to strengthen the Collegium’s reports, communications about the state and the behavior of the Diocese of his own, and it is good that any mismanagement of any kind I can’t rearrange it. And if everything were good, then the bishop is obliged to inform the Collegium that, thank God, everything is good. If only I had declared that everything was good, I would have thought that the Diocese would be either caring or obviously ungodly; The bishop, you know, having come and did not inform the Collegium; then he himself is called to the court before the Collegium, and, for sufficient contortions, will endure until such punishment as will be established.

    Schoolhouses and their teachers and students, as well as church preachers

    It is clear to the whole world how wretched and impoverished the Russian army was, since there was no less than correct self-esteem, and how its power has immeasurably increased, and hope has become great and terrible, since our Sovereign Monarch, His Tsar’s Majesty Peter, is on having read through the non-abusive regulations. The same thoughts about Architecture, and about Medicine, and about the Political Order and about all other matters.

    And especially the same thoughts about the worship of the church: if there is no light faith, it is impossible for the good church to behave, it is impossible for there to be unexpected and rich laughter at the present day’s concerns, at the same time, at the mercy of God, and at the heresies of God.

    It’s too bad to say that the great guilt of heresies: besides the ancient ones of the proud fool, and not the great heretics who took refuge, Valentinov, Manikheev, Kafarov, Evkhitiv, Donatistov, etc. Our stupidity is described by Irenaeus, Epiphanius, Augustine, Theodoret and other; Our Russian dissenters were not only cruelly angry because of the rudeness and ignorance? And if among the teachings of people there are heresiarchs, such as Arius, Nestoria and others; However, the nonsense in them was born not from the beginning, but from the meager sacred writings of wisdom, but grew up and grew out of anger and pride, which did not allow them to change their filthy thought, even after learning the truth against the owls Our own history. And although, in recognition of their stench, they have the strength to formulate their sophistry, the system of approaching the wisdom of their evidence: otherwise, if it were evil to just sign a legend, then they would say in confusion that if a doctor gives someone a drink, that is a doctor ske vinne є; And if a soldier’s faith is cunningly and severely broken, it is his military faith that is to blame. And as we admire through stories, as through the visual tubes, as the century passes, it becomes increasingly louder in the dark, but in the light, hours of the day. The Bishops did not push like this until about 400 years ago, as after they caught fire, especially Constantinople and Rome; because it was a happy day, and then it got worse. And if the Church were celebrated, and the Powers were ill-tempered, then the very best of Christianity would not be taken into account, and others would be prevented from taking note: otherwise, most importantly, all our long-time readers began not only from the sacred scripture, but from the other new philosophy. And besides the rich others, the most illustrious church groups are fighting about the present day, and themselves: Basil the Great in his words is silent to the teachings, Zolotoust in books about the monks, Gregory the Theologian in his words on the Julian Apostle ata. There would have been a lot more to say if there was a single word about it on purpose.

    The most good and grounded is all the roots, like the Fatherland, and the church, like the root and the life and the foundation. It is important to be careful to ensure that the soil remains in good condition.

    It’s a shame that I don’t know what I mean; and both people want to sue, even if they are reasonable, and even unknown.

    Ask us a lot: what kind of schools do they have? And if you feel what is in Rhetoric, in Philosophy and in Theology; For the same names, highly value people who often sin. Because good teachers are not always kind, for the dullness of the mind, for the sake of their own blindness, if more than if the teacher has little right, or even less right.

    It is well to say that from the fiftieth hundredth to the thirty hundredth century, through the nine hundredth century, all of Europe was honored by the great poverty and lack of misery, so that the greatest authors, who wrote in those hours, had a great deal of great and light there is no great thing. About a hundred hundred years ago, over a thousand rocks began to appear, and therefore, the found readers, and little by little, the Academy became richly great, and from the ancient August rocks, great power was gained: richly both schools have lost a lot of mud, so that in them Rhetoricians and Philosophers are the exact names , but those on the right are not the same. The reasons for this discord are difficult to guess.

    Such, such a language, ghostly and dreamy happiness, people who have been bored appear to be foolish among the ignorant. For the great dark beings, they show themselves to be thorough, and think that everything that is possible to know, have learned, do not want, but rather think less about the honor of the book, and learn more. If a person is highly enamored with direct esteem, there are no facts in his knowledge, but he will not stop reading, even if he would survive the Methuselah century.

    It’s really sad that the so-called baseless sages are not only worthless, but also even worthless, the essence of friendship, and the viciousness of the church; they submit before the rulers of the world, or craftily, so as to steal their favor and climb to the honorable step. You can’t hate people of equal rank; And if anyone has something to praise, they try in every possible way to denigrate and blaspheme him in front of the people and the authorities. Before the riots, the hopes are high. If they theologize, they cannot help but be heretical; because behind your silence it’s easy to let it slip, and you don’t even want to change your thoughts, so as not to show yourself that you don’t know everything. And wise men affirmed the following among themselves: wise people's power is to express their thoughts.

    It was necessary to sue for the good that if the Tsar's Majesty wanted to put the Academy to sleep, the Ecclesiastical Collegium would fade away, which is important to the readers, and what kind of honorable image would be shown, so that the Tsar's morning would not go away, and instead of tea noi koristi, it wouldn’t be marna, I laugh.

    And if this is not a safe matter to be dealt with masterfully, the essence of the offensive regulations will be:

    1. It’s not like the first rich readers, but the first river to get one or two, as if they taught Grammar, Sisti, to know the language correctly in Latin, or Greek, or insulting language.

    2. To another river, and the third and the other, entering before the great ones, the first is not intended for new students, more and more readers will be available.

    3. Encourage everyone who wants to be a school teacher: for example, you know, who has the right to write in Latin, punish him for adding a Russian translation into Latin, so the very Latin word of any famous author in my language, translate in Rossiysk ; And we ask you to kindly take a look at this translation, and you will immediately find out whether it is thorough, or average, or inferior, or very nothing. The essence and other beginnings of power are tranquility, which will be especially written off.

    4. And if you don’t want to know the need for knowledge, if you want to know that it’s important, then it’s obvious that you’re at fault, because you’ve failed to reach your filthy teacher, and punish him at the same time, and you should learn from the authors yourself, on the right, the masters, If the reader wants to buti. Just pay attention to the wretchedness of people, and it would be better if you don’t give in to such people.

    5. Punish the sung and kind teachers, so that they immediately show their teachings briefly, but clearly, what is the power of correct teaching, Grammar, for example, Rhetoric, Logic and others; And what do you want to achieve through this chain of events, so that the scientists swim the shore, until they swim, and better than the water, they would win and would recognize their daily income, so it’s not enough.

    6. Select the most prominent authors from every age, which are the essence of the glorious Academies: in Paris itself, by order of King Louis the Fourth, Latin Grammar was laid out so briefly and in its entirety; Why is it so difficult to learn all the language in one day, when in five or six years few people comprehend it? What can you know from the fact that a student of Philosophy or Theology cannot describe the middle style of Latin. Having chosen, as it seems, the best authors from Gramatiza, Rhetoricia and other sciences, submit to the Academy and punish them with ceremonialism, and not other scientists in schools.

    7. The Theologian has the power to punish the eternal main dogmas of our faith and the law of God. Be a reader of the Theological Holy Letter, and begin to rule, to know the truth, the power and meaning of the Scripture, and to understand all the dogmas of the testimonies of the Scripture. And to help this matter, the Holy Fathers diligently read the books, those such Fathers, who diligently wrote about dogmas, for the need of evil in the church, they fought with the feat against the opposite heresies. For the essence of the ancient readers is more about dogma, one about this, and the other about another, who wrote. For example: about the Trinity Prison Gregory Nazianzin in five words of his Theological, and Augustine in books about the Trinity and about the Divinity of the Son of God, among them, Opanas the Great in five books on Arians about the Divinity of the Holy Spirit, Basil the Great in five books on Eunomia; about the hypostasis of Christ Kirilo Oleksandriysky on Nestor; about the two natures of Christ, one message from Leon, the Pope of Rome to Flavian the Patriarch of Constantinople; about original sin and about the grace of God Augustine in rich books on Pelagian and others. Until then, the green color of the actions and the growth of the All-World and Local Synods. And such readers at the Holy Letter will be revered theologically. And if you want, the Theological teacher and new foreign teachers can help you joke; But you are to blame not to take them into account and rely on their tales, but rather to accept their credulity, which stinks from the Scripture and from the old readers of the arguments to live. Most of all in the dogmas that the foreigners among us have today; But it is not easy to believe their arguments, but to marvel, as in the Scriptures, and in Father’s books, the word has the power to be taken in such a stench. The gentlemen lied a lot of times, and what didn’t happen. Many times the word can be used to promise. Be here, for example, the word of the Lord to Peter: I pray for you, may your faith not be destroyed, spoken about Peter personally, about Petrov himself, and Latina to pull him to his Pope, suggesting that the Pope cannot sin. at the very least. The Theological Teacher is not guilty of other people’s fairy tales, but rather of starting his own teachings and, sometimes having turned the hour of power, showing them in books and to his students, so that they themselves would be aware of it, and would not doubt it, even if the truth seems to be false.

    8. For the past reason, it is clear that schools should have a sufficient library. Without a library, the Academy is like without a soul. And a satisfied library can be bought for two thousand rubles.

    The library of the teacher has been indestructible all day to day, and even the books in the cells were not sorted out, lest there be a stench in the library office itself. And to the teachers and other believers to build a library on the day of the year.

    And we would go to the library to soak up the language, on particular days for work, and on other days for watering and at the appropriate hour. Having asked each of your readers what kind of author he is, and what he has read and what he has written; and if you didn’t understand something, then explain it to your reader. It’s really funny and unforgiving of a person who pushes into someone else, even if he wants to speak rudely before.

    9. Returning to school yesterday, you can study even more successfully, so that you can sing two or three songs of the same year and one right to submit. For example, as a beginner of Grammar, the reader can read from it in detail both Geography and History: first, according to the rules of Grammar, there is a need to work with excerpts, the systems will begin in translations from my language, in the language that I begin, and beyond from that movie to my language . It is difficult to order the teachings to shift into parts Geography, or History, or the Church, or in exchange for resentment.

    In both, the history of honor without the knowledge of Geographical, you can’t walk the streets that are bound to your eyes; Therefore, for the sake of health, the meanings of Grammar should be divided into two parts; And first of all let’s begin Grammar and Geography, especially today, which means that on the map the reader can see compasses, planisphery and the universal situation of the world. And it would be even better to work on the globe, and start students in such a way that they could point with their finger if something is asking them: where is Asia? de Africa, de Europe? And to what sides does America lie beneath us? So the very thing about the Powers: where is Egypt? de Hina? de Portugal? ta insha. And otherwise let us translate the universal History in an excerpt, and briefly, if only the author of a pure Latin language, who is Justin the Historian, and will continue to marvel at others.

    And it’s even more colorful; For the pupils are great to develop kindness, if the sadness of the tongue is only joyful in the world, and those who have passed in the world, known ones, will be dismantled, and soon the rudeness will disappear from them, and even with the birch shun the school There were a lot of expensive goods to wrap up.

    10. Such a good ceremony is created: 1. Grammar together with Geography and History. 2. Arithmetic and Geometry. 3. Logic or Dialectics, and one is twofold. 4. Rhetoric is combined with our cherished beliefs. 5. Physics, adding a short metaphysics. 6. Puffendorf's politics is short, because it is necessary to sue, and maybe it will end up in Dialectics. 7. Theology. The first six are on the river, and the Theologians are two rocks. Because I want every kind of hope, besides the Dialectical and the Gramatic, to be great; However, in schools they quickly interpret the requirements, and the most important part. After reading and practicing for a long time, one will reject such kindness. Mova Gretskaya and Yevreiska, (as there will be readers) between other anniversaries, it is time to accept.

    11. The rector and the prefect will honor the diligent people, and those who are already known. And each of them the Spiritual Collegium is diligently at their right, with such a threat that it will be inadvertent and unfavorable; then they themselves will fall to trial at the Spiritual Collegium. And for this reason, it’s our fault to wonder why we have to go to school as a teacher, and why we should begin to do so. And the Rector and the Prefect will appoint two schools for one year, and two more for the next year, and so on. And if they come to school, the teacher will be in charge of them, and the stench will be faint, even after a while; So it’s enough to suffice the students with food, and to know, it’s not enough to know anymore.

    12. If any reader is willing to accept the Academic Statute, then instruct the Rector: such a Rector should be voted upon by the Ecclesiastical Collegium, and after submission or punishment will be imposed for the martyrdom.

    13. It’s hard to figure out the fiscal taxes, as if they could see what was going on in the Academy.

    14. About the teaching of the world: the mustaches of the Protopops and the rich and other Priesthoods of their children are being strengthened to the Academy. It’s important to tell the city’s most punishing people, and about the nobles, how the will of the Tsar’s Majesty is sovereign.

    15. The students who come will be at the Academy until the end of all things, and the Rectors will not be allowed out of the school without the permission of the Spiritual Collegium. And if the Rector or Prefect, who, having graduated from school, will pay for the wine in the city, and will impose harsh punishment on such an evildoer.

    16. It is clear to everyone that if a person is born in the Academy, and the Academy is confirmed, then to the level of spiritual or civil honor we cannot precede failures with a great fine on the owner, either Nakshe was collected.

    17. Learn what is new, improve memory and familiarity; And if we’re too stupid, we won’t be accepted to the Academy: we’ll waste a summer and learn nothing; but on the other hand, he thinks to himself that he is wise and there are no such bitter nerves. And so that we don’t indulge ourselves in stupidity, we need to allow ourselves into the booth, as others pretend to be physically dumb as soldiers; Put your whole mind at ease. And a reasonable reader can come up with ways to have peace of mind that are not known and learned.

    18. A child of unbearable anger will appear, fierce, fiercely curvy, riveting, indomitable, and in the very hour there will be no plea, no cruel punishment to heal her, it is impossible, I would like to say: send me out of the Academy, so that I can go to a chalet. You can't give him a sword.

    19. The place of the Academy is not in the place, but on the other side in a cheerful place in the past, where there is no public noise, lower parts of the occasion, which require respect for honor and know firsthand what steals the thoughts of a young man, and Doesn't allow friends to meet.

    20. There is no need to boast about the Academy, but rather to marvel at those who have learned so much: for it is even vanity; But marvel at how many kind and kind teachers there are, with great hope, and how to bring them to the end.

    21. It is not at all necessary, it is more important, that students who do not come should be accepted on the Sovereign’s daily pennies. Many people come not for celebration, but even others for nature for a fee, driven by the need to kill. There are different houses, so you want to live at the Academy, and if you want to go anywhere. What good is that? Just a bunch of vanity.

    They would accept the students with care, and they would sign up to remain in the Academy until the end, under a great fine, so that they would not retire without extreme need. And so it will be possible, behind the school, to present them to the Tsar’s Majesty and for His Majesty by decree to designate them in the registry.

    22. Above all, it is necessary and useful, whether at the Academy or at least without the Academy, the Seminarium for the marriage and education of children, which has been seen quite a few in foreign countries. And this is the image that appears here:

    1. To build a hut in the image of a monastery, which is spacious and living and all kinds of living conditions, and supplies for other needs would be in proportion to the number of children (as determined by the will of the Royal Majesty) fifty, or seventy or more, and so on tribnih stewards and servants.

    2. Children and young men from all ages may live in that house, or nine people per house. Both with such variations: large in one, medium in another, small in the third house.

    3. If there is a place to replace your office at the wall, it should be easily folded, so that the day of the lair will not be known; so it’s all about books and other speeches, and a table for sitting.

    4. Any kind of house (how many of them there will be), be a Prefect, or an observer, a person who wants troubles, a rather honest life, and is not too fierce and not melancholic, from 30 to 50 years of age. And on the right there is: make sure that among the Seminarists (as the priests are called in the house) there is no welding, fighting, recklessness, or any other outrage, and that everyone should be killed in time. And every Seminarist does not leave his home without his blessing, and that is why he is confused about where and why to go.

    5. I’d like to have three of those in the same booth forever human A student or a worldly person, of whom one will be the Rector, the steward of the whole house, and the two examiners, the sitters will joke about how someone begins, lazily and diligently.

    6. In any house, the Prefect has the power to punish those convicted for evil, small ones with harsh punishment, and middle and great ones with a threatening word, and then report on those who do not correct themselves to the Rector.

    7. So the examiners themselves will do the same for the small, medium and great ones, and report to the Rector.

    8. Rector, the supreme ruler of all, may he punish you according to the world. And whoever does not show up stealthily before being corrected, the Rector will not allow him to leave the Seminarium without the permission of the Spiritual Collegium.

    9. Calculate the hours before you can do everything in peace and quiet as a Seminarian, when you go to bed, when you get up, pray, read, go to a meal, go for a walk, etc. And all the seminarians, like soldiers to the beat of the drum, and to the bell’s voice, took up the honor, as the anniversary was marked.

    10. Do not allow guests from the Seminarium, or anywhere else, until their guests, the Seminarist is not necessarily staying in the Seminarium, and does not understand the noble background of such a spiritualization, but itself: up to three times, upon the arrival of everyone before the Seminarium, not let go nowhere; And on the third hand, no more than two times per river you are allowed to see your father or relative as a guest, and then not far away, so that no more than seven days passed from the time of our visit to the Seminary’s house itself.

    11. And if the Seminarist is the guest of the graduate, then it would be a shame to give this honorable man, as an Inspector and a guard, who would be with him every day, and again, and in case of any incidents, and after returning, give a report to the Rector, so there was . And as for that legend, the Inspector, having thrown off his yoma, came up with something worse: and such a smart beat richly. And you will be able to learn from this that the Seminarian, when he turns around, cannot help but show himself all sorts of great rewards and love for the world.

    12. And if any relatives come to the Seminarium to bring their relative there, and these guests, with the knowledge of Rectorsky, are taken to a meal, either in another sleeping hut, or in the garden, and there they will talk to their relatives, and peacefully Howl and pittyam treat them It is possible, to the very presence of the Rector or to one of the examiners, for special mention.

    13. Such a young life seems to be both depressing and again full. Whoever lives like this in the first place, even if he wants to, in one day, it will be even sweeter.

    Forever before the celebration of tediousness, the coming regulations for the future are the essence:

    14. Do not accept until the Seminarium, only small children between the ages of 10 and 15, and, moreover, for the sake of honorable persons, such as to confirm that the youngster in his father’s house is alive out of passion and good looks. .

    15. On every day of 2 years, set aside a party for the Seminarists, and yourself: at lunch and in the evening, and then study without anyone, and even books in the hands of the mother. in winter at my house. It’s good to eat healthy and it’s boring. And it’s even better to choose the same way to slowly serve the shortbread. Thus, for example, there is water on regular vessels, geometric dimensions, and regular forts and others.

    16. You can once or twice a month, especially during the flight, go to the islands, to the fields and places of joy, to the courtyards of the castle Sovereigns, and if you want once to the river near St. Petersburg.

    17. At the meal there will be readings about military history and church history. And on the beginning of the month, in two or three days, please tell us about the people who have died, about the great readers of the church, and about the ancient and modern Philosophers, Astronomers, Rhetorians, Historians ів and ін. Because such stories are heard and sweet, and wise people want to inherit.

    18. You can spend two more days on the river or do more activities such as actions, debates, comedies, and rhetorical exercises. And those are very strong before the decision and before the resolution, the system of honest humility that the preaching of the word of God implies, and the right ambassador, and the cheerful mix of stopping such actions.

    19. They may establish and act with honor and kindness and study diligently.

    20. It is good for the great saint to be at the table of these Seminarists with the voice of musical instruments; And it doesn’t matter: first you just need to hire a master, and now you want the Seminary to be responsible for teaching others in your place. And this knowledge regulates to serve until the advancement of the students.

    21. There is a church, a pharmacy and a doctor in the Seminarium, and a school in the nearby Academy, where the Seminarists will go to study. And if there will be teachers and schools at the Seminarium, then the Academy and the Seminarium will be at once. And for other students who do not want to live in the Seminarium, they can live for the time being in the Seminarium and be hired as a student.

    22. Regulations of readers, scholars and scholars, as described above in the Academy, and here the culprits are saved.

    23. Seminary students will be poor people, and those, with the mercy of the Tsar's Majesty, will be chosen and other needs will be. And other rich people have children who will have to pay for food and clothing, and the price will be the same, set again.

    24. As soon as the Seminarist comes with a thorough understanding, he is always within reach of the great; then he is obliged to make his pledge in the Seminary Church with other brethren on what he wants to be faithful to the Royal Majesty and His Decree, and ready for the service, until any year and calls for decree of the Sovereign.

    25. Seminarists who have been with the bride should not be allowed out of the Seminarium by the Rector until they are first informed to the Spiritual Collegium, and the Collegium will present them to the Royal Majesty. And then give them an overview of the evidence of their mysticism.

    26. And which Seminarists, according to their consecration, are willing to surrender to spiritual justice, and the Bishops would be closest to any level of Volodarsky greater than others, although they are still in the right, but not in the Seminarium of the Divines, Any honorable vice on Sem. having given up, there would have been no such vice as hardening. And for the protection of the rivets and rivets, there will be severe punishment.

    Before here about the Seminary.

    And you can come up with more, or look for foreign information seminars; and in this way, such treatment truly succumbs to the great root of viciousness.

    23. About the preachers of the word of God of the coming regulations:

    1. No one dares to preach in this Academy of Studies, or in the Collegium of Spiritual Studies. If someone started with the newcomers, he would have previously revealed himself in the Spiritual Collegium, and try it there: as far as is right in the Holy Letter, and a word would be said about those about whom I am told by the Collegium: and if he has the right to surrender, then give me a date, So, if you want to be in the rank of Priest, try hard to preach to him.

    2. The preachers would preach firmly, with the proof of the Holy Letter, about repentance, about the correction of life, about the loss of power, and most importantly the Tsar’s power, about the planting of every rank. The zabobons would be blamed; would instill the fear of God in people's hearts. In a word, say: you would see from the Holy Letter that the will of God is holy, acceptable and complete, and then you would say.

    3. They talk about evils in marriage, and don’t name anyone, even if they publish in the entire church.

    If an unkind rumor spreads about this accusation, it is a sin itself, and then the preacher is guilty of mincing words about such a sin. For someone who will unmold that sin, even if she did not unmold it by exposing herself; The people will think differently, because the face bears the grim of that one. And so my troubles will multiply, and I won’t think about my own correction, but rather about the future of such a preacher. What's wrong with that? Whose great sin, with contempt for the law of God, willingly appears as a proud sinner; then yogo Bishop, and if I don’t like it, fine the Presbyter, in such a way as was most common among the right-wing Bishops about anathemas.

    4. Call upon such preachers, who will rot someone in whom, in their preaching to take revenge on him, even if not on your own, tormenting his glory, otherwise it seems that you can hear from hearing who you are talking about: and such preachers the very essence of the nerves, and their zhorstoke punishment give in.

    5. It is indecent for a preacher, especially a young one, to talk about the sins of Volodar, otherwise it is distorted to the point of denouncing the hearers. So to put it into perspective: you have no fear of God, you have no love for your neighbor; merciless, one to form one. Ale is more guilty of the first person, multiplicities so to say: we have no fear of God, we have no love for our neighbor; You are merciless, one of one is imaginable. This image of the word is logical, and the preacher himself, among the number of sinners, respects himself, as the truth itself is: because everyone sins in abundance. And so Paul the Apostle, deceiving his readers, who, putting themselves highly, wanted to be reproached for their own teachings, without knowing them, took the blame on himself, as if he had accepted the blame from the first envoy from Corinth to the first, so the same on his friends Peter, Apollos. Kozhen, in speech, it seems to you, I am Pavlov, I am Apollosov, I am Kifin, I am Khristov. Is Christ unraveled? Hedgehog Pavlo, having drunk on you, why are you baptized in Pavlov’s name? ta insha. And what guilt he brought on himself and on others, you can testify for yourself. Having talked about those for a long time, she herself confesses to the fourth: this is what you did, my brother, on your own behalf of Apollos for our sake, so that we will learn no more wisely than what she wrote.

    6. The preacher of his mother carries with him the books of Saint Zolotosty and diligently honors them: so he will learn to write the purest and clearest word, even if he does not like the Golden Toss; and there are no small treasures of light importance, as most Polish ones exist.

    7. If a preacher exalts his words among the people, let him not boast about it. And if you don’t bully, don’t make people angry, and don’t ruin people for a price. On the right they say: but the hearts of men are certain, God is the matter. I planted, Apollos watered, but God grew.

    8. It is crazy to create preachers who raise their eyebrows and show pride, and in words they preach, so you can know that they are amazed at themselves. Ale reasonable teacher, great effort, don’t let yourself try to show yourself in words and with your whole body that you think less about your dignity or your red-bloodedness. And for this reason, it is often necessary to take short notice of the humble self. For example: I bless your love, don’t let me wonder who to say; What can I tell you about myself, why am I a sinner? Believe the word of God: for this is the writing of the Holy Ones, and it is not possible to repeat it often, and so on.

    9. There is no need for the preacher to hit harder than he can in a boat with an oar. You don’t need to flatten your hands, lean against your sides, jump up, laugh, but you don’t need to read; If you want to, your spirit has become overwhelmed, you need to, as hard as you can, squeeze it out; All this is an unfavorable essence, and it will overwhelm the ears.

    10. Behind the word, if you go as a guest, and in any kind of conversations with people, it is not suitable for the preacher to think about his word, and not to praise his word, which is a great lack of study, and also not to spoil one’s own self: for it seems that praising one’s words in such a way will make others want. And if anyone would like to begin to praise his word, the preacher must show himself that he is a little disgraceful, and lead everything to the appearance of praise and start another conversation.

    Worldly individuals, fragments to take their fate are the essence of spiritual instructions. I would like to say the following in this part: otherwise it is necessary to put the slightest advance in the clearest sense: why do the laity worry about the laity, and in what way do they make a difference in the rank of the spiritual?

    This light has been imbibed in the triple mind:

    1. The world is called the entire Sonyashnikov, where people are populated, but in no one’s mind people, church service is impossible, the laity are called; The priestly rank of the same place with other lights is alive.

    2. The world takes on people simply, because the essence of the creature is corporeal, but not rational. And it is not according to whom the world of the laity is named, but the posture of the church service is the essence. Neither the priest nor any clergyman would like to be called a layman by such a mind. And in this mind we stand in the light, where good things come to us, for example: so God loved the world like that.

    3. Light often signifies human anger and vanity, or people themselves; For anger and mischief are the essence, like Ivan the Apostle in his first epistle, in other words: do not love the world, not in the world. If anyone loves the world, there is no Father's love for him: for everything that is in the world, even the body, and even the hair, and the pride of life, is absent from the Father, and not even the light of his. And the laity will not be afraid of any light; for Ivan does not write to the priesthood, but very much to the Christian. And I say the same thing there, to fathers, youths, children, and to all ages. And it is impossible to say what this word implores them to become churchmen.

    Similarly, how they are spiritually, how fluidly and lightly, in the third whose mind is alive, not the great people themselves and the churchmen are shown by Paul the Apostle in the first epistle to the Corinthians, on another note, that we are spiritual and spiritual people rkuє. For there the soul says that without the grace of the Holy Spirit one is naturally capable of all evil, and even powerless before God-pleasing good, which is all that is unknown. The spiritual is that which brings illumination and renewal, and is led by the Holy Spirit. Whether the priest, or the layman, is evil, soulful; And above all, a Priest, if a layman, led by the Holy Spirit, is spiritual. And Peter the Holy gives the title of priesthood not to just one church minister, but to all Christians. 1. Petro. Chapter 2. In the series of meetings, the Tsar's holiness, the saint's language, people of renewal, for honesty will you confess from the darkness, who called out to the wonderful light of God. Similar to the Apocalypse, section 5: creating us as God's Kings and Jews.

    It is necessary to recognize that behind the unknowns there are many signs of soul-destroying stupidity. What worldly people don’t know, sometimes they think, that they can’t be saved for the very reason that they’re not spiritual, but they’re worldly. Whom you don’t know, another rabble is begging another to deprive his squad, children, fathers, and hate them; lower, mova, commandments: do not love the world, and that is the essence of the world.

    Why are the laity complaining? Confirmation. Then it became necessary to be a venerable spiritual minister and manager, such as bishops and presbyteries: for this reason, as if I were presumptuous, they took away the title of ecclesiastical rank. And for the sake of the servant of the bloodless sacrifice, they will protect themselves from the contempt and the priestess. And the others, as they sense and their disciples are, are simply called laymen.

    Promovi: why do the laity complain so much about the three visions of the minds of the world?

    It seems decent to others; for all priests and non-priests and laymen are people. It’s not the priests who are simply reprimanded by the laity; The fragments are not stewards and ministers of the song of spiritual devotion, but listeners. And now it’s time to say something about the laity, the stench remains before the spiritual administration.

    1. This is clear to everyone: first of all, let it not be that any Christian is guilty of the Orthodox faith of hearing from his shepherds. Because the shepherds do not shepherd, because the sheep of their own do not resent the word of God: so the shepherds do not eat the sheep, or they say so, because they do not want to be pastured by the shepherds. For that reason, as if someone was disrespectful and barked, or what is worse, trying not to allow the reading, but the preaching of the word of God, without extreme need for a single proud malice: that invites retribution to the church, or to the episcopal court, about which greater word was written, about anathema , or, if it is strong to appear, the Spiritual Collegium itself followed the decree.

    2. A Christian may often, but would like to partake of the Holy Eucharist once a day. This is our most subtle thing of God about the death of the Savior inflicted on us. Just as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. And guidance to the living eternal. You don’t even eat the body of the Son of man, and you don’t sing the Daha of Yogo, you don’t have a stomach in yourself. And this is the nature of the banner, which is the death of the one mystical body of Christ, the sisters, the members of the one Holy Church, like the Apostle 1 Corinthians. Chapter 10 Bread, what is it we need if it is not the sprinkling of the body of Christ? Like one bread, one body is rich; for we all partake of the same bread. For this reason, if a Christian surrenders and even moves away from Holy Communion, he thereby reveals to himself that he is not in the body of Christ, a sister, not a member of the church, and not a schismatic. And there is no good sign for recognizing a dissenter. The bishop was diligently warned and punished so that the parish priests always reported about their parishioners, some of them had not received communion across the river, some after two, and some at all. And such people are tempted to swear an oath, like the stench of blue churches, and who are cursed by all the regiments of the Rozkolnytskyi, as they are not found anywhere in Russia. swear and curse the whole school itself blagoda; then it’s dumbfounding to see that they are dissenters. It is not a little shame to know about this: there are a lot of dissenters who boast under the clothes of Orthodoxy, instead of being afraid that they themselves will bring persecution against the church. And not only do they bark the sacred order and, as much as they can, destroy you, other worldly people, unprofitable to their madness, they all appease everything that people of faith can testify about.

    3. And if in such a different way the dissenter is deafened; Therefore, the Bishop is responsible for sending a letter to the nobility about this dissenter, under whichever court he may be sent to the Theological College.

    4. There are mothers in the Collegium who know that all dioceses have dissenters; moreover, before the richness, the merchandising will be extracted, and in some cases it is especially important.

    5. The great sin is the impatient martyrdom of the spiritual, that some worldly ladies, who know dissenters in their homes, drink for the wine that is served to them.

    Another speech about obvious dissenters; because there is no need to watch out for such misfortunes; Alas, rozkolniks, living under the guise of Orthodoxy, it is stinking to cover it up with godlessness. And for this the bishops are jealous, and report this to the Spiritual Collegium; and the Collegium, for the spiritual hearing, of such gentlemen, if they do not want to correct themselves, can cause anathema. Spiritual discord takes the following form: it is not easy for the Bishop to submit a report to the Spiritual College against a worldly lord, since there are dissenters among them; However, the lord strongly does not allow the Priest to come to him, but we will send the Bishops to joke and dispel the schismatics who are in his domain, and they will be named in the full-time reliable testimony of that. And the Collegium, listening to the witnesses, will write a report before the sir will allow the dissenters to freely joke around their estate. And if you listen to the sir, then don’t bother him anymore; If he listens again, then he will actually admit to himself that he is a schismatic intercessor. And then the Collegium will proceed to spiritual punishment in all this order, as it is written about anathema. And on the right, this is not about the obvious, but about the hidden dissenters, as it is dumbfounded, because the stench of the common people is: as readers, and as the shepherds of the dissenters are, about these, both hidden and obvious, on the right. This is how the spiritual ones judge themselves, as they have their subjects.

    6. Throughout Russia, no kind of dissenters should be brought into power, not only spiritual ones, but also civil ones, to continue until the end of governance, so as not to raise any enemies against us, both the Power and the Sovereign, incessantly evil mislyachykh.

    And if anyone is suspected of being a dissenter, even if he shows the appearance of Orthodoxy, he must first be sworn in, together with an oath on himself, and they are not and do not think of being a dissenter; And voice your cruel punishment, as if after something unacceptable happened to someone else, and sign your name in this with your own hand. And his guilt is: if someone with his noble right creates suspicion, on the butt [*]: if not, the Holy Prisons get away without any blessed fault; Even if the readers of the scholastics in their home are covered with the knowledge that such is the essence, and also the mercy is sent to the scholastic monasteries by the same; and on those on the right who will criticize obvious arguments, then such suspicion of dissent increases.

    And if anyone wants to show up, the Bishop is obliged to write about them soon to the Spiritual College.

    7. There are no signs among the worldly (except for the title of the Tsar's Majesty) in the houses of churches and priests of Christ: for this is a pledge, and as a single feast, and to complete the spiritual rank. The lords would go to the parish churches, and would not hesitate to be brothers, even their own villagers, in the marriage of Christians. For about Christ Jesus there is no slave, no freedom, says the Apostle.

    8. If parishioners or landowners, who live on their estates, convert people into their church with the Priests: then they are to blame for their due recognition that there is no human life of the good and the unscrupulous. And the landowners themselves cannot live in these lands of their own, so give testimonies about such people to people and their villagers, and write in their own letters about how the land will be loved by you. And the congregation also declared his hand that in this other land we want contentment, and from the church, before any consecration, we do not go until death. And as for the election, if you appear before the Bishop in any suspicion or dissent, and are unworthy of the rank, you will be deprived of the Bishop’s sanction.

    9. Popiv, why bother dragging around, would not have accepted the gentleman as their confessor. Because the Priest was expelled for evil, and having voluntarily deprived himself of the church entrusted to himself, he is no longer a Priest, and he accepts a great sin, even as a priest. And the one who accepts him is a participant in that sin, and so: for he is the accomplice of that sin, and the true adversary of the church.

    The strong lay people would not have urged the priests to enter their homes for baptism, but they would have worn them to the church, even if they had become ill, otherwise such a great need would have come.

    10. To say that some civil stewards, that other power, are the most powerful landowners in the right, which was carried out, the spiritual direction is imbued, do not want to be reproached by the Bishop, who has a living eparchy, apparently Know that the Bishop is not a shepherd. Let us all be aware that, no matter how dignified a person is, he submits in spiritual justice to the court of the Bishop in which Diocese resides while it resides in that Diocese.

    11. Even the most worldly persons have a lot of difficulties in dubious affairs, and for the sake of someone who becomes doubtful, he cannot hide it before the Priest. And the Priest, as he himself doubts, could not crown him quickly, but bring him to the right until the death of the Bishop. Ale and the Bishop went to the Spiritual Collegium, as he himself will rise.

    And for the earnest and obvious reasons for such difficult problems, we decided to let our Spiritual Colleagues, having reached our time, finish talking about them, and about all the difficulties, write a solution to the prayers of the Holy Letter, and waiting for the death of the glorious ancient readers, and from the royal statutes.

    12. And I would like to and the undoubted love who showed up; Otherwise, you should not be married in another parish, in which there are no names, the lower name is alive; You will no longer end up in another bishopric. Also, do not call from someone else’s parish or the Diocese of Priests for a wedding; However, in addition to the knowledge of their shepherds, it also reveals that those who make friends in such a way are suspected of being wrongly identified.

    Part III.- the posad managers themselves, action and strength

    We have been talking for an hour about the stewards themselves, from whom the Spiritual Collegium is formed.

    1. The number of individuals in order is 12. There will be individuals of various ranks: Archpriest, Archimandrite, Hegumen, Archpriest, from which date, three Archbishops, and other ranks, as many years as there are.

    2. Wonder that the Archimandrites and Protopopes were not in the order of this collection, which is at hand for the Bishop, what is in his chosen place: for such an Archimandrite, or for the Protopope will be unapologetically on guard , to whichever side is judged, the bishop is thy skillful. that Archimandrite and Archpriest will be smart, and so two or three individuals will already be one person. Let us take a closer look at what the Spiritual Collegium can do, how it works and how it carries out its work, and how it exerts its power to the utmost. And these three are signified by three speeches, in the title part of sowing fortune-telling, which is planting, action and strength. Let's talk about the skin.

    Posada. 1. First and foremost is the unity of the duty of the Spiritual Order of the nobility, which is the essence of planting and all Christians and the authorities of bishops, presbyters and other church ministers, disciples, readers and scholars; so the very same thing of the worldly people, the fragments of the stench of the spirit of the spiritual participant. And for this purpose, the actions of all planting officials have been written off. I urge the Spiritual Collegium to take care, as the skin of its caller is being held; and sinners are instructed and punished. All the actions of the order of this planting and power are being given here.

    2. Vote and publish to all Christians, of whatever rank it is possible for each, in order to better govern the church, report on the sheet to the Spiritual Collegium in the same way as it is right for each to report to the Senate about the proper revenues of the State. And the Collegium Dukhovne will judge whether the fruit is good or bad; And the brown one will be accepted, but the non-brown one will be disrespected.

    3. If you want to see the Theological leaflet, then do not hesitate, but first present it to the Collegium. And the Collegium may be examined, and there is no sin in the list, the Orthodox faith against the other.

    4. How to show up imperishable body, and having heard the potency and the miracle-working, the Collegium is obliged to try those truths that have called upon their narrators to finish drinking, and others who can testify about them.

    5. What kind of person disproves someone, as a dissenter, or as a new winemaker, is to be judged in the Spiritual Collegium.

    6. Healthy actions of conscience are being trampled, for example, what should you do if you have stolen someone else’s cards, but you can’t turn it around, because there is fear behind the rubbish, because what is the evidence from someone who has stolen it, is no longer there? And what should it do for someone who happened to be among the filthy in captivity, and for the freedom of their godless faith to accept, and then go on to the Christian confession? Bring these other emotions to the Spiritual Collegium, and from now on try to be reasonable and decisive.

    7. Those who are in love with the Archpriest will be the first to look at the Marnovians, the hypocrites, the holy merchants, where and how they lived; add to the evidence that wealth can be achieved if someone like this happens to be here.

    8. The judges of the Bishops bring to the court of the Spiritual Collegium, if there is no satisfaction. To serve this court yourself: healthy whores, blame the separation of lovers, the clergy, and the monastery from its Bishop inflicted, images, united the Bishop from another Bishop. And briefly saying: all that is on the right, as it was before the Patriarch’s court.

    9. It is the responsibility of the Collegium to consider who and how Volodya owns church lands, and where grain and profits, which are worth pennies, are spent. And if the church property is stolen by the villainous: the Ecclesiastical Collegium is attacking it, and the stolen property may be corrected on the new one.

    10. If the Bishop, or a lesser minister of the church image, endures the presence of any strong lord, wanting no one not in the Spiritual Collegium, but in the Justicia Collegium, and then ask the Senate for a demand: however, the Spiritual Collegium will require my spirit of form. And then the President and the entire Collegium, hoping to help their brothers, send honest men to them and ask them to rule quickly, and to be in charge.

    11. The covenants or confessors of noble persons, if they seem to be in any way doubtful, they will vote in the Spiritual Collegium and in the Justic Collegium, and the offensive college will judge, and the final decision will be made.

    12. The Collegium of the Spiritual may establish about almsgiving; because there is quite a bit of sin in this. Richly insecure, in perfect health, they indulge in begging for their lives, and walk around the world without a cold; Others are installed in the almshouse by the elders, which is the most disgusting and disgraceful thing of all. God punishes us through the sweat of our reproach, to sit down from the works of the righteous and to eat bread of all kinds, but chapter 3; And it’s good not only for the rich food, but also to serve a little to those who deserve to sit with the poor. Sent to Ephesus Chapter 5. God protects, but the people below are empty. 2. Message to Thessaloniki Chapter 3. I am healthy, and the lazy bastards of God are the opponents of God. And whoever takes care of them, and whoever is their helper, is also a participant in their sin; And what is used for such vain mercy, all those, Father, but not for spiritual gain. It is a great shame to live with such vile mercy, like the moon; from which there is bread in the first poverty and roads. Be calm, everyone who is reasonable, how many thousands of people in Russia have known such lazy scoundrels if they don’t waste bread for thousands, and there is no shortage of grain coming from them. And other people’s ancestry devour both with insolence and deceitful humility, and for that great bread is lost, Father. They should get rid of such people everywhere, and put them in front of the authorities. But the same hackers act as the truly wretched of great image: because as much as you submit, only the downright wretched will emerge. And even if they are healthy, they will soon give in to charity when the German foals are deprived, and they will lie on the streets forever, and with their illness and hunger they will become hungry. The bottom line is that they get rid of the good stuff and ask to be disturbed. As someone who has emptied the womb of mercy, having judged it, it is impossible not to pray in the heart so that such outrage can be corrected well.

    Still, these lazy nabobniks form a divine and soulful song, and they sing about successful struggles in front of the people, and they make simple dissenters even more distraught, taking themselves for those falsehoods.

    And who can briefly sum up the harm caused by such ignorant people? Roads that are always easy to climb and break up; igniters are used to spy on rioters and protesters; to speak highly of the power, and to treat the supreme power itself with evil, and to disdain the common people to the point of contempt for the power. None of them themselves Khristiansky Posad It’s not your job to fuss, to enter the church, but to think, and you constantly drag yourself in front of the church. And yet the world is overwhelmed by the lack of conscience and the inhuman ones, they cannot help their eyes to blind, their hands to clench, and other members to promise that there will be direct marriages and mercy today: there is truly no lawless rank of people . It is imperative that the Spiritual Collegium diligently think about this and for the sake of which in the best possible way evil is to be eliminated, and the good rite of mercy is to be recognized, and having been recognized, we ask the Royal Majesty to allow it to be approved by the decree of His Monarch.

    13. The first axis was full of posad, as if the priesthood had been removed from simony and shameless insolence. How wonderful it is to make a good deal with the Senators, since so many courts before one parish will know what kind of skins they would give the same taxes to the priesthood and other clerks of their church, so that they would thoroughly spend their small wealth in the world, and they would not be asked to pay for the bastard, funeral, wedding and other things.

    However, this value does not prevent voluntary people from giving to the Priests, as much as anyone would like for their generosity.

    The Supreme Collegium, both the President and others, upon assuming their rank, must take the oath that the faithful will be the Royal Majesty; so that not for your own passions, not for swag, but for God and the selfishness of people, with the fear of God and good conscience, judge justice and for the sake of, and other brothers, your thoughts and for the sake of fading, accepting and discarding. And take such an oath on yourself under the penalty of anathema, and corporal punishment, so that after the swearing of your guards and vitriols.

    All this is written here, first the All-Russian Monarch Himself, His Royal Sacred Majesty, hear before you, fade away and correct with favor 1720 Lyuty 11 days. And then, following the decree of His Majesty, the Most Reverend Archpriests, Archimandrites, and together with the Government, the Senators listened and, silently, corrected this Fierce for 23 days. Likewise, the affirmation is inviolable, for the attributions of the hands of the present Spiritual and Senatorial persons, and His Royal Majesty Himself, with His Powerful hand, willed to sign.

    Anisimov E.V. The re-creation and autocracy of Peter the Great in the first quarter of the 18th century. M.: Dmitro Bulavin, 1997. 331 p.

    Vishchi and central sovereign regulations Russia. 1801–1917. T. 1. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1998. Z. 134-147

    Levchenko I.V. The Russian Orthodox Church is a power. Irkutsk: View of Irkut. holding ekon. acad., 1997. 159 p.

    Nikolin A. The Church and the Power: (History legal notes). M: Vidannya of the Stritensky Monastery, 1997. 430 p.

    Mikilsky N.M. History of the Russian Church. Minsk: Belarus, 1990. 541 p.

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