Recipe for dough for pies without yeast. Lubricated pies without yeast. Deliciously and shvidko nashvidkuruch

A simple recipe for meat pies without yeast Pokrokovo from the photo.

Do you want to cook simple, swedish and even savory pies on milk without drіzhdzhіv at home minds? Then don't go, but forget this clumsy recipe.

You still don’t know how to make milk pies without yeast, you need the same swedish option. Vikoristovuvaty as a filling can not only stewed cabbage or potatoes, and th mushrooms, vegetables and rice, for example. This is a wonderful option for snacks for a picnic.

Number of servings: 20-25

  • National cuisine: Russian cuisine
  • Stray type: Vipіchka, Tistechka
  • Folding recipe: simple recipe
  • Preparation hour: 17 minutes
  • Cooking hour: 1 year
  • Number of servings: 20 servings
  • Number of calories: 194 kilocalories
  • Quote: At noon

Ingredients for 20 servings

  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Roslinna Oliya - 2 tbsp. spoons (+ for greasing)
  • Boroshno - 850-950 Grams
  • Soda - 0.5 Teaspoon
  • Zukor - 0.5 Teaspoon
  • Strength - 0.5 teaspoon


  1. It’s easy to finish everything with a test. Pour milk into a bowl, add strength, zucor and soda. Vlieti roslinna oliya then let's step by step borosno.
  2. It’s not guilty, but we’re twisting it, but don’t stick to your hands.
  3. Viklasti yogo on prisipan flour | boroshnoy | surface and split into the same parts. For rosemary, pies on milk without yeast in home minds can be different.
  4. Download small bags, yakі potіm roskotiti finely.
  5. At the center of the viklasti, carefully pinch the filling and pinch the edges. If it’s just the right consistency, then it won’t break and it’s easy to work with it.
  6. Roast the olive in a frying pan. Also, this recipe for preparing pirozhkiv on milk without yeast can be baked for the oven. Viklasti pirіzhki in hot oil | oil | and smear on both sides until ruddy.

Lubricated pies without drіzhdzhіv, may have our sіm'ї especially successful. Mother baked them forever. Її pampushki and pirіzhki are great holy children.

Love їhnyu pіch і my older sister. The stench comes out of her especially, even savory, great and ruddy. Vaughn, before that, put them on a frying pan, thinly roar at once from the filling. Tіstechka come out vinyatkovі. With this recipe, I will get to know you today.

Recipe 1


  • Milk sour (you can use kefir) - 0.5 l;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Sil - pinch;
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Roslinna oil for lubrication.


At sour milk we throw soda. Good peremіshuєmo, schob out in the new extinguished. Let's beat in an egg there and add zukor that strength. Progressively hoarsely, zamіshuєmo uniformly m'yake tisto and jump yoga from a large bag, then we will cut it into large portions. Robimo from them cowboys and the mode for chastochki. Rolling pin rozkochuєmo qі chastochki up to 5 mm.

You can thinly roll the cakes and from them with a bottle with thin edges you can make mugs. In the middle of such a mug of dough we put the filling and the edges are good. Let's sweat with a rocking chair and prepare a pie. Zalishaemo, let the pirіzhki stand for 15 - 20 hvilin and sweat lubricate. We pour olive oil into the frying pan, and put the pies seam down, so that the stench is half-buried into the olive oil.

Lubricate pirіzhki from two sides to a beautiful golden color. Let’s take the stuffing for the pie: potatoes with liver, smeared cabbage with carrots and cibulae, be it thicker jam, half-berry berries or cherries with zukr, so that we don’t twist the sik, add some starch. Lubricated pies without yeast are ready.

Lubricated patties with potatoes and mushrooms, without yeast

You can also make the stuffing with mushrooms:

  • Pecheritsa - 500;
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Tsibulya - 200 g;
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Pepper, strength for relish.

Chop the potatoes, cut the eggs well. Clean the ovens for good, brush with the cibula and extinguish the troch. Let's mix, pepper, salt.

Recipe №2

  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Kefir - 0.5 l;
  • Strength -0.5 tsp;
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Margarine - 0.5 packs (can be olії 50 - 60 g).


Eggs are beaten with zucru and sill. Qiu sumish, soda, repaid by oct, melting margarine with kefir. Dodaemo step by step borosho that zamіshuemo softly. Vikoristovuyuchi oliyu, pіdbivaєmo tіsto i dаєmo vodpochiti 30 quills.

We pick it up with a tablespoon, pushing with our hands round shape. The filling can be vikoristovuvati be-yaku.

Do not put patties on the frying pan, the stench will grow, like on yeast.

Lubricated pies without yeast - Recipe №3

  • Zukor - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Boroshno - 4 flasks;
  • Margarine - 150 g;
  • Sour cream - 12 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soda that strength - 0.5 tsp.


Boroshno mixed with soda and asked. Sour cream, eggs, strong and zukor are mixed until the salt and zucru are fine. Razmyaksheniy margarine trohi zbivaemo and step by step until the new summish sour cream with eggs, then borosno and shvidko (for 20-30 sec.) zamishuemo densely. Instead of sour cream, you can add kefir, sour milk, or another sour milk product.

A simple recipe for smeared pies without yeast No. 4.

  • Kefir - 1 bowl;
  • Eggs - 4 - 5 pcs.;
  • Margarine - 200-250 g;
  • Dribka salt;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.

Beating kefir with eggs, adding a little salt, slaked soda. Margarine is very dry and let it soften. Then we mix it up with other products and softly mix it up, step by step, adding it up. Let's burn the dough in cellophane and put it in the refrigerator. And in the meantime, prepare the filling. Lubricated pies on olives. At the refrigerator, you can save a few days. Yak Bachimo smeared without

drіzhdzhіv get ready easily and quickly.


For more information, watch the video.

Thanks to all for the comments before the articles. Ale write їх, be kind, only Russian my so, like a Russian site.

To prepare dough for pizza without yeast, you need to repeat a bottle of borosna, a tablespoon of fluffing for dough, a small spoon of salt, a hundred milliliters of water, and two large spoons of olive oil.

Let's get down to preparing the dough. On the back of the head, it's relatively borosno. Dodamo in borosno strength and rozpushuvach, mix it up. Now dodamo pour that water. Prodovzhuєmo zamіshuvat іsto with a stretch of six quills. From a well-mixed test, we will drink.

On top of the table, it's squishy. Kulyu z dough is rolled up at the form of the base for pizza, transferred to the form for pizza, crushed along the edges of the dough sides, now you can boldly put the filling on the pizza.

Recipe: homemade bread without yeast

To try spravzhnіy khlіb іz drіzhdzhіv at home, you need chotirist gram borosna, 50 gram of high plasticity (for example, Hercules), pis small spoons of salt, 50 gram of soft dried apricots, 50 gram of voloky mountains xіv, dvіstі p' fifty grams of yogurt, one hundred eighty grams of yogurt.

Heat the oven up to two hundred degrees. Put parchment paper on the sheet, sip yogo boroshnoy. At a large bowl, put it boroughly, what is left out, Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі, soda and strength. There, store peas and dried apricots, resolutely stir.

Now mix yogurt with milk, mix and add to dry ingredients, thoroughly mix with a knife, moreover, it needs to be cooked evenly, otherwise bread is not drunk. Give the dough the shape of bread, whatever you want (round, straight-cut thin) and put it on the deco.

On the beast, make a cut with a knife at the sight of the cross, now you can boldly put the bread near the oven for 35 strands. How to boil some bread, put yogo on a clean surface and light it by a clean towel, so that the bread is soft.

Recipe: donuts without yeast

To prepare brewed donuts without yeast, you need to work on your feet: boil two bottles of water and repeat with spoons of olive oil, immediately boil two bottles of borosna, stir until the masa becomes smooth. As if okholone, beat in eggs, two pieces of zucru and three lemon zest. Soak a spoon in oil, take three pieces of dough, dip the skin of the dough into boiling olive oil, diluted half with boiling fat or goose fat. As soon as the donuts are rummaged, put them on the grate over a blotting paper, then put the donuts on a dish and sip the zukr or pour the syrup on the beast.

To prepare tsієї stravi you need two spoons of olії, two bottles of borosna, chotiri eggs, butter for lubrication (half with goose fat or pig fat), lemon zest and two pieces of zucru.

Recipe for pie without yeast

Schob Pozotuvati Piriki with apples without drilleys, you are in a second-hand-di-di with half a lot of Borozhnaya, the upper grams of vertical oil, one egg, two teaspes of the tsuke, two-third-thirds of the little spons Solі, one hundred and one-year-old grams of source, soda the tip of a knife. For the filling, take three-chotiri apples and three zucru.

Beat the egg with a mixer vershkov oil, let's move forward, until we take away the same mass. Add sour cream, soda, strong ta tsukor. Mix everything thoroughly and add one flask of borosna.

Boroshno, what is left out, ask for a glass, pour on a lot of sour cream sumish. Dalі pіdsipate borosno, scho periodically lost, zamіsіt uniformly and softly.

Primishane is divided into small parts. Cut the skin part of the shortbread, put apple trimmings in the middle of the skin shortbread, sip the beast with zucr, sharply creak the edges of the shortbread, forming pastries.

Pirіzhki need to be smeared on the rose olії z both sides, the docks will not satisfy the appetizing golden brilliance.

Pie recipe without yeast

We tell you about the recipe for cooking delicious pie with blueberries without drіzhdzhіv. To prepare this pie, you need three large spoons of zucru, two flasks of boroshn, two and a half small spoons of fluff, two teaspoons of lemon zest, three quarters of a small spoon of salt, eight tablespoons of chilled top oil, a bottle of fresh oї blackberry of milk, a small spoonful of vanilla , tsukor for obsipannya.

Let's get ready. The oven is heated up to one hundred and ninety degrees. We take a large bowl, mix flour into it, three large spoons of zucru, lemon zest, fluff and strength. Gently mix everything with butter, then add blackberry and mix again.

We drive an egg into another container, add vanilla and milk. Qiu masu weaves into boroshnyana sumish and mixes well. I sip on top of the borosh table, put on it a mass and zamіshuєmo uniformly thick. We will form a dough shortbread, sob a couple of centimeters smaller than the shape itself, in a way the cake will turn out. The shortbread is cut into ten or twelve tricot shmatochkiv. We cover the form for the pie with foil or parchment paper, smear it with olive oil, carefully put the shreds of the pie there, smear it with a fluffy egg and sip with zukr. Vipkaєmo until ready, whilin twenty twenty five five.

Lavash recipe without yeast

For the preparation of spravzhny lavash without vikoristannya drіzhdzhiv you need pіvkіlogramma boroshn, a third of a small spoon of salt, one bottle of water.

Otzhe, cook our yeast-free pita bread like this. Zmіshuєmo sil | salt | z|iz| flour | boroshnoy |, we add water to them and mix it uniformly. Quietly we can twist, but elastic. Razdіlyaєmo іsto into parts and dermal part rozkochuєmo in the form of a thin shortbread. The leather shortbread was laid out on a good decor deco, in the front, slightly bouffant. Vipkaєmo lavash at the roses up to one hundred and ninety degrees of the oven, close to five or eight hvilin.

Or you can not divide the dough into small pieces, you can break all the dough into one great cake, lay it down, depending on the purpose for which you need lavash.

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