The lad is kissing hair. Kiss in life what does it mean

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We don’t think about it, we often exchange kisses in everyday life. During the day we cherish the children, smacking mother, tata, sholom "renew instill" to friends at the time, clinging to our vihovantsya.

Let's go in a different way to the right, if a lad kisses us, or a lad sympathizes with us. In the head, one sees the impersonal food: What does it mean? Am I more or less alone for someone else? Why did you kiss me on the forehead or cheek? What is the meaning of all these potions? You will be right in asking them.

Be a kiss in your own body as a coded message, as if showing feelings and emotions, as if a person is close to you.

Ale persh lower go to decoding the meaning love kisses, Let's find out how the stink stinks in other species.

Classification of packages

  • chanoblivium vkazuє on a deep povva people. Kiss the hand, or it is easy to touch the lips with the parts of the body.
  • disputes show close relations between the members of this family. Ring out kiss your cheeks and forehead, kiss your lips more, accompanying kisses with hugs.
  • mischievous appointments for children and creatures. Vyslovlyuyuchi nizhnі pochutya, children kiss on the cheeks, nose or forehead. Until the creatures are often simply squeezed by their cheeks, or they easily poke their lips.
  • friendly demonstrating pretense to people without any sexual implication. Ring in the presence of friends, or girlfriends kiss in shock, sometimes in lips.
  • repeats seems to be friendly or easy flirting. Yogo sing on the vіdstanі, kissing your lap and blowing on it in the direction of the kisser.
  • Hollywood popular in the world of the world, if two individuals kiss each other while kissing, imitating a kiss.
  • love, which seems romantic, passionate, like a woman and a man. IN love notes kiss different parts of the body. The meaning of such promises can be looked at.

in ruin

A kiss in the face of equal recognition in deep sympathy, or inspire love.

Variations of this type are impersonal, and skin from them may have its own sensation.

  • Light dotik lips talk about those people who show sympathy and inspire for the continuation of romantic holidays.
  • Kiss on one lip talk about love between partners.
  • Lower, warm-hearted and amiable kissє prelude to intimacy. You are comfortable at once, and you trust one to one.
  • Kiss for biting lips natyakaє on bazhannya cholovіka panuvati over you or talk about zagostrennya predilections.
  • Kiss with open lips there is clearly a sexual subtext. Vіn duzhe befits people and signals about the woman's readiness to continue recording in an intimate setting.
  • Kiss with my to talk about the strong and passionate passion of partners and the perception of physical closeness. Ale at the cob stage french kiss can become a good reversal of a bet on sympathy and readiness to collapse far away.
  • Kiss with closed lips pointing out to those partners who are admired one to one. But if family bets kiss like that, then such a promise to talk about singing emotional closeness.


If you see lips on your shoulders, it means that a person wants to deliver you a reception of emotions and support each other.

wu shiyu

It is important to stand in front of a calm and sensitive kiss on the neck. But know that when you are kissed, the lad kisses you in the whole part of the body, you will tell you about your sexual desire and checks, that for kisses you get more.


If a man kisses or lightly smacks his lobes, then he will ask the woman to join in a love game. Sound a kiss in this region to become a part of the prelude before the nearness.

in shock

Like a young person kissing you in shock, gently hugging and trembling by the hand, then your gesture means that for him you are not just a kohanka, but also a good friend.

I hide

As if the lad kissed his cloak, it means that he is worried about you, he feels a bit of evidence and wants to challenge you.


If you took away such a person’s kisses of this kind, then wine can be distinguished as an expression of tenderness and turbot. Kissing on the forehead, your love is nibbling, which is preparing you to oppose, protect and protect you from everything in the world.

POceluthhead-on. I didn’t kiss people in any way, as I categorically do not like kissing. Without a doubt, it is laid down in the program for the development of a person, for the one who, from the very people, starts kissing us. Kiss - non-verbal communication. Vіn conveys the greatness of the number of thin reflections of our feelings, like decals, it is easy to say with words. Better one kiss, less than a hundred words!

Serednovichchya. Italy. A man of goiter will make friends with the girl, as if kissing her in public. It's like a shame that we are not in the middle of the century and we do not live in Italy. At the same time, mothers don’t kiss just in the face of happiness, and earlier, Serbian women, with a kiss, protected the newborn people, they don’t kiss in the face of pissing.

It is marvelous that the older we become, the lower we begin to kiss. And now the famous Russian group "Viagra" sings about those who "Which is greater than love, it is lower than kisses ..."

Ni, I will not write about grown-up pocilunka. Some people trapleyaetsya so that the poses become too "grown up", too "put in", too foldable. I will not tell you how to kiss your beloved people. And in any case I don’t want to read people, where, how and in any way I need to kiss women. Ale, I really want to tell you about a kiss ... on the forehead.

meaningkiss, which means a kiss on the forehead? New kiss on the forehead?

Qi kisses on the forehead of the skin otrimuvav us in childhood. Mostly, if my mother checked the temperature. Then we were kissed for a smart behavior in the cholo or in the cheek. And then we become more mature, and a kiss on the forehead sounds more and more in our life.

Lad, man kiss on the forehead. New?

An American journalist, Christopher Morley, knows that high heels were previously found by the woman herself, kissing her on the forehead like a half-moon. Cіkavo, if so, then for what reason did they only kiss on the forehead? I don't believe that only through growth.

A kiss on the forehead can be appreciated, we will spare sexuality. However, knowing deceitful people know how important such a valuable kiss is for a woman. Such childish potions enchant and enchant. But don’t fight, dear girls, there are few known calls, and to that, a kiss on the forehead can be respected and interpreted as a father’s kiss, which means that they protect you and talk about you. Kiss on the forehead - kiss of the patron. Most often, men kiss their wives on the forehead, if they are bad. And to shy away with the words: “Well, don’t worry, little one. Everything will be good!"

"Kiss on the forehead" - a film was shot in Argentina!

You won't believe it, but there's a movie about that contract! In Argentina in 1996, the filming of the film “Kiss on the forehead” (Besos en la frente), directed by Carlos Galettini, was filmed. Not the most popular film, but marvel at yoga varto. And at the same time in Italy, in the country, where one loves kissing so much, after adopting a law, one cannot kiss a lady's mitten without a haircut. Say, you can’t just be like this! Duremno. One 65-year-old Neapolitan was sued for trying to kiss a young lady. Irrespective of those that the lady dangled from the hands of the ladies' man, kissing the finger of the mitten of youmu is still far away. For which I paid 25 million lire. Axis, what to rob people of ignorance of the law! It was necessary to kiss the beauty on the forehead, then I would not have had a chance to chat with the judges. Kiss on the forehead in Italian legalizations. For the whole kiss in Italy, you, dear people, do not sue. Ale not varto robititse in Iran. In Iran, not only hot men can punish you for such a childish kiss. In this country of fences, whether there are physical contacts-dotik, people and women, they don’t change with the slave, or the controversy is close. For a kiss on the forehead, you can take 74 batogs. The same punishment was asked by the Islamic clergy of Yazd, for Gohari Keirandish. The star of Iranian cinema in a twist of happiness, at the hour of the urochist presentation of the head prize for the best film of rock, was celebrated and kissed the forehead with a smile, then squeezed the hand of the directors of the film. Fortunately, the judges showed condescension, and, after that, as Keirandish brought a public rebuke, they replaced the prochukhanka with wise punishments. Long live the Iranian court, so be moving, the most humane court in our world!

Magic - kisses on the forehead. What does a kiss meanin the forehead from the point of the dawn of magic?

In magic, vvazhayut that kissing on the forehead of a kokhan is not possible in any way. To that tse "stop kissing" and such a kiss of po'yazanyam z pohovannyam. Magicians sing that only mothers can hang around their child. Singingly, the chakluni forgot to say about those who cannot be kissed with filthy thoughts, so as not to harm the kokhan. Navit in fairy tales with a kiss to destroy the charms of chaklunism. New kiss on the forehead? The forehead is one of the energy centers of people. As soon as you hit the center, you can get a positive result. Kiss and invest in the program, thoughts about your love, all your feats to the people and hope in the light and the radius of future happiness. So the priests shy away, they don’t cry at the hour of baptism.

Kiss on the foreheadcrazy man! meaninga kiss.

Kiss on the forehead of a loved one, but slay it with love and good thoughts. Kiss Yogo on the forehead like you are a mother, like you are seeing a child to school. Call mom kissing on the forehead and saying low: “Be a wise woman! I love you.". Mami's lower kiss and mami's words go like a pure heart, like a sovne kokhannya and maternal turbot. The more often the mother kisses the child, the more happy the child. So with the person. You don’t need nastanov, you’re already a great lad. Kiss Yogo on the forehead, with thoughts about those, how much you love Yogo, and indulge Yogo for good. I will be watching you and your good thoughts. I am impressed that I will give you a laugh and a good kiss. I will never suspect you of a little love spell.

Cholovik or lad kiss on the forehead.

Wealthy people do not deserve a kiss on the forehead, neither in their vikonn, nor by age before them. It seems that in such a kiss it’s irritating. In my opinion, they are just people, they don’t like to be small. Not to love if the woman dominates the natives. Otherwise, they simply don’t have a beautiful woman’s forehead that wants to be kissed. Aje a beautiful woman can be kissed inexorably. A kiss on the forehead is condescending. And if your person does not like such n_zhnost, then kiss yoga before going to bed or at the moment of yoga awakening, do not kiss in the very center of the chola, kiss closer to the crown. You won’t repair the opir wine strongly, but you can pass on your positive energy of love to him. It has long been established that at the hour of sleep, a person without interruption accepts, be it third-party information. Kiss so that the stench knows about your spiritual love.

It's a pity, don't start a kiss on the forehead to bring joy. Even more often such a kiss trapleyaetsya for an hour goodbye. At the end of the vіdnosin. Directly, like a killer, like a shy control shot on the head, so do the lovers kiss on the forehead with the words: “Forgive me. I'm going."

Ale, let's not talk about the bag. Ісnuє 2 see the intuitions: if you are loved by the body, and if you are loved by a person. The colors seem to be not similar, but the stench brings satisfaction. And satisfaction is so important. And just as you have the ability to kiss only on the forehead, kiss. Don't mess around!

People long ago called to hang their hearts out for the help of the lower dots. kiss - shortest way transfer your emotional state and reduce ruinous stress. The very crying of the people so wants to hug and squeeze to himself, to silence. At the moment of emotional discord, you will need the most in the world. Potsіlunki become different: the deacons of them speak romantically, they talk about passions, and the third - about the lower and quivering attitude. If a lad kisses a girl, then at least tell about those who won’t baiduzha. On another occasion, such a moment would simply not win.

Different services indicate to us those people, as at the moment there is a charge for you. It is customary to respect that a friendly smack in the cheek is showing sympathy, so everything is taken by itself. means love. Deyakі young girls mrіyut, as it happens with them, savor the licorice podіya. Kiss in the eyes of a see-saw parting. Vіn zazvichay suprovodzhuєtsya deakim turmoil and tight in the look.

The kiss of the lady's hand demonstrates the gallantry of the gentleman, yogo namir buti is great. Sound so the lad shows his fearful interest in the companion. Knowing and povaga іnоdі vyslovluє If you want to think about the rest of the girls, it's the least, so the guilt is neutral. live? Let's try it out!

Psychology of the Order

The dots of the lips to the shkіri are always crying out for the reception. Moreover, in both participants in the process. The psychology of the sequence is such that the opponent is blamed for a strong reaction. If a person is not like you, then obov'yazkovo vіdpovіst the same, and you will not simply accept the gift of messages. In most of the moods in mutual dots, they awaken sexual desire in partners. In addition, the kisses are ringing nervous system, Utvoryuyut emotional connection between people. themselves in their own right. It is noted that people, endowed with kindness and respect, live less and suffer more.

Lower feel

Lives - this is a special zone of the human body. You can call it intimate, but not all of you allow yourself to be kissed in such a place, but only the closest, the other half. At the lower part of the tuba, impersonal nerve endings are rotting, for this there is great sensitivity. A kiss in life means high foot trust between partners.

Trembling dotik until the next month, they can hang out the lower feelings, like asking to be humbled. Often after such caresses, there is a trace of negativity in love. Explanation in your feelings zmіtsnuє trust and mutual understanding between two people.

close proximity

If a lad kisses a girl in life, you should always tell about those who want to have sex with her. The lower part of the tunic extends until people just don't hang around like that. If there is a closeness to a specific representative of a beautiful state, then a young person, as a rule, will behave in a bold and bold manner. Such dots can be a provocative action, directed to the awakening of the partner program.

The closeness of some of the floorings is stronger than that of a person's rightful addiction. Kissing the neat tummy of your kohanoi maiden can be even lower and quivering young women. In the case of partiality, a young person often ceases to control her actions. Whether it be a kind of kiss, it may live only a close friend, a kohana person. Even though there is nothing more than goiter-spewing sex and nothing more, then the girl is unlikely to allow herself to be tormented by such a rank.

Bazhannya mother child

Kiss in the life of a building turn of sight, or we wish to have a baby. A loving couple in an hour can take away priceless knowledge of mutual relations, people begin to understand one of the same words. If a person is a healthy woman, it can mean not only a sexual desire, but also it is possible to become a father of a child. Mabut, tse same lower dotik, like only maybe buti. Similar subtext means lower and not every couple is so kindly sympathetic and wise to one another.

The birth of a mother to a child is one of the strongest in a person. Aje navit with unfriendly minds, the possibility of a baby appearing in the world does not happen to anyone. The people have such an example: if a person kisses the tummy of a squad for a three-time hour, then soon the vacancy will come. This practice is suitable for couples, for months and years they cannot conceive a child.

Batkivsky instinct

It’s not surprising, a kiss in life can demonstrate motherly or fatherly feelings. Looking even more quivering and outrageous. So fathers kiss their little one. The stench pushes their lips down to my soft tummy. A child sounds like such children cheerfully, louder and radiant.

The Batkiv instinct is for a woman, and for a man. Mom and tato in the outside world try to protect their little one from the outside negative impacts. A kiss in life from the point of view of psychological science appears in this way as a kind of zahisniy element, which helps children to take positive and joy of life.

replace visnovka

In this rank, if we kiss close people in live, tse means the high steps of trust and closeness, as it was formed over the entire period of the vіdnosin. Dotik in the intimate area does not have a sexual subtext, it only expresses lowness and openness.

Greetings to all, our beloved readers! Today, in our article, we will consider you, as if you see kisses. What do the different kisses mean. How to hang your heart out with a kiss. I yaky hooving sense carry kisses.

Sexologists stverdzhuyut - skin kisses carry hobbies sens! Find out what all kinds of potions mean!

Meaning of a kiss in the lips, forehead, cheek

Zvіdki took a kiss - unreasonably. Nemov Vіn іsnuvav zavzhdy. Vcheni come up with naming theories, now a kiss is needed. Cіkavіshe all sound one theory, scho pocilunok po'yazaniya z priyom їzhi. The sensi have an organism to love їsti, and with a kiss, “think” that one is resented. І zastryuє all the nerves, schob rozkustuvat gusto and wrestle with "їzhi" all the melancholy.

So tse chi nі, but scho smoky receptors pop up in the pot, that's for sure. And sometimes it becomes easier to feel hunger. So do not be surprised that there is an hour for a kiss, especially a deep one, and sometimes you start to growl alive! and as if they were kissing, on the street, or on TV, the sleen was vibrating. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya not in the form of hvilyuvannya, but in the form of reflexes related to the hedgehog.

Kissing is not enough to talk about the kisser, the one who bestows kisses on us is uninformed, but seems too sensitive. The first axis means a kiss, if a lad kisses his kohana, otherwise, you don’t get yoga.

Kiss on the cheek

This is one of the greatest promises in the life of a person. The cheeks are soft, lower, their lips stick out. І tse kiss is more outrageous. If a wine is a necessity (as a form of a wedding in a collective, for example), then a wine is more swishy, ​​formal, cold. Who ciluє i ciluvav often becomes an unacceptable whole process.

In a different way of wine, look like a change of legs. If a lad presses his lips tightly to yours, or smacks a little, then the wines are simply blind to you. Literally - if you want to know you, so that we will never be separated from you. It is especially noticeable in children - the stench often bites the cheek when kissing. This kiss is an instrument of love without any pressure on sexuality. Suitable for public places.

Kiss in nis

For real intimate kiss. Nіs pіdsvіdomo priymaє yak dosit negіgієnіchny ob'єkt. And if this kiss is taken, then the partner gives an understanding that he accepts you like that, like you, without embellishment. Vіn mayzhe no one vyklikaє predilections - tse іnstrument demonstratsії trust. Not suitable for public places.

Kiss on the forehead

Namely lower, and Batkivsky, and love at the same time. This is a tool for showing zakhist and turboti. Ale, in the minds of Russians, they associate with goodbyes, you can remember forever. That's why it's rare to win. Vin calls out a little bit of intimidation from the kisser, and a little bit of awakening, overwhelmed by the richness. Trapleyaetsya only between close people. Suitable for public places.

Kiss on the neck

Tse vzhe vіdverte statement about greed. Tsіkavo, scho cholovіki vіddayat perevaga kiss in the neck, to show that they want to have sex, lower in the lip. And like a man diligently kiss in the neck, but the girls ignore the ruins, it’s better not to love you for all the wines, but just want to. Well, otherwise you don’t know that it’s necessary to kiss the whole girl, and not just her! The axis of the kiss in the mouth is often richer for the lad - an instrument of love. Before the speech, a kiss in the neck is not suitable for public functions.

Kiss on the hand

The lower, rich-faceted and ancient kiss. You can give yoga to a kohanіy, mother, idol, ryativnikov. Vіn shows valor and hoarding, vdyachnіst. Suitable for public places.

As if a lad kisses the hand of a kohanoi without a dent, it means that the wine is written by her, groaning. And as soon as I bite my finger - I plan to kill my maiden forever. Another opportunity to talk about the garniture and high internal culture of the people, and the romanticism of nature.

Kiss on the mouth

This kiss of the flooring is different, that in the "Kama Sutra" a whole chapter is assigned to you. Vіn mіtsno uvіyshov navit vіdоі vіdnosini. Tse and vital smack - basically this is how women say goodbye. And just recently smack and people, troch more than a hundred years ago - as a sign of reconciliation, or the hour of laying down the contract. Lovers smacking playfully in public - it's not even decent, but it's permissible. All other variances are guilty in a strictly intimate environment!

The lower kiss of the lips without a movie is more than zbudzhu. From mine - so vzagali element to sex. For a girl, it appears, a kiss on the lips, even though it’s important, but not so serious, like for a lad. It's marvelous, but to inspire sex of deaky people vvazhayut nіsenіtnitseyu, and a kiss in the lip - vіdpovidalnіstyu. Sexologists vvazhayut that the reason for this is the same reflex їzhi. Movlyav, the lad supposedly “want to take” the girl, be angry with her, so that they would no longer be separated. That is a significant kiss. And often the girls themselves act as the initiator of the first deep contract.

How to kiss correctly

The meaning of the order can be seen as an invasion of a special space. Possibility to please a person as close as possible. Whether a kiss is to blame but atmospheric. Viraz of the eyes, the mime is guilty to talk about your goals for the night - showing pogo, turboti, passion or formalities. From stone faces, pull the “proboscis” of tightly closed lips - it means to inspire a close person.

If the girl in the eyes of the lad looked at all her girlfriends, then the wines will be respected no more honestly. And if a lad kisses a girlfriend in the eyes of his maiden, then she will be sung in yoga for the sake of it.

For a yakіsny potsіlnku - be it - you need freshness. When approaching the bagan people, they see offensive odor no one wants a body. So bathing, not a sharp light perfume, clean clothes and fresh breath obov'yaskovі. І stop є fast food and drink soda water. Through them, the smell of filth from the mouth, the sharp smell of pet and live, with a kiss, you must grumble loudly!

What do kisses mean? visnovki

Now you know what the kisses mean, and what a sense of smell the stench is. A person may not be able to understand why he chooses that other kiss. And now you can “read” Yogo Namiri, appreciating Yogo Kiss more than anything!

Share your feelings through a kiss! Good day to you!

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