The world's largest bird.


It’s really cool that the ostrich is translated from walnut as a “camel goblin.” The fatherland of ostriches is the African continent, which has been going on forever, as it is believed that before Africa the stinks were lost from Asia. Before the ice age

great bird

delayed in the snowy part of Europe (in the snowy part of India and in China).

Nina’s sphere of residence has expanded greatly.

This great exotic bird is well known to many people.

The heads of other closely related bird species, the rhea, were brought to the ostriches.

However, they must be placed in other nearby pens.

In connection with this today there is a single species - the African ostrich.

Well, that’s the name of the ostrich, the rhea and he lost his old name (American and Australian ostriches), although the stench does not indicate the current status of these species.

Whatever the case may be, the largest bird is the African ostrich.

It’s great that ostriches take practically first place in the world for their fluidity and vivacity among the long-haired land animals.

They will now develop speed when running up to 50 km/year and run without a step close to the ground.

If necessary (if necessary), the speed can be increased up to 90 km/year (over a shorter distance).

The greatest flying bird, the albatross

Let the ostriches hesitate, but only in small groups.

Rarely, they can create great threats - up to 50 individuals.

They can often be caught grazing alongside zebras and various antelope species.

The country has a hierarchy and does not have a stable disposition.

Birds of the so-called high rank lay their necks and tails high, the weak ones are buried.

Description of the appearance of an ostrich

The majestic, unparalleled size of birds, the size of an ostrich immediately matches the eye.

The height of this great giant is not compromised by the great horse.

The length of the tips of the paws to the very top of its head is 1.8 to 2.7 meters, and its weight is on average 50-75 kilograms.

And males weigh up to 131 kg.

Even long legs become a large part of the bird’s entire height.

And the head corresponds to the size of the body, even small.

The largest bird on earth has the size of a brain, but does not exceed the size of a hairy pea.

This size is likely to achieve a low level of intelligence and indicate the primitiveness of these giants.

The ostrich is a bird that does not fly.

They are characterized by weakly developed thoracic muscles and a non-pneumatic skeleton.

The ostriches are clearly at fault for this.

The most plumage of African ostriches is the coat, wings and tail, and the neck, head and upper part of the long legs are covered with short down.

There is a large lush on the lower part of the legs.

The males of these birds are larger than the females and have dark brown spots with white ends on the wings and tail.

The females are drab, gray-brown barred.

Carnage species can also be differentiated by the color of their paws and work.


Ostriches are active during the day, and they smell every day and night.

During a good night's sleep, birds lie on the ground with their necks stretched out, and during waking hours they sit with their heads raised on their necks and their eyes flattened.

The largest bird, the ostrich, is bad, but it is careful.

During the feeding hour, birds often raise their heads and look at all sides.

Look for objects that are collapsing at a distance of up to a kilometer.

Just as an ostrich senses insecurity, it immediately appears, not allowing closeness to the enemy.

When it’s time to run fast, you can turn your head sharply, without changing the speed.

You can also lie down calmly on the ground.

The long-standing Greek knowledge of the teachings of Pliny the Elder asserted that ostriches hug a small head for a long time, sewing in a tea garden, allowing that no one can mark them.

And what about family life in the ostrich and yak?

The largest bird is carefully placed before the family, the bird is hatched.

Especially male ostriches are big daddies.

The stinks carefully protect the young from the huts and protect them from the intensely scorching sun, the crooked wings cracking over the nest.

They have their own devils and their chicks are very friendly and live happily. It’s such a great moment. When two families meet, the ostrich chicks immediately unite into one group and are never separated.

This behavior often leads to conflicts among the fathers, so that some of them (males) respect other people’s babies as their own. There appears to be a battle between them, and as a result, the entire group of babies is taken away from itself. Ostrich chicks mature in only two years, and state maturity reaches approximately 3-4 years.

The average life expectancy of ostriches is about 30-40 years, and in captivity it can reach 50 years.

Chicks can be attacked by animals such as lions, leopards and cheetahs.

Ostriches grow on farms in many parts of the world, especially for the sake of feasting.

Its skin, one of the most valuable ones, is used for the production of various viruses.

Ale, unimportant at all, the scarecrow is a charming bird, with impressive “faces” and funny ears.

Then the size of this whole thing is important - the wing span of some representatives can reach 2 meters.

It’s true that the women in this room spend most of their time doing business.

If you like to know how to fly silently into the ashes of the sky at night, you can truly believe it.

True, misfortune affects all other living creatures: rodents, cauldrons, hares.

This is different: the scarecrow is a marvelous butt of adaptation. You can live like in deep forests, and on the borders of the polar stake. There is only one thing not to love - the closeness of human life and the territories it has developed.

Therefore, the habitat of these marvelous birds is constantly changing.

Condor - the soul of the Andes

As you know, what is the greatest flying bird, then the axis of the story is the Andean condor.

The wingspan of this giant wing reaches up to three meters.

The weight of an adult male can weigh 110 kilograms while growing to 2.3-2.5.

It’s not surprising that the ostrich doesn’t fly.

Then it runs miraculously - with speed up to 100 kilometers per year.

Eggs can also be eaten, and even their eggs can reach up to a kilogram (what eggs!).

For the dressing – a portion of a medium chicken egg – 50 grams.

The hostile qualities of ostriches were quickly appreciated by people, and now they are actively growing on farms.

External meat is very expensive - it is lean, low in cholesterol.

There’s nothing to say about eggs – the scallop is used in applied arts for making souvenirs and home decor items.

And ostrich fluff is already worth a lot of money.

The skin is going to be used for haberdashery.

Lost Bird.

Before speaking, their relatives – cassowaries, are also record holders.

The most important thing for them is flight.

Their wings are very short, but collapse freely at the shoulder angle, which is why in the hollow of their ends they describe a hem.

With their help, hummingbirds can hover smoothly, and also fly not only forward, like normal birds, but also up, down, and back.

But people fell in love with them most for their brilliantly colorful feathers.

It’s true that we fell in love with the appearance of the decoration, the panel, and the other lovely little things. Through this and at once, a number of species of these crits will be lost from the Book of Reds. And then, like a bird, they started to hear a banal little thing - what a miracle and wonder it was.

It stinks and flies.

The ranking of the largest birds on Earth is topped by a representative of the penguin genus - the Imperial, whose weight varies from 40 to 45 kilograms. When a human grows up to 122 centimeters. As a rule, you can catch a unique bird that is not released until the tides, including in the ice of Antarctica.

Among the top 10 giant birds is the curly pelican, whose weight ranges from 12 to 14 kg. In some cases, the size of mature individuals reaches 180 centimeters. It’s easy to say that pelicans are one of the largest waterfowl in the world.

As far as the hellish ashes, here they were left with nothing more than a place.

  • To my respect, I deserve it
  • external look
  • pelicans: unique budova paw, krill and dzoba.
  • Due to the designated characteristics of the stench, it is not possible to enclose the water - they will spit on the milkweed.
  • To reach the largest birds on the planet, it is necessary to bring a 2.5-meter winged winged krill.

The height of the Black vulture is 140 centimeters.

The giant can be found in several parts of the Earth:

Central Asia;

wet Europe;

central Africa;

Pivnichna Africa; mountainous parts of America. albatrosses, of which the mandarin albatross is the largest.

It weighs up to 12 kg and eats squid and fish.

Also drink a lot of salt water.

Most of the time, this giant wanders through the ocean winds and floats on the surface of the water.

In this manner, it is important to stay on land.

During the breeding season, albatrosses establish colonies on various distant islands.

9. Mute swan

This bird easily grows up to 180 cm and can weigh between 8 and 13 kg (other individuals can weigh up to 22.5 kg), which includes up to ten of the largest birds in the world.

The mute swan is very hot, thin and long-lasting. It helps birds find food under the surface of the water, since swans mainly eat mosquitoes, aquatic plants, and also other fish.

5. Great, ancient rhea

The great flightless bird is endemic to Western America and reaches up to 140 cm. The great rhea can weigh up to 27 kg.

Birds fly even great wings, which are used to balance the body during the rush, and also to change direction during the run.

They feed on different mosquitoes, different birds, and also lizards.

Great rheas sway for long and laboriously, as they are used for protection.

During the mating period, the male mates with several females, and all the eggs are laid in one place.

Thus, you can find over 50 eggs in one nest.

The average triviality of this bird's life becomes 10 fates. 4. Emperor Penguin Natives of Antarctica weigh about 45 kg and are also among the ten largest birds in the world.

These penguins may become more expensive for a distance of up to 80 km, according to the rumors of Ezhi.

And sometimes the birds can swim in the water and fly.

In a word, all the spaces on the planet are available to them - wind, water, land.

And it’s not for nothing that birds are respected most thoroughly.

The stench of this building quickly moves through the winds, thereby quickly expanding with light.

Pelagornis is alive before Argentai.

The bird was brought to the level of the untruthful (the birds had so-called milky teeth on both cracks).

And the wing span is a little less - about six meters.

The remains of birds today represent up to 20 million years ago.

One of the species of pelagornis was found on the territory of France, the cysts were preserved in early Miocene deposits, which are similar to this age.

The investigators found the left shoulder bone to be similar in size to a human arm.

And recently a different look was discovered in Chile.

Ostriches are the ubiquitous birds.

And it stinks not only of grown-up hedgehogs (but also flowers, sap, fruits, and pastures), but of animals (rodents, reptiles, and other animals).

In order for the hedgehog to be carefully removed from the boat, ostriches, like all birds, need to shackle other fireplaces, and then remove the scraps from the trees.

It is also possible to guess the symbols that were in the dream and dilute its main meaning.

It’s a wasteful way of living, having accustomed the feathered one to do without water for a long time.