Thank you Arabian Vimova. Muslim calendar. Lyudin and the monthly calendar

Trochi lower calculator, how to convert the date of the Gregorian calendar to a date Muslim calendar.
Uwaga! First, you need to use a calculator, you need nobility, so the result can be seen as a traditional value for a day or two. About those who are so seen, and why cannot be corrected, it is written in the statistics with a calculator.

If the offensive once again knows to supply those same food, which can be divided into two groups, but it seems as if they know the stench, but I don't know what it is. Let Yukha feed and ask quietly, but I don’t know what it seems like, I know it’s well, and then Yukhas received the trivialization of forgiveness and focus on the need for divine thinking, which is so important about how important it’s

A lot of jokes, especially Turkish Nasreddin Hoki, are also widened in the Arabic light, criticizing the fanatical statements of religious people. The anecdotes say that at the moment of the call before prayer, if everyone is going to go to the mosque, Nasreddin is going to live in the right direction, and that he’s feeding him about a wonderful behavior, he’s seen, it seems, God’s sound, come along. The story wants to be voiced, but a call is a call to hear the voice of God, and not to publicly display its evidence.

Well, now, for the tradition, the label (before the speech, everything, about mova pide lower, I and myself only know at once).

Decilka viznachen:
Sleepy calendar- A calendar based on a tropic ric.
Tropic rik- An hour's lapse between two last passages of the Sontsya through the spring rivnodennya point.
Triviality of tropical rock - 365.242196 dB
With a stretch of tropical rock, see the wintry of the rock

The Arabian philosopher al-Akkad is stverdzhu, how the history of Jufi permeates us, because it smells like people rubbish, like Freud, it stinks to serve the foolishness of the singers of the people Just think you can serve the year, some of the stench will lead to the need to turn before the establishment of the priorities of human behavior, wise, smart sense of speech, uniquely forgiven banalization. The history of Jufi is to understand a little bit of a misnomer, based on zaboons, and the intelligence of the folding of reality.

Month calendar- A calendar based on the synodic month.
Synodyne month- the period of obіgu Misyatsya navkolo the Earth with two new moons.
The triviality of the synodic month is 29.53059 dB.
With a sweep of the synodic month, the change of phases of the month is repeated.

We will use the Gregorian calendar as sleepy, while the Muslim calendar is monthly.

Corrao, History of Jufi, Palermo: Seller. Francesca Marya Corrao, professor of Arabic language and literature, Luis Guido Karli Rim, has arrived in the Arabic and Islamic light in the Italian and cultural history. Axis of mo im'ya, Arab revolution. Seredzemomorskiy crossing. Arabian MOVE to talk about 150 million people and most often my family of sevens from the point of view of the number of people who are victorious.

Hiking is a genetic classification to be referred to the group of Central Semitic movs, the order of Hebrew and Aramaic. Something to Latin in Western Europe and Arabic mov, won great inflow Move in іslamskiy svіtі, in the vocabulary of which you know you will find a lot of Arabіv. The whole method of taking over cannot be linked for several reasons. If you can’t criticize Islam, you don’t know and don’t know the classic Arabic language, if you don’t want to broaden the Islamic language, then you don’t widen it correctly. Ale Zhoden is a Muslim who would not be able to wait, so many of them would not be happy with Arabic language, not even thinking about the classic Arabic Arabic. At the principle, it’s ill-advised to read the Koran, as it’s not a very clear translation, the one who doesn’t care for the one that the Islamic critics can say “speak Arabic to perfection”, and the Koran should be intelligent, rob a logical pardon. I am guilty of being guilty of being a Muslim. Arabic language does not appear as a matter of fact, like all other movies, it can also be shifted. For critics and epithets of Christianity, Christianity and Indianism are not guilty of Vivchati Hebrew, Greek Chi Sanskrit, intelligence of the senses of religious texts. For that, as if the Qur'an was transformed, by Elmir Kuliyevim in Russia, they were made extremist, but the Muslims thought they’d read the antiquated thought: " Meta of a skin Muslim: if you need to cleanse the criticism of Islam, the crossbar will not be recognized as correct, if it is hardened for yourself, the stench of rapt will become identical and true to the Koran.

Oscillations of the calendar of dates for the month, and the month of the month is short for the sleepy day, then the month is not tied until the time of the fate, and it is about 11 days before the sleepy calendar.
In the past, earlier, in the pre-Islamic hour, the Arabs were victorious in the sleepy-month calendar, and after the 13th month, which introduced an amendment to sleepy doom, so that misbehaving got tied up until the end of the day. However, at 631 people of our country, the prophet Muhammad fenced off to date and the Muslim ric became one thousandth. To that, for example, the month of Ramadan, the name of which in Arabic means “baking”, can be charged.

Yak the invaders have lost their sympathy to the most important land in the Arab world

The vicon is a decree with vinyatkovy summation and robbing an unreported authentic version, copies of which are violated to al-Basra, al-Kufu and Damascus, and all copies are known to be known. To this, righteous women are well-earned and protect without that, as Allah is able to protect them. Clean women of hearing, keep their closeness, if Allah and you are. And those, who are not afraid to hear, take away, then go see them at the lid and vdarish їkh! I hear you, do not joke about and against them! I was worthy of a Lipova card from Rumunia.

By the cob of numbers, abo eri (div. Davnoruska (vizantiyska) system of counting) in the Muslim calendar the date of Muhammad's resettlement from Mecca to Medini, abo Khidzhri (Hegiræ).
Days in the Muslim calendar come from the sunset, in such a rank, the end of the day before the day before 1 day 1 month 1 month from the call (Anno Hegiræ, A.H.)
In the Yulian calendar (the Gregorian calendar has not yet been built), there are 16 limes 622 from the Holy Mother of God.

The new one has a bunch of fresh meat in the hand, but it is not so easy to smell it. It’s not like that, as at Rumunia, they could have zrobiti. Ti yogo sin, and nothing can not be broken. Mahmud - the cultivation of the lad with the manners of that lower ochima. Having finished his thesis with the theater and psychodramas at Bucharest. If I turned to Egypt, I didn’t work, and Vlad of Bucharest didn’t follow the team to meet with the foreign students, in both the win and the pennies.

Mahmud is a single Egyptian, who told me to love Europe. For the last three rockets of the Baghkans, Sunset lost its popularity among Egypt. Do not be deprived of the middle common people, a little middle of young people, who have long been spilkuvali from Sunset. Apart from official goals, a system of scholarships, it will be awarded by the countries of the European Union, one of the most effective instruments of energy in the Western Europe. For a bit of rock and nadiya, the young Egyptian is much more asymmetric to the values ​​of democracy and the rights of the people, which are characteristic of the western suspension.

Traditionally, it’s important to start a new month from that moment, if Sonts’s call first sees the sickle of a young month, and it can be remembered by the Islamic clergy. In such a rank, the ear of the month can be found in the growth of the sposter, wait, the visibility is too thin. Because of the fact that the period of the beast of the Misyatsya near the Earth is approximately 29 and a half of the finish, then the month may be a vengeance for about 29 or 30 days. When there is a lack of some kind of vitriman aftermath of the day of 29 and 30, everything is hidden under the care of Misyats. If the injured 29 days did not go into the new sickle of Misyatsya, the coming day will be in the 30th day of the month, as long as it’s gone, then 1 day is a new month. Spared Misyatsya is a sacred obligation of a Muslim, so that the very same way of keeping the calendar is possible in the Bagatykh of the Islamic lands. In such a rank, the calendar, which is victorious in the Danish moment, is correct in the country for the whole month. The ear of the offensive month is not marked in advance (for the 29th day of the flow month or for the 30th day).

On the market at Kaire. Two times later, if they had a chance to protest on the Tahrir square, the Americans did not get enough of it. The democratic result of this spring was that 51% of the votes of the Egyptians were deprived of the president, as a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, a political group, based on Islam, that important social framing pidtrims for people. To the liking of the Europeans, which does not follow the development of the podіy in the region, in Kaire naiposhirenіsha dumka polyagaє in that, when the States and Europeans received the standard "Brothers-Muslims".

Yakby they stinked on both sides, if they were weak at the base, then they stinked when they got it even shitty. Through a number of irrelevant entries and the intelligence of the constitutional superpowers, Mors became unpopular in the region. It was only through the ric that the milyoni of the Egyptians walked to the street through the river, so you could ask for his presentation.

There are three tied problems, about which you can read at the Newsletter and how the land of the skin will look for your own. For example, the Saudi Arabia from AH 1419 (1998/1999) has a special committee to watch over Misyats. Deyaki of the country, for example, Turechchina, that Saudi Arabia itself, for civil (svitsky) purposes, and those who are not religious, rozrakhoyuti calendar for a few years ahead, vicorist and astronomical rules. In Turechchina, the regular rule will set the ear of a new month at the time of the month of the sickle beyond the planetary horizon at the time of sunset on the coordinates of Ankari. In Egypt, a cob of a new month will take on a day, if Misyats come in as a minimum for five khvilyn piznishe behind the Sonce.

Barack Obama wanted the “Brothers-Muslims” to control the entire region at once from Turechchino and Qatar, ”explains Ayman Khaiba, the largest and most likely deputy. Khaiba provoked a campaign for General Al-Sis, ninth President of Egypt, and vistupa against the Brotherhood.

But I don’t think we’ll rise up against Americans, because the stench is so important in the region. Ale Egyptians will be independent from the Americans, and it’s even clear. General Al-Sisi is the guarantor of the independence of Egypt from the former powers. At the same hour, economically, the out-of-town Egypt lay in the financial support of the land of the Persian outflow. At the time of the beginning of the meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the other States received dozens of dollars worth of dollars for the aid of the Kazakh military order.

Varto respect, I’ll look around at those, when Misyats’s call is about to go into the world of sunshine on the way to the west, to the Islamic land, to be around on the go, you can start the new Mysyats on the day of coming. ...

Until the cich pir be-like successful zusil from the calendar of calendars in the mizh small lands not boiled. If you want to go over the problematic of the ear of the month more, you can reconfigure the axis

Once the States have been obtained, they cannot be overwhelmed with passive glances, which will be passed on to the Egyptians by the administrator Obami. Vlada Kaire has closed the rights of the lawyers, the leaders of the opposition and the magazines, whose language is not acceptable for the people of Russia. Prayer for Ramadan in Kaire.

Manal Fattah, whose cholovik, seemingly a lawyer, has been convicted of up to 15 years in jail for protest on the streets, even if foreign diplomats don’t get enough of this cholovik’s name: I don’t want to be more robust. At the same time, we are working with earthly magazines. stink about those who visit Gazi, and about those like Egypt can help Israel. Don't worry about activism, journalism, freedom of speech, the right to protest.

Apparently, such a situation is not even better for planning, since the table calendars (divine powers) were also being repaired since the 8th century, as the astronomical rosters gave about the dates of rock. Astronomical rosary lies at the heart of many large-scale calendars and algorithms for converting dates from one calendar to another. The Kuwaiti algorithm, Microsoft's devolutions for the purpose of rewriting dates, is worthwhile. Microsoft sturgeon statistical analysis calendar data.

Enter the Takhrir square near Kaire - all the blocks from the barricade stone and the tsikh vorit. I don’t think that General Al-Sisi is afraid of the editorial office of the Washington Post, - even Ahmed Samikh, one of the activists of democracy, who is still going on outside in Kaire. In navkolishny context, with Gazoy, Irak, Sirin, Sudan and Livin in vogni, "the international grip does not mean anything here."

It is important that the uryad at Egypt has gone to the taboria for Zakhoda. Democratic ideals passed to another. Jakbi people in the whole region are just democracy, Mali b have rights and freedom, and that are more beautiful in science and in other regions, not in Europe and in America. To discover this wonderful part of the territory, which is changing one of the movable ones, and so rich in resources. Moreover, the interest of the pole is in the fact that the trimmies of us are divided and weakened, more of them could become strong competitors for them.

The calendar, which is the most popular in the Islamic world, is the most popular (civil) calendar; The risk of such a calendar starts in 12 months, the triviality of which are available from 30 to 29. The remaining twenty-nine days in leap years will take up to 30 days. Without the introduction of leap years, the average triviality of the month on the market was strictly 29.5 dB, which gave a greater pardon. Leap rocky follow the 30th cycle and fall on the 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, and 29 rock cycle. In such a rank, the skin is 30 years old to take revenge on 19 normal days for 354 days and 11 leap years for 355 days. The average triviality of rock in this rank is approximately 354.366 (6), and month 29.5305 (5), which is closer to the trivial synodic month.

Through three fateful events, the Arabian spring revolutionized Egypt to become old. Material that is developed by the National Association textile industry at Rumunia. Mostovy boards fall on Topolivnі. The small place of Argez has a door to a sewing factory. Try to know your moment and how to work, so you should definitely obey one thing. Just wondering, the life of Ceausescu crying and shouting about the global snakes, zabuvayuchi, but 50% -we are soaking on the porom high rіven Vibuttya zi schools in Egypt can not find food or other lands for a sufficient Silskoy domination, in order to increase the majesty of the population and growth. And why will Zahid be annoyed by his recent problems? Marvel at them and your own old rock. Democracy is not a heavenly hand, how to come from heaven and where you are from any problems, you have a lot of problems. Stinks voted for a new higher, less than 50%, they did not play, when Zakhid approached. Then, in the traditional Islamic dusi, the stench violated the land on a dictatorial hell, not earlier, similar to the Talib regime.

  • Ale chi rozumite vi, how does Rumunia get over these situations?
  • I naphtha mayzhe ended.
  • Pinch people on the street, or the stench may smell the power.
  • Tse bulo would not be smooth, for bulo would not say a lot, so, I want you to feel bi.
Viglyadayut yak a snack for quiet, hto bazhaє zzumіti more.

Yak vipliv from the already spoken vishche, the date is calculated algorithmically, with such a rank, the meaning can be taken from the traditional meaning for one or two days. Marvel at the table. For example, according to the tabular methods, the ear of 1437 rock could be stored for 13 or 14 or 15 June 2015, fallen into the rock. For Russia, the ear of 1437 increased to 14 zhovtnya, a specific calculator of the form 15 zhovtnya.

Calendar basics The Muslim calendar of incentives is deprived of the change of the monthly phases. Tom is in the middle of a month. Bagato ancient peoples - Babylonians, Jews, Greeks, Chinese - used the monthly calendar, and later switched to the monthly-sleepy calendar systems.

In the Bagatian lands of the Near and Middle Descent, for example, in Algeria, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, and other people, in some of the most important religions and Islam, the calendar is still stagnant, and there is no reason to be caught in the seemingly Russian

The monthly calendars are based either on 8-day periods ("Turkish cycle"), or on 30-day periods ("Arabic cycle"). Near the landowners Descend (Turechchina, Iran, Afghanistan), the calendar immediately becomes fixed, prompted for one, and the other cycle.

Misyatsi.The monthly rik of the Muslim calendar will be 12 months. Їх name that number of days is given in the table.

Misyatsi of the Muslim calendar.

Ordinal number of the month

Name of the month

Number of days

Ordinal number of the month

Name of the month

Number of days














Rabi I






Rabi II






Jumada I






Jumada II




29 or 30

To add up to 12 months until the 13th month, or even days before the last months for the weather, because of the trivial sleepy rock, it was overbearing. Vinyatka є one pre-date day in leap month rock, if the number of days increases from 354 to 355 for a young month to be trimmed near the first month of the month. A whole early day is included in ZU-L-Hidzh - the last month of rock, and only in a new number of days old 30.

In such a rank, the Muslim rіk is short for sleepy one: by 10 dB, which is a Muslim leap year, and a sleepy one, by 11 dB, as an offense to the fate of a leap year, and for 12 days, as a Muslim simple one, and a sleepy one, leap year.

To go, as soon as the current ryk for the Muslim calendar sprang up 20 birch 1969 p., Then the ear of offensive rock maє buti 9 birch 1970 p., Then 27 fierce 1971 p. thin. , from winter to autumn, late in summer, and nareshty, again turn around before spring. The axis of what in the monthly calendar is not the month of summer and winter, spring and autumn - it stinks at all times of fate. Alle tse antirohi do not flee the messengers of Islam.

Leap rock. Since the calendar of incentives is based on the "Arabic cycle", then for the purpose of the one that is the ric of the calendar, we will forgive a leap calendar, we require the number of the Muslim calendar to be divided by 30. If the surplus is in the order of the date 2, 5, 18, 10, 10, , 21, 24, 26 and 29, then the general price will be leap.

Zastosuєmo tse rule practical application. Vidomo, shho 9 birch 1970 p. the Muslim calendar has 1390 rubles. Recoverable now, chi vіn simple chi leap. If the number rises to 30, then the surplus will be 10. That will be a leap year and 355 days will be given.

As soon as the calendar of incentives for the "Turkish cycle" is established, then the establishment, which is leap year, requires the number of fate to be distributed to 8. If the surplus of the rise is equal to 2, 5 and 7, then the rate will be leap. It can be seen that the leap rock of the 8th cycle does not match the leap rock of the 30th cycle.

ChronologyThe Muslim era is called Hijra (Hijra is an Arabic word, it is transformed into "vidkochuvannya") and is tied to the settlements of the Prophet Muhammad and the first Muslims from Mecca to Medina, which came from Veresna 622 r. n. e. For the Muslim svitu khijr bula, a sign, and that in 638 p. Following the order of Halif Omar, the calendar of the month of the month was introduced and the ear of news was brought up to 622 r. The victorious moment of the whole lot is 1 Muharram, that is the first day of the first month of Muslim rock. At the pererakhunka on our turn-over, the turn-off moment comes up on Friday 16 linden 622 r. according to the Yulian calendar (more precisely, nights from 15 to 16 linden (from Thursday to Friday), the Muslims did not forget about the date, at the time of the Sontsya's call.)

Ale is the date designated here not to be introduced to the young, but to the neo-men. An exact astronomical rosary will show how young a young man was placed at four 15 limes 622 r. Art. Art.

Shifting the dates of the Muslim calendar to Gregorian and Navpaki. For a closer change of dates from the Muslim calendar to the Gregorian calendar, you can use the offensive formula:

G = M + 622 - (M / 33)

de Г - рік of the Gregorian calendar, М - рік of the Muslim calendar.

If, for example, it is necessary to know, that the number of our calendar was displayed in 1389 hijri, then having inserted the number 1389 into the formula, we can take it

G = 1389 + 622 - (1389/33) = 1969 -.

The sign "minus" will show that, from 1389 to 33, the date of death has been lost, which must be returned from 1969. From now on, we will come up with the 1389 month anniversary of the 1968 - 1969 year of the Gregorian calendar.

It is important to note that, for example, the month of the month calendar is based on the formula

M = P - 622 + ((G-622) / 32)

at the meaning of M and P, they become kolishnymi. Having completed the necessary installation, we will

M = 1970 - 622 + ((1970-622) / 32) = 1390 +.

There is a plus sign in order to indicate the date of 1970-622 at 32 to be given a fraction of the value, as it is necessary to reach the specified number of 1390. From 1970, the Gregorian calendar was displayed 1390-1391 of the Muslim calendar.

The formulas, which were criminally used, give leftover close to the date value, in no way, ± 1 pik. For a more accurate transfer of dates from hijri to our era, chi navpaki are special ways, as there is no need to be guided here. However, the necessary information can be corrected for additional special tables.

Rozmaittya calendar systems. The Muslim monthly calendar was built by the Arabs, and that was the biggest expansion in the lands of the Arab Retreat. However, it’s the smallest calendar in the lands. So, in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turechchina, and in some other lands of the month of the month of the month, there is a wider expansion of the sleepy hiju. This is a calendar system, in which the date of the spring rivnodennya is 20 hours 21 birch. Protect rakhunok at nіy is carried out as it is, as in the month hіdzhі, tobto from 622 r. n. e.

So, as the month of the month hidjri is 354 or 355 days, and the sleepy hidjri is 365 or 366 days, then the growth has accumulated between two calendars. Vona zbіlshuvalasya for one rіk skin 33 rock. Z 622 p. n. e. until 1969. The rise in two calendars reached 41 years of age: by the month of the Hijri from 20 birch 1969 p. pishov 1389, and on sleepyachny - only 1348 rik.

Most of the calendars of the hidzhri (monthly and sleepy) in the Low Countries are instantly organized and the days of the calendar, which are different types. To that, through the rosmayttya calendar systems and these particularities, one of them is represented by great difficulties and often in the form of special tables.

Accuracy of the Muslim calendar. Oskіlki stretching one 30-cycle cycle, as it was introduced when looking at the "Arabic cycle" of the monthly calendar, youngsters destroy everything by 0.012 dB, in order to accumulate less in 2500 rubles. Otzhe, the accuracy of the monthly calendar of the arch.

Why is the accuracy of the monthly calendar a challenge before the other calendar systems, for example, before the Yulian calendar, which is the least accurate? Antirochi. On the right, in that, in the Muslim calendar, the ric is not a vicon of vimogi, but it is presented to one of the main ones in the world of great advances in the hour: the fault of not being tied because of fate. To that date of the Muslim calendar, it will be deprived of those phases of Misyatsya the stench appears. To set the time for rock, you need special tables.

Why did Muhammad know how to create such a free-flowing calendar? Even before the beginning of the rich Arabian peoples, they were creeping with a monthly-sleepy calendar, in which ear of rock it was not only with a young month, but with a singing time of rock.

In one of the chapters of the Qur'an, the "holy book" of Muslims, a categorical fence is to be found in vvazati rik inakshe, like at 12 months of the month. Zhodnih obruntuvan tsy rule is not given.

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