Tests from the Russian language.

Software security

Control test on the topic “Vіdokremlenі additives”

for 9th grade students

1 Finally, you, heroes, needed to kill the robber Murakh, if his appearance was enough to calm down and subside.

2. The governor, the new ruler of yogo, was not squeezing them, he was loving young Tolochanov, but the welding of yogo with his squad was trival;

She couldn’t betray the deception and ran away from one another.

3. It was a dream.

This room, the reference room, although it was too small, but the primary room, lay peacefully within its few familiar walls.

4. Among others they talked about those who were Moor’s old age companion, a healthy and good-looking woman, who had never been away from her native village all her life...

5. That axis, not far from the joke, about two months ago, a certain Belikov, a teacher of Greek language, my friend, died in our town.

6. On the face of the deer, on the third year of the day, the arrows showed the lowest and most suitable year of life - half of the sixth.

7. My mother-in-law Avdotya Vasilievna Aksionova, who was born after marriage, was a simple unwritten “woman of Ryazan”, was admired for her deep philosophical mind...

8. They learned that our divine grandfather Petro Kirilovich was killed at his house by his illegitimate son Gervaska, a friend of our father and cousin of Natalia.

9. All sorts of fucking bedlam was going on - a pause like this after the turbulent Sabbath. 10. This pale and tending, like a porcelain figurine, is a child - in my opinion, Kava, the head of the Chamber of Commerce. 11. In the city of Moscow, this people, having immediately denied the right to life, gained sense and meaning.

12. We've arrived

beautiful days

on the river - the first days of the Chervnya.

13. Just like that, this heroic glove, people can’t help.

14. Katya, named Danilova, lost her marriage.

15. Gatchina and Pavlovsk, the residences of the Grand Duke's friends, were deprived of the Donina, uninterested in the new plans and changes, with reminders of the era of Paul.

19. My grandmother - a devout, rather romantic Catholic - loved to pick up vintage clothes in various places and then told about them.

20. As a true artist, Pushkin did not require a choice of poetic devices for his works, but for him all subjects were the poetry of poetry.

Tips for training right on the topic "Strengthening supplements"

Animal species.

2. new Vlasnik Yogo

3. reference room, even if it’s too small, but the primary room

4. the woman is healthy and stupid

5. Greek language teacher, my friend

6. half past six

7. simple unwritten “baba Ryazanska”

8. friend of our dad and cousin of Natalia

9. such a pause after a rambunctious Sabbath

10. Head of the Chamber of Commerce

11. Tsya Lyudina

12. First days of Chern

13. Tsya Bogatyreva Mitten

14. Danilova is named

15. residences of the Grand Duke's bet

16. to the peaceful Abkhaz prince

17. The princess is of similar blood

18. high-road luminosity of black light

19. pious, very romantic Catholic

20. as a true artist

Test on the topic “Reinforcement and additions”

1. By strengthened members propositions are called:

1) members of a proposition that correspond to the same member of a proposition, similar to the same food, have the same syntactic function;
2) members of the speech that are seen behind the place and intonation;
3) all members of the sentence, except that which extends the adjective.

2. A value expressed by an adjective turnover is strengthened if:

1) before the significant word;
2) after a deliberate word;
3) at any place of proposition.

3. Significant additions that stand in the way of a special borrower are strengthened when they fail:

1) before the borrower;
2) whether anyone has a proposition;
3) after the borrower.

4. The significant additions that stand before the significant word are reinforced as follows:

1) the stench is wider;
2) the stench lingers in the furnishings of no significance;
3) the stench of Uzgodzheni.

5. Addendums from YAK are reinforced, as follows:

1) how can you replace “yak”;
2) how to replace the fragments;
3) in charge.

6. Express the proposition with reinforced meanings:

1) Birds are either sleeping or dozing.
2) The road runs between two tracks overgrown with green grass.

7. Explain the setting of com in a proposition: There was a field nearby, lifeless, frowning.

1) the meaning comes after the deliberate word;
2) the meaning is reinforced in the future.

8. Explain the setting of the coma in the river: Oopleniya mislivskim vylyuvannya, I escaped through the thick chagarbush.

1) the assignment is transferred to the special borrower;
2) the primary word comes before the primary word.

9. Explain the setting of the coma in the river: Received by light, snowstorms arrived and circled around the light.

1) the primary word comes before the primary word;
2) the significance has additional significance.

10. Express the proposition with a reinforcement:

1) Zhovna, this black bird with a fiery head, here squeaks pitifully.
2) M'yak and sriblyaste, yonder was angry under the blue day sky.

11. Indicate the proposition in which a coma is required before YAK:

1) He works (1) as a technician.
2) I understood (1) yak good people, more loving, less loving people.

12. Indicate the proposition where you see words reinforced with comas:

1) I once again thought about the great road.
2) Stems that tinkle in the wind, dried grasses cover the wild steppe.

13. Indicate where you need to put the coma:

The steppe (1) then (2) the treeless and endless plain (3) left us from all sides.
1) 1, 3. 2) 2, 3. 3) 1, 2.

14. Indicate the method of expressing the meaning of the river:

Fountains resembling skull heads splashed on the water.

(V. Trenev) h

stale words

15. Indicate the method of expressing the meaning of the river:
From the loudspeaker installed above the captain's quarters, farewell sounds of the waltz filled the air.
2) (I. Grebenyuk) 1) Reinforced, unbroken meaning

Reinforced designation

, turned by the sidewalk

4) The meaning is strengthened, it is expressed with a predicate turn
16. Indicate the type of designation for the river:
Rozmov our loving rumors from the forester Vanya Malyavin, a boy of the rocks of fifteen.
(K. Paustovsky)
1) Reinforced wider than the original

2) Strengthening and expansion of additions

3) Reinforced designation, aligned with an appendage
4) Non-reinforcing and non-existent additions
17. Indicate the method of expressing the meaning of a river:
The grass, juicy, fresh, bloomed with great golden-yellow flowers.
(Z. Sorokin)

1) Reinforced designation

2) Reinforcement of the meaning, expression with elements
3) Reinforced unbroken meanings expressed by annotations
4) Strengthening supplements
18. Indicate the type of designation for the river:
(Z. Sorokin)

Before the boys arrived, the lodger from the other upstairs, engineer Gusev, was an avid fisherman.


1) Unreinforced additions
2) Reinforced meaning
3) Reinforced values, expressed by annotations

19. Indicate the type of designation for the river:

A young werewolf, with green, drooping little tails, trembled under the blows of the shave.
(V. Korolenka)
1) The meaning is strengthened, it is expressed with a predicate turn
(K. Paustovsky)
2) Reinforced meaning, expressed as an annotation from stale words

4) Reinforced, unimproved implementation

21. Indicate the type of meaning of the river: Vityuten, the special guest of our forests srednya smuha
, double more than the original pigeon.
(E. Dubrovsky)
(K. Paustovsky)
1) Strengthening and expansion of additions

2) Reinforced, unimproved implementation

4) Strengthened useful meaning, expressed as an annotation from stale words
22. Indicate the method of expressing the value of a river:
They dug a trench on the densely forested hills that stretched along the valley of the Svetloya River.
(L. Knyazev)
1) Non-renewable supplement

1. - 2)
2. - 2)
3. - 2)
4. - 2)
5. - 2)
6. - 2)
7. - 1)
8. - 1)
9. - 2)
10. - 1)
11. - 2)
12. - 1)
13. - 1)
14. - 3)
15. - 4)
16. - 2)
17. - 3)
18. - 4)
19. - 3)
20. - 4)
21. - 1)
22. - 4)

2) Unreinforced designation

3) Reinforced values, expressions with added turns

4) Strengthened and non-strengthened values, expressed by odd turns

How good do you know our native language?

Intro: Spelling and punctuation are not important to those who are impudently leaving out most of the people on the Internet. Since it is important for you to know and appreciate the Russian language, try taking the tests in the addendum “”.

Different consistency, different nutrition and a miraculous ability to challenge worldly knowledge.


The main screen displays a list of available tests, of which there are 4.Ale tse poki scho, even in the upcoming updates, the rozrobnik obov'yazkovo additionally those that are already є.

1) To start testing, you need to select the level of folding, and then click on the “Start test” button.

    Are your eyes filled with deep thoughts with the power that will fill your soul?

    And the wind destroys the silence, making a noise scurrying around the dark, heaving wall.

    Here they didn’t forget the old me.

    There was a cob of linden and it was time for rock.

2) The strengthened members of the river are called:

1. members of a sentence that can be related to the same member of a sentence are represented on the same supply, which connotes the same syntactic function

2. members of the speech that are seen behind the place and intonation
all members of the proposition, except that which extends the adjective

3) Between propositions 1-4, find a proposition with a reinforced, expanded addition that requires a special borrower. Write the number of this proposition.

(1) Our blood, of course, was not drained, but still we, young and cheerful people, were sometimes very cold and hungry.(2) Ale didn’t blame anyone.

5) (3) Downstairs, on the first floor of the store, the art of art began to burn up and began to suspect the activity of the artist.

3) Reinforced unbroken meanings expressed by annotations
4) Strengthening supplements
18. Indicate the type of designation for the river:
(Z. Sorokin)

6) (4) In whose business stood an old, rambunctious painter, known in Odessa for the title “King of Viscos.” (Paustovsky K.)

, double more than the original pigeon.
(E. Dubrovsky)
(K. Paustovsky)
1) Strengthening and expansion of additions

7) 4) Between propositions 1-4, find a proposition with an expanded addition.Write the number of this proposition.

(1) I entrust from Blyskavica the word “zorya” - one of the most beautiful words of Russian language - to stand in the same poetic row.

(2) Never say this word out loud.

(3) It is impossible to reveal something so that it can be shouted.

(4) Because it is similar to that tired silence of the night, when a pure and weak sign is working over the overgrowth of a rural garden. (Paustovsky K.) Until the boys go to Gusev, work on fishing and fishing.

8) (Y.Kokovin)

Indicate the type of meaning of the river:

Vityuten, the most important guest of our middle-smooth forests, pay more for the most important blue.

(E. Dubrovsky)

Indicate a proposition in which there is no associated program.

(Punctuation marks are not placed.)

1) The new people “Riznochintsy”, even to the left, could not resist the Turgenevs with their panurist.

4) Engineer Ananiev, Mikola Anastasiyovich, was handsome, broad at the shoulders.

9)Among propositions 1-5, find propositions with a reinforced addition.

Write these propositions.

(1) There is a little boy with us.(2) He was more than nine years old, but had been able to bear the nights in the forest and the cold of the autumn world well.

(3) Much more beautifully for us, grown-ups, having noted and revealed everything.

(4) Once upon a time, we grew up and loved his guesses.

(5) We couldn’t, but we didn’t want to let him know that it was not true.

(Paustovsky K.)
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
Write these propositions.

(1) Katerina Petrivna knew that Nastya had no time for her now, grandma.
(2) They, the young people, have their own affairs, their own unconscious interests, their own happiness.
(3) You can’t be more prettier than that.
(4) That’s why Katerina Petrivna rarely wrote to Nastya, but thought about her all day, sitting on the edge of the sagging sofa so quietly that Misha, fooled by the silence, ran out from behind the stove, stood on her hind legs and sniffed the stagnant air for a long time, lifting her nose .

(Paustovsky K.)
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
eleven). Between propositions 1-7, find a proposition with a reinforced addition.

Write the number of this proposition.
(1) The evening before the battle, the army commander spoke by telephone with his division commanders.
(2) From the skin, having accepted the evidence that the preparation before the attack is completed or will be completed before the start.
(3) I wish everyone good luck, but not completely believe everything.

(4) Therefore, the officers quietly attacked the command posts of the units.
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
Choose a proposition in which a hyphen will not be placed between the program and the name.

Select one of 4 audio options:
1) The beshketnik shepherd loudly blew his shepherd’s pipe.
2) Axis and a beautiful spring has come to us.
3) This rich man is one of the most beautiful images of Russian folklore.
4) Old Yegorovich is completely out of sight, looking sharply at all sides.

Zavdannya #4
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
Choose propositions that will be reinforced by the programs.

1) A passionate lover of painting, Egor will definitely go ahead with this exhibition.
2) He is a master musician and at the same time engraved a miracle.
3) Friendly cooker Avdotya ran across from front to back.
4) The good warrior general and rightful strategist thoughtfully looked at the map.

Zavdannya #5
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
Take a look at the results of the words presented below.
Apparently, the addition is not supported by a hyphen in the form of a compound word, since between the two words there are the words “read-view” (one concept is broader, and the other narrower).

The addendum is also not supported by a hyphen, as it can be replaced with a single-root appendix.
Indicate pairs of addendums and names that do not require a hyphen.
Select from 4 options:
1) little hedgehog
2) boletus mushroom

3) bird owl
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
4) Svisloch River

The addendum is also not supported by a hyphen, as it can be replaced with a single-root appendix.
Zavdannya #6
Division signs are correctly placed in rivers

1) Forester Andriy Zhovtov, a weather-beaten old man, sitting on a bench in his hut.
2) Having greeted us, the five forester stood up and laughed.

3) The dispatcher, who went up to the engineers, was a rare blush and a growing girl, and gave him some tea.
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
4) Nahab and cynic for the nature of Innocent, naturally, has the most praiseworthy rank.

The addendum is also not supported by a hyphen, as it can be replaced with a single-root appendix.
Zavdannya #7
Identify the propositions that will give you mercy.
1) The German spygun, Otto Meirlinck, was covered with a lie yesterday.
2) Murka-Kishka gave birth to cochinets in the basement.

3) Warrior-Arsen achieved a great feat on the battlefield.
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
4) I sing the unknown, I don’t dare listen to it.

Select one of 4 audio options:
Zavdannya #8
Read propositions with programs taken from literary texts.
Identify the proposition in which the divisional signs are incorrectly placed.
1) Misfortune is a faithful sister, hope to awaken joy and merriment in the gloomy dungeon... (A. Pushkin)

2) And the intelligent raven bird came to sit on a tree for the wealth itself (N. Nekrasov)
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
3) The wind, the destroyer of silence, making noise, hobbling at the dark, heaving wall (M. Lermontov)

4) Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva... (A. Pushkin)
Zavdannya #9
Speak correctly.
3) daily supplement
4) the supplement is not supported

I have a summons for the big man Ivanov.
__ We are watered by the river, the Moscow River.
__ She's beautiful, everyone knew that.
__ Syn engineer Ljosh easily understands any technology.

Zavdannya #10
10). Among propositions 1-4, find propositions with a reinforced addition.
The division signs are placed correctly in the rivers.

The addendum is also not supported by a hyphen, as it can be replaced with a single-root appendix.
1) At the end of the nineteenth century, Denisov Uralsky, already a well-known artist in stone, had already started on pennies.
2) They went to the other end of the village, where a huge number of Red Army soldiers who took part in the war were alive.
3) The hussar regiment is flying away, the glory of all horse regiments.
4) The housewife, a woman of twenty-five, kneads dough on the table.

1) (2 b.) Versions:
2) (1 b.) Versions: 3;
3) (2 b.) Versions: 4;
4) (3 b.) Versions: 1;
5) (5 b.) Versions: 1;
6) (3 b.) Versions: 1;


7) (3 b.) Versions: 1;
