Eggplant and zucchini puree soup.


Let's talk about soup?
Let’s not forget about the coarse power of this hot source for our persecution, let’s know everything about it.

Let's choose one of the best - chicken soup with eggplant and zucchini.

Not only does the soup have a very subtle taste, it is also delicious and looks wonderful on the family table.
Moreover, this herb is fragrant, rich and life-giving.
Let's go!
You will need:
Kurka – 950 rub.
Eggplant – 180 rub.
Zucchini / zucchini - 300 g
Cauliflower – 250 g.
Cybula ripchasta - 75 g.
Sweet pepper – 240 g.
Cilantro – 30 rub.
Chasnik - 2 cloves
Gostri pepper
Dribka Chili

Turmeric – 1 tsp.

  1. Paprika – ½ tsp.
  2. Sil
  3. Sour cream
  4. Water – 3.5 l.
  5. Yak gotuvati:
  6. Cook my chicken over medium heat, under the lid.
  7. Add fresh water, add fresh water, and cook until tender.
  8. Prepare the vegetables - peel the zucchini and cut it into cubes.
  9. We clean the beef and cut it into small cubes.
  10. The clock can be cleaned and cut into the same cubes.
  11. We peel the eggplants, remove the skins and stems and cut them into cubes.
  12. Cauliflower is divided into small pieces.
  13. Place the zucchini, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower in a saucepan and pour the broth of boiled chicken meat onto them.
  14. We put a saucepan on the fire, cover it with a lid and cook it.

Sweet pepper is cut into cubes.

Boiled chicken meat is divided into fibers or cut into shreds, as appropriate, removing the skin and the skin.

Once the vegetables have been cooked, add chicken meat to the broth.

Of course, seasonal fruits are best suited for vegetable soup: they have more juice, flavor and crust.

Choose vegetables of different colors, this way the soup will be more colorful and appetizing.

For example, when preparing the ingredients before cooking, add juice to fresh zucchini and fresh green zucchini, as well as tomatoes and tomatoes.

Fresh celery, dill, parsley or green cibul will wonderfully complement the sheep tandem!

    • warehouses
    • To prepare vegetable soup with eggplant and zucchini with mushrooms we need:
    • 200 gr.
    • eggplant
    • 100 gr.
    • zucchini and zucchini
    • 100 gr.
    • mushrooms (champignons or whites)
    • 2 medium potatoes
    • 1 large tomato and 1 tbsp.


tomato mouth

little carrot

celery root

vershkova butter (can be replaced with roslinna)

sour cream (for serving)

crepe, parsley, green cibul

Pokrokova preparation

Cut the eggplants into two halves and bake in the oven until ready.

Cut the mushrooms into quarters and set to simmer over low heat.

Cut zucchini, carrots, potatoes and celery root into small cubes or into strips and fry in a little butter until light golden brown.

Add to the mushrooms, which have already been cooked for 10-15 minutes.

For example, when preparing the ingredients before cooking, add juice to fresh zucchini and fresh green zucchini, as well as tomatoes and tomatoes.

  • Salt and pepper until relished.
  • After 2-3 min.
  • Add tomato, tomato paste and liver eggplant, cut into cubes, to the soup (the skin of the eggplant can be removed).
  • Boil more khvilin.
  • Turn the stove on and let the vegetable soup sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • Serve eggplant and zucchini soup with fresh herbs and sour cream.
  • Delicious!
  • Puree soups provide energy not only in summer, but also in autumn and winter, if you feel the soup does not have a grain of ground vegetables, but a thick thickness and warmth.

This is how eggplant soup comes out.

    It has the delicate, starchy taste of potatoes, the light, earthy taste of eggplant, and the sweet and sour taste of tomatoes.

    Nutmeg peas add charm to the soup.

    Pour water over the potatoes and bay leaves so that they cover the vegetables by a couple of centimeters and allow them to boil.
    In an hour, cut into medium-sized eggplant slices.

    Fry the eggplants in a dry frying pan over high heat until golden brown.

    Don’t forget to stir the eggplant pieces so that they don’t burn.

    Place fairly chopped tomatoes there.

    Then add the chopped eggplant to the eggplant and cook until tender.

    The vegetables will be quenched by the tomato juice, becoming soft and tender, and oozing with each other’s flavors.

    Cook the vegetables over medium heat, covered for 5 minutes, until the tomatoes become soft.

    Place the stewed vegetables in a saucepan to cook the potatoes.

If necessary, add water so that it covers the vegetables.

Add butter and nutmeg peas to the pan.

Boil the soup for another 10 minutes, and then carefully blend it with a blender.

  • Adjust the thickness of the taste with additional water.
  • Bring the eggplant-tomato soup to a boil over low heat, add|add| salt|salt| and pepper for relish.
  • When making creamy soups, the vegetables that go into the storage area should be blended with a blender.
  • This can also be done with boiled eggplant puree soup, since its thin consistency allows you to avoid grinding the vegetables through a sieve.

With this type of sieve you can't miss the coarse skins of eggplants and tomatoes.

If you do not plan to grind the vegetables through a sieve, you will need to peel them before adding them to the soup.

  • To add extra flavor to the soup, you can add milk, tops, and cheese.
  • These products are most often added to the leftover soup when the vegetables have already been pureed.
  • After adding these ingredients, bring the soup to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes.
  • If you can’t earn something, you’ll quickly get stuck.
  • Eggplant puree soup is best served with croutons.
  • We won’t complain about your fresh greenery.
  • Having seasoned the grass with sour cream, you will beat it with even more tender and sieve.
  • Eggplant puree soup with chasnik

eggplant – 0.6 kg;

  • tsibulya – 100 g;
  • chasnik – 4 cloves;
  • thyme - 2-3 spoons;
  • balsamic otset – 20 ml;
  • water or broth – 0.5 l;
  • olive oil – 80 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.
  • Cooking method:
  • Peel the eggplants, cut into slices about 1 cm or smaller pieces.
  • Salt it, set aside for 10-15 minutes.
  • Clean the clock, cut into plates.
  • Remove the broccoli from the husk and cut it finely.

Rinse the eggplants under a stream of cold water.

Coat them with olive oil, removing about half of the product.

  • Add balsamic ointment and thyme.
  • Therefore, the eggplants are on the floor under the lid, stretching for 5 khvilins.
  • Transfer to the pan.
  • Heat any excess oil in a clean frying pan.
  • These products are most often added to the leftover soup when the vegetables have already been pureed.
  • Place the eggplant and the chasnik, brush the vegetables 5-7 times, transfer to the eggplants.
  • Cover the vegetables with water and broth.
  • After bringing to a boil, cook the soup for 15-20 minutes.
  • Blend in a saucepan using a blender.
  • Add salt and season the soup, boil for 2 minutes.
  • When serving the soup, you can season it with sour cream or mayonnaise, add chasnik croutons or fresh herbs.
  • Puree soup with eggplant and vegetables.
  • eggplants – 0.4 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.3 kg;

eggplant – 0.6 kg;

  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • Peel the carrots and celery roots, cut them into 7–8 mm cubes.
  • Peel the pepper, remove the stem, cut the pulp into small squares.
  • Cut the chasnik cloves into 3-4 pieces.
  • Peel the zibula, cut into small cubes.
  • Place foil on the baking pan and place the vegetable scraps in it.
  • Mix lemon juice and oil, drizzle over boiled vegetables.
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees, place the pan with eggplants in front of it.
  • Bake 30 khvilins with a stretch.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into one-centimeter cubes.
  • Boil water or broth, place bay leaf, salt and spices in the pan, place potatoes in the boiling broth.
  • Cook until the potatoes become soft.
  • Add baked vegetables and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Blend the saucepan using a blender, removing the bay leaf from the saucepan.
  • Add chopped greens and bring to a boil.
  • After cooking 5 hvilins, remove the pan from the heat.

At the last stage, you can add 100 g of melted cheese or 50 g of top butter to the soup.

Then the taste of the soup will be tender and soft.

  • Add balsamic ointment and thyme.
  • Puree soup with eggplant and cream cheese
  • tomato – 150 g;
  • leek - 100 g;
  • chasnik – 1 clove;
  • water or broth – 0.6 l;
  • olive oil – 20 ml;
  • vershkova butter – 40 g;

eggplant – 0.6 kg;

  • Provencal herbs, nutmeg, salt, spices - to taste.
  • Cut the eggplants into pieces and sizzle.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse, dry, sprinkle with olive oil, bake in foil and leave for 30-40 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.
  • Cut the chasnik and the tsybul with sufficiently shaped scraps, brush with a stretch of 5 pieces of melted butter.
  • Cut the tomato and place in boiling water for 2 minutes, then transfer to a bowl of cold water.
  • Peel and cut into cubes.
  • Add tomato cubes to the tsibul and chasnik, stew the vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Pour water over the broth, cook for 5-10 hvilins after boiling.
  • Heat the baked eggplants and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.
  • Add the eggplant pulp to the soup, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Using a blender, add the mixture into a saucepan.
  • Add salt, spices and herbs.

Cut the cheese into small pieces.

Bring the soup to a boil, add|add| sir.

  • If it starts to melt on the surface, remove the pan from the heat.
  • Puree soup with eggplant and cream cheese
  • These products are most often added to the leftover soup when the vegetables have already been pureed.
  • leek - 100 g;
  • Strava, prepared according to this recipe, comes from French cuisine.
  • Serve it with wheat croutons.
  • Diet soup with eggplant

eggplant – 0.6 kg;

  • Trim the vegetables and place them in a baking dish.
  • First soak the eggplant in salt water, rinse and dry with a kitchen towel.
  • Place the pan with the vegetables in the oven and bake them for 30 minutes.
  • Place the vegetables in a saucepan and cover with water.
  • After boiling the saucepan, cook 10 pieces of soup.
  • Rub the vegetable oil through a sieve, turn it out onto the vegetable side.
  • Add salt, spices and milk.

Bring the soup to a boil again, cook for 5 minutes|minutes| and serve to the table.

If you replace the milk in this recipe with tops, the soup will be even more delicious and lower in calories.

Eggplant puree soup has a delicate consistency, soft, yet spicy taste.

Wine is blue, ale is brown.