The capital of Lithuania is now.


Gadgets Vilnius is not the only place in Lithuania where you can step back into history. And there is not a single place that has been its capital during the course of history.

The recovery and development agency “Vilnius Relax” encourages tourists to get to know not only Vilnius, but also the other capitals of Lithuania – Trakaje and Kernavė.

The tour, as it is called, "

THREE CAPITALS ", - this is a long journey through the most beautiful places of Vilnius, which includes the entrance to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Vilnius, Kernavė) and the central capital of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Trakai Castle. Historical information about the expansion of the place

Mostly from the Old Town near Vilnius Most tourists visiting Lithuania inevitably come to the capital of the region, Vilnius, and not without reason, Vilnius is recognized by UNESCO as one of the most beautiful places in the Old World with the largest old baroque This is from Skhidnya and Central Europe. The old town, embellished by a beautiful landscape, harmoniously combines the decline of the past with its riches, science and culture.

Vilnius is the center of spiritual, cultural, religious and

The most hostile events in Vilnius were created in the Baroque style: 1604 rub. a tribute was given to the Church of St.

Casimir, which appears to have a lower part and a dome that looks like a crown; in the other quarter of the 18th century. .

The Church of St. John was built with its church, harmoniously incorporated into the architectural ensemble of Vilnius University.

From the towers on the valley there is a view of the entire Old Town.

The old town of Vilnius remembers a lot of mystery.

When you get to the courtyards, you can see the remains of old masonry, find out what the most beautiful courtyards looked like, where the Volodin nobles and nobles lived.

The Vilnius courtyards are melting away from the secret places of the towns and cities, to know what the team asks

"Vilnius Relax"

Objects that can be seen during the excursion to the Old Town:

Door to the O. Mickiewicz Museum

Budinok no.

22 (first botanical garden of Vilnius University) Interior of the Khodkevich Palace. The interior of the Patsov palace.

Door of Alumnatu.

Street Shv.

Ignoto ta Dominikonų.

Door of the Chronicler. Door to the Church of St., the department of classical philology, and the low position was seen under the life of the scholars.

In 1955, in connection with the centuries since the death of Adam Mickiewicz, the memorial museum-apartment of the poet was renovated.

The restoration revolved around the illustration “Room near Vilno, painted by Grazyna”, in the album of Vladislav Belzi “Album pamiątkowe Adama Mickiewicza” (Lviv, 1889).

The museum was transferred from the Library of Vilnius University and is part of its structure.

In 1979, in connection with the 400th anniversary of the university, which was widely celebrated, the museum was once again completely renovated; in 1983, it was formed mainly by its own exhibition.

The Hall of Philosophers, where conferences, seminars, and book presentations are held today.

Above the gate from the street in the past there was a table with images of the papal tiary (otherwise there was a relief with the initials of the tattoo and images of the cardinal’s cap).

Wide gates lead to a straight-cut representational basement, made of three-surface residential buildings with arcades instead of corridors (the later part of the arcades was walled up; on the back side the building was created later) - one of the most beautiful courtyards Vilnius.

There are open arcades of galleries on all surfaces and wyconian plasterboards in the style of the late Italian Renaissance.

The walls above the arcades are painted with portraits of Roman popes (the frescoes were not preserved).

According to other data, frescoes with portraits of 47 Popes decorated the façade facing above and were painted in the mid-19th century.

Nina partly housed the Institute of Italian and Italian Trade Institute, as well as the Institute of Design and Restoration.

In the vicinity of Alumnat's courtyard there is a cafe that is simply heavenly. in the other quarter of the 18th century. From the entrance gate to the front yard there are wonderful views of the similar façade of Alumnatu, the front door of the Palace of the Presidency and the university buildings.

No less important is the history of other objects, such as

We will take tourists on an hour-long excursion to the Old Town.

Ikh varto pobachit na vlasnі ochi.

Kernava - the first capital of Lithuania?

And after the Old Town, familiarity with the first capital of Lithuania – Kernava is established.

Young Lithuania itself began to emerge here.

The excursion “Three Capitals” includes a visit to Trakai Castle, as we and the “Vilnius Relax” team have already learned from the statistics.

This castle is located far beyond the borders of Lithuania and one can admire it countless times, and this single island castle is not uncommon in Lithuania, but throughout all of Europe. in the other quarter of the 18th century. Wandering through the labyrinths of the castle, you can end up in one of the important face-to-face tournaments that are held here often.

And when you get back, it’s a must to try the fresh cabbages, because you won’t get such Karaimsky pies anywhere else.

cultural decline


Exterior of Kernavi - the ancient capital of Lithuanians, dating back to the 11th century, and today - a UNESCO World Heritage Site;

Excursion to the residence of the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Trakai Castle, like a castle on the inaccessible lakes of the Trakai region.

Group: 5-6 individuals. Price – 30 euros per person. (The price includes transport and the services of a guide. The entrance to the Kernavi Museum, as well as entrance tickets to the Trakai Castle, are paid additionally. LITHUANIA(Lietuva, Lithuania) Zagalnye Vidomosti Official name - Lithuanian Republic Lithuania Lietuvos Respublika,


Republic of Lithuania) . Rotated at the annual gathering of Europe. Area 65.2 thousand. km2, population 3.484 million people. (Census 2001). State language - Lithuanian.

L. is mainly a flat region, which occupies the outskirts of the Skhidno-European plain with gentle hills up to 300 m above the sea level, the Middle Lithuanian lowland with heights of 16-90 m. There is a Samaya highland, from the daylight the Baltiyskaya crossed the cordon with Belarus ridge with heights up to 294 m. The territory is divided into 4 historical regions: Samogitia (on the way out), Aukštaitija (on the way out), Dzukia (on the way out) and Suwalkija (on the way out).

L. has over 2800 lakes with a surface area of ​​over 0.5 hectares (total area 876 km 2) and approx. 1600 dribnіshih lakes, 722 rivers

, most of them lie in the Nemunas (Niman) basin, 475 km fall on the L. from the Zagalny Dozhna River at 937 km. Local resorts: Curonian Spit, Palanga, Druskininkai. Respect podzolists Grunti . The central regions have the greatest native land. Square of Sil'skogospodarskih land

It covers 3.6 million hectares. Foxes 1.8 million hectares are covered, or 27.6% of the territory of the region.

The pine tree is wide, and the yalin, elder, birch, oak, and aspen trees are also sharpened. The forests have a lot of hares, deer, wild boars, and moose. Three birds - pheasants, black grouse, ducks and swans. Zahidna L. and the Lithuanian shelf of the Baltic Sea are promising areas for the production of oil and natural gas.

Naphtha reserves are estimated at 46 to 55.5 million m3.


Mіstse narodzhennya In the spring, there is a production of vapnyaks, granites, and burshtin. Climate transitional from maritime to continental. Average monthly temperatures today are –5°С, linden +17°С.

The portion of the population under 10 years of age decreased from 15.5% in 1989 to 11.6% in 2001, over 60 years of age increased from 15.7 to 19.3% and became 17.2% in localities, 23.5% in rural areas. .

The proportion of people in the population decreased from 47.5 to 46.8%. There are 8% more boys than girls from 1 to 2 years.

What is important is that the majority of people gradually change with age, and in 24-25 years their number becomes equal. After 46 years, the number of women is 10% less than the number of men, after 67 years – more than 1.5 times less, after 74 years – more than 2 times less, after 8 6 rocks - 3 times. Ethnic warehouse

: Lithuanians 83.45%, Russians - 8%, Poles - 7% and Belarusians - 1.5%.

The Lithuanian community is represented by 99% of the locals, the Russian – 0.4%. Lithuanian language belongs to the Baltic group of the Indian-European homeland, and is disputed with Sanskrit. The alphabet is based on Latin script.

At the 1st subtext.

14th century Europe now has a strong power - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia. He expresses his culpability to the Grand Duke Gediminas (1316-41), who during the course of his reign significantly marked the centralization of the Lithuanian state.

A lot of Russian lands, which tried to protect themselves from the Mongol-Tatars, came to Leningrad voluntarily. In 1410, the alliance with Polish and Russian armies defeated the Teutonic Order at the Battle of Grunwald. In 1558-83, L. together with Russia took part in the Livonian War, and in 1569 united with Poland in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Union of Lublin). After the third division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1795), most of Latvia was annexed to Russian Empire


Since the beginning of the 1st World War, Latvia became the arena of military operations of the armies of Germany and Russia.

In the summer of 1988, the Rukh for Perebudova “Sajudis” was formed, which brought about a new renewal of the independence of Latvia. The activity of the Freedom League of Latvia (established in 1978), supported by A. Brazauskas, was intensified. At the elections Verkhovna Rada

(24 February 1990) the followers of “Sajudis” defeated V. Landsbergis, on the 11th day of the adoption of the Act on the renewal of the independence of the Lithuanian state - the Republic of Lithuania, and in the spring of 1991. the independence of democratic Latvia was recognized by the Sovereign Rada of the USSR.

Sovereign structure and political system

L. is a presidential republic. This is the Constitution, adopted by referendum on June 25, 1992. Administrative section - 10 districts, 44 districts, 92 towns, 22 villages.

The largest places (thousand people): Vilnius, Kaunas (378.9), Klaipeda (193 population), Siauliai (133.9), Panevezys (119.8).

Derzhavna Vlada The Sejm, the president and the government are responsible for the Constitution. The supreme body of the legislative government- The Sejm (unicameral parliament), which consists of 141 deputies, who are elected on the basis of direct, secret voting for 4 parties (71 - from single-mandate constituencies under the majoritarian system and 70 - under the principle of proportional representation based on party lists iv).

The Sejm discusses, adopts, publishes legislative acts, confirms and nominates the candidacy of the prime minister, as the president proposes, monitors the activities of the order, establishes taxes, conducts elections before self-direction , ratifies international treaties The election of a new Sejm was held in the year 2000, with A. Paulauskas, the leader of the New Union party (social liberals), who replaced Landsbergis, the conservative leader, becoming its head. iv. Head of state - A president who uses a secret, direct, secret voting term five times, three times more than two times., another round that ended on June 27, 2004, was replaced by the 77-member independent centrist V. Adamkus, who strongly favored Lithuania’s entry into NATO and the European Union.

Vin was already president from 1998-2003. and turning to the planting of the kerivnik of the state after retiring. V. Adamkus replacing R. Paksas, the third president after the restoration of L. independence and the first power in Europe, sent to the beginning of the 2004 year by the impeachment of the government (for dubious connections with international malicious structures, including Russian ones ). V. Adamkus was supported by the parties Union of Liberals and the Center, Union of Vitchizny, and Social Liberals. The victory of Adamkus means the strengthening of the pro-Zakhod orientation of L., as well as closer ties with the powers of Zakhod. The greatest organ of the Vikon's rule

- The order that presents the program to the Seimas and after the praise takes the oath. Prime Minister A. Brazauskas is elected 12th (since 1990) since 2001. He was appointed to this position by President Adamkus after the fall of the coalition of the right and center parties of Paxas through divisions up to The largest right-wing party in the country is the conservatives “Tevines Sayunga” (Union of Vitchizny, SO), created on the basis of the suspense-political movement “Sajudis”, registered on May 25, 1993, head – V. Landsbergis;

Christian Democratic Party of Lithuania (HDPL), right-wing party, registered on 22 June 1990, head Z. Zinkavičius; Democratic Party of Latvia (DPTL), a reformist party of social-democratic orientation, registered on June 19, 1990, may have the status of the main opposition force, head Ch. Yuršenas; “Union to the Center”, party of the center-right movement, registered on June 27, 1993, head R. Ozolas;

Social Democratic Party of Latvia (SDPL) of center-left orientation, registered on 17 June 1990, head V. Andriukaitis; “New Union” (social liberals), a party of left-center orientation, created in early 1998, head A. Paulaskas; a lot of priorities are being pursued - membership in the EU and NATO, the appreciation of the global Baltic region, the maintenance of stable supplies from the regions of the SND, especially from Russia, This, especially in the economy, is not only for the entry, but also for the exit.

NATO membership is one of the the main goals of foreign and defense policy L. Defense is expected to account for 2% of GDP. Such financing on the basis of the Agreement between all parliamentary parties will be saved until 2004. Preparation and reform national system defense is maintained in accordance with NATO standards. The region is divided into 3 military districts. Regularly Zbrojni forces

add up to 12,200 chol.

Ground forces - 7,500 military servicemen, 2 motorized infantry brigades of the initial regiment, okremiya

Jaeger Regiment , engineer battalion, artillery division, peacekeeping company The reserve has 10 regiments, 36 battalions, 130 territorial defense companies, 2 squadrons of army aviation, or St.

330 thousand. chol., incl. the first one is 28 thousand, the other one is 308 thousand. chol. borrowed bl.

35% economically active population. More than 4 million hectares of land are owned by agricultural enterprises and special dominions. Developed meat and dairy production, poultry production.

The main products of the plant are: grains and fodder crops, potatoes, beets, vegetables. In 2002, there was 9% more grain harvested, less in 2001, beets - by 20%, ripaka - by 63%, potatoes - by 45%. Structural changes continued in rural areas.

Farmers and household rulers harvested 81% of grain, 64% of beets, 69% of crops, and 99.3% of potatoes. Sales volume of the main products of the animal industry: thinness in live appearance 141.1 thousand. t (2001 - 127.1), milk 1140.6 thousand. t (2001 - 1152.8), eggs 517.7 million pcs. (2001 - 480.8). For the development of villages and rural dominions, 190 million litas were seen in 2002, 1.7 times more, less than in 2001.

L. consistently carry out economic reforms coordinated by the IMF and the World Bank, most notably privatization (the private sector is losing over 80% of the country’s GDP).

On the post.

In the summer of 2001, Leningrad joined the SOT. According to the European Commission, Latvia is committed to a market economy, and its entry into the EU will emphasize economic security and macroeconomic stability. Over the course of its sovereign history, the country has experienced many troubling periods (5 years) and a deep economic recession. At 2000 rub. Latvia's GDP was 67% compared to 1990, industrial production decreased by 44%, and agricultural production decreased by 30%. The influx of ruin into the Latvian economy gave rise to the Russian monetary and financial crisis of 1998. The material expression of these expenses, according to official data, amounted to 700 million litas, or 8% of budget expenditures. A lot of businesses were devastated by bankruptcies until now.

The export volume in 2002 was increased from 2001 by 10.6% and amounted to 5472.3 million dollars. USA, imports - by 11.0% and reached 7615.4 million dollars. USA. In 2002, part of the EU region accounted for 48.4% of exports and 45% of imports, the SND region accounted for 19.2 and 26.2%.

The main export partners are: Great Britain (13.5%), Russia (12.1%), Germany (10.3%), Latvia (9.6%), import - Russia (21.4%), Germany ( 17.2%), Italy (4.9%), Poland (4.8%).

The unstable dynamics of the world economy and negative trends in the development of the EU countries (increasing economic growth) will continue to inevitably spill over into the economy of Latvia. This is directly related to the low export capacity increased imports.

At the same time, there is a trace of demand that is growing on Lithuanian goods in the SND countries. The region was able to often compensate for expenses on the EU markets by actively entering the markets of the LIC countries, exporting until 2002. increased by 12%. The Russian Federation's share in the export of Latvia is growing steadily - from 7.1% in 2000 to 12.1% in 2002.

The economic role of the Russian Federation for Latvia largely depends on the supply of energy resources.

The main import requirements for gas, nafta and nuclear fuel for the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant are important to satisfy the current supply of Russian supplies.

St. falls before the Russian Federation.

85% of imported mineral products from Lithuania. A number of Lithuanian industries work on the processing of Russian raw materials (naphtha, wood, metals, etc.) with further export of processed products to the markets of third countries. L. is an economical bridge between the European Union and the Russian Federation, providing transport infrastructure and energy highways between the Kaliningrad region and other territories of the Russian Federation. Approximately 1/4 of Lithuanian supplies from the Russian Federation fall to the Kaliningrad region; as of the first leaf fall in 2002, 496 Russian-Lithuanian agricultural enterprises were registered there, and 16 branches of Lithuanian enterprises operate near Kaliningrad. estates, as well as 8 representative offices of Lithuanian companies.

In 2002, GDP per capita reached 4.0 thousand. euro (1998 - 2.9 thousand).

The average monthly salary was $272, the minimum was $107, the average pension was $80, the average family income per person was $105. USA. Pensions increased by an average of 5%, and the provision for the increase of small pensions was legalized, which provides for over 300 thousand. pensioners for old age and disability.

At this time, old age pensions will be deducted for women who have reached the age of 57.5 years, men - 61.5 years (in 2009, the pension age for women will increase to 60 years, and for men to 62.5 years ).

330 thousand. chol., incl. Food accounted for 50% of all expenses. Over the past 3 years, the difference between the highest and highest faiths of the population has decreased from 13 to 9 times. The number of borrowers in 2002 was 1406 thousand. people, adults increased by 4% since 2001. Unemployment, although it decreased from 12.5 to 11.3%, remains high, 198.4 thousand were registered. chol.

unemployed (2001 - 223.5). Science and culture cob school children go on growing up for 7 years and begin with 3 years, 5 or 8 years begin with secondary school (Depending on the type of school). High school graduates can later start working in vocational and technical fields. The language spoken is Lithuanian, but in areas where national minorities are concentrated, Polish and Russian languages ​​are used. Most of the initial deposits are state-owned, as well as private gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, and business schools.

At the beginning of 2001-02, L. had 2428 initial mortgages, incl. 42 private. There is an insufficient number of budgeted funds.

The share of spending on science in GDP changed to 1.24% in 1998. to 0.68% in 2001, and the number of scientists fell to 5130 people. (1998 - 5588 people).

Scientific research

are conducted at the University of Vilnius, other universities in Vilnius and Kaunas.

The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences was reorganized into a personal one, and its institutions became sovereign. The region has two largest libraries: National Library. Mazhvidas at Vilnius and Vilnius University.

The Central Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Kaunas University of Technology also have large funds.

Many Europeans respect that Lithuania is a country whose residents regularly play basketball.

I can smell the stench, of course, permeating the approach of the Lithuanian national basketball team.

Prote, Lithuania is no stranger to basketball traditions for tourists.

This ancient land has a large number of ornate significant monuments, including the most beautiful middle forts and castles.

In addition, Lithuania has wonderful balneological and beach resorts on the birch of the Baltic Sea.

Geography of Lithuania

Lithuania was taken from the Baltic States, from Eastern Europe.

At night, Lithuania intersects with Latvia, at daytime - with Poland, at daytime - with Belarus, and at daytime - with the Kaliningrad region of Russia.

Zagalna Square

This area will become 65,200 sq. km., and the outside length of the cordon is 1762 km. 33% of the territory of Lithuania is occupied by landscaping.

The landscape of Lithuania consists of lowlands and highlands.

Lithuania has a continental maritime climate. Flood on the Lithuanian climate Atlantic Ocean

and the Baltic Sea.

On the coast of Lithuania, the average temperature near Sichnya is -2.5C, and near Lipnya - +16C.

In Vilnius and Sichna the average temperature is -6C, and in Lipnia - +16C.

The average volume of fallfall in Lithuania is 800 mm.

Sea near Lithuania

The length of the Lithuanian coastline of the Baltic Sea is 99 kilometers.

The temperature of the Baltic Sea near the Lithuanian coast reaches +17C, but near the inlets the water warms up faster.

Rivers and lakes Lithuania already has a lot of lakes (to be more precise, there are 2834 lakes, the area of ​​which is more than 0.5 hectares), the largest of them is Druksiai, which was developed at the same time. If there is a river near Lithuania, the largest of them is the Niman.

In fact, Lithuania has 816 rivers over 10 kilometers.

History of Lithuania

People appeared on the territory of present-day Lithuania approximately 11 thousand years ago.

The Baltic tribes settled down in 3-2 thousand BC.

The first written riddle about Lithuania is found in the German historical chronicle “Annals of Quedlinburg” under the year 1009.

The first king of Lithuania is considered to be Mindovg, who was crowned in 1253. After his death in 1263, pagan Lithuania became to the Crusades of the Cross

In the spring of 1990, Lithuania became stronger than the USSR and declared its independence.

In the spring of 1991, Lithuania was admitted to the UN, and in 2004 - to the European Union and NATO.


At the end of the 20th century, the independence of Lithuania was due to the fact that the Lithuanians preserved their national identity, their traditions and their origins. The most popular saints among Lithuanians are New River

, Holy Three Kings, Renewal of Independence Day, Great Day, St. John's Day, Coronation Day of Mindaugas, Holy Sea, All Saints Day and Rebirth.

Vilnius will soon host a grandiose folk festival of music and dance, which lasts for over 30 thousand. Lithuanian dancers and dancers from all over the world.

The first song festival in Vilnius took place in 1924.

In the past, in Lithuania, music and dance folk festivals are held in various places.

  • Lithuanian cuisine
  • The cuisine of Lithuania is richly similar to the cuisines of the countries of Western Europe, including Russia, Belarus and Poland. German culinary traditions also made a great influx into Lithuanian cuisine.;
  • Prote Lithuanian cuisine is very original.
  • Typical products of Lithuania are meat, potatoes, beet, dairy products, mushrooms, and in coastal areas - fish.
  • "šaltibarščiai" - cold soup with beetroot;
  • "kugelis" -

Potato casserole

"arba zrazai" - yalovichina is greased;

"koldūnai" - Lithuanian dumplings;

"pączki" - donuts;

"Vėdarai" - potato cowboys.

Lithuania's traditional non-alcoholic drink is kvass. There is a shortage of Lithuanian alcoholic drinks, such as beer, sourdough and rare liqueurs. Before speaking, Lithuania currently has over 80 large and small breweries.

More and more tourists are still coming to Lithuania, preferring to visit local balneological and spa resorts.

Most often the guests of Lithuanian balneological resorts are residents of Israel, Russia, Germany and Scandinavian countries.

The most famous Lithuanian balneological and spa resorts are Druskininkai, Birštonas, and, especially, Palanga.


are conducted at the University of Vilnius, other universities in Vilnius and Kaunas.

Basic information for tourists about Lithuania, places and resorts of the region.

And also information about the population, currency of Lithuania, cuisine, peculiarities of visa and foreign exchanges in Lithuania.

A power at the end of Europe, on the end of the Baltic Sea.

Between Russia, Belarus, Poland and Lithuania.

It is washed by the Baltic Sea.

Rivninna region with many gently sloping heights of curlicues up to 300 m-code.


Geography of Lithuania

Sovereign device

Democratic republic.

The head of the state is the president.

The legislative body is the unicameral parliament (Seimas).


State language: Lithuanian In the tourism sector, English, German and Russian are widely used.

79% of the population are Catholics, 4% are Orthodox, 10% are Protestants (Lutherans and Evangelical Christians).


International name: LTL

Lithuanian years are worth 100 cents.

330 thousand. chol., incl. There are banknotes in denominations of 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 years, as well as coins in denominations of 5, 2 and 1 years, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent. Currency can be easily exchanged at currency exchange offices, as well as at banks and hotels (old or torn bills are often not exchanged). Sums that exceed the equivalent of $5000 can be exchanged with banks only upon presentation of confirmation of the person, lower for a price and without any documentary evidence. Credit cards

are accepted from most important stores, hotels and travel agencies in major cities (in the provinces the smell is still less widespread).

You can stay in plenty of hotels near Vilnius high level, as well as hotels insured for budget tourists and middle class.

Most hotels have been repaired, purchased, or updated and reconstructed with the help of modern light fixtures.

All one-star hotels in Lithuania have clean, tidy rooms, equipped with everything necessary and necessary for an overnight stay.

All-star hotels in Lithuania vary from single-room hotels to comfortable rooms and improved service.

The main quantity of hotels in Lithuania is trita chotyrizirkovi.

Such hotels have a professionally organized reception, handmade furniture, and a private bathroom.

There is a cafe and restaurant on the territory of the hotel complex.

The rooms are equipped with a TV, mini-bar and hairdryer. If you want to stay in hotels of even a high level, choose five-star hotels with friendly services, air-conditioned rooms and a nice interior. Such hotels have a sauna, a swimming pool, a restaurant with fancy cuisine and a play area, as well as the ability to accommodate pets.

Incredibly, the cultural center of Lithuania is its capital Vilnius - one of the most beautiful places in Europe. The Old Town with its large number of architectural and historical monuments is rightfully respected as the main monument. At the borders of the Old Town there is also the main symbol of Vilnius - Gediminas Tower, built on the famous Castle Hill, at the bottom of which lies the square with the miraculous Cathedral of St. Stanislaus and St. Vladislav. Obov'yazkovo Varto marvel at the stunning architectural complex of Vilnius University, Prechistensky Cathedral (Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady), St. Nicholas Cathedral, Church of St. Anne, Church of Peter and Paul, Church of All Saints, Church of St. Francis, Mykilsku church, St. Michael's Church, St. Tereza and, of course, take a walk along the Town Hall Square, the Užupis quarter and the old streets of Dzheji, Mayrone, Gaono and Peles. No less important are the Presidential and Verkay Palaces, Vingis Park, the Botanical Gardens of Zheliber and Vilnius University, the gate of Aušros (Gostra Brama) with the shaman and Catholics, and

Orthodox icon Our Lady of Ostrobramsk, Radvil Palace, National Museum

Lithuania and Burshtin Museum. Vilnius is also famous for its marvelous theaters. serving as the residence of the Lithuanian princes).

Today, the most important Historical Museum of Trakai is located near the castle. Also worthy of honor are the ruins of the so-called “pivostrovny castle” and the Dominican monastery, the Church of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Uzoutrakis Palace. Of course, Trakai is proud to be the one-name National Park with its nature reserves and archaeological monuments.

Klaipeda (German Memel) is one of the most popular beach resorts and the largest port in Lithuania.

The first song festival in Vilnius took place in 1924.

Cream of wonderful beaches in May

long history

and a lot of reminders.

Although Lithuania is small in territory, it is divided into a number of ethnographic regions.

Culinary similarities vary.

For example, Samogitians (residents of central Lithuania) eat porridge and okroshka;

aukshtaitiytsi - mlintsi, shiupinis, sire;

dzukiytsi – urchin made from buckwheat, mushrooms, potatoes;

Suwalki - smoked meat, djkukulai, potato kovbas. Pork is the most nutritious meat. We salt, smoke and dry.

Add skilandis from pork with added seasonings: tsibulya, chasnik, pepper. This way the meat is preserved for a long time. The term skilandis can be found in the inventories of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th – 18th centuries.


Cream of wonderful beaches in May

The ancient ones are copper, thanks to the fact that in historical traditions copper is recognized as the binding drink of the Lithuanians and Prussians.

Firstly, “Lithuania drinks beer,” beer was brewed with barley, sometimes with grain or wheat, and for added flavor, peas were added to the malt. The brewery of beer was respected by human work. Samogitians often brewed beer from crackers, hops and turmeric.

Kvass was also prepared from breadcrumbs.

Lithuania, or the Republic of Lithuania, is a power that has grown up on the daylight gathering of Europe and the daylight saving of the Baltic Sea.

Today, the Republic of Lithuania is an agrarian-industrial country that belongs to the Baltic group of countries.

On the other hand, there is a well-developed industry in the light industry, woodworking and machinery.

The main resorts with numerous hotels are located here.

At the western end of the region there is a large number of shipbuilding, ship repair and fishing industries.

At present, hydroelectric power stations and metal-working enterprises have been dismantled, as well as the grub industry.

There are not so many industrial enterprises in Lithuania, but the production of winter crops, beets and flax has increased.
The sovereign structure of Lithuania is a parliamentary republic.

The national goals of Lithuanians are hospitality, hospitality and good family ties. The most important monuments of Lithuania are not famous throughout the world, but many mandrivniks were able to revel in their hospitality. Many businesses and organizations in the country have a family character, and restaurants serve such portions that one person simply cannot handle.

At the same time, Lithuanians develop an equal and calm character and love even more

national saints « » .

and festivals.

How to get to Lithuania
The best place to get acquainted with the region is from its capital and head city - Vilnius.

You can get to the Lithuanian capital by car, bus, train or airplane.
You can read a report on ways to get to the capital of Lithuania at the block

You can also fly to many places in the region (including Kaunas and Klaipeda) from Moscow with just one transfer in Rize.

The value of the ticket becomes 8,000 rubles. Search for air tickets to Lithuania

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The lands of this region are the primary core of the Lithuanian state. Here, around the 11th century, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was established, which developed so successfully that until the 12th century it became the most powerful principality of the Baltic states.є At that time, the Aukštait tribes occupied not only the current territory of Aukštaiti, but also a part of modern Latvia, which was spread out today from Daugavpils, and a part of the northern part of Belarus. Himself

great region Aukštaitija(Aukštaitija), which was grown at the spring gathering of the region.

Translated from Lithuanian, aukštas means “high,” and the name can be literally translated as “upper land.”

First of all, the Aukštaitians will guess from XIII

-XIV centuries

there are rumors about the battles of Prince Vityanis, who defended and conquered the territory of the princedom.

It is important that the geography and nature of the region largely played a role in the cheerful and calm departure of the Aukštaitians.

The variety of reliefs, numerous foxes, hills and lakes have transformed this village into a special water-rich world. Aukštaitija is also called the land of poets and reports. Another great region of Lithuania is Duzki or else


(Dzūkija-Dainava), planted at the end of the river in the middle course of the Neman River.

The region took its name from the 19th century in connection with the peculiarities of the local inhabitants.

In other regions, Dzūkiya is experiencing increased foliage.

Another name for the region is Dainava, which comes from the origins of the houses of these lands in the 13th century of the Dainova Principality, and from the name of the largest forest area of ​​Pivdni Lithuania - Dainava Forest. Despite the fact that Dzukiya is considered the most profitable region in Lithuania, the largest and most beautiful forests are grown here. For a long time, residents of the region were engaged in cutting trees, hewing logs, making sleepers, picking household items, etc. In the spring, residents mainly fished, and in the spring they collected mushrooms, berries and medicinal herbs and.

Today's canned forest berries and dried mushrooms from Dzukiya are sold as delicacies not only in shops in Lithuania, but also in other countries of Europe.

Also, Dzukiya has lost the bjolyari, which continued the traditions of beekeeping, from which you can get very tasty and brown hollowed honey. Moreover, Dzukiya has preserved all the old crafts.(Žemaitija) or as the Lithuanians themselves call it Samogitia.

In the translation from Lithuanian žemas - ce “lower” or “low”, apparently the name literally means “lower land”.

The region gives its name to the ancient lands between the lower reaches of the Neman and Venta rivers - Zhmud, as well as to the Lithuanian tribe that lingered here before - Zhmudini or Zhemayti.

The region was retouched at the beginning of the day when the region set.

According to Polish historians, Samogitia occupied a very large area in the 13th-14th centuries.

It would have been early in the 13th century when the Germans settled in the region. The chronicles reveal significant fragments of the struggle between the Samogitians and the Germans for their independence and pagan religion. It is important that among all the ethnic groups of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the inhabitants of Samogitia had little right to self-government - from the very beginning of the creation of the region of Samogitia there was no strong prince of his own, who was considered the vassal of the Grand Duke of Lithuania skogo.

This gallery has always had a lot of craftsmen: artisans, seamstresses, coopers, woodworkers, farriers, cookers, etc. The pottery on the right was especially popular.

Samogitian potters later conquered all other regions of Lithuania for the expansion of their craft and the abundance of herbs.

And the place Vekshnyaya is also a popular pottery center. A great sight in the region is the so-called monuments of small architecture. What is typical for Samogitia are small wooden chapels installed on the ground or hung on trees, as well as various roadside images of saints, crosses with painted figurines of saints and other religious paraphernalia. Samogitia places special respect on banquets and chastes. (On the upper edge it is recommended to obliquely squash the muscle tissue.

Suvalkija was reclaimed on the day of Lithuania beyond the Neman River.

For these reasons, the region is often called Zanemania. The unofficial capital of Suwalki is the place of Marijampolya. Since ancient times, the Baltic tribes of the Suduvians lived on these lands.

The word Suwalkija appeared much later, in the 19th century, after the establishment of the Suwalki province centered on the Polish town of Suwalki, which was located near the Lithuanian cordon. The Republic of Lithuania has community organization

under the name “Suwalkija”, before the forced execution of the inhabitants of the Suwalki region in 1940.

There is also a famous Lithuanian football club “Suduva”, which is based near the town of Marijampoly.

The main occupation of the Suduvians-Suwałkians was and will be lost: farming. The fortress in Sudova was involved much earlier than in other regions of Latvia, which, due to the fertile soil and practicality of the local residents, allowed the Suwałki residents to become the richest in the region. Respect what Suvalkija gave greatest quantity Another great region of Lithuania is sanctified people of Lithuania. Among them is the creator of the popular Lithuanian language, Jonas Jablonskis, and the author of the national anthem, Vincas Kudirka.

The nature of Lithuania Minor displays unique beauty.

Here you can see one of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe, which is protected by UNESCO - the Curonian Spit.

This place simply impresses with the harmony of sands, forests and waters.

Lithuania Minor also has the Nieman delta, where there are numerous islands and the village of Mina, where a river flows instead of the main street. The largest place in the region is Klaipeda. Here is a museum of tributes to Lithuania Minor in the very center of the old part of the place.

The museum was made from a yellow tseglin in the Baroque style.

At the end of the 18th century, it belonged to one wealthy city dweller. The Museum of the History of Lithuania Minor houses many unique exhibits that reflect the everyday life, traditions and crafts of the local people of the region. The branch of the Museum of History of Lithuania Minor is the Museum of Farriery, which is also located in Klaipeda.

The wooden architecture creates a unique drop on the edge. Particularly striking are such decorative elements as porches, combs, and carved ornaments on huts. In ancient times, they believed that such symbolism, holding the comb close, protects against a bad eye.

Another significant feature of the region is the Ventes Ragas weather station, as well as the ornithological station that passes Great Way migration of birds.

Here you can also find the Pomeranian village of Kintai and old lighthouses, where silent guards stand - Ustadvaris and Ventes Ragas. Places of Lithuania The place is not particularly popular among tourists, which is why there are no special monuments here.

However, the fame of the Panevezys Drama Theater goes far beyond the borders of Lithuania. The old capital of Lithuania is Truck.

Today it is a small town with a population of just over seven thousand people. The most important monuments of Trakai include the ancient defense complex and the church, named in honor of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt. Klaipeda It is not only one of the largest places in Lithuania, but also a famous seaside resort. In spite of the mild weather, the abundance of pine trees and the balmy sun in Lithuania is ideal for people who are sensitive to sudden climate change. Podpochinok near Klaipeda is still popular in

Radian clock . Beach areas completely meet European standards of cleanliness, for which they are awarded

Blue ensign . The site will include the Central Maritime Museum with an oceanarium, as well as the Godin Museum and the Museum of the Forge War. Add also the narrow streets of the Old Town. The second seaside resort in Lithuania, located on the outskirts of Klaipeda

Palanga. The place is widely known for its Burshtin Museum. Lithuanians especially value this mineral and claim that it flows in their veins. Other important monuments of Palanga include the Birut Mountains and Naglisa - dunes associated with romantic legends, and the beautiful Botanical Garden. Seaside resorts are also places on the smooth Curonian Spit.

Among them is a settlement Nida, the beaches of which are assigned Blakytny prapor, that town

"arba zrazai" - yalovichina is greased;

Being the oldest land of the Ancient Baltic, Lithuania is rich in historical architectural monuments, castles and monasteries, churches and cathedrals.

This is the land in which a great number of shrines and ancient monuments have been preserved.

And also Lithuania has a number of unique objects that are included before the UNESCO Light Fall.

Next to them are: Curonian Spit, Struve Arc, Kernave, Old Town of Vilnius.

  • The very diversity of important monuments is one of the main reasons for active foreign tourism in Lithuania.
  • In addition to architectural monuments, there are also natural monuments.

There are five national parks on the territory of Lithuania: Aukstaitsky, Dzuki, Samogitian, Trakai Historical, Curonian Spit and 30 regional parks.

Important cities of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania

Other monuments of Lithuania

Museum of Rural Life in Rumšiškės

Aukstaitsky National Park

Where to go in Lithuania

Important reminders
Museums and galleries

Parks and zones


Private guides in Lithuania

Russian private guides can help you get to know Lithuania in more detail.

Registered on the Expert.Tourist.Ru project.

What to do . As a rule, these routes are easy to pass, but not boring, because the wonders of the region are revealed nearby.

More experienced kayakers are beginning to trace the waters of Lithuania from the Vilnale River, which flows through the capital.

This freshwater river is accompanied by a number of rapids, fenced off by fallen trees, rapids and inaccessible descents.

Regardless of this, this route is especially worthwhile, as parts of it will pass through historical and architectural monuments.

In the spring or after strong storms you can raft along the Musya River.

This is a restless river with a rapid flow, which is full of blockages, rapids and excesses of old rivers, which complicates the journey, and at the same time stops it from snoring.

Rafting along the beautiful Yesia River, so popular with the people of Kaunas, has never been so exciting. In 2-3 years you can walk the entire route, which is characterized by fringe nature, high sandbanks and occasional rapids. There is virtually no problem with the appearance of tree debris.

The Baltic Sea is even more popular among fishing tourists.

The best place for fishing is the coast of Palanga, where the main object of fishing is cod.

Klaipėda and Palanzi have the opportunity to hire a boat with a captain who knows the best place and time for fishing, and the catch is always guaranteed.

It is important to know that under Lithuanian laws you can only fish with a special permission card or a license.

You can get this kind of information from stores that sell gear. Children under 16 and people over 65 are required to purchase cards. It is noteworthy that fishing in Lithuania is possible throughout the entire river, even if the lakes and rivers are covered with ice.

Lithuania has approximately 160 private waterways.

Yachting is a must for exciting and romantic types of active holidays in Lithuania.

Whatever you can do better, choose your own route with a sailing yacht.

In order to sail under the sails, it is necessary to be a professional, and the mother on board would like one qualified crew member to handle the yacht and the military washroom. Since previously yachts were chartered only for sporting purposes, today one can enjoy renting a yacht at a romantic price., The best savings for yachting in Lithuania are the Curonian Inlet, Šventoji, Nida and Mingė. No less important are other ports of the Baltic Sea. Peresuvannya by the end Lithuania can be changed in many different ways. These are the buses, and.

Zalizna road « » .

sea ​​transport

, taxi and car rental.

Bicycles are also popular, and hitchhiking can be a problem. The flights do not fly across small distances between the countries, but fly from many settlements in other countries, including Russia. Read more about the possibility of transferring the price Baltic region you can at statti

"Transport of Lithuania" If your branch of the region is surrounded by the main city, then you can get more detailed information about transportation in the capital of Latvia (types of transport, issue of tickets, Vilnius City Card and other nuances) read our special materials, both hot and cold. Here on the first day you will try different types of soups, cabbage soup and borscht. One of our own savory soups respect cold

Lithuanian borscht with kefir, mushroom borscht with mushrooms, tomato soup with rice and meat broth, sweet Lithuanian soup with prunes. Particularly savory vvazhayutsya bleach the pork. Yalovichina, lamb and veal are widely popular in Lithuanian cuisine.

And live on pork different look: її lubricate, boil, steam and quench Dried pork rinds, legs and tails are often served before beer.

Popular pork herbs include “krovyanka”, or bloody kovbas, meat, dumplings, karaimska “kibinai” (kibinai) - pies filled with minced meat. Finishing up is not an easy process - preparing “blood milk”.

Every cook has his own recipe for the filling: some vikory lard and spices, some grains, some greased beef and other ingredients. It is important for him to know the bloody taste. Baked seafood is popular in Lithuania

riba in batter, as well as smoked ugry. We are most familiar with the Šakotis cake, which is prepared using a special technology on a furnace over a fire.

The cake rises from egg dough and takes an unusual shape that resembles a tree.

As a rule, this is a happy cake. Other popular lasos are the twisted, greased oven “khmiz” (Žagarėlis)..

Shopping from Lithuania

Shopping in Lithuania is a fun activity: there is a great variety of goods and low prices. On the streets of many great cities and even in Lithuania you can find countless souvenir shops, large shopping centers, super-hypermarkets. You can find out about the report on purchases in this Baltic region in this article

"Shopping with Lithuania"


Lithuania has three main operatorsStilnikovy ligament- : Omnitel, Tele2, Bite GSM. These operators cover the entire territory of the country, automatically providing roaming. There is no subscription fee, and non-resident SIM cards that leave the country may no longer be active before the due date. For customers in central Lithuania, it is recommended to purchase SIM cards with an advance payment, which are sold in newsstands, hypermarkets, and also by mail.

There you can also add cards for calling from street machines. It's easy to renew your cards - just ask for a service check at any supermarket, gas station or Lietuvos Spauda kiosk. For calls outside the border from landline phones, dial: 00 - country code - location code - subscriber number. International code of Lithuania: +370. Telephone numbers of emergency services in the region Internet and points Wi


Lithuania is desiring to become a safe European country and evil is at a low level.

However, don’t forget about the drink, leaving your bag, luggage, credit cards or mobile phone on the table, and go where. To avoid problems, it is also recommended to use only paid parking lots that are protected, and not to deprive the car of valuable speeches. In cafes and crowded places, you should carefully watch your speeches, and in hotels, we will be happy to quickly provide a safe for saving valuable speeches, documents and pennies.

Such elementary side visits will help preserve the bad mood during the travel time. Almost on all the streets of the great cities of Lithuania, shopping centers

In other crowded places, there are video cameras installed that regularly transmit information to the police.

For these reasons, any unjust incident can be blamed, so that the perpetrators will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.