Stanislav Voskresensky.


Cooking President Volodymyr Putin has sent the governor of the Ivaniv region Pavel Konkov from office, the Kremlin press service reports.“Accept the nomination of the governor of the Ivaniv region P.A. Konkov for the authorities,” says the acquaintance.

Putin also confirmed his support for the minister

economical development Stanislav Voskresensky and recognizing him as immediately ending the governor’s obligations. Voskresensky is a pre-examination official.

From 2004 to 2008 He worked in the expert department of the president, like Arkady Dvorkovich.

The election of Voskresensky may be related to the actions of the new Minister of Economy Maxim Oreshkin due to the personnel decline of his predecessors - Elvira Nabiullina and Oleksiya Ulyukayeva, explains Dzherelo . Voskresensky has already become another protector of the Minister of Economy, appointed to the governor’s seat this fall: earlier, Putin sent another protector of Oreshkin, Oleksandr Tsibulsky, to the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The appointment of Voskresensky, like Tsibulsky earlier, may indeed be related to

personnel policy

At the Ministry of Economic Development, political scientist Vitaliy Ivanov says: “Both Voskresensky and Tsibulsky are people who became uneasy in the Ministry of Economic Development, and their axis was governed.”

Konkov keruv in the Ivaniv region three more than three rocks - since spring 2014. He was respected by the Visuvan Minister of Public Life, ex-governor of the Ivaniv region, Mikhail Men: Konkov was the first intercessor of the head of the government of the Ivaniv region, while Men was governor. To replace Konkov, the Kremlin looked at Menya Minbudi’s current protector, Andriy Chibis, according to Vidomosti, a news outlet close to the Kremlin. The reasons for Konkov’s resignation are the number of obvious successes and advancements on the federal level, criminal records of members of his team, Ivanov believes. Konkov’s appointment was a misnomer, the expert guesses: there was no clear candidate after Mene’s resignation. One vice-governor of the Ivaniv region has been sentenced, and three more are under investigation.

Unrespectful of presence in the Ivaniv region of resources, great business Mikola Merkushkin, governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev, head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Igor Koshin, governor of the Krasnoyarsk region Viktor Tolokonsky, head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov, governor of the Primorsky region Volodymyr Miklushevsky, governor of the Oryol region Vadim Potomsky, head Novosibirsk region Volodymyr Gorodetsky and ceramic worker of the Omsk region Viktor Nazarov.

The first series of pre-line gubernatorial elections started in early 2017, and five regional leaders voted on the need to change the job. Sovereign activist. Governor of the Ivaniv region since 10 June 2018.

Right State Radnik

Russian Federation

another class.

Member of the Presidium of the State for Ukraine since 28 June 2019.

Advocate of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2008-2012; 2014-2017. Intercessor of the most important representative of the President of Russia in the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Federal District, 07/10/2012-08/19/2014.

2009 Stanislav Sergeyovich won the “golden hundred” of the presidential reserve. Through the river, I reached the list of “Young Leaders of the World” compiled by the World Economic Forum, as one of the most promising officials. In 2012, a number of employees increased to the Board of Directors of VAT "RusHydro", as well as

general director


Also in 2012, Stanislav Voskresensky took office as the intercessor of the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Federal District of the Kaliningrad Region.

Engaged in nutritional development of the Kaliningrad region. From April 14 to September 8, 2012, he was the representative of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitr Medvedev on the right of the group of leading industrial powers and ties with representatives of the leaders of the countries that are part of the “Group of Twenty”. Further, from September 19, 2014, Voskresensky embraced the position of the Protector of the Minister of Economic Development of Russia. In his village, he became the working secretariat of the Russian part of the Inter-Russian-Chinese Commission for Investment Cooperation. We also supported the Working Group with the promotion of economic interests of the Russian Federation in the Asia-Pacific region under the Governmental Commission with economic development and integration.

Stanislav Sergeyovich is a member of a non-profit partnership. Russian Rada By

international rights ", as well as entering for the sake of directors of the Russian agency for insurance of export credits and investments - EKSAR. Since 2015, he was appointed a member of the Governmental Commission for the Development of Electric Power Industry.

Volodymyr Putin 10th June 2017 having released the governor of the Ivaniv region, Pavel Konkov, from the prison, recognizing Stanislav Voskresensky as the immediate convict of the head of the region, having held a working party with the Voskresenskys.

At the White Hall to the Museum of the Town of Ivanovo, 10 June 2018 Roku The inauguration ceremony of Stanislav Voskresensky, who officially took office as the governor of the Ivaniv region, took place.

At the end of the working visit to the Ivaniv region 6th February 2020 Russian President Volodymyr Putin conducted bilateral cooperation with Governor Stanislav Voskresensky.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the exact provisions for the socio-economic development of the region.

Nagorodi of Stanislav Voskresensky

2007 - Award of the President of the Russian Federation - “For active work in preparation and holding of the XI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum”

2007 - Included in the list of “The Most Successful Young People of Russia”, according to the magazine “Finance”

2008 – Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Batkivshchyna” 1st stage

2009 - Award of the President of the Russian Federation - “For the great contribution to the preparation, organization and holding of the XIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum”;

2009 - Promotion to young leaders of the world 2010 for the version of the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Family of Stanislav Voskresensky
Batko - Sergiy Modestovich Voskresensky - General Director of VAT "Lenhydroproekt" (until 2018).

Mother – Maria Yuriivna Voskresenskaya, worked at LLC “Gidrospetsproekt”.
The squad is Svitlana Driga, fashion model, actress.

The family has two daughters.

Name: Voskresensky Stanislav Sergiyovich.

Date of birth: 29 June 1976.

Mіstse narodzhennya: Moscow, SRSR.

Posada: responsibilities of the governor of the Ivaniv region

Childhood and cob kar'eri

First, Stanislav Voskresensky worked as a referent of the President's Expert Office.

Three years before the imprisonment of the intercessor, the head of the administration, as Arkady Dvorkovich, was the leader.

We also crossed the river to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade - the intercessor of the minister who is in charge of investment and tax policy.

In 2007, Rock Voskresensky was awarded the Presidential Symbol for his participation in the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg.

For two rocks - one more.

In the spring of 2008, the official was promoted to the rank commission for the development of the electric power industry, and in 2010 he became a member of the club of young world leaders of the World Economic Forum (Class of Young Global Leaders, YGL).

Zahid? Skhid? Center!

In 2012, Stanislav Voskresensky Pishov was appointed as the intercessor of the presidential representative in the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Federal District.

At the beginning of the year 2017, Stanislav Voskresensky, on Wednesday, over 60 listeners took part in the training for personnel training at the Kerivna plantings in the regions, including taking place near Sochi, in the center of Sirius.

And already on the 10th, he rejected his duties and replaced Pavel Konkov.

All Ivanivska and surrounding areas

Pavel Konkov is important to the middle peasant.

There were no special achievements, such as the decline in the position of the governor in front of the current minister of public life and housing and communal services, without demonstrating, and there were no failures.

Ale zreshtoya lost Mikhailo Men and appeared as an opponent of the introduction of his attacker. According to political scientists, Konkov became a victim of the struggle of federal lobbyists. This is due to the fact that there is a difficult socio-economic situation in the region, the resettlement program for emergency residents has not been implemented, and tourism is not developing enough.

Before that, Konkov’s ruler had a number of nasty corruption scandals - in a very short time, many of his defenders were killed.

The area has gained a reputation for not the first region of Russia with corruption among officials in order.

Journalists sometimes argue that the man is not so tall, but looking at those in the World itself as many as 180 centimeters, it is clear that this fact does not bring down the famous beauty.

Not a basketball player, to be honest.

Golovne, so that the person was good and loved children (a friend has two daughters).

Infected Svetlana, who has been dubbed the Russian Melania Trump, is fittingly completing the duties of the first lady of the Ivanovo region.

In view of the rich bureaucratic squads, they are unlikely to be ready to lose themselves in the shadow of a man, as it turns out.

However, Ivanivtsev, it seems, is completely vashtovo - as ZMI writes, one can guess for a long time about the reasons for the appointment of Stanislav Voskresensky to the posad, about those who have been busy with him for a long time, about career prospects, and also the absurd It’s clear: the squad of the regional governor is in charge pretty girl About pennies and more Journalists who looked at Stanislav Voskresensky’s tax return for 2016 reported enormous amounts of information about his friend’s income.

For his colleagues in the regions, Voskresensky, perhaps, looks modest - the authorities have an apartment with an area of ​​132 square meters.

Political scientists are wondering whether the new version of the governor of the Ivaniv region will be successful in this planting.

Although it is important that the settlement in this region has become lower for the politician, she could lay claim to a larger region from an economic point of view.

Voskresensky himself was asked about gubernatorial ambitions even before the hour of his arrival in prison as an intercessor from the Northwestern Federal District.

Apparently, they are reluctant to replace the officials with the samurai.

Having said, on the one hand, the manager “may be ready to die today,” and on the other hand, it comes out of the fact that the work will end up endlessly.

And I’ll summarize the formula of politics in Russia, based on Voskresensky’s thought, formulated by Viktor Tsoi, who said that for the sake of honesty, practically everyone can get away with the inevitable playing of musical instruments.

The heads of regions can talk extensively about the pressing problems of specific people, responding to the support of the population and the support of the president.

Whether Stanislav Sergiyovich will be able to develop this formula in practice is not yet clear.

Natomist is aptly said.

Stanislav Sergeyovich Voskresensky is a Russian politician who was appointed as the governor of the Ivaniv region in early 2017.

Governor's election in the spring of 2018. The family and illumination of Stanislav Voskresensky Stanislav Sergiyovich was born on June 29, 1976 near Moscow.

Also, Voskresensky became a sponsor of Lenhydroproject, which belongs to the RusHydro holding. Posada General Director joint stock partnership

having taken over the position of the official's father.

In the fall of 2008, Stanislav Sergeyovich became a member of the Governmental Commission for the Development of Electric Power Industry.

The success of Voskresensky allowed the official to join the list of young world leaders in 2010 at the World Economic Forum.

Until 2012, Voskresensky was the intercessor of the Minister of Economic Development of Russia, and then for two years he was the intercessor of the most important representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Federal District - important in supervising the Kaliningrad region.

On September 19, 2014, Voskresensky was appointed to appoint the intercessor of the Minister of Economic Development of Russia, Oleksiy Ulyukaev (from November 2016, Maxim Oreshkin).

Special life of Stanislav Voskresensky

Stanislav Sergeyovich is friends, he has two daughters.

The governor’s squad is actress and top model Svitlana Driga, a native of the Rostov region.

In 2005, the human magazine “Maxim” recognized Svetlana as the girl of the month.

After the publicity about the presentation of Pavel Konkov on the website, the authorities of the Ivaniv region received a video message to the residents. “I am deeply concerned that the governor stands up for everything to the people and to the president. Perhaps, the very song of the song gave rise to those decisions that I praised,” explaining his statement.

Pan Konkov noted that “during this entire hour we have touched almost all the sore points”, calling the middle achievement the implementation of “infrastructure projects with improvement native land" and "gasification". The acting head of the Ivaniv region, Pavel Konkov, was appointed in 2013 to replace Mikhail Men, who respected the Ministry of Buddhism of the Russian Federation. In the elections in the spring of 2014, the rock won with a result of 80.3% with a turnout of 36.9%. The words of the leader of Ivaniv’s Yablok, Danil Bedyayev, were followed by Mr. Konkov, “as an economist and a pragmatist” investment projects

Pavel Konkov's problems stemmed from the viconics of Volodymyr Putin's decrees.

At the bitter end of 2017, river worker for the sake of the Federation Valentina Matvienko criticized the reduction of salaries for teachers in the Ivanovo region.

As ex-speaker of the regional legislative assembly, Derzhdumi deputy, United Russia Sergei Pakhomov stated, “the remaining three years of the region are bored by the hard-hearted kerivnik, who will make a decision.”

Information about those officials who are ready to continue their careers outside the boundaries of their agency and department has appeared regularly in the past two years.

According to Kommersant's data, Mr. Voskresensky developed a knack for the “project” style of work and was always active in the search for direct development of his career.

Thus, it was announced that the intercessor of the minister is in charge of the food department, connected with the economy of Russian Railways (divided again in the middle of the MEASURES until the end of the day, so, at the position of the intercessor of the minister, Mr. Voskresensky took charge of the nutrition foreign economic activity, infrastructure reforms and energy efficiency, investment policy and private-power partnership).

your connection, fortunately there are no other online services, including Yandex.

Stanislav Voskresensky was seen as one of the potential candidates for the seat of the head of the Post of Russia (as a result, Mikola Pidguzov, another defender of the minister, became him).