Sokolov myths about evolution. Oleksandr Sokolov: Myths about the evolution of people Myths about revolutions

Oleksandr Sokolov

Myths about human evolution

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© O. Sokolov, 2015

© LLC "Alpina non-fiction", 2015

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About experimental types of telepathic people...

About the greedy traces of aliens...

About ancient pyramids, about sunken continents, mysterious symbols and hidden civilizations of ancient times...

About archaeological discoveries that official science is inveterately attracted to... won't find anything in this book. Boo...

We are ready to develop possible cultural awareness of readers. Darwin speaks. People resemble Mavpi. The ancestral home of humanity is known to be in Africa.

Twenty first hundred. The science of human evolution—paleoanthropology—is experiencing a vigorous development. With the recent successes of the exact sciences, it has become possible to capture our distant past in such detail that just recently would have seemed like science fiction. New discoveries are coming soon. Skin investigations and skin findings are widely visible in the press and gain the respect of millions of people. Alas, it’s a pity that mass knowledge does not keep up with science... Science is constantly rushing towards the future, mercy is indestructible.

In our region, the watersheds were really bad. Scientific propaganda lost the war for the minds and has finally gone to waste. The empty niche was quickly filled with pseudoscience substitutes. The information space was dominated by the myth-makers of the 21st century.

Coupe of the train "Petersburg - Moscow". My neighbors are an intelligent, middle-aged couple. The woman stared at her laptop. The guy wants to talk. I’m reluctant to relish the title of the book in my hands. A couple of times you ask, and a sullen note appears in the spy’s voice: “Are you, my friend, a Darwinist?” It is said like this, in the distance from Wolandivske: “Oh, how cool!” The woman raises her eyes to the screen and carefully says: “Did you know the transition line between the mother and the people? I felt in the TV show that everything that had been found later appeared in small pieces”... After a few minutes of dialogue, the man no longer laughs, and the lady throws up her hands in disappointment: “Then what’s wrong?”

I'm ready for the wedding. The editor of the Internet portal dedicated to the evolution of man needs pages with similar items as soon as possible.

Two years have passed since the publication of the article “13 myths about the evolution of man” (1). Thus, following the publication of the press and leaflets of readers, we briefly discussed with S.V. Drobishevsky a number of the most extensive amends. There were myths before us that emerged from ignorance, attracted by anti-revolutionists of various stripes. The publication has little doubt of success. Readers asked for continuation. From that hour, I made it a rule to write down any stereotypes that have become familiar, fears and legends that are related to our main topics - anthropogenesis, the history of people.

Myths about human evolution Oleksandr Sokolov

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Title: Myths about the evolution of humans

About the book “Myths about the evolution of people” Oleksandr Sokolov

Science journalist Oleksandr Sokolov collected sixty-five different pseudoscientific legends and masterfully distorted their exuberance on one cover of the book “Myths about the Evolution of Man.”

It’s the twenty-first century, the era of the iPhone and Tesla, and the adherents of Darwin’s counter-theory continue their work by producing scientific postulates. Oleksandr Sokolov carefully analyzes the myth about human behavior, its forms and development - Australopithecus, Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, and the food of ancient people. The author masterfully mocks pseudo-theories about the Veletni, people born of the sea, thoughts about dinosaurs, etc.

Read the book “Myths about the Evolution of People” well, if you want for people to enjoy science, there is little new there. For others, the book will open their eyes to new scientific facts, the revelation about the methods of tracking ancient digging brushes will cause a whole series of revolutionary changes.

Oleksandr Sokolov creates a simple myth about the fact that human development has reached its peak and is no longer evolving. The striking facts of changes over the last century will give clear indications of what is wrong with evolution.

Consider the dry scientific facts that are published in the treatises of paleontologists, biologists, anthropologists, difficult to understand, specific terms that are of little understanding to the general public. It just doesn’t fit with the book “Myths about the Evolution of Man,” written in the form of a dialogue in a sensible and simple way.

Hundreds of rocks in people’s minds are myths about the migration of people - the church, opponents of the theory of the migration of species. Anti-science stakes are flocking to the door to prove that they are right. Oleksandr Sokolov destroys the strings of the opponents’ theory, which is based on unfounded assumptions.

“Myths about the evolution of mankind” claims to be called a reference book for the super-chicks of the inveterate advocates of Mercy’s thoughts about the evolution and development of mankind. Recommended for reading by a wide audience of readers.

On our website about books you can download freely without registration or read online the book “Myths about the evolution of man” by Oleksandr Sokolov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and great satisfaction from reading. You can get the latest version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn about the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a large section with useful tips, recommendations, and articles so that you yourself can try your hand at literary craftsmanship.

Quotes from the book “Myths about the evolution of people” by Oleksandr Sokolov

Formulas for estimating the volume of the brain are based on the size of the stenoid cyst...)
Computer tomography can do wonders: the skull is scanned from a high level, a trivial model is selected, and the cerebrum is simulated virtually. This is how the brain size of Australopithecus sedibi was determined. For which it was not necessary to clean the skull from the rock - they shoved it into a heavy tomograph with a piece of rock.

Did Charles Darwin speak at the end of his life with his theory of human evolution? How did ancient people find dinosaurs? Is it true that Russia is a colossus of humanity, and who are they – and not one of our ancestors who have gone astray for centuries? Although paleoanthropology - the science of human evolution - is experiencing a turbulent blossoming, the history of people is similar to the hitherto anonymous myths. These are anti-revolutionist theories, and legends generated by mass culture, and the latest phenomena that emerge among people who have been enlightened and read. Do you want to know how everything was “true”? Oleksandr Sokolov, chief editor of the portal ANTHROPOGENES.RU, collected a whole collection of similar myths and verified how strong they are.

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Hints of an informative fragment of the book Myths about the evolution of people (A. V. Sokolov, 2015) information from our book partner, the company LitRes.

Myths about vikopni kistki

Everything that remains in recent times and about which we know nothing is called the prehistoric period.

Although we would like to know absolutely nothing about this period (since if we did, we would have called it historical), we would like to divide it into three centuries...

At that time, about which nothing is known, people lived in kurens or one of one; Then, having grown and expanded their brains, they began to eat superfluous nature: animals, birds, fish and plants.

Teffi. Old history(2)

So they cried out 100 fates for that... And there was no need to sin against the truth: it was time for baked supers, cunning hypotheses and the edge of rare, fantastically important findings. Obviously, the Kopalins were already giving the “fighters against the Mavpas” a lot of life. Although there were still few criticisms of this kind, one could get help from simple rhetorical devices. The hour had passed... The expedition worked tirelessly. We looked at the mass of facts accumulated by science, and it became increasingly difficult to squint at them. Well, myth-makers are not afraid of difficulties.

Anthropologists have found very few (extremely fragmentary) copalins, on the basis of which Darwinism they will base their speculations

In reality, the image of the “charmer”-anthropologist sits in the lotus position; next to it - the type of teeth, cracks and bones. The sage's eyes are flattened. Don’t worry too much: he’s meditating on the brushes! Raptom, the impenetrable denunciation of the victim of science is changing. With a sharp hand, running his hand into the palm of his hand, the allure of the clusters of tricks continues to draw in, he, without blinking, marvels at the new one, and chants out: I know the ancestor of the man!

The quintessence of the myth in one proposition sounds like this: “All the treasures of the evidence of the “evolution of man” can be contained in a box the size of a small trumpet...” ( Rose Z."Orthodox view of evolution".)

A series from the sheet of Hieromonk Seraphim Rose (born 1974) (3). However, 40 years ago, the quoted statement was not effective. Well! The priesthood can be studied... This comparison with the “small trouble” is regularly used as an argument among the super-Darwinists. In 2014 its metaphors, but the sense is identical - I quote Oleksandr Nevzorov: “And the scantiness (unsuitable for wide application) of high-quality excavation material is extremely small. Everything will fit in the trunk of a Bentley (without screens or a box)” (4).

It's true even before 1974 There were numerous (including security) finds:

Neanderthals (for the burial of many of our “great-great-great-grandfathers” we needed a huge centurion);

Homo erectus in Java, Europe, China, Skhidnya, Pivnichnya and Pivdennya Africa;

Heidelberg people from Europe, Africa, Asia;

Australopithecus in Pivdennya and Skhidnya Africa;

People in love at the Similar and Pivdenny Africa

And to imagine the “kopalini”, discovered in 1974. to this day, there would have been a museum of such significant size. There are thousands of finds, and the list continues to grow - we are quickly learning about new discoveries, the discovery of sites of ancient people and new species (div., for example, the same figures shown in myth No. 3).

I’ll bring one more fresh butt.

20 chernya 2014 r. magazine Science informing readers about new discoveries at the famous Sima de los Huesos (Spain) oven (5) . The remains of 28 individuals and 17 skulls were discovered there. I'm afraid they will be cramped in the trunk of the Bentley... Age of ancient hominids - 430,000 years.

Among the new discoveries, which is especially valuable, is a practically new child’s skull. All human bones were found in one ball, almost one to one, and may have belonged to one ancient population. Having implanted the skulls of people from Sima de los Huesos, the descendants soon discovered that before them were the direct ancestors of the Neanderthals.

The myth about the “cutting of the brushes” has become very important to the fighters against Darwinism. How can you explain the vitality of this mercy in our country? Even for as long as the rest of the lives of the Russians have been, as they continue to walk around with people, they were not able to look at that little woman! All we have are small exhibitions of a few metropolitan museums that have not been updated for a long time, boring and poorly illustrated school supplies and a number of popular books from the 30s. This may sound implausible, but St. Petersburg, the cultural capital, does not have a paleontological museum. The single hall on anthropogeny in the Kunstkamera is closed for repairs. How can such baggage compete with the latest myth-makers, a century-old evidence of the information war, an avalanche of miraculous books and magazines, films, television shows, websites and effective public appearances? Complaining about the power of pseudoscience in Russia, we need to understand how we ourselves are to blame.

The desire to radically change the situation was falling upon us, since 2010. We created the scientific and educational portal ANTHROPOGENES.RU. At this time, the portal has information about approximately 450 finds (although only some of the materials are available - for example, the “Neanderthals” section is still being prepared before publication).

Most of the contemporaneous evidence of human evolution – details

Thus, a small amount of “contemporary evidence of human evolution” is at hand. One. This is the famous Piltdown skull. The history of the Pauldown fake is richly described in the literature (including Radiansky). The icon was built in 1912, vikrito 1953. The fragmentary skull and lower slit of the “greatest Englishman” were discovered in Piltdown (England). The known truth was described as Eoanthropus dawsoni- “People of the Dawn of Dawson.” It turned out that this most ancient ancestor of people lingered on the territory of England for a million reasons. After 40 years, it turned out that the skull belonged to a living human, and the lower crack belonged to an orangutan with filed teeth.

So this is the story itself, and this is the persistent propaganda myth created by fighters against science. Part of this myth sounds like this: after 1912. for as many as 40 years, “the discovery was not subject to serious criticism,” and “everyone dutifully respected the skepticism of the investigation.” “Starting from 1912. Even up to 1953, all monographs, handbooks and encyclopedias explained to readers how important the place of the Poltdown people is in the evolutionary history of modern people,” writes, for example, Nathan Aviezer, professor Sor physics of the Bar-Ilan University and Antie, Books “Faith in the Age” science"(6) . The truth inevitably emerges: all the world’s fachists were so easily deceived and led around for ten years, but we cannot speak about the science of anthropology!

Let's clarify the situation:

1. With special reverence, the Poltdown skull was placed in Great Britain (or even the first Englishman!). Behind them, many fakhivtsev were not at all in the grip of the “people of the dawn”. Marvel, for example, at what the Radian anthropologists wrote about the eoanthrope. The axis of a number of ostentatious quotes is to increase respect for rocks:

Around this “people of the dawn” numerous super rivers burst into flames. Some people have argued that there could be such a thing with a lower jaw and a human skull; Others felt it and said that there were two things in abundance here: first, a person who lived in the last year of the feast and did not see anything different from other people; And, in other words, mawpi, even similar to a chimpanzee, who lingered in the borders of England long before - until about the third hour, even before the icebreakers.

All these superfoods have not yet been completed, and there is still no residual food left for this great discovery.

Gremyatsky M. Walking people (1925)(7)

Also standing apart is the skull of the so-called Pildown man, recently discovered in England: with a high development of the cranial crypt, there is a slit, even close to the slit of a chimpanzee; Since the skull and cracks were found side by side, it became doubtful that they belonged to the same organism.

Milkovich N. Life and history of the Earth (1928) (8)

It is a great mystery for this Paleolithic people to attribute the surplus of the skull and the lower cleft to one and the same essence that the richness would be lost.

Pavlova M. Paleozoology (1929)(9)

The lower chasm, which formed a large super river in the ancient rocks, was found in alluvial balls of gravel, most likely from the Pleistocene age near Piltdown in England, as this is the name of the “Piltdown Unterkiefer”. , Gerrit S. Miller, 1915), belong to the “ancient chimpanzee.”

Weber M. Primati (1936)(10)

In the assistant to anthropology, edited by V. V. Bunak (published in 1941), on 350 pages, the eoanthropus has one single paragraph in the notes before the description of the Heidelberg chasm:

For a long time, the eoanthropus (Eoanthropus Dawsoni) was attributed to the species in England in 1911 and 1915. a surplus of two skulls was found; The lower slit was found immediately from the first skull, according to R. Miller, which belongs to the “old chimpanzee” (Pan vetus).

Bunak St, Nesturkh M., Roginsky Y. Anthropology (1941)(11)

Well, it’s a fact: there hasn’t been a single-flock massacre in the history of the Eoanthropus. Many fakhivts from the very beginning doubted the relevance of the “dawn people” - it must have already been seen in other discoveries.

2. First of all, don’t forget about the foolish anthropologists who have been circled around the finger, they’ll be on the cob of the 20th century. Paleoanthropology was still less formalized as a science. There were catastrophically few materials for finishing; Scientific methods for analyzing findings have yet to be developed. Obviously, to this extent, it is necessary to add the great importance of British marriages to ensure that the people of the “nobles of the nobility” are obligated within the borders of Foggy Albion.

The very development of natural methods allowed in the middle of the 20th century. Bring the mystificationists to clean water Adje vikrit the additional fluoride dating method, not long before the discovery by anthropologist Kenneth Oakley. This method is not very reliable, but allows you to roughly estimate the age of the brushes. A fluoride test showed that Pauldown's skull could not be more than 50,000 years old. Further chemical analysis made it possible to establish that the crack, which was responsible for everything, was the cause of death.

Thus, new tools that serve anthropologists have helped expose the deception. And the widest range of similar (even more thorough) methods made it impossible to repeat the Piltown history.

Since that hour, the axis has already been more than 50 years old and the anthropologist has not been picking up skulls from Piltdown in his everyday life. What's the matter? Other known materials are no longer sufficient. For the eoanthropist, it is important to continue the history of the “fighters against Darwinism.” Perhaps there’s nothing more to worry about...

But it’s different: why do details and hoaxes still appear in various fields of science from time to time? Paleoanthropology does not seem to have a special interest in this regard. The reason is that through beliefs one may be on the slimy path of deception, and it is an underdeveloped topic. Perhaps a number of factors can come together at once:

Young, recently formed science directly;

The object of investigation itself is important to capture - it is, so to speak, between the worlds;

This kind of fashion is to blame, it will wash away the promise of revival.

As I say, there are adventurers in science.

Let's take a look at a bunch of butts.

Example No. 1. Birds of Paradise

Eighth Versny 1522 r. The ship "Victoria" arrived to Seville, which was lost - the only ship in Magellan's flotilla. The sailors of the "Victoria" brought with them bird skins of extraordinary beauty, donated to the captain's ship by the Moluccan Sultan. The marvelous birds were nicknamed “birds of paradise.” Their journey was lost for a troubling hour to the unknown (we now know that the stinks are hanging around New Guinea). Collectors were ready to pay pennies for the loss of the marvelous bird. Well then:

Merchants and drugstores secretly vikoristalized this drink. And now in the collections there are old skins, intricately folded feathers and cloth skins of various species of birds of paradise. Thus, the “white-winged bird of paradise”, which was described in 1787. The English zoologist Latham, who obtained it for his private collection, found it made from the skins of completely different species of birds of paradise, with intricately attached white wings. One particularly luxurious look from the collection of the Frenchman Levaillan also appeared foldable. In which specimen lives, the tail and work of different birds. Miraculous flywheels appeared individually attached.

Grzimek B. Australian studies(12)

Tsikavo, the birds of paradise, worried about incorrect descriptions, were made legless. Once it became clear that they still had legs, the clever people began to caress until the birds of paradise dropped their legs from the jackdaws and the hawks.

Example No. 2. Cardiff velvet

And now let us know about the greatest archaeological hoax of the 19th century.

USA, 1866 George Hull, a YouTuber and a skeptic, comes to the town of Cardiff (New York) with special information. At the church, there is a superchka with a preacher who spoke about the antediluvian velet. Bachachi, so that the parishioners confidently marvel at the preacher in his mouth, Hull will think about robbing his spivitch students and also earning money on this.

I Axis Hull buys a gypsum block three meters high, transports it to Chicago, where he hires a sculptor and a stonemason to create a figure of a man of majestic proportions. In order to age it individually, the sculpture is darkened with acid.

At night the "veletny" was delivered to Cardiff and buried on the farm of Newell, Hull's cousin.

In 1869 Veletnya "Vipadkovo" was found at the hour of digging a well.

The very next day, the entire state of New York learned about the discovered giant. Thousands of people rushed to the farm to marvel at the new man. Thoughts about this journey were divided. Some respected that with such a look, any kind of god could have appeared on the earth a long time ago. Others stunned him with a forgotten memo to President George Washington. And more and more voices were heard, insisting that there was something to be said about the first man, who had forgotten a thousand years ago.”

Matveeva G. American Goliath(13)

This version made a mountain. Thousands of people flocked to Cardiff to win the “American Goliath”, and from every ruler they bought finds for 50 cents! The traveler from Cardiff gained a lot of knowledge, visited many museums, and, once the first deception was revealed, the hoaxers earned 100,000 dollars from the “antediluvian giant.”

The Cardiff Letter is currently on display at the Farmers' Museum in Cooperstown, New York.

Example No. 3. Physics is not safe from mystification

At the beginning of the 20th century, after the advent of X-ray changes, a fashion for all kinds of changes appeared. I axis 1903 r. The famous French physicist René Prosper Blondlot stated that he had discovered new exchanges, which he called N-exchanges. These exchanges were never released with any kind of metals, which, if they came into contact with the eyes, could reveal the existence of people living in the dark and small other miracles of power. Although a number of scientists failed to follow up on the N-exchanges, the French Academy of Sciences awarded Blondlot a gold medal and a prize of 20,000 francs.

To clarify the situation, prominent American physicist Robert Wood arrived at Blondlot's laboratory. After a number of simple tests, Wood concluded that N-exchange is a fiction. Wood himself describes one of the experiments:

“Then he showed me the weakly lightened date on the wall and tried to roll it over so that his arrows could be cut apart, as a large flat file was held over the eyes. I asked him if I could drink a drink from him over the eye, and I marked a flat wooden ruler on his table and guessed that the tree was one of the few words that have never been mentioned N- exchange. You've waited a while. I rubbed a dark line and trimmed it in front of the accusations. Oh, so - he miraculously pointed the arrows. This has brought me to this point” (14).

This example shows that the authors of false criticism can themselves have mercy. Judging from this, Blondlo was singing at the birth of N-exchanges, and, according to certain data, he continued to believe in them 20 years after his defeat by Wood.

It is possible that the skin of the great new galuz of science, emerging from the pellets, may go through “the baptism of a great mystification” - and be cleansed. One such great hoax took place in the history of paleoanthropology. Fortunately, it has long been vikrated - and, characteristically, not by fringes or sectarians, but by the members of the scientific partnership itself.

That other ancient ancestor of the people described behind one dubious discovery

As often happens, the vastness of this myth was hidden by entirely dubious writers and journalists. Who cares about the tenth and hundredth discovery of a Neanderthal, Australopithecus or Pithecanthropus? The other one on the right is the leader, with a romantic aura, who have gone through an important journey before recognition, etc.

As popular as a book about people's ancestors was, it was a story about Eugene Dubois's trip to Java and Fulroth's discovery near the Neander Valley. It’s true! There is a need to infuse young minds with the romance of the secrets - otherwise the stars will take up new jobs in the future, ready to put up with the hardships of long expeditions, these months sit in a dig under the plank or the scorching sun for the sake of God ї “never-staying lanka”?.. Ale as a side effect of the popularizers of wine brandy.” They were often painted on TV shows. The assistants spoke dryly about them.

This is a classic marketing mechanism: everyone remembers the first cosmonaut. Who is the third one in space? Ten?.. One hundred and ten? A lot of people’s memories are limited, so the “first cosmonaut effect” occurs in everyday life (one or two brands of ketchup, and then - rash), and even more so in such a distant region as the inhabitants of the region, like anthropology.

As a result, the entire body of knowledge about the Australopithecus is reduced to the image of the little baby Lucy, about how the people “kept reading here.”

In fact, as you certainly know, “Lucy” is one of the first and most famous discovery of Australopithecus afarensis. However, besides Lucy, the number of such finds is numbered in the hundreds. A similar situation arose with many other modern hominids.

The table below lists some of the most prominent paleoanthropological finds. For the sake of balance, the actual number of known individuals of the skin group of hominids is identified (according to the catalog ANTHROPOGENES.RU).

It is understandable, and the views are still visible from single rocks. This, for example, is a sahelanthropus, described in 2002 based on one skull, two fragments of the lower fissures and a few teeth. An hour may pass before more sightings of this type appear.

In reality, the foundation of “paleoanthropological brands” can be ignored. Those who started singing the stench began to talk about the singing roar of “folk art”. At the TSOOM, the MIFOLOGIZAI, turned on to the masked culture: modesty skull of the fragmentary skeleton, overlap, the rings of the miyshiliy - Zakiyi Chiovyvichy Chi Kmіtlivichi journalist. At this stage, you can play a role in a film or in a children's cartoon. Before the speech, 2014 Luc Besson's most famous film "Lucie" is currently being released, with the familiar "Australopithecus woman" appearing on the screen.

However, it is not to be forgotten: bright brandies are not for scientific propaganda, but for the predecessors - a smokehouse, an hourly routine of work, retelling figures, graphs drawn through hundreds of points, analysis and formalization. Theories will not be the same on single discoveries - let alone beautiful ones - but in a vast array of knowledge accumulated over ten years.

Found kopalini, seen for the ancestors of people - both “just old mawpi” and “just old people”

And there is nothing in between. The people have never slept. People have always been people, and people have always been people, and the Bible speaks about them.

Morris G. Biblical foundations of modern science (15)

Formally, everything is correct. It’s true, since our ancestors were not yet people, but ancient Mavps. Until the final hour, the differences between the former and the others would, of course, be obvious to any scientist. However, as anthropologists unearthed new discoveries from the earth, the line between “people and humans” became increasingly thin and indistinct...

It’s funny that those who adhere to the myth about “good people and MVPs” are often at odds with each other when they try to identify another discovery, and even deny themselves.

So, the same Morris wrote in his most recent book that Pithecanthropus was found in Java “composition of two different individuals – people and Gibon”, and even on the next page he declares that there is nothing wrong with what comes to Homo erectus, “lay, perhaps, to the living people”. Aje Javanese petecanthropus - this is the first discovery Homo erectus

There is nothing wonderful in such confusion! Due to the status of these famous celebrities - Homo or NOT Homo? - Disagree with the Duma and the mainstream fakhivsts in the world. Such is the share of any transitional form, friends, - hang in the middle between canopies, homelands, paddocks.

Judge for yourself: since we are far removed from one species of the same species, the difference between them is obvious. A Neanderthal is a different kind of man, although not similar to us. The ancient proconsul, who cut 20 million rubles from trees, is an absolute master. And how, for example, we will describe in 2010. Australopithecus sedibu? A small brain, long arms and short legs, the chest expands downwards, a shoulder blade like an orangutan. just Mavpa? However, the pelvis, ligament bones, pelvis, spine, and facial features are the same as in humans. Just a human? Further - worse: the human hand and human signs are mixed in such a way that it is no longer possible to say that a human hand grabbed the neck 2 million years ago. It turned out that the authors clearly attributed the discovery to the Australopithecines, while other anthropologists, such as Lucy's original author Donald Johanson, voted for Homo.

It is understandable that others, in the era of myth-makers, miraculously understand that the line “Homo /ni Homo" - Behind the great rakhunkom is intelligence.

The problem of the edge was already identified by Charles Darwin, who wrote more than 100 times in “The Walking of Man”: “In a series of forms that gradually pass from some kind of monster-like creature to the man who is infected with it, it would be impossible to determine the precise point where it is lived.” and the word "people" (16). ( Prov. auto)

By stretching the remaining 100 rocks, the cordon between people and creatures was intended to be carried out in a big way. Axis is one of these tests. Of course, the current person has a very big brain - even more so, even less so for the brainiest brain! (In humans, the average brain volume is 500 cm³, in chimpanzees - 390 cm³, in humans - 1350 cm³.)

Coming from these figures, Arthur Keys vvіv 1948 r. understanding the brain rubicon between mavpoy and people. It is reasonable to note that the most important difference between the human body and the health of the teeth and the development of the body and brain. Kizs took the largest brain of burned (650 cm³), the smallest brain of a human being (after that, 855 cm³) and found that the cordon is between these values. Vin wrote: “I said that if there were a group of great primates, whose brains reach 750 cm 3, the responsibility is no longer placed on anthropoids, but on people” (17).

Kiz verified his criterion on the Javanese Pithecanthropus and the African Australopithecus - the finds known at that time. Pithecanthropus has an average brain volume of 850 cm³, despite the fact that they outweigh human rice. Australopithecines - with their clearly bulging skull - have a smaller brain volume of 650 cm³. How about getting together?

But not so many fates had passed, little men with smaller and smaller brain volumes began to appear in the light of day, and the string of the picture fell apart. "Rubikon" step by step on the decline, until you lose any sense.

Lyudina vmila, average brain volume 600 cm? Homo from Dmanisi (Georgia) - 650, 625, 600 ... and nareshti, 546 cm?! This is no longer the gate! “The Hobbit” from the island of Flores – 426 cm³! It seems that the people who wanted to know did not know about any kind of brain rubicon - they prepared their own shells with a brain the size of a chimpanzine.

Try to identify a specific anatomical sign for verification - human beings? - We faced similar difficulties. But with mythmakers everything is simple and insightful... The problem was briefly formulated in 2010. Vladimir anthropologist V. M. Kharitonov:

“It’s a pity, we don’t have any factual data about the “remaining” mavpa and the “first” people, and since the correct introduction of more mercury, then we can’t count them, as long as the researchers have come to terms with the fact of a new morphological identity hundreds of forms...

Numerical attempts to find a morphological criterion for demarcation between these forms have turned out to be disappointing, and today there is no such criterion” (18).

Vitaly Mikhailovich uttered a wonderful thought:

People are becoming increasingly different from Australopithecus because they have learned to prepare a projectile;

But for the anatomy of this transition, it is impossible to remember; sitting on a skeleton! The last radical change in the anatomy of our ancestors - the transition to upright walking - took place millions of years before the appearance of humans...

In the opinion of many predecessors, the anatomical criterion here is in principle impossible. Humanity is not a primate that produces equipment, so it is necessary to follow the line of anatomy, and, according to culture, it is easiest to judge the “humanity” of a hominid based on the evidence of its remains. This, of course, does not guarantee that the brush will be properly laid down by the creator. And besides, often the discovery of bone remains without any evidence - what to do with them?

Darwin tells us: don’t cross the line to draw a clear line. However, if we take the entire array of accumulated data and arrange it in chronological order, we notice that among the ancient primates, human figures appear, one after another, as their number increases over time, and all the signs fade away. give up their place until If you decide, the moment has not come when you can say with success: axis and wine - Good people, “wonder and glory to the All-World.”

For clarity, below is a table where you can compare the number of ancient hominids by signs that distinguish modern humans from chimpanzees. I would like to say that the list is incomprehensible and simple: in order to be human, we have a mixture of anatomical, behavioral and cultural features.

If you want to talk about “just old people and mavp”, suggest you look at the row of skulls from the Ardipithecus to Homo sapiens, presented to the little one 4. Then ask: on which skull do people end and people begin? Please ask for the answer. Most importantly, at this point your opponent will stop self-consciously fading and think.

There are known cops who appear to be the ancestors of people - people who truly degenerated, “degradants”

It’s easy to believe! Even if a person transforms into a human being, we don’t know, but to learn how a person transforms into a human, it’s enough to go out in the evening near a residential area or some Russian place.

One could speak seriously about “degradants”, as if paleoanthropology did not agree with chronology. We will apply these signs throughout the entire hour. We care that there is no degradation! Totally out of the blue. It is especially good to study the quiet places where hominids have been found and where finds are found during long periods of time.

The axis, for example, is the chronology of famous monuments - Koobi-Fora (Kenya), Omo (Ethiopia), Olduvai (Tanzania) - from ancient beliefs to the young.



As a matter of fact, in all seasons, Australopithecines come to change early Homo, Then - Homo ergasterі Homo erectus, and erectus will be replaced by “archaic sapiens”. The consistency is not broken anywhere! It’s the same with archaeology: the balls with Australopithecines have nothing to do with them; order from earlier Homo primitive pebble shells have been found; more progressive symmetrical axes, etc. There is clearly progress, and not degradation at all.

Who cares that all the same and, let's say, Homo erectus– this is a sapiens that has degraded, then let it be called at least one reliable date on our planet, de sapiens lie under balls with erectuses. My email address is visible to you.

This does not mean that human evolution is a simple and linear process. We know that the evolutionary stitch is small, a chimera of vigina, vydgaluzhenniya and deaf cut. Some of the human populations across the planet were stuck developing, and perhaps even degrading (guess the people who got together - the hobbies of Flores).

However, what is important for us is not the retreat, but the highway, which is easy to spot on the naked eye. Marvel at the diagrams (Fig. 5) of how the brains of ancient hominids changed over time. The graphics are close to 300 pixels. It’s amazing the degradation that accompanies the growth of the brain, isn’t it?

Absolutely, he touched his brain - just one of the parameters that characterize a person. This chart is enough to show that the idea of ​​degradation has a very subtle basis.

Everyday Lanka between Mavpa and people is not known

There is an extremely popular myth that always goes like this: “They have been searching for 100 years, but the sad “lane that is being rejected” has never been found...”

The term “day lanka” began to be used in the 19th century. Zokrema, Ernst Haeckel admitted that between the human ancestor - the ancient mapoa - there is a small intermediary origin - a pithecanthropus, the remains of which at that time have only recently been discovered.

Whose sense of the term is popularized both by journalists and popular literature. The Fahivians have long understood that the fragmentation of humankind is a trivial process, and evolution is uninterrupted, between the human-like primate, which has been alive 10 million years ago, and today’s human beings there have been a lot of people. Tsi Lanka step by step, one by one, paleo; Anthropologists worked on the remaining 100 rocks... The result was not a lanka, but a lance.

So it’s important to clarify: is there not enough space between each other?

Between the people and the people? Too often spilled, any Australopithecus would be suitable for this role.

Between a reasonable human and a petecanthrope ( Homo erectus )? Todi tse Homo heidelbergensis , Who is alive 500,000 years ago.

between Homo erectus and Australopithecus? Homo habilis, the people remembered, 2 million years ago.

Between four-legged and two-legged? Ardipitech, 4.5 million years ago.

Zagalny ancestor of humans, chimpanzees and burned? Nakalipitek, 10 million years ago.

Zagalny ancestor of the great human-like mavp? Proconsul, over 15 million.

The ancient ancestor of all primates? Purgatorius, this marked the end of the Credential period.

Alpina Non-fiction, 2015

Did Charles Darwin say his theory at the end of his life? How did ancient people find dinosaurs? Is it true that Russia is a colossus of humanity, and who are they - and not one of our ancestors who got lost for centuries? Although paleoanthropology - the science of human evolution - is experiencing a turbulent blossoming, the history of people is similar to the hitherto anonymous myths. These are anti-revolutionist theories, and legends generated by mass culture, and the latest phenomena that emerge among people who have been enlightened and read. Do you want to know how everything was “true”? Oleksandr Sokolov, chief editor of the portal ANTHROPOGENES.RU, collected a whole collection of similar myths and verified how strong they are.

Myths about vikopni kistki

1. Anthropologists have found very few (extremely fragmentary) finds, based on which Darwinism they will make their assumptions

2. Most of the historical evidence of human evolution - details...

3. That other ancient ancestor of the people described behind one dubious discovery.

4. Kopalini have been found that appear to be the ancestors of people - not “just old people”, or “just old people”

5. Copalins have been found that appear to be the ancestors of people - they are actually “degradants”, as people degraded.

6. Day Lanka not found.

7. If evolution is a reality, then there will be millions of skeletons of human ancestors

Myths about chronology

8. The dating of ancient brushes - “all the millions of rocks” - was removed using dubious methods (“zi steli”), for the sake of low inaccuracy.

9. The ancient “ancestors of humans” lived simultaneously, and did not resemble one another.

10. People lived at the same time as dinosaurs!

11. According to the “official legends”, for millions of years people have been victorious over the same primitive split stones. And raptom - for thousands of years people walk the path “from motorcycles to space rockets and computers.” Alas, this is absurd!

12. That other kind of ancient people, having been around for a long time, do not change

Myths about ancient people

13. Charles Darwin’s main idea is that “people should be like birds.”

14. Charles Darwin never confirmed that “people are like mawpi”!

15. Darwin’s main idea is that there is no God...

16. Charles Darwin, at the end of his life, “loved his theory.”

17. Eugene Dubois, at the end of his life, learned that what was known in Java was not a pythecanthrope, but a “giant gibbon.”

18. Most of the people around the world “have long been aware of the theory of the similarity of people with mawpi...”.

Myths about participants in the “March of Progress”

19. Australopithecines are the primary creatures

20. Lyudina vmila – it’s just mavpa, australopithecus

21. Lyudina erecta ( Homo erectus, pythecanthropus) - this is a primary human being, you can see such people on the street

22. Sinanthropy is just the type of people that people are.

23. A man looks like a mawpi, and a mawpa like whom? What kind of toad? Type of bacteria?

24. Today’s people returned from birth, and their ancestors are unknown. There must be a great divide between him and the ancient hominids.

Myths about Neanderthals

25. The brain of Neanderthals was larger than the brain of Cro-Magnons!

26. The Cro-Magnons blamed the Neanderthals, they simply killed them

27. Neanderthals had very large eyes

28. The Snowman is not the Neanderthal that is still found in the forests here...

Myths about reconstruction

29. Reconstructions of the modern appearance of people’s ancestors are based, inclusively, on the “ill fantasies of the ancients.”

30. What do you think is the reconstruction of our distant ancestor? But I have a susid similar to nogo!

31. If you buy separate brushes, you can pick up whatever you want, whether you want a human, or a Mavpa, or a “human Mavpa”...

Myths about scientific methods

32. The theory about the similarity between people and mawpi is based solely on “the external similarity between people and mawpi.”

33. Show what stones are broken and show what is in order. I don't believe it! I can see people like that by the ditch as often as I can.

34. How can you trace it far away? Is it possible that a million people are still alive and what happened?

35. If the evolution of justice had happened, we would have guarded against it steadily!

36. People are the crown of nature, the crown of thoroughness! Oh dear, I can’t blame myself for the blind evolution

37. People don’t walk like Mavpi; The person that Mavpi had a living ancestor!!

Myths about Fatherlandism and elephants

38. People didn’t live in Africa! The African hypothesis is imposed on us by politically correct beliefs, so that we do not love our fatherland!

39. Will people settle down at night? It's warm on the day!

40. Old monuments have been found on the territory of Russia! These are Russians! They're not English! Russia is a wheel of humanity, and the people of old were Russians!

Myths about race

41. People look like blacks

42. In ancient times, during the Upper Paleolithic, Negroids lived in Europe, who were later replaced by Cro-Magnons-Europeans

43. People resemble the Bushmen, and the current Bushmen are “the oldest people on the planet”

44. Lovers between “distant” races will not produce offspring! That's why you see it all!

45. Negroes (or Australians, Tasmanians, Papuans, ... etc.) - these are primitive peoples, like the closest, lower, proud Europeans (or Mongoloids), stand before the Mavpi

46. ​​Current aborigines of Australia - areas of hypothecanthropes or adopted hybrids of sapiens with hypothecanthropes.

Myths about the bad and unacknowledged mapa

47. It was impossible for us to see the Mavpi, because Mavpi has no reason to walk on two legs! It's so good on the tree!

48. Humans have 46 chromosomes, and Mavpis have 48! How could a human being get in with Mavpi?

49. The pig, Nizh Mavpa, is genetically closer to humans (it’s not for nothing that humans transplant pig organs...)

50. If MVP gives birth to a mutant, it will immediately stink.

Myths about the Pecherna man...

51. Ancient people walked wrapped in skins and with a stick near their hands

52. All ancient people lived in ovens

53. Ancient people lived in the snowy latitudes, in the cold of the ice, on the border with the ice

54. The ancient people were very shaggy

55. The ancient people had arms up to their knees, crooked short legs, and walked hunched over

56. The ancient people were even more aggressive and steadily fought one after another

57. In ancient times, men took off their wives, most importantly by force

58. Ancient people lived in the era of matriarchy

59. In ancient times, people often became victims of huts.

Myths about spending paradise and about ancestors captured by official science

60. A long time ago, people grew to great heights, with velvet...

61. People are like their aquatic (flood) ancestors! Only with this can one explain the extraordinary peculiarities of people.

62. For a long time, people lived in harmony with nature, were healthy and strong, and then people chewed everything up, polluted everything, and became sick and weak...

Culinary myths

63. Ancient people were vegetarians

64. Ancient people were scavengers

65. Ancient people were cannibals

The final myth (Pislyamov’s replacement). If a person resembles a mawpi, then everything is possible!

Vidavnitstvo Alpina Non-fiction, 390 pages.

All rights reserved. Tvir appointments Vinyatkovo for private wiki. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be published in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or in corporate media, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright holder. For violation of copyrights, the law provides for payment of compensation to the legal owner in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), as well as criminal liability in the form of a reduced will for lines up to 6 days (Article 146 of the Code of the Russian Federation).

Science editor Olena Naimark

Editor Natalia Nartsissava

Kerivnyk project I. Seryogina

Proofreader M. Milovidova

Computer layout A. Fominov

Preparation of illustrations A. Akmaeva

Cover design O. Sidorenko

Illustration on the cover R. Yevseev

© O. Sokolov, 2015

© LLC "Alpina non-fiction", 2015


About experimental types of telepathic people...

About the greedy traces of aliens...

About ancient pyramids, about sunken continents, mysterious symbols and hidden civilizations of ancient times...

About archaeological discoveries that official science is inveterately attracted to... won't find anything in this book. Boo...

We are ready to develop possible cultural awareness of readers. Darwin speaks. People resemble Mavpi. The ancestral home of humanity is known to be in Africa.

Twenty first hundred. The science of human evolution—paleoanthropology—is experiencing a vigorous development. With the recent successes of the exact sciences, it has become possible to capture our distant past in such detail that just recently would have seemed like science fiction. New discoveries are coming soon. Skin investigations and skin findings are widely visible in the press and gain the respect of millions of people. Alas, it’s a pity that mass knowledge does not keep up with science... Science is constantly rushing towards the future, mercy is indestructible.

In our region, the watersheds were really bad. Scientific propaganda lost the war for the minds and has finally gone to waste. The empty niche was quickly filled with pseudoscience substitutes. The information space was dominated by the myth-makers of the 21st century.

Coupe of the train "Petersburg - Moscow". My neighbors are an intelligent, middle-aged couple. The woman stared at her laptop. The guy wants to talk. I’m reluctant to relish the title of the book in my hands. A couple of times you ask, and a sullen note appears in the spy’s voice: “Are you, my friend, a Darwinist?” It is said like this, in the distance from Wolandivske: “Oh, how cool!” The woman raises her eyes to the screen and carefully says: “Did you know the transition line between the mother and the people? I felt in the TV show that everything that had been found later appeared in small pieces”... After a few minutes of dialogue, the man no longer laughs, and the lady throws up her hands in disappointment: “Then what’s wrong?”

I'm ready for the wedding. The editor of the Internet portal dedicated to the evolution of man needs pages with similar items as soon as possible.

Two years have passed since the publication of the article “13 myths about the evolution of man.” Thus, following the publication of the press and leaflets of readers, we briefly discussed with S.V. Drobishevsky a number of the most extensive amends. There were myths before us that emerged from ignorance, attracted by anti-revolutionists of various stripes. The publication has little doubt of success. Readers asked for continuation. From that hour, I made it a rule to write down any stereotypes that have become familiar, fears and legends that are related to our main topics - anthropogenesis, the history of people.

A decade of “excavation” - and the top layer of anti-revolutionist tales “with a beard” has been removed, and underneath it a whole layer of myths has emerged, generated by mass culture - the press, cinema, cartoons, handy books. And also – the myths of science, which emerge among people who are enlightened and well-read. Myths that came to fruition just yesterday. And the myths, which are very old, can now be omitted.

The collection of myths grew, and since there were nearly a hundred of them, I wanted to give each purchase of texts a finished look. The book you are reading contains some of the collected materials.

Working over the text, it was very important not to allow one thing - mocking the predecessors of the past. Other authors-gostlorists from the height of current knowledge (respect, which was not acquired by them) are literally bursting with laughter, guessing and hypotheses of two centuries past, which have not been confirmed. I feel like such scoffers are far less critical of themselves and rather less than facts.

The great treasures of this year are not without the authors of brilliant conjectures that have been tested for an hour, and those who have sacrificed the preciousness of the precise and sophisticated theories of the current scientific revolution. It was important for the pioneers who worked in the scientific field in the hours when paleoanthropology was still working hard for the lack of facts and detailed methods. Let's take a drop.

Having undertaken to demystify the myths, the author himself can be borderline correct in the factual part. As much as possible, I checked all the messages and tried to get to the destination. In addition, I had the opportunity to intrude into archaeology, genetics and other complex disciplines that I am not familiar with - and I would hardly have been able to lose myself within the framework of science without the help of experts. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to survive until the last days. Thanks to their consultations, I'm already getting discouraged I have avoided the harsh pardons. However, if readers find inaccuracies in the text, I will be very kind if you let me know about them and I will promptly correct them in the next edition of the book.

I still. Most often, a myth is popularized where knowledge ends. If you run out of knowledge about a real person, it doesn’t matter to correct it, since it’s worth paying attention to. And the axis, if the knowledge of all mankind ends, will return to it much more smoothly. Choose an easy path - you see a new knowledge - and here’s another myth. I ask you to walk the other, unforgivable, but richly rewarding path of this book – the path of science.

The rest of the book is a collection of myths, and it is not obligatory to read in order, from beginning to end. Open the place and choose the coffee for a delicious relish. For example, the skin section is a summary – the myth itself is that of cold in the form.


The writing of this book would have been impossible without the invaluable assistance provided by the well-known Russian anthropologist, candidate of biological sciences Stanislav Volodimirovich Drobishevsky. I believe that a significant part of my knowledge comes from the well-known field – paleoanthropology. Quotes from articles by Stanislav Volodimirovich, written by him for our joint project - the portal ANTHROPOGENES.RU, can be found in many sections of the book.

At all stages of work on the book, I was helped by the valuable recommendations of my teacher, a renowned expert in creativity techniques, Vlasnik VIKENT.RU (the largest portal in Europe dedicated to the development of creative features) - Igor Leonardovich Vikentyeva.

Another wonderful Russian author, whom I quote a lot and with satisfaction, is St. Petersburg archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Leonid Borisovich Vishnyatsky. Leonid Borisovich checked a number of fragments of the book related to archaeology. Yuck!

To a well-known geneticist, Doctor of Biological Sciences Svitlana Oleksandrivna Borinsky for his respect, I contributed to the chapters in which I hang out in genetics, and to Doctor of Geographical Sciences Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Kuzmin for consultation on dating methods.

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