Social norms and values ​​in the sociology of culture.



6) Their place indicates the type of culture and character

  • social organizations
  • partnership.
  • Ways to regulate people's behavior by social values:

1) Allowed - notes on behavioral options, such as bananas, but not vegetables.

2) Addition - an entry for a required item.

3) Fence - a note on actions that should not be done. Whatever the classification of values ​​by type and level is invariably intelligent through those that introduce social and cultural meanings to it.

Moreover, it is important to insert that other value that has its wealth (for example, family) in the singing column.

Prote can be dated by such a cleverly ordered classification of social values.

Vitals: life, health, corporeality, safety, kindness, human form (situation, calmness, goodness), strength, vitriol, vibrancy of life,

natural middle

Aesthetic: beauty (or, perhaps, the aesthetics of the indulgent), style, harmony, ancient traditions and novelty, cultural originality and inheritance.

Let's take a closer look at the actions of them, taking into account that the categories are divided intellectually and the values ​​themselves can be accepted in various areas.

Family, relatives, older generation. All cultures have a great smaller step

We pay attention to these social elements, which influence both the behavior of people (the behavior of young people and elders) and the forms of animal cruelty.

In Asian and African cultures, the veil is considered a sign of wisdom and knowledge and often becomes one of the pillars of culture.

The identification of an individual is based on identification with his ancestors, although there is a wide variability in the prevailing nutrition of different cultures.

The goal is to lie richly in the dominant social official.

In pre-industrial marriage, demonstrative wealth played an important role, since it was the most obvious evidence of the power and influx of their rulers, their belonging to the highest class.

The accumulation of wealth, so necessary for any marriage, reduced the status of the ruler, since it was not intended for further distribution or living on the earth's blessing. Classes that are supposed to have financial wealth - merchants and merchants - were valued by a very low prestige, and especially those that extract profit from the difficulties of other people. The situation is changing radically in the industrial sector.

In the world of growing capitalism, the very accumulations and acquisitions of capital, put into circulation, acquire the greatest value in the future.

the class status of a person and his position in power, the assessment of his position for employment and employment can vary sharply;

b) professionals who crave the prestige of this and other professions; c) technological, so that people’s relationships with both sides of production (the machine, the conveyor, the computer) can be changed under high stress to the point of usefulness and mischief. In case of over-reinsurance of parameters, obviously, the setting before the task can be negative due to the pressure, staleness, as a factor that constrains special development and suppresses vital forces. More in Ancient Greece

The myth about Sisyphus, who was destined to lose his importance and work foolishly, was born.

In Christian and Muslim paradise, people were once liberated from practice and could no longer indulge in sensitive and spiritual joys.


folk kazakhs

The relationship between culturally significant values ​​is characterized by two factors.

First of all, the values ​​of equal importance develop into a distinct hierarchical structure, divided into values ​​of greater and lesser order, greater and lesser importance.

In another way, the relationships between these values ​​can be either harmonious, mutually supportive, or neutral, or antagonistic, mutually exclusive. These differences between social values, developing historically, provide a concrete basis for the culture of this type. The main function of social values ​​- being the yardstick of assessments - leads to the fact that in any system of values ​​one can see: those who are respected for the greatest peace (acts of behavior that approach the successful ideal are those who are admired). The most important element

  • value systems are a zone
  • great values

, the significant ones do not require any kind of priming (those that are above everything, that are indestructible, holy and cannot be destroyed for everyday furnishings);

  • those who are considered normal, correct (as is the case with most people);
  • those who are not praised, vilified and - at the extreme pole of the value system - stand as absolute, self-evident evil, which is not allowed under everyday circumstances.
  • The system of values ​​that has been formed structures and orders the picture of the world for the individual.
  • What is important is the peculiarity of social values ​​in the fact that, from their hidden appearance, they are accepted by members of the marriage as reasonable, values ​​are spontaneously realized, manifested in socially significant groups of people.
  • With all the diversity of local characteristics of social values, one can see certain objects that are inevitably connected with the formation of the value system.

Including: the importance of human nature, the ideal of specialness; a picture of the world, the light of life, the beauty and wisdom of nature; the place of man, the role of the world system, the placing of man before nature;.

At this point, rich-spherical systems begin to take shape, in which values, which we agree, most often diverge from action. Value orientations are the result of the socialization of individuals, so that they all learn Natural species marital norms and benefits, which are presented to certain people and members of a social group. The basis of their formation lies in the mutual understanding that people have with the manifestations of a common husband culture. On the basis of these understandings, statements about the nature of special household orders are formed. Business notes will always have a valuable aspect in the structure.

This indicates obvious and accepted standards of behavior. There is such an understanding as professional values social robots What do the persistent manifestations and conflicts of people about the nature of goals, methods of achieving them and the principles of future life signify?

  • Values ​​guide
  • social worker
  • Basically, the behavior of the robot is determined by its performance.
  • They help the service in any sphere to understand the rights and obligations that a professional has.
  • Social values ​​begin to take shape in early childhood.

Their main target is people who want to leave their child behind.

And here the main role is played by the butt of the family.

Children, watching over their fathers, begin to take after them from everyone. Therefore, when they decide to have children, their new mothers are trying to figure out how much responsibility they have to take on themselves..

Social values

  • - these are life’s ideals and goals, which, in the opinion of most in this life, are achievable.
  • The value system
  • social subject
  • Various values ​​may include:
  • sweet values ​​- statements about good and evil, happiness, meaning and sense of life;
  • Their place indicates the type of culture and the nature of the social organization of the marriage.

Ways to regulate people's behavior by social norms:

  • Allowed - notes on behavioral options, such as bananas, but not vegetables.
  • Addition - an entry for a required item.
  • Fencing is a note on actions that should not be done.

Types of social norms

Social norms vary in form and location, as are the social norms that they regulate.

The main types of social norms: Zvichai

- praising the success of the mass expression of the actions that resulted from their repeated repetition. Traditions (in essence, I call it a different type) - values, norms, expressions of behavior, ideas, positive attitudes, declines from predecessors. Traditions are carried down to

cultural decline;

They tend to be respected by most members of the marriage. Moral norms

- rules of behavior, which express people’s statements about good and bad, about good and evil, etc. The development of moral rules is ensured by the authority of collective knowledge, their violation is accompanied by condemnation in matrimony. Legal norms

- rules of behavior established and sanctioned by the power, expressed in official form and binding obligations for victory. Corporate standards - Rules of behavior established by large organizations. Political norms

- rules of behavior that regulate political activity

, exchanges between communities, powers, social groups Religious norms

- rules of behavior formulated in the texts of sacred books and established by religious organizations. Standard etiquette -

formal rules of behavior in predetermined situations, norms of spilkuvaniya, spivrobіtnitsa. Aesthetic standards- manifestations of beauty and beauty in artistic creativity, as well as in people’s behavior and everyday social practice. Vikonannya norms, strictly according to their appearance, controlled a huge thought

, from the present

  • social institutions
  • and official organizations, internal psychological attitudes of the individual.
  • Behind the level of elasticity, the following types of norms are seen:
  • Spontaneous (stimulate the individual’s activity);

protective (to indicate actions that cannot be done, to indicate between what is permitted);

  • what do they require (indicate obligatory rules of behavior and methods of action);
  • Recommendations (indicate on the basis, but also on obligatory behavior options).

The criterion of formality includes social norms such as: writings(Constitution, criminal law, etc.), they are still controlled by the state.

This indicates obvious and accepted standards of behavior. Unwritten norms are rules of behavior, the implementation of which is guaranteed by legal acts. - in sense - the significance of appearances and objects of real action in terms of their similarity or inconsistency with the needs of the marriage, social group, individual. For a university student, moral and aesthetic benefits are important, derived from human culture and the products of common knowledge. And here the main role is played by the butt of the family. - Social values ​​are generated by the method of generation of material life, which encompasses the social, political, spiritual process of life, they act as regulators of human life, the wrath of people and their people. Values ​​are bound to grow in a new hierarchical system, which is always filled with the historical place and the place. Therefore, the scale of values ​​and based on assessments should be straightened not only from a minimum to a maximum, but also from positive meaning to negative. attributions, benefits, necessary and awareness of consistent (highly praised) behavior. Social attributes - protection and allowed to work, categorized to the individual or group and expressed in any form (whether written or written, formal or informal). All those that are otherwise valued by marriage are transferred to the government’s order. Human life age, placement before elders, collective symbols (for example, ensign, coat of arms, anthem), religious rituals, laws of the state and a lot of other things are established that ensure marriage for the intended purposes and are especially valued and protected to be. First type - These are the norms that emerge and emerge only in. If all norms are to be dissolved in an increasingly progressive manner, it is necessary in view of the world of punishment, their impending destruction, their consistency will be like this: manners, etiquette, traditions, group traditions, principles, laws, boo. The most severe punishment is for breaking taboos and legal laws (for example, killing a person, the image of a deity, opening a state prison), hiring -

around the world group calls, keep the family together (for example, turn off the light or close the entrance doors).

And here the main role is played by the butt of the family. Social norms have very important functions in marriage, such as: regulating the underlying flow of socialization;

integrate individuals into a group, and groups into a marriage; control the behavior that is being cured;

And here the main role is played by the butt of the family. serve as images, images of behavior. Social value:

    - This is not an interest or a need, but a standard for the costs that are selected for the purpose of the action. Marriage is driven by expanded values, and social groups understand them differently.

    – these are the words, the signs are similar to those in different situations. This is a set of rules of behavior, this is a set of rules of behavior, this is a set of sanctions.

    Norms act like a squeak in a marriage. Under social values ​​and norms

    Understand the rules, expressions, and expressions of people's behavior that regulate married life. They indicate the limits of acceptable behavior of people of very specific minds in their lives.

    can be divided for a few species

moral standards , then these are the rules of behavior in which people’s statements about good and bad, about good and evil, etc. are expressed;

It is important to create skin suppleness and preserve social order.

True, every member of a human community may be subject to both laws and institutional norms and the norms of his group. For whom there is a system of social control in the marriage, which protects the marriage from the betrayal of its other members. Thus, social control is the totality of assets, such as marriage or a social group, to guarantee the conformity of its members, which corresponds to role benefits and social norms.

The main type of control in marriage is control through socialization. This is a type of social control in which the members of the marriage struggle to comply with social norms and their roles. Such control is exercised through training, training, in the course of each individual as he/she accepts the existing normative powers, and he/she accepts them.

Once control through socialization is successful, the partnership wins by reducing costs for control. In case of ineffective control through socialization, marriage and social group are subject to control through a group vice


This is an informal type of control that is exercised over members of small groups with the coordination of mutual relations.

This type of control is even more important in an efficient manner:

1) influx into the behavior of people in small groups and associations in that case, if the individual feels an obligation to leave this association. The third type of social control is called

2) control via Primus.

Control through the primus is based on institutional norms and laws. It is obvious that these standards impose a set of negative sanctions on individuals who violate accepted social norms.:

1This type of control is most often ineffective, since it does not convey the benefits and role benefits and is associated with large expenses. Social care

2. The terms “social behavior” and “deviation” mean the behavior of an individual or a group that conforms to accepted norms, as a result of which the norms are violated by them. What affects the personality and social relationships - family, neighbors, friends - and what manifests itself in alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

3. Illegal behavior, which is damaged both morally and legally and is reflected in the breakdown of labor and military discipline, in thefts, robberies, extortion, killings and other crimes.

It is important to consider the culture adopted in a given community before the behavior that is encouraged is seen as culturally praised and culturally condemned.

Cultural praise. As a rule, people who are considered a genius, a hero, a leader, a leader to the people are culturally praised.

1. Such inspiration is associated with the concept of magnification, then. offerings from others, which form the basis of inspiration.

Most often, to the extreme, the types of behavior that can lead to socially praised behavior include:

3. Intellectuality.

4. Insanely, it is obvious that the individual is an official who accepts his presentation from other people. It is important to note that one of the reasons for overmotivation lies in group influx.

For example, family tradition can become the basis of high motivation for an individual’s involvement in the sphere in which his father’s activity takes place. Much of the success comes from the winegrowing social efforts that come in the form of extraordinary achievements and activities aimed at developing the culturally accepted values ​​of the culture.

These successes are not limited by the individual failures of the achievements that are praised by them.

Even before the destruction of moral laws, the marriage was always severely condemned and punished. This kind of sickness, as a rule, comes down to: A mother who sees her child, various moral problems - hardening, happiness and alcoholism, which take a person out of normal life and destroy moral life, vital, social harm to oneself and those closest to them; drug addiction, which leads to physical and social degradation of personality, to eventual death; robbery, theft, prostitution, terrorism, etc.

Social values

The most culprit of culturally condemned social ideas is the theory of deviant behavior (theories of physical types, psychoanalytic theories, sociological, etc.).

1) Є

for members of the partnership.

2) Do not miss a specific addressee and work continuously for hours.

Ways to regulate people's behavior by social norms:

Thus, deviant behavior can be represented by two poles – positive, which is the one with the most praised behavior, and negative, which is the opposite of the most unpraised behavior in the marriage. Social norm

2) (Lat. norma

3) - rule, sign, rule) - a rule of behavior established in the marriage that regulates relations between people, marriage life. 1) By the sacred rules of the members of the marriage.

Types of social norms

1) Dozvil - insertion of behavioral options such as bananas and beans.


- Instruction for a necessary action.

The main types of social norms: Fence - a note on the dii, which should not be done.
- praising the success of the mass expression of the actions that resulted from their repeated repetition. Name of the species Yogo essence
Apply it social norms Praising the success of the mass expression of the actions that resulted from their many times repeated. New Year's Eve.
cultural decline Values, norms, expressions of behavior, ideas, positive attitudes, etc., subdued from predecessors. Traditions endure until the cultural decline; “Do it according to the tradition before you, as you would like, so that they do it according to the tradition before you” (“ gold rule morality") and in.
They tend to be respected by most members of the marriage.(Laws and by-laws) Formally singing rules behavior established and sanctioned by the power and supported by its Primus power; legal norms are obligatory expressed in official form – in laws and other normative legal acts;

- rules of behavior that regulate

The norms have already been written down; Every marriage has only one legal system.

- rules of behavior established and sanctioned by the power, expressed in official form and binding obligations for victory.

“The propaganda of social, racial, national, religious and social values ​​is protected” (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 29, paragraph 2) and others. Rules of behavior formulated in the texts of sacred books and established by religious organizations. Instead, many of them, acting as norms of morality, adhere to the rules of law, consolidate traditions and principles. The advent of religious norms is motivated by the moral awareness of believers and religious faith in the inevitability of punishment for sins - a departure from these norms. “Do not repay evil for evil to anyone, promote good among all people... Do not avenge yourself, Kohani, but give the place to the Wrath of God” (New Testament. Epistle to the Romans, Chapter XII) and so on. Rules of behavior that regulate political activity exist between citizens and powers, between social groups.

- rules of behavior formulated in the texts of sacred books and established by religious organizations.

You can find your way around laws, international treaties, political principles, and moral standards. “The people exercise their power directly, and also through the organs of sovereign power organi

miscevogo self-direction "(Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 3, clause 2) and other.

They will consolidate the phenomena of beauty and creativity in artistic creativity, and in the behavior of people in culture and in everyday life.

Be, say, specifically historical in nature.

The system of ideal proportions was developed by the ancient Greek sculptor Polycletus human body, which became the norm in the era of Antiquity and in.

In addition, there are norms

human, national, class, group, inter-personal.

Beyond the level of commitment, social norms are divided into:

1) spontaneously;

4) imperative (from Lat.


- punishment).

Functions of social norms:

1. Establish consistency between the types of social norms and signs that illustrate: before the skin position given in the first section, select the corresponding position of the other section.

- Updated.

Write down the sequence of numbers.