Salad with dried tomatoes. Salad with sun-dried tomatoes, recipe from High Julia. Salad made by Yulia Visotskaya

What's the date of the restaurant menu? Then you will definitely enjoy my today’s salad recipe sun-dried tomatoes And with a hammer: it looks very appetizing and is suitable for everyone without guilt. Another advantage is that preparing it is simple and easy. On my word of honor, you will need literally five khvilins - and everything will be crushed. I want to appreciate your respect that this salad is not mayonnaise at all: this sauce is not suitable for anything else.

The best dressing for salad with sun-dried tomatoes and chicken is a cream sauce based on balsamic otto. Top up our salad with oil from dried dried tomatoes.

Alternatively, you can mix soy sauce with lemon juice and mustard - it won’t be too bad. And immediately work and serve the salad in portions, each person on his own plate. This method of serving looks prettier and makes your meal more accessible to every guest.

Well, I won’t torment you with lengthy discussions, I’ll quickly get to the point and tell you how to prepare a salad with sun-dried tomatoes and chicken. Shall we go to the kitchen?

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 50 g mix - salad;
  • 80 g chicken fillet (boiled, smoked chili);
  • 8-10 pcs of sun-dried tomatoes;
  • 20 g parmesan;
  • 1-2 teaspoons cream sauce based on balsamic otto;
  • salt for relish.

How to prepare a salad with dried tomatoes and chicken:

For such salads as this one, I call Vikorista salad mix - it is sold in supermarkets now, so it is easy to prepare with it: both the size of the leaf, and external look And the taste of the mixed salad will always be at its best. Ale, in principle, a mix - the salad can be replaced with pumpkin or leaf lettuce. When choosing a salad leaf, do not cut it, but tear it with your hands. Place lettuce leaves on a flat serving plate.

Pour the cream with a sauce based on balsamic ottoise and add salt for the eggplants.

Place leaves on lettuce.

Chicken fillet (in my case it’s smoked, but it’s not less tasty when cooked, or else) is cut into thin slices, up to 3 cm long.

Place plates of chicken fillet between the sun-dried tomatoes.

In principle, for a salad with sun-dried tomatoes and curd, use any hard cheese, otherwise it will be tastiest with Parmesan. Three sires on a small or medium grater.

Dried tomatoes are an ideal complement to any herbs both in the summer and in the winter. You can harmoniously eat dried tomatoes with chicken, cheese, mushrooms or shredded vegetables, fresh vegetables in salads and sandwiches.

How to prepare dried tomatoes?

To prepare sun-dried tomatoes at home, wash one kilogram of dried tomatoes under running water, dry, and then cut the skins into several pieces. Place pieces of fruit in several rows on a sheet, season with spices and sprinkle with olive oil. Place the tomatoes in the oven at 180°C for six to seven years.

To speed up the process of steaming the vegetables during drying of tomatoes, open the doors brass shafi guilty but a little bit of vikrit. Place the cooled, dried tomatoes in a container and cover with a thick lid. Store the product in the refrigerator for up to three months.

On today's day classic recipe Salad with sun-dried tomatoes had some changes. In addition to the main ingredients, the herbs began to be supplemented with kvass, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, and anchovies. Combining all these ingredients with sun-dried tomatoes gives the appetizer a new, piquant aroma.

Avocado and sun-dried tomato salad

  • Cherry tomatoes – 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese gatunku - 30 g.
  • Cedar peas – 50 g.
  • Avocado – 0.5 pcs.
  • Dried tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Ocet (balsamic and apple) - 1 tsp each.
  • Olive oil - 50 ml
  • Salt (marska) - 1 pinch
  • Pepper - for relish
  • Lettuce leaves - 1 small bunch

Your activities:

  1. Heat a dry frying pan on the stove, then dry the pine peas for about five minutes over low heat.
  2. Sprinkle lettuce leaves with water, dry and place them on the bottom of a deep dish. For the salad, do not wobble the leaves with a knife, but simply trim them with your hands.
  3. Cut the skinned cherry tomatoes into two halves, and cut the dried tomatoes into thin strips and add the ingredients to the salad bowl.
  4. Peel the avocado, remove the stem, carefully scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon and cut the fruit into proportional cubes. Season the ingredients with apple and balsamic vinaigrette, add salt and pepper, and thoroughly stir the salad and sauce.
  5. Place the prepared salad with sun-dried tomatoes on a grilled or portioned herb, sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped cedar pots.
  6. To prevent the tomatoes from losing their juice and wilting, it is recommended to serve the salad immediately after preparation.

To find an original note of relish during the hour of preparing the herb, gentlemen, you can’t do without a salad with sun-dried tomatoes, following the recipe from Yulia Visotskaya.

  • Tomati v'yaleni – 200 g.
  • Chicken breast (or fillet) - 1 pc.
  • Olives – 8-10 pcs.
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Arugula - 1 bunch
  • Salt and black pepper - for relish.
  • Olive oil (for dressing).

Your activities:

  1. Rinse the chicken meat with cold water and dry it on a paper towel, cut off the veins and skin from the chicken. Boil the breast in a little salted water until done. After the process is completed, transfer the chicken into a glass bowl and allow the meat to cool. Cut the breast into small cubes of the same size.
  2. Roll dried tomatoes into thin strips. Peel the olives and cut the skinned olive into two halves (or cut the olives into rings).
  3. I feel like the arugula is shaking so much. Instead of arugula, add parsley, crepe, and cilantro. However, depending on the type of greens chosen, the salad can take on a completely different taste.
  4. To prepare the dressing, in a warm bowl, mix fresh lemon juice, olive oil, pepper, salt and carefully mix everything until smooth.
  5. In a salad bowl, add chicken meat, tomatoes, olives, season the ingredients with sauce, and stir the salad again. To add a touch of mustard to the dressing, you can add a touch of mustard.
  6. Decorate the appetizer with arugula.
  7. Salad with sun-dried tomatoes is tender and spicy, just like chicken breasts Stuff the chasnik with the chasnik slices, grate the salt and pepper, and then bake with foil in the oven. Once cooled, the chicken meat must be cut into strips and added until the ingredients are ready.

Serve the salad as a stand-alone herb or as an appetizer. Its taste harmoniously joins with the brewed or smeared with potato, fish, eggs.

The Italian salad with sun-dried tomatoes has become less popular among culinary specialists. This snack option is ideal for people who do not like meat. Because the base of the appetizer includes pasta sprouts, such a salad can be topped with whole grain herb.

Published: 08/10/2017
Posted: Drug
Calorie content: Not specified
Preparation time: 10 minutes

Salad with sun-dried tomatoes, recipe from Yulia Visotskaya, will suit not only you, but all your friends, especially girlfriends. Fresh, piquant, light and satisfyingly rich, and its taste will delight the most sophisticated gourmets. very tasty and so.

Cooking hour 10 khvilins\Quantity of servings 2

To prepare the salad, take all the required products.

- lettuce - a bunch,
- Arugula - a small bunch,
- dried tomatoes - 6-7 pcs.,
- butter or olives – 100 gr.,
- boiled chicken breast - 300 gr.
- olive oil - 2 tbsp.,
- white balsamic or lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
- salty sea - for the relish,
- black pepper chalk - for relish.

Pokrovy recipe from photo:

Wash the lettuce and arugula and dry with a paper towel. Place the salad on a serving platter and garnish with the arugula.

Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into strips, peel and brush the olives and trim.
The easiest way to peel the olives is to press them down, and the brush will easily absorb the pulp.

Cut the boiled chicken breast the way you prefer. I like coarsely chopped pieces. Place the breast in a bowl with tomatoes and olives, stir.

Place chicken fillet, olives and dried tomatoes on lettuce. Mix lemon juice or white balsamic with olive oil, pour over the salad, season with salt and pepper and serve. I think you deserve this

The Indians of America knew nothing about conservation, so they were given the help of the sun. The stinkers laid out the stalks of sliced ​​tomato fruits in the sunny heat and chased them until all the water had evaporated from them. Such dried tomatoes were preserved for a long time and were not dried.

Dried tomatoes were relished by Spanish and Portuguese sailors who had covered thousands of miles of sea. Everyday fresh vegetables could not be preserved for so long, and you cannot live on meat and fish for long. A steady influx of vitamins is also necessary, so as not to get sick from scurvy. And dried tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

It’s very easy to prepare dried tomatoes at home. To do this, you need to take a dozen dried and juicy tomatoes and cut them into quarters. Then place them evenly on the sheet, add salt, pepper and sprinkle with olive or dormouse oil. Place the deco in the oven at 80-100°C. Leave the oven doors with a small gap so that the oven is steamed more quickly. Tomato in this manner for 6-7 years.

Dried tomatoes will miraculously add flavor and amazingly enhance our food. For example, in the western rivers you can plant these vegetables, and then enjoy the herbs from natural, even dried, tomatoes, and not from these odorless and savory ones that are sold in stores. In addition, you can cook it from sun-dried tomatoes at any time. Any herb that can be used for fresh tomatoes can be adapted to dried tomatoes. Let's take a look at salads made with sun-dried tomatoes.

  • chicken breast – 1 pc.
  • dried tomatoes – 220 g
  • maslini - for relish
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • arugula - 1 large bunch
  • chalked black pepper - for the relish

Boil the chicken breasts and cut into cubes. Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into thin strips. Remove the brushes from the olives and cut into halves. Shatter the arugula and finish it thoroughly.

For dressing, mix olive oil and lemon juice with pepper and salt in a warm bowl. Add all the ingredients and pour over the dressing. Mix dynamically. Garnish with fresh arugula.

Vegetarian salad with sun-dried tomatoes

Necessary ingredients for preparing salad:

  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.
  • stigli tomato cherry - 2 pcs.
  • avocado – 1 pc.
  • fresh greens
  • pea oil - 2 tablespoons
  • lime juice

Peel the bell pepper from the insides and innards, then cut into circles. Remove the inner brush from the avocado and cut the pulp into cubes.

Cut the dried tomatoes into small pieces. Nash the greens. Add lime juice and drizzle over other prepared ingredients. Everyone is laughing.

Shake the salad dynamically, covering it with a lid. Add pea oil and stir. Garnish the vegetarian salad with cherry tomato halves.

Necessary ingredients for preparing salad:

  • green salad – 200 g
  • dried tomatoes – 0.5 bottles
  • cibula 0.5 pcs.
  • chasnik - 1 prong
  • Sir Adigei - 220 g
  • olive oil - 3.5 tablespoons
  • Vinny Ocet -1 tablespoon
  • spices

Cut the cibul into rings and marinate in otti, then rinse with dill. Adigean sire cut into cubes. Pass the chasnik through the chasnik. Green salad, tear your hands into long shreds. Give sun-dried tomatoes some detail.

Combine all ingredients in a large salad bowl. Drizzle with olive oil, add spice salts to dry. Mix carefully and serve.

A simple salad with kvassole and sun-dried tomatoes

Necessary ingredients for preparing salad:

  • kvass
  • dried tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • green salad
  • soft syre
  • basil and others spice herbs for the relish

Cut the cheese into cubes. Boil the kvass until tender. Cut the green salad into squares to line the bottom of the salad bowl. Stir basil and other herbs. Cut the dried tomatoes into strips. Mix everything and sprinkle a simple salad with olive oil.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and sun-dried tomatoes.

Necessary ingredients for preparing salad:

  • Chinese cabbage – 220 g
  • dried tomato – 220 g
  • chicken breast – 180 g
  • Provencal mayonnaise – 180 g
  • crepe
  • fresh black pepper
  • tsibul ripchasta chervona – 1 pc.
  • Sonyashnikova olia – 3 tablespoons

Boil the chicken breasts in salted water, let them cool, then cut into cubes of the same size. Grate the Chinese cabbage on the edge of the leaf and chop it finely.

Cut dried tomatoes into pieces. Cut the cabbage into slices and brush on olive oil until tender. Mix mayonnaise with salt and freshly ground black pepper to add salad dressing. Combine the prepared ingredients and season with sauce. Mix thoroughly. Decorate the crop with fresh needles.

Necessary ingredients for preparing salad:

  • arugula
  • green salad
  • canned cookies – 4-8 pcs.
  • dried tomatoes – 0.5 bottles
  • syre – 50 g
  • clock – 2 teeth
  • olive oil – 3 tablespoons
  • anchovy
  • spices
  • greenery

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Shred the green salad with arugula at once. Cut the dried tomatoes into strips. The chasnik cooks at the foot with salt and spices.

Grate the cheese. Cut the anchovy into pieces. Mix the necessary ingredients of the future salad into side dish, decorated with green. Drizzle with olive oil and stir.

Salad with sun-dried tomatoes and pasta.

Necessary ingredients for preparing salad:

  • pasta – 220 g
  • dried tomatoes – 190 g
  • chasnik - 1 prong
  • cedar pots, greased -55 g
  • basil
  • parsley
  • Oliya sonyashnikova – 2 tablespoons

Boil the pasta in a little salted water until ready. Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into small pieces. Lubricate the cedar pots a little. Grate the basil and parsley.

Add ingredients. Top up with olive oil. Mix well. Garnish the salad with fresh herbs and pine nuts.

Italian salad with sun-dried tomatoes

Necessary ingredients for preparing salad:

  • dried tomatoes – 12 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 8 pcs.
  • feathers of green cybul
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • olive oil – 4 tablespoons
  • goat cheese – 60 g
  • basil
  • crepe
  • otzet stovlovy - for relish

Cut the dried tomatoes into strips. Chop the cucumbers into circles. Cut the tomatoes into halves. Cut the goat cheese into cubes. Eggs, hard boiled, finely chopped.

Shake the crepe and basil. Cut the green cabbage feathers into pieces no larger than 2 cm long. Combine everything and sprinkle with olive oil. For added relish, drop some ottom. Dynamically stir the Italian salad. Serve immediately before lunch.

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