Russian language a1. Rivne Volodynia with Russian language. Certification system of Russian authorities

As an English language tutor, I already work a lot and prepare my students both for entrance and graduation. I can say that anyone undergoes serious testing for an applicant, and English language– this is one of the most difficult tests in a secondary school. Aje tse is not lishe vipuskniy, but th entrance exam to the institute! Therefore, before preparing the trace, please follow the instructions carefully.
In order to score a high score (84-100) in English language, it is necessary for the mother to have at least upper-intermediate knowledge. It is necessary to orient yourself towards such a level, if your goal is to enter the wired air terminals of Moscow.

A great deal of literature has been published to prepare for a unified state government. Basically, they offer books with a set of language options in the English language. Such textbooks are already in use at the remaining stage of learning, if the child has already formed a strong grammatical, lexical and linguistic understanding, so many learning programs, and the teacher’s method, are now deprived of focusing on learning new form testing The teacher is wonderfully aware that without forming a theoretical foundation that is based on the knowledge of different competencies, no tension will help in choosing the right type. With this method, various sources of both domestic and foreign authors can be found. Both have their pros and cons. Therefore, when choosing assistants, I always try to speed up these tasks, which are most useful for the new child and can date best result. Don’t forget that any advanced tutor will be able to rely on his methodological aids, development and ideas.

Listening is a type of social activity that calls for greatest quantity Difficulties for those who are beginning to learn language and prepare for different types of experiences, and for those who are confronted with a different environment and are hesitant to make independent decisions. To begin with, you need to confirm the following nutrition:
1) What is listening and how does it differ from hearing?
2) Why does this type of economic activity pose the most difficulties?
3) How is the beginning of listening related to the formation of personal and personal skills?
First of all, Listening Comprehension is a process of understanding language by ear. Learning to understand English by ear is one of the most important goals of learning English. In real-life situations, listening is associated with listening as a completely independent type of social activity. Often, in addition to listening to language, we understand other actions: listening, speaking, writing. Any audio recording provides information for discussion, which, in turn, conveys further development of speaking skills. Therefore, listening is a special starting point. It is simply impossible to draw a clear line between listening and speaking in this situation. New term " usna language» Starting with listening skills.
In another way, listening difficulties can be reduced to:
A) problems, problems with listening (external noise, poor recording, bad acoustics)
B) difficulties due to the individual characteristics of dzherela promov (the practice of listening to the language of people with pre-painful conditions, different ages, features of diction, tempo, pause)
Thirdly, psychologists say that listening involves internal promotion. The clearer the communication, the greater the intensity of the listening. The one who calls for internal communication, recording information, better than understanding And it remembers it. He sleeps and checks his feelings English language To hear it, it seems to be one of the main problems. The reason is not only that audio cassettes cannot be heard throughout the whole school course (that’s 11 years), but also that students cannot understand the communication keywords In food and audio recordings, they choose variants of words based on the fact that the same words sound in the texts, and forget about those that are true, as a rule, expressed synonymously. Plus, before anyone sleeps, the Vikonny Palace is visible for about an hour. Add natural exercise here, and the exam will be harder, even less so.
Reading, in my opinion, is the section that appeals to applicants the most. As long as the student knows the format of the assignment, do not forget that the texts for testing are expected to be authentic, and those who do not have a good lexical and grammatical base will not be able to show intellectual intuition based on the assignment’s formulation. so that vikoristannya of a synonymous series can kill a child from the core. Sleeping in English seems to take a lot of time, and the children simply don’t get up, they rush, plus praise – and again, unnecessary mercy. In my lessons, I pay particular respect to the development of authentic texts of different themes and complexity, which inevitably leads to improved skills in listening, speaking, and writing. Artistic, classical, English literature, designed for listening and further discussion, children will want to independent vaccination create.

Grammar and vocabulary are not a problem for one or two students, but a problem for 90% of those who want to write English. In lexical studies, synonymous rows can be placed in a blind corner and strong scholars. Therefore, special respect is given to the knowledge of spelling rules and their skills based on the researched lexical and grammatical material, to the statements about synonymy, antonymy, lexical availability, richness, further expanding the meaning A change in grammatical concepts learned earlier and familiarity with new grammatical concepts. According to the existing English norms of lexical compatibility; I feel like I can create controversial words from different basic methods of word creation, recognize the relevance of words to parts of language behind chanting signs (articles, affixes, etc.);
Letter Room. This includes writing a special sheet of 140 words and writing on a given topic based on your point of view (200-250 words). For this type of work, it is important to follow up on the structure, vikoristic arguments, in order to get your point across. It’s not easy to come up with arguments, and often it takes a lot of time to sort through them, you still have to rewrite them, and every day, the more we learn, the more chances we have to get a bigger score.
Speaking is inextricably linked with cultural competence, the sense of which lies in the creatively acquired and comprehended everything valuable in the culture of the powerful people, as well as in other cultures. A very small proportion of students have a high level of cultural competence. For other characteristics low i middle rhubarb these competencies. Also, it is necessary to organize special work to formulate cultural awareness in the process of beginning, and in the process of learning foreign language itself. p align="justify"> To formulate this competence, it is necessary to organize special activities that allow you to focus on the interconnections of culture, awareness and communication. Sleeping with English language (as well as writing) has a linguistic structure. Therefore, for a successful development of this type of testing (20 out of 20), follow these steps. Insanely, for those who are new to conversation, getting into these tasks is much easier.
It is necessary to note that the most important tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) include the formation of universal (meta-subject) elementary activities that will ensure that students master a foreign language, keep in mind Yes, the goal of independent work on mine, and therefore, the goal of self-development and self-refinement. Therefore, the most important task of any teacher is to develop academic motivation and believe in your own strength.
Today, the concepts of “meta-subject”, “meta-subject learning” are gaining particular popularity. This is entirely clear, and the meta-subject approach is the basis of the new standards.

Kuznetsova Tetyana Volodymyrivna, English language tutor

Fight against fears in yourself: 5 ways to prevent overexamination fear from taking over your life

Transform your fears into your wisdom
We have both positive and negative evidence. This is natural, but often we are aware of failures in the fight against negative evidence - against the indulgences that brought us pain - and they haunt us and do not allow us to be happy. We are afraid to make peace again, and this does not give us the opportunity to enjoy life and therefore we are in constant stress. To achieve happiness, change stress and push forward to death, you need to fight these fears. One of the worst fears we have to fight is the constant fear of failure. If we cannot cope with the negativity that the future may bring us, we accept it today. By worrying about our fear, we are limiting our potential and our future. Correctly understanding and being aware of what keeps us calm, including in conversations with people, allows us to learn valuable lessons that help us avoid serious mistakes in the future. If we accept the regrets of the past and forget about them, we become more resistant to stress and anxiety and are aware that we can come back from them. However, we are not entirely aware of what is bothering us. It’s amazing how fears can flow into us and change us beneficially, surgingly, and marvel at life in a new and constructive way. It is important to overcome fears to make us stronger and more resilient until the rise and fall. The successful fight against fears means that we are happy, self-sufficient and benefit from everything that life gives us. And how can you earn money?
1. Try to pinpoint the cause of your fear.
First you can begin to fight internal fears, you need to overcome them. There is no need to say endlessly that you cannot get into trouble with a problem, enter into games under your own knowledge, fall into despair and irritate those who are absent. Take time for yourself, get lost with yourself all the time and find the objective reason for your fear.
2. Show objectivity.
Having named the reason for your fear, move to the objective plane and try to think more rationally. Feed yourself what this experience itself screamed.
3. Marvel at the prospect.
Remind yourself that failure, pain, disappointment and other negative things are an invisible part of life. Be sure to stay strong so that you don’t let your anxiety turn you into a prisoner of the situation. Think about the prospects for the development of your problems. What will happen if you can overcome it? But what will happen if you lose?
4. Start developing a small business plan.
Most often it is difficult for us to earn money, because we cannot afford such information. Just think, what are we spending? Do you have some time and a couple of papers? Take a look. Write down what problem you have, use the left arrow to indicate the reason, and use the arrow or right hand arrow to indicate the idea of ​​​​transition, which we call fear. If you have no ideas, you can take pleasure from your fathers or teachers. You, of course, have friends who are also facing the same problems. Life will be easier again.
5. The work begins.
If we constantly “fear” for anxiety, then we are limited by the power of possibility, while we are aware of the risks and new beginnings through fears. We misunderstand the categories “I can’t”, “I’m not guilty”, “I can’t do it”. And it’s absolutely necessary. You have a clear understanding of your problem, and you know the steps. Go ahead and don’t forget: you have a good business plan and you only have to wait for your future.

A1 / ELEMENTARY RHUBURB (Breakthrough Level)

The candidate can establish and maintain social contacts in standard situations everyday life; Volodya has a minimum of language skills, its vocabulary can contain 900-1000 lexical units, including 240 internationalisms and about 30 units of language etiquette (the course starts at least 60-80 classroom years ).

  1. get to know;
  2. name your profession and take it;
  3. recognize and disclose biographical information about yourself and a third person;
  4. find out and inform about hoardings and interests;
  5. vіtati zi sacred (sovereign, national, family);
  6. yakuvat, vіdpovidat vіtannya; vislovlyuvati pozhannya;
  7. give/accept a gift; ask for something sacred, from guests; accept the request/recognise the request, explain the reason for the recognition;
  8. stay home about an hour, place sustrichi;
  9. find out, notify the address, phone number;
  10. find out/know where to find out; how to get there/get there; far away and close; How much does it cost to pay for travel; arrange transport arrangements; venders on the streets, train stations, at the airport;
  11. tell how the excursion went, give an assessment;
  12. pronounce/accept the proposition of having/dining/dining at a restaurant, cafe; justify the proposition, explain the reason for the proposition; get started about the place and hour of the meeting; read the menu; wash the food and drink; find out / tell about your favorite food, about your choice; pay for lunch/evening.

A2 / FRONT (BASIC) RUBURN (Waystage Level)

Your successful completion of the test at this level will indicate that your communicative competence has been formed at the basic level, which allows you to satisfy your basic communicative needs in the context of many social situations - everyday and social-cultural spheres of spilkuvaniya. In a simpler way, you can independently make purchases in a store, travel quickly on public transport, discuss the weather with strangers, exchange a few daring phrases with classmates and banknotes, etc.

Official benefits: time and skills, which are the guilty mothers on the basic level of Volodinia, Russian and foreign (RKI):

  1. Please read short simple texts taken from various sources (names of magazines and newspapers, whiskey, writings, displays, publications, etc.); understand the basics additional information adapted texts of regional history, informational-journalistic and social-everyday nature;
  2. Please write a short sheet, a note, a note, etc., and write the main text-dzherel based on the question;
  3. understand the basic information (topic, place, hour, reason, etc.), presented in adjacent dialogues and monologues of a social, everyday and socio-cultural nature;
  4. start a dialogue in simple situations of the standard type; encourage Rozmova about yourself, friend, family, homework, work, learning a foreign language, working day, good hour, locality, health, weather, and also learn about power based on the text you read;
  5. Learn grammatical and lexical skills in order to speak about your intentions in a given set of situations.

With this 1300 one.

However, Volodinia is Russian as foreign on the base level few for starting with Russian initial mortgages, at the expense of preparatory faculties (divisions or courses) for foreign giants Today's students are destined to undergo special training.

B1 / THRESHOLD RUBBISH (Threshold Level)

Your successful completion of the test at this level will indicate that your communicative competence is formed at the average level and allows you to satisfy your basic communicative needs in social, social, cultural and other areas. industrial and professional spheres of spilkuvaniya. In other words, you are already more independent in your environment and are oriented to most standard everyday situations, as well as a significant portion of everyday problems that arise and face you tribute. This suggests sovereign standard RKI.

Official benefits: first rhiven RKI:

  1. Consider reading short texts from newspapers, magazines, books; understand the hidden meaning of what you read, highlight the details, conclusions and assessments of the author;
  2. Please write a text containing 20 propositions on one of the following topics: about yourself, your family, learning, learning a foreign language, working day, free hour, locality, health, weather; convey the main meaning of the text read and listened to on the given topic;
  3. understand short dialogues and extract factual information (topic, hour, notes, characteristics of objects, goals, reasons); understand the heated dialogues and clarify your position before determining those who speak; understand the confusion, sound, news, information of a socio-cultural nature;
  4. Take part in dialogues in a wide range of situations everyday spilkuvanniya, start, encourage and complete the dialogue; conduct a conversation on a variety of topics (about yourself, about work, profession, interests, about the country, place, food culture, etc.); formulate in the best possible way the understanding of the read text of a socio-cultural nature;
  5. Vykoristovat grammatical and lexical skills of formalization are determined in accordance with the intentions that arise in simple situations of the standard type.

The observance of the lexical minimum can already be achieved 2300 one.

Volodinnya Russian mine as foreign on the First Rivne enough for the beginning of the beginning of the Russian initial deposits, among other things professional education, then. universities, institutes and academies . This rhubarb, as a rule, is accessible to graduates of preparatory faculties(a number of courses) for foreign communities after special river training.


Successfully passing the test for this level will indicate that your communicative competence is formed to meet a high level, and allows you to satisfy your communicative needs in all areas of communication. professional activity Russian mine as a specialist in a similar profile: humanities (at least philological), engineering and technical, natural sciences, etc.

Official benefits: other riven RKI:

  1. Please note reading various journalistic and literary texts of a descriptive and descriptive nature with elements of shading, as well as mixed types of texts with a clearly expressed author’s assessment.
  2. Remember to write plans, theses, notes based on what you understand and read; write written written texts of an informative nature in the form of a special or official business letter, as well as texts of a business nature (statements, requests, explanatory notes, etc.).
  3. understand the dialogues in everyday life by clearly expressing the positions of those who are speaking; radionovini, blatant advertising nature; dialogues with feature films and television programs due to the clearly expressed nature of inter-personal relations;
  4. Please encourage the dialogue, implementing the previously established tactics of mobilization; act as an initiator of dialogue-education; tell about the fellow, express a powerful thought and give an assessment to the fellow; analyze the problem in the situation of free Russia;
  5. be able to adequately comprehend and internalize the lexical and grammatical features of language, which will ensure correct formatting of language.

The lexical minimum can be reached 10 000 one.

Volodinnya Russian mine as foreign on another level necessary to obtain a bachelor's or master's degree - a graduate of the Russian higher education institution (behind the scenes Bachelor or Master philologist).

C1 / RIVER OF COMPETENT VARIANCE (Effective operational proficiency)

Successful completion of this test will indicate a high level of communicative competence, which allows you to satisfy your communicative needs in all areas of communication, as well as conduct your Russian professional activity effectively There is a philological profile.

Official benefits: third river RKI:

  1. understand and adequately interpret texts that relate to the socio-cultural and official-business spheres of publication, as well as the ability to read Russian fiction. Moreover, it is conveyed that the socio-cultural texts of the guilty mother are sufficient high rhubarb visible information. Under official and business texts they suffer from respect legal acts and official information.
  2. Please write a problem summary, an abstract, a formal/informal sheet, a report based on what you have read and what you have read, demonstrate the validity of analyzing and evaluating the information provided; Please write your text of a problematic nature (article, essay, sheet).
  3. understand the audio text as a whole, understand the details, demonstrate the originality, evaluate the sense (radio and television shows, movie clips, recordings of promos of public appearances, etc.) and evaluate the performance of the person speak to the subject of the language;
  4. Maintain dialogue, vigor and various tactics for the implementation of various goals and tactics of political consolidation; act as an initiator of dialogue-conversation, which leads to the highest conflict situation in the process of spilting; there will be a monologue-mirror on moral and ethical topics; In a situation of freedom of speech, it is necessary to argue and argue the powerful thought;
  5. Please demonstrate the knowledge of the learning system that is evident in beginners only a few of them and structural notes necessary for the rationalization and design of the surrounding texts, as well as the identification of some of the original texts and their fragments.

The lexical minimum can be reached 12 000 one, that number active parts of the dictionary 7 000 one.

The validity of this Certificate necessary for obtaining a bachelor's degree in philology- Graduate of a Russian university.

C2 / RIVEN NOSIYA MOVI (Mastery Level)

The successful completion of testing for this level indicates that the Russian language is close to the level of the Russian language.

Official benefits: fourth riven RKI:

  1. understand and adequately interpret original texts of any subject: abstract philosophical, professionally oriented, journalistic and artistic texts that may have subtextual or conceptual implications;
  2. Please write simple texts that reflect specific statements about the subject of the language, and the texts will flow;
  3. understand as fully as possible the content of radio and television programs, clips from movies, television shows, radio broadcasts, recordings of promotions of public appearances, etc., adequately recognizing the socio-cultural and emotional characteristics of the language, interpreting in front of you and the arrivals made sense.
  4. to achieve any goals of communication in the situation of prepared and unprepared monologue and dialogue, including public, demonstrably implement the tactics of physical behavior NKI, characteristic of the organizer of communication, which is not to be poured into the ear;
  5. identify knowledge of the movable system, demonstrating the wisdom and skills of living the movable units and structural details necessary for the understanding and design of the surrounding texts, as well as the development of some of the original texts or fragments thereof in, with the understanding of its stylistically seen vikoristan.

The lexical minimum can be reached 20 000 one, that number is in active parts of the dictionary 8 000 one.

The validity of this Certificate necessary for obtaining a master's degree in philology- A graduate of a Russian university, which gives the right to all types of investment and scientific research activities in the sphere of Russian language.

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The Russian testing system (TRKI) consists of 6 levels, and in general it resembles the European one.

Elementary rhubarb

Number of years for implementation: 100-120 years of classroom time

Vocabulary stock: no less than 780 lexical units

What can a student say: introduce yourself, get to know each other, talk in two words about yourself, about your family, about the burial, understand your companion, who can speak freely, ready to repeat what has been said.

Grammar of the Republic

In addition, students begin to form complex propositions and convert direct language into indirect language, which further expands their communicative abilities. This rhubarb is the foundation for all advances.

Basic rhubarb

close to 280 – 300 years.

Vocabulary stock: 1300 units

Availability of the certificate (TBEU) is considered sufficient for submission to the population of the Russian Federation.

What can a student say: focus on everyday topics, argue your point, inform about plans, write a special business letter, talk about the road. It’s not easy to speak, choosing words.

Grammar of the Republic

Learners to master collapsible syntactic constructions, form collapsible propositions with new splices and allied words.

First certification rave. TRKI-1

Number of years for implementation: 400-460 years

Vocabulary stock: close to 2300 liters.

The TRKI-1 certificate is considered sufficient for entry into Russian VNZ.

What can a student say: You can talk about a wide range of topics (the system of education, problems of the current place, ecology, local history), write a paper, a review of a film or a book, review a story, and it is also important to borrow language from your work th situation.

Grammar of the Republic

Another level of certification. TRKI-2

Number of years for implementation: 720 initial years

Vocabulary stock: close to 6000 units

Rive of VNZ graduate. Allows you to write a candidate's dissertation in Russian language. The TRKI-2 certificate is considered sufficient for work in Russia.

What can a student say: It’s easy to drink not only in casual classes, but also in highly specialized ones. Can conduct active professional activities.

On this level, obviously, it is the responsibility of the scientist to realize communicative goals in the social-everyday, socio-cultural and official-business spheres.

Grammar of the Republic

The main emphasis is on syntax and word creation (the appearance of productive morphemes).

Third certification level. TRKI-3

Number of years: 280 initial years

Vocabulary stock: There are close to 12,000 units of vocabulary, 7,000 words in active learning.

Foreign exchange rate of Russian language as foreign language A1 insurance coverage for different categories of hearing aids in the Russian language: from complete ignorance of the language to knowledge of the basics, it will be understood. The course will be different both this way and the other. Listeners reject the system of rules of the Russian language, begin to read and write in the Russian language, and abandon the necessary practice for proper speech.

Having listened to the basic course of Russian language A1, a foreign citizen, who does not know the first Russian word, can understand the person passing on the street, the employer, the social services worker, the landlord and the salesman. In our courses, you will learn to understand Russian language and express your thoughts and bazaars in Russian. You can read the announcement, the video, the advertisement, the names of the streets. You can apply for a patent for foreign citizens and obtain a Patent Certificate for work in the Russian Federation directly in our Center.

Foreign exchange rate of Russian language as foreign language A1 conduct information about the collections that specialize in the sciences of foreign communities. Our Center “Perspective” uses modern methods, space and hand-held audiences, different technical features navchannya. All listeners seem to need basic literature.

Before setting the exchange rate for Russian and foreign A1, enter:

  • learning the listening logic of Russian language, learning the rules of Russian language, learning correct everyday speech;
  • systematization of knowledge that the listener already has;
  • development of communicative abilities (practical activities for mastering basic language);
  • mastering the basics of written communication;
  • Let's get some new knowledge.

The foreign exchange rate of Russian and foreign A1 will be on role-playing and initial games, which allows on the butts and practical rights to deal with various situations of everyday play.

Great respect is given to practical pursuits and the practical training of listeners.

In order to make the listeners understand the rules of Russian language, letter language It is important to stay alert during the time of heavy gambling.

Meta for the course - to give the listeners sufficient knowledge for everyday use of the Russian language.

Foreign exchange rate of Russian and foreign A1 insurance for 120 academic years (45 each).

The schedule is 2 times per week for three academic years.

Lessons can be conducted individually or in groups of 4-10 people. Listeners with approximately the same level of knowledge of the language are selected for the groups.

Chief reference: Chernishev S.I. Let's go! Russian language for adults. Cob course. - 6 types. – St. Petersburg: Zolotoust, 2008, – 280 p.

The United Center for Testing Migrants (provides treatment for foreign citizens) is promoting its services.

If you already have a basic knowledge of Russian language, then at our Perspective Center you can sign up for the Foreign Educational Course of Russian and Foreign Language A2.

The Perspective Center offers various Russian language courses for foreigners. Here you can prepare and pass tests for migrants from the Russian language for a patent, complex areas for foreign citizens. You can obtain a Patent Certificate for a robot and the patent itself. There is a Translation Bureau where you can arrange a translation from Russian to Chinese via foreign language.

If you are planning to apply for a patent for foreigners, call: +7 925 622 50 34

Zagalnogo Volodinya is Russian as foreign.

1. Place of communicative-verbal competence

1.1. Intention. Situations and topics

1.1.1. A foreigner may verbally realize the following intentions:

Enter into communication, get to know someone, introduce yourself or introduce another person, chat, say goodbye, introduce yourself to someone, talk, get involved, confirm what happened, ask to repeat;

Ask for information and inform about the fact of the person, person, object, about the visibility and presence of the person or object, about the nature, the presence of the object, about the reason, action, hour and place of action, and the reason;

Vislovlyuvat bazhannya, prokhannya, proposition, request, for good or ill, vidmovu;

Express your goal: evaluate a person, an object, a fact, an action.

1.1.2. A foreigner can realize elementary communicative goals:

At the store, kiosk, cashier;
on post;
at the bank, at the currency exchange point;
at a restaurant, buffet, cafe, idalni;
at the librarian;
at work;
on the streets of the city, near transport;
at the clinic, at the doctor, at the pharmacy.

1.1.3. The foreigner is obliged to take into account the elementary mental formation in the usual form at the onset of those:

Confess about yourself. Elements of biography: childhood, learning, work, interests.
My friend (friend, family member).
Homeland, family.
My working day.
Great hour, finally, interests.

1.2. Vimogi before movnih umin

1.2.1. Audio

A. Audio of monologue speech
A foreigner must be able to understand by ear the information that is included in the monologue.

Subject matter of the text: relevant for everyday, social, cultural and basic fields of spilting.

Text volume: 120-150 words.

Movie pace: 120-140 times per hour.
Quantity presented to the text: 2.

B. Audio of dialogue
A foreigner can take note: understand by ear the place of dialogue, the communicative world of its participants.

Topic: relevant for the waste product sector.
Volume of mini-dialogue: 4 to 6 replies, total dialogue: up to 12 replies.
Amount of unknown words: up to 1%.
Movie pace: 120-150 units per hour.
Quantity of presentation: 2.

1.2.2. Reading
The foreigner may note:

Read the text from the installations on the burial ground of his place;
identify the topic of the text;
understand exactly the main information in the text, and identify any details that may have important semantic implications.

Type of reading: reading from the hidden burials of the place where reading is included.
Text type: specially composed or adapted plot text (based on lexical and grammatical material, which corresponds to elementary knowledge).
Subject matter of the text: relevant for everyday, social, cultural and basic fields of spilting.
Text volume: 250-300 words.
Quantity of unknown words: 1-2%.

1.2.3. Sheet
A foreigner may note:

A written text of a reproductive and productive nature on a given topic is consistent with the communicative setting and reliance on nutrition;
written text of a reproductive nature based on the read text, consistent with the communicative setting.

Text type: specially composed or adapted plot text (based on lexical and grammatical material, which corresponds to elementary knowledge).
Text volume: up to 200 words.

Letter texts on a given topic, created by foreigners, must be formatted in accordance with the norms of the current Russian language and contain at least 7-10 words.

1.2.4. Speaking

A. Monologue language
The foreigner may note:

Independently process the viscosal condition accordingly to the established and communicatively specified installation.
There will be a monologue to explain the reproductive type in relation to the reading text.

A discussion about the study of foreigners on the topic: at least 7 phrases.

Type of text: specially composed or adapted plot texts, based on lexical and grammatical material, which corresponds to elementary level.
Text volume: 150-200 words.
Number of unknown words in the text: 1%.

B. Dialogue
The foreigner may note:

Understand the personality of a spivrozmovnik, to identify his communicative relationships between a minimal set of personal situations;
respond adequately to the spivrozmovnik’s remarks;
Initiate dialogue, identify communicative relationships in a minimal set of situations. The study must be designed in accordance with the norms of modern Russian standards, including socially accepted norms of cultural etiquette.

2.1. Phonetics. Graphics

Alphabet. The relationship between sounds and letters. Voices and voices. Hard and soft, jingles and dull voices. Word, warehouse. Voice and rhythm. Vimovi rules. Syntagmatic articulation. Types of intonation constructions: ІЧ-1 (completed food), ІЧ-2 (special food, animal food, food), ІЧ-3 (grass food), ІЧ-4 (regular food from the conjunction “а”), ІЧ-5 (evaluation ).

2.2. Words and morphology

2.2.1. Warehouse of the word

Understand about the basis of the word: the basis of the word is completion; root of the word, suffix (stіl – їdalnya, mіsto – mіskiy, student – ​​student), prefix (pisati – write).

Recognition of the minimum number of word models: vchitel - vchitelka; foreigner - foreigner; mіskiy; chitati - read; go – go – come; Russian - Russian. The basic formation of sounds is completely correct in the forms of words I and II (with a minimal set of words).

2.2.2. Name

Spiritualized and inanimate names. Row and number of names. Vidminkov's system of names. Formwork; the significance and experience of vidminki.

The main values ​​of the parameters:

Name admin
Nina looks at the TV. Tse Andriy. Axle book. Andriy, come here! Brother is a doctor. Tomorrow we'll sleep, there's a theater near the place. I have a book. My name is Olena.

Ancestral view
a) without receiver:

Value of an object (individual)
The number of days of an individual (object) is less than one hour
This is the center of the place. Brother's car axle. There is no brother in me. There is no theater in the place.

Designated numbers, come together with the numbers two, three, four, five in adjacent structures
Nina is two years old. Handles cost 5 rubles.

The date has a month (to ask “What is today’s date?”)
1 sichnya.

b) from users:
Ruhu exit point (z, s)
person who is supposed to be in charge now
The stinks came from England. We came from the concert. Andriy drives the car.

Davalnyi vidminok
a) without receiver:

person (object) about whom we are talking (only with special borrowers)
a person who senses the need for pain (only with special borrowers)
In the evening I call my father. This is my friend. You are twenty years old.

b) from users:
person yak meta ruhu (k)

Famous video
a) without receiver:

Person (subject) as an object of action
logical subject with the word name
travailst, term dіi, means hour b) with drives:
directly to the roc (in, on)
hour (year, day of the year) (in)

Weapon Warehouse
a) without receiver:

Take care of the word
profession of the individual (if there is a word)

b) from users:

with receivers:

Object movie, thoughts
mіstse (in/on)
zasib peresuvannya (on)

2.2.3. Borrower

Significance, changes in the form of change and the adoption of special borrowers (I, ty, vin, won, won, mi, vi, stink). Powerful (what? whose? how many?), appropriate (mine, yours...), expressive (tsey), meaningful (kozhen) and negative (nobody, nothing) borrowers.

2.2.4. Prikmetnik

Povni prikmetniki (beautiful, Russian, great). Weather between new names and names in the family and number in the name. Familiarity with the advanced marking system. Short annotations in a limited set (glad, busy, guilty, sick).

2.2.5. Dieslovo

Infinitive (read, could, go, marvel). Lack of thoroughness and thoroughness of the word (robiti - earn, read - read). Today, yesterday and tomorrow is the hour of the word (reading, reading, reading, reading, reading, having read). 1 and 2 edit words (work, speak, read). Classify the groups of words: 1) read – I’m reading, 2) note – in my mind, 3) vidchuvati – I’m listening; 4) zustrіti – zustrich, 5) vіdprechiti – vіdpochinu; 6) give – give; 7) checkate – check; 8) write – write; 9) could – can; 10) go – go; 11) go – go; 12) want - want, 13) brother - take; 14) live - live. Imperative in the form of words (read, read; speak, speak). Daily management (I am watching TV; I am talking with my brother). Transitive and intransitive words (from my brother, I’ll start at school). The words of Rukh without prefixes and with prefixes (by-, by-): go, go, go, go, go, come.

2.2.6. Chislivnik

Kalkisny numerals (one, two, three...). The life of the numerals in the match with the numerals (one book, two fates). Ordinal numerals (first, other and the same) in the form of a noun.

2.2.7. Prislivnik

The ranks of adjectives have the following meanings: place (far, close), hour (lies, collection), method of action (good, bad), world and stage (povilno, shvidko). Predicative adjectives (possible, not possible) in enclosing structures, nutritional adjectives (yak, if, where, where, stars).

2.2.8. Service parts of the movie

Adjectives (in, on, z, s, do, y, o), conjunctions and allied words (i, abo, a, ale, not only..., but y..., that, that, that, de , where, what kind of person), often not, navіt.

2.3. Syntax

2.3.1. Types of simple propositions

Unfed propositions

Pitalne rechennya
Two-component models
One-component models without a permanent form of word

2.3.2. Understanding the subject and predicate in the river

Ways of expressing a grammatical subject:
Name or borrower in the name form
merging nominals with numerals in the form of a generic subdivision
Name or borrower in the form of a famous admin
Name or borrower in the form of generic name
Name or borrower in the form of a debtor's account

Ways to express a predicate:
word in an explicit, commanding way
joining a special form of a word with an infinitive
joining a special form of a word with a nominative

2.3.3. Ways of expressing logical-semantic words in the river

Object charts (framework and user-framework name design): I'm reading a book, I'm reading about Russia.

Attributive notes:
uzgodzhene vyznachennya: beautiful maiden.
unforeseen change: brother's book, tea with cucumber
Prostorovі vіdnosiny (user-based constructions of names, adjectives): John lives in America, Natalya lives far away.
Timchasov Stosunki: I’ve been checking for you for a long time.
Whole notes (using a special form of the word with information): I'm going to lunch.

2.3.4. Types of foldable propositions

Foldable words with spellings i, a, ale, abo; not just a little...
Folding row propositions, types of clauses with different spellings and allied words:
z'yasuvalni (so, shob, who, yak, yak, whose, where, where, stars);
initially (yak) in the general obligation;
time (if);
causally-heritable (bo).

Conjunctive words and spilki in direct words indirect language: what, where, if, how much, why... Vin asked: What about Petya? I said that Petya was at the theater.

2.3.6. The order of words in the river

With neutral word order in word combinations:
the notebook is handed over to the name holder (tsikava exhibition);
the word follows the head word (at the center of the place; reading a newspaper);
adjectives with -о, -е, to convey the word (good dancing), and adjectives with the prefix po-i suffix - skі follow the word (written in Russian);
the group continues to stand in front of the group of additions (Brother is reading.);
The determinant, which signifies the place or hour, can be applied to the beginning of the proposition, followed by the group of the adjective, and then the group continues (The place has a theater).

2.4. Vocabulary

The lexical minimum of the elementary level becomes 780 units. The main warehouse of the active vocabulary of the elementary level serves the everyday, primary and social-cultural spheres of spilkuvaniya.

The presence of a certificate of elementary level confirms that the foreigner has enough necessary knowledge for further learning of the language for foreign cultural purposes and achieving the current basic level of RKD.

* Retailers of the Russian sovereign system lighting standards and author's teams, created in compliance with the MDU. M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg sovereign university, Russian University Friendship of Peoples and St. Petersburg State Technical University.

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