Rooney letters pozichiti pennies. Put a penny. Runny formulas for earning pennies

Rooney is often victorious with magicians for the purpose of warding. Oh, the sphere is wide in flux, that is why it is necessary to concretize the obmovuyu bazhannya of the vlasnik talisman.

Tim, hto vicoristovu daniy As a rule, other people pass through bad luck and need.


Odal є with the hard rune of the Kin and is located on the twenty-third month in the Elder Futhark. The precondition for the symbol is the basis, the homeland.

In the sphere of business Otala protects knowledge, to impart its own knowledge to economic and legal processes. The symbol is not a common arrival, however, the rationalization of the people to the law, the improvement of the documentation is necessary.

Carry a kind of oberig slid to people who occupy the managerial grounds. Obmova on Odal is guilty of revenge of the maximum prokhannya, straightened out on the knowledge of the unknown.

The rune of zmin Dagaz borrows the twenty-fourth month in the Elder Futhark. The symbol is to cross, yak svitanok.

Dagaz vikoristovuyut in moments of general stagnation, if the financial camp does not deteriorate, ale dohid does not fail. The sign is also called the rune of prosperity, and it can also lead to a sharp hole, a colossal snake of the situation.

It’s worthless streams to make up for an innovative approach. The owner of the amulet can easily change economic strategies and visually victorious assets.

Bet on a penny

Run a good start to get a wealth and success in all financial fixes. Combination of Scandinavian signs may show a shvidkodiyuch effect. However, it’s a lot of fun to spend your time.

Formulas for obtaining wealth great number energy of their own. Speak in a penny can only be done for a complete cleansing of the mental channels.

Combination of Scandinavian signs vicorist for business purposes. So, one speaks in a special way, or ask for luck in financial transactions, if you start a runner, put on a bank picture and a hamman for a better arrival.

Stavshi Penny Potik

Formula Frustrated pot is efficiently successful in the case of a hospitable marriage of cats. For the help of this stave, you can speak a gaman, and the energy of the arrival was concentrated in a new one.

Runeskrypt is stored with decilcoh combinations:

  1. Feu-Vuno - once you allow yourself to feel joy at the moment of rejecting arrival. A penny is not guilty of superfluous negativity;
  2. Laguz-Soul - lasting energy, uninterrupted interruption, calm. The combination reduces the anxiety at the connection with the whole area of ​​the city, allowing a rational assessment of the costly situation.
  3. Hyera is a cycle, a continuous improvement.
  4. Turisaz-Teyvaz - a single negative runnable inflow, letting the operator see the attachment and start someone else's. Dani runi bring the need of people.

The runner-up having become on the riches and pennies will be successful only after the activation. The words are guilty of imagining the bazannya of people and changing the situation, virvatisya with vivnosti.

Yak activation is more beautiful than vicoristovuvati ritual dikhannya. To devalue the amulet for the help of the fire.

Became the Golden Dragon

Runic formula Golden Dragon will help you to grace the minds of the crisis. A combination is given of the form of penny streams, which will allow the operator to shake the old Borgs and earn great sumi.

Before the warehouse runeskrіpt enter the following symbols:

  1. Teyvaz - cleans up penny streams from negative flows.
  2. Algiz is the prey of the master of mental and physical problems.
  3. Evaz - will cheer up the energy, remind you of the combination of power.
  4. Dagaz - friendly snakes, well known to go.
  5. Mannaz - to the projectє all positive influx on the operator.
  6. Inguz is a magnet for arriving, getting new opportunities.
  7. Laguz - the continuity of the formula, continuous improvement and adaptation of strength.

When depicting symbols, it is important to take into account the order of the application.

Slid vrahuvati, which has become more like a robot for the immediate cleansing of the power channels of the vlasnik. The procedure is suitable for an hour to supervise the nasty self-feelings and at the same time.

Runic became Bankir

Formulas for earning a penny are not surrounded by a fair salary. Having become a Bankir, they will attract, be it possible, to reject the arrival, to navigate by an illegal way.

Before the warehouse of the formula, the following signs should be included:

  1. Perth is the basis for savings.
  2. Feu is a pittance.
  3. Uruz is a straining infusion, reminiscent of the formula by force.
  4. Nautiz - obmezhennya zyvykh vitrates, skut_st in vitrates.
  5. Kano (2 symbols) - expand the sphere of the joke, bring new possibilities.
  6. Inguz - an increase in obvious income.
  7. Yera - deed of arrival.

For activation, go to the rite of blood. Rooney to put on papir and put in a hamanet, entrusting with a banknote of the great denomination.

It is important to vrahuvati, which is a bigger bill, it’s more than a penny to bring your own gentlemen. Having become a slid permanently wear with you.

Runic formula Shvidki penny

danish runic became for the rejection of the great sum of pennies, additional assistance is given to the financial situation for short line... Shvidkі pennies allow you to instantly reimburse the arrival, with a lot of income dying, unsuitable appearance.

Runeskrіpt to revenge such signs:

  1. Fehu - characterizing material benefits. The peculiarity of the rune is the generation of situations, which leads to a greater arrival.
  2. Ansuz - establishment of links with business partners and patrons of the arts. New vidnosini help you to vibrate from the stagnant camp and guarantee additional finances.
  3. Dagaz is a breakthrough in business, innovation development, a cardinal change in the implementation program. I will accelerate the loss of capital and payback of products.
  4. Algiz - blessing vishny forces, Zachist from the unsupported viverts of the Dol. The symbol of a zberign weariness of inappropriateness, which leads to the waste of a penny.

Activation of a similar inversion of the rune formula is simple, a combination of initiation is done right away by the ritual of energy exchange. V'yaz paint on the porch and invest in gamanets at once with a leaf of oak or stables. for shorter you can apply a rune to a banknote of a custom denomination.

Pislya the end of the stage, they burn it, and then they rub it in the lobes. The ritual of supravodzhutsya exchange deactivation.

Formula Mlyn

Runeskrіpt Mlyn zbіlshu obviously arriving in a few developments. Slid vrahovuvati, who have become a dime a dozen when they increase their daily income. The formula is to optimize the financial potential, but the combination is not possible for the unproblematic people.

The order of runes for the Mlyn formula is as follows:

  1. Soulou is a successful resource manager, an efficient economic strategy.
  2. Fehu - a lot of penny streams, more influx.
  3. Dagaz - a hole in the business sphere, noviy pidhid up to the date of financial difficulties.

Having become active behind the help of others, there is a lot of blood. Oberig trim a handbook with great sums, more beautiful in safes.

Write to the end of the term of service runescript burn.

Runeskrіpt Baggage

The run-of-the-mill formula for earning quick pennies allows you not only to get rid of a quick income, but to earn a few extra incomes. Having started to start pouring in for the first two years. However, I’m going to step by step and swallow.

Rune became The baggage for the earning of pennies is made up of the following symbols:

  1. Uruz - instills into the operator, yes, or even in his interests.
  2. Soulu is a prize-winning, triumphant rejection of riches.
  3. Turisaz - pooshuk vіrnogo solution, road, yak weve to success.
  4. Feu - good people, regulation of financial channels.
  5. Teyvaz is the operator's hijacker because of the negative and evil thoughts.
  6. Mannaz - characterizing the Vicona ritual.
  7. Hyera is a form of a situation, friendly for falling asleep to new income.
  8. Berkana is a special zahist of the people, with an energetic background.

Besides the standard Scandinavian symbols in the castles, it is also possible to show off the ancient years of the old peoples. Among them you can see:

  1. L - to be painted in the center of the great stake, closest to the left edge.
  2. T - displayed in the lower part, not far from the central point.
  3. S - applied at the top of the stake.
  4. F - draw from the right side towards the central point.

Before the hour of the picture of the formula, start sitting on the seat of the great stake, to start before the small stake is painted. Apply S first in the middle of the letters, in the same order.

Formuluyuy prohannya, importantly lishat in the boundaries of what is permitted. It is not easy to ask the runes for some riches, modesty is more than financial flows, at that time, as impudence, you can create two symbols.

Magnit from Bagirka

Having become runes A penny magnet pdsilu an influx of cats. This is also the formula for getting good luck on the bik of the amulet.

The combination is foldable in writing, protects the guarantee of better arrival. Having become a Penny Magnet includes the following symbols:

  1. The center is the symbolic point of the magician. Сіль D (4 pcs.) Based on the result of the formula.
  2. Direct glyphs - in the sense of Tyazhinnya, Reaching the Tsilei and Luck (3 pcs.), 2 becoming the winner of the villains and the sign of Jupiter, the patron saint of Kings and Vlad.
  3. Diagonal v'yazi - the Gebo rune, the combination of Feu-Uruz, Sil V. Diagonally, it also changes the glyph Absolute Happiness and Magical Power. Include the sign of Sontsya in the rest, which will remind the runescription of energy success.

To carry out the activation for help. Victory of the amulet can be victorious in self-esteem through yogo exertion.

Material for the amulet is guilty of buty golden abo zhovtoy koloru... I began to apply it myself with a scarlet farboy.

Amulet stem rules

You can create a runny talisman on your own. Shcheb amulet, serving for the good of his own masters, followed by the singing recommendations:

  1. Having become a penny more paint on papir. Diya formula is interconnected for an hour, there is no sense in vipalyuvati combination on a tree or vibrate on a stone.
  2. It takes an hour to prepare an amulet for collecting wealth in the booth, it is innocent to be children and domestic creatures. Oberig timid on its own. In the quality of a companion, you can only have a cat.
  3. In the primitive it is innocent to be the ikon, in the majstr - the chrestika.

V'yaz on the earning of pennies obov'yazkovo slid aktivuvati. For all to carry out special rituals. For newcomers, it is more beautiful than vicoristovuvati activation of dikhannyam or 4 elements. Professional runologists can activate when they become blood.

The formula for success to serve is close to 2 months. Writing the end of the term and deactivating and burning.

pid bag

Run for riches - a popular magical practice. Formulas may change the spectrum in flush, the stench grows behind the strength and energy.

For newcomers, it is more beautiful than vicoristovuvati one rune, for that folding combination of vimag of singing zusil vid maister. Oberig with penny symbols serve as an understatement, altogether less effective for any hour and after deactivation.

People have been actively involved in getting the most out of their lives. To that, the stench was constantly victorious about the folding and simple chakluns' rituals and talismani.

In order to preserve your great prosperity, to help your enterprise develop intensively and every day you accumulate money, put all kinds of money on them in a special way to apply special runes. The stench is to serve for impotent goals, so that most often it becomes stagnant for those who are aimed at shvidki to get richness.

It is necessary to give a more accurate understanding of the fact that you have also become. Winning on the basis of the new rune symbols, to serve for the achievement of singing praignes.

Smell of welcoming wealth, as soon as people will be firmly in their work, contributing all their energy to the stream of financial flows, and it is almost impossible to rob everything that this meta bullet has not been reached yet.

The most popular types of stakes є:

  • For the reception of great penny streams;
  • love;
  • aiming for an advantage in the right or in battles;
  • for fixing ailments;
  • to defeat enemies;
  • for success.

A simple set include three rune symbols. The very stench of the most necessary rank to serve for the active acquisition of the required wealth in haunted life people.

  • Persha rune means those that people need right at a time.
  • The coming of the special features of the outbound course is right.
  • The third is the transfer result.

Forgive me forgiven the end of the day To put it, brothers only need to use the runes. And to navigate in such a type, it is necessary to thoroughly decipher the basic meaning.

If everything is correct, then I will help the ceremony as quickly as possible in the direction of the influx of luck. Dіє magic to finish quickly.

If the bazhannya of the people is stronger, the more the ritual will be more accurate, the less the pennies will be in the life.

It’s not so easy to forget that, having become єє, that’s it’s injected, it’s pidtrimuvati, it’s new.

However, if the day does not persist after a short singing hour, it is necessary to be intelligent, but it has not been broken like that. If the ritual is carried out purely mechanically, then it is not a matter of what is required, or else it will be weak.

Head rules for the execution of the rune ritual

Runes from the found hours have been helping the happy entrepreneurs, the enthusiastic merchants, the procrastinated craftsmen, just the active people of the middle class to ensure that their financial records are improved.

Zagalnovidomo, at once the most successful businessmen often reproach for their help.

If you can find help files of a penny sphere, forgive people wona buvaє is simply necessary.

Having become a wealthy person, they often turn out to be hard-pressed and truly dignified for the prosperity.

In the main surface, on which there will be images of the runes, you can take:

  • papir;
  • shkіru;
  • metal;
  • banknote;
  • kistka;
  • from the fabric.

Naybіlsh effective after having entered the woods when you become.

Find active materials for new health magic rituals vvazhayutsya: birch (rich in what I will forget to sing in my own), veres (to serve for the improvement of life), oak (for the purpose of ritual), yalina (є as a talisman), letha (forget to burn) , pine (oberіgaє from shkіdlivikh injections), apple (advancing life tone), clear (additional help to solicit the ceremony).

Apply runes also on the hands, fingers or parts of the body. Deyaki people signs paint signs on gamanets or credit cards. Women picture them on the inner surface of the handbag.

It is necessary to write clearly and clearly. Skoristatisya slid with a felt-tip pen, a pen or a penzlik with a headlight.

Kolir runes is guilty of buty greens or worms. It is not possible to write with a black one, for a sirim color.

In order for you to become the best devil, you can see the magic wickedness and oath. Ale zvychay vіn zdatniy to get along і without them in pour.

With the help of my head, I can read the results of the tests and the results are quiet, as it is necessary to reach with this help. It is necessary to be unprepossessing to use the runic power of the rune. Be-like the least amount you can put a blow on the whole її mіts.

Obtaining the necessary financial statements

The greatest success among the people is to use special runes that have become for the fastest growing pennies in the most affordable ones. I can help you to earn money for the development of business or turn to the Borg.

Here it is obligatory to blame for the presence of the runes:

Tsi rune symbols are accurately applied on the singing place. To make it more powerful, they often put mice, or bunches of special dried magical roselin.

Basil, oak, yalina, jasmine, heather, stables can be crushed by force. In some way I will also burn it off, and after it has been washed out with ash, it has become a bit of a smoke.

Termynove nabuttya pennies

The Інshi shvidkodіyuchy ritual is carried out with runes in order to preserve the permanent surge of wealth. Already through the second year after the last one, you see it injected. Protest, twice a day for the first time.

A large circle has become applied, all in the middle of which there are insha, smaller sizes. In the middle, apply offensive main runic symbols:

Besides, it is necessary to register and sign. Before them L, T, S, R and F.

Writing the rite of passage will need to say:

My serpent is simple,

I’ll tell you everything, before we grow up.

View of the skin word

I will know the gift.

Taking Dim, Viter Prinis.

Ranok, evening, food revision.

Rune became for earning pennies

I know everything, but by ourselves easy way reach the prosperity є volodinnya injected by the patron. If you are a special person, you have become on a yogo nabuttya.

Vin permits not only to know that there is no need to know, but also a friend in the penny on the right, in spite of that, it is possible to bring the financial enterprise to a profitable prosperity.

During the viconation of the rite of vikoristoyutsya offensive symbols: Inguz, Laguz, Manaz, Teivaz, Fehu and Eyvaz.

Rooney will paint the communal capacities of people, get a penny for good luck.

The stench will help you to know people who are ready to contribute their money to business, to make a connection with them, to give grace to each other.

Symbols to help you set up the best for keeping the right mind, take the necessary things, know the strength for the plans.

So luck doesn’t let the people get lost, they don’t get better of their capital and screw the correct way of speeches into their life.

In order to become a slap great inflow, Varto vimoviti swear. It’s not only attracting great financial streams, but additional assistance is definitely being taken into account in their reach. Bazhano vimovlyati yogo voice, clearly, without hesitation:

“By the power of this rune stave, the cholovik (im'ya cholovik) is given to me as a gift (a gift of this kind, if you want to deny it more specifically). I activate the Danes of the runes when I become (say, how do you activate it yourself: slinoy, dikhannyam, abo inakshe, so, how did the tserobiti sound). Daniy runny became Bagatiy Patron of pratsyuє without a school for my physical and mental health, as well as without a school for the physical and mental health of my loved ones and blood, my life and myna. If the runny began to complete my robot, I deactivate it (say, as for the bedrooms, or in the same way, as if they sounded to deactivate the runes, as they vikonali their envy). Let it be like this. "

Immediately it is necessary to get rid of them, as pennies have already gone into the life of the people.

The run-of-the-mill formula is efficient and effective in helping to determine the wealth and to allow a penny of stature to the permanent companions of life. smut її

perevaga polyagaє in the fact that such magic will allow not only to get a good fortune, but to create a steady tide. Ludin must be remembered without a bar, since he will be kindly grown up.

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Do you want to quickly disclaim the necessary penny sum from friends, relatives or bosses? In the tsіy statty you get information about those who are a shvidkodіyuchi rune became on a pittance, and also you need to correctly fix the information on practice. Bazhaєmo pleasant reading.

Put yak dyut shvidki runes on a penny

Correctly picking, correctly folding the runes, becoming a rejection of a great sum of pennies, gives the opportunity to see a penny channel, which is necessary for obtaining finances in a demanding relationship.

Before the folds of a strong rune stave on pennies, brutal respect on the offensive.

  • Fehu: The main activity of the Scandinavian symbol is aimed at obtaining / concentrating all of the current energy flows, for transforming them into financial resources, and for material benefits.
  • Otala (Odal): The indispensable companion of Vishchevkazanoi runi. Zberig of the obvious material benefits, allowing the expansion of the border of knowledge, the benefit of the earliest income, etc.

To brutalize respect! If you are intransigent in dealing with competitors, you can add the Nautiz rune to the formula. The whole symbol slid vikoristovuvati only in extreme cases - do not be evil with strong runes, you won’t turn around in the turbot

To navigate the most powerful rune didn’t bring a proper effect, if you don’t think about the correct form of the certificate. For a successful robot with a financial flow, charge the runes continuously, and also spend. Naykrashche, vigotte amulet, wear it from outside the eyes. It is allowed to re-air the runic programs on the mental level.

Runic became "Penny Potik"

The clear-cut runny became "A penny potik" - a simple manual way to remove a sum, such as a marriage of finance. The simplicity of the tsієї runic formula can help a bazhan to help newcomers.

Having become stocked with the offensive rune symbols:

  • Fehu +: The head of the operator - reject the satisfaction of the manifestation of material benefits. You will be presented with additional financial support, bonuses, dear gifts, etc.
  • Laguz + Soul: Symbolize the calm plin of energy, peace, joy
  • Hyera. Cyclicity, regular updating of the stave (deposit in the term, for which there is no charge)
  • Turisaz + Teivaz: The main functions of the combination are the display of possible negative programs, energy attachments / suction cups, which protect a penny channel

In case of robots with the specified formula, put the approximate swap. The essence is in detail to visualize the camp of happiness, joy, knotted good luck material wealth. Say to yourself in a voice: "I seize my own penny stream from whatever negative influx, let growth and multiply."

(Stavshi) more beautifully"Povitrya", tobto beyond help dikhannya. Deactivation of the combination - sleeping room.

Runic became "Shvidki penny"

The runner who has become "Shvidki pennies" allows you to get rid of the necessary amount of pennies in a record short period of time. Below is a lecture diagram of the formula, її detailed deciphering.

Before the warehouse of the combinatsiya enter the offensive Scandinavian symbols.

  • Fehu: Vtіlyuє classic richness in a bewitching mind. You can also vkazuvat on shvidki zmіni, scho obіtsyaut chimaly arrival. Runny manager - find out the necessary situations for obtaining additional financial flow
  • : Otrimannya pennies for rakhunok splilkuvannya z authoritative people. The power of the whole rune allows shvidko vivilnity of penny energy from stagnation - to speed up the changes in the financial sphere
  • Dagaz: Proriv, ​​great positive changes in the material sphere. Allowing to quickly process the necessary result
  • I’m talking about people who are dekilkoh, є being a guide of a penny stream. A guarantee of good luck with the installation of financial grounds

The essence of a robot with a formula is simple. Apply the above combination to any nose that can be burned by a robot. To make the effect possible is the addition of dry herbs - pide stables, basil, oak bark, be it roslin, which symbolizes the arrival. Take a drink on the material of well-being, burn it with a nose at once with a stand, like dry grass, and grow it behind a window from a valley.

Runic became "Mlyn"

The runner-up became "Mlyn" (for pennies). Let's take a look at the features of the folding diagram.

Before the warehouse of the formula, there are three runes - Soul, Fehu and Dagaz. It is now recommended to apply on paperwork (papier, cardboard, etc.). You can carry it in gamanza bilya banknotes, or in the last seen - all lay down from individual passages. Vikoristovuєtsya without special washing - practical independent.

Rune became "Bagatstvo" for a quick rejection of pennies

Tsey runn_ichny became for earning pennies and riches allowed to expand financial capabilities operator, made a penny, directing him at you. The particularity of the robot is discernible with the given formula.

The roll of the stave is duzhe shvidka - one / two years. Slide to put a sign on the cardboard (yak in front of the front) or to break the amulet, always wear it. It is recommended to lick the skin for two to three days. The formula for the mass of positive messages.

Build up from the onset symbols:

  • Uruz: Yes, the fun, the fun when engaging
  • Soulu: Joy, peace of mind when rejecting the bastard to the result
  • Turisaz: Operator is on the hard way
  • Fehu: Symbolizing the material sphere of living - financial goodness, wealth
  • Teyvaz: Zakhist formulas from third parties negative injections
  • Mannaz: Indicates the operator
  • Hyera: Situation necessary for rejecting the bazhany result
  • : Operator zachist for robotic staves

Vikoristovuvanі Literi:

  • L: Forge the number 9, wrap in the center of the stake on the left side
  • T (syriyska letter): Paint її at the bottom of the stake, closer to the center
  • S: Vimalovuyutsya at the upper part of the stake, in the distance away from the English letter R
  • F: Letter nagaduє letter Z.

Uwaga! When the image is displayed, look for the price great stake, Potim - small. Draw signs along the way - with a set of S with a general transition after the year's line on the other symbols. Runes appear in the offensive endowment - Mannaz, Fehu, Berkana, Teivaz, etc.

When folded, do NOT swap, add only the actual bag you need. Good luck on the worldly road - do not forget the quest for updates!

Rooney is himself found symbols As a result of being victorious for health, as well as in the capacity of strained amulets.

The skin rune has special meanings and can be infused into the lot of a particular people, get richness. Among the obvious runes, there are such formulas, which are victorious for earning a pittance.

This is a singing kind of runes, which is still a feast for receiving a arrival, in the midst of the stench the toad has become a penny.

For example, Runa Odal is a great gift of prosperity for the family and the achievement of stability, enveloping wealth.

Vidoma is also Fehu - a rune of pennies and private power. Won additional help when buying and selling land, additional help to save money and get a penny. Hyera is an effective rune. Stagnate for the achievement of goals, including to get a lot of money. And Soul is a rune for pennies, power, authority and power. It is a symbol of peremogi.

Likewise, runes, which are stagnant, can change the way to the right and polish the camp on the robot or in the business. Їх often vikoristovuyut dilki, which materially develops zupinivya on singing points, do not bazhayuchi grow. Such signs are called symbols of a shrewd growth and lead to the very summit of Olimpu quietly, hto them to go after the help.

Find out about them:

  • Dagaz is the price of health and prosperity. Overpowering living forces, energizing and wishing to work miracles in the labors of work.
  • Evaz is a ruh and a wintry. Additional help to destroy, whether I will right from the dead center.
  • Vuno is the rune of material prosperity and happiness. You will also be helped by the successes and development prospects.

If the formula is correct, paint the most suitable rune on Hamanz. Tse will help you to get paid for pennies. Vzagal, paint the rune of wealth, children will be good for you - smut, think about the result, which you want to reach. You will also be guilty of increasing your strength. Bagato magicians, who vikoristovuyut runes vvazhayut, how it is necessary to carry it on your own.

Deyakі makayuvat malyuvati formulas on the uncomfortable part of their body. Vvazhaєte, as soon as you see energetic link, You can enlist the help of їхnya pіdtrimkoyu. And it’s a lot and it’s calling to kick the runes into a little trickle, so you can screw everything up to you at once.

Gold for a penny

There is a majestic number of staves for the achievement of goodness or safety. We will tell you about the decal from them, which will be used for new ones.

Formula Zakhist pennies - having become a rune, so directing the force on zakhist pennies in the negative, nasty attacks and all kinds of misfortunes. Win trokhi is similar to the eight-pointed star of David. Yak result - be-like mental attack on your pennies to be blocked in the labyrinth. With all of you, you can make your own way, so that you will be aware of an additional act of attacking the pennies, seeing the deyake not being duzhannya.

Tsikavo those, which the energy of the aggressor in a similar way will increase the flow into the energy of possibilities for the ruler of such a stav. Yogo can be vikoristovuvati in shops or in any other small commercial enterprise.

The result will be stupid - Egregor Runi will help to significantly change the number of unhappy clients, increase the number of new deputies and, apparently, the influx. When you have a vikoristovyutsya wash.

Formula First golden cross - having become a runny for a dobrobut polishhennya, pochuk new ways of earning money, shvidkі pennies. Zazvychay apply on gold or on foil gold color. Її Egregore additional help to change the internal staging to the point of pennies and methods of gaining income in the first place.

Another golden cross - one more rune became for the advancement of material wealth. Wien allows you to know new shvidki dzherela income is easy and without financial vitrates. Egregor will help you to improve your business with a stretch of furnishings, for a greater amount of income. People who play viciously mean more income per hour of robots with a symbol. If the first chrest can be corrected with an okremim rozkishny quit, then the other one is your special quiz.

There are simple runes that allow you to polish your material well-being. However, the formulas will not work, because Vee will not become any kind of money for wealth. Continue to carry on the very life, the vicorist symbol.

Winning up is deprived of being a spouse, and only to spend an hour, victoriously, to swallow it up, having painted the whole rune knight.

Also, do not forget about the power of visualization and viri. If you are wondering about the power of magic and magic - just forget about the method. I will overwhelm the bagatma with negative traces of power. Think about it too - maybe it’s not just a little bit of copybooks from runes, but just one?

Our life appears kudi foldn_she, nіzh to tsikh pіr thought people. Bagato's men have long forgotten about the power of their skepticism; It's wonderful that you can visit doctors of sciences for an hour you can patch runic symbols on cufflinks of more than shirts. And why are you talking about successful business changes ?! Axis, hto steadily rewire to the joy of magic and vikoristovuvati the power of the runes, create snakes.

So, there’s nothing wondrous in a whole lot of nemaє, you’ll be turned up to the aid of Vishchi forces for the good of a mighty blessing.

The sweep of the edge can be roughly as follows:
Let the power of the runes near me transform the space, open the endless possibilities for the improvement of the financial camp, new possibilities, the growth of income. Vived me for a new level of friendly opportunities and income. Don’t let all the bazhans come from me and good luck.

Having become Fengur - one of the signs of Odin.

The word Fengur means. Became for wealth and prosperity

Having become "Golden Vortex"

"Golden Whirlwind" of the names is so behind the name given by the spindle of Egregor Grosh, which is depicted in this way and by the Otal rune itself. (Div baby)

Runostav on the opening of penny canals.

Groschova: lama, cross to the road to reject pennies, also step up to competitors and cross. scho lagodyat nedobrozichlivtsi.

The formula is spinning 4-7 days. Equal financial reason.

A penny is easy and without a fee. win the lottery.

Take the people of the new people, the old days of the life of the people.

I will show you injecting karmis into the process.

Financial help from friends, additional help from the latest nutrition of the spadshchina. Proshtovkhuє dіlovі food, in the last hour there was no solution.

Dodatkovo-vimitaє of bad people from the stake of spilkuvannya.

Otal is applied first, another Hagalaz (from left to Otal), the third - Dagaz (from right to Otal).

Otal - It’s not an hour for the gentry to leave. The old shkira is guilty of being thrown off; It is necessary here є to order the share and firmness of will, so that it’s good. Power is tied with a rune - a sign of pride and vigrash.

Hagalaz - zruynu all these plugs that close or block the streams of pennies, including unnecessary sound, but, bit by bit, it is stable in the whole.

Dagaz - yes, strong shipping for a cardinal change on the brighter in the financial plan.

So, it’s not marvelous, but in a house that is not great for a penny house, it’s low Fehu and Turisaz.

A penny talisman.

Became Nábrókarstafur - Pants with shkiri shimmer, which bring great pennies

penny pentacle

Became Bankir for Hamanets.

I clown him for more than six months, without giving them pain.

Perth is himself a hamman and his accumulation;

Fehu - pennies;

Uruz - all the efforts were straightforward for the earning of pennies;

Nautiz is the guarantor of the hope

2Kano - expand the possibilities and hope

Inguz - consistency, economical pasta, well it wouldn’t be wasted in vain.

Hyera is a harvest and a good harvest.

All the successes at the victorian!

So don’t let your gamantes rise to the arrival of great pennies!

So, I just put it on the papir, activated it (make your own blood), put in 500 Euros on the first day, for a penny. Spratsyuvav on the coming day, gave a decent swag. ;)

Talisman Baggage

Stavshi Bagati go

The basis of the stav is є glyph "prosperity". Win yak Sonce to live with the warmth and light of all your repairs. Supplementing the quality of material nutrition and satisfaction of your consumers.

From yogo energy, from your bazhanya and viri, a steam is breaking through - the glyph "bazhannya volodinnya". Vіn yak mіtsniy stalk, the basis of dobrobut. Additional help to save capital. I am attracted to success and prosperity; Advancing your activity.

The GLIFY "ACHIEVING THE TOP OF GOODS" podsiluyut energy in advance and give the result. Tse the fruit of your prats, and so is the very thing, which will give new ones to descend.

Having become a visitor from an important material encampment

Having become Shvidke, rejecting pennies













Scripting I remind you by STATING POWER. "


Stavshi Groshov's toad

A simpler solution for quiet people who have problems with a poor channel:

Additional "coins" (yak at a three-legged toad according to Feng Shui) - the Sol runes have added additional energy to the stave, which is necessary for the channel to be released.

Algiz (2) - Soul (2) - Kenaz (2) - Perth - Otal - Fehu (2).

Hyera (another plan).

Algiz (2) - send a penny push to us і overnight є a thief, they didn’t lick a penny;

Soul (2) - guarantee success and good pennies, live an energy toad;

Kenaz (2) - the intention to bring joy and moral satisfaction;

Perth - vasne vіdkritiy gamanets - chance, good luck to get a penny; having become;

Otal - zakist dobrobutu - will take care of new financial possibilities and a penny hope;

Fehu (2) - pennies and material benefits - to preserve the wealth and prosperity;

Hyera (another plan) - the wine of the city and a long-term penny.

Ex. vidpovidny vershik:

Pennies give me great strength!

That, with good luck to walk around the world,

Give me joy, maybe, Vlad.

I will enjoy all the food.

For the great satisfaction I bathe in pennies.

Everything is booming, scho booming in the world.

A penny is dumb until the magnet sticks to me.

To multiply prosperity individually and in every way.

A penny to bring me success and good luck -

Є cottage by the sea і sea of ​​luck.

I’m going to gasp, so rooney.

I am Fortune's most beloved pet!

Stavshi Grosova Mlyn

robotic runes - Dagaz, Fehu, Sovilo

Having become mln to finish, put on the cardboard either papier or poklast in gamanets. It is possible not to swallow, I myself will re-create the energy in a penny equivalent.

Stavshi Grosova Mlyn 2

Stavshi Groshova Druk

4 Feu, 4 Uruz, Gebo. How can I play the role that I’ll take away from the encroachment of evil faces, loupes for projecting on us and the spheres with the energy we need in every way we know.

Feu - pennies, good luck Uruz - vibuhovi rіzki winks Gebo - I think I don’t need to explain it)))

Stavshi Groshov's swastika

V'yaz "Groshov's swastika" is stored at 4 Algiz, 4 Fehu, 4 Soul and runi Gebo. The leading number of runes in the link between doors is 13 - one of the leading key numbers in the runic system.

Talisman can be made on an oak board. On the ringing boat of a talisman, it is necessary to display your name in runic form, or a monogram in number, and on the front side - a warehouse rune in number. Then it will be necessary if you fancy the runes with a green farboy, ale more beautiful with your blood. An hour for the ritual of sanctifying the beast is required until the Torah. Kozhen times, if you hurt him vipadkovo, leave your talisman and circle the skin rune with blood, vimovlyayuchi її im'ya. In an hour, the artifact will gain strength and your material station will rapidly rotate.

Stavshi Groshova luck 1

Vikoristovuvani runi: Mannaz, Laguz, Fehu, Inguz, Algiz, Vuno, Yera.

V'yaz is inscribed in the rune of Peremoga, and supplemented by the letter of Ases.

Approximate swap:

Don’t come up to a penny before growing dzherel, grow, multiply and grow.

And everything is without a shkodi for me, for my relatives and loved ones. І without shkodi for my (our) lane. Another part is for the fact that they didn’t come across a penny for rejecting pennies, for example, pennies compensation for the new Skoda, insurance viplays etc.

Stavshi Groshova luck 2

Coming a penny from the young dzherel, and paying for the robot, and the gifts of friends and loved ones, and just gifts of the share.

Laguz - vikoristovuєmo for a joke of penny energy

Evaz is a ruin power, a ruck of pennies yak process

Fehu + Otal is a penny hope.

Algiz is a zahist of pennies, non-transferable vitrates.

Power is necessary for the robotics.

Rooney to another plan Inguz - prosperity

Gebo and Eyvaz - runes of luck

Comments Vannadis

Miraculous becoming viyshov. The structure is miraculous, the runes are even better made and written, everything is absolutely correct and good, becoming a viysh divine, harmonious and strong. As soon as possible, having become insurers also on success in the right, in general, whether the meta is tied to business, you can reach out for help, here you can talk and talk in the distance, and sponsor help for the right, all the moments of the occasion ' yazani with business is also pledged in this property, which can be said to have become insurance and for those people who have bought a bazhany, who are not necessarily tied up with penny food, miraculous, even a good one.

Having taken tests. Stretching two robots;

I paid 100 rubles to my phone in Euroset, three days later it was announced that the rakhunka was updated for 100 rubles, the date is the same, Euroset. Suddenly, the stench of my two put pennies on the rakhunok. At a bloody store, when buying shoes, 50% of the price was played in the lottery. Tufli, yak kostuvali 2800 rubles. shipped for me in 1400.

Stavshi Grosove tree

Groshovi flies

Stavshi Penny Club

Naud Fehu Laguz vivest on dialogue groshovo egregor

Yera Uruz Berkana Otrimati the status of a VIP member in the penny club (Egregor)

Odal Fehu Evaz і as a member of the club otrimuvati mate

suspensions (Egregor)


Naud Iera Odal squeeze into egregor

Fehu Uruz Fehu Materiality, strength (ability)

Laguz Berkana Evaz strіmke more help from Egregor

Stavshi Penny Bear

Z name zrozumіlo, which has become a demand for zbagachennya, in this vypadku through garlic pratsyu.

Perth - Mishok

Fehu - pennies

Kano - shukaєmo garish earnings

Laguz - a pittance to earn money

It is more beautiful to virizati on shmatochka shkiri, to consecrate and contribute to gamanets. Through those who are the rune of Perth, having become the same to ask for there, de Vie zberigayte pennies.

penny pentacle

Stavshi Penny Potik

Rooney in stavі

Vuno + Fehu (Thank you Montana and Espe for the appropriate connection) - we will accept the satisfaction of the fact that we will accept material blessings. Be a talented gift, for something else.

Soul + Laguz - energy, goodness and joy.

Hyera is an update, a cycle, an hour, which you set for the robot the formulas and through the effect of the new one.

Approximate swap:

Runic Daniy began to bring joy and material prosperity to my life and joy and gifts, the needs of me.

Stavshi Groshovy progress

becoming Groshovy

Tsyatochka operator

Sil-nada stavu energy

2 Laguz-penny streams. Mirror Laguz here is not just a playlist in a chapel for a current-kudi, but also a keruvat with a boat. That is, I go and specifically buy a lottery ticket. for those that are required.

2 Fehu-vіlenі material blessings (here there can be butti and not only pennies, ale and gifts)

Evaz-straight movement. We find ourselves in the required place in the required hour.


Another plan: 2

Odal accumulation and saving

Gebo is stylized from the date of Evaz (iv) -luck.

It is possible to reinforce another row of Teivaz-straightforwardness or finiteness.

For the purity of the test, I can’t say anything, because during the crossing from the middle of the breast and through the current year, there was a change in a number of installs-upgrades.

But I can say that the results are even better when I fix my breast. premium for mobile phone.

Becoming the Penny Factor

Meta robotics: polish and financial position of the object of influence.

At prompting vikoristovuvalasya Runikom and Bukovo VseYaSvetnaya literacy

The frame of Bukov's Ma - chrest (serve as an energy frame of the stav), the middle of the chrest is a tsyatochka - ob'єkt - our penny energy structure.

Dagaz - transition from stan A to stan B. (A tse financial camp ob'єkta pouring in at a time, B - what you want to covet - write, stitches for the vidnistyu rub). Soul is a supplementary help for Dagaz, tidying up all those who have taken care of the good things, have enough energy structure with sleepy energy.

Laguz is a small dodatkovy roc flowing along a penny channel, they clean it up, but they didn't clean up the soul. + There is a lot of energy flows in the stream Lagus - such a one in the doorway. 4 Fehu, 4 Wunye - penny koshty+ You may be able to speed up with them, to reach the bazhany. Placement in Yeru is a cycle of the process.

I navmisno namyuvala one Wunye pose Yeri - tse show, yak bazhane go on implementation. Not obov'yazkovo skin gilochtsi Vunye stick with Yeroy, paint the tse yak pide. І navkolo all tsiy Bukov Az. An exhausted zakist of you, possessed by the desires and benefits for them, plus a wide-and-hour corridor leading to the stave.


Maluvati on kartontsі paint more green with a felt-tip pen and in a wallet.

Connect to a penny egregor

Become pennies and good luck

The axis of such a thing was born in my head for about a month. I tweaked the robot 2 days before I went to the gateway, I tied it up about it, after about 2 days, I’m already at the office, I’ll fix it again, I’m going to get up with this kind of speed, when I get up on ice and ice. earnings. I didn’t guess about the little ones, but the axis of sending the end of the output to the robot and the axis of the win, lie on my working table ... and the axis here didn’t go well, but it’s been the blame for the success of the robot, and it’s coming up.

I’ll say this, I didn’t activate it with a special rank, I just painted it and got it, in such a situation it was opened for 2 years. I think how to carry out a normal ritual, illuminate and build everything, the result will be even more stupid!

VIKORISTOVUVATI YAK GLIFIV! tobto yak є single sign

became Groshi

Having become pennies and prosperity

Became the Golden Dragon

Having become transformed into a bagatech know-how, a working one, it will be unrolled from 2-3 days to 2 days.

To be active - obmova, dikhannya, slina. I let my thoughts go into the flight and I declare how the honorable dragon of evil. I will tell you if I’m going to finish the robot and sleep.

From the notice of those koristuvachіv - it is possible not to scoff at it, but to become a living dragon and see it. Youmu finish mental activation.

Even more good spratsovuє when applied to the candle - also a notice of koristuvach.

Robotic runes: Teyvaz, 4 Inguz, 2 Laguz, Dagaz, Evaz, Mannaz, Algiz

Teyvaz - razchischaє shlyakh to pennies

Algiz - protecting us on the whole road

Evaz - kin, which carry us to a penny

Dagaz - the transformation of our life into bagatsha with new income

Mannaz - ludina herself

Inguz (lying sideways - krila of the dragon) is not rich, yake can come before us in life

Laguzen - p_dsiluyut financial potik, timid yogo permanent

Vlasne kilka sliv about the results of robots.

For one known person, the number of business orders has grown by about 25% (according to the first estimate) in three business days. Plus, having announced another dzherelo income. Plus, on the other hand, you know on the street a penny.

My friends proponated the dodatk robot, plus they came in replacement for the written business plans. Here, the axis is very clear, from all the customers, one lady was thinking about the business plans for absolutely unreasonable reasons, and the customers came to my knowledge. Ale pevna, ale yak has shown the practice of storing the "Dragon" in about 50% of cases of repair and cleaning. The truth is that everything goes smoothly in the result and ends up with goodness, in order to fix a penny. To that my joy, as if not singing, is more beautiful with a sprinkle of cleaning, but instead of the same Dragon. I want my friend to have 50% of everything going smoothly, and having immediately started to work in a part of pennies.

Stavshi Zolotiy Khrest

"Golden Khrest", bazhano put on zhovty metal (for ladies and those who don't want to fiddle with a drink є option is applied to foil papir, fortunately, at once).

Those scho privablyuє,

Those will be again,

Gold reminds

Gold is meant,

For the good and the decline.

Let a lot of dzvinki coins cover your swish and hamanets.

Having become so myself, having taken away the abundant positive messages, characteristic feature ts'go staff became a change of internal staging to a penny income and ways of rejecting pennies in general. A decade later, the Idea rejected its development in a similar rune, albeit more organized for a change of current circumstances in the direction of rejecting higher income. Minimally, from 1.5 to a maximum of 5 times, the amount of income gained by the workers with the cymbals. At the same time, the offense of the stav brought up problems in conjunction with the blocking of access, both on the most recent and on the inner plans.

The center should be the basis for the development of the road to the right side, to be stored at Evaz + 2 Manaz, - the set up for a penny to come and the installation of the machine in the world of Viktoriannya + Otal, - you can use the blisters, for those who have lost their bones.

The rune Fehu in v'yazi all the same, moreover, two times.

V'yazi from the sides befits me even more, combining two creatures Algiz + Uruz (do not hay mutant, altogether). In general, for the podolannya, the transition is in the name Kennaz + Nautiz (nathnennya, fuse, nasnagu), virnishe for changing from the road. Turn around, as soon as you saw the bullets on the moose on the moose and bach it through the young fox, you forgot to remember, the enemy was also going to rush a dodgy tractor with a bucket on its head. And it’s even easier to follow him, the ladder has been trampled down, and the price is a great plus in a few pennies. "

Stavshi Skarbnichka II

Winning the first one. Schob uniknuti nutrition from the application of runes - in the image, everything was meant according to quotations.

Behind the runes:

Fehu + Fehu vt_lennya, Otal + Otal vt_lennya, Bereginya. On another plane - Inguz.

Zbira denyushki in the booths (for me, I’ll discuss it myself ..... otherwise, we will pick it all up ...) і to procreate!

Operating instructions are the same:

Having stood on pivnich, downstairs - a box with grishmi (coins). As soon as the arrival arrived - a couple of "pidzhiviti" papіrtsіv went down and became, and then it’s sweetly vitrachaumo. A bill (from one up to 3x) is put in the order of growth. Coins from the box are NOT for any minds!

becoming an avalanche

Perth is a beast of power over us.
Fehu - vіrnіshe, from them - "pennies climb over your head"! Going over .. going out .. hoarding up ... checking out ... І here kaaaak to fall !! -
per. Tyur - The unkindness of fixing the opir of the situation, how to fold (legs themselves carry the kudi treba) + іdrіzannya chinnikiv, who zavazhayut Madr (Mannaz) - our head is not power, kudi is hoarse the sum.

become a Logo

Feu - a robot, pennies

Tours - piercing, zahist


Activuvati is possible Uruz, Kano i Laguzen

The formula can be used for a robot, business, everything is tied with a penny

becoming a patron

Okiltsovanі Kenaz і yero in zv'yaztsі

Tobto, for those who I am "Taka-taky" I am not guilty of generously giving

A hassle for vityaguvannya with all sorts of utensils otochenya. A penny, advices for services, viznannya ..

Having become a vіdkrittya penny channel.

First hundredpets (zakritiy):

lane Lagus - zakritiy channel,

Turisaz and Hagalaz - ruinuvannya all, scho block and zakryvaє channel

Another hundredpets (clean channel): Lagus, Fehu, Vuno.

Mechanism of simplicity: having become ruined everything that is blocking, closing up and not allowing for a penny channel.

The formula is given for ruinuє i znischu pereshkodi, zatori, bar'єri, programs and programs, as well as magic too. Processes and inflow, as well as situations and opportunities, such as making a penny and material investment and well-being. This formula provides a clear and secure access to information and opportunities for the channel of penny and material resources and well-being, and also allows the operator to provide the operator with money and money. Becoming protests.

Having tested on a well-known person, like a nicholas and not playing anything. At pidsumku chol pochav vigravati, however, sumi is insignificant, ale acceptable. Moreover, I know that the robot is happy with it for a penny.

Having become a Pillow for Cohan.

Along the edges:

top-lіvo: the rune of the earth, stagnate for the wicked of the earth, the rune stagnates for the advancement of wealth and goodness, it can stagnate for the advancement of income, but for the prosperous life of the prosperous for the prosperous

top-right: the rune is designated for the wiklik of the earthly elves, it can be stuck for the wiklik of the elves for gaining luck, for prosperity and prosperity.

bottom-left: the rune of the earth, vikoristovuyutsya for the sake, for the arrangement of great contracts, and in addition, it is possible to do it and how to get it, during negotiations, it is possible to vykoristovati in order to know the truth, to tell you the truth sob to change someone else to make a contract for the sake of pleasing, the rune for the addition of the lured power of the trouble for moving.

bottom-right: zagalna rune Elf in any kind - to be stuck to call for something, to try to finish it often in different staves, but to tell more precisely about the character, it is called in to look out of the middle runes.

On zakist stava - Algiz + Morok (nichto is not sensible for someone else's pillow) and Algiz + Teivaz))

Near stav 2 Yeri for crop and cycle))

For the sake of truth, you can put everything in the middle of the stave whether it’s good luck, prosperity, growth of income, love, etc ... ))

Loosen up the yak, give the earth to the elves (you can have kolorovs, kits, honey in tarilochts, zukerki, or you can have a bag of fresh earth from a tree)))

Having become the Staff of Fenrir I - a penny talisman.

Rooney: Hagal - Mannaz + Othala - Raido + Naud - Fehu (4) + Sol - Gebo + Algiz (other plan) + Fehu (2) (other plan) + Inguz + Dagaz + Othala + Thurisaz (2) (other plan) + Kenaz + Jera (other plan) + Wunjo - As (2) + Sol

Hagal - ruinumo problems and pereshkodi;

Mannaz + Othala - a change in the situation around the sub'єkt Mannaz, so many gifts and generous privileges came to your life.

Raido + Naud - "Toy, scho viganyaє chrest", de Raido - road, ruh in a given (penny) straight line, and Naud - Rune to primus. "The one, scho viganyaє chrest" will take care of the spratsovuvannya stava.

Fehu (4) + Sol - wine city; Sol can also provide energy for robots.

Gebo + Algiz (another plan) + Fehu (2) (another plan) + Inguz + Dagaz + Othala + Thurisaz (2) (another plan) + Kenaz + Jera (another plan) + Wunjo - a hole in the financial plan, of intercourse from the new life of the stage of prosperity, the development of the will and the integration of the conceived, the stability of bringing pennies (gift of pennies) and joy, and Thurisaz (2) (another plan) - to chop off the problems and necessary transfers of pennies.

As (2) + Sol - zachist.

Having become the Staff of Fenrir II - a penny talisman.

Rooney: Hagal - Mannaz + Othala - Raido + Naud - Fehu (4) + Sowelo (4) + Laguz (4) + Mannaz + Othala - Naud - Gebo + Algiz (other plan) + Fehu (2) (other plan) + Inguz + Dagaz + Mannaz + Othala (other plan) + Thurisaz (2) (other plan) + Kenaz (other plan) + Wunjo - Ger - As (2) + Sol.

Hagal - ruinє problems and pereshkodi;

Mannaz + Othala - changing the situation around the operator Mannaz, so many gifts and generous privileges came to his life.

Raido + Naud - "Toy, scho viganyaє chrest", de Raido - road, ruh in a given (penny) straight line, and Naud - Rune to primus. "The one who wiggles the chrest" will secure the dispatch of the staff and the transfer of the operator to the financial streams.

Fehu (4) + Sowelo (4) + Laguz (4) - financial circuit; Sowelo also gives energy for robotic staves, Laguz (Rooney surf) - form financial flows and enjoy the operator Mannaz + Othala for itself;

Naud - priushuє sliduvati on the collected road;

Gebo + Algiz (another plan) + Fehu (2) (another plan) + Inguz + Dagaz + Mannaz + Othala (another plan) + Thurisaz (2) (another plan) + Wunjo - a hole in the operator's financial plan, a new life of prosperity, growth of the will and the integration of what is conceived, stability to bring pennies (gift of pennies) and joy, and Thurisaz (2) (another plan) - to chop off the problems of the necessary transfer of pennies.

Ger - bright, long-term penny harvest;

As (2) + Sol - zachist.

Talisman will secure the postponement of the operator on the way of financial flows, making it possible for both financial well-being and prosperity.

Coming of pennies and saving them from vitrat.

Stavshi Rozgin (zbіlshennya) koshtіv.

4 Fehu na Inguz vseredini yakogo 3 soul

Fehu - pennies, ale yak lost wealth;

Inguz - fruit, vivilnennya potential of pennies, penny energy;

Soul is the energy of pennies.

The formula is not suitable for money. It is tested, but only from the already obvious income.

Why rozgin - zazvychay shvidko spratsovuє. After 4 years, after the beginning of Lyudin's formula, I will reject the prize)

Bazhano hour every hour of the day. After an hour - to lay down for a specific people and robbing the formula. To drive the nose. The talisman (tree) with a great ritual is more beautifully savage. On papir and in hamanets it is possible, but it is possible so on the photo.

I had a situation, if the robot did not receive a premium, because the managers have confirmed the Borgs according to the documents. Until all the Borgs are closed, don’t give us a premium, but pay me for the apartment. I wrote a lie on a piece of paper "my bonus for chewing" and from the top gave me a shot. About 12 years ago, the patron of the director answered, having spoken with me sincerely, I decided to close all the Borgs and win me by signing a prize! They saw me and my partner in viddili, tobto. to our viddil, more than anyone.

Runetain Bagatstvo

Win is stored from two runes: Feu (wealth, podbannya) і Otal (nabuttya that zahist power). Do two runes Feu feel the rune Otal: it is closed between them, the rune is constantly built up by force, creating for you the straining urge of accumulating material values. The formula can be folded with a pen on a sheet of paper and carried with you, or you can paint it on the valley of your hand.

Having become a penny potik

Having become, as I represent this year, signs for earning pennies and financial luck in your life. Yogo energy is directed to the storehouse.

For some people, the word is tied to the pragmatic life in abundance, mother koshti. For others, wealth is a spiritual development. Remember? “It’s easier for camels to go through the edge of the river, and not to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. And in paradise, oh yak wants.

What is the yak of tying super versatility? Especially for myself, I already allowed it. I have my own image of the word.

Let's look at the vocabulary of the Russian movi ...

"Baggage - a great number of material values, pennies."

And now let’s be brutalized to etymology, so that we’re going to look like a word.

In the word BAGATSTVO, the root basis is GOD.

The ancient roots of God means "over-richness", "gift of prosperity."

Tsіkavo, scho indoєvropeyske prokhodzhennya talk about the same: bhaga- "dobrobut", "happiness", as well as "nadіlya", "daru".

In the case of the Greek language, the word carries in its own way such an understanding, such as “kussen hliba”, “vladika”, “tsar”.

Yak bachimo, a great difference is laid in the bitter meaning of the word and in the root meaning. Who's got it - it's showable.

1. I will give the butt a sphere of life, like health (moreover, health is like physical, so mentally). ... is the whole thing, if you live in harmony with yourself and with your comfort.

Rockefeller, for example, mav a lot of pennies, ale all the life of ailments. Have a new bulo nevilikovne ailing. Until now, people have been desecrating the graves of the police, and they have been desecrated. Deyak_ yogo sites may be ill with nevil_kovny ailments. Win realizing himself in the decorative spheres of life. In those there is disharmony.

Yaksho Lyudin is a pittance, but I'm not healthy, I won’t call him a bagatim. Tse, faster, financially possible, a lyudin, ale to the present wealth, it is still far away.

Zvidsi i krylatium hang: "Health is a riches, you can't buy it for a penny."

2. The family is prosperous, prosperous and prosperous. Hiba tse is not wealth? Noble (to make people feel good) and vyachny (bestow good) sites - isn't it good for the fathers?

3. Financial, material prosperity. There is also one storehouse of wealth.

It is even more important to live in abundance and for mothers to have enough pennies for the realization in the life of their local bazhan and pure, beautiful intentions.

4. Friendly intercourse with people to visualize our intercourse with navkolishnim light. "Not May one hundred rubles, but May one hundred friends." Who is such a friend? Tse іnshy Ya. Tobto tse that person in the new life, which depicts my priesthood, through programs and additional help in my life and development.

5. The appearance of a loved one, please, how to bring material and mentally satisfaction. Itself the zabdyakov such a right, I self-actualize, self-admit, a flock of self-sufficient (root "prosperity", "article").

All the honor and the good news, the knowledge and advice that I can convey to my children. The price on the right is the sign and my social status, so that it is a camp in the suspension. Even though I am timid for people, I should glorify me, my birth and my Batkivshchyna. In my opinion, without anything, talk about the wealth just bezgluzdo.

6. Evidence of the generic uterus. The qiu part of our diagrams needs to be put on the Persha. To that, from the family and the patrimonial mother, everything is to be repaired. Lyudina is happy - a tset of a ludin, a yak in part of the whole. Nearby є part of Batkivshchyna. This very part is the generic hand, your Garden of Eden, your hand, in which the harmony of interaction with the forces of Nature and the control of forces is manifested.

Quite simply, the old-time Chinese science about new knowledge Feng Shui sees it as a type of good fortune, which are similar in many ways to our spheres.

8 types of luck:

1. Baggage and prosperity - luck in pennies.

2. Happy shlyub - good luck in love.

3. Good children, especially blue - good luck on the sites.

Having become a financial success

Insurances for usunennya pereshkod at the financial right, for achieving success in the spheres, tied to material well-being, having become given strength and opportunity for difficult times, giving in the prosperity of people from magical influx into business and good luck. only on the financial sphere. Runi in stavi - Fehu, Ar, Uruz, rune of darkness, elfi-runi. Wonderful, good

Stavshi Sly Sonechko

Becoming a magnet. Having become asymmetric, with a vicious center, it is possible to rob them even more quickly. Classic rune links: Laguz-Turisaz clearing the channel. Fehu-Raido is a very penny push to us. Otal-Yera is our tse nakuchuvach. I have not forgotten the author of the call, I ask again. Testing a couple of months in different versions. The basis of the glyph-magnet and the links of the runes of the boule post, was changed by the letters for the concretization of this information.

Stavshi Groshova v'yaz

She became protesting. I poured on the porch, gave namir, activated in the fire. On the coming day, I knew 150 rubles on the road. I inserted it into the notes, I cut off the styles.))) All the same, the last time I knew a penny of rock in volume 7.

becoming El Dorado

ELDORADO (saving and accumulating material resources)
It was given to serve for the accumulation and saving of material resources. Four-stringed v'yaz in 4 notes: Fehu, Vunye, Ingvaz і Algiz. The main leitmotif is the tse of the main shearing v'yazi, which is a complex arrangement of rukh energiy - Fehu, Vunye, Algiz. Tse fundamental spector injected on the stem of the necessary. Three notes of sounding information about the energies: Inguz, Fehu and Vunye, all at once give a miraculous and high-level ostorov for the revision of the given situation.
Tim himself began to take revenge in the community in the door of the Three-Rune Vyazi, so that he merges one into one, behind the help of one to combine the runes: Fehu and Vunye.
The prikhovani Three-handed connection give the basic connection between the dynamics of the process in Russia, which serves to destroy the situation in the world, to change the situation on the paint.

Head of v'yaz (dummy form): Saving and accumulating strength, discarding the bazhan, and itself: saving the obvious material resources, as well as accumulating new ones, by way
Zsuvu dead center і forgiven dynamic ruch.

Application: Mainly Fehu (pennies, material values) come to Vunya (bring joy, more precisely, estimate some of the things that), instead of Algiz, as a factor that will take away material resources and joy in the present properly dispose of goods.
Inguz - productivity, assimilation of power.
On a different plane, you can play soul: Clarity of thought and creative thinking to the right.
However, if the soul seems to be on a different plane, then on an empty Runa mission we will not preserve the very clarity of thought and creative potential, as long as you can do it, even the obvious potential. Whilst it is in the skin, and that can be smartly negotiated and rune 2 to the soul plan.

becoming Avantage

Description of the important stage of Vannadis: "... the beautiful became for laying the land, the contract, for the rejection of the rich, it is worthwhile to become on the living life, which became possible to develop the health until the clairvoyance and the clearness If vikoristovuvatisya, here you can talk about the transfer of your partners or opponents, like the parties of clairvoyance, I would say, having become the most directing yourself to clairvoyance in the sphere of business and miracles. Very good, harmonious staging.

become Banknote

become barberries

In the center:
Сіл - operator
Great Sil - accumulation and acquisition of material benefits from the operator himself

By diagonal:
Evaz - Raido - coming along all the roads of material benefits
Along the axes:
Sol - sleeping blocks, displaying financial channels
Fehu - Fehu (zerk.) - st_kannya specifically nourished benefits in fin. channels
Teyvaz - Algiz - beating the stream
Colo from a point - glif yak zakist from negative injections to financial flows and also the cycle of the process, clarity and reliability
Arcs - galder for flow

You can see the runes of a different plan, as you can add the task:
Inguz is the accumulation of material benefits and growth.
Gebo + Vuno - a gift, good luck - like your finances tied with good luck

Obov'yazkovo aktivuєmo blood little colo with riveting and ritual.
More beautifully on the nose or amulet. For an amulet pіdіyde tree, birch bark, shkіra. The stone is not bazhano. First of all, there is no need to save the main capital.

Apply on oneself on the left shoulder or a brush, or an amulet on the chest. From the third chakri and food.
Obmova: D.R.Stav, at the moment of activation, whether the blocks are off, open the financial flows to the operator, bring them comfortably from any dzherel (turn on the banking systems and credit,
protozakonnі way), with ease and comfort for the operator specifically fed material and penny blessings (which is required ...), (s, about how it takes a cycle hour or just one-time). At the moment of activation and let the operator arrive with the operator, progress, financial growth and stable financial well-being, from the savior and intercessor of Gods in the magical infusion, be it nature and the nature of the good-natured mothers, minds.

Halder of programs for those, except for the receipt of specific material benefits.

Make friends with friends or save for yourself:

Entangling ...