The missile forces mean sacred.

Golovna Hut Until 1995, the day of the Strategic Missile Forces was designated the 19th of leaf fall as the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery, which was established by decree of the Presidium

Verkhovna Sake

SRSR from 17 leaf fall 1964 to rock.

At the current stage of its development to the warehouse of the Strategic Missile Forces, there are three missile armies located near Volodymyr, Omsk and Orenburzia and include 12 missile divisions of permanent readiness.

The active missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces have six types of missile systems (MS), which are divided into types based on stationary and mobile ones. The basis of the grouping of the stationary base is the Republic of Kazakhstan with missiles of the “important” (RS-20V “Vojevoda”) and “light” (RS-18 “Stiletto”), RS-12M2 (“Topol-M”) classes. At the warehouse of the ugly mobile basement, the Ruhomy Grontovy Rocket Complex (PGRK) "Topol" with the RS-12M, "Topol-m" rystota RS-12M2 of the Monobloric Monobloric E YROS RC-12M2R I, the head of the head, is to base in mobile and stationary versions.

Today, the Strategic Missile Forces combat depot has approximately 400 ICBM launchers.

Part of the new Republic of Kazakhstan in the Strategic Missile Forces group is gradually growing.

It is planned that by 2022 the Strategic Missile Forces warehouse will have 100% of new rocket launchers.

For its history, the Strategic Missile Forces have direct recognition as

military force They never stagnated, but at the same time, with other components of strategic nuclear forces, they were visibly present in a wide variety of military-political problems. dated May 31, 2006 "About the establishment of professional holy and memorial days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" as a memorial day, the establishment of a sign of recognition of the merits of military frontmen in the highest department of defense security of the state and appeals for the acceptance of the revival and development of military affairs a tradition that enhances the prestige of military service.

Artillery is one of the oldest military branches.

The first reports about the appearance of artillery in Russia date back to 1382.

Even then, when Moscow was defeated by the army of Khan Tokhtamish, the Muscovites fought against those who, using the first artillery guns - “mattresses” (the guns that were shot with “shots” - with scraps, crushed stones, ) and "Great Harmati".

Today's Rocket Forces and artillery are among the Army's Ground Forces, which are the main means of fire and nuclear attack on the enemy during the conduct of frontier operations (combat operations).

They are intended for the conquest and strengthening of a military victory over the enemy;

the impact of nuclear attack, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment;

disorganization of military and armor control systems, reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems;

the collapse of long-term defense disputes and other infrastructure facilities;

destruction of the operational equipment;

weakening and isolation of other echelons and reserves of the enemy; the depletion of tanks that broke through into the depths of the defense, and other armored vehicles of the enemy; covering the open flanks and sticks; participation in the enemy's weak airborne and naval landing forces; remote monitoring of locality and objects; light security of night activities in Ukraine; smoke, blinding of enemy targets;

expansion of propaganda materials and other tasks.

Organizationally, the missile force and artillery consist of rocket, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed forces, artillery divisions of great strength, rocket artillery regiments, and other reconnaissance units Zionov, as well as the artillery of the Zagalnoviysky brigades and the military brigades.

What is the strategic significance of the Missile Forces?

Strategic Missile Forces (RVSP) are the basis of Russia's nuclear shield.

The Strategic Missile Forces are composed of missile armies and military units, including cosmodromes, testing grounds, research stations and institutes, military bases, primary centers for training young specialists and schools technicians, arsenals, repair plants, central bases and other facilities.

The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia and are directly subordinate to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. All military forces are on permanent combat readiness, designed for nuclear deterrence of possible enemy aggression..

The Strategic Missile Forces, independently and at the warehouse of strategic nuclear forces, can attack enemy strategic targets with mass, group or single nuclear missile strikes.

All Russian intercontinental ground-based mobile and silo-based ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads are being developed at the established Strategic Missile Forces.
Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation near the village of Vlasikha, Moscow region.
Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces - Colonel General
Sergey Karakaev

Vietnam on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces
On the motherboard of Russia,
Standing invisible to everyone,
Great power, terrible power,

Thunderstorm of enemies - missile shield.
You protect our peace,
Sorry, good lads.
Don't let me avoid you

Our most recent superior is NATO.
Today we would like to say hello -
May you become visible to everyone -
We hasten with a big heart to glorify
Day of our RVSP braves!
Everyone who is serving
In the missile forces
Strategic importance,
Today's helmet is for the sake of goodness

I Holy Week.
I hope you never have a chance in life
Press the button on the red one,
For light, peace and quiet

The planet could have changed.
For rocket scientists it's a day
Vipav is so glorious,
Because what is sacred is yours

Z vіyskovyh - head!
We welcome you, friends,
And from the ears, who are on the hulks,
We wish you,

In Russia, on the 19th of leaf fall, a memorable day is marked - the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery.

Formerly sacred, also known as Artillery Day, was initiated by the Decree of the Supreme Presidency of the USSR on June 21, 1944.

The date of the holy day was determined by the fact that on November 19, 1942, after the intense artillery preparation of the Red Army, Operation Uranus was launched - the code name for the counter-offensive of the Radian army under the hour Battle of Lengrad.

This operation ended with the sharpening of Paulus's army and marked a radical turning point in the hour of the Great Great German War.

Beginning in 1964, they began to celebrate sacredly as the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery. The origin of the artillery has been around since the end of the 14th century, since in 1382, during the siege of Moscow by the military forces of Khan Tokhtamish, the governors of the place first laid down the forged harmati. It is important that the debut of the fiery, incredibly, transported to Moscow from the Bulgar during the march of 1376 was made. In the midst of this, the defenders fought with “mattresses”, especially with shells that fired “shot” - with scraps, crushed stones, crushed stone. From that time on, artillery (and the missile army of the 20th century) became an invisible part of the army of our land. In an independent army, which could provide support for infantry and cavalry in battle, artillery existed as early as the 16th century and until the end of the 17th century served as cannons and cannons. At the beginning of the 18th century, the division of artillery into the field (including the regiment), fortress and tax administration was introduced.

The artillery said its word in Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905 rocks, when Russian artillerymen first fired at the enemy from closed positions, then the first mortars appeared on the battlefield.

Until the beginning of the First World War (1914-1918), the artillery of the Russian Imperial Army was divided into the Polish (light, horse and girsk), Polish and Vazhka (siege).

The appearance of the most holy day - Artillery Day - was largely connected with the valor of the artillerymen during the war and with the recognition of their merits.

On the 19th leaf fall of 1942, the very artillery units, with their massing and forceful fiery blow, marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the Great German War. The wave of fire passed through the advanced defense positions of the enemy, disrupting the enemy’s defense, posture and communication systems. The offensive of the offensive of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny (Lieutenant General N.F. Vatutin), Don (Lieutenant General K.K. Rokossovsky) and Stalingrad (Colonel General A. I. Yeryomenko) fronts even before the 23rd fall of leaves in 1942 led to Exclusion near Stalingrad of the 6th German field army of Paulus and other German units, and also parts of the allies of Hitler's Germany.

Approximately 330 thousand enemy soldiers and officers appeared near Kazan.

The process of equipping your vehicle with new and modernized devices is ongoing.

Thus, the Russian army will need to modernize the 152-mm Msta-SM self-propelled guns, as well as the Tornado-G multiple launch rocket systems, which will be fully integrated into the RVIA ESU TZ subsystem and will have new functions. and automatic targeting of the combat vehicle.

Before the anti-tank squadrons of the ground forces, new all-weather missile systems “Chrysanthemum-S” are needed, as they have significant potential for the destruction of various elements of armored vehicles. The process of converting the missile systems of the Ground Forces from the Tochka-U missile system to the new Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system is ongoing. Today, over 80 hundreds of missile systems of the Russian army are already deployed on their newly built Iskander complexes. Launch of a rocket using the Iskander complex Today, for the thorough professional training of Russian officers of the missile forces and artillery, the military different methods ta formy navchannya.

One of the most effective standards is the training of commanders of artillery batteries, training in combat robots on equipment in the warehouse of officers' equipment, competitions for the best task in shooting and fire control.

Individual assignments that other form of training and training. Today, the training of officers for the missile forces and artillery of the Russian Ground Forces is carried out by the Mikhailovsk Military Artillery Academy, located near St. Petersburg.

Mikhailovsk Artillery Academy - a valuable initial investment

The Day of Strategic Missile Forces is the 17th. Holy was adopted on May 31, 2006 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holy and memorial days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, which refers to the previous decree No. 1239 dated April 10, 1995 “On the establishment of the Day of the Missile Forces of strategic significance and the Day of the Military Space Forces."

To what extent did the Rocket Army sacredly signify their beginnings since 1959?
The milestone date for this type of military force was 1997, when the consolidation of the Strategic Missile Forces took place, military
Anti-war defense
RF RF and Military Space Forces, Military Missile and Space Defense.

In 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces were strengthened by the Space Forces.
Winter has come, frost has arrived
I holy “nuclear” people,
What to save us from the threat

І don’t be funny for no reason.
Let the dirty atom be peaceful,
Hi, the gate sleeps in a foreign land,
Let the mother of the soldiers appear in pictures,

Stop loving your Fatherland.
Calm light and fire of rockets,
Sleep peacefully beyond our walls.
I want to complete this -

Day by day the RVSP war.
Happy Missile Army Day!
Strength to you, I encourage you to show off your displays,
Health, loving families,

Calm, peaceful, bright days!

Why don't you just knock on your house,
Bad things will never happen,
And in a happy hour
Let us all hug you!
I celebrate the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces.
I hope every day to accurately launch my ideas at the very point of success, I hope that I never waste my time and energy, I hope that there will be great breakthroughs in activity and great victories in life.
Today is the day of the Missile Forces
Of special significance,

Those who are tied up with this day,
Greetings without a doubt,
For the purposes of reaching,
Be precise and smiley,

And do not harm at all
About those that have already been crushed!
Happy Missile Forces Day!
Good luck, beast!

Masculinity and precision you!
Accurate and easy to hit targets
And in the service, and at your share!
Golovne, so that the sky is peaceful,

I never had a chance to fight,
So that the sky is gloomy and drained of water,
Let's shine brightly there!
RVSP, I hasten to greet you,

Important, monstrous men!
I want you to laugh at once,
Let there be a hundred reasons for happiness!
I want to give you all the best today,

Let us keep our spirit healthy, our body healthy,
More peaceful, warm days,
Happiness to you and your families,
Let life become more fun.

Stop the missile forces,
The rosy glooms,
Our peace of mind is protected,
I'll threaten you anyway.

To all heroes of this service
I encourage you to have great friendship,
In order to completely waste
And get rich!

You are pride and support,
The warheads are in order for you!
And because you are ready before the battle,

All residents of the region sleep in peace!
And you may have peace of mind, and you won’t even dream about it,
Aje vi don’t sleep - that’s the fate.
Let me end up with you anyway,

Switch to one hour or two!
The sky above will be peaceful,
You won’t have any use for your combat reserves.
Today we raise our kelihi,

And standing for the most important things now!
Strategically important
Your brave missile forces are hovering.
Well, take the victory!

We are all screaming at you: “Gip!
I hope I have helped you in life,

Let's stay healthy forever.
Let there be a world without knowledge,
Even the missile forces flourished.
Missile Forces Day today

The whole country is shouting.
Our defense is ours
The great cosmos is strong.
More strength, better health

Shalom today to you, warriors.
Your pride is our strength,
You are strategists, smilians.
Today to all rocket launchers

Congratulations, fireworks! 87 May you have prosperity, peace, happiness 16 Your fate is no longer allowed to go.


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