Prohodzhennya gree dragon age awakening bashta pilnuvannya.


Aesthetic cosmetology

The characteristics of the add-on have not changed, so let’s move straight to the memory. Here we have three new nails, one eyelash and two battles.

Vimoga from all three however: twenty, twenty other, twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth equals.

In addition, speeches that have sockets under the runes become sharper more often.

Now, in order to replenish them, there is no need to rummage through the belongings of all the foreign traders as much as possible.

This nail allows you to paint runes.

To create a reduction on the stone, you usually need two of the same, or one lower.

Starting from the fourth level, you will need another special reagent.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 24 26
Now there can be nine rvnivs (representing seven), and runes – seven (representing five). 36 40 46 52

Preparation of runes - on the right it is costly.

For example, to obtain a rune of maximum capacity (which promotes willpower) you will need about thirty-five gold pieces! On the other hand, until the end, this sum no longer seems gloomy. It unexpectedly raises the number of your health points by twenty-five points per month.

Now you don’t need to think about how to make your “tank” - an herbalist or a fakhiv from survival. It is recommended to develop the main combat characters, and deprive the eyelash lines for those who sit at the castle. Hey, we want to do something there, ladies! Navichki attacks will be strengthened in the future.

It really helps in battles with tough, important opponents. І rest, vagannya

: all enemies at a great radius will be able to resist a blow from the back. Navichka herself is very strong, and in combinations with others (for example, with the front one) it becomes deadly.

- I always have a cat named Fluffy.

Well, it’s not quite mine, but we’re stuck one after another.

And once upon a time, the demon of a fierce demon possessed him... Before he was lost, Fluffy was attacked by three templars.

I wrote to him like that!

Eternal child.

Seven times we tapped for our stake and six times we caught it.

So, we can do some mischief with the blessing of the king.

Anders is a very cheerful and lively magician.

Everything that comes up is perceived as grue, steadily frying, and making everyone happy.

It’s easy to make it more expensive.

Why is it wrong to hate the church and its basements, which are not welcoming?

If you have a chance to find a templar, you will earn it.

Moreover, singly, in a feisty manner.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 25 28
It’s amazing that he’s a healer. 40 44 52 61

And a few more battle magicians.

For gifts, love the fancy speeches (hungry, perhaps) and, as you yourself know, guts.

And, of course, all sorts of accessories for them.

For an immodest fee, the mana gives away the “mastery” of all the spells.

For a sufficient supply of this very mana allows you to create terrible speeches.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 29 22 14 16
It’s amazing that he’s a healer. 43 49 55 58

Field vіdshtovhuvannya

Throws out nearby enemies who fail the Physical Resistance roll.

Skin care generates mana.

It’s impossible to run steadily with a tightened field, and it’s easy to spin the axis out of sharpness!

It sprinkles healing energy around the magician, replacing allies, or devouring the mana of the magician himself.

If you are already going to be active, then stick to it for just a short hour of active action.

Once for a few seconds it attacks enemies at a decent radius with spirit magic and absolutely! - It eats up your mana. Ale mana is not condemned for the total harm, but for the fact of the launch of the plant.

Then, having fallen asleep among the crowd of adversaries, you can bravely roll away.

It pulsates just like a magical field.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20
The skin charge develops the magic of enemies. And from here you are already paying for the fact of development, and not for launching the product. If the enemy still spends more mana on the application of these effects, then you can safely vilify him. - It stinks... you... lie on the ground like your own pants, until you turn your back to them. Get rid of the stink... six!
Now there can be nine rvnivs (representing seven), and runes – seven (representing five). 34 40 46 50

And your eyes are getting dirty!

Good old Ogren hasn’t changed a bit, still the same drink and bully.

And the bells in the same way: straight, like slats.

It’s not without reason that they have such names.

The character begins to thresh enemies with terrible speed.

A skin blow reduces vitality.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20
The skin charge develops the magic of enemies. And from here you are already paying for the fact of development, and not for launching the product. If the enemy still spends more mana on the application of these effects, then you can safely vilify him. - It stinks... you... lie on the ground like your own pants, until you turn your back to them. Get rid of the stink... six!
Now there can be nine rvnivs (representing seven), and runes – seven (representing five). 34 38 44 52

The series will end in one of these situations: you have run out of vitriol, the enemy has left you and died.

If you hit an enemy with a backhand blow before the attack, the skin attack becomes critical.

And if you kick him, you definitely won’t knock him down.

It looks, of course, great, but the goal is to choose wisely, otherwise, while you beat the enemy, his comrades will kill you.



The beginner is encouraged as it increases (depending on the severity) the chance of getting, harm, the chance of critical getting and harm.

As soon as you take it, hold it down and don’t shake it for a while.

Strengthens all enemies around the archer (as the stench is not found in rhubarb or spruce) and gradually reduces the vitriol.

The brownness is questionable.

It is responsible for three times critical harm and half of it (the second critical one) for additional ones.

A very reliable skill.

About an hour after activation, a large area is affected by a certain term - such a Maidan spell.

Constantly provokes too many enemies, giving off vitriol.

The color is average, because the energy is spent on capturing enemy enemies. Rob the character completely undrinkable

half the term of the shield-shell.

So after my activation, I spend half an hour burning without fear of anything, and the other half lives as if under a basic shield-shell.

With such a skill, you can send the ogre on the run!

Dvoruchna zbroya

Heavy blow

Manager of critical injuries according to the conditions and emergency conditions.

In addition, if opponents do not pass the physical resistance test, they will end up on the ground.

The head is of medium color. To stop all the attacks of the war with the Maidan, I want to lose vitriol. A smart way to deal with any kind of rubbish.

- the warrior works with a few cuts in front and sweeps his arm wide with the skin.

Helps you reach the enemy's back lines. - the soldier begins to spin around and, catching his glance at the sorceress’s face, waves widely at the janitor. The skin blow causes vitriol.

He simply knows the greatness of the enemy’s attack.

- It’s required!

I would never have thought that in the settlement of Shemleniv a tree could grow so healthy.

To create a reduction on the stone, you usually need two of the same, or one lower.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 25 28

Elven chauvinist in

pure look

. If she thought that people were threatening, she went with the clan to protect them. At the same time, several more elves went with her, all of whom had perished.

And Velanna again began to take revenge on people who were once more successful.

Enhances the power of the stone.

Now we are immune to the spell.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 25 28

Same to friends!

Brownness under great nutrition.

Marvelous line.

The first two starters are good, as are the rest.

The specialization is suitable for any kind of robbers, who want melee combat adepts to gain more cost.

Pros: +1 speed, +5 attack

Seven times we tapped for our stake and six times we caught it.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 25 28

- the enemies, with a skin blow to the robber, lose interest until new.

The mind gradually loses its vitality.

May you greatly extend your life with your opponents.

- The robber rescues an unknown target.

Allows you to both enter and hit from the back.

Korisno, don't worry.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 25 28

- with an active look, we are able to reject great advantages to harm from blows from the back and critical blows.

A wonderful addition to an already wonderful skill.

Vlashtov is our vision at the great radius: opponents will either flow away or start mutating the first one who comes under the hand.

It’s really good to go with invisibility - they crept up to the gate, released the hallucinogen, threw the bait and ran in.

Attracts to the war enemies who have failed the check of physical stamina, consuming vibration.

They have nothing to lose other than attacking this tin can.

One of the coolest new skills.

It’s not surprising that this specialization is suitable not only for a lover of shields, but also for a fighter with a janitor.

You can cover the healer, strengthen your armor and attract enemies to you, so as not to escape yourself.

If you have a chance to find a templar, you will earn it.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 25 28

- We still have a Dead Legion, and not a Legion of Soothing Songs!

One saw from this dead legion, which legion the shepherd gave birth to.

The poor woman reproaches herself for not dying all at once.

I would like to live longer for the sake of the Borg and take revenge.

Unrespectful in the world, get out of here, you're still alive, it's hot.

Subtle to the point of self-irony.

You can buy recipes either (call specialized merchants) or find them.
This is important: 1 2 3 4
The world does not lack the maximum number of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty-fifth), but also the number of speeches. 20 22 25 28

The battle has a fakhіvets from a pair of armor.

Because of the gifts I want to love children’s toys and all sorts of cool things on the spyglass base.

Pros: +2 magic, +3 mental toughness

Chains the magician to one point, which is overgrown with bushes.

It causes harm to everyone due to various elements across the world.

A blow to the skin costs mani, so give it only to the great stingy people.

Effective development

With the remaining changes in place, the game has revealed a number of effective classes that can easily pass through any testing.

Let's look at a number of schemes with twenty-eight points - you will have so many at the end of the game, if you did not export the character, or, in another case, in the middle.


Vityaz - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

Warrior of spirit – 1 point

Nevblaganna strength - 4 points

Another dikhannya - 3 points

Bogatir - 4 points

Block with shield - 4 points

Shield defense - 4 points

For characteristics, we need 26 units of density, deciding to go into effect with the status in approximately the same parts.

The main task of the “tanku” is to choose the right goal and maximize the effectiveness of the effect.



Group of domesticated beasts – 16 points

Another dikhannya - 4 points

Warrior of spirit - 4 points

The characteristics are approximately as follows: strength, intimacy and structure in the proportion 2:1:1.

Confidence is required so much in order for you to trample in the face of cunning enemies, who have attacked you before, now you will trample over them.

And I get healthy through it all.

The tactic is to lie in front of the enemy - either to make sure of the attack and stagnate the Maidan, or to stagnate small combinations on singles.


- I don’t like people.

I'm in charge.

A unique outburst is the spirit that moved into the body of a mortal against its god.

And the corpse did not become possessed by the flicker, but was completely revived.

It is likely that Justice is not a demon, but a good spirit, not controlled by its passions.

From the very beginning it is carefully brought to light, but then, like the old joke, it gets drawn in and begins to learn.

It’s a lot of fun, but I can tell you something about it myself.

What if, after all, you are still able to talk to the spirit without fear?

We need intimacy, cunning and strength.

Strength here is 40-42, intelligence and cunning, on which the mind is tied, 2:1.

In battle, our mission is to effectively spend the small reserve of vitriol (don’t forget to stock up on dances in case of emergency!) and don’t die, because if we die, it’s time to cut us!

Battle Mage

Battle mage - 4 points

Zberigach - 4 points

Warrior Mage - 4 points

Vityaguvannya mani - 4 points

Psuvannya vrazlivosti - 4 points

Shadow shield - 4 points

Charivna strila - 2 points

Half-hearted sleeper or Krizana's grip - 2 points

We invest in magic, willpower and intimacy approximately like this: 6:3:1.

Confidence, like a fighter, is required to be captured at the gates.

We behave in a similar manner: we rush into the attack with the given spells in readiness or we curse a single meta and for a long time, with tension, we hit.

Walkthrough of the main story

Vezha Chuvannya

It all begins with exciting battles: the kin invaded the base of the Gray Warts.

After the end of the battles, it’s time to look around your village, get to know the bastards and reclaim your destiny.

As soon as you understand the others and those on the right at the fort, head to the place.

Amaranthine At the place you will first need to know a representative of the merchant guild nearby, two merchants at the entrance and a shaver at the shaver.

From them you can see the plot points: near the forest, under the ground and in the swamps.

In addition to them, there are a lot of supplementary orders in place.

Lis Vending

The axis remains alive with such traces.

Turning to Christophe’s body, meet your new comrade and go close the portals, after which you go to the castle, where the girls fought with the baroness until then.

Watch another battle and you can turn around.

Happy Pagorbi

Such a mysterious place.

A corpse, two rolls, a note, that’s all.

Amaranthine Until what?

The most popular form of transport in Ferelden.

Unspeakable, really.

Having gone down, you will meet your remaining companion.

With this glorious gnome, bravely dive into the ground and cut through the generated darkness.

If you are asked to know the secret way, look at the wall left-handed, where the signs stand before the main gatherings.

In an hour you will reach the majestic golem with the magician, and then the wombs. To kill them, I need to first remove the tentacles, and then cut the lances to dim the chandelier. Repeat until the chandelier falls out.

And it all begins when you admire the screensaver, which reveals the history of the remaining months.

The archdemon fell, but the darkness was not born. Let's avoid spoilers, even though you can marvel at what happened in the video. You are right in line with what Earl Howe used to do, otherwise no one will bother you.

Having entered the middle, you will be amazed that it is an outpost of defeat. Finish the dialogue with Mkhaira and then proceed to wake up. Immediately light up the right hand on the map.

There you will treat a sorcerer who has burned one of his births.

Talk to him and accept him at your place. Follow this corridor to the end and tell whoever you see to renew the quest for you. Well, we need to rummage through all the knowledge and find others who, having seen it, will continue to deal with it. Climb up to the teeth on the wall and go ahead. Blame the ears there, those who repair the operations, turn the ballista and fire a salvo.

Go forward and drive in the boss, which is also a rich balaka.

The killing will be the end of the fort.

You will admire the great video in which you can take Ogren and Anders from Siri Varti.

Get out onto the street, you have a lot to earn.

Go to the farrier now and listen to his everlasting squeal.

There they will tell you about burning metal and armor for soldiers.

Do you catch the call?

Let's go to the Turnobliv marker and go straight to the bottom.

Here you have a purchase of money from the Ogre waiting for you.

Kill them, absolutely.

It’s true, you won’t be able to lie to this. Therefore, we alternate between ransacking corpses and beating in all sorts of magical essences.- Awakening passes through and is explained by gifts.

And the gifts are on the right side, so that the hero’s position will move up to you.

Isn't it dark in the mines?

So, in the fresh air it is noticeably calmer and quieter.

On the day, go to the Architect's room at the gathering. A small piece of code and a small sum of 8 gold coins may brighten up the entirety of your speeches. Before speaking, you don’t have to collect the code, otherwise

outside passage

Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening – this is a walkthrough with a completely collected codex.

Now talk to the sergeant, stand opposite the entrance, and go to the cleared rubble.

And they found a stink coming out of the clay stitches.

Well, let’s find out.

We’ll immediately settle down for the day, where we can make a little money and donate a gold statue, and then we’ll go to the day and explore the territory. There, having walked through the alley and killed a couple of young people in the dark, turn to the mine with gems and live there. in which you will first become acquainted with the child-larvae.

Kill them all, there is nothing to deprive the living of all abomination, and enter to the main hall.

Be careful, there's a bunch of shepherds here.

Clean out excess debris, rummage through the treasury, and go to the house to go straight to the chest of smells and get a little bit of love.

I haven’t particularly lost my place in the fire, so we will continue to cleanse Kel Khirol later.

Until then - until Vezhi Vigil.

In Amaranthine, give your lucky copy to Mika, for which you will take a penny to the wine town.

Now let's go to church.

From Lisa we need to know nine pieces of sewing that are necessary for the quest, all the statues and five pieces of Sylvannian bark.

So run around the map, searching for corpses, describing statues and killing sylvans.

You are encouraged to eat the carrion in the video. You will have to deal with them as soon as you get a few miles ahead. Well, then it’s worth it.

Now collect your trophies and move on.

Then he will be inspired to counteract and push his charges on us, who will simply be killed.

Well, that’s it for now, fortunately the Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening passage allows it.

Continue stitching until the first point. Here you will use a right-handed tool to break up the dependency..

Re-gain the drive, the doctor’s impossibility of throwing out the new Spirit. After this, it’s quick to run, knowing the shadowy portals. After all the portals are completed, we run to the bottom.

There you will have the opportunity to kill a demon, which was at the Barones, which is not difficult to earn.

And then they were protected. A lot of battles are not enough that can be identified. Several stages of the attack, all connected with the killing of enemies - the axis and everything. I believed that I had fallen, and it was a heavy loss. But after the gates came before the walls of the fort, I decided to destroy them in order to kill the queen.

Leave the area and go to the Mother's Lair.

There you have to roll upright, beating in your feet.
For example, you'll get the location
great dragon , which one may happen to drive in.), we meet the magician Anders, who took away from the fortress, who were leaking from the templars, and our old friend in the Original, the gnome Ogren, who, having left the squad, became a gray watchman.

Almost immediately we make our way to the villages and mount Seneschal Verel.
Minibos at the end of the quest will spawn the dark. We drive it in and complete the quest.:
Awakening This is a global quest of all the additions. For your Viconn you will have to Vikon a number of secondary quests, the main one
story lines As you can see, it’s almost dark until King Alistair arrives at the fort, accompanied by a high-ranking templar and a number of soldiers..

Talk to yours
best friend
according to the Original.

In a little while you will remember your sleeping mandrivkas, after which Alistair will give you a mission from the renewal of the Erling of Amaranthine and the commendation of the influx of gray warts from the new one.
At the end of the courtyard of the fort, one of the soldiers will ask you to bring medicine for the wounded.

The container with these supplies was placed in the underground part of the yard.
Hurry up, because the wounded may die. V'yazen As soon as you first go out into the street, a private girl will become angry and tell you about the villain who has been caught for days.

Now you'll have to get the money from the dungeon.

Let's go there. The villain appears as Rendon Howe's son named Nathaniel.), with Nathaniel's help, break into the old family crypt.
Find out about the skeletons, search all the sarcophagi, find one key (you will find the other 3 later), then look at the bag in the center of the hall, pick up Howe’s family bow (which can be given to Nathaniel). Leave the crypt and make your way to the rubble. There you will suddenly talk to Sergeant Maverlis and the gnome architect Waldrik. The blockage is rising. The rubble will be cleared after you finish one of the three tasks in the main plot (by choice) and turn to the badge.

Draw stitches on clay.
Go straight to the pivnich and conquer small tasks

"Temple of Cortu"
(Read the report below). Then explore the mine with gems and make your way through the undead and the spawn of the dark along the only accessible passage, collecting keys to reject, from the Avvar crypt. There will be no serious opponents until you go into the room behind the locked doors.
-donate a diamond or a golden idol (can be taken from a corpse that has a handrail lying around) and pick up the courtyard juicer “Lyut” in the city;
-donate corrupted goods (you can find crumbs on earthen stitches) and desecrate the world (there will be no city in this situation);
-receive a donation from tomorrow worth 15 gold (the spawn of golems in the room will come to life and you will have to fight them).
For whatever kind of rakladu the quest will be viconan.

I'll see you again
The quest is activated after the first victory over the spirit of the abyssal stitches and your escape from the trade bondage at the hour of finishing the quest Then explore the mine with gems and make your way through the undead and the spawn of the dark along the only accessible passage, collecting keys to reject, from the Avvar crypt.(wonderful).

After another victory over the spirit (at the sight of the fence), this is the essence of flying to the ancient Avvar crypt (the same one where we knew Cybulle Howe).
Before the speech, if for some unknown reason it has not yet been there (they could not open the first doors), then the key to it can be taken from the corpse of the child (lying white vorit, brewed by Waldrick).

We go to the crypt and insert all the found keys into the lock in order to open other doors.
Let's go deep into the crypt.
The mayor will move into one of the three Avvar lords, who will bury the ancient burial place.
Get to know them.
Collect all the savories and complete this quest.
Oath of allegiance /Zakhist of lands Please proceed carefully to the throne room, Seneschal Believed to inform you about the contact from the local nobility, who would like to swear allegiance to you. After taking the oath, you will have the opportunity to talk to three noble gentlemen. Two of them are pleased to see you as soldiers to protect their territories: Lord Edelbrek for the village, and Lady Eknareth for the place.

Talk to Verel from his drive.

At the hour of the audience with the nobles, Ser Tamra will inform you about the preparation of a summons against you.
It’s not surprising, even before you, the crooked little guy Rendon Howe was running the show here, and he’s Mav Spilnikov.
Tamra will tell you that in about an hour you will see the leaves of the smokies, after which everything will come.
Talk about the meeting with Seneschal Verel.
He gives you two options for the most common problems:-Take under control a family member of a skin subject from local nobility in order to blackmail them into submission; -go to Amaranthine, find a great spygun, which is called the Black Wolf, and with him will help you get to the convicts..

It's better to look for another option.
Black Vovk will find you on his own. As soon as you get to Amaranthine, the first private of the Mosko Varti will tell you that a certain Vovk is watching the sustri with you in the central square. Talk to him and give him 50 gold in advance.
After a few days (just leave Amaranthine and enter again) you will return to the same place and tell you about the place where the convicts are meeting.
Go there and kill everyone.
Black sheep, before speech, can also be entered after removing unnecessary information.
This task can be completed in a different way.
Read the report below in the quest description
"I'm you, Esmerel?"
Court is coming!
The quest will become available as soon as you complete one of the three quests in the main story (your choice).
Return to Pilnuvannya Tower and talk to the rank and file to bring you leaves.
Tell me that Seneschal Verel is checking for you at the throne room by
respectful eater
We go to the throne room and speak with the seneschal.
We must act as a judge and issue three justices. /Zakhist of lands, then go for the first option, once you have decided, then go for the other.
Option 1.
You need to know what to do with the nobleman Temmerli for the call of Bik.
yogo call at the killing of Ser Tamri (the girl who told you about the evil).
Having listened to the dialogues, you will understand that there will be no direct evidence of guilt unless there is direct evidence.
You can do this:
- let Temmerli go;
- plant a very trivial term in the relationship until all reasons are cleared up;
-Decapitate Temmerli. Having especially chosen the rest, I was not awarded the peak, a real bichara. Option 2.
On the right about desertion.
Private Daniella threw the post in order to hide her family after the death of the children.
Ferelden laws apply to desertion
punishment is mortal
It's time for peace.
He gives you two options for the most common problems: You can do this:

-stretch Daniella;

- put Daniella at the yaznitsa on the river;
- allow her to transport her family to the vizha of Vigil.
The remaining option is good, but it will result in disastrous consequences for the discipline of your soldiers.
The first option is to improve discipline, rather than make the villagers angry against you.
Viral yourself.
I especially forgave Danielle. Once all three questions have been answered, the quest will be completed.;
You don’t have to make a decision on your own, but ask Verel for help. And here there is nothing to be gained from the results (neither positive nor negative), regardless of the decision taken by the seneschal..

Villagers' revolt

This will happen after completing two quests from the main storyline. /Zakhist of lands Turning to the Vigil, you will call upon the crowd of villagers who are ready to open the grain warehouses of the fort in order to please their homeland.

You have a number of options:

At the hour of the oath of allegiance and after it, turn to Mrs. Wolsey.
I would like to ask you to expand the trade partnership at the fort.
Just ask all possible traders from the Vigil, transferring them in the most accessible ways.
You need to know two sellers:
-Kunari merchant Armaas - can be found in the silverite mines of the Vending forest;

-Trading Lilith - you can suddenly stand on the map and beat them out of the dark.

Once you have asked both merchants, go to Mrs. Woolsey and get 60 gold from the city.

Supply price
Talk to the gnome architect Voldrik. I will be happy to help you make a fortune if you give me enough money. To start a yoma you need 80 gold coins (not a small sum, after all).


A little later, Voldrik will need more supplies (wonderful quest below).
Testing for mіtsnіst
How do you finish the quest?
"Price of food"
And when you come to the next Vigil, Voldrik will have a new dialogue.

It is important to note that the stone stone is not suitable for building the heavy walls of the fort.

We need to know granite.
He gives you two options for the most common problems: You can find him in the Vending forest at his connecting part.

We know about the family of Voldrik and oblige to see soldiers for protection.
Wade wants to create some unique grains or grains that require unique ingredients.
There are 3 of them and each of them will be associated with a mini-quest.
Heart of the forest
At the forest of Vending, kill Sylvan the Old and take the firewood from his corpse.
From this ingredient, Wade can create a shield or shield.
For which Master Wade needs the following additional ingredients:
-butter (in the kitchen in the King and the Lion shredder in Amaranthine);
- an undogged ruby ​​(you can buy it from Master Henley at the Amaranthine market or find it in Kel-Hirol);
-lived (can be learned from a dead mabari in the black swamps);
-Rune of the Grand Master Bliskavka (can be prepared independently).
Golem power
Take the plate from Kel-Hirole from the corpse of the boss golem.
You can make some nasty stuff from it if you bring the following additional ingredients:
- lyriumne zilla maistra (you can buy it or you can’t find it, you can just brew it; Velanna is wonderful with this, and the recipe for which you can find in the sarcophase in the dungeons of the Vigil Tower for the wondrous quest “The Place of the Ghost”);
-Chiste zalizo (purchased in Amaranthine from the breeder Glassrik);
- padding has been added (at the box near the entrance to the guardhouse in Amaranthine);
- crooked lotus (the flowers grow through, you will find out).
Lighten your brushes until work
The League of the Black Queen wants to find the brush of an ancient dragon.
Wade will use her to craft a one-handed or great sword (your choice) if you bring her the following additional ingredients:
-diamond (can be found on clay stitches under the Vezhi Vigil);
-a fresh dragon egg (you can find the Vending forest in the silverite mines);
-great protection against fire (purchased from Yura in the throne room of the Vigil Tower);
-Rune of the great master (you can earn it yourself or buy it).
You can choose what bonuses the sword will have:
1st parameter
Penetrative power
+2 to armor penetration, +5 to fire damage.
+6 before attack, +5 when exposed to cold.
2nd parameter
+10 to attack, +10% chance to dodge during an attack.
+15% critical hit/backstab cost, +3% critical hit chance.
Ease of impact

+50 to vitriol, +0.5 renewal of vitriol in battle.
Vibir Veida+3 to all characteristics.

I especially chose penetrating power + lightness of the blow.
As long as Wade prepares 3 masterpieces, the quest will be completed. Dedicated to Velani.
He gives you two options for the most common problems: Ask Seneschal Verel to perform the dedicatory ritual.

Everything will be successful, Sigrun is alive.
After this the quest will close.
Complete the quest “Righteous Way” and “Staying with the Legion” to “Shadows of Black Hurts”, because
Otherwise, Verel may not have any comments about the dedication to Velanna or Sigrun at Sera Varti.
Private leaves
The girl-private white thief at the forefront of the list of the population.
These sheets will give you revenge.
Visit her periodically for a skin visit at the fort.
Vikradena's daughter
Lord Edgar Bensley asks for the release of his daughter, who was kidnapped by bandits.
Follow the beacon on the map to the place of the operation.
You can:
- buy back 30 gold coins - you are cheating the girl, otherwise you will spend pennies;
- misfortunes against bandits - the girl is dead;
- Restart the first step to release the girl, and then collect the ransom - in which case the girl will lose her life, and the bandits can be fooled and not give up money, after which they can be killed without risking anything (this option can Livy only with maximum navicci perekonannaya).

Depending on the option of conquering the city, it will be different:

the girl is dead and the bandits killed - 5 gold the girl is alive (it doesn’t matter what happened to the bandits) – 10 gold. The reward for this quest is taken from the private and from another sheet (from the underlays) from Lord Bensley.

Far away in the fields

You are asked to put down this family of farmers as a result of their demise.

Let's go to the new marker on the map.

The settlements will be destroyed, the locals will be killed (there is no way to destroy them).

Kill all the dark creatures in the surrounding area in a huge way.

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After all, you won’t be deprived of the main task, but by focusing on the other ones, you’ll pump up your team better, and also extend the game hour. In the swamps you can find a set of armor, insurance plans for the war, or collect wonderful brushes, which you can find after the end of the story mission. age: Origins - Awakening you will see a video about who will “comfort” you, that they did not care about the death of the Archdemon, born of the drinks and did not think to know.

You will be sent to Erling Amaranthine, the most secure region of Ferelden.

You approach the tower where Earl Howe lay, but if you get closer, you will see that there is no security there.

After this, shoot out the man, who is being chased by two Garlocks.

Ask them to help you and talk to them.

The bashta chuvannya was given to the Sirim Guardians at Volodin.

Ask three ceremonies to lead there, otherwise you will still open the fort. You will find granite for walls, lyrium and metal. Raju will save all the treasures from the fort, although the actions are not complicated, and will help you in completing the story mission.

The catacombs have a lot of secrets, it’s more important to be amazed. The upper level of the catacombs will be accessible for the first time, and after the completion of the first great story quest, access to the other level will be available.

In the yard, you pick up the girl’s leaves and the information about the robber from the wife.

Go to the Vending forest.

There are a number of trade routes that lead from Amaranthine to Denerim.

As you move forward along the road, you will soon find yourself in contact with a group of bandits.

Go to the Architect's room.

Having searched it, you will find gold coins and a lot of code.

There is a merchant on the road where you can replenish your supplies. Talk to him and ask for Chuvanya from Bashtu. Right there, instructing the merchant, you will find a screenshot of the speeches.

Move on. When you arrive in the next room, you will meet the Architect himself. Here you are faced with a battle with two “friends” - dragons.

Walk along the corridor, avoiding the enemies as needed.

Carefully enter the front hall, there are a lot of pastures there.

Having lost the opponents at the front, move on.

Here you will meet the ruler of the golems, who you need to quickly try and take from him the golem control rod.

Deactivate the golem behind the help of your rod.

After you have gone further along the corridor, go to the room where you will need to chop two lancets.

Tim you yourself ate the queens under the ground.

Now, if you have reached your mark, turn around to Vezha and take up the right again.

Having finished with the problems at the fort, you can go straight to the remaining plot location - Black Swamps.

In the abandoned Blackmarsha you can find screens with pieces of fire armor.

These screens stand in these places, where the devices were in place after the collapse of the systems and the breakdown of dependence.

You can also find a spectral dragon in the swamp.

To do this, you need to collect all the brushes and bring them up the mountain to the skull.

If you plan to burn Amaranthine, the entire Order of the Siri Guardians will hate you.

If you still chose this option, you must capture Bashta.

There will be a battle here. First the guard is screaming, then he’s in the courtyard, then he’s back. The remaining stage is to fight against the commander of the attackers and the armored ogre.

After the battle, you go straight to the Mother’s league.

Since you were counting on the protection of Amaranthine, then Bashti’s share would lie in the fact that they had previously built the treasures of the renewed walls of Bashti, and other additional lands from Bashti.

If the Bashta is fortified, then it will stand, and if it is not, it will fall.і Before the end of the place, you will need to recruit soldiers, defeat the army's enemies, and block the flow of enemies through the tavern and smuggler's route.- two key and strategically important points in the region. After conquering the three main tasks, the moment will come when you have to choose what to save and what to decide on. Having been born by singing, leading their own gangs, you will never be left empty-handed. Delayed before decisions taken As the story progresses, the result of the final battle may be quite different., Arriving at Amaranthine, after calling the military for the sake of it, you will be able to choose. If the whole place is set on fire, then all the inhabitants will perish at once from the dark, and all forces will be directed to the protection of Bashti.

If constable Aidan loses his job, the place will be stolen, and Bashta Vigil will be spent.

  • However, since it was prepared, the terms of its update lie
    • fates of war
    • .
    • They walked a little, the Commander of the Guardians was a maleficar.
  • Dekhto believed that he was possessed by the demons from the Shadow, who wanted to destroy the human race.
  • The news about how the Seri Guardians heroically rescued Amaranthine broke during the forest fire.
  • Once the losses of the Guardians at the Tower of Vigil became known, donations flowed from the ends of Ferelden to the local treasury.
  • No more than after the Amaranthine River there was great greatness, and five years later the Tower of Vigil was reborn.
  • The peaceful hour gave the Guardians the opportunity to replenish their lava.
  • Never before the Bashta Vigil, a small army was formed with a large number of Guardians in the area.
  • The war devastated the rural kingdoms of the Yerlingu, and the region was never fully prepared for its losses.
Perhaps the entire Erling had fallen, and robberies or even worse ones multiplied on his lands.

It was remarkably safe to stand on the roads and in the sparsely populated settlements.