I dreamed of a great mirror.



Dreams often carry messages and warnings.

Some people have dreams where creatures come for these purposes, while others have dreams where the dreamer studies his impressions at the mirror.

Why do you dream about looking at yourself in a mirror?

The mirror used to be highly valued.

Merchants made a fortune from mirrors, and they were also valuable for other items. It’s not difficult for a real person to buy this item. It’s as natural to learn from a bachelor as it is in real life. The doors to another world are like a mirror.

What did fate want to tell us? Make a dream. All the differences present in the new one will be given a correct interpretation. What can you do?

Tlumachennya sleep

Miller's Dream Book Have you marveled at the mirror and treated a stranger to you? I wish there were more people against you. When someone broke a mirror

, watch out for a fatal illness of a loved one.

Marvel at the broken mirror to an unacceptable acquaintance or a nearby whore . They were telling themselves

? There are a lot of rumors about you, as well as possible illnesses. Freud's Dream Book We looked at ourselves in the mirror

? Review your plans until you are healthy. Possibly, I owe you a lot of respect. Indulging sex

at the mirror talk about those that you will find yourself rejecting praise or praise in your work or service. Dream Interpretation of Felomena Pamper yourself in front of the mirror until the changes that are approaching.

Perhaps you are worried and afraid of being disappointed.

The image was bulo garnim? There is harmony in your midst, you can lead with emotions and feelings. An old woman marveled at you at the mirror


Your health is at risk. Important days and illnesses will soon come. Yakscho treated themselves with gray hair, then you will be judged and unfair decisions will be made in your favor.

Break the mirror before expenses and due to death and separation. Break the mirror for young women I sense a nearby love.

Maliy Velesov dream book

Marvel at the mirror until you hear that you are ill. We marveled and did not worry? It’s not long before the illness appears. Prishchava person

at the mirror to the financial status.

Russian folk dream book

The dream seems to be that you don’t believe in the correctness of your actions, so you are tempted to look at yourself from the side.

Marvel at the broken mirror Old Russian dream book to hell. Illness at the mirror until death and healthy

dream until you get sick.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation Image in the mirror means incorrect words, for which you will be disgraced. As if the mirror didn’t have enough image

, then your inner light recognizes the change.

Erotic dream book Marveled at the mirror


Your sexual life will take a special turn. The remaining sexual contact will bear fruit. Do not include sexually transmitted diseases. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova Its image means income, additions to the family and news from afar


Just like the image was, it was like a staging. As if the mirror had a reflection on the outside , then watch out for illnesses and misfortunes. Exposing the unknown before change

Ukrainian dream book

Aesop's Dream Interpretation Young girls reflected in the mirror I sense changes in life. Hideous appearances

to riches.

A married woman who indulged herself as a young woman, sleep causes illness. Vanga's Dream Book a symbol of your preoccupation with the thoughts of those who are absent.

Don't worry about your imagination

to evil thoughts with other people's thoughts.

Esoteric dream book

Marvel at the mirror and don’t learn anything

to the fun.

You may see a mirror of a secretive person, weary of the powerful world, who is planning, for example, to live in the world of childhood or to achieve unprecedented heights in the working world.

Zagalne znachnya

The symbolism of the barrel, through the uniqueness of the interaction of images with people, will certainly be special.

The rich evidence of people's misunderstandings, together with the signs of the seers of the world, provides a number of the most popular options for the analysis of dark signs.

  • Having dreamed of the great and bright object of the interior
  • As the imagery in dreams showed an unknown person, then in reality the dreamer will have a new idea.
  • The good eyes opened up - in boundless happiness, and this denunciation anticipates the coming inconveniences, a real threat to health.
  • Do you ever dream about a great mirror?
  • A sign of this kind suggests an envious self-esteem, which does not indicate effectiveness.

Consider the mirror excuse - face a difficult choice.

The broken mirror surface is a symbol of troubles, spiritual pain, suffering, worry.

If you happen to see your own reflection behind the plot, then it is especially important to recognize your inner light, achieve harmony with your inner “I”, focus on the correctness of action and the right choice.

Characteristics of the world in dream books

Have a mirror on the side in your dreams, together with the little Velesov tlumach - get freedom, get your father’s pokluvaniya.

The one who guards the ruins of the battle will have to fight against the disease.

The tank also transmits unpleasant signals, such as to make the sleepy person writhe. Behind the woman's tlumach, the mirror is a unique sign that comes across a possible deception and the joy of loved ones, the dishonest death of those who are absent, the joy of a person.

Magnetti recommends listening to your voices, listening not only with your mind, but also with the cry of your heart, after dreaming about the great plains that are being knocked out.

It's hard to dream about conflicts

Through the differences in the room there is a tense atmosphere that oppresses all members of the household, - this is how the family speaker interprets the image of the mirror.

  • Have you had a chance to watch out for imaginations?
  • There are differences between the thoughts of a sleepy person and those of a sleepy person.
  • Fear of growing old, of losing oneself and the hopeless, especially of nightmares, as if the dreamer is making himself look old.
  • In your dreams, break the mirror - a rotten sign that prophesies the loss of what is most valuable.
  • This may lead to trust in the other half, otherwise you will lose authority.

It is important to fill the membranes so that efficiency and perseverance will give a positive result, so Miller paints the image of a clean surface without broken objects.

The majestic hall of mirrors and glass is filled with fears that fetter a person in reality, preventing her from revealing her creative potential and revealing her leadership qualities.

Financial difficulties are difficult for those who happen to experience the dreams of a deceased person.

Vanga's Providence

The Bulgarian seer dispels such ambiguous signals of information, doctors and other pictures of the tank.

If you dream of an intrusive bath, where a sleepy man calmly looks at the faces in the mirror, then in reality people lie down in the thoughts of absentees, with a person who is afraid of not fulfilling other people’s hopes, such as fathers, men, bosses and children.

People indulge in magical rituals, receive evil spirits, and try to get in touch with the spirit powers of people who have a dream: “the magician is opposite the mirror.”

A tank of this kind is warned about the unacceptable inheritances after the past works, and help will only come after the elimination of sins.

Bachite in your dreams

  • Evil promises do not give peace day or night, as long as the old mirror is dead and without reflection.
  • What does the dreamer check on Freud?
  • Sigmund Freud equates the image in the mirror with the hidden vaults of a sleeping individual, about how the brain in reality does not allow one to grow in size or fantasize.

As the dream book sings, problems with sexual life will arise for people who tried to clean the rough surface with a saw.

My dreams were deprived of even more fantasy, they were not destined to wake up, as the mirror behind the script cracked and shattered.

The dream book will show you why a little girl dreams of a mirror, or be careful.

It’s important to speak with such decorum about contentment with life, sitivity, and satisfaction with those in power.

Try to guess the words spoken in dreams, especially if there is a guest in the cesspool, the fragments of the dream will reveal to you the hidden depths of the future.

Material well-being and all other blessings rest on the one who flaunts in front of the mirrors.

It is important to change if black choices act as secondary ranks.

Such dreams are filthy signs that symbolize misfortune and poverty.

If you happen to stand in front of the mirror in your dreams, then the time has come to empty your bags, look at your side, recognize the shortcomings and start a new stage of life, cleanse.

Plot features

When it’s dark, it’s important as a person of a sleeping person, and all the other steps.

The meaning of seemingly insignificant details changes dramatically.

If you dream of a mirror given by a friend, then in reality a positive proposition is visible, a miraculous business idea pops into your head, and your career is on the way out.

In a different way, dream books of talents mean that the object is your enemy in your dreams.

Welding and welding are sealed between friends, and the hundred-year-olds are cooled through the inconvenience.

  • Those who stand in front of the mirror will experience love in love, and the bare parts of the body symbolize the illnesses of the place.
  • How was the imagination
  • Have the dreams in the mirror revealed their appearance?
  • Think about it: perhaps, in reality, you portrayed a close person, and now people are confronted with seeming offenses that are apparent.
  • Bachiti has beautiful hair

The baggage change the tedious low hem, which seems unforgettable, does not give peace to the sleeper, who clearly looks at his appearance in the mirror.

Look at the beauty of the hair on the image - including a friendly symbol that suggests a long-term change.

The time has come to engage in self-discovery, since there was no imagination behind the plot.

  • What was more painfully denounced, there were serious damages between the inner world and the inner world.
  • It is up to the individual to worry about their fathers and children, who has looked wearily in the mirror surface.
  • It’s not good to show off if you lose your wrinkles and gray hair, and even this sign symbolizes the influx of evidence and wisdom.

Meanings for wives

Carrying out minor tasks is more typical for young girls, if you have dreams about grooming coachmen in front of images in the mirror.

Tlumacheniya for people

For a strong statement, grooming your face and combing your hair is subject to the obvious fear of getting wet and losing your wives’ benefits.

Having given respect to business, a person can be recognized in the eyes of his colleagues, and his thought will become authoritative if the plot has a chance to watch out for the gray that appears on the head.

As the dream book sings, the mirrors, the many tricks of the glass - this is a sign of incompetence in one’s powers.

The fear of not satisfying the wives is to discourage the lad, we are sad, we say.

It's up to the one who broke the mirror behind the plot, inadvertently missing him, and the addition of a new dressing table in dreams is a symbol of success that accompanies the beginning of good luck.

The surface knocks out another person

How do you deceive the world when you happen to see another person at the mirror?

Such wonderful jars will help to grow the current plant.

Even with the current darkness, a child’s look in the mirror – people are once again feeling a sense of non-turboity, calmness, peace of mind in front of the kaydan’s work.

  • Days of sleeping people
  • Fighting one by one with the turbos, the dreamer should have a dream about a mirror surface.
  • What else can you do to help catch a sleepy person in the future?
  • How to read a dream book, buy a new mirror - start a new stage of life.

Have you ever tried out an antique dressing table or mirrored shawl?

You will be able to come out of the water dry, you will be able to face difficulties without leaving any trace.

Covering the mirrors of your dreams with canvas means capturing your thoughts from your loved ones.

Why do you dream about a mirror - according to Vanga’s dream book

Marveling at yourself is a sign that in reality you will analyze your actions and decisions, adequately accept criticism and make amends.

You are an obov'yazkova people, if you commit anything, you will immediately die.

Marvel at the mirror and don’t worry about your imagination - dream about those who are evil enough to wreak evil with your hands.

The only order in this situation is to go to church and pray.

Breaking the mirror means misfortune, lots of tears.

Casting a spell for help is a sign of additional drinking.

Everything is good for you.

Why do you dream about a mirror - according to Freud's dream book

The image you see in the mirror, the image of everyday life and fantasy, the image you see of yourself as you would like to be in reality.

As if in the mirror of a brusque woman, it is impossible for anyone to look at anything - but, in reality, you feel that dissatisfaction, corruption and dislike for yourself manifest themselves so strongly that you don’t want to be surprised at yourself.

Most of the time, the mirror sees joy from the side of friends.

Breaking this object means you will become a prisoner.

It’s possible, everyone will get along rapt, you don’t want anything, just arrange it in a most unfriendly manner.
Why do you dream about a mirror - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book
- Break up the sign of separation;
- improve your imagination - sleep promises news from afar, profits;
- treat yourself for the rest of your life - until you become unbearably ill;
- no luck - until bad luck;
- The miniature mirror reflects inner lightness;
- Know Yogo - to success;

- spend - up to tiles;

- the old mirror prophesies significant changes in life.

Why do you dream about a mirror - according to Meneghetti's dream book

This image allows you to marvel at yourself from the side and firmly evaluate your actions, behavior, and thoughts.

Most often it reflects the ingenuity of re-constructing an individual, the knack for copying and retrieving other people's pleasures.

Why do you dream about a mirror - according to Veles’s dream book

Reveal your rudeness - the dream means growing problems with your reputation.

You were washed by people you trust.

Let's cleanse ourselves - then, correct the past beatings.

If you are in the center of the impersonality of the mirrors, this is a sign of magnetic energy, attractiveness, and you arouse a clear interest in your partner.

Grishina’s dream book says that you dream about new things and mirrors to the point that you are deceiving yourself.

You will come up with your own excuses and really not be surprised at the speech.

If you can’t wipe the mirror all the time, you’ll be deprived of brooding for the whole hour - you’ll end up in a difficult situation, you won’t be able to fully get rid of its negative inheritances.

    Perhaps you are worried and afraid of being disappointed.

    If you always see a gold mirror in your dreams, get ready for gifts from loved ones, greetings, surprises and good luck. Your dreams can symbolize both harmony with yourself and separation from friends. There is a lot of significance in the dream from the mirror, including the most detailed details of the plot and the mood of the dreamer.

    Do you ever have a dream? If the dreamer’s energy was screaming out in a more positive way, then In reality, people experience harmony with themselves and satisfaction with their own lives

    The mirror used to be highly valued.

    . If the image in the mirror screams out unpleasant emotions, like fear, then the person in the middle is torn apart by anger, images, and stagnation. A dream that is often repeated means that

    a sleeper needs to come to his senses and restore peace of mind. Marvel at your image in the mirror

    I can feel a fight and a super fight with one of my relatives .


    The conflict will be related to illness or the death of one of the family members. Treat yourself to a broken mirror foretells the death of one of the dreamer’s close people

    . Bachita in an angry, tormented, crazy person prophesies failure in the right or discord in love affairs. This dream can also indicate the death of the other half.

    Show your happiness in front of the mirror The image means that soon the dreamer will begin to feel sick again. Bachiti bagato dzerkal – tse

    indicates deception on the side of the estranged, a serious misstep on the dreamer's path to the point of darkness

    . Marveling at your image in the mirror prophesies a conflict with loved ones. A similar dream indicates conflict with a person and a possible threat of separation.

    Brudne mirror always means that it is true to the dreamer experience a strong emotional shock.

    A clear mirror in a dream predicts successful completion of the right or successful beginning. Cover your mirror with cloth.

    indicates the secret motives of the dreamer himself

    How did you treat yourself?

    Treat yourself to a beautiful and mirror-image flower in your dreams as a sign of Swedish change in a particular or professional field. Staring in the mirror and smelling the gray in your hair means that the dreamer is suddenly aware of a long road in the new world. Bachite yourself with the old one and the old one

    talk about those that, if anything, can lead you out of the country . This also means psychological and neurological illnesses.

    Bring yourself without hair on your head with your image indicates a decline in vital forces, which is why it is chronic.

    Seeing your old self in front of the mirror means good health and success in your professional life and career growth.

    The dream also indicates financial well-being and success.

    Treat yourself like this all the time

    indicates the removal of income, promotion in service . For women, sleep promises to rob them of the opportunity to become famous.

    Your activities Women and girls tend to spend a lot of money with their partner. Indulge yourself in a cheerful ode - showing signs of respect in front of people of a sick status, the guilt of a light, in no way conducive to romance.

    Applying red lipstick to your lips in front of the mirror is predicted by the dreamer of a sustrich with a hidden stranger who will actually appear praised and despised.

    Showing up in front of the mirror and putting on makeup every day indicates that you are trying to find out the truth and achieve success in your life. The dream book insists that people who have reached their goal are better off walking in a different direction..

    The dream of a young girl indicates that she is trying to turn herself into a good person and make amends before marriage.

    Why don't you show your imagination?

    Staring at the mirror without imagery indicates the inner thoughts of the dreamer, whose mental disharmony and inability to make the right decisions. Also a dream indicates a negative magical influx, which the dreamer recognized

    ts - dog, pristrіt, curse.

    This needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

    Nebizhchik at the mirror: dimness Most likely, the dream of a dead person in front of a mirror indicates that the dreamer is actually doing bad, self-indulgent things that harm his reputation and add to the truth. People need to engage in self-analysis of their lives and their lives.

  • Pershoelementi - water, metal, wood.
    Kozhen lives in the powerful world, who creates as he himself thinks is right. Do not prophesy such specific, evil inheritances from such dreams.
Elements – cold, dryness, wind.

Emotions – fear, anger, tightness.