Presentation on the topic of mushrooms in the middle group. Presentation for children of the senior group on the topic. Often you want to stay away from daylight

The lexical topic is "Gribi".

Subject: Awareness of excess light.

In the classroom, current information and communication technologies are often used - this is one of the newest and most pressing problems in today's preschool pedagogy.

Meta: Formation of persistent mushrooms using the method of separating natural and inanimate mushrooms.

Systematize and enhance children's knowledge about natural and unnatural mushrooms, activate a vocabulary on the topic "Mushrooms", develop visual and auditory awareness and hygiene.

Children should play interactive games during classes. Where can you get some money?

Presentation “Natural and destructive mushrooms”

This thematic development can be used by teachers in older groups of preschools, teachers of primary classes in secondary schools, teachers of the natural-mathematical cycle in correctional schools.

This material can be collected during the hour of biology lessons, during the hour of “Natural and Extinct Mushrooms”, during the hour of excursions to the forest, during the hour of the Christmastide after-school visits “Gifts of the Forest”, “Gifts of Autumn”.

The peculiarity of this robot is that it is presented in a finished form, which makes it easier to remember the names of the main external features of the mushrooms.

The selection of illustrations reveals the development of a science-like mentality.

Become aware of the various types of tubular and plate-shaped fungi that grow in the forest. Children will learn basic facts about natural and delicious mushrooms, begin to separate them and describe them. The horizons are expanding, the vocabulary is being replenished.

At the same time, a more comprehensive approach to the forest ecosystem is being developed.


Initial presentation for preschoolers “Children about mushrooms”

During the 3-5 years of life there are a number of revelations about mushrooms. You can see the main parts of the mushroom visible on the surface, you know that they are mushrooms, but they cannot be eaten. In five years you can get to know the child with mushrooms better.

Tell us about those that the fungus inhabits the underground part - the mycelium, the fungus reproduces with spores.

There are chanterelle mushrooms, birch mushrooms grow under the birch, etc. Various herbs can be prepared from mushrooms. All this richness can be learned from our presentation. For example, there is food for consolidating knowledge and an interactive lesson on the topic “Mushrooms”.


More details on the website

For children about mushrooms My Wunder Kinder

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog "My Wunder Kinder"! Today I would like to introduce to your respects a comprehensive activity for children about mushrooms. This kind of activity can be done either in a kindergarten with a group of children or at home.

Installation for comprehensive activities with children about mushrooms

Koshik or box;

Models of mushrooms, pictures and photographs;

Silhouettes of images of mushrooms;

Droplets-caps of fly agaric on the skin of the child (for a dynamic pause). It’s very simple to make them: fold a knitted paper from a rectangular cutter and mince the colors according to your needs.

Computer or laptop for reviewing the presentation.

Dummy mushrooms or pictures are put into a bag and covered with a beautiful cape, decorated with paper aspen leaves. Everything is hidden from the children. We attach the respect of children to a covered cat.

You can bring a cat to a child's garden by any character (little bear, squirrel, veterinarian) - an overgrown adult or a child.

Propose to guess the riddle:

Who stands on the small foot of the brown leaf along the path? It looks like a parasol, only a hundred times smaller. As if there is a thunderstorm on the horizon, it is as strong as radium.

As long as it’s warm and rainy, it’s ok – it’s merciful!

This is obviously a mushroom (remove the cape from the cat). Ask the children which words from the riddle gave them the answer. Who among them went mushroom picking with their dads in the forests? If you spend your time at home with your child, then plan your trip to the forest to pick mushrooms. If you are not mushroom pickers, then just feed the child, you can find mushrooms.

Instruct the children, one at a time, to take out dummies and pictures of mushrooms from a cat, call them familiar. Drink what all mushrooms have (droplets, legs). Why do stinks appear one after the other? (Color, size, shape).

To learn more about mushrooms, encourage your children to watch the presentation.

Presentation about mushrooms for children

I suggest you take a look at the presentations in flash format, but this time the conversion in flash did not work out for some unknown reason. I got the basis of the presentation from the “Readers” website. You can see screenshots of the presentation below, and you can download them from the secret page (horizontal menu under the site header). The secret page is only available to prepayers. To remove the access code, fill out the form as follows.

Along with the presentation on the secret page you will find archives of mushrooms (from which you can prepare silhouettes of mushrooms), pictures and photographs of mushrooms, cards with mushrooms and descriptions.

There is a dynamic pause in the middle of the presentation; you will need fly agaric droplets (you can do without them, but with droplets).

Screenshots of a presentation for children about mushrooms

title slide slide with video clip on how to grow mushrooms slide about mushrooms, how to properly pick mushrooms, what are mushrooms

After watching the presentation, conduct a discussion with the children. Ask the children whom the fox will be friends with. Dosh is the best friend of mushrooms. It’s not for nothing that the proverbs say: “If there is a thick layer, there will be a mushroom”, “When a rare wood appears, there will be a ready-made box of mushrooms.”

When is the time of year when there are the most mushrooms? (Types of children). And the meaning of the proverb is: “Spring is filled with berries, and autumn is filled with mushrooms.”

And mushrooms have been friends with trees for a long time. What mushrooms make friends with what trees? (Types of children). Find these mushrooms in the pictures and let your children find the required dummy.

Ask your children why mushroom picking is called “quiet watering”? (Types of children). The forest is not our little house, we have new guests. And if you have already come to visit - respect the rulers of the forest: the roslins, the creatures - the various forest bastards.

How to behave properly in a fox? (Types of children). You can’t shout, scream, trample overgrowth, pick mushrooms from the roots. In the initial field, go with towels, and in the mushroom field, use knives. Do you know anything? (Types of children). Mushrooms do not need to be picked, but cut.

And for what? (Types of children). Be sure not to pick up the mycelium - the root of mushrooms. Without a mycelium, there are no new mushrooms.

Ask your children, why can you put a skin mushroom in a cat? Why? (Types of children). What kind of wasted mushrooms have you forgotten? Why is there such a stink? (Types of children). I’ll get rid of them in any way that can cause repentance. You only need to pick mushrooms as best you know.

And what is the most dangerous mushroom? Show them in the image. Marvel at it and remember it well.

Rukhliva gra "Kuzovok"

I propose two versions of this game - for young children and for older preschoolers.

I OPTION for children up to five years of age.

Place mock-ups of trees, tree stumps and dummies of mushrooms in groups (in children’s gardens, as a rule, this is all). If you spend your time at home, simply place dummies or pictures of various mushrooms in the spacious room. It is easier to carry out this activity in a kindergarten by dividing the children into two or three subgroups. The children are asked to pick mushrooms in the cat while cheerful music plays (you can watch the video clip from the presentation). Then you have to wonder which mushrooms you picked and which ones you didn’t waste.

OPTION IIfor children over five years of age

All the same, only the games are played in a seemingly blurred manner - whoever has the most mushrooms in his kitty is not respected by the unnatural. Children reinforce the ordinal order and leveling for number.

Creative work

Children love album leaves, silhouettes of mushrooms, olives and felt-tip pens. The task of the child is to circle the silhouette of the mushroom, prepare it and add details. Older preschoolers can write the name of the mushroom.

Those who can’t write yet, just name what kind of mushroom they have, their natural wine.

When it’s time for the children to start playing, play music and children’s songs. The activity will end with an exhibition of children's robots.

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Short stories for the youngest. Cardboard sides. Colorful pictures.

On the skin side of the hero there are slits instead of eyes, on the other side there are plastic eyes with crumbly eyes. The child turns the sides, and the skin hero’s eyes “appear.” Eyes: Mushrooms - Maria Manakova | Buy a book with delivery |

The use of stencils promotes the development of fine motor skills, hand coordination, accuracy and preparation of the hand before writing. Stencil “Mushrooms” | Buy with delivery |

The book will introduce the child to the most widespread types of mushrooms in our region, introduce the child to the secret of mushroom pickers, and teach the basic rules of behavior in the forest. This book is the first proof for a pre-school child, who needs scientifically reliable information about mushrooms, the peculiarities of their appearance and growth. The kingdom of mushrooms - Garibova L. V. | Buy a book with delivery |

Until new chats on the blog "My Wunder Kinder"!

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Material from the site

Activities "Mushrooms in our region"

Entertain your presentation (355.8k B)

Respect! The forward view of the slides is used exclusively for certain purposes and may not reveal all the possibilities of the presentation. If this robot has tsked you, please, please, entice me with a new version.

The activity allows you to update the knowledge of preschool children about the types of natural and delicious mushrooms in our region; gain new knowledge about a group of mysterious mushrooms; about vikostannaya, how to pick mushrooms, the rules for collecting mushrooms. The “Logical Lancers” game, developed by the teacher, includes pictographs that indicate the main concepts of the course. The child’s folded logical bow makes it possible to formulate in children all the information about excessive light, the ability to classify objects, and describe them.

The use of multimedia in this activity allows you to visually identify mushrooms that grow in the forests of the Urals, intensify the lighting process, increase the liquidity of the liquid, and the depth of cultivation; and also activate the cognitive activity of students. It is possible to make a similar presentation using photographs of mushrooms, text material (riddles), pictographs that represent the main concepts. Using multimedia in the classroom helps you quickly memorize new terms and helps you learn the lesson more vividly and richly.

Homework includes painting of natural mushrooms at Robotic Hewing: honey mushrooms, buttermilk, cheesecakes and mushrooms that mold molding in preschoolers, they can independently find the necessary information in order to mold information competence, as well as the task of developing respect and understanding.

It is important to enter the “Light of Nature” section, which includes the development of the kingdoms “Light of Mushrooms”, “Light of Plants” and “Light of Creatures”. Moving from this activity to growing the world of sprouts, it is important to start from the beginning about the growth of mushrooms, which will logically lead to the conclusion that mushrooms require the presence of sprouts.

Meta activity: to develop cognitive, intelligent and positive moral values ​​in children of the senior preschool age, vikory and various types of activities in accordance with the theme “Mushrooms of our land”.


  • expand and systematize the knowledge of vaccinations about representatives of various groups of fungi;
  • formulate complete messages about excess light in children;
  • vykhovny:
  • encourage children to be more natural;
  • instill in health care recipients the habit of taking care of their own health;
  • to inspire love to the native land, the works of folk art;
  • developing:
  • develop children's interest in life until they reach the end of the world;
  • to formulate logical thinking, formalization and classification among the students;
  • develop respect, memory, awareness.

Obladnannya: for children – “Work sewing” (section “People’s nature” 1st year of learning) *; colorful and simple olives; over-armed arches of “Worker's sewing” for the activity of “Mushrooms” ( Appendix I ); laptop, multimedia projector, screen; popular references: “Trutoviki”, “Chaga”; cardboard fly agarics for the “Find a Mushroom” gris – 10 pcs.

It's busyє employment of the primary-conscious type.

When organizing the form of education for senior preschoolers, the following are of paramount importance:

  • verbal method- Conversations with children, teacher's words, reading books;
  • scientific method - viewing photographs, natural objects of living nature;
  • practical management method

Presentation on the topic “Natural and unnatural mushrooms” download free of charge

Slide no. 2Slide description:

There is a simple rule that all mushroom pickers follow: You need to pick as many mushrooms as you know! Mushrooms, as the doubters call, don’t pick them up!

Slide no. 3Slide description:

Growth in places is clear, but more often single mushrooms grow together, especially in the middle part, the Baltic states, and perhaps throughout the forest-steppe zone. Grows in wild and other deciduous forests, often on weeds, clearings, from dark to dark. The mushroom is deadly.

Tear off all the parts, finally the super parts.

Slide no. 4Slide description:

Fly agaric Fly agaric grows in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, especially often in birch forests, often and openly, singly and in large groups, from black to autumn frosts.

Slide no. 5Slide description:

Honey fungus is common, but not clear, throughout the forest zone. Mushrooms grow in groups, in which there are up to 50 fruiting bodies grown by the bases of the legs.

Stinks grow on rotten wood of deciduous and coniferous species, on stumps, along the bases of trunks from winter to winter, and especially in sickle - spring. The mushroom is awesome! When it enters the human body, the shunt and intestinal rings scream.

Slide no. 6Slide description:

Pіddubovik Pіddubovik (oak tree) grows fastest in oak-mixed sparse forests. It often grows on the edge of the forest. The butterfly can be found from mid-summer to autumn.

This is one of the most beautiful to look at and pickled mushrooms of medium dark brown.

Slide no. 7Slide description:

Siriuses Siriuses often appear in our forests. However, it is important for uninformed people to navigate their diversity. Representatives of the genus Syroizhka are widespread in the European part of Russia, near Siberia, and Far East.

In addition, cheesecakes are becoming thicker in Western America. These mushrooms appear in linden trees, but they are especially abundant in sickle and heather. Syringes are more common in diverse types of forests. Some mushroom pickers have a fresh appearance from the herb (from the same name).

Slide no. 8Slide description:

Georgians are more common in the lower half of the forest zone of Russia, mainly in coniferous forests, especially in young arberry forests, pine forests and yalice forests, sometimes in mixed forests. It does not grow as neatly as the fruit, but in groups from linden, often from sickle to yellow.

Slide no. 9Slide description:

Oil mushrooms of this genus are widespread throughout the entire range of pine trees in the forest. Several types of oilseeds are found in the tropics. There are only 15 species in the entire territory of the Union.

Maslyuks are characterized by a smooth, sticky or slightly slimy droplet.

Slide no. 10Slide description:

The birch birch is an even wider species that maintains coexistence with different types of birch. Expansions near the Arctic, the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. Growing in birch and mixed forests, in swamps and tundras.

Bear fruit from wormwood until spring. The droplet of the birch tree is squishy, ​​later cushion-shaped. Zabarvlenya can be Moskvat, bіluvate, grey-brown, misha-grey, bure, dark brown, mayzha black.

Slide no. 11Slide description:

Boletus is one of the most widespread natural mushrooms in the world's growing zone. During its lifespan, the savory berries of the wine, together with the boletus, take almost another place after the porcini mushroom and rizhika.

Boletus expansion in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Bear fruit from wormwood until spring.

Slide no. 12Slide description:

The white mushroom Vin is considered one of the most valuable species of mushrooms. A droplet of white mushroom can reach 20 cm in diameter. The barred droplet is even more varied: bluish, light grey.

There may be yellow, brown or brown tones, purple, red, black-brown. The white mushroom grows throughout Eurasia in the subarctic and subarctic zones. To bear fruit at the heart of the earth.

It is important to separate white mushrooms from natural mushrooms.

Slide no. 13Slide description:

rizhik It is important that rizhik grow in coniferous forests, especially in pine and yalin forests. They give preference to lighted areas: loons, loons, young forest. Expansion in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Bear fruit from cherries to yellows.

Slide no. 14Slide description:

Pecheritsa Champignon often grows in large groups from the beginning of summer to late autumn in fields, bows, cattle fields, gardens, cities, forest heaps, forest knots.

Slide no. 15Slide description:

It grows everywhere in deciduous and mixed forests under birch trees, especially in green coniferous-birch young forests with thick soil covered with grass.

Slide no. 16Slide description:

Guess the riddles. 1. Blida droplet, spidnichka on the knife, Marvel at the beast - hands to the sides. She is beautiful and important, but no one needs her.

2. The beauty of forest paths has a lot of white legs in droplets of different colors, noticeable from afar. Some in gray, some in green, some in horn, some in yellow. Take them, don’t let them go, even so – 3. I’m wearing a red cap, the size of a wasp root. You can tell me a mile away - I call out - ...

4. We drag the little face around the face, but it doesn’t look like a dud. Somehow a plush ear for the sun

Slide no. 17

Material from the site

Mushrooms are also a kingdom of organisms that contains over 80 thousand species, differing in their way of life, everyday life and external appearance. It is important that there are millions of species of mushrooms all over the Earth.

They saw the kingdom of eukaryotes in the vicinity.

Mushroom food

On the other hand, mushrooms do not absorb chlorophyll and feed heterotrophically. On the other hand, mushrooms rub the tough wall of the skin, and most of them, like the plants, do not get too dry.


Most visible to our skin

macromycetes , which are mushrooms with droplets. This may result in massacres due to their systematic development and morphological characteristics of the species, resulting in the presence of fruiting bodies to reach great sizes that are accessible to the guarded eye.


Most macromycetes settle on all kinds of growth trellises - fallen needles and leaves, on needles and cones, stems of single grasses and other elements of forest litter, in litter - through litter saprophytes. Saprotrophs can also be reached flowers (penicillium, mucor) that settle on soil, bread, rotting fruits, and yeast.



Widely distributed in nature symbiotrophic fungi, which maintain the necessary life of organic substances through additional symbiosis with plant species (mycorrhizae and fungal roots). It is clear that most of the above-ground growths will enter into such a connection with ground fungi.

The meaning of mushrooms

The importance of mushrooms is not limited to their vicors. Saprotrophic fungi play an important role in the circulation of species in nature. When growing surpluses become necessary for the life of living plants, saprotrophs turn some of these streams from the soil, making them available for takeover by other plants.

Slide 1

Slide 2

White mushroom: Elegant, mitsny, stately, In the capelus, brown and shaggy. This is the pride of all the forests, the ruler of the king of mushrooms!

Slide 3

White mushroom is a mushroom picker’s favorite find – garnish, savory, extremely aromatic. I recognized the name of the wine through its pulp: it was white. The white mushroom grows in birch forests, pine forests, oak and yalin forests from the other half of the forest to the south. The Russian people have learned a lot about mushrooms: Boletus is the boss of all mushrooms. Under the pines there are white flint trees, under the yalin trees. If you know white - zupinka zrobi. If there is one white one, it means there are a number of sins. And my son’s sons have little ones, they want to buy them. The bluebirds have little ones, and they huddle under the stumps. The children also have children, but you can’t remember them.

Slide 4

Birch trees, Lilac hats, Little birch legs, Grow under the birch trees. What is their name?

Slide 5

Bereznik is similar to a white mushroom. The droplet is soft, the bottom is thin and long. The color of the drop varies from dark brown to white. It occurs in birch forests and forests mixed with birch. Growing individually and in groups. The crops are sprouting - the birch and birch trees are beginning to scatter. The birch trees will jump through the day after the peacock blossoms. The bird cherry is covered with snow - the first birch berries appear. To reap the life, another harvest of birch trees begins.

Slide 6

Stumps There are no friendly mushrooms, nizh tsi, - Those children know how to grow up - The fox grows on the stumps, Like a gusset on the nose.

Slide 7

Autumn stumps grow in large groups on the stumps, roots of both living and dead trees. Mushrooms appear at the end of summer and spring, often in such quantity that mushroom pickers collect them in bags. The sun has appeared - summer has ended. It's too early for the mushrooms to fall - there won't be enough mushrooms. The leaves of the sun began to bloom - the autumn feathers appeared. The oats have gained a waxy consistency and have become yellower than the leaves of the birch trees - get out of here, brothers and sisters.

Slide 8

I am wearing a red hat, the height of the middle aspen root. You can tell me a mile away - I call out - ...

Slide 9

Boletus grows in flight and spring, often in deciduous forests, near wasps. Mushroom pickers often pick up these amazing mushrooms with droplets, stuffed under an autumn leaf, for which they are called aspen or wormcap. People have noted that the first aspen boletuses appear as soon as the wasps emerge and grow until late autumn. Boletuses love to climb into ferns. The fluff from the wasps is flying (mature birds are flying) - go for the aspen boletuses. Ivan tea will bloom wildly in the fields and foxtails - there will be a rich collection of boletuses and birch berries. Stand by, little red-hatted children: whoever comes, bends down.

Let's learn to recognize mushrooms

Vikhovatel to the minicenter "Ainalain"

Urozhaina SSH

Gabita Musrepova district, North Kazakhstan region

Yantsen Valentina Volodymyrivna

Natural mushrooms

Mitsny, elegant, even stately,

The capelus is brown and ugly.

This is the pride of all the forests!

The right king of mushrooms!

white mushroom

Natural mushrooms

The leaves have fallen

The mushrooms gathered together.

Very cunning sisters

These zhovti… chanterelles

Natural mushrooms

The target is on........ ,

And…….. - sticky mushroom,

The target axis is stuck.

Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay!

Mommy, mommy, say it!


Natural mushrooms

There are no friendly mushrooms, no matter how old the children are, -

grow on stumps

like a gusset on the nose

hey guys

Natural mushrooms

I don’t disagree - I’m not white,

I, brothers, am simpler,

I grow taller by the birch tree.


Natural mushrooms

I'm growing up in a red cap

middle aspen root,

You recognize me a mile away,

I call...


Natural mushrooms

I love milk mushrooms

I love black milk mushrooms,

Ale meni unimportant color -

I love their saltines!

Natural mushrooms


Natural mushrooms


Chimera mushrooms

Pustule serii

White pustule

Chimera mushrooms

Parasol mushroom

Stropharia is blue-green



Plucked mushrooms

Damn it's worth it

It has a natural look.

If you bring it home, it’s a disaster,

That hedgehog will be cut off.

Know that this mushroom is a deception, our enemy is...

damn toadstool

Plucked mushrooms

And the axis is so important

On a white knife.

Wine with a drop of red,

Just a drop of peas.

fly agaric

Plucked mushrooms

Amanita panternii

Amanita stinking

white grebe

Plucked mushrooms

Unsatisfactory tseglyano-chervona

The talker is waxy

False smelly sirchano-zhovty

Champignon ore


Once again, once again,

Two - oil,

Three - red boletus.

The axis of the hvili at the junction,

Pecheritsa and boarder.

The axis of the fox is small,


Morel axis and row,

And another boletus.

The flywheel stands on the knife,

A load and a golden ore.

Without a sound from the empty cat, I’ll turn around and get home!

1 slide

2 slide

Kingdom of Mushrooms Mushrooms are also a kingdom of organisms that contains over 80 thousand species, different in their way of life, everyday life and appearance. It is important that there are millions of species of mushrooms all over the Earth. They saw the kingdom of eukaryotes in the vicinity.

3 slide

Harvesting of mushrooms In the vicinity of the growths, mushrooms do not soak in chlorophyll and are harvested heterotrophically. On the other hand, mushrooms rub the tough wall of the skin, and most of them, like the plants, do not get too dry.

5 slide

Macromycetes The most familiar to our skin are macromycetes, which are mushrooms with droplets. This may result in massacres due to their systematic development and morphological characteristics of the species, resulting in the presence of fruiting bodies to reach great sizes that are accessible to the guarded eye.

7 slide

Saprotrophs Most macromycetes settle on all kinds of growth trellises—scorched needles and leaves, on the stems and cones, stems of native grasses and other elements of forest litter, and in the litter—tse litter saprophytes. Saprotrophs can also include flowers (penicillium, mucor) that settle on soil, bread, rotting fruits, and yeast.

Slide 9

Symbiotrophs Symbiotrophic fungi are widespread in nature, which produce the necessary life of organic substances through symbiosis with plant species (mycorrhizae and fungal roots). It is clear that most of the above-ground growths can form this kind of connection with ground fungi.

10 slide

The meanings of mushrooms The meanings of mushrooms cannot be separated from their meanings. Saprotrophic fungi play an important role in the circulation of species in nature. When growing surpluses become necessary for the life of living plants, saprotrophs turn some of these streams from the soil, making them available for takeover by other plants.

11 slide

There are a lot of mushrooms in abundance. Thus, the rotting and rotting of products, grains, fruits, and also textiles occurs. There are a lot of saprophytic fungi - active plant destroyers of the tree. Settling on the wooden parts of booths and other frames, on sleepers and piles, on stacks of lumber in warehouses, mushrooms make the wood completely unattainable. Various species of smut fungi attack oats, barley, millet, corn, wheat and other grains. Cream of grain and trees, parasitic mushrooms live on potatoes, aruss, and apples. Thus, on grain crops there is also a parasitic fungus that lives on grain crops, which converts healthy grains into dead black mushrooms. All fungal diseases spread quickly, as super fungi are easily carried by the wind.

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