The mayor appeared.



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    Although in most cases the souls of dead people are called ghosts, there are endless beliefs in legends about the ghosts of creatures, ships, aircraft, entire armies and places.

Encyclopedic YouTube

✪ Mikola Semenovich Leskov.

A glimpse into the engineering castle.

audiobook Subtitle Characteristics of the phenomenon

The concept “ghost” refers to a whole class of phenomena that loom, perhaps, in different ways.

Yogo vikoristuyut v vypapa srednezheniya nazhivnyh phenomena:

In addition, ghosts are associated with accounts of wondrous sounds and sightings of poltergeists, as well as an unreasonable influx that feels like a delight.

Sometimes it is reported that the appearance of the ghost is accompanied by a sharp change in the air temperature (raptian causeless cold),

  • unpleasant odors (Sirka, miasma), restless creatures, destroyed electronic equipment. Numerous apparitions were described as being seen by the same people, even though they were not present, but appeared in the same place.
  • It appears that the London Underground is often haunted. There are a lot of different testimonies and stories about similar developments. One of us
  • from our history
  • tells of the apparition of a thirteen-year-old apprentice chapel, Anne Naylor, who was murdered in 1758 by her teacher as she passed Farringdon station at night.
  • People are crying out that they sensed their screams, which were heard by the moon throughout the entire station.
  • There is a silent story about ghosts that appear in dungeons, underground engineering spores.
  • Incident with A330 in Bangkok (2013): At Suvarnabhumi airport (Bangkok, Thailand) 8th of June 2013. When the Thai Airways Airbus A330-321 landed, panic began among the passengers, which complicated the evacuation.
  • Following the words of these witnesses, a flight attendant appeared in the cabin, dressed in a national costume, which distinguished her from other flight attendants, who could clean up people. After a successful evacuation, none of the passengers could be seen. Then the mass media circulated a version that the flight attendant actually died in 1998 in a plane crash near Suratthana.

Many people insist that ghosts can be found in various heavenly places, as few people do.

Call out these burning places

scary stories

  • and legends. The brightest butt of this is to leave the place of Pripyat.
  • Explanation Natural Science does not know the origin of supernatural phenomena, including “classical” ghosts. Specific episodes are explained according to specific characteristics, such as other natural causes, most often one of several of the following: Hallucinations.
  • .- They can be seen as a serious form of illusion, due to the fact that the object that the eyewitness is aware of is real, but the image is “transmitted” there The reduction of the object itself in the most basic minds is impossible.
  • Mirage can also be captured by technical means, since such a phenomenon is entirely real, although the image of a real object can be created, which makes it difficult to identify the mirage of the object that is represented by it. Defects of the camera, equipment, and other artifacts
  • . Most of the “documented” ghosts, either photographically or video-wise, are easily interpreted as images of glare directed into the lens, but rather due to light, which is considered to be respectful, and defects in the emulsion ball of photofuel.
  • Images of objects can appear during photography in the dark with great wind (if the object appears in the frame during the hour of exposure and is deprived of it, the photograph is deprived of it in the view nya), with convalescent or congestive re-exposure of one and the same frame, when taken through a slope (the image from the slope that is behind the operator can be included in the frame). Evidence of hoax . Schonaimenh of part of the stubborn in prolonges of the same documentary Svidotsws about the screening of є є є ivice, visible to the adhesions of the cheaps of singing msets, the references of respect to the specific osіb (call - the vibration, the yaki is visible for the obvious).

It can be noted that the absolute majority of materials on this topic have never undergone professional examination.



A significant body of European novelism of the 19th century.

For example, besides the elements of the story, we can see in Pushkin’s “The Queen of Queens,” where the main character has the ghost of a dead woman, which brings him to his senses.

In the Victorian era, C. Le Fanu and M. R. James specialized in ghost stories.

Magazines published a lot of such reports on Today, rumors about the origin of ghosts are heard not only among ordinary inhabitants, but in the scientific world every day there are many people (and women) who are clearly in contact with such people in our world. This is growing.

What do new scientific discoveries and re-interpretation of the basic laws of physics and other basic sciences represent?

In the middle of the clergy and the occult middle, this food was expected to last for a long time and definitely -

ghosts appear.

Moreover, the large number of contacts with them provided significant opportunities for the creation of a song classification.

Among such classifications there is sprat.

Classification accepted by most parapsychologists

Most parapsychologists are drawn to the idea that the ghost is a person who has died, whose soul (spiritual essence) has not completely deprived the material light.

Vaughn is the sky between two worlds in what many people call the etheric body. The reasons for this effect are called massacres, but the most widespread are either the failure of people to accept the fact of death, or I mean on the right, which does not allow the mayor to leave this world until she is eliminated.

The idea of ​​many parapsychologists is to share the idea of ​​apparitions based on the criterion of frequency of appearance. Those of them who show up more than once (show activity) are called the given stench.

The ghost is at fault. As far as the formal classification is concerned, parapsychologists see the following:

- Bachennya. It’s hard to classify them as ghosts, but most likely they are.

These essences that exist in one of the four elements are found in a special sphere between the two realities.- Burning fires.

Some people respect them as mayors, others represent other forces.- Spheri.

The rocks that form in these lights, sparking visions, can foretell stray fires, but where there is more chaos in the hands and the shadow of the powerful half does not loom.- Creatures - ghost. Most beautiful different views

Creatures can reach people if they are not safe.- Hunch spirits - Poltergeists. Revealed by noise and sometimes visible and voices, which are lost in the traces human body

and walls, move or burn objects. In extreme situations they can become fatally unsafe.

- Tini-primari.

If you guess the shadow correctly, you can greatly change the dimensions. It looks like an elephant's gut.

Visible from the outside or peripheral vision, even the rarest shadows can be seen directly by looking at it. Do not wait until the ghosts, but tell their fortunes:

— Virvi abo Virvi

– predict funnel-like swirling masses or flows of spiral energy, which often opens their doors between the worlds of people and spirits.

— Kohannya perfume - the treasure of a beloved living person, who is far away, is ahead of great danger for him. Alternative versions

The lack of alternative versions leads to different religions.

The stench is especially accentuated by those who themselves have turned into a ghost.

These classifications can be found in religious studies different countries.

It’s easy to know them so we don’t focus on them with respect.

Christianity especially emphasizes respect for the fact that the mayors become self-destructors, condemned to forever wander the earth until the Last Judgment.

Alternative scientific theories of similarity are so varied, but they provide few precise classifications.

Very rich interpretation

The apparitions are similar to ghosts, but do not seem to be of a demonic nature:

- Phantomi– as a result of injury to the energetic structure of the place. During the renewal process, care must be taken to create visual, sound and other effects that recur and accompany injuries.(cause great catastrophes or other events that caused a sharp splash

great amount energy).

Geopathogenic zones– often in such places one can be wary of sight, lest they stink or smell, but be provoked by an unnatural and most often powerful flow of energy that flows through a person during the hour of being there.

- Poltergeists

- In the form of ghosts, they are formed by sharp bursts of emotion and energy.

You can guess the simplest programs that accumulate energy and then spend their witchcraft. The fragments of knowledge are formed from random pieces of information, which almost always have a neutral or destructive effect.

Ghost 1. Zvichainy

- There are a lot of different people and there are a lot of different people. The cyclical nature of behavior is revealed, most often associated with death and most significantly in life.

Being more than a little bit, a trick of the soul.- Banshee

- The spirit of a murdered woman, intent on taking revenge on people. Before death, such people screamed loudly, and screamed after death. This scream flows into the brain, and even more negatively.— Invisible ghosts

- The weakest spirits do not show activity. They can be noted only by mysticism and people who may be sensitive to trouble.

They waste energy and can have a negative impact on one’s health.

Ale zagalom neshkidlivi.

Who is this ghost and ghost? What is the stench of human fantasy? It appears that legends about primary phantoms were especially widespread in the Middle Ages.

It also seems that everything is practical

Middle castles

they were making use of their filthy glory.

They were wondering why the ghosts were procrastinating there and respecting the lives of the rulers.

What is really behind these feelings?

Today there is documentary evidence of what is true.

Before speaking, ghosts and ghosts are not synonyms, wanting the fakhivites to assert that the word “ghost” is more significant and more characteristic of restless human souls, and a primara can be called a kind of phantom. It should be noted that in the Middle Ages, castles with ghosts were especially common. As a matter of fact, the ancestral markers, in which the spirits of their ancestors procrastinated, were respected by their blessed rulers.

Most often, the castles were haunted by the spirits of suicide bombers and those who died violent deaths, as well as children.

Mediums call ghosts perfumes and work with them on these thin levels where perfumes are stuck.

They conduct spiritual séances to find out what the visiting guests really want.

Our world has a lot of magicians who call themselves their protectors through those who are more likely to combine with dead spirits, which create a stench without any pressure.

The intercession of the nourishment of magic will help them give perfume. Є documentary evidence of successful seances. It’s a fact: everyone who takes part in such sessions will inevitably either die or die for unforeseen circumstances.

According to the words of the mediums, it is clear that when invading the subtle worlds and having good contacts with the spirits of a person, a part of the powerful energy is released, and then, it becomes an overflow to the underground reality.

Therefore, we want to get in touch with the spirits as soon as possible and think twice about it.

By themselves, with rare exceptions, they cannot harm a living person, but for the life of them hidden world Most often it will end even worse.

To chi varto rizikuvati?

In our age, in our minds, few people already believe in the mayors.

Science has come to the aid of the skeptics - they have recently revealed this ingenious explanation of what we are seeing.

The human ear cannot hear sounds higher than 20,000 hertz and lower than 20 hertz.

Anything that falls outside this range can be taken into account.

People experience not only sadness, but also a sense of anxiety for no reason.

Everyone has high and low vibrations.

At times the stench calls out the attacks of panic among creatures and people. Have the stars decided to stand up straight? Tandi explained and tse.

Low vibrations stirred the eyes of the apples, and the stench created images that could be mistaken for ghosts.

Cold spot

Find yourself: you walk around the old mansion, wisely, at night, and the rapture around you becomes cold. You work several times left-handed or right-handed - and the temperature returns to normal. Parapsychologists confirm: in order to consume the living from the world, a ghost expends a lot of energy.

In order to replenish it, it takes away the heat from everything that is away from it (hospitals and people).

The place where such apparitions appear is called cold spots.

In 1921, ophthalmologist William Wilmer published a scorching article in the American Journal of Ophthalmology.

The article talked about the curse that hangs over the “X” family.

From the beginning of the stench, slightly strange sounds began: either walking along the mountain or knocking on the door.

Then one of the children was attacked by an invisible stranger.

And they found that the mother of the family, having woken up one night, kicked a small pair at the feet of her bed, and a second later she died in the wind.

It turned out, however, that she was damned beyond all her hearts.

When the fire burned, it created carbon oxide - CO, also called fumes.

Instead of releasing this gas through the pipe, it properly knocked on the door.

Use carbon oxide to cause death, otherwise you will experience tedium, confusion and hallucinations.

The axis and the solution to the mysterious family curse.

And all for one...

Both physicists confirm that the presence of ions in the atmosphere is a natural phenomenon, just like weather and solar radiation.

And it’s not good to give anyone any mystical significance.

However, it appears that they may still be an indirect cause of various mystical phenomena.

Negatively charged ones calm us down; positively charged ones, however, cause anxiety, irritation, and headaches.

This is how they themselves describe their seemingly scumbags of “damned budins.”

That's why he called them exhibitionists for everything.

Newspapers have also written about the ghost from Toronto for a long time.

A lot of rocky people from one of the booths could clearly smell the sounds of the gatherings and the creaking of the gatherings.

When the stinkers came out to marvel, there was no one there.

Alas, experts have established that people simply do not have enough patience and caution.

And Pei Hyman, a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon (Canada), appreciates that the study of ghosts is closer to reality. humanities(for example, before history), lower to precise natural sciences.

Vin points out that it is practically impossible for anyone to get used to the devices in the future before the ghost appears.

Therefore, the investigation will be carried out even after the primari’s manifestation has occurred. Well, you have to rely on eyewitness accounts, who may turn out to be liars or have mercy on people. The very same parapsychology that gives rise to ghosts, in Hyman’s mind, may have “a deep systemic inferiority.”

He writes: “Another science has applications of experiments that have reached the point of preparation, which can be repeated in any laboratory. The only science that does not have such a need is parapsychology. For one hundred and thirty years, people chased the primaries and were unable to conduct the same experiment that others could repeat and verify.

The first axis that emerged during the hour of one of the additions: “Larchenko’s efforts from the village of Skomorokhi, Zhytomyr region, in his reports about the zustrich from the “woman in white”, giving a report and description.

Age - approximately 40-45, hair darker, straighter. Looking even pale, unhealthy, without a blush. Speaks Ukrainian without accent.

The lips are thin, with a bluish color. The nose is straight and thin. Walk barefoot, it’s easy, you can get by.

She is wearing a very white robe with a hood. Kaptur throws up. Larchenko started singing like a funeral shroud.

The woman’s voice is quiet, whistling, barely lisping, Rosmova’s doesn’t hear the coronavirus, but everyone knows that soon “fiery death” will come here, the war is raging and many who are killed will be left alive late. In their words, this war will last 6 years and the one who ends up dying will survive another 7 years.” The minimum will increase by 25 hundred meters, as it becomes clear that there are ghosts**.

**Note: according to the data provided by the English dealers of hearing loss, the price of an English daylight increases by 25 hundred rubles, as it appears that there are ghosts in the place.

According to other statistics, 31% of Englishmen and 44% of Englishwomen believe in ghosts.

Well, we widely sing that the worst thing in the entire history of mankind is the loss of the “primord of communism”, which is a hundred fates facing Europe and other continents. The original ghosts, in lieu of the monster generated by Marx, are the essence of the innocent. There are no documentary evidence about those who stink in the past, no matter how bad someone gets.

Unfortunately, it seems that there is no explanation for the ghosts themselves, but only fantasy, hallucinations and guesswork.

There will be less information about ghosts in the remaining hours.