The Russian Embassy called the publication about the new life of the Skripals “thrown”.

Software security

Cultural intelligence (85%).

The names Julia and Sergius may be similar, but they are still interpreted differently.

This allows for good, but not very high, insanity.

Phonetic madness (27%).

The names are sound-sounding. In the name of Sergiy there are two languages, in the name of Yulia there is one more warehouse. Don’t hesitate to talk about the garnet of food.

Confusion about birthday dates (40%). The names Sergiy and Yulia cannot boast of having many birthdays, but they have a couple of namedays, which are all separated by one day. The insanity of the names Yulia and Sergiy among the family and the whore The numerological number of the name Sergiy (C + e + r + g + e + y) is 1, the number of the name Yulia (Yu + l + i + i) is 7. This couple, Sergiy the one and the wife with a family, are trying to guarantee one after another only for the bottle of wine, which they call their friends, not their lovers.

To be honest, the stinks will smell like brown ones alone, and the stinks will smell like one alone.


by destructive force If for them it would not be a mess, but a path to reach from the side, then I would like to see them at the singing stakes. Sergei understands that one cannot go wrong, but the axis of double stench, in truth, can achieve more.

Yulia in

big world

independent, but for her there is an important prestige and

Happy spilka.

The partners' souls become more and more contentious at first glance.

The stinks smell the same thing on the rise.

Their hats, as a rule, are avoided. In this case, they are not at all bored at once, and the stench they let into their booth is far from skin-deep. It is possible that this is a long and happy birthday.


The number of people is 8 for the woman Volova, a masterful, easy-going woman.

The depths of the soul are already overflowing and are in urgent need of love and understanding.

The decal evokes a strong sense of sexuality behind the outer streamlinedness.

It’s someone else’s egoism in love’s marriages, although in other episodes we can reveal it with renewed peace.

The stinks smell the same thing on the rise. She has “one krok to hate.” 1 3 )

Numerology Unexpected experiences collapse. 7 Most often, she makes a good hundred for herself and gives up life to her brother. 3 )

She needs an intellectual partner, with such a strong character, who will resist her ambitions.
Equal union and common cravings will come to the detriment not of them, but of those who are alienated.

Thank you very much about the khannya.
Either to love and seek one’s own, or not to love, allowing oneself to love, but without claiming the right to power, freedom and will.

* People from her have no trace of “climbing into her soul”, feeling insecure, joking around, trying to stream their emotions.: Vіdnosini is a very complex and richly-faceted topic, so the procedure for organizing the procedures is not easy. Take care and take care of all the results.

The skin type has potential, and as a result there are problems with the rules (it’s better to narrow down your personal horoscope of insanity).

It reflects the potential ability of the individual to independently fulfill his share.

We will always have freedom of choice, and this can help us overcome difficulties, as astrology suggests. In this article I would like to inform you about the insanity of human names with the names of Yuli. I have been reconciled more than once that there are a lot of riches in what lies due to the extent to which people share the same characteristic.

With this knowledge, you can understand how your couple will develop with your singing partner.

  1. Yulia and Sergiy
  2. What a couple maybe
  3. long time ago
  4. lose friends. It’s very simple to say one by one, and there’s a lot of room for it. They work for years, often doing the same hobbies.
  5. The initiative to open a love story lies with the girl, because she is decisive and clearly knows what she wants in exchange for a weak partner.

Things may not turn out well for this family.

Partners constantly compete for leadership and compete to see who is cool.

The woman does not dare to compromise, and the men will either completely unswervingly uphold their supremacy, or else they will become weak and turn into a henpecked man.

Only the mutual desire to make compromises to help save money will be lost at once.

  1. Yulia and Oleksiy
  2. These people understand the same thing from the proverb.
  3. Therefore, they are more likely to make friends, but they become closer and create families.
  4. And if they still rely on love and love, the couple will be even more meaningful and harmonious, since the partners have sexual goals, values ​​and reconciliation.
  5. What is typical for such a union:
  6. Yulia and Oleksiy will spend many hours in philosophical conversations, enjoying the unhurried exchange of thoughts.

With such a storm of emotions and escalation of passions, the couple does not experience.

Sex is far from their first priority; it comes before spiritual intimacy.

It is important for us to get to know each other as much as possible before getting closer.

The share of permanently controlled waters in their containers is checked for value, they need to be tested without treatment in order to be discarded at once.

  1. And if the stench is with honor to be seen here, their love will be even more precious and happy.
  2. Offended by adventures and unconventional living, they periodically violate family and moral standards, go beyond what is permitted, for which they are often persecuted and condemned away.
  3. The cohanna, which initially arises between them, grows stronger every day and reaches unprecedented strength.
  4. At the same time, there is no place for romance in the relationship, but there is also a lot of passion, it is understandable that the partner is a “soul mate,” and they are considered one and the same.

They can get boiled up, but they will make peace after letting the steam out.

Don’t give scandals any importance; for them it’s just an emotional release that doesn’t spill over into the day.

This family has two very strong individuals with the makings of leaders.

Ale, with this stench, don’t compete one with one, but start getting home, so it’s wonderful to come out.

Watch the video

Skripala and my daughter Yulia.

Previously, the journalists were sent to the Dzherel, so that the Skripals can now, as before, live here in the commonwealth of England.

The Telegraph's news reporters also said that Vidmova Skripal's public appearances may be due to her inability to reveal her true identity.

Yulia, they said, maintains contacts with some of her close friends from Russia, but has no plans to return to Fatherlandism.

Thus, the British side has not yet provided “any evidence of the integrity of” the suspects of Ruslan Boshirov and, moreover, they walked several hundred meters from Skripal’s booth and were confirmed at the house.

London never found out whether there was a security camera in Skripal’s booth or what became of the recordings from it.

In 11 thousand years of security camera recordings, British law enforcement showed the magnitude of just a few seconds.

“The unnamed “government authority” confirms that the British authorities “know everything there is to know” about the incident.

Tim is still not allowed to tell the public where they were and what they were doing [Sergiy and Yulia] Skripal after the French 4 Bereznia left the house directly to the Porton Down laboratory with their phones in the dark,” - go to a friend. The department also noted that after the incident, the Russian side was repeatedly not given the opportunity to engage with the citizens of the Russian Federation, as the British authorities grant Russian diplomats consular access to the Skripals and the entrance to the locality of the rest. Sergei Skripal’s old mother also never spoke to him or Yulia in the months that passed after the separation. “In this way, the citizens of Russia, Sergei and Yulia Skripal, are deprived of their violent behavior, and the relevant circumstances surrounding the incident have not been established. The circulation of news reports and the disappearance of experts is unlikely to help here,” summed up the representative of the Russian embassy.

Vice president

National Institute

development of the current ideology of Igor, commenting on publications

“Who can wipe this history from their fingertips?

About those who stink, live here, work, have changed their appearance... It has been said that Sergei Skripal is already important to know, so what to talk about?

What is entirely possible, people may no longer be.

Shvidshe for everything, but the preparation for the promotion of Sergei Skripal is left over, but the preparation for a new stage,” Shatrov said.

Finally, the Russian Ambassador to Great Britain stated that Moscow did not reject the necessary evidence from the British side until the investigation of the Skripals. “We also did not revoke the official title, and the reason is that we were not able to win over the Russian citizens Sergei and Yulia Skripaliv,” he said on the air of the TV channel “Russia 24”, saying that this is ruining People's right. According to the words of the diplomat, on the right, the move against Skripal was the dominant problem in the districts of Moscow and London in 2018. Yulia Zimova

- that intelligent woman is purposeful, organized, and is most often cold and streamlined before people. She gives great respect to intimate veins, and at the same time has an extremely romantic nature, as she dreams about

pure kohannya And we can sing for the sake of this miracle.

Vesnyana Yulia - a sensitive person, every good excuse has a fantasy and a feeling.

You want to love to create, create and develop in different ways.

It’s easy to get along with her, because she has a lot of friends.

People who want to start a family with her will not be easy, since they will have to share their love with numerous friends, which can become a real stumbling block.

Letnya Yulia Good, she has an inexhaustible supply of affection and patience, and will always show respect to loved ones..

In addition, this stone can be used as a love talisman, carried with oneself (in this case, burshtin will help to attract respect to the object of love).

Lapis lazuli

This crystal symbolizes prosperity, success and good luck.

normalizes body temperature;

reduces the severity of inflammation in cases of nervous and ophthalmic illnesses.


This stone symbolizes purity, purity and steel. It matters what the sapphire is, who speaks the truth, and who is unclean in their thoughts. With such a rank, it is impossible to fool those who wear a sapphire.


This stone symbolizes beauty, eternity, power and victory.

This jade will protect your ruler from the poisonous forces, and will also give you longevity

the family is prosperous

your lord.

Jewelry made of jade on a silver frame is protected from damage.



Lucky number for Yulia is 7 (you can read about the meaning of this number in the statistics).

Planet chi zirka


The element of Yulia and Povitrya (which means the intercession of this element, can be read in the article “The influx of elements, planets and numbers in people’s lives”).

Creature - symbol

The symbolic creatures for Yulia are the grandmother and the deer.


Grandmother is a symbol of grace, lightness, lightness and splendor.


This creature symbolizes humanity, human strength and living energy. In addition, the deer is a symbol of self-confidence and purity. In the Christian tradition, the deer itself is a symbol of Christ, who will hear the devil, who will protect him. Zodiac Roslina

Pleasant trees for Yulia: dormouse, grapevine and oak.


This tree symbolizes happiness and joy. The dormouse is stronger magical authorities

: So,

Sonyashnikova Oliya

And this life can be kidnapped in a meeting, resulting in inadmissibility.

© jmendozamatos/Getty Images


This metal symbolizes the transformation of the human soul, the search for truth and sense. Mercury is considered a feminine metal, which is associated with cold energy, instability and elusiveness. In addition, mercury reacts to

active activity

, pushing forward to the completion of great actions and the achievement of the assigned goal.

This metal is one of the main forces of the Universe.


This metal symbolizes justice.

It also harmonizes with extra space, forming a dry field where electromagnetic vibrations do not penetrate.

And it also enhances the psychological and physiological state of a person.

Happy days

This week is Wednesday.

It's time to rock

It’s a pleasant time of fate for Yulia – summer.

Homage to the name Yulia

Translation of name

The name Yulia is translated from Greek as “fluffy” and “fluffy”, and from Latin as “lipneva”.

History of the name

An hour passed, and when Julia had arrived at three times more than twenty years, the ruler realized that she was about to embark on a sea trade expedition with the countries of Galiya.

When they landed on the shores of Corsica (Yulia’s fatherland), the Lord of the Peasants was banished, and Julia was lost on the ship.

The robbers discovered that there was a Christian woman on board one of the ships.

Then the stench of Yulia fell asleep, and they themselves stole and wanted to embrace paganism. The stench roared and haunted her for a long time, but Julia bore all the torment, and then the robbers rose on her cross.

With his remaining departure from Yulia's body, the chanting angel, having become aware of him, fled in fear. You know, Yulia’s body was buried in one of the local monasteries.

The dungeon named after Yulia Angel's Day (birthday)

Sichen: 3, 9 and 15th.

Berezen: 17th.

Kviten: 2nd number.

Traven: 16th and 31st.

Cherven: 15th.

Lipen: 5, 19 and 29 numbers.


  • 30th and 31st.
  • Leaf fall:
  • 14th.
  • Breast:
  • 10th and 17th.
  • Patrons named after Yulia
  • Martyr Julia Vizemska.
  • Martyr Julia Nikomidiska.
  • Yulia Lazarevska.
  • Martyr of Ptolemais.
  • Martyr Amisiysk.
  • Yulia Moskovska.
  • Yulia Lazarevska.
  • Yulia Ankirska.
  • Martyr Julia V'yazemskaya.

Martyr Juliana.

Princess Yulia Olshanska.

  • Martyr Julia of Carthage.
  • Martyr Ptolemaiska (sister of Ptolemaiska).
  • Martyr Rosonska.
  • Martyr of Iliopol.

Vidomi people

  • Views of the actress named after Yulia:
  • Yulia Peresild;
  • Yulia Borisova;

Yulia Snigir;

  • Yulia Menshova.
  • Famous TV presenters named after Yulia:
  • Yulia Bordovska;
  • Yulia Belyanchikova;

Yulia Oleksiyenko.

  • Famous singers named after Yulia:
  • Yulia Volkova;
  • Yulia Nachalova;

Yulia Mikhalchik; Yulia Platonova.

Famous letters named after Yulia: Yulia Shestakova;

Yulia Zhadovska;

Yulia Voznesenska.

Yulia Lipnitska

There was a sound of re-magination, with which Yulia never knew about her benevolence.

The girl has a tendency to feel sensitive to other people's grief, which she perceives as pressure, which can lead to the development of depression.

Because of his kindness and sensitivity, it’s easy to make new friends, who are madly attracted by Yulia’s generosity.

In the world of adulthood, a girl develops new interests, new possibilities open up before her.

For a girl

Yuna Yulia is by nature the kind who always expects to avoid clashes and conflicts. He doesn’t like making new acquaintances, putting his respect on old trusted friends. She develops aristocratic manners, in which she gives prestige to simple walks with friends.

© Kichigin

There are moments in her life when she cannot overcome her emotions and stifle her ambitions.

Sometimes Yulia can seem soulless and a bastard for someone else’s misfortune, but in reality she’s just quietly accepting her feelings.

Zagalom is beautiful and, as a rule, stronger

garna girl

, which achieves great popularity among boys of the same age Ale to interact with representatives of a strong status is streamlined, decent and does not succumb to early hundred-hundreds.

Yulia is protected by a sense of pride, and her words do not diverge from her deeds, in which case she is ready to resign from the challenge she has taken on herself.

She is a moral woman with a strong and honest character, which is something that many people accept as being foolish in the face.


If Yulia’s body was to be in perfect health, there is no harm in doing so, she must pay special attention to the endocrine and blood systems.


In the world of adulthood, a girl develops new interests, new possibilities open up before her.

Julia looks for people with a strong and fierce character, who can stand up for themselves and take their loved ones and loved ones under protection. She never succumbs to the first feeling of stiffness and approaches the area with people carefully, being careful with her best judgment. Yulia’s man may be extremely patient and cook to the point of pedantry.

It's also no one's fault

Shkdlivikh zvichok

– Yulia does not tolerate sloppiness and views her man as a man of principles.


Julia’s heart is not so easy to win: she extorts a lot of respect from her boss, and that future man will have to try hard to win her heart.

Julia can have a happy marriage in the distance without too much disruption to her life.

She is a diligent lady of the land and always encourages her husband in all his undertakings.

What is Yulia’s plan to approach people who want to stay with their friends, including the housewife, who takes care of the children and keeps order in the house. Family News It is unlikely that Yulia will become the head of the family, but she will not give up her right to an absolute fate when making serious decisions.

Yulia, with her success, can be called her husband’s secret and secret guardian.

Yulia does not like to read (especially since the subject is not good for her), so she most often chooses a profession that will be just like her.


Basically, its activity is associated with contacts with people. So, Yulia would make a good lawyer, lawyer, flight attendant or psychiatrist. Businesses look to Yulia for success and achievements

financial well-being


In case of success, the enterprise guarantees only for the minds that it is prudently placed before the harvesting of kosts, and the power on the right ensures maximum concentration and economy among people.

Buried Yulia's main hobby is reading, because books themselves bring new life and spirit to her life.© Dean Drobot

Also, everything that is connected with mysticism and magic will be appreciated (Julia has always had mysteries and hidden chambers).

She has an active way of living, often going to

great sport

and achieve great success. Character type Psyche

Yulia is a non-conflict woman, who has a unique personality no matter how she looks.

She’s a little closed off, so she deserves to stick with her thoughts until the end.

But she doesn’t need anything, because Yulia is convinced that in reality the truth is not popular, and there is no need to waste your precious time on this.

Yulia's character in an adult recognizes changes, and not in

shortest b_k

, and it is connected with new changes in life, with which you, prote, cope with the power of her life.

The woman is a self-righteous and self-destructive woman, who can even beautifully “put a pill in her eyes” (often it is very important to doubt the veracity of her words).

And since Julia-Taurus completely convinces everyone that she is right, she inevitably speeds up her influx for good purposes.

She has great ambitions, to which the pressure and zeal are added, which will help her achieve her goal, no matter how utopian the stench would be.

Julia-Taurus will never go as planned, no matter what happens to her.

You should love generous people who give them gifts and feel respect, otherwise you are not ready to give everything to yourself without a spare. Yulia – Twins A frivolous, restless and slightly artistic woman, she is ready to play any role in front of anyone.

By nature, Yulia-Bliznyuki is an adventurer, who loves adventures and a more joyful, uncomplicated life.

The ideas and propositions of Yulia-Bliznyuki from now on I want to row the boats – they are original, but the work for their implementation is not in the mind.

If she thinks about something on the right, then we can sing to the one who left her without completing it to the end.

A proud, pragmatic and respectable personality, whose words never diverge from actions, and whose thoughts never sway. Yulia-Virgo strives to “stand on her feet” in her endeavors, and material benefits are extremely important for her. With people, she often gets involved in similarities, putting herself above others, which results in underground irritation.

Julia-Virgo is such a self-confident person who respects herself as charming and irreplaceable.

This tendency is driven to such an extent that people face extremely high costs. No one can please her, no one matches her ideal, and she loses hope in those who will appear in her life. perfect man

, For the sake of this, you will become such a soft and weak woman.

Yulia – Terezi

She is charming, soft, quiet, calm, and yet an independent woman who can charm absolutely any person.

It’s always a pleasure to get along with Yulia-Teresa, and even more often than not, just talking to her can eliminate a lot of hostility. You can attract a person to yourself; you can easily trust your secrets to her. unknown people


This is a solving, practical and slightly closed nature.

Julia-Capriga can think about it for a long time, first of all, work in whatever way.

If you take a practical look at life, you rarely have mercy on both the choice of a man and the choice of a profession.

Julia-Capriga does not like to betray her soul to those who are absent, and she will not go through other people’s problems either.

She lives in her strengthened world, in a place far from those closest to her.

The Yulia-Capricorn team chooses itself once and again, and loses its faith in any circumstances.

Yulia – Aquarius

She is a secretive and quirky woman, prone to depression.

It reflects the potential ability of the individual to independently fulfill his share.

Julia-Aquarius is gradually becoming inconspicuous and thoroughly develops the ability to possess and respect.

© Dzhulbee/Getty Images

If anyone tries to invade her inner light, she immediately withdraws everything.

Partners constantly compete for leadership and compete to see who is cool.

She doesn’t fuss and say everything she thinks in person, without worrying about her inheritance, so that the feeling with her will be unique. This person wants to be loving, generous and gentle in order to melt the ice in her heart. Yulia – Ribi

Sensitive, with imagination and endowed with excellent intuition, Yulia-Ribi’s nature allows her to accept life without any complications.

With whom Yulia is far from always in control of the Spartan calm Illa and her daring, and the people in whose union want to feel the excitement and tenderness that Yulia simply does not lose an hour.

Yulia and Vadim

In whose union Julia and Vadim can be truly happy, and even if they are more than equal to each other, and they have deep interests and values, their family is even more confused.

This is a rare occurrence when partners can be called ideal friends, brothers and fathers.

Yulia and Ivan

In the youth of Yulia and Ivan there is no constant and ever-fading passion.

It feels deeper and more meaningful, and is also based on shared interests and the desire to create value for the family.

For them, such warehouses are important as stability, calm and material goodness.

Yulia and Artem

We can keep this creative tandem away, or we can, on the contrary, not show it off and try it with the furnishings for an hour.

On the right is that Julia and Artem must take it easy to live, accepting all their gifts as carefully as possible, in which case they themselves especially do not hesitate to work in order to achieve their goal.

Yulia and Ruslan

Ruslan is his leader, who is the signal to control everything and everyone and support his will.

However, Yulia is not dominated by such a position, which is due to her romantic and free-flowing nature.

Rotating these hundred-year-olds can soften Ruslan’s character and Yulia’s memory can flatten her eyes to the shortness of her character.

Yulia and Kirilo

Respectful and reliable Valery will win the heart of the independent Yulia, sharpening her with passion and tenderness.

Julia told her boyfriend with boundless affection and love.

Together with Valery, she will be ready not only to forget about her career, but also to dedicate her whole life to herself and her children.

Yulia and Vasil

The impatient and active Yulia may one day end up living with the unpretentious and pedantic Vasily. If Yulia’s ambition is great, and she can “breathe” life into her partner, then such a union can become very valuable. If Vasily cannot adapt to the way of life of his other half, then you will simply find a replacement for him. Yulia and Mikita This is a hot and unexpected union of mutual rivalries: today Yulia and Mikita madly love each other, and tomorrow they passionately hate each other.

That's why

living room