Why do blacks have a large reproductive organ, and whites have smaller ones?

beauty and health A group of researchers from the University of Ulster, Britain, under the supervision of Professor Richard Lynn in the spring issue of Personality and Individual Differences published the latest research on the average age of the penis. in different countries

to the world.

In 2012, the income of the established official member of the average Russian man “increased” due to the past fate.

What’s more, the position in the ratings of 113 countries in the world, in which the majority of their full-time members died, has changed.

The found article member is among the residents of the Republic of the Congo, whose “human age” in the legal camp is 18.03 centimeters (in the middle).

On the other place are the Ecuadorians (17.8 cm), and on the third are the Mescants of Ghani (17.3 cm).

In Europe, the longest penis is found among the inhabitants of Iceland (16.5 cm), and the shortest one is among the Romanians (12.7 cm). The length of the average Israeli's penis is 14.38 cm. In Lebanon, this figure is 16.82 cm, in Egypt the average penis is 15.69 cm, in the Palestinian Authority - 15.08 cm, in Iran and Iraq – 14 each, 55 cm. The people of Turkey have an average length of the state body - 14.11 cm, Saudi Arabia - 13.8 cm, Yemeni - 12.72 cm. Inhabitant of Great Britain in the middle Mayat Penis, French - 13.5 cm. Sredvzhin Member in the Iliel -Terlandy - 15.74 centimeters, in the shivet - 14.98 cm, for Grezi - 14.73 cm, 14 - 14 48 cm.

Sered meshkantsiv

Kolyshny SRSR

The first place in this ranking is occupied by the inhabitants of the Congo, the average length of a member of the Congolese people is 17.93 cm. In another place are the Ecuadorians, whose human pride is 17.7 cm. In the third place are the inhabitants of Ghana 17, 3 cm. Quarter and p' between the people of Colombia and Venezuela - 17.03 cm.

And on the sixth place, people from Lebanon decided to give them information to the university.

In 2007, Rafika Hariri became 16.8 cm in height as a member of the Lebanese government. Jamaica is in 12th place, Brazil is in 15th place.

Among the European people, the leader is the Ugrian - 16.1 cm, ranking tenth in the world ranking.

Behind them are the French with a middle income of 16 cm (on the 17th month) and the inhabitants of the Czech Republic - 15.89 (22nd month).

Behind them are the Dutch – 15.87 cm (27th place) and the Italians – 15.74 (31st place).

The Germans stand up seriously – 14.48 cm.

In the post-Georgian space, people from Georgia are in the lead - 15.61 cm, followed by Belarusians - 14.63 cm. In Ukrainians, the average life of a state member is 13.97 cm, in Estonians 13.78 cm, in Azerbaijanis 13.72 cm, in irmen 13 .22, and in Russians – 13.21 cm. True, Americans have even less – 12.9 div. And this is not surprising - the remaining two extremes are divided into the most diverse populations, and the range of sizes, apparently, is significantly wider there.

Now let’s look at how to properly shave a penis in a healthy person and where you can work.

  • And as life goes on, the life of a state member naturally changes:
  • The smallest penis is born in newborns.
  • As time goes on, the member grows and matures.

The wine is usually formed only up to 18-20 minutes.

Therefore, the death of his birthday among representatives of all nations of the world (it doesn’t matter whether you are European or Arab) can only be felt after the completion of state maturation.

Otherwise, the results will be unreliable.

Changing the penis must be carried out at the site of erection, so that there is complete bleeding of the cavernous bodies.

It’s important that the room isn’t cold or stuffy.

The trace is drawn with a line along the back of the penis from the skin of the pubis to the edge of the glans.

You can also watch the video about how to properly observe the death of a member and such medical norms.

World statistics

World statistics

World statistics

According to the World Penis Average Size Studies Database, the average length of a penis in men in different countries can vary accordingly.

For example, the size of an African's penis is larger than that of a European, and twice as long as that of a Korean.

The average size of the penis in men at different ends of the table, folded in this way.

Residents of various countries may experience a significant increase in the age of their penis.

The table shows that the largest percentage of state members is among the blacks of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

As a matter of fact, the African continent occupies a leading position in the world behind this indicator.

They do not appear from the new and the edges of the New America.

Even further from Africa, the size of the penis in humans is smaller.

Don't forget that the birthday of the penis is not the most important thing for sex. Adje article member may still be obligated. And whoever is a girl can steal it.

Ale smut - the woman’s dough in a calm position measures more than 7-8 cm and stretches adequately to the size of the man’s penis.

  • Therefore, both the member of a European and the smallest member of a person from South Korea are completely suitable for successful sex, and they do not need to be further enlarged.
  • In addition, rich wives have a great penis, so you can call
  • sick people

during intercourse.

In this way, nationality madly flows into the size of a state member:

Africans, as a rule, have a longer penis, while others in the world have a shorter one.

  • For Europeans it is average. The smallest is among representatives of similar countries. If size is so important for men, it is not always important for women.
  • Also of great importance for intimate fluids is the reproductive health and sexual performance of the partner, as well as his relationship with a trusted woman. Officials, what is the size of the penis?
  • There are a lot of nuances when looking at the size of human fitness, so let us first note the following: Vaga. Pay in kilograms In the subadult, it may be negatively affected by the production of human hormones, which will lead to an increase in the size of the penis.
  • In an already mature adult, fat folds in the pubic area lead to a visual change in the size of the penis (sometimes the size of the penis increases by 3-4 centimeters), Mechanical injuries.
  • Another reason for the increased growth rate of penis size. A particularly dangerous process of rehabilitation - at this time, the metabolism of speech in the body may be disrupted, leading to improper formation of the body organ,

Bad beeps.

Alcohol and alcohol are the two most important enemies of the great “wands of the devil”.

There are three main races in the world – the Mongoloid (or Asian), the European and the Negroid.

The average size of the penis in the world of the great world depends on the person’s identity to the same.

Zagalom, it is important to note that, based on the results of the disappearance of low-reputable universities, the smallest members may come from Western Asia, and the largest are from the central regions of Africa, the last century The water content of the awakened bed exceeds 20 cm.

You can find the average parameters of the age of reproductive organs depending on the race in the table below.

Average penis size in the world

Nowadays, the food that we expect to grow up with is the average size of a member of the peoples of the world.

Starting from the 1980s.

A lot of research was carried out on this topic, from which thousands of boys suffered the same fate.

According to the data of French scientists, the statistical average for a state body is about 13.5 cm, which indicates similar dimensions to most Europeans.

However, these assertions are not entirely acceptable to Americans.

However, small capacities of similar dimensions tend to be lost among people of the same race.

So, I will answer the question about the size of the penis among the Chinese - 9.7 cm, which corresponds to the minimum indicators in the whole world.

It is entirely possible that such an unsatisfactory result is due to the advance of the advance of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire to love affairs with the inhabitants of other countries, which does not allow for a thorough analysis of the gene pool.

They don’t care about those who deprive the Chinese of a member of the beauty, they themselves are not even turbocharged by this drive. This has a lot to do with the position of girls from China - 85% of them are satisfied with the size of their penises in China. A little more than the size of a Japanese penis - the average dovzhin for the emperor's tributes becomes 10.5 div. Prote, due to the Europeanization of Japan, this indicator is growing - by other means, the majority of the Japanese penis has grown by about one centimeter.

This is the same situation with the size of the penis among Koreans - over the course of two decades, there has been an increase, or a steady increase in their organs.

On what background are the bags

Central Asia

look like fresh veletny.

The size of the penis among the Kazakhs, who are considered a transitional race between the Europeans and the Mongoloids, ranges around a very pleasant 13 cm. Representatives of the ancient nomadic peoples of Asia have approximately the same dimensions.

Representatives of human status from the Old World fit into the “golden mean”.

Their body parameters largely correspond to the statistical average and the size of the penis of Europeans is not to blame.

This figure for Europe is more than 13.3 cm, however, as compared with Asia, depending on the region, it can vary significantly.

Thus, the size of the penis in various countries of Western Europe slightly exceeds the norm and reaches 14 cm (as we know, all the reports about the different sizes of the genital organs of the inhabitants of the present day are not Here is a lower myth that stems from the overly sexual temperament of the Spaniards, Italians and Greeks) . In Germany and England, the dove is much lower - 13 cm. And the French and Swiss axis have similar European penis sizes - the average dove of human life in these countries more than 13.3 cm. More than a large European part

Radyansky Union

, then here the residents of Ukraine lead with little advantage.

The normal size of a member of Ukrainians in combat is 13.7 cm, which is 3 millimeters larger than that of Russians and Belarusians.

The average size of a member of the Eastern European region is inspiring

The culprit for the rules on the European continent is the Scandinavians, who have more human worth than the burghers of the western lands.

The investigators explain this with the help of different arguments, but the most convincing of them can be based on the fact that it is based on the similarity of the size of a member of different nationalities to their average size.

To be fair, people from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland are significantly more important than other residents of Europe.

Since the average growth of the human population for the continent is close to 177 times, then in Scandinavia this figure is close to 186 times.

The life expectancy of a member in various countries is also higher than the average European one.

The girth of the breasts is measured at the most protruding points of the chest and shoulder blades, the waist - along the natural line under the ribs, the waist - in parts of the butt that protrudes.

Important: All models of Korean clothing are presented in one size – Free size, which is suitable for women 44-66 and men – 95-100.

Type of sizes:

To convert the Korean size to the Russian one, it is recommended to use the subtype table.

Thus, human Korean sizes range from Russian – from 44 to 54, for women – from 40 to 50, for children – from 22 to 44.

Average size of human limbs around the world

The number of state members of the human population in 113 countries around the world was examined by researcher Richard Linn.

Ozhe! 1. It is not surprising that among the leaders behind this show, as before, the fiery and temperamental Africans are losing their positions. Found penis - among black-blooded people

Democratic Republic

Congo (its size is over 18 cm).

2. At the back there is a discatequador (17.8 cm).

3. In the third place - the population of Ganya (17.3 cm).

4. What length of European feather should the Icelanders have (16.5 cm).

5. And just recently, eels were smaller than humans (16.1 cm).

7. The average length of a member of an Italian macho, as well as a Dutchman, is 15.74 centimeters.

8. The Swede’s price tag is 14.98 div.

9. The Greeks and Germans barely caught up with the Swedes with 14.75 cm and 14.48 cm.

10. And the axis of the average Belarusian bag varies in size around 14.65 cm.

11. The English are waving their penises at 14 div.

12. French men – 13.5 cm.

13. Among the Romanians, by the middle of the day, human vitality becomes less than 12.7 div. Russian people are also in approximately the same range.

15. In India and Thailand and even less - 10 cm.

The intensity and vigor of sexual activity has been known for a long time, so the size does not particularly increase.

So, for example, due to special training among the female population, most of them were called the Brazilians who are the most beautiful in the world.

The other and third place was shared by the Spaniards and the Italians.

Even the average size of state bodies among representatives of these nationalities is far from leading positions.

    And, however, for the inhabitants of the African continent, which is of great importance to the state, they are far from being called the world’s finest Kohants, which it is time to bring up, the size of the significance does not matter.
    Depending on the size of the member according to the individual
    Doctor of Medical Sciences Stephen T. Chas appreciates that, following the Taoist theory, literally everything can be determined from an individual person, without even mentioning the age or size of the penis.

According to Dr. Chang, we can say with 90% certainty that: A long nose and long fingers allow the man's long penis to open. The middle member of those whose proportions do not match, if the similar nose and fingers have no proportions.

Just as the tip of a man’s nose is big, then his penis is big. Just as he obviously has a small penis, like a tit, then his penis is thin. The shape of the thumb predicts the shape of the penis.

Just as the finger is shaped like a “mushroom”, so is the man’s penis with a narrow stem and a wide “droplet” (head).


great toe

If a person has a tricutaneous shape, then his member will be like that.

Thick, fleshy lips on a man’s face are a sure sign of what’s in someone’s dick great dimensions between the acrylic and ring fingers of a person, the greater the influx of the human body hormone testosterone during the prenatal period and the greater the strength of the receptor for such hormones. In whom the growth of state organs is in direct proportion to the level of state hormones. New research

, before speaking, attributes the relationship between these fingers as a measure of the tendency to polygamy (monogamy or love of wealth), which is effectively related to the level of testosterone in humans.

Japanese and other methods for measuring the size of the penis

For other data, the investigators state that the norm is determined by the proportions of growth - the minimum wage of a full-time member is 10% of the growth of a person (before speaking, who firmly confirms that everything is right and wrong).

But everyone was surpassed by the riddles of a university professor from the Institute of Sexology in Japan.

The stench introduced the formula for dovzhni to a man’s genital organ.

The stench confirms that the size of the penis is directly proportional to the size of the nose and the size of the body.

For swelling, it is necessary to know the size of the nose (B), the length of the nose (C) and the thickness of the body (D), and the formula is: A = 35 (B + 3C)/D, where A is the length of the penis, which is what you are looking for.

For example, if a guy has a height of 44, a nose length of 4 cm, a body weight of 80 kg, this means that the length of the penis is A = 35 (46 + 3 * 4) / 80 = 25 cm (the size is amazing, however, which allows one to doubt Xia in certain formula elements).

At the same time, all the muscles that provide information about the size of the penises will become unstrained and immediately stretched.

Behind one of them, not in Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Asia, but here near Frankfurt-on-Main, and at the nearest turn in the axis-axis vineyard the famous Khmarochos-Olivets.

Otherwise, there is no Samsung or Hyundai nearby, and the Koreans have never been separated from their patriarchal tents, Buddhist temples and wooden hedgehog sticks.

Entrance to the night club The life of modern-day Korea retains countless unanswerable mysteries.

Most of them will not be solved for two simple reasons: foreigners are not allowed in their country, and the Koreans themselves simply do not celebrate them. It is possible that the structure of this ancient land rests on these two postulates. Like most “old” Russians, I have never been seriously interested in cooking. Addiction to delicious hedgehogs

In our country, weakness is respected, and the characteristic of “loving to eat” bars access to rich professional and political heights. Nowadays, cooking plays an important role in the development of businesses and innovations. In Israel, for example, for many years there has been a national debate about what constitutes the position of the average citizen of the country.

Well, the classics of similar philosophies are completely categorical: you are those that you are

. I would dare to add to myself that not only those, but how many fates you will live on this sinful earth. for a quick table setting.

It dawned on me that such a large number of plates and saucepans is not so easy to arrange. Therefore, in a special container, they carry the brew, served with herbs in the kitchen. The height of the container coincides with the height of the table at the deposit, carefully place the board with herbs on the table - a couple of seconds and the table is under pressure.

The guests, without hesitation, take the bait.

Walking smoothly, steadily respecting one grass after another, walking on the move, the most powerful acquaintances. Life system, life rules But there is no callousness, and the very process of active search, jumping from one plate to another, clearly brings them greater satisfaction.

For the number of times I've met, for example, I haven't been able to catch up with every Korean. Ale looks like everything is perfect.

I saw the first Korean protest through the republic of Dobi, at the last end of the pivostrov, in Ulsan. Guess three times, where did it happen? That’s right, in the cafe we’ll have a bite to eat with sweet buns and chocolate for the “Sinabon” drink.

I greeted the people like a friend, throwing off the camera, but hastened to return, deeply blackened and giving me a less than trustworthy look. It seemed that in today's New Year's Korea we were getting together - but it was even worse. Just like in the first place secondary school from that distant Radyansky childhood.

Buns, tsukor... That’s where I realized that the hedgehog himself had the answer. I started to put pressure on

From that hour until the end of our journey I believed through Korean cuisine and become respectful and weave.

The key role, without a doubt, is played by the kimchi itself. Before speaking, sauerkraut itself always played a key role in traditional Russian cuisine. Cream of cabbage, a little bit of meat, even less fish and seafood, like here, are unimportant in the outer country, and expensive, and not very good in their own right.

For example, initially dried fish is considered a delicacy, which is a shame for our understanding. It is practical not to eat bread at all - like in China. So the main emphasis, like the Chinese, is on various herbs, spices, seasonings and - rice.

Although the Chinese hedgehogs are rich in the bushes literally for the last few days, the Korean hedgehogs have not been careful during the trip.

Perhaps, everything on the right is in seasonings, the Chinese love to add licorice, but the Koreans, by the way, have a great rarity of licorice, everything is hotter, cut, salty.

Fresh delicacies are also cooked.

At the restaurant to the museum of traditional folk life

Near Seoul, we were delighted with the “local pizza” - a fusion of seafood, herbs and mysterious ingredients.

The bread is fresh, but very tasty, without any adjustments for the local flavor.

And if you believe EveryoneWeb's research, both of them are brazenly lying, and the average size of water for both Australians and Americans becomes 13 cm.

British women rated the members of their families the same as American women - at 16.9 cm. British men insist that they are equipped at 17.5 cm. How much is true?

14 cm is half the size of the display of a sixth iPhone.

Only Canadians agreed on both articles in the Duma and estimated the size of the members of their members at 18 cm. They also added that the real figure was 14 cm.

Many Indians underestimated the size of their penises compared to the thoughts of Indian women.

Male respondents named the figure 15.4 cm, and female respondents dropped to a figure of 16 cm. However, India actually includes up to 14 countries with the smallest members of the world.

On this list are the DPRK, the Republic of Korea (9.66 div), China (9.66 div), Thailand (10.16 div), Japan (10.9 div), and also Indonesia and Malaysia.

The list of the largest “large-caliber” people, according to these studies, includes people from Congo (18 cm), Ecuador (17.7 cm), Ghana (17.3 cm), as well as from Brazil and Colombia.

How can you really deal with the size of state members?

Unfortunately, it turned out to be quite difficult to name specific figures, even though most of the evidence is based on respondents’ questionnaires, and, as we have already realized, both men and women are lying in this regard.

To find out the truth, a team of scientists from the UK collected data from doctors about 15-521 people from different parts of the world.

The result showed that the average size of a erect penis is 13.12 cm, and in a calm state - 9.16 cm. And less than 5 people from every 100 years have a erect penis reaching 16 cm. strong sound There is a difference between the size of the leg and the length of the penis, so women may stop judging men based on their size. And people were told that everyday children and physical conditions have no bearing on the size and shape of the penis, other than genetics. The size of human goodness has burst into the minds of the fair half in all the hours.

Among women, there have been a number of myths and stereotypes about a man’s age, and some ideas about what can be significant behind the external signs of a man.

Is it really true?

Stereotypes about human age

  1. It is important that the size of the human reproductive organ
  2. depend on your race
  3. .
  4. And it’s true: according to research, the average human size is the largest among representatives of the Negroid race - the leaders in this indicator are the residents of Congo and Ghana (18 and 1 7.7 cm horizontal).
  5. Latin Americans were not far away, for example, among the human population of Ecuador, the average penis size was 17.5 divas.

What do European people worry about - in this part of the world the discord is simply colossal.

The largest people in Europe are Icelanders and Ugrian - 16.5 and 16.2 cm, obviously, but people from Romania cannot boast of their size - their average size does not exceed 13 cm.

In addition, the average statistical size of a human being was determined to be 13.1 cm. This figure was derived from the breakdown of the entire human population on the planet.

Myths about humanity

While there are many myths about what a woman’s actions are believed to be, the situation here is not so clear.

Perhaps all the myths about humanity have been scientifically developed.

Let's talk more about them.

The size is up

Many people confirm that the size of the “pepper” is exactly the same as the size of a person’s leg.

Having said that, you can estimate the size of the foot of any person.

Some adherents of this theory are based on the established formulas: the dove of the foot recognizes arithmetic operations, the result of which is the most accurate measurement of human fatness.

Prote research has shown that there is almost no connection between the sizes of the foot and the penis.

Stand between the great and flamboyant fingers

Another myth is that the size of the penis is the same between the tips of the great and vulgar fingers of the hand, which are divided in such a way that the hand makes the letter L. This method is based on the size of the findings by one well-known sexologist, and is more accurate. It is unknown how seriously this sexologist took his “discovery”, but the investigations developed this myth.

In fact, the size between the fingers of most people is not particularly noticeable, and it is approximately equal to the normal size of the human organ.


It is melodious that the size of people and the size of their penis determines a lot, respecting that long-term boys have a significant advantage.

It is better for the youngest members, their rulers, according to investigations, to live in the lands of Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Asia.

So, for example, the average length of a Chinese penis is only 11 centimeters, in India and Thailand it is even less – 10 cm. In fact, the smallest length of a man’s penis among Koreans is 9.7 cm.

Found in the world

The Mexican named Roberto Cabrera is today respected by the nobleman of the founding member - his birthday - 46 centimeters. This is, obviously, an anomaly, and not the norm, and people with such large members cannot possibly live normal lives. What

external look

can you tell us about the size

They respect that by looking at a man you can figure out the size of his penis.

It’s true, but it’s not entirely true, we insist forever.

However, in their words, having marveled at the penis in a relaxed state, you can understand what the size of the erection will be: in people of short stature, the size of the penis increases by approximately 100% with reactions, and for the largest people – less by 50 - 75%.

Chi important size

Many people think that the size of the penis has a lot to do with social life, but the size doesn’t really contribute to the intensity and bitterness of sex.

First of all, it is important that the most sensitive area of ​​the penis is located at a depth of 7.62 cm from the entrance, so that the member of such a woman will be completely sufficient to bring the woman’s satisfaction.

In another way, the experiments carried out among the women showed that the world's most respected people are the Brazilians, the Spaniards and the Italians.