Smt Luteve Amursk.

Repair Golovna
Suspicion: 10245589000
village of Misko type Lyutneve Miska settlement Settlement of Lyutneve Selemdzhinsky district of the Amur region: 676572
Coordinates: +7
: 52°27"07"" latitude 130°53"10"" longitude: 6000
OKATO code
Postal codes Telephone code Population
You can read more about the history of the village:
In 1896 there was a production at the warehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Empire, a resettlement administration was created to coordinate and organize the work of resettlement and distribution of land to the villagers.
One of these migrants arrived on the bank of the Krasnaya River Selemdzha.
The coldest month, with snow and snowstorms and blizzards, in the midst of displaced villagers, the name appeared by itself: the village of Lyutneve.
A lot of lutes took their fate from the Great

The Great Patriotic War

In the spring of 1980, the first landing party of the ShMD - 682 landed, the team numbering up to 600 people.
His forces were responsible for the Lyutneva substation, the Budinok connection, the main sewerage pumping station and much more.

His first kerivniki were: A. Petrikin, Ege. P. Kalagov, N.Ye. Malikov and in. Today there are close to 6,000 people living in the village – that’s more than half of the entire population of the Selemdzhinsky district.

Lyutnevyi is a 3rd class station, a great college with distances, electricity supply, signaling, centralization and blocking, a turnaround depot.
- Everything new that appears in the area is starting to come to Lyutnev,
- Head of the village administration Oleksandr Bespalov says. - We respect the self-sufficient municipal infrastructure and the indispensable subsidies, for the provision of taxes from salaried enterprises, we have much more income than in other settlements in the region. Today's work at the station is largely dependent on the preserved forests from the adjacent fields and the valuable acquisition of materials for the Malomir gold mine, which is located in the Selemdzhinsky district.і Instructed from Lyutnevsky to find the Ogodzhinsky birthplace of stone vugill..
It’s practically impossible to get used to it at once, if you want to lay the vugill here at least 3 billion tons. For large-scale development of the genus, the vigilance of the Lyutnevy vine is necessary. Investor inquiries are handled by both the regional administration and the district authorities.
The village operates organizations for the preparation and processing of timber (“Luty-forest”, “Li Chan Li” and others), 22 sawmills, a weather station;
three boiler houses;
The team of the Lute Distance is dedicated to its fellow sports and creative practitioners.
For 10 years, the PCH-26 team has been leading in various sports competitions. A small number of members of the fifth circle will achieve success in regional tournaments in mini-football, volleyball, table tennis and weightlifting. 2008 At the road sports festival in Vladivostok, the shlyakhovs rose to six

largest teams, and whose fate the lutes turned home from Tindy from the worm's battle. Already, for the most part, the role of captain of the PCH-26 team has been assigned to the foreman of the squadron, Yevgen Yatsik.

– We don’t have a huge sports complex, and we regularly run a school gym, and the team trains in the evenings, which is 20 people,

– says Yevgen Yatsik.


The rooms have modern furniture, the room smells of exotic plants, the chairs are draped with lifelike serverets, knitted by depot workers.

Great booth at the station, insurance for the population of the place, before moving the booth is half empty.

The head of the Tindinsky Distance of Civil Disputes, Sergiy Barkov, after looking around the area, expressed his ideas for the upcoming renovation and redevelopment of the station under the rooms for repairs for drivers and satellite offices. The booth itself will be renovated on the other side, where there will also be a medical examination room and a food room. In the other part of the station, where there is a buffet, they plan to accommodate driver instructors working at the depot.

From the basement area there is a gymnasium, here it is necessary to install a heavy hood.
– Previously, our waterways operated 15 to 20 trips per day to deliver locomotive crews from the depot to the station and back.

For the driver, after a work shift, it’s a stone’s throw to get to the booth at the station, which is located at the station,

- Oleksandr Mikhalev, head of the Lyutnev locomotive depot, spoke about the main challenge of the move.

: 52°27"07"" latitude 130°53"10"" longitude

1989 2002 2009 2010 2011 2013 2014
8816 ↘ 4690 ↗ 4863 ↗ 5128 ↗ 5132 ↘ 5029 ↘ 4945
2015 2016
↘ 4840 ↗ 4846

The river spent over a million rubles on the salaries of the drivers, the maintenance of the vehicle fleet and the supply of fuel.

Nina's values ​​have changed significantly.

The village operates organizations for the production and processing of timber (the companies “Fevralsk-Lis”, “Li Chan Li” and others), 22 sawmills, a weather station, three boiler houses;

over 60 trading enterprises.

The village also has a telephone line, a cable TV station, and 2 Internet providers.

Lyutneva is a great station in the Tyndinsky region of the Far-Skhidnaya Zaliznitsa.

This is where the track distance, the locomotive depot, the communication distance and energy supply, and the Lyutneva signal station are based.

The future settlements are connected with the blight, as well as with the harvesting of timber and a type of copalin on the territory of the Selemdzhinsky district.

Plans are made from the life of the widow's wife's neck 144 km to the Ogodzhinsky ugol family.


Through the village there are highways from the place of Vilny on the day of entry to Yekimchan on the way out, and there is a bus connection from Bilogirsky.

  1. Culture He has a school, a doctor's office, three libraries (one school, one school, one health center), a children's music and sports school, and a cultural center. Write a comment about the article "Luty" Notes Population
  2. . .
  3. . .
  4. Russian Federation
  5. By municipal authorities as of 1 September 2016
  6. .
  7. Revised 2 September 2014.
  8. All-Russian population census 2010.
  9. Population of municipal districts, municipal districts, municipal and rural settlements, municipalities
  10. settlements , rural settlements. Revised September 22, 2014..
    Verified on November 16, 2013. . Revised 27 February 2014.
    Pierre began to feel dissatisfied with his activity.

    Freemasonry, you know, Freemasonry, as we knew here, seemed to be different, based on one thing. He didn’t even think of doubting Freemasonry itself, but rather suspected that Russian Freemasonry had gone down a predatory path and had become disorganized. And finally, as fate would have it, Pierre went beyond the cordon to dedicate himself to the order in the deepest prison.
    In 1809, Peter turned back to St. Petersburg.
    From the lists of our Freemasons from those outside the border, it was clear that the Earless One caught up behind the cordon to take away the trust of the rich high-ranking members, having penetrated a rich hiding place, once established at
    higher step And to spare oneself is rich for the ultimate good of the Kamyanytsky justice in Russia. The St. Petersburg Masons all arrived before the new one, indulging in the new one, and it seemed to everyone that they were coming and getting ready.
    The meeting of the lodge of the 2nd degree was appointed, de Pierre promised to inform those that could be transferred to the St. Petersburg brothers from the higher ranks of the order.
    “The whole plan of the order is based on the creation of people who are firm, good-natured and committed to the common sense of reconstitution, which lies in the fact that through all efforts they can trace vice and stupidity and steal talent and honesty: to remove from the ashes people who died , bringing them to our brotherhood.

Goryachkina MDAKHI im.

Therefore, only our order to mother Vlad is to insensitively tie the hands of the patrons of the poor and handle them so that the stink does not mark him.