A sharp sword that smashes the mischievous chakluns.

  1. Repair and self-development
  2. 1. Vahid Abd-as-Salam Bali THE GOSTRIAN SWORD, ROZYUCHY chaklunіv of the mischievous MOSCOW | UMMAH | 2010
  3. 2. UDC 297 BBK 86.38 B20 Translated from Arabic Kurman Ismailov Editor Katerina Sorokoumova (Umm Iqlil) Bali, Vahid Abd-as-Salam B20 The sharp sword that smashes the chakluns of the mischievous.
  4. 4. The meaning of the word “sihr” (“chaklunnost”) in the Arabic language Al-Lays, saying that chaklunnstvo is an act that allows you to get closer to the shaitan and vikorize him.
  5. And according to al-Azhari, the basis of chaklunnism is a change in the nature of speech1.
  6. 6. The following methods are used by chakluns in order to obtain the help of the devils. Among the chakluns, such as putting Qur’anic leaves on their feet and going to the toilet, and such as writing Qur’anic verses with the help of other sewage
  7. Some people write Surah Fatiha in vain, and others pray in the camp of defilement, without being purified.
  8. 8. Allah Almighty said: “About the host of genies and people!
  9. Didn’t messengers come to you from you, who read My verses to you and preceded you on this day?
  10. 10. with them [after the consumption], the fragments are for your brothers." 9. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reports that the Messenger of Allah said to him: “I love you, you love sheep and deserts.
  11. 11. And we have believed in him, and we will not add companions to our Lord." Then Allah sent His prophet: "Say: “It is clear to me that a number of genies have listened...”.” This was the message in the Revealed words of the genies11. “Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “Angels were created from light, genies were created from half mixed with smoke, and Adam was created from what was told to you.”12 Safiya bint Huyayy (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Prophet said: “Verily, the devil flows from the son of Adam simultaneously with the flow of blood”13."Abdullah ibn Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever is among you, let him not eat with his right hand, and whoever drinks, let him not eat with his right hand, for, verily, the Shaytaan eats and sings with his left hand." 14. Abu Hurayra reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “There is no hungry newborn that the Shaitan has not injected, after which he begins to scream at his injection, after the blame of the son of Maryam and his mother.”15.
  12. 12. Anyone who has done something unacceptable to himself, do not spit over your left shoulder and ask Allah for protection from the devil, and you will not harm him in any way.”17.
  13. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “If one of you begins to marry, do not cover your mouth with your hand so that the devils do not kill him.”18 There are a lot of hadiths on this topic, and they are more than sufficient for people, the verse says And the hadith unfailingly proves that the jinni and the shaytan exist, and you will not perceive anyone, except for the people who have understood, firstly, who follow their own spirits and do not accept the faith of Allah.19 Proofs of the foundation Chakluns from the Koran Proofs of the foundation of Chakluns from the Koran Koran Almighty Allah saying: They followed what the devils read in the kingdom of Suleiman, Suleiman was not unbelieving (the angels) did not lead anyone, not 17 Fath al-Bari, T. 12. P. 283; 123.19 Marvel also at the book of the author “Wikayat al-insan mn al-jinn wa ash-shayatin”.
  14. 13. having said: “Truly, we are calm, do not become unbelievers!”
  15. 15. “We believed in the Lord of the world, the Lord Musi and Harun!”
  16. (7:117-122).
  17. 17. The Messenger of Allah went there with a group of companions, and when he turned around, he said: Aisha!
  18. 18. asking: “Who bewitched you?”
  19. 19. youmu.
  20. 20. Throw away those that you hold in your government, and do anything wrong with them.
  21. Truly, because of them, the Chaklun will not approach, and the Chaklun will not reach success, no matter where they come?”
  22. 22. In this hadith, the Prophet defended the chaklunism and the animal war until the chaklun.
  23. And the Prophet did not defend anything other than what is really dreaming. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: “She who drinks alcohol steadily, and she who believes in shakunism, and she who breaks her native ties will not reach Paradise.”29 The meaning of the hadith is that three can go to Paradise only after they have spent an hour in the Pekelny War, suffering punishment for their sins: The first: the one who steadily drank alcohol The other: the one who believed in chaklunnism vvazhav, scho charism exists on its own, and not by the will of Allah and His decree. Third: the one who, having deprived his relatives, does not associate with them and does not follow them. You can pour it in on your own. smell the foolishness and respect that it doesn’t exist.
  24. 24. Through her chaklunstvo, the stench is collapsing." The Almighty did not say that because of the chakluns' mischief, the objects thrown by the chakluns came to ruin, He said: "And I gave in to you..." He also said: ".
  25. 25. Muslim ceremonies (ijmu) from this drive. Well, before the rubbish of the “tazilites”, then after the ejection of the ancient devotees of the truth, there is no significance... The blasphemy was widespread in the past, and people talked about it, and nothing indicates that the companions and Colinya, what They worried about them, they felt them too much.” Al-Maziri said: “Characterism is a stated fact, and it, like other speeches, has a real basis.
  26. 26. let go that the chaklun knows the strength, the building, the incantation, the incantation that will lead to the rupture of relations”31.
  27. An-Nawawi said: “Characterity is coming.
  28. 28. Section of the third TYPES of chaklunism Types of chaklunism on the dumka of ar-Razi Types of chaklunism on the dumka of ar-Raghib Explanation of the types of chaklunism Types of chaklunism on the dumka of ar-Razi Abu "Abdullah ar-Razi, having understood that all types of chaklunism are : 1. (Ti , before whom the prophet Ibrahim wrote the messages, they worshiped the seven planets and respected that they shine with light and bring good and evil.) 2. The worship of hypnotists and strong characteristics. Navigation flows onto a person, making it easy to walk through the deck that lies on. earth, and it is not possible to create the same if it is thrown across the river or it will be interrupted. And doctors who protect someone who suffers from a nosebleed, marvel at the speech, and a patient with epilepsy - at the speech or turn around , to be afraid only for that, that people are easily inspired by.
  29. 29. Enough people know that it is not important to contact them.
  30. 30. It is impossible to sense the specific power of speeches, and the magnetism is visible to the naked eye.”
  31. 31. The ability to shed and grow the souls of people.
  32. 32. Widening the middle of people, and a lot of other things that are basically welcoming and subtle.
  33. All the same, we cannot be ignored by our investigator, since our missions include the indoctrination of the true chaklunism, if the chaklun confesses to the help of genies and shaitans.
  34. 34. cream of Allah Almighty. Then the genie punishes the warrior and tells him to listen to the pagan chaklun or replace him with someone else. Well, we understand that the relationship between the chaklun and the genie who serves him is subject to witchcraft and trickery.
  35. 35. - I will lose my Christian identity and will never accept Islam.
  36. - There is no advantage to religion, it is necessary to leave this woman. - I won’t go out again. are used for separating people and expanding the power of witchcraft between them, and chicken with a pleasant smell - for love spells or casting Chaklun spells.
  37. Then he begins to recite a pagan spell: he conjures the genie to make him a master and ask him for his favor for the sake of his warrior.
  38. 38. people.
  39. This came to Shihab az-Zukhri, and he said: “He slaughtered in a way that is not permissible for him, and inspiring people with something that is not permissible for him. The Messenger of Allah forbade the living of those who were slaughtered for gin.” 43. Imam Muslim transmitted є зі from Ali ibn Abu Talib, the Messenger of Allah said: “Allah cursed the one who killed not for Him.”
  40. 40. This method includes nevera and broad.
  41. 41. Somyi method: vikoristanya doloni Chaklun vikoristovaya little boy, who has not reached state maturity, for the mind of participation in a new ritual washing (voodoo).
  42. 42. Method eight: using the special speeches of the person Chaklun to ask the sick person to bring you something from his special speeches: a nose hood, a headdress, a shirt or something else from the smell of his sweat.
  43. 43. Koran, when you start speaking with your lips, say gin. There was no meeting whatsoever. And there were a lot of such episodes... It is possible that other methods of mischief may be discovered, but the stench is not visible to me.
  44. Signs that can be identified as a chaklun If the presence would like one of the signs below, you can again and again tell that there is a chaklun in front of you.
  45. 45. Division of fifths WHAT TO SAY Islamic Sharia about chaklunism Establishment of Islamic Shariat before chaklunns Establishment of Islamic Shariat before chaklun from people Scripture Chi is allowed to lift the chaklun spells by other chaklunnism Chi is allowed Channya of chakluns of mu"jiza) Establishment of the Islamic Sharia before the chakluns of Imam Malik saying: “ The charmer is the one who suffers and robs those who are not able to earn other people. He is similar to those about whom the Almighty said in His Book: “They knew that for those who have gained, there is no part in the rest of life.” I respect that the chaklun is guilty of suffering, as he himself was guilty of chakluvav”45. Ibn Qudama said: “The punishment of the chaklunov is death! ha, Junduba Ibn Kaba, Qaisa ibn Sa, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, and the thought of Abu Hanifi and Malik. 45 Al-muwatta.
  46. 46. ​​Al-Qurtubi said: “Fakihs were in thoughts about how to deal with a Muslim chaklun and a chaklun from the people of the Scripture (winter) 46.

Malik respects that as a Muslim, having cast a curse himself, he casts vikory spells in order to take revenge on the infidel, whom they suffer without exposing themselves to another kayatt. This kayattya is not accepted, because, like a hypocrite and a lover, we can hide behind it, and because Allah Almighty calls chakunism evil. He said: “The angels (angels) did not lead anyone without saying: Verily, we are at peace, do not become unbelievers.”

This is how Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abu Saur, Ishaq, Ash-Shafi and Abu Hanifa are respected. Ibn al-Munzir said: “As people know that they have created chaklanism, victorious spells to take revenge on the words of infidels, they are guilty of suffering, since only they do not repent. and the fact of the vikoristanny of the Chaklunsky spell was established, which take revenge on the unbeliever. Since his spell did not take revenge on the evil spirit, it is impossible to squander it. given to you navmisne.] Since harm does not require payment, it is subject to compensation (action)” 47. Ibn Kasir said: “Those who respect the chakluna of the unbelievers, rely on the words of the Almighty: “If they believed in Allah and were God-fearing...”. This thought is transmitted from Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and a group of righteous 46 Winters - human Scripture, which lives in the territory of Muslims and is under their intercession. 47 Al-Qurtubi.

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  • Sheikh Wahid 'Abd al-Salam Bali is a prominent scholar, hafiz, author of dozens of books.

  • Among these books, the place that never stops is “The sharp sword that smashes the mischievous ones.”

    This book is written on the basis of the special evidence of the sheikh, who has not only won various types of blasphemy and the ways of fighting against them with the help of Qur’anic verses, but also saved people from the important consequences of blasphemy and street.

  • In addition to the description of the mechanism of action of chaklunnism and the methods of protection from the book, we will look at authoritative Muslim teachings about chaklunnism, as well as differences from the practice of the author.

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    Dua is welcome, for the help of any person we can maintain a connection with the Lord - the Creator of everything.


    Prayer is omnipotent through the omnipotent God who lives in it.

    Vaughn is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word God.

    Sell ​​your clothes and buy a sword , And he said to them: If I sent you without a bag, without a bag, without a bag, why are you short?

    They said: no problem.

    Decide, my brothers, to appreciate the Lord and the power of His power.

    Let us fight in the all-created God, so that you can stand against the approaches of the devil, because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against the authorities, against the rulers, against the world rulers of this dark age, against the spirits of evil in the high places.

    Why accept God wholeheartedly, so that you can pass through on the evil day and, having all bowed down, stand up. Now, stand, having strengthened your legs with truth, and having buckled under the breastplate of righteousness, and having raised your feet in readiness to preach the gospel of light, and most of all, take up the shield of faith, by which you can extinguish all the furious arrows of the evil one, And take up the salvation of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.


    And whoever has truly embraced the world strives, throwing off the earthly burden, indulging in worldly desires, such as bodily pleasures, fame, authority and human honors, and departs from the world with all his heart Whose, that, if the Lord helps him with his obvious feat in secret , the world has expressed will in the world, and if in general, then. Having established herself in body and soul and constantly being at the service of the Lord, to know her support, her hidden passions, her invisible fetters, her hidden struggle, her hidden struggle and her hidden feat. And in this order, having received from the Lord, having received the spiritual armor from heaven, as the blessed Apostle counted:

    the armor of righteousness, the nakedness of salvation, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:14-17),

    And having become armed with them, we will be able to overcome the hidden approaches of the devil in the deceits that arise from them;

    having added to yourself with prayer, patience, prayers, fasting, and most of all, faith, in the spirit of fighting against the cobs, power and peacemakers, and in such a manner, having overcome opposing forces for the harmony of the Spirit and for the power of power And in all honors, will become a year of eternal life, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    To you be glory and power forever!

    Amen. The soul takes away the spiritual sword through faith and its greatness rarely come to us, and then inadvertently begin to crumble and burn, even though we have not given anything to the drive before, so you know that the most powerful demon has taken over us and has taken the place of the one who icon of his evil. Bachachi tse, rozum, let him go to the Lord, and having accepted She was saved, having taken up the armor of righteousness, having obtained the sword of the Spirit, having lifted up the shield of faith (Eph. 6:14 – 17) And looking at the sky with tears, let him say: Lord Jesus Christ, the power of the goddamn (Ps. 139:8). Cover your ear to me, hasten to reveal me: be in God's God and in the corner of the house, so that you can betray me(Ps. 30:3).

    Especially with knowledge and wonder, don’t let your sword shine with brilliance.

    Even if you want to endure for many more days, being fought and scorched by the fiery arrows of the evil one, this demon will gradually become the same as his successor, and will subside until the next best one arrives. replacement of yogo.

    Abba Isaiah They obtained the sword of the spirit, and they slaughtered the flesh. Axle of the new and old people! Whoever loves his soul, so as not to harm it, should do justice to the new people in power. If this short life seems calm, those who are in power over the old people should be afraid; Let us destroy our soul. Our Lord Jesus Christ, revealing His new man in His body, saying:“If you love your soul, destroy it, but to harm your soul, for my sake, comes Yu" (Ivan 12:25; Matthew 10:39). In the Lord is the light, and in Him “Destroy the middle wall of the fence” (Eph. 2:14). Ale Well Even: “Peace will not come into the world, but a sword” (Matthew 30:34). ta in. (Matthew 25:34). Those who have lost their souls in this short-lived life will not only find them in the hour of need, but will also take away the cities, and, moreover, immeasurably larger ones, but they will also be lost. However, those who, having given up their duties, are about to satisfy their souls in this century, involuntary sin, and rely on their vanity wealth, do not care about the commandments of God, they think to live forever in to whose world, and on the day of judgment they will be seen as rubbish and blindness. my; And like the damned goats, they sense the terrible sound of the Judgment: “From the curses of the eternal fire, the preparations of the devil and his angel,”

    ta in.

    (Matt. 25: 41, 42). Then their lips will be blocked, and they won’t know what to say about their unmercifulness. I want to say:“Lord, if I see you greedily, I will not serve you” (Matthew 25:44), but they will be told at the testimony: Who created one of these who believed in Me, creating Me (Matt. 25:45). A bad sword, which is the Word of God

    As Pavlo said, he saved us so that our enemies would not give us harm, but now he gives us the protection that we ourselves can use to cause great harm to our enemies.

    Well, he alegorically calls the sword of the Spirit, either the Spirit Himself, or the spiritual life with which the head of the dragon scolds. This spiritual sword is the word of God, that I will command..

    Stock up immediately with the all-powerful reserve - prayer, immediately begin to act on it.

    Prayer is omnipotent through the omnipotent God who lives in it.

    Vaughn is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word God.

    Prayer, in its essence, is the experience of people with God and the union of people with God;

    What is the spiritual sword, the Apostle himself explains, seemingly that this is the word of God, so that God opens the word.

    How one can defeat the enemy with such a word, showing the Lord Himself, if, in the desert, all the intricacies of the devil are thwarted by the sword of the word of God.

    To take such a sword means to know the riddle about the Divine words and at the right time to take them out of your heart, in contrast to the devil’s influences. The mind of such a person is not only faith and love for the word of God, but gentleness for a new life. As soon as such a camp is vibrated by the grace of God, then the one who sees the kohan and the deed of the word in the new bears and the grace-filled power that burns the enemy.

    Accomplished fighters against the devil - ascetics - it seems that if in a time of tranquility you begin to read psalms, and especially those that talk about tranquility, then you will immediately know that we know that the wind has died. Actions seem to be: Take away from your memory the worded Scripture against all addictions, and if you are worried about something, guess and read out loud, as much as you can, from what you have said, and you will come out with peace of mind.(τοθ πνευματος - Spirit) The Apostle called the spirit of the Spirit, for which a spiritual person defends the devil and draws him in. “The thought is that a spiritual person, in which the grace of the Spirit began to clearly act, from the purification of addictions, takes away special power from demons. - Why do we say: in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I punish you

    go and who will not come,

    - and keep running.- This is the vitality of the Spirit. The fire of the Spirit will burn them. Christians will thoroughly understand that such power was due and owed.” - Why are you not understanding, Apostle? This idea, among others, is suggested by Ecumenius and Theofilakt. Our life is a spiritual war Our struggle is silent to the point of blood and flesh, and to the cob, and to power, and to the world-ending darkness of this age, to spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12);

    so the very armor of our army is not physical, but spiritual, built upon the ruin of a firm spell (2 Cor. 10:4), as St. also writes about. Apostle: For this reason you must accept all the goodness of God, let you resist on the fierce day (Eph. 6:13). Vіn order to overcome the truth, to be drawn into the armor of truth, to put your nose to the clarification of the Gospel of the world, to embrace the shield of faith, in this you can extinguish all the fires of the evil one, and to snatch away salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, so This is the word of God (Eph. 6:14-17) . Armed with these armors, it is necessary to approach the husky with great humility, and not with arrogance, and since the husky is necessary for those who want to be saved, then the wise Sirach will remind:

    You guessed from your writing that God no longer sees people as the vindicator of a military title, in which case the people who, in your opinion, are forced to vacate without a good conscience.

    Since this point is important, then we need to think about this more clearly.

    Our life is a spiritual war against the invisible spirits of evil.

    The stench overwhelms us with our predilections and urges us to obey God’s commandments.

    If we take a closer look and look at it with respect, we will know that in spite of any addiction there is a medicinal commandment that extends to it, and the enemies are trying to prevent us from getting to this medicinal duty.

    At your page you will guess about the important likes and dislikes of our savior’s hater.

    He, through His holy word and through the honor of our spiritual fathers, awakens us to the end and confrontation with the likes of sorcery and appreciates His grace, and if every day and a thousand times someone has accepted, it is not their fault to be deprived of the feat of which St.

    John Climacus even mercifully encourages in 26 Words about the world: “The nonlinear soul debates the likes of demons against itself;

    With multiplication, likes and likes will multiply.

    The non-spreading adversaries do not take away the crown.

    And whoever is fallen, who is being trampled, does not lose heart, he will be praised by the Angel as a good warrior.”

    So, don’t scold, but drink, stand and lie down at the stronghold of humility, inaccessible to everyday men, behind the word of St.

    John Climacus, and you will find calm after the storm and the forest that comes to you both in the middle and in the middle.
    The fight against addictions is necessary: ​​because darkness and addictions darken our spiritual eyes, so as not to spoil the Sun of Truth, Jesus.

    Know that you, living in the monastery, are in the field of likes, like a spiritual warrior, and you accept wounds and achieve success, and when you move away from this field, you no longer care for your likes and think in peace , ale hibno, because you can soon change in a fierce storm. The fourth righteous caliph» by Vahid Abd-as-Salam Bali was rated by Book Guide and has a reader rating of 6.62 out of 10.

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