The meaning of the myth. Specific features of archaic mythology

Most of us know ancient Greek, Scandinavian, similar myths from childhood. Fantastic facts, originality of plots, powerful heroes, which are their elements, will be remembered throughout life as part of the historical past, current myths and mythologies do not cause special difficulties for children. There are fairy tales, the guesses of ancient people who knew nothing but tried to explain everything. However, the meaning of the word “myth” is not so simple. Behind the familiar plots lies the whole world.

Explanation of real conditions

The meaning of “myth is a reflection of the light of its creators” may seem surprising. This analysis of the wealth of historical declines of various peoples allows us to talk about its correctness. For young people, mythology served what science does today. Vaughn explained the carnage of the exhibits, the tiredness of the norms, the days. The peculiarities of the mythological understanding of the world are grounded in the nuances of the world’s understanding of the people of a particular historical period.

Images, names and descriptions that are popular among the people, the phrases were used to explain real events and situations, as well as social norms.

The basis

The peculiarities of the world that can be used to describe mythology with a symbolic system to describe the world can be traced back to the present day:

  • the existence of the possibility of actually seeing the supernatural;
  • low criticality, which is reflected in ignoring obvious losses;
  • Only the cob rhubarb can understand the development of the abstract;
  • sensitive-specific knowledge;
  • imagery;
  • emotionality.

These and other features of the primary worldview equate mythology to the modern world.

Head's belongings and unprotected law

The word “myth” may also be more meaningful: it is a special concept that solidifies a different system of values ​​and explains its appearance. Our distant ancestors had ethical and rich teachers who punished one another type of behavior at a specific moment. The entire world was replaced by mythology. She herself was a mighty jerel, the water from which the soil was prepared from the developments of philosophy, science, and literature.

The skin of the predecessors, who took up the topic of myth, looks at it under another lens. Thus, one of the most important scientific concepts was created by A.F. Losevim. The author describes the subject of his research in explanatory and cognitive functions. According to Losev, the main myth sounds like this: a myth is a kindled magical power. This is a fusion of ideas and sensitive images, expressions and meanings in one word - im'yam.

Myth and religion

Mythology and religion are not the same. They appear to be exactly the same, but closely interact with each other throughout the history of mankind. Mythology, as a concept of light, includes religion, as well as primary philosophy and knowledge. Whose sense is primary. Myth appears in a specific image or religious ritual. So it becomes not a formal ritual, but a dance, a song, or other ritual activities. However, this is not the end of the relationship between the two structures. So called cult myths serve to explain rituals. They appear often if the cob sense is spent. Such myths are secondary to ritual.

Myth and literature

In order for the meaning of the word “myth” to become clearer, it is important to distinguish between these concepts and controversial ones. Among them is a Kazka, a legend. The first two disappear from myth. The Kazka, to a lesser extent, has an etiological function (it does not reveal what is going on), and is often provided with a clue. Reports and rumors about the unreality of what is being described. The myth stems from the process of uninformed creation. This place is taken “as it is” and is never in doubt.

The main contribution, which was built up by mythology before the epic, is the image of a cultural hero. On its basis grew a lot of characters familiar to us. In the world of “pre-heard” epics from archaic to “progressive” forms, some of the mythological elements are changing.

Legends are most often based on historical ideas. The difference between the myth and similar evidence is quite clever. Stories about various episodes of history must be closely intertwined with stories about the life and activity of the gods and other fantastic elements.

The recognition of mythology as the ancestor of literature, in this manner, is entirely fair. On this basis grows many familiar genres.

The meaning of the word “myth” varies widely among different authors. All descendants agree that mythology is a significant layer of culture, producing rich information about the past of humanity.

People often ask, what is a myth and why do myths arise from fairy tales? The Cossacks are a clue to history, but what is revealed in them did not really happen.

A myth is a paraphrase that an entire people can believe. Ancient people were deeply amazed at the extra light and tried to give their explanations to the phenomena that were happening. They realized that nature can be controlled by powerful forces, such as the disturbance of the fruit-bearing earth, the cry of earthquakes... The ancient Greeks tried to explain the hidden secrets of nature with the help of myths. The stench gave the gods human appearance and character. The gods cherished everything that existed on earth, and people tried to appease them, built temples in honor of the gods, and ruled the saints. The ancient Greeks settled the head gods on the largest mountain in Greece - Olympus, and called them Olympians. The Olympian gods still live among us today in sculpture, architecture, musical works, and artistic canvases. This is history that needs to be known. If a child is familiar with the myth, it is easy to see the wondrous, fantastic facts on the facades of everyday Petersburg buildings and gardens and parks. Myths encourage children to differentiate between good and evil, awaken emotions, and help them understand that all the peoples of the Earth have a rich bond among themselves.


Forward view:

What is a myth? (stattya)

Myths are often called Cossacks or Nebilites. It's not like that!

The Kazakhs know the history that they have in reality. This is pure guesswork.

A myth is a paraphrase that an entire people can believe. There are numerical studies devoted to myths and mythologies. A lot of mythological stories have been preserved in letter view, at sculptures, at babies. And until now there are no more unsolved mysteries and controversial facts.

Why do the myths continue to wail and enchant us? Why have the stench survived centuries and reached the present day?

Ancient people were amazed at the amazing light, listened to its sounds and gave their own explanations to the phenomena that were seen in nature. They realized that nature can be controlled by powerful forces that destroy the fruitful soil, force sickness on people, and cause earthquakes. What is this strength?

People were deprived of a lot of food without the virus.

Therefore, the ancient Greeks tried to explain the secrets of nature with the help of myths. Myth is a mirror from which people looked for themselves.

The stench depicted the action of spiritual essences, which were perceived with the primary sense of reality. Ancient

The Greeks populated the mountains and valleys, forests and streams with gods, giving them a human-like character.

The gods collected everything that happened on earth and descended to people to help them or punish them. All these facts constantly helped people in bestiality and agriculture, in agriculture and trade, in war and peace.

Ancient people played tricks on their gods. They believed: in order to overcome the dashing, you need to appease the gods. Therefore, in honor of the gods, temples were built, saints were worshiped, gifts and sacrifices were made, poems and songs were formed.

People settled the leading gods on the largest mountain in Greece - Olympus, and called them Olympians.

According to the tributes of ancient people, gods and people lived in the same world and constantly fought with each other. Sometimes deities took love with mortal people, and their children became heroes!

The heroes were endowed with supernatural power. They forged the will of the gods of the earth, established order and justice. All the heroes, in the presence of the gods, were granted immortality.

The most refined and richest of all the gods was the thunderer Zeus. Zeus was even more generous, and he was always favored by goddesses and beautiful mortal women. What kind of tricks did the Supreme God resort to in order to conquer his kingdom! To achieve his aim, the cunning Zeus managed to change his appearance many times in order to fall in line with the kohana. Before Europe he stood in the image of a bik, Lady appeared as a swan, and Diana appeared as a golden plank.

In the legends Olympian gods I'm leaving without a soul unexpected origins. Among them are miracle nymphs and terrible monsters. Like people, like horses - Centaurs, things that are wild and ungainly. Drinks, drinks - Lilacs, which lure sailors with their beautiful song and destroy them. One-eyed cyclopses, big-headed dragons, fierce gorgons and snakes have a hair that turns everything alive into stone. The three-headed dog Cerberus, who guards the exit from the kingdom of the dead. A griffin with golden wings, an eagle's head and a left body. A greedy miracle with the head of a woman, the coat of a majestic lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a beak - the Sphinx.

St. Petersburg was made of mythology.

The gods and heroes of the ancient world will leave us here. This is history that needs to be known. There are also images of ancient gods in the Summer Garden in sculpture, in the embellishments of the monasteries, and in painting. The knowledge of myths is of great importance in the secular mystical culture. The level of illumination of people is determined by their focus on the works of architecture, sculpture, painting, and music.

Therefore, I respect this topic as very important and necessary.

Myths help children to differentiate between good and evil, awaken emotions, and help them understand that all the peoples of the Earth have a rich bond among themselves.

Vikorystovuvan literature:

Legends and myths Ancient Greece. Mikola Kun - St. Petersburg "Parity" 2007

Myths and legends of the peoples of the world. Children's encyclopedia "Swallowtail" 2004

Parallel mythology John Francis Birline "Cron-Pres"

Moscow 1997 r.

Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia "Radian Encyclopedia" 1980

1. In the translation from Greek it means a similar story, a history that may be unknown or impossible to verify, and is part of the tradition of the culture of a group. It is necessary to place a special explanatory component that somehow relates to historical concepts that are especially important for that culture. In Jungian theory, myths became one of the objects of analysis of the collective unknown. 2. Hibne, they are not supported by anything, but are wider than reconstituted.


What emerges from the early stages of history is a form of light-gazing that appears in reports and reports.

Similar to Z. Freud, myth is the basis from which individual can emerge from mass psychology. The first myth was psychological, heroic; An explanatory myth about nature, perhaps, will come much later.


myths) M. - these are the retellings of ancient peoples who lived in primitive, pre-rational, pre-scientific societies, which represent their attempts to know the types of such serious nutrition, which praise people as the creator of the world, life, death and rebirth, - naturally, From the acquisition of supernatural forces, ancestors and heroes. For psychology, M. appear to be significant as a source of materials that enrich our understanding of people. Behaviors. There is no single theory, no matter how important, that would thoroughly explain the entire spectrum of M. or one M. Z. Freud said that M., like a dream, is the royal road to the unknown. K. Jung asserted that M. represents the innate collective ignorance of universal symbols and archetypes, and not a particular ignorance. also Literature and psychology R. Zaslow


Myths attempt to explain the important understanding of the phenomenon (pvistrauss, 1958). Myth, as a rule, develops into history or phenomena that are simpler to experience. We need images to think.

With the advent of hypnosis in the world of science, there was a ferocity of images, metaphors and myths with which the names of great pioneers were closely associated. Actions of myths are crossed codes, introducing unnecessary understandings; for example, the myth about obsession and subordination to the ruler. “Myths are active elements of hypnosis” (Godin, 1991).

The images, however, fit well with the technical mythology of our era; Its advantage lies in the fact that the therapist’s voice does not stink: “Your brain works like a computer. You can learn to take into account the aspects of your “I”, close up, and tune in to those that will leave you present moment. Now your energy is being used for internal work... Your brain can generate guesses that you are not aware of... You can turn on the program search solution without transmitting it to your screen. , etc.


ancient stories about the life of gods and heroes, the creation of the world, the behavior of people and creatures, the origins of rituals.

The development of psychoanalysis was accompanied by S. Freud’s beasts before the myth of Oedipus. Zokrema, from the sheet of V. Fliss (1858–1928), written on June 15, 1897, he discovered that the Greek legend about Oedipus had faded. The work “The Dark Dream” (1900) emphasizes that “the myth about Edipnik is based on the latest material of the dream, which in its turn replaces the grave discord between the drains and the fathers of the first rocs. I feel it.” Speaking about the fact that fathers play an important role in the childish mental life of all psychoneurotics, the founder of psychoanalysis emerged from his position, which is why psychoneurotics play a very important role in their friendly and witchcraft tales of one hundred percent of their fathers. There is a picture of excess that is intensely and clearly observed in most children. In order to confirm the truth, ancient times have commanded us “an extremely complex myth, the depth and all-important significance of which becomes reasonable only after the addition of establishing the obscurity of the viscousness of the guesswork of child psychology.”

In his further research and therapeutic activities, S. Freud repeatedly appealed to both the myth of Oedipus and other myths that illustrate various psychoanalytic ideas and conceal To the best understanding of the nature of mental illnesses. This beast before the myths found its reflection, contemporaneously, in such works as “The Mythological Parallel of a Plastic Intrusive Manifestation” (1916), “Lectures on Introduction to Psychoanalysis” (1916/17), “About Making Fire” (1932). As the founder of psychoanalysis in the work “About making fire”, in myth the gods are allowed to satisfy all the desires that people may have, for example, the desire for incest.

In the world of the formation and development of psychoanalysis, many predecessors inherited the example of S. Freud and concentrated their efforts on the investigation of ancient myths. Thus, O. Rank (1884-1939) in his work “The Myth of the Hero’s People. Evidence of the psychological corruption of myths" (1908), noting that nutrition about the approach of myths to the activities of fantasy should lead to the first place, and also by characterizing the myth as a paranoid insight and armchair, that the myths he reviewed about the hero “rich people in their daily lives are running with manic ideas a singing stake of mentally ill people who suffer from delusions of reexamination and delusions of grandeur, about paranoids.”

K. Abraham (1877-1925) published the work “Dreams and Myths. The Drawing of Collective Psychology" (1909), in which he analyzed the myth of Prometheus, made an analogy between the myth and dreams and stated that "the myth is a lesson from the experienced spiritual life of the people's childhood" and so on. o “the skin people have found the beginning of their origin in myth , which wonderfully recalls the lighthouse ideas about the journey of the mentally ill.”

In the works of O. Rank and R. Sachs (1881–1947) “Psychoanalytical investigation of myths and fairy tales” (1913) it was stated that psychoanalysis as a proponent of the method of dispelling myth, and its underlying necessity an explanation of its additional meaning, which is unknown in the hour creation of myths. According to her, psychoanalysis is being replaced by a more superficial approach to genetic research, which allows us to “see myths as a change in the excesses of fantasy of entire peoples.” Myth is not an individual product, like a dream, nor is it so stable that it remains solidified, like the spirit of mysticism. “The creation of a myth is a process that will never end and will continue with the coming generations to their religious, cultural, ethical level, or, in my psychology, to this stage of the world.”

Subsequent psychoanalysts also placed significant emphasis on the development of myths and the development of their material in their interpretative activities in the process of analytic therapy. In modern psychoanalysis, in the center of consideration of this re-interpretation we find such mythological elements as the myth of Edipus and Narcissus.

Pavlovets Mikhailo Georgiyovich.

Required for the course: “Introduction to the theory of literature”


Functions of literature as a type of mysticism:

1. Cognitive (gnoseological, cognitive). Litra, as a type of mystique, is a special form of reasonable reality - external and internal (inner light chola). The interpretation of reality is possible in a variety of ways - evidence (in practice), scientific (objective - hypothesis, experiment, proof, etc.), revelation method (knowledge is given by fire). The artist and writer creates an image. But it is not the object itself that is the world, but a model of the phenomenon of light, it models reality, it creates a model of the world. This is parallel to reality, mystic.

Reference group - people, to be honest, have deep interests. The reference group is a number of significant others, who think about the initial characteristics of direct contact, and who think about their assessments, ideas and principles.

Anything becomes literary only if it becomes accessible to marriage.

Reader is afraid to read the text of the book.

Tvir is a message from the future.

Psychotherapeutic function.

Creativity helps people get rid of specific psychological problems. Often the writer indulges in some nasty tricks. The writer symbolically experiences the plot.

3. Aesthetic. The specificity of the literary text is the most aesthetic function (in the realm of scientific, philosophical texts and others). Gives more aesthetic satisfaction. A more aesthetic experience is the experience of thinness in all its fullness. Vigadan, you figuratively experience as real what is happening here and at the same time with you. Naive realism is the undividedness of the aesthetic experience of the real, the experience of the unreal as the real; aesthetic innocence. A more aesthetic experience of an unreal object. They almost seem to invoke images rather than real ones.

4. It is therapeutic. The first to think about this function of mysticism was Sigmund Freud, who coined the concept of sublimation - the transfer of sexual energy to other spheres of human activity. Freud noted that libido drives human behavior. If people are unable to realize their libido, so that their libido does not destroy them, they switch them to other areas of their activity. The expressions have already come out of a primitive understanding, if only sexual energy was considered - some energy can be sublimated. One of the ways of sublimation is creativity. An excellent way to re-mix the energy of hatred, fear, hatred, sublimating them in artistic images. Creativity allows a person to create art and symbolically experience those things that he would otherwise experience in reality. For example, fear - for the help of creativity, you can take it out of yourself, objectively, shyly, what is already behind you, etc. You may be socially insecure, creativity helps you sublimate - you won’t wake up, because... Overall, it’s impossible to do this unless you want to control it and not lose control of it. And the reading is exactly the same as in this plan.

The world of mysticism is beyond boundaries.

Mystery is the first thing.

Be it a mystery – it is a system of mutually dependent elements.

Any kind of mystique has absolute zero (Malevich’s square, 4-33 Jones Cage, 18 Vasilisk Gnidov’s poem, pretapart history of fashion).

Statements about beauty are conventional (intellectually consistent with traditions). Convention – informal housing for people. U value hour In the singing culture, sometimes we respect garnim, sometimes we don’t. Rozminnya aesthetics is like garish, beauty is wrong. There is no objective beauty. The experience is beautiful, without color, as an end in itself, and has no power for people.

Nature is close to the feeling of love. Kohanna first begins with the hearth, then - clumping, choking, staleness, kohanna. Zakokhaniya reveals beauty in that which is incomprehensible or incomprehensible to others, it reveals something new in the object of love.

THE MISTSE OF FICTIONAL LITERATURE AT A NUMBER OF MYSTERIES. Literature is a verbal form of mysticism. The first person who tried to introduce the typology of mysticism was Hegel. In my opinion, there are 5 great mysteries: architecture, sculpture, painting, music, poetry. Under the poetry of our understanding, artistic literature has begun. An artistic text, whatever it is, is poetic, but, for example, a philosophical text is not poetic. Discover different typologies of mysticism. The axis, for example, is one of them.

1. Mystery in the vastness. Bring your own space to the open space. Painting, sculpture, architecture.

2. Mystery of the timchase. Vimagayut your spriynyatty at the present time, trivalostі. Music, literature Although there may be spacious elements in literature - for example, like rows of rows (figurative poetry - vertices at the sight of a stake, a cross, etc.).

3. Mystery is mixed – both space and the hour of need. Dance, cinema, pantomime.

Another typology. Mystery booms:

1. Expressive expressions. Those who are in the middle appear on the right from the inner light, images of attitudes, experiences, thoughts, feelings. Music, dance, architecture.

2. Image-creating/plastic. Depict the external world, create a new appearance for the objects. Painting, pantomime, theater.

3. Mixed. Cinema, literature. Actions are special directly. mystical

At different periods of cultural development of mankind, literature was introduced at different places among other types of mystique - from the wired to one of the rest. This is explained by the understanding of this and that directly in literature, as well as the stage of development of technical civilization.


The attack on reality is possible in different ways- evidence (in practice), scientific (objective - hypotheses, experiments, proof, etc.), revelation method (knowledge is given directly). How did they know the ancient knowledge, since nothing like this had ever happened? One of the methods of understanding reality is the creation, discovery of the phenomenon, reality. The artist and writer creates an image. The wine is closest to the winemaker. But it is not the object itself that is the world, but a model of the phenomenon of light, it models reality, it creates a model of the world. This is parallel to reality, mystic. The model conveys exactly the same look of speech, allows you to understand the touch of the object, rather than an exact copy of the object. Litra is a verbal model. It’s more correct to say it’s not a model, but an image. Image of reality. The little cat is not a whale, but an image of a cat. His bachenya, the image of a cat, as the author imagines him, is depicted with the help of obvious intelligence, talent and material. To put too much emphasis on the image (to distort its creation) may be putting (almost) the author before the image, lacking understanding, lacking talent.

3 types of image:

1) Illustrative – depiction of a specific phenomenon in one’s individuality. Your name passport photo. Meta – dates of statements about your beauty. The image illustrates a specific phenomenon.

2) Science – an abstract image. Your photo is with the assistant biologist with the caption “human European hominid.” Eat your fill of the most disgusting things.

3) Artistic. The most foldable, it combines individually and typically. Moreover, it is practically always the individuality of the one who creates the image that is placed before him.

We cannot come up with something that we don’t know. Our understanding is the same. We draw from the knowledge of the world a model of the world that we create. Moreover, through the image and its setting, we recognize ourselves in a new way.

In which there are two tendencies of artistic imagery, which are designated by the terms intelligence (the author’s emphasis on the inaccuracy, but also to indicate the distance between images and forms of reality) and life-likeness is (the reduction of such aspects, the creation of the illusion of the sameness of the mystery of life).

Literature and mythology. Myth in literature.

The myth is ancient. “mifos” - “opovіdannaya, ovіdannaya, opovіd.” Mythology – 1) the totality of myths; 2) humanities, which deals with the investigation of myths, their descriptions, collections, etc.

The scientific understanding of the myth has many aspects.

1) Vuzka is understanding. An ancient folk tale about gods, legendary heroes, and the quest of the world. The etiological myth is a myth about the journey of something. Cosmogonic myth - about the journey to the world and space.

2) Widespread understanding. Mythology is not reliable, transhistorical, which is a form of husband knowledge that is consistent with the current life of peoples, which is resistant to scientific explanation. People need to explain why everything seems to be going on like this, people cannot live in the world for the foolish, the foolish. Naming an object will bring it closer to you, make it more intelligent and not scary. To be afraid of what is unreasonable. The simplest mechanism for explaining what is happening about people is anthropomorphism, human-likeness, explaining other people through oneself. Fixed in the language - “spring has come”, “yes yet”, etc. If you can talk to them, it means you can rely on them. They were trying not only to explain, but also to infuse, such important sacrifices, shamans, chakluns, etc., to whom magic is mastered.

Signs of a myth that worries you:

The myth is forever significant. A myth is only a valid myth unless one realizes that a myth is absolutely reliable for its purposes, and is based on its veracity. Myth is reality.

May it be a lasting myth. It is not recorded on the sheet, it is recorded in the person’s information, and the information is minimal. The myth has different variations in different eras. Some peoples take over the myths of other peoples.

The presence of mythological (syncretistic) information. Abstract thinking has been reduced - the meaning of thinking is abstract, not concrete. For mythological information, everything abstract is even more concrete. Name: Cupid. Recorded in mov. He died - “having deprived us”, “falling asleep in the eternal sleep”, that is. without going anywhere, just moving to another world.

Nowadays we see 3 stages of myth development:

1. Archaic. Myth is a single form of human knowledge. The expanse is mythological. In heaven is the kingdom of the gods, under the earth is the kingdom of the dead. For mythological evidence, the hour is cyclical (an hour flows in a circle, and the periods are periodically repeated). Spring – early – childhood, winter – nich – old age, etc. You are especially mortal, although your blood is lost among your offspring, and in this way you are immortal. And therefore you are respectful before the ancestors whom you will continue, and before the lands which will continue you. The worst curse of such information is generic, because... it defiles you, your ancestors, and your people. Syncretic knowledge - love. It is realistic to think abstractly (concretely), for example: death is a transition to another state.

2. Classic - the stage of rich deity. The picture of the world is becoming more complicated. If the story is mythological, then historical information is popularized. Historical knowledge is information that allows a person to determine his place on the scale of time. History is not cyclical, but vectorial. The stages do not repeat, as in the first stage. In this case, information about the mythological, legendary, prehistoric hour is lost in the information - that once upon a time, when the heroes and gods lived, they calmly descended to the earth and spoke with people, about an hour, the beginning of everything went. This is recorded in literature and songs. The gods have a hierarchy - stronger, weaker companions, etc. Genius loci (Genius place) – the place of the skin has a patron spirit, the house has a house-elf, the swamp has a kikimora, etc.

3. Monotheistic – statements about unity of God. An abstract idea is emerging. There is no more historical information.

Highly diverse social groups can develop their own mythology. And current myths, neo-myths, secondary myth-making. It is invoked for the same reasons as archaic myths, but it works the other way. Viklikano to the complicated picture of the world. Human knowledge is not able to contain such a wealth of information about the world. It’s too easy to figure out all the details and the reasons why. The picture that emerges from the results is simple. Current mythology is divided into two steps: synecdoche (when a part acts as a whole) + hyperbole (exaggeration). For example, the myth takes one reason, a factor (synecdoche) and looks like a headache (hyperbole). The myth is not a mistake, it is the truth, it’s just that the myth is washed away and forgiven.

New mythology:

1. Not significant. Myths are not national, they have a group or clan character.

2. Myths are utopian and pan-tragic. To speak either about those that everything will be good, but everything will end, everything will be bad.

Myth – good or bad? Carnage of thoughts. Negative: myths are false evidences, they place information in the middle of evil manifestations, obvious statements about reality, at this cost.

Myths are the words of a powerful, scientific truth. We cannot live without myths; they are necessary for the understanding of the world. History is crumbling with myths. A myth can turn to good and to evil - as everything in the world lies in the dark. Likhachov: Myth is a package of givens. Our information world has a lot of information to throw at us, and we cannot immediately absorb and acquire so much. Trauma to postmodernity - people, having fallen asleep in the folding world, become embittered. The world ceases to make us reasonable, and the unreasonable ones reach the point of fear, and the natural reaction to fear is aggression. People are beginning to fight to the point of closed aggressive hysteria in order to clear the world and protect the quiet ones and those who do not understand. It is important for humanity to generate a positive myth that will help simple people accept the light, do not be afraid of it, do not be afraid of anything else. Tolerance - not to be afraid of the unreasonable, the alien; tolerance, those that allow life, will not always be closed and not afraid of a constant blow.

Literature is full of myths. Myths are a collection of plots. Myths breathe out the creation of their myths. Myths help explain the richness of creation, the behavior of heroes, etc.

Literature is kept in two most important warehouses, because The essential material of mystique is creativity. Literature: 1. The literature shows the subjectivity, described with the help of words, and the language - with the help of the image. 2. Litera is the mysticism of the word (for example, Pushkin: “He sings and come” - “the rustling” of the next - chchchts, etc. - aliteration or asonance).

Mysticism: 1. Odnoskladove – pure mysticism (pure poetry, music). 2. Richly stored (or more synthetic) - select different types of mystique and combine them (for example, a song - includes music and poetry). At first, the mystique was complete (syncretistic), as soon as one saw the dance, song and others. Mystery came from the rituals, the stench was felt by the fact that from the ritual it was under the author/Viconavian and gazer, then. the peeper is also a Vikonavian, and the Vikonavian is also a voyeur. There was a mystique in the ritual if a peeper appeared in the rituals (the one who grabbed him from the side) and if the peeper began to evaluate the ritual not from the gaze of the koryst, but from the point of view of the beauty of the viconn. Gate process– syncretism of mysticism (Wagner overstepped this, valuing opera as an ideal, since it is the same hour of poetry, music, singing, painting, costumes, theater, architecture). The syncretism of Vyacheslav Ivanov is the result of church services.

The avant-garde wanted to learn from history and create something new on the bare ground. The avant-garde realized that it is possible to create not just creatively, but also ruinously. M. Bakunin: “Ruining is a creative act.” What is the stage, where is the cordon to kick back? Painting has such a cordon named after Malevich - Black Square. Objects of mysticism (without reality): 1. Frame (music has the first and last sound, literature has the first and last word). 2. Nomination (author and title. “Minus reception” - there, where the reception is, but there is nothing else). 3. Presentation (a tribute to the masterpiece of mystique, one of the first ideas of Marcel Duchamp “Fountain” (pisoir)). Zero music – John Cage “4.33” (Cage enters, sits at the piano, raises his hands and freezes for 4 minutes 33 seconds). The poetry of Vasilisk Gnedov “The Poem of the End” (poem 15 of the book “Death to Mystery”) is an empty page.

The Greek language has three words for the concept of “word” - “epos”, “logos” and “mythos\myth”. Epos – word, language, preaching. Logos is a word in scientific, business language, and rhetoric. Mutos is the word usagalnennya. This is a myth – it is the meaning of the word for the sensitive taste of life.

There is no single significant myth, the fragments of which have not yet been illuminated. Losev and Taho-Godi give philosophical significance. However, the meanings are incorrect. Myth is not a genre, but a form of thought. On this side of the myth, Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling was the first to show respect. It is important to note that mythology is both Greek and secular mysticism.

Everyone has their own language and their own mythology, and the mythology is connected with the word - this is the idea that Potebnya develops. Mythology cannot be created on purpose - it is created by the people at the early stage of their development. Therefore, the mythological plots are similar, even though the stinks are associated with the singing stages of light-gazing. Mythology cannot be extinguished by decree. Schelling himself started talking about the new mythology - it is gradually changing. The new hour is mythologizing on the ground of history, politics, and social trends.

In tribal matrimony, mythology is a universal, single and undivided form of matrimonial knowledge, which reflects the action of sensitively specific and personified images.

For a long time now, mythology has been deprived of a single form of common knowledge. Religion, mysticism, politics, science appear. The essence of Greek mythology became clearer only from the understanding of the peculiarities of the first-communal harmony of the Greeks. The Greeks perceived the world as one great clan community, at first matriarchal, then patriarchal. That’s why they don’t have the same moral doubts if they smell the myth of Hephaestus - if they throw a weak child off the rocks.

The allegory differs from the myth in that in the allegory what is signified is not what it means, but in the myth one thing is signified.

A myth is not a religion, because it has appeared until the end of the day and it is known. Skin religion establishes a cult (distance between God and people). It’s not a fairy tale, because a fairy tale is always a guess, it’s better to guess than not to believe. The myth is very old. Kazka often uses mythological light perception. Kastya has a lot of charm, a mental place, and a myth that is all concrete. It’s not philosophy, the fragments of philosophy cannot be explained in the first place, a regularity can be established, but myths are all accepted as an absolute given - photographed, but not explained.


a) early classics

B) late heroism

3. Specific features of archaic mythology.


1. Pre-classical (archaic). (3 thousand years before our era).

2. Classic (Olympic).

a) early classics

B) late heroism

(End 3 thousand - 2 thousand).

3. post-classical (self-locking) (end of 2 thousand years - beginning of 1 thousand years - 8 centuries BC).

Pre-classical doba.(Archaic era).

The word "arches" means cob. Pre-Olympic, pre-Thessalian era (Thessaly is a region in Ancient Greece where Olympus is reclaimed). The chthonic era, from the word “chthonos” - earth, the fragments of the earth - Gaia - were deified. Mother earth and matriarchal mythology stood on top of everything. They worshiped phytamorphic (growth-like) and zoomorphic (creature-like) ones, and not anthropomorphic (human-like) ones. Zeus is the oak, Apollo is the laurel, Dionysus is the vine, ivy. Rima has a fig tree and a fig tree. Abo Zeus - bik, Athena ("owl") - owl and snake, Hera ("fiber") - cow, Apollo - swan, wolf, misha. Create a combination of teratomorphic entities (chimera) and mixanthropic entities (lilac, sphinx, echidna, centaur).

There are two eras: fetishistic and animistic.

A fetish is an object, an essence, endowed with magical power, a marvelous eternal reality. Anything can be a fetish – stone, wood, etc. Hera - the deck is not chipped. Fetishes include the bow of Hercules and Odysseus - the stench is more powerful than them. The list of Achilles belongs only to Yomu and Peleus.

Hamadryads are the souls of trees. A statement about the soul and spirit was formed. During the archaic period, the gods became residually anthropomorphic.

The aesthetic ideal of that era: element, which is beyond the bounds, and which is not simplicity and harmony.

Cosmogonic myths – myths about the journey of the world and the first gods. The first type of such myths: everything became Chaos - a magnificent open pit that is dying. Another myth: the Pelasgians, first the ocean, then the goddess Euronoma dances on the surface of the ocean, and the people live.

According to one of the cosmogonic myths, Gaia the earth appeared from Chaos, Tartarus - the mother of all miracles, Uranus - the sky and Eros. From Gaia and Uranus the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheiri (untidy power) appeared - the first generation of gods. Another generation: titans and titanids (the older titan is Ocean, the younger is Kron, Chronos (ever-fading hour)). Cronus cunningly threw Uranus into Tartarus - sleeping with his zills. Uranus cursed Krona, yogo mala chekati same share. Kron, in order to get rid of him, having forged five of his friends Reya. Rhea became sick of children, she went for joy to Gaia and Uranus. Rhea, instead of the child, gave Kron a stone from the pellets. Zeus was sent to the island of Crete, where he was buried by the Kuretes, the nymphs and the goat Amalthea. If there is a virus, Crona, having slept, will spit out the stone, then Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia and Hera.

Titanomachy - the battle of gods and titans for control of the world. Classical mythology has another generation of Olympians.

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