The image of a porcelain doll. Baby doll costume for Halloween: choose an image that you can create with your own hands. Chucky's makeup

The creation of a creative Halloween costume is soon being transformed into a real puzzle. Not for everyone. You can easily choose the image of a doll for Halloween for girls who want to look wonderful, unusual, and at the same time feminine and charming. All it takes is a little analysis of ideas, a little practice, and you’ll get a true form of mysticism. You can contact a professional makeup artist for help, so you can create the look of a doll for Halloween with your own hands, following the instructions.

Minimum required set of cosmetics

To create the image of a doll for Halloween, take a special touch of makeup. This task simply cannot be done without them. This list is a guideline and should be considered for each new stylistic decision. However, it will be bright during the hour of preparation for the Holy Day. Oh dear, you need:

  • corrector and foundation;
  • olive for shaving;
  • beige shade for primer, as close as possible to the skin tone;
  • bright shades for eyelids;
  • buttercream blush;
  • olivets or lip liner (the image of a doll on Halloween calls for styling your lips with a “bow” or “heart”);
  • bright or dark lipstick (on choice);
  • black;
  • two sets of piece invoices;
  • setting powder.

The image of a scary doll

Most of the images of dolls on Halloween can be called scary, due to the characteristics of the rice, which irritates those who are surprised by the chill. No one has yet been able to calmly react to the majestic eyes that yelp, and the stench itself will become a birthmark when makeup is applied. The application technique is simple and transfers a vicarious primer and beige color corrector. The product must be applied to the area above and below the eyes. Make sure to powder the lines so that the smell does not flow when applying further makeup. Behind the help of a soft black contour sheep, large round eyes are painted new forms. Then some lines from the bottom are painted or pieces are glued. The procedure is repeated on the upper layers. The things that are on them are to blame for being long and fluffy. Eyebrows can be painted on or enhanced in a special way.

Image of a cracked porcelain doll

The seal of the effective image is the lower, light, slightly clear shade of the skin without hair. On such a surface the cracks look even worse. For make-up, you need to do a soft peeling first, and then apply a skin-loving cream. To ensure that the color is even, set the primer and set it with light powder. Use a soft sponge to apply it. The skin will be similar to oxamite. Now, on such an ideal light tone, prominent eyebrows and facial cracks look good. The image of a doll for Halloween (photo below) with a porcelain-colored skin, a brightly-colored complexion and deep black cracks will become a miraculous dzherel of the shade.

The image of Lyalka Vbivtsi

This style may haunt you in nightmares. A characteristic accent to increase the filthy respect of everyone who creates the image of a doll for Halloween is the crooked-red color of the makeup. It should act as an additional contributing factor. This may result in blackened eyes, rawness on the forehead or face, bleeding on the face or other ideas of your choice.

Earthy skin tone on the face as a base, lines of cracks on the forehead, cheeks and chin, clogged areas that protrude from behind the hair, and red cola under the eyes is visible tease the image in the photo. The long seams in the mouth's tufts are even more terrible. Eye makeup is feminine, beautiful and sexy with a deep black shade of shadow. The overall image is elegant and flowing, emphasizing contrasts even from the color.

The image of a dead doll

White skin tone, deep sunken eyes and blue thin lips highlight this makeup style. The hair color may also be dark. In the image of vikorist minimum strength colorful solutions, key palette – white, black, blue. Burnt red eyes create another zombie effect. Choose a black and white makeup style so as not to ruin the color palette. The traditional doll's combing completes the scary image.

The image of an evil doll

In a different style, there are not just cracks in the makeup style, but the entire amount of hair that has “fallen out” on the face and in the décolleté area. From the very beginning, apply basic makeup with a subtle blush on the cheeks and great doll eyes. Then, with contour olive and white creamy shadows, the cracks and debris that have “broken” are painted over. The more realistically you can overcome the lightness in the makeup patches that have “fallen off,” the more terrible the image will be.

The image of a doll in patchwork style

This style will vary depending on your imagination. You can “take” the image of a doll from different baby dolls, joined by black rows of seams and contoured stripes. Experiment with different prints and different shades. Lines, hearts, specks, peas, seams, rhombuses and others geometric figures intertwine into a chaotic and terrible little thing. This look of a doll for Halloween is the best solution for those who can’t handle the remaining makeup option and want to experiment during the application process.

The image of a wondrous doll with gussets

For everyone who wants to look, it’s not scary, but simply amazing, ideal for cute makeup, descriptions below. The rodzinka of this image is the equivalent of majestic eyes with dark lenses and long wings, white hair with a delicate skin, and lovely dotted gussets on the cheeks with bright-red lips in a bow. It is necessary to achieve a perfectly even skin tone using a light foundation and powder. I will shade the lips with primer. Then, using additional powder, a velvety effect is achieved. After whose goodness lies, the red lipstick does not smear.

The image of a doll in the style of Tim Burton

The cartoons of the famous director have a rich background for creating any effects in Halloween makeup. The image of a doll in the style of Tim Burton is very similar to the appearance of his painted heroines. The characteristic features of the rice are the sparkling eyes that shine high above them, the long, “rosed” line of the lips with a red accent - a heart in the center, and the “sewn up” chest.

A universal image of a doll for Halloween for a girl. Photos from the Pokrokov Wikonanni

How to look perfect on these nights? Round eyes, “cracked” faces and lips in the shape of a heart and a bow are invisible attributes for everyone who needs to create a universal image of a doll for Halloween. Let's take a look at the process of applying Christmas makeup in the report.


You need bright erysipelas lenses for your eyes (or some other color for your eyes). Apply blue-black shades to the corner of the century and use a pencil to paint the shape of a round arch. Blend the edges directly along the brow arch. The same way to dig under the lower centuries, leaving a small light expanse behind the growth line. Blend the arch straight down. Make the lines more visible, additionally painting them with black shadows for painting.

Apply the white base to the entire top layer from the growth line to the dark arch. You will also need to train the lower limbs. The area between the growth line and the black arch is protected. Fix the effect with additional white eyeshadow.

Mark the lines of the upper and lower branches by combing them with a pencil. Mix the carcass into one ball. Glue the long ones on the top cover, and the short ones on the bottom. Fasten along the line of the arch painted under the eye with black shadows.

Porada: to enhance the rounded shape of the eyes, creating the image of a doll for Halloween, twist the pieces with tongs in bunches.


Apply a matte beige base with an oxamite effect to your lips. To make it easier to handle, use a soft sponge to round the edges. Choose a base tone similar to that for the front, so that there are no sharp transitions to the color. Close the seal. Distribute them evenly to create a voluminous pouffe.

Draw the contours of your lips following the help of an olive. Place Cupid's arch along the top line. Blend the color straight from the outline to the center. Work with your lower lip.

Fill the inner part with red lipstick or a color close to the red color. Fix the form. Give it a special lip gloss in a similar chi-red color.

Cracks in the face

You can create the characteristic image of a dead doll for Halloween with the help of well-placed “crackled lines.” This stage is the most difficult for traditional makeup artists and requires little practice.

It is important to note that before application, you had already crushed the original one, with a slight blush and painted willows. Now it is necessary to depict the planned cracks behind the help of the soft sheep. white color. Rotate the lines to the authorities. Be creative with the process.

Underline the white lines of the cracks with the help of black paint, painting them as closely as possible or directly with light strokes. Vikor pencils and black cream shades, blend the already visible strokes to create a deep gray color. Explore the technique of fractional strokes. With the help of such creamy shades of white color, create the effect of lightness and black lines.

You will have a bright and effective image of a scary doll for Halloween.

0 23 October 2018, 20:15

It's almost a week before Halloween, but there's still a lot of time left to prepare for the worst night in the world. So, she showed her how to create an effective winter makeup in cold weather (from the Snow Queen), and began to work on the idea of ​​a welt, as well as the creation of costumes - on the right is long and folded, and Victor’s axis I Shelyagova decided not to force the robbers yesterday. The debutante ball showed the image of a woman standing in the crypt, just like the heroine of Tim Burton's cartoon that came to life, "The Bride's Corpse" (it gave goosebumps not only to society's heroines, but to our Playwrights). What is already being said here, Igor Sechin himself has transformed himself with eggs, having realized that there is no need to put on a formal costume for Halloween, as in the casserole there is Tic Tac.

"I want to play with you in the same game..."

Lyalka Billy, known to everyone who has ever watched the movie “Saw,” is one of the most terrible characters from the horrors. If you want your friends to have nightmares, choose the image of a doll puppet for Halloween. The truth is that it evokes fear and horror. To repeat this ominous image, you will need white powder, face painting, black shadows, red lipstick and black peruk. For the entourage, don’t wear a dark trouser suit, White shirt and a red crab-blizzard.

Who said meow?

We soon promise ourselves to get ready for Halloween, and as a result, we end up running to the nearest store and picking up a couple of kitten ears. If you also want to be seen in this kind of “unclean” place this night, then the image of the affectionate domestic intestines is the same. For make-up, you mostly need a black liner, overlays and shadows for eyeliner.

Zhak before Rizdvom

Animated film-musical by Henry Selick and Tim Burton “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is a collection of colorful characters (one image of Sally, created by the late Finkelstein and various parts behind the likeness of Frankenstein's miracle, what are you talking about!). We collected enemy bows inspired by this picture.


On the screen, the image of Deadpool was brilliantly infused by Ryan Reynolds, and beauty bloggers became twins of the “Balakuchi Naiman” (Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool) for additional makeup.

We'll see

When fans of Tom Hardy first fancied him in the form of the Venom symbiote, the stench immediately began to grow and swell. The same effect can be achieved with your Halloween makeup, inspired by a character from Marvel comics, in which two entities live – a human and an alien. American makeup artists Carl Tobi and Nellie Hernandez have already rehearsed “divided specialness” - wonder what came out of them!

For a long time, costumes such as a vampire, a shapeshifter, or a witch have been popular on Halloween. At the extreme, zombies. They gradually move onto another plane, and onto the first one new, no less bright, or original images appear, for example, a doll costume for Halloween.

This idea of ​​goodness to us does not impose a specific image; dolls are even more varied. And such a costume would suit a little girl, a teenager, or an adult woman. And for the skin of them it will be its own.

There are also some peculiarities that are characteristic of all variants of the doll image. No matter how much you wanted to become a brother, you would need to spend a lot of time on makeup. Dolls, as a rule, have light skin. It will be necessary to apply theatrical makeup or farbi for face painting. You may want to contact professional makeup artists, or you can do it yourself.

We also need to prepare before the image of the doll for Halloween requires a lot of preparation. It is necessary to carefully think through the costume and incorporate it into reality. Textile cloth with ruffles and hems, gloves, shoes.

However, for some dolls you need completely different words, otherwise you might end up having to tinker with your costume.

Mentally, the image of a doll can be divided into two subdivisions: the first, the classic doll, and the scary doll. The first option is suitable for children's and young children's parties, since the smut is the very fact of a masquerade. The other is for a classic Halloween party, if the image may be the scariest.

The image of a classic doll for Halloween

Let's take a look at the classic doll and understand the original toy that is designed to bring joy to its master.

Porcelain doll

The first image of a doll, about what kind of varto can be said from this division – this is a classic porcelain doll. If you need to check, this is one of the most complex options for costumes. First of all, the required uniform: food, garne platte, with shuttlecocks, living and knights.

It’s unlikely that a woman’s everyday wardrobe will be similar. It is possible that cloth will be sewn specially for the holy brother for rent. At the same time, you can sew at least some ruffles and frills on any kind of woolly cloth with a knitting needle that is ruffled, and you can also create additional thick woolen knitting knitted with tulle and it’s not at all difficult: just collect a bunch of balls tulle on a thread.

Classic baby doll makeup for Halloween is quite simple: highlight the skin with makeup, sum up your eyes and paint your eyes, paint your baby’s lips with a bow and rouge her cheeks. And the axis can be done without shadows. Classic porcelain dolls, as a rule, do not need to be cooked. Where better to add a comb: a classic doll - with tight curls, secured with a hairpin, a bow on the color of the cloth or a vintage drop.

Malvina and others

The simplest version of the classic doll is Malvina. This option is ideal for little girls. Here you can get by with standard children wicked cloth At least add them with pantaloons and short cuffs. Well, of course, you need a coat of black color, even if you have the same hair from the famous child’s daughter.

Instead of Malvina, you can make a costume for the child, be it any other doll from children's fairy tales. For example, the dolls of the descendant Tutti, from Olesha’s “Three Companions”.

It’s easier to make a doll costume for Halloween with your own hands, although it may not sound very simple. The trickiest thing about such a suit is that you have to work on your own.

The basis for the peruka can be mixed with colored felt, before which threads of colored yarn are sewn. The yarn hair can be pulled into two copper ponytails or braided into braids.

For a baby doll costume, go straight and simple: cloth, sundresses, a set of sweatshirts and blouses, shorts. The one with colored hair has dark or just bright knee-high socks. For a better effect, contrasting patches can be sewn onto the doll's back.

Makeup for a doll on Halloween also has its own peculiarities: while the classic doll has plump and round lips, the gancher’s veins smile. The overall part of the image is a bright, large gusset and even brighter, rosy cheeks.

For a teenage girl, the Barbie doll look is ideal. Besides, it’s really easy to do. All you need is a set of clothes in a horn color and a feather, and especially because the girl’s natural hair is not a blonde color. It’s too late to pick up baby doll’s makeup for Halloween.

For makeup, you will again need to highlight the skin and adjust the shape of the eyes using additional shadow and eyeliner. Before the speech, about the eyes. Color lenses will be independent. Ideally, a bright blanc color.

And the shape of Barbie’s lips is larger than that of a human, compared to those of Portel dolls, so there is no need to change the shape. Golovne, adjust the color of lipstick to the color of your clothes.

BGD or articulated cradle

Hinged cradle

Recently, a new treasure has appeared in our region - the collection of articulated dolls. The stench is very strong compared to the same Barbies similar topics that almost all of its parts are loose on the hinge frame.

The fatherland of these dolls is Japan, which puts its stamp on the style of the dress. Tse obov'yazkovo schos yaskrave, non-standard. At times, they are left without food. For example, light guipure cloth and important booties with lace and on the platform. This way you can unleash your imagination when choosing a choice.

For a articulated dolly for Halloween, makeup must be selected carefully. Most often, a large area of ​​the body is left open, and removing it all is tedious and not very easy. On the other hand, articulated dolls can match the skin to any color, black or red. Here it is much more important to carefully paint on the corners: elbows, knees, wrists, spine, visibility of hinges.

Color lenses may be an additional option. Especially the stench of some unusual color: rye, red, violet. Or you can make a furry doll. Like people, like creatures. For example, you might get cat ears and lenses with vertical lines.

Well, now the time has come to learn how to make scary doll costumes for Halloween with your own hands. This is a larger version of dolls, but those who have read the literature of the Victorian era should know that the porcelain doll is not as expensive as one might think at first glance. Look, the rich dolls from the first part have their own analogue of the middle terrible dolls.

This DIY Halloween costume can be made just like a special baby doll costume. The difference is less in winning tickets. Yakshcho zvichaina rag doll- If it’s more fun, then for the terrible doll it’s better to give preference to the black, white and red colors.

Socks in black and white, black yarn for hair, black makeup for lips and eyes, black stripes on tails and pussies. You can use gothic paraphernalia in the image: skulls, spikes, ridges, etc.

In the hand of such a doll you can get a fake bottom or juice, fermented with artificial blood or red farbe.

That's it scary fairy tales- broken and broken toys, which the rulers forgot to break. And toys can hide the image. In fact, the image of a broken doll on Halloween will look even more prehistoric.

Here it’s especially important to add makeup. The black paint clearly shows off the cracks and wrinkles on the face, neck, chest, and arms. The outfit, along with the usual portalyan doll, must be subject to additional safety steps: torn hems, holes in the hem, perhaps, a chest mark on the bodice or sleeves. Our doll had been lying on the top floor for a long time, and its cloth had lost its prime appearance.

A unique phenomenon of human culture is voodooism, zokrema, voodoo doll. You can also just type in instructions on how to reach these and other places with the help of special magic. And one of the rules of Voodoo magic says that if you make a doll in the shape of a person and sew a piece of your enemy into it - a nail, a hair, a drop of blood - and then pierce the whole doll, then your enemy will become white.

Thus, the Voodoo doll costume is an ideal option for Halloween. Until then, forgive me. The material used to make the Voodoo doll is called matting. To sew your own cloth you can use a special bag. Of course, it’s clean.

It’s not necessary to diligently fray the seams. Please do not hesitate to wash the fringe of the matting, which has become frayed.

And for the entourage you need to make a heart out of bright red fabric and sew it on the chest. And then pierce it with pins. You can make pins from short knitting needles. On the blunt end, sew a piece of fabric that has the head of a pin, and fasten the point in the cloth.

Chucks and others

Lyalka Chucky

The theme of scary dolls is actively used in cinema. Kozhen can easily remember one film about dolls: Chucky, from the film “Children's Game”, a doll from the film “Saw”, which periodically appeared in the frame on a tricycle, Annabel from the same film. As a rule, their costumes and makeup are simple and can be created from a photograph or a still frame from a film.

The image of a doll is one of the most popular for Halloween. It’s not easy to create “baby” makeup at home, but if you put in a lot of effort and know how to apply it correctly, the result will be “terribly” good. The doll is associated with a porcelain skin, bow-shaped lips, great curls, and on Halloween you can create the image of a motorized doll, for example, a bad doll. No less popular character at the moment is Annabelle. First of all, you need to get to know the basics of this makeup, and then add new elements to the makeup.

In order to pull off the image of a scary doll, you need to stock up on some good cosmetics.

  1. Skin cleansing toner.
  2. Malignant cream.
  3. Consilery.
  4. Foundation.
  5. Rum'yana.
  6. Olive for eyebrows and eyes.
  7. Shades for vii.
  8. Touche for hair.
  9. Contour lip liner.
  10. Lipstick.

When creating a doll image, it is not advisable to wear too much makeup, otherwise it will not be as visible and effective. Therefore, you need to add accessories and other accessories.

  1. If you wanted to create a porcelain beauty, you will have a miraculous addition.
  2. Color lenses.
  3. Invoices.

Video: doll makeup for Halloween

Step by step creation of the image of a doll for Halloween

It doesn’t matter what kind of doll you want to become. basic principles for developing your idea will be the same.

  1. Creation of the perfect skin. The dolls have no wrinkles, wrinkles or other defects.
  2. The creation of a “lyalkovo” look.
  3. Lip makeup.
  4. Artistic details complement the image.

The ideal makeup will depend on how you adhere to the first principle. The skin is as clean and smooth as a fresh doll's.

Pokkov's instructions for creating baby doll makeup for Halloween with your own hands at home:

  1. You need to start the work by cleansing the skin using a toner.
  2. Then apply an aging cream and let it absorb. If you haven’t cleaned up completely, blot the excess with a paper towel.
  3. A stage begins that highlights the particular concern of the robot with concealers. It is necessary to carefully disguise obvious defects. Apply concealer to imperfections and conceal it under the eyes. It is best to add a number of shades of concealers, so that for work on different plots you need different shades.
  4. To create a neat nose, apply a dark shade of foundation to the side, and apply a light shade strictly in the center.
  5. Vidtinok foundation, which will need to be specified, depending on what kind of doll image you want to create. Because it is beautiful, cut from portage, a light color is required. If you have the ability, add theatrical makeup. Makeup with this type of makeup looks more effective.
  6. The foundation is sealed with additional powder of the lightest shade.

Blush needs to be selected carefully according to the chosen image. For a cute portalyne doll, go for a light russet color. Ale yakscho you want to lyakati estranged frown from the outside looking in Take a bronze shade. To create the effect of sunken cheeks, pull them in and apply blush on the hollows that have settled.

Video: doll makeup for Halloween

U doll eye makeup, smut, make them great, round and expressive. To make them like this, you need to conquer them now:

  • To color your razors, use a vikory shade or a dark olive shade. It’s not good to be afraid of what the stench looks unnatural - even in the image of a doll we can brighten everything up;
  • The line of growth appears slightly wider and smaller. The arrow is retouched around the outer corner of the eye, widening and lifting;
  • Forever, keep the shades of the bright shades. Then work in a bunch of balls so that the stench looks brighter;
  • nadati round shape A white sheep will help my eyes. The line of the lower part of the body is painted, and the entrances to the natural contour are filled with olive;
  • The “new” line is painted in black, and new lines are already painted along it;
  • All traces are prepared from a bunch of balls. You can wear false hair or buns. It will look more effective even longer.

To give the image even more versatility, you can use vikory Contact lenses of unique tint with a larger iris. You can glue rhinestones if they suit your concept. As the image of a motorized doll is created, it would be natural to paint dark colors under the eyes with purple or blue shades. You can also paint blue on your faces.

For lip makeup with a trace of vikorish tint: bright red, burgundy and violet colors. Our final decision will be to paint a new lip contour. To do this, coat the traces with foundation, then paint a new one with olive oil and apply lipstick.

Video: how to create scary doll makeup for Halloween

Photo gallery of ideas and images of dolls for Halloween

The bow will make the image of the doll more vivid on Halloween.

Ideal doll makeup for Halloween for a blonde.

Porizi on the face to create the image of a doll for Halloween as greedy as possible.

Video: Voodoo doll makeup for Halloween

On Halloween, it is customary to create an image not of cute ones, but of dolls croaking. This effect can be achieved using various methods of plastic makeup (creating scars, sadness). It’s all up to your imagination - experiment and impress others with your Halloween fun!

In contact with

Sweet “lyalkova” kindness can, at the moment of becoming thirsty, just add a couple of touches. This is where you wear your hair and apply makeup for Halloween. We know how to repeat this makeup.

© rinleon

The set of basic images for Halloween has practically not changed since the dawn of time - these are the same zombies, skeletons and other monsters named as dead, broken dolls and evil clowns. The image of a doll is what is needed for a girl, who would like to look more attractive; the re-creation will not be so terrible and allow the singing world to be deprived of “itself.” There are a lot of options for baby doll makeup for Halloween, and it’s important to simply adapt them to your own look. This article makes it clear that you will need cosmetics and other materials for preparation, as well as the following. step by step instructions for creating doll's makeup. Before speaking, you can find a bunch of cool tricks in this video.

What do you need for baby doll makeup for Halloween?

If, when choosing an image for All Saints' Day, you wanted to wear the makeup of a scary doll, then you can hardly wear out a basic set of cosmetics, even if you need them for the first time. The best way to buy makeup is for special purposes that increase strength and durability. White makeup will help create a deathly pale appearance, which is necessary for Halloween, black makeup will accentuate the eyes, and red makeup will be needed not only for lip makeup, but also for painting “crooked” wounds.

© makeupbyhaus

You will also benefit from the smearing of long and fluffy false hair - the stench itself is one of the characteristic features of doll makeup. For a zombie doll, you may need colored lenses - in case you plan to have a motorized image. And as a decoration for makeup artists, you can use paper tape and bandage; stink is needed in the makeup of a “broken” doll - to create the enemy that they were trying to “glue together”.

An image of a broken portzelan doll for Halloween

Without greedy details for themed parties, choose to finish often. He is seduced by his white porcelain skin, his bright lips like a bow, his blush and sometimes his gusset, as well as his large, “opened” eyes with long howls and a childish, naive look. Make sure everyone is dressed like an evil doll for Halloween. There are still more additional elements to create an image similar to the ones that appear on the screen while watching the film. Options may vary, depending on your skin type, please report.

Makeup of a “broken” doll

Perhaps the most common use when applying makeup to a baby for Halloween is to add cracks and chips that are less likely to appear in the place of the portion that has chipped.

© _pinkyswear_

© misskittyroseburlesque

The easiest way is to paint them with either a pencil with a special black makeup or gel eyeliner.

© anniessaglover

© emi_sfx_mua

Before speaking, you can first draw an ordinary form. For the eyes, for example, repeat the Harlequin makeup from this video.

Doll makeup with pavutinnyam

One of the ways to make your baby's makeup thematic is to add a subtle tone to the baby's appearance, or an image of spiders, which can be easily created with the help of a basic liner for the eyes.

© anyana_moonchild

Choose from a waterproof formula.

Cute doll makeup with scary details

Try to play with contrast: create the sweetest and most destructive make-up of a doll, as if she were caressing her eyes in wonder.

© alesh_ka13

© alesh_ka13

Add it, for example, with a horny pen, and then paint on the speckles of blood, rags and wounds, stitches (on them, before speaking, you can glue the reference threads).

© ksnickss

Another idea is to bandage part of the head, “spitting” in these places, where there are bloody crooked traces.

And if you want to achieve even more effective makeup, you can add the following details when creating one of these images:

Annabelle's makeup

The doll from the movie “Annabelle is Cursed” is one of the most familiar and most popular images to celebrate All Saints’ Day. All types of frog rice, which may look cute, have too much of it, which is scary.

© katereynoldsmua

The eyes are not charmingly flattened, but literally bulging, the blush looks more feverish, more delicate, the smile looks evil. While working on Annabelle's doll's makeup, you literally copy her rice, looking at stills from the film.

You can also find detailed instructions on how to create a baby doll’s cheesy makeup for Halloween in this video.

Makeup styled by Billy the doll from the movie “Saw”

Sko Stooski Lyalki “drank”, Makіage billi-Zovsim INNI: Zyatnate Trevtroy Bode Bila Mask with a mask, Rum'yanz-Skіllall, sabotage of the purge (without linz can not be overwhelmed), with cherry lips “Visuvoy” alleged. Another characteristic of rice is a white tone, which cannot be created without makeup. Choosing such an image, you need to be ready for a full-fledged transformation and completely change your guise, covering it with a farboi at a number of balls.

Makeup in the style of a scary voodoo doll

The voodoo doll is radically different from those dolls that we have been talking about before - this is a fabric toy with googly eyes and a mouth, “depicted” behind the help of thread stitches. It seems that the nib is sewn up. In makeup, this very detail will have to be repeated.

© r.m.mua

White makeup and tone can be avoided. Then apply the original foundation to your skin. Fill your lips with it (or a stronger, thicker tone concealer) and then apply black olive to the threads. Then paint the eyes black, and even better, paint the eyes black with a stake, so as to winterize the very lips. You can add black lenses to this make-up, which will greatly enhance the sallow effect. To complete the image there are such details as heads and hairpins - of course, they are also painted. They will always have doubts about the idea of ​​applying makeup “like a voodoo doll.”

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