New face hunt - awakening of ancient gods.

beauty and health

Entry Two words about the archetype. Tactics. How can I resist?
Good luck to everyone.
Today I will continue to write about the main archetypes, and perhaps the most popular one is the face hunter. It seems like we have a bula, ale that buv is not a face hunt at yogo pure look , And you can say self-help midrange, so today we’ll put all the dots together. Before thoroughly sorting out the cards, I want to add a little light about this deck, the recognition of the star’s popularity, and the fact that there are a lot of people who respect this class as unbalanced.
There are two warehouses: accessibility and simplicity The truth is that this type of deck is really budget-friendly, so it doesn’t require any epics or legendaries, just a few cards and that’s it. The main reason is, and I’ll remind you of a friend, simplicity.І simplicity is not in the gameplay, as many people think, but simplicity in the rating. What? - I’ll explain right away: the grace of the deck also conveys any strategy, and is also divided into stages..
Those people who think that EVERYTHING is going to be exposed, as a rule, rise no higher than the 13th rating. Even if you have run out of necessary resources from the game, you will begin to understand if you can use the basic protein, and if you put it in for 1 mana, you will lose 1 unit of mana with non-vicoristan. The same goes for the rich: 1-3 moves on the face hunt are possible, and often the trade is transferred obligingly, and not Face is the place. A banal and simple butt: a matchup against a paladin (agropals are also very popular). You bet and you prove it yourself.
As I said in my video Trump and what am I 100% good at with him: Don’t be surprised by those who facehunt is a very simple class, not the archetype that the lads and vikoryists are taught to newbies.


Video is in English!
Change your deck to the next position in the rating (as you are not a facehunt, of course :)).

You may have thought that having changed one card that is not the key card of the deck, it will soon change.

So, absolutely, so.

And the position of the “meta meta” rating is changing.
Basically, they use their faces to reach the 5th rate, and then play with full decks, because there are already established graves, so that you can easily take the legend with your face.
What am I?
I’ll just point my butt: you, perhaps, were talking.
Then you’ll see what I changed from the deck:
So, I added another substitution.
It would have been given: 3 hp additional vital.
Yes, hello!
There is 1 more early drop, which is replaced by 2 hunt sources, and then my potential HP is equal to 44 instead of 41. I’m sure you understand what I’m getting to : Play at 15 rate -> Mark the influx of faces -> Are you adding a taunt or additional healing to the deck? ->Raising the rate ->Watch the situation there ->?
Deck selection
11. x2 is called a finish, since simply giving crystal mani to an opponent can be fraught, but still, since the remaining card is in your hand, and the opponent is alive, it is imperative to bet. If, I repeat, if you have it, then replace it with 1 golem, unless you specially craft it. Especially for me є)
12. x2 3 spend directly in the guise of the supernik. On the 1st move, call not alive.
13. x2 for all Hunt decks.
Either finishing or cleaning the table from light dust.
14. x2 summon huffer?-yo!
summon leokk?-no!
15. x2.
Cheap zbroya for 6 expenses skin + secretions can be given for 3 more.

another huffer?-yo!

17. x2 with a beast on the table 10 beats for 6 mani via taunty.


Well, guys, that’s all, I’ve described the main nuances above. Let's be clear about the mulligan: everything that falls before another drop is collected. It’s heavy 1-2, because the most expensive drop in this deck is a drop of 3. So the rate of fire itself and the command to take in the starting hand will not be needed for you.

An easy rating for you guys, especially with this article xD! We go face?-yo

I'm flying. Today we have two thoughts: Control and Face, offensive decks have reached legends.

We have already written about Myslyvts’s midrange deck () from this year, and from this article we have a short look at the main Myslyvts archetypes. We would like to especially turn your attention to the Myslyvts Control deck, an atypical representative in the camp of Myslyvts decks, a pro deck that does not care about the passive strategy of the game, is very effective and was able to reach the top 50 in the early Legend.

Face Myslivtsya deck: Legend in 1 day I'm flying!

Mooligan for Vistezhenny / Servant of Pain / Bow of the Eagle Horn / Sniper from the cartel and control the board.

Vikorist the hero power as often as possible, which is your main disadvantage with the blows of your Bow Eagle Horn and King Krush in the late stage of the game.

Since I often play against control decks, I add other copies of Piloted Shredder and Deadly Shot, and if I play against a lot of aggro decks, I add another copy of Earthen Ring and a copy of Shieldbearer Sen'jin. The burst of fire is even stronger in the flow of water, since most of the time it shoots in 2 or 3 parts (for example, Good morning, dear readers! Until the appearance of the Ancient Gods and complete Standard mode

having lost a year of treatment.

Most of the Gravians were already preparing - they had accumulated gold, drank or collected sets in advance.

As soon as the update begins, everyone will rush to test new cards and build decks. Most of the Gravians were already preparing - they had accumulated gold, drank or collected sets in advance. .

The Hearthstone meta can follow the numerical forecasts of professional gravers, streamers and various analysts.

And for these objective reasons: nerfing the impersonality of cards that are used in aggressive decks, as well as adding new options for controlling the table and challenging fights. However, it should be noted that a number of old aggressive decks were destined to save themselves and become stronger at great cost. And during periods of instability of the target, and even at the end/beginning of the season, stinks may appear especially effective. About them pide mov

This is the statistic.

As a result, Aggro Warrior, as before, has great problems with drawing cards and lying behind Ser Finley Mrrgglton. The slimy beak had to be replaced with a larger one Ruinivnik of enchantments , and Death's Bite - an Arcanite Reaper. Ale new pirates smooth out and spend, roblechi Agro War to the strongest. You can try adding to the deck.

Captain of the Dark Seas

, Captain Zelenyams or Leroy Jenkins, for example, instead of another Population or Captain of the Dark Seas.

Vershnik on Vovka Face Hunt The rest of the agro deck, as we want to show today - it’s clear,

Having taken the standard mode from Myslyvets Bozhevilnyi,

Glaive Thrower

і Possessed pozun.

The enchanted golem has become completely unkillable, and the Leprognus, Dagger Juggler, Ironbeak and the Mark of Mystic also suffered nerfs. Because of the value of secrets, and with them Face Hunt's decks have been winning, winning and, more than anything else, achieving great popularity among Hearthstone players.

What is the secret of its popularity?

The other type is the most widespread.

Let's try to look at this situation: let's say you have a Leper Gnome card on the table, and your opponent has a Naughty Exercise.

On the third turn, you play the Pet spell and remove Huffer.

In this case, it’s best to direct the Leper Gnome’s blow to the Divine Scientist, and hit the Huffer to expose the enemy - this way you’ll save your remaining card.

There are a lot of similar situations, it’s simply impossible to describe them all - just to take into account the fact that you will have to deal with the big world against aggro decks (Face Hunt, Zoo Warlock), having successfully eliminated and their key cards.

Also, try to vikorist with more combos - for example, Juggler Daggers are better off vikoristing together with the card Unleash the Dogs, or in that case, if you are going to break up the possessed pozun, who were playing on the front move. Always consider the amount of expenses that you can pay not only on this, but also on the next move. If you feel that you are killing your opponent with three or four offensive moves, stop devoting all your respect to your opponent and direct all the obvious harm into the hero, thereby trying, at any rate, to take advantage of your hero power. Muligan (Starting hand) The cob stage is the most important for Face Myslyvets.

In addition, as soon as you consider your offensive game to be stale, if you start soon enough, this deck can easily be lost by any other good guy with great confidence.

However, at a later start, you can give your opponent colossal harm already on the first moves, after which it will be even more important to prepare for it.

Well, Zaliznoklyuv, Juggler of daggers and Divine teachings - the axis of the map, which way yours revolves

  • Make sure not to waste your mana on playing obvious secrets - the death rattle of the Naughty Teachings card will help you hang them absolutely costlessly.
  • If you have an unknown secret hanging around, or if you have Divine teachings on the table, do not rush to use up all the charges of your armor.
  • Please don’t ever play the Command “Take!” card without leaving the beast on the battlefield.
  • Two missed expenses can be very important for you in the future.
  • Try to draw the Juggler daggers in the event that you can’t shoot more quickly - for example, together with the map Let the dogs go or when you are preparing the death rattle of the Possessed hoarse.

Your opponent will very often kill him in an offensive move, and a couple of expenses from the Juggler’s daggers are always acceptable, isn’t it?

A powerful Sergeant who is armored can be given the fact that the danger of the movements is likely.

Two additional expenses for one mana - that’s too bad.

Vikonannya of all overinsurances is a combination that is not necessarily, but extremely important.

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Face Hunter – complete this version of the Myslyvets deck.

The strategy of playing this deck is to reduce it to maximum harm by exposing the enemy hero to win on the 7th-8th move.

We'll take a look at the layout of the deck, explain the choice of cards, and learn about the strategy of playing against the main archetypes.

  • Deck storage:
  • What are the advantages of this deck?
  • It's a great win and saves you an hour.

If you want to get as quickly as possible from 25 to rank 5, then this is the deck for you.

  • It’s no longer possible to rise from rank 5 to “Legend,” since the chance of wins significantly decreases with increased rank.
  • How does this deck move?
  • The enemy hero has less than 30 health.
  • Our goal is to reduce this quantity to 0. This deck is designed in such a way as to maximize harm in the face of the enemy (forms and names of the deck).

A list of the most effective Skoda devices:

Hero Power: 2 spend for 2 mani.

There are a lot of cards in this deck that have significant synergy, and if you play them correctly, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of such cards.

The most important types of such combos will be overreacted below.

The illuminating rocket is an effective card at the moment. First of all, V take the card. Otherwise, you will remove the impurity from all the minions - this is especially bad against, as you try to capture the key minions. Well, if you decide, you reveal secrets - it’s even worse when playing against Mislivts, Paladins and Mages (especially effective against Krizhana Mage). Remember that the illumination rocket learns all the secrets, not just one.

Vistezhuvannya - designed to distati

I need a card

from the deck.

In different types of seizures this may

Frosty paste simply strengthens your opponent.

Minions for 9-10 mani (for example, Alexstrasza), can no longer be played (as Druid is not playing against you).

This is the weakest paste of this deck.

If you want to make changes to the deck, you can safely start with the frosty paste.

Redirection is a good card, like Frost Mouth, it complies with the enemy and can completely destroy his plan. Good, since the Minion’s attack is redirected to the enemy minion. It’s very good, if the minion is otherwise minions of the enemy and they die of resentment.

Unleash the Dogs - just recently, this card cost only 2 mana and was a real nightmare for Paladin and Shaman, and for other classes.

However, after the increased strength of this card, it will be even stronger, as before. Let the dogs go well with the Hungry Buzzard. Don’t forget that Leroy gives the opponent 2 dragons, and that’s +2 dogs.

Since you already have Onion, Pasta and Lyroy, then this card is an offensive one, for the sake of We are pranking you for help from Vistezhenya.

Similar to the Capture Command, this card can be used to beat either in the guise of a opponent or to establish control.

Enchanting golem - finish

tsikava map


Vaughn gives crystal mana to the enemy, who will not be able to fight the sorcerer’s golem.

It's best to play a golem if you have a clear plan for how you will win the offensive moves.

In addition, you must try to transfer what your opponent can earn from this crystal of money.

When playing against Freeze Mage, there are three options for developing the game:

  • 1. You kill the Mage on this move, since the Mage did not defeat Krizhana.
  • 2. You win for the shell of the lightening rocket.
  • 3. You win without a lightning rocket, since you have no tools to finish off the magician after Krizhana shaved.

It's easy to finish.

If the aggromage is against you, the balance of forces will change.

Try to drive the Magician into Yaknaishvidshe, especially carefully controlling the mana snake on the cob of the gris.

The Mystic Mark is the only way to fight the Water Elemental, have one ready.

Against Paladins:

Aggro paladin is an easy weapon for you.

A bunch of hostile minions can only enhance the effect of Let the Dogs Out.

Against the Paladin of healing, our chances are extremely small, we simply wilt all our damage and transfer the game to later rounds.

Against the victims:

Dramatic opponent, but you can win.

Try to control the Cleric of the Middle Earth for the first time and beware of the Dark Priestess, who may want almost any of your minions.

Against Rozbiynikiv (Tempo chi Miracle):

Our deck is a nightmare for the Rogues, just hit them in the face... Cherry on the top is Our illuminating missile and the mark of hope that will help Us control Edwin Van Cleef.

Against Shamans:

To spot a Paladin who cannot be admired is a Shaman.

Our dogs really love the Shaman’s totems. It is difficult for us to formulate the spirit of the wild sheep. Against the Warlocks:

The warlocks themselves inflict harm on their own - you practically can’t do anything.

If you have a Vibukhova pasta against Zoolock and a Mark of Myslivitsa against Handlock, then the game against the Warlock is the simplest.