The door is impenetrable. Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Impassable Door. Icon “Impassable Doors” - the meaning it helps

The Icon of the Impassable Door was already popular in Russian churches and monasteries before the revolution. The infection was preserved only in one of the museums of St. Petersburg.

What do you know about the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door”? In what kind of situations do they go before her? What does this icon look like? And why call them that? About this in statistics.

When is the date shanuvannya?

The holy day of the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” is 8 September. This is the day to glorify the Cathedral Holy Mother of God.

Another holy day falls on the fifth Saturday of Lent. Holy praise to the Most Holy Theotokos.

What does the icon look like?

Quite a beautiful image. On the new Matir of God, stand with your hands outstretched towards each other. The arms are bent at the elbows and raised up. Doloni marvel with the inner side forward. The head of the Virgin Mary on the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” is cut to the right shoulder. The silence of the Divine Vaughn does not touch, except Vіn images in her womb. The Mother of God marvels at the saints as they stand before Her, praising.

What does it help with?

What does the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” help with? For example, people believe that in front of the icon of the “Undrinkable Cup” they pray for healing through feasting. And before the Mother of God, called “Additive to the Mind,” about the gift of the mind. In fact, healing and help come from the Virgin Mary. There is only one, there are a lot of images. The Mother of God gives help through her images, stars and the replication of people in the fact that a specific image helps with something specific.

Before the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door”, pray for intercession against burglary and penetration of the villains’ homes. It’s not just that the Mother of God saves those who ask Her for help with faith.

Chernits and maidens ask the Virgin Mary for help in saving and keeping themselves clean. The family begs for intercession and help in love. Those who do not have children beg for a baby. Fathers and children's mentors can ask in front of the icon of the Mother of God "The Impenetrable Door" for the protection of the child. About help and guarding against dubious friends, exploring other realities everyday life.

How to pray?

What is the main prayer of the icon of the Mother of God “Impenetrable doors”? More precisely, in front of this icon. Yes, such a prayer. Axis text:

Glory and nini, voice 2:

Impenetrable gate, secretly sealed, / Blessed be the Virgin Mary, / accept our prayer / and bring Your Son and God, / May You save our souls.

Slava, and nini dogmatist, voice 5:

On the Red Sea, / Neiskusobrachniya The image of the writing is named after: / there is Moses, the divider of water, / here is Gabriel, the minister of miracles. / Todi glubinu procession wetly Israel; / Nina gave birth to Christ without seed, the Virgin. / The sea, after the end of Israel, is impassable; / Immaculate after the division of Emmanuel, the perpetuation of imperishability. / Who exists and who first exists, / appears like a human being, / God, have mercy on us.

Glory, and the dismissal of Nina, voice 5:

Rejoice, the door of the Lord is impenetrable; / Rejoice, wall and roof, who are before You; / Rejoice, unburdened and unbreakable, / gave birth to the flesh of Your Creator and God, / praying does not marry about the plague / and bow to Your Rebirth.

People often have questions about nutrition: how can one pray in this or that way without being in the dark? It's possible. Even the Mother of God knows and fulfills all our heart desires. She will definitely help those who reach out to Her with faith.

There are no icons of the Mother of God “Impenetrable Door” in churches. As they said above, it’s even rarer. You can view the image at the St. Petersburg State Museum.

Would you like to pray in front of this icon? Read the prayers, clear your eyes. Ask the Mother of God for help. The reality of the image does not appear on its sensitivity, as a person should ask with broad faith.

History of the icon

What is the significance of the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door”? This is a symbol of the fact that after the people of the Savior Yogo Matir lost the Virgin. Why is it called Ever-Day? How is that possible? People don’t invest this miracle in information.

According to legends, Jesus Christ was born differently from the original human being. You are at the side of Your Most Pure Mother. It’s amazing, it’s such a fact.

The image of the Mother of God "The Impenetrable Door" was written in the 17th century. The wine itself is saved in St. Petersburg.

The Mother of God is one of the human race, who prays for people before God with maternal prayer. There is no need to be afraid or hesitate to ask God Matir for intercession and help. Ale and do not forget to thank you for the assistance given.

How to open a booth and in a temple

The icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” (pictured) will help those who pray and ask with faith. Ale people may ask for power and forget to give. Why can’t you be shy?

How to thank the Virgin Mary for help? Read the akathist and express it in your own words. In the minds of the home it goes like this:

  • The women pull on their spaghetti straps and cover their heads with a hushka.
  • Men are required to wear trousers and have their heads uncovered.
  • A candle or lamp is lit in front of the icons.
  • The akathist to the Mother of God is read, after reading the following in your own words.

If it is possible to build a temple, then offer a prayer service, light a candle in front of any ceremony and agree in your own words.

Little things about behavior in church

The list of submissions includes material about the icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door”. Now briefly about how to behave in church.

If you plan to go to the service, then:

  • Women come to church without makeup, or more importantly, without lipstick. Otherwise, how to apply to icons?
  • The weak one becomes guilty of being a thief. Tie a hustka on your head or put on a droplet.
  • Men come in trousers. Shorts are not acceptable.
  • Arrive before the service late, 15 - 20 before the service, to calmly submit notes for your health and peace, and light candles.
  • During the hour of service, it is not good to move around the entire church, lighting candles.
  • Unacceptable loud noises, laughter and heat. At the hour of the service, roar to the edges of the Nebazhans.
  • Women are not allowed to light candles, venerate icons, confess or take communion (unless absolutely necessary) during critical times. You will have to suffer for a week.
  • If people want to take communion, they will fast for three days. It is evident at this time not only from the products of the animal trade, but also from various troubles.
  • Before the sacraments, it is necessary to make a mandatory confession and refuse permission from the priest to attend.

If you just wanted to go into the temple and light candles, then you follow these very rules. For the guilt, it is clear, preparations for communion.


We see the main aspects about the icon of the Mother of God “Impassable Doors”:

  • The icon is even rare. You can only find it in the St. Petersburg State Museum.
  • The text of the prayers before the image of representations in the statistics.
  • They go into so many ways with laments about the protection from robbery and infiltration of villains from life.
  • You can approach the Mother of God with all sorts of groans. Golovne, with faith in my soul.


Now the reader knows what kind of image this is - “The Impenetrable Door”, which it symbolizes when people are still trying to ask for something.

Don’t forget about those that the Mother of God is alone. And Vaughn sends additional help through her icons. It’s not at all obligatory for him to ask for just one thing.

Orthodox images have been known for their miraculous powers since ancient times. The “Impassable Door” icon is especially significant; it is important to know what it helps with. Another common name is “Impassable Gates”. This image is respected even more deeply, but who the author is is still unknown. At the moment, the icon is being preserved in the State Russian Museum. It depicts the Holy Virgin praying to God to save the faithful, as well as people asking for help from the Mother of God herself.

Meaning of the “Impenetrable Door” Icon

The main sensation of this image lies in the fact that the Mother of God has closed the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven, which are inaccessible to sinful people. Since ancient times, Christians have stolen their lives not only through castles and levies, but also through victorious spiritual forces. The “Impassable Door” icon will ensure the protection of your home from villains, enemies and various negativity, and even a magical one. In this case, please respect that before this, it is not necessary to ask for protection, but for the intercession of the Mother of God.

You can go to the Icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” in order to complete the feat of childhood, lovelessness and a healthy mind. People who spend time with whores can become violent great powers, To preserve happiness and loyalty in the homeland. Fathers can pray in front of the icon to protect their children from various misfortunes. To pray to this Mother of God also in case of a real threat of disaster, or other natural disasters. Zagalom, it is possible to sacrifice yourself to the Mother of God in whatever way is connected with good.

One more important moment, Who needs to be addressed - hang the icon “Impenetrable Doors”. In fact, there are no strict restrictions on this drive. The image can be placed in a specially designated place for saving icons. Hang the image best in the opposite part of the room, so that it faces the directions to the entrance doors. It is important that the order is not interrupted by third-party objects that will destroy the energy of the image.

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” marks the Gate to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is important for sinners to pass through. The righteous will leap to the miracles of Brahmi.

History appeared

The image is rare for its iconography, during expansions in the 17th century in Russian Orthodox monasteries. The blessing in front of the “Impenetrable Door” is intended to save people from the attacks of robbers and robbers. She herself began to be called miraculous.

The Face of the Mother of God visibly shows Christians that the mercy of the Mother of God is at the door of eternity.

For finishing! The original image of the icon, written in the 17th century, is preserved to this day in St. Petersburg in the State Russian Museum.


The folding iconography is folded in three levels. Sitting above in the gloom is a gray-haired old man. Perhaps He is God the Father. His lips let out a breath, as shown to the peepers in the sight of the White-winged Blue. This divine spirit is the Holy Spirit, which descends on the Virgin Mary.

The Mother of God herself stands on the middle tier in the new age, with her hands in half-blue blessings. Underfoot are splayed gifts, invisibly indicating that Mary, for her spiritual and spiritual qualities, is significantly greater than worldly people. The Christ of the images looks like a child and grows on the equal breasts.

Next to the Mother of God stand the righteous, the saints, their faces brutalized to Her, and their hands outstretched in prayerful gestures.

On the lower tier the method shows people who are found beyond the boundaries of the earthly butt. The stench is depicted as if under the crust of the earth on a black aphid, their bodies are burned with veils (after the Hebrew name). They offer their prayers to the Mother of God, so that she will give birth to the Savior of the World, who will bring the dead out of the heat and bring them into the heavenly abodes.

Important! There is a deep sense in the fact that the Mother of God is the name of the door to the Paradise monastery. To enter it, you must convert to the faith of Christ and give your righteous lives the right to live in paradise.

At the same hour, the Queen of Heaven Herself interceded with Her Son for the forgiveness of all people.

Icon “Impenetrable Doors”

theological significance

The image of the Mother of God reveals to the inhabitants the affirmation that Vona is Freshwater. Vaughn preserved the purity of her body and spirit after her nativity on the Light of the Messiah. This is a spiritual feat.

Here are the glorified days associated with the earthly feat of Jesus Christ, the darkness of God, the joy of the Resurrection, the sorrow of the Resurrection, the anticipation of the next coming of the Creator to Earth.

The image of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” became the basis for the creation of other miraculous Mother of God icons.

Read about the icons of the Mother of God:

Seeing the Face of the Mother of God, a believing Christian is obliged to inherit the imbued spirit of the Queen of Heaven. And even Heaven itself has been deigned to pray for the entire human world.

holy will I help you

The blessing of the Holy Mother of God guides the one who prays at the shrine with firm faith and broad hope. This is not necessary in Pokutti, where the mother of the “impenetrability of the Door” lived.

Before this image, it is necessary to offer a blessing for intercession. It is worth praying to God Matir for the sake of the unfailing achievement of the feat of cultivation (especially for the Chens and monks), lovelessness and a healthy mind. People who are in legal love can complain to the Most Pure Virgin about preserving family happiness, reconciled friendships, and fidelity. Fathers can thank the Mother of God for the protection of their children from various sinful misfortunes and the attacks of filthy people.

When the “Impenetrable Door” is dedicated to the Mother of God, you can revise the standard text of the prayer, unless you are afraid to use your own words, brand, so that the stench comes out from the depths of the soul. Then the Queen of Heaven will immediately sense the voice of the prayer book and provide the necessary help.

Or you can eat in such a way that the situation, when you ask to correct the prayer book, becomes even worse. It’s not good to fall into disrepute, for each of us God has His own plan! It’s no wonder to say about those incomprehensible ways of the Lord! Let us trust the Lord and His Mother, they will definitely help us.

Important! A trace of memory that helps to correct the importance of the human condition is not the image itself in the gilded frame, but the power of the Mother of God, whose holy intercession before Sin for every human being on earth.

Priests with the icon “Impassable Gates”

The preservation of icons in basic life

If you bought the “Impenetrable Door” icon for your home iconostasis, then it’s not a good idea to place it there. It is important to display the image above the entrance doors to the cabin or apartment. It is important that Freshwater is so vulnerable to the anger and approachability of unkind people, to protect from Chaklun’s spells, villains, and possible troubles in everyday life.

At this time, the focus on religion is more ambiguous. Most people don’t think about those who end their activities in the temple and light candles without any emotions, they don’t take anything away from the mystery. Ale yakscho the soul of a person is filled In truth, God dwells in her and in his life, wonderful miracles begin to appear. A lot of people are looking for the “Impenetrable Door” icon, without thinking about its meaning and what it can do to protect their home and family from all sorts of misfortunes.

In contact with


Like the icon of guilt hanging above the door

More people today are involved in religion, even more obligatory service in the temple and the sanctuary of the great saints. It helps to cope with important situations by knowing that God is protecting them. And for whom icons are hung in the hut.

The most popular and popular icon for the alarm system is “”. You need to hang it on the wall when you buy a cabin or an apartment in the first place.

This icon is considered to be respected as a singing portal, which connects a person with the divine light and protects against misfortunes, and also gives harmony and serenity in the skin. In order for your mother to be able to pray to icons without any mistakes, you need to start have a special place to the booth for someone. When choosing an icon, you must focus not only on the sake of the priests, but on your own power. Even the icon is obliged to bestow goodness and peace, otherwise its brothers are not good.

Why choose your choice:

  1. "". Vaughn steals the booth because evil gets into the booth. Vaughn is guarding the entrance to the gatehouse. You yourself can steal the booths from robbers who have nasty intentions of entering people. She helps the homeland to live in peace and harmony, without quarrels and discord.
  2. « Bogomatir Unbreakable Wall" The image depicts Bogomatir with spread your arms out to the sides. Vona is a symbol of protection and does not allow evil into the booth. All those who are tempted to do harm or harm the rulers' house will not be able to stay in the new one for long. The stinks will feel discomfort and will become smelly whenever you drink from home.

If you hang one of these icons in front of the doors or not, then change the direction to avoid embarrassment for a long time. The day is filled with peace and tranquility. Let us remember that one icon cannot solve all problems. More problems can be solved by changing the settings for life and family.

The image of the “Impenetrable Door”: where to hang it?

The image depicts the Mother of God, who is the most important figure close to God. You yourself should ask the Lord for help and help all people on earth. Helpful vera can bring a lot of happiness and joy and earn a life of grace. It is important to remember here that it is not the image itself that brings grace into the day, but true faith in it.

The image of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door” will be placed in the lower part of the hut and will face the door. In the image, the Mother of God is depicted praying, mutely calling people to fall on their knees and begin to offer prayers. Chim shhire prokhannya, tim shvidshe von will be considered.

Place an image near your apartment or the little one, to remember that not the image itself is miraculous, but the Mother of God is depicted on it. She only responds to prayers that are offered with generosity and a pure heart. Once upon a time, when you ask a person for good and goodness, it seems like the Holy Mother.

You can ask the Mother of God like this:

  • about forgiveness and pardon of sins;
  • about fidelity and love;
  • about those in the budinok evil and lateness have not penetrated;
  • about help with criminals;
  • about those so that the body and spirit are preserved in divine purity.

Grief and misfortune, enemies and disasters cannot be contained in the booth where this miraculous image hangs. In order for the icon to be active and have the strength to overcome all problems, you need to pray every day and ask for protection. It is also important to remember those who need to get rid of negativity and tension, so that the stench does not bring more evil into life and does not darken the soul.

An icon that can be hung opposite the entrance doors

When choosing an image for a booth, it is first important to consider why it is needed. It’s not easy to decorate your home with icons; paintings serve this function much better. And from holy images This is partly the spirituality and faith of the skin people. The stench is endowed with a special power, which only affects truly believing people.

If the image is bathed only for the protection of the everyday life from evil, it will not be used. Aje is not an amulet against evil. There is so much more to it than just holiness. She needs to truly believe, as in God himself, as in herself.

What kind of icon can be hung above the door?

  1. "Seven-stripe Icon". The image depicts the Virgin Mary without Christ. In his hands, the Mother of God holds arrows and talks about human sorrows and troubles. The energy of Our Lady is strong That with great faith and broad prayer, people can be blessed to fight all the difficulties of life.
  2. Icon of the Virgin Mary "Impenetrable door". This is a very powerful image that charges people with greatness. This image protects people from illness, curses and the unkind thoughts of other people.
  3. "Angel Okhoronets". The patron will help in the search for harmony in life with other people and with oneself. This is the icon that can be hung above the door, and it will help protect you from many misfortunes.

There may be some very attractive images hanging near the booth. Golovne, so that the stench resembles that of people and their religion. The icon can be supplemented with a cross, which will symbolize God and his son. Just remember that the power lies not in the icons and crosses themselves, but in the strength of your faith in them.

Chi is allowed to hang the image above the door

According to the clergy, you can hang an icon over the door, but you need to prepare the place first. To begin with, you should consecrate the corridor to create a friendly ground for further actions. The image must be chosen so that it is valuable for the person herself, so that she was carrying a light, Which god conveys youmu. You can hang a bunch of images over the door, each of which will carry its own protection and function.

Roztashovuvat over the door of a great image is not varto. The stench does not carry great power. Even if there is a small icon hanging above the door, they can help and kidnap you. The main thing here is the true faith and the purity of the promises of the rulers of the apartment. The choice of icons lies in the likeness of the ruler's booth. If you want reliable protection, then choose the Mother of God and read her regularly, in which your prayer will be transmitted. In general, you can buy an image of any saint, they will protect everything from inappropriateness and evil.

True faith, alive in the hearts of people, Let's do miracles. It is only necessary to remember that without faith the image will not work miracles. And in this case - the stench is just pictures with the faces of saints, like they decorate the little booths.

Icon “Impenetrable Doors”

“A new miracle and a godly thing: / the little girl’s door is closed

/ The Lord may pass by, / naked at the entrance, /

and the flesh-bearer appeared as a result of God, / and the door was repaired.

/ Qiu is invisible / like the Mother of God, magnified.”

October Week, ch. 3, Irmos, 9 hymns, 1 canon at Matins

The name contains the idea that God's Mother is like the Door to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is important for sinners to pass through. The righteous, however, will rush to this miraculous Door. The Icon of the Mother of God “The Impenetrable Door,” rare for its iconography, was expanded in the 17th century in Russian Orthodox monasteries. By praying in front of this icon, one could be protected from the attack of robbers and robbers. The icon effectively helped and began to be called miraculous. Whoever painted this icon is unknown, after the hour its writing is put up until the so-called “Time of Troubles”, if Vasyl Shuisky has fallen on the throne after the False Dmitry.

The basis of the iconography is the text of the entrance prayer “The impassable door is darkly marked...”, which is read at the beginning of the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. The image of the Mother of God of the Impenetrable Doors ("closed gates"), descending upon the Book of the Prophet. Ezekiel (Ezekiel 44, 2), symbolizing the Ever-Day of the Mother of God, Bessemenov conceived and, according to popular belief, Jesus lost the Virgin: “And the Lord said to me: This Brahma will be closed, it will not be subjugated, and no one will enter into ї; for the Lord, the God of Israel, will destroy them, and they will be eliminated.”

A strong influx into the formation of such compositions was created by the preparation of the services of the Great Vespers of the Theotokos, which included the reading of the text of Ezekiel and the singing of stichera, which revealed the theme of his prophecy. One of the most striking parallels to the iconography of the monument is given by the stichera of Sergius the Patriarch, which is celebrated on Great Vespers on the eve of the Nativity of the Mother of God on September 21: “This is the day of the Lord, rejoice, people, for this is the bright Hall i The Book of the Word of the animal, from the womb. And even before the doors opened, they gave birth to the entrance of the Great Saint, the One, and the One Entrance of Christ from the All-World, for the salvation of our souls.” Formed by the infusion of different texts, the composition was intended to convey the ideas of the Immaculate Conception, the Incarnation of Christ and the Parade of the Righteous. The central place in it is dedicated to the image of Our Lady of Oranti with the Unknown Christ in her bosom. A stream of light descends on the Mother of God from the heavens, which takes place of the image of the dove - the symbol of the Holy Spirit, coming out of the mouth of the Lord of Hosts, represented in the shadows. The theme of the glorification of the Virgin Mary is conveyed through images of glorifying the saints, represented on all sides of the composition. First among them are the images of the prophet. Ezekiel, holding in his hands a bag with the text of the prophecy. It is hoped that in May we will see figures in white shrouds, which will protect the souls of the dead who are in need of hell. The architectural background of the icon reflects the symbolic idea of ​​the composition. The image of the Mother of God, the Gate of the Word, the Commander of the Door of the Order, is deliberately combined with the image behind her as an architectural dispute, the solutions at the front of the portico - the entrance to the Heavenly City.

Pivovarova N. Bogomatir Impassable Doors // Sophia The Wisdom of God. Exhibition of Russian iconography XIII-XIX centuries from the collection of museums in Russia. M., 2000. P. 348.


The icon is worn twice a day on special days of glorification of the Mother of God:

1) The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on the day after the Nativity of Christ, i.e. 8th century according to the new style;

2) Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos (Saturday of Akathist) - on Saturday of the fifth week of Lent.


Glory, and nini, voice 2 [Creative Metropolitan of Anthony (Khrapovitsky)]:

Impenetrable gate, secretly sealed, / Blessed be the Virgin Mary, / accept our prayer / and bring Your Son and God, / May You save our souls.

Slava, and nini dogmatist, voice 5:

On the Red Sea, / Neiskusobrachniya The image of the writing is named after: / there is Moses, the divider of water, / here is Gabriel, the minister of miracles. / Todi glubinu procession wetly Israel; / Nina gave birth to Christ without seed, the Virgin. / The sea, after the end of Israel, is impassable; / Immaculate after the division of Emmanuel, the perpetuation of imperishability. / Who exists and who first exists, / appears like a human being, / God, have mercy on us.

Glory, and the dismissal of Nina, voice 5:

Rejoice, the door of the Lord is impenetrable; / Rejoice, wall and roof, who are before You; / Rejoice, unburdened and unbreakable, / gave birth to the flesh of Your Creator and God, / praying does not marry about the plague / and bow to Your Rebirth.

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