German physicist - Nobel Prize laureate.



, Nobel Prize for Peace and Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine.

The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen “in recognition of the extremely important services to science that were manifested in the many miraculous changes that were named in his honor.”

This city is owned by the Nobel Foundation and is rightfully considered the most prestigious city a physicist can produce.

The won is awarded in Stockholm at the 10th birthday ceremony on the occasion of Nobel’s death.

The rules of the Nobel Prize in physics are required so that the significance of the achievement is verified in an hour.

In practice, this means that the gap between the types and premiums is usually close to 20 rocks, and maybe much more.

For example, half of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1983 was awarded to S. Chandrasekhar for his work on the evolution of the world that was formed in 1930.

The disadvantage of this approach is that not everyone can live long enough for their work to be recognized.

This prize was never awarded for important scientific activities, and many of the Persian scientists died at the time their work was evaluated. Nagorodi The winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics takes away a gold medal, a diploma from the formulations and a penny sum. A penny's worth of money lies in the income of the Nobel Foundation for this fate. If the prize is awarded to more than one laureate, the money will be divided equally between them;

For once three laureates, the money can also be divided into half and two quarters.


Nobel Prize medals, vicarious

The laureates are also given a penny if they win the Nobel Prize with a document that confirms the sum of the winery;

In 2009, the penny premium was 10 million Swedish kronor (1.4 million US dollars).

The sums can be divided depending on how many pennies the Nobel Foundation can award to someone.

Since there are two competitions in one or another category, the grant will be divided equally between the beneficiaries.

Since there are three winners, the committee that awards the award may divide the grant into equal parts or give half of the amount to one winner and one quarter each to the other two.

  1. Ceremony
  2. The committee, which will act as a selection committee for the prize, will vote on the names of the laureates from the jury. The prize is then awarded at an official ceremony, which takes place shortly before the birth of Stockholm on the 10th anniversary of Nobel’s death. The laureates receive a diploma, a medal and a document that confirms the penny prize.
  3. Laureati
  4. Notes "What the Nobel Laureates Receive". Retrieved November 1, 2007. Archived copy dated June 30, 2007 on the Wayback Machine
  5. "The Nobel Prize Selection Process", Encyclopædia Britannica
  6. , accessed November 5, 2007 (Flowchart). FAQ
  7. Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott's Contribution to Dynamic Macroeconomics: Time Consistency of Economic Policy and Driving Forces Behind Business Cycles (undefined) "What the Nobel Laureates Receive". (PDF).
  8. Official website of the Nobel Prize (June 11, 2004). "What the Nobel Laureates Receive". Date of birth: January 17, 2012. Archived on January 28, 2012.
  9. Gingras, Yves. The prize is then awarded at an official ceremony, which takes place shortly before the birth of Stockholm on the 10th anniversary of Nobel’s death. Wallace, Matthew L. To avoid being too chimerical, let us assume Nobel Prize winners: How to bibliometric analysis of nominees and winners of the chemistry and physics prizes (1901-2007) // Scientometrics.:
  10. - 2009. - No. 2.- P. 401. - DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0035-9.
  11. A noble prize (English) // Nature Chemistry: journal. Linus Pauling and The Chemical Nature Bond: A Documentary History, The Valley Library, Oregon State University.

Retrieved December 7, 2007

Names of Nobel Prize laureates in physics.

In accordance with the commandment of Alfred Nobel, the prize is awarded to the one “who earns the most important respect for the consequences” of this galusia.

The editors of TASS-DOSIER prepared material about the procedure for awarding this prize and its laureates.

Awarding the prize and nominating candidates

Since there are two competitions in one or another category, the grant will be divided equally between the beneficiaries.

The prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm.

Its working body is the Nobel Committee on Physics, which consists of five to six members, which comprise the Academy for three roles.

Among the laureates of 12 Russian and Russian physicists, as well as others who were born and educated in the USSR and adopted another community.

In 1958, the Rock Prize was awarded to Pavlo Cherenkov, Illya Frank and Igor Tamm for their promotion of the charging of particles that collapse with superluminal fluidity.

Lev Landau became a laureate in 1962 for the theory of condensed media and rare helium.

Landau's remains were in the hospital after serious injuries suffered in a car accident, and the prize was presented to him in Moscow by the Ambassador of Sweden to the USSR.

Mikola Basov and Oleksandr Prokhorov were awarded the prize in 1964 for the creation of a maser (quantum booster).

Their works in this field were first published in 1954.

In addition, the American scientist Charles Townes had similar results; as a result, all three were denied the Nobel Prize. In 1978, Petro Kapitsa was awarded for the prevention of low-temperature physics (which he began to study directly in the 1930s). In 2000, Zhores Alferov became a laureate for his developments in transmission technology (sharing with the German physicist Herbert Kremer).

Nobel Prizes are often awarded in Stockholm (Sweden), as well as Oslo (Norway). They are respected by the most prestigious international cities..

Having fallen asleep, Alfred Nobel was a Swedish wine drinker, linguist, industrial magnate, humanist and philosopher.

It went down in history (which was patented in 1867), which played a great role in the industrial development of our planet.

The folded commandment stated that all of this wealth will be established as a fund, the purpose of which is to award prizes to those who bring wisdom to humanity

the greatest value

Nobel Prize

Today's prizes are awarded to the fields of chemistry, physics, medicine, and literature.

The Peace Prize is also awarded.

  • Nobel laureates of Russia from literature, physics and economics will be presented in our statistics.
  • Get to know their biographies, credits, and assets.
  • The price of the Nobel Prize is high.
  • In 2010, its size reached approximately 1.5 million dollars.
  • The Nobel Foundation was founded in 1890.
  • Nobel Prize laureates in Russia
  • Our country can be written with names that have glorified it in the fields of physics, literature, and economics.
  • Nobel laureates in Russia and the USSR in these areas are as follows:
  • Bunin I. A. (literature) – 1933 r.
  • Cherenkov P. A., Frank I. M. ta Tamm I. E. (physics) – 1958 r.
  • Pasternak B. L. (literature) – 1958 r.
  • Landau L. D. (physics) – born 1962
  • Basov N. G. and Prokhorov A. M. (physics) – born 1964

Sholokhov M. A. (literature) – born 1965

Solzhenitsyn A. I. (literature) – 1970 r.

Kantorovich L.V. (economics) – born 1975

Kapitsa P. L. (physics) – born 1978

Tamm Igor Evgenovich (1895-1971) was born near Vladivostot. He was the son of a civil engineering engineer. Long ago, he began in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh, and then turned to Fatherlandism and graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the MDU in 1918.

The upcoming military training marches to the front of the World War, serving as a brother of mercy.

In 1933, he received his doctoral dissertation, and through the river, in 1934, becoming a scientific graduate of the Institute of Physics.


For this reason, we worked on the corners of science, as there was little research.

Thus, we have taken into account relativistic quantum mechanics, as well as the theory of the atomic nucleus.

Prokhorov was born in Australia in 1916, where his father lived since 1911.

The stinks were sent to Siberia by the royal order, and then fled beyond the cordon.

In 1923, the entire homeland of the future century turned to the USSR. Alexander Mikhailovich graduated from the Faculty of Physics at Leningrad University and worked at the Institute since 1939. Lebedev.

Its scientific achievements are connected with radiophysics. Since 1950, we have been working on radiospectroscopy and together with Basov Mikola Gennadiyovich, developing the so-called masers - molecular generators. Nowadays, they have discovered a way to create concentrated radio transmission.

Similar research was carried out independently from Radyan's colleagues and Charles Townes, an American physicist, whose committee members decided to share this prize between them and Radyan's colleagues.

Kapitsa Petro Leonidovich new material which allows you to greatly increase the speed of the Internet.

As it turned out, they can capture, and also convert into electrical energy, a quantity of light, more than 20 times higher, than in all other materials.

It is dated 2004 rock.

This is how the list of “Nobel laureates of Russia in the 21st century” was updated.

Prizes for literature

Our land has always been famous for its artistic creativity.

People with timeless ideas and views - Nobel laureates of Russia in literature.

The share of Oleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was no less dramatic and meaningful. Born in 1918 in the town of Kislovodsk, the future Nobel laureate spent his childhood and youth in Rostov-on-Don and Novocherkassk. After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Rostov University, Oleksandr Isaevich became a student and immediately studied in absentia in Moscow, at the Literary Institute.

After the cob of the Great The Great Patriotic War The upcoming winner of the world's most prestigious prize has rushed to the front.

Solzhenitsyn was arrested shortly before the end of the war.

The reason for this was his critical respect for the address of Josip Stalin, found in the pages of the letter by military censorship.

Only in 1953, after the death of Yosip Vissarionovich, he was fired.

Let us tell you again about one great Ukrainian writer - Mikhail Oleksandrovich Sholokhov. For him, his fate was different than for the opponents of the Radian rule (Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn), whose remains were supported by the state. Mikhailo Oleksandrovich (1905-1980) was born in Don.

He then described the village of Veshenskaya, his small fatherland, and its rich works.

Mikhailo Sholokhov completed only the 4th grade of school.

He took an active part in the huge war, caring for those who took excess bread from possible Cossacks in the pen.

The future writer already in his youth received his call. In 1922, a family of people arrived in Moscow, and within a few months began publishing their first stories in magazines and newspapers., polytheconomy, mathematics The Faculty of Mathematics graduated from the 18th century, in 1930.

After this, Kantorovich lost his account at the university.

By the 22nd day, Leonid Vitaliyovich became a professor, and through the river – a doctor.

In 1938, he was assigned to the laboratory of a plywood factory as a consultant, where he was tasked with carefully creating a method for dividing various resources to maximize productivity.

This is how the method of liquid programming was founded.

In 1960, a number of developments moved to Novosibirsk, where at that time the computer center, the most advanced in the region, was created.

Here he continued his investigation.

Having lived in Novosibirsk until 1971.

This time we lost the Lenin Prize.

In 1975, the family was awarded the Nobel Prize jointly with T. Koopmans, for his contributions to the theory of resource division.

These are the main Nobel laureates of Russia.

In 2014, the prize was awarded to Patrick Modiano (literature), Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura (physics).

Jean Tirole took over the city from the economy.

Among them there are no Nobel laureates of Russia.

2013 also did not bring as many honorary awards to our athletes.

All laureates were representatives of other powers.

Municipal Zagalnosvitny Mortgage

“Secondary dark-illuminated school No. 2 in the village of Energetik”

Novoorsk district of Orenburz region

Abstract from physics on the topic:

“Russian physicists are laureates

Rizhkova Arina,

Fomchenko Sergiy

Kerivnik: Ph.D., physics teacher

Dolgova Valentina Mikhailivna

Addresses: 462803 Orenburzka region, Novoorsky district,

7. Abrikosov and Ginzburg’s contribution to the theory of superconductors…………………………12


Oleksiy Abrikosov……………………………..…………………………….…12


Vitaly Ginzburg …………………………………………………………………….13


List of Wikipedia Literature……………………………………………………………….15




The development of the science of physics is accompanied by constant changes: the discovery of new phenomena, the establishment of laws, the improvement of research methods, the emergence of new theories.

Unfortunately, historical information about the introduction of laws and the introduction of new ones is often revealed outside the framework of the guide and the initial process.

The authors of the abstract and one-page article on the Duma, that the implementation of the principle of historicism in the beginning of physics can be respected by inclusion before the initial process, instead of following the material from history. ї development (birth, formation, current development and prospects for development) of science.

Under the principle of historicism in modern physics, we understand a historical-methodological approach, which means a direct start to the formation of methodological knowledge about the process of knowledge, learning from the pioneers of humanistic thought, patriotism, development of cognitive interest to the subject.

During the lesson, learning about the history of physics arouses interest.

A look back to the history of science shows the important and troubling path of the past to the truth, which is today formulated in the form of a short devotion to the law.

Before the necessary knowledge, we will first introduce the biographies of great figures and the history of significant scientific discoveries.

It is significant that there are 19 Russian Nobel Prize laureates.

Ce physicists A. Abrikosov, Zh. Alferov, N. Basov, V. Ginzburg, P. Kapitsa, L. Landau, A. Prokhorov, I. Tamm, P. Cherenkov, A. Sakharov (Peace Prize), I. Frank;

Russian writers I. Bunin, B. Pasternak, A. Solzhenitsin, M. Sholokhov;

M. Gorbachov (Peace Prize), Russian physiologists I. Mechnikov and I. Pavlov;

chemist N. Semenov.

The first Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to the famous German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen for his contribution to the changes that now bear his name.

The purpose of this abstract is to systematize materials about the contributions of Russian (Radyan) physicists - Nobel Prize laureates to the developments of science.


1. 1. Read the history of the prestigious international award - the Nobel Prize.

2. Conduct a historiographical analysis of the life and work of Russian physicists who were awarded the Nobel Prize.

3. Continue development by systematizing and consolidating knowledge based on the history of physics. 4. Create a series of presentations on the topic “Physicists – Nobel Prize laureates.” The Nobel Prize as a sign of accomplishments

The fields of physics and chemistry may be awarded to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences;

The fields of physiology and medicine are awarded to the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm;

The cities of Galusian literature are awarded by the (Swedish) Academy in Stockholm;

According to the agreement, the Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five members who are elected by the Norwegian Storting (Parliament).

This willed and awarded city is not obliged to depend on the laureate’s allegiance to this or any other nation, just as the city’s sum is not required to depend on the laureate’s status to any other nation” (2).

The naming ceremony takes place in this way. The Nobel Foundation requests laureates and members of their families until Stockholm and Oslo 10 years ago. In Stockholm, the bathing ceremony takes place in the Concert Hall in the presence of approximately 1,200 people.

The Galusian Prizes for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology and Medicine, Literature and Economics are awarded by the King of Sweden after

short video

reach of the laureate by representatives of the assemblies that award the city.

The holiday ends with a banquet, organized by the Nobel Foundation, in the hall of the Moscow Town Hall.

In Oslo, the ceremony for presenting the Nobel Peace Prize is held at the university, near the assembly hall, in the presence of the King of Norway and members of the royal homeland.

The laureate takes the heads of the Norwegian Nobel Committee from the hands of the city.

Subject to the rules of the naming ceremony in Stockholm and Oslo, laureates present their Nobel lectures to those present, which are then published in a special edition of Nobel laureates.

Russian physicist Pavlo Oleksiyovich Cherenkov was born near Novy Chigli near Voronezh.

His fathers Oleksiy and Maria Cherenkov were villagers.

Having completed 1928 Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Voronezh University, having worked as a teacher for two years.

In 1930 He became a graduate student at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR near Leningrad and graduated from the candidate's degree in 1935. Then he became a scientific scientist at the Physical Institute.

P.M. Lebedev near Moscow, where he worked at a distance. 1932 r. under the supervision of academician S.I.

Vavilova Cherenkov began to understand the light that arises from the production of high-energy substances, for example, the production of radioactive substances.

2.2. He was able to show that in all cases the light was due to certain reasons, such as fluorescence.

Cherenkov's cone of vibration is similar to the one that occurs in Russia due to the fluidity, which outweighs the fluidity of the widened area near the water. It is also similar to the shock wave, as it appears when the sound barrier passes. For this reason, Cherenkov took the step of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 1940. Together with Vavilov, Tamm and Frank, he won the Stalin Prize (later renamed to the State) Prize of the USSR in 1946.

Born in 1958 Together with Tamm and Frank Cherenkov, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics “for his discovery and suppression of the Cherenkov effect.”
Manne Sigban from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences noted in his statement that “the discovery of the phenomenon, which is not known as the Cherenkov effect, is a good example of the fact that apparently simple physical caution during
This great physicist was born in 1895 near Vladivostok.
It’s amazing that in Igor Tamm’s youth, politics valued much more than science.

As a high school student, he literally smeared the revolution, hated tsarism and considered himself a converted Marxist.

In Scotland, at the University of Edinburgh, where his fathers sent him to study for a distant share of his son, young Tamm continued to study the work of Karl Marx and take part in political rallies.
The time has come for Igor Evgenovich to continue to deal with the problem of the interaction of relativistic particles, intending to develop a theory of elementary particles, which includes the elementary dovgina.

Academician Tamm created a brilliant school of theoretical physicists.

Before her we can include such eminent physicists as V.L. Ginzburg, M.A. Markov, E.L.

Feinberg, L.V.Keldish, D.A.Kirzhnits and in.

Frank Illya Mikhailovich
At Vavilov’s request in 1934. Frank entered the Physical Institute named after.

Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR near Moscow, where he worked from that hour.
In 1946, Frank founded the laboratory of the atomic nucleus at the Institute.
Lebedev became a ceramic maker.

Having been a professor at the Moscow State University since 1940, Frank from 1946 to 1956 worked in the laboratory of radioactive production at the Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at the Moscow State University.

Across the river under the Frank Kerivnitsya, a laboratory of neutron physics was created at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research near Dubna.

Here 1960 r. A pulsed liquid neutron reactor for spectroscopic neutron tracking was launched.

In 1977

The new and stronger pulse reactor has been upgraded to perfection. Colleagues respected Frank Volodiv for his insight and clarity of thought, his ability to reveal the truth of research using the most elementary methods, as well as his special intuition for the most complex feeding of experiment and theory. His scientific articles are highly valued for their clarity and logical precision.

3. Lev Landau – creator of the theory of helium suppleness

We have collected information about the brilliant scientist on the Internet and from scientific and biographical sources (5.14, 17, 18), which shows that the Radian physicist Lev Davidovich Landau was born in the birthplace of David and Lyubov Landau in Baku.

Born in 1931 Landau turned to Leningrad, and then soon moved to Kharkov, which then became the capital of Ukraine.

There, Landau becomes a cerebral specialist in the theoretical department of the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology.

The Academy of Sciences of the USSR awarded you 1934 rubles. For years now, the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences has been achieved without the need for a dissertation, and the title of professor has finally been revoked.

Landau made a great contribution to quantum theory and to the investigation of the nature and interactions of elementary particles. An extremely wide range of his research, which may be admired by all the galoozes of theoretical physics, having brought to Kharkov many highly talented students and young scientists, including Evgen Mikhailovich Lifshits, who became not only the closest Landau's friend, and his special friend. Born in 1937 Landau, at the request of Pyotr Kapitsa, contributed to theoretical physics at the newly created Institute of Physical Problems in Moscow.

When Landau moved from Kharkov to Moscow, Kapitsa’s experiments with rare helium were in full swing.

Having explained the suppleness of helium, Vikorist and the principle of a new mathematical apparatus.

At that time, when other descendants stashed quantum mechanics down to the behavior of small atoms, when they looked at quantum research, it was almost as if it were a solid body.

We have discovered (3, 9, 14) that the Russian physicist Mikola Gennadiyovich Basov was born in the village of Usman, near Voronezh, with the family of Gennady Fedorovich Basov and Zinaida Andrievna Molchanov.

Yogo, father, professor at the Voronezh Forestry Institute, specializing in the influx of forest plantations on underground water and surface drainage.

Having graduated from school in 1941, young Basov pishov served in the Radyan Army. In 1950 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. At the All-Union Conference on Radiospectroscopy in Travna, 1952. Basov and Prokhorov proposed the design of a molecular generator based on inverse population, the idea of ​​which was not published until 1954. In the coming years, Basov and Prokhorov published a note about the “three-stage method.” According to this scheme, when an atom is transferred from the main level to the highest of the three energy levels, more molecules will appear on the intermediate level, less on the lower level, and it is possible to reduce the induction menu with a frequency that indicates differences in III energy between the two lower levels.“For the fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which led to the creation of generators and boosters based on the laser-maser principle,” Basov divided in 1964. Nobel Prize in Physics with Prokhorov and Townes.

Two Radyan physicists were already winning the 1959 Lenin Prize for their work.

In addition to the Nobel Prize, Basov was awarded the title of Hero of the Socialist Party (1969, 1982), awarded the gold medal of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1975).

Russian physicist Oleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov, son of Mikhail Ivanovich Prokhorov and Maria Ivanivna (daughter of Mikhailova) Prokhorov, born in Atherton (Australia), where his family moved in 1911 after the Atkiv Prokhorov from Siberian exile.

Prokhorov and Basov pioneered the method of vicoristic induction viprominuing. Once the molecules are awakened, they increase the number of molecules that are in the main stage, which can be produced with the help of a heterogeneous electrical or magnetic field

In this way you can create speech, molecules of which are located on the upper energy level.

Falling on this speech, the vibration of the frequency (photon energy), so that the difference in energy between the excited and the main levels, would result in the vibration of the induced vibration with the frequency by frequency itself, then.

Nobel Prize in Physics 1964 was divided: one half was awarded to Prokhorov and Basov, and the other to Townes “for fundamental work in quantum electronics, which led to the creation of generators and boosters based on the maser-laser principle” (1).

In 1960 Prokhorov is being robbed of a corresponding member, born in 1966. – active member of the Ta in 1970. – Member of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

He is an honorary member of the American Academy of Sciences and Mysteries.

Born in 1969 He was appointed the head editor of the Great Radian Encyclopedia.

At Cambridge, Kapitsa's scientific authority has grown.

He successfully climbed through the steps of the academic hierarchy. Born in 1923 Kapitsa became a Doctor of Science and declined the prestigious James Clerk Maxwell Fellowship. U 1924 r. he was appointed as the intercessor of the director of the Cavendish Laboratory for Magnetic Research, and in 1925. becoming a member of Trinity College.

In 1928 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR awarded Kapitsa the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 1929. accepted Yogo as its corresponding member.

In the future, Kapitsa becomes a successor professor of the Royal Partnership of London. Thanks to Rutherford, the Royal Partnership will be a new laboratory especially for Kapits. It was named Mond's laboratory in honor of the chemist and industrialist of the German adventures Ludwig Mond, who was born under the commandment of the Royal Sudom of London.

  1. The laboratory was founded in 1934. Kapitsa became the first director. Ale you were destined to procure only one rik there.

Zhores Ivanovich Alfiorov was born in Belarus, near Vitebsk, Birch 15, 1930. To the delight of his school teacher, Alfiorov joined the Faculty of Electronic Engineering at the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute.

In 1953, the family graduated from the institute and as one of brightest students was accepted to be procured from the Institute of Physics and Technology in the laboratory of V.M. Tuchkevich.

At whose institute Alfiorov works as a director since 1987.
These data were cited by the authors of the abstract, vikorista and Internet publications about the popular physics of existence (11, 12,17).

In the first half of the 1950s, Tuchkevich’s laboratory began to develop manufactured conductor devices based on Nimechchina single crystals.

The technology of designing supercharger systems has reached such a level that it has become possible to specify practically any parameters for the crystal: if you can easily expand the blocked zones, then the electronic conductivity in the superconductors can change are found only in one plane - this is what is called the “quantum plane”.

If the shielded zones are expanded differently, then the electronic conductivity can move in only one direction – this is “quantum drift”;

It is possible to block the possibility of moving strong electrons - a “quantum dot” is obtained. Alfiorov is currently engaged in the search and investigation of low-dimensional nanostructures – quantum darts and quantum dots. Following the “physics and technology” tradition of Alfior, there is a rich history of scientific research based on the findings.

Since 1973 he has been the head of the basic department of optoelectronics at the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute (St. Petersburg Electrical Engineering University), since 1988 he has been the dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology St. Petersburg State Technical University.

Alfiorov's scientific authority is extremely high.

In 1972 he was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in 1979 - an active member, in 1990 - vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences and President of St. Petersburg

science center


A. A. Abrikosov was born on 25 rubles, 1928. in Moscow.

After finishing school in 1943. he begins to develop energy technology, just in 1945. move on to advanced physics.

Born in 1975 Abrikosov becomes honorary professor at the University of Lausanne.

Born in 1991 He accepts a request from the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois and moves to the United States. In 1999, the nation adopted American citizenship. Apricot is a member of several famous institutions, for example.

National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Russian Academy of Sciences, Royal Scientific Partnership and American Academy of Sciences and Mysteries. In addition to scientific activity, I also contributed. Start in MDU - until 1969. From 1970 to 1972 at Gorky University and from 1976 to 1991 he headed the department of theoretical physics at the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Moscow. In the USA, it was deposited at the University of Illinois (Chicago) and at the University of Utah. In England, he contributed to the University of Lorborough.

At the Argonne National Laboratory, he was able to explain the greater power of high-temperature superconductors based on cuprate and installed a new effect in 1998 (the effect of a linear quantum magnetic support), which first extinct in 1928 by Kapitsa, but never seen as an independent effect.

In 2003 Win, together with Ginsburg and Leggett, accepting the Nobel Prize in physics for “fundamental work on the theory of superconductors and superlatrine regions.”

Abrikosov has already gained a lot: corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR (today's Academy of Sciences of Russia) since 1964, Lenin Prize 1966, honorary doctor of the University of Lausanne (1975), State Prize of the SRSR (1972), A Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (currently Russian Academy of Sciences) since 1987, Landau Prize (1989), John Bardin Prize (1991), foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Sciences and Mysteries (1991), member of the US Academy of Sciences (2000), foreign member of the Royal whom scientific fellowship (2001) ), Nobel Prize in Physics, 2003


Vitaly Ginzburg

Based on the data taken from the analyzed elements (1, 7, 13, 15, 17), we compiled statements about V. Ginzburg’s significant contribution to the developments of physics. V.L. Ginzburg, the only child in the family, born on June 4, 1916. near Moscow and b.

Born in 1938 V.L.

Ginzburg graduated from the Department of “Optics” of the Faculty of Physics at the Moscow State University, which was then headed by our distinguished academician, Academician G.S. Landsberg. After graduating from the University, Vitaly Lazarevich was deprived of graduate school.

He considered himself a very strong mathematician and immediately decided to take up theoretical physics.

Even before the completion of the MDU, an experimental task was set for him - to study the spectrum of “channel exchanges”.

V.L. Ginzburg published over 400 scientific books and a dozen monographs. He has been elected as a member of 9 foreign academies, including: the Royal Partnership of London (1987), the American

national academy

(1981), American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1971).

It has been awarded several medals from international scientific associations. V.L. Ginzburg is well known for his authority in the scientific world, having confirmed his decisions by the Nobel Committee, and as a huge figure who constantly fights against bureaucracy of all kinds and manifestations of anti-scientific tendencies. ій.

Visnovok In our time, knowledge of the basics of physics is necessary for everyone to correctly understand about the superfluous world - from the powers of elementary particles to the evolution of the Universe. Tim, who has tied his

future profession

With physics, learning this science will help you earn your first income in your career before entering the profession.

We can find out how abstract at first glance physical research has become popularized by new technologies, given industrial development to the postal industry and led to what is commonly called scientific and technological revolution.

Advances in nuclear physics, solid state theory, electrodynamics, statistical physics, and quantum mechanics determined the look of technology at the end of the twentieth century, including laser technology, nuclear energy, and electronics.

2. Alfred Nobel. / ( fizika. .


3. Basov Mikola Gennadiyovich. ( Nobel Prize laureate, two-woman hero socialist pracia. /n l/ fz/).

basov. ( hhm

4. Great physicists.

Petro Leonidovich Kapitsa.

5. Kwon Z. The Nobel Prize as a mirror of modern physics.


6. Kemarska I “Thirteen plus... Oleksiy Abrikosov.”

7. Komberg B.V., Kurt V.G.

Academician Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg - Nobel laureate ) .

Physics 2003 // ZIV.- 2004.- No. 2.- P.4-7.

8. Nobel Prize laureates: Encyclopedia: Prov.

(from English - M.: Progress, 1992.).

9. Luk'yanov N.A.

Nobels of Russia.- M.: Publishing house “Earth and people.

XXI century", 2006. - 232 p.

( 10. Myagkova I.M. Igor Evgenovich Tamm, Nobel Prize laureate in physics in 1958. ( 11. Nobel Prize - the most famous and most prestigious science prize ( 12. Nobel Prize to Russian physicist ( 13. The Nobel Prize in physics was taken away by the Russian “conversion atheist”.

14. Panchenko N.I.

Portfolio of the old man.


15. Russian physicists won the Nobel Prize.


16. The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to the USA, Russia and Great Britain.





of people.



17. Finkelshtein A.M., Nozdrachev A.D., Polyakov E.L., Zelenin K.M.

1906 Thomson J. J. (Great Britain).

Investigation of the electrical conductivity of gases.

1907 Michelson A. A. (USA).

creation of high-precision optical devices;

spectroscopic and metrological investigations.

1908 Lipman R. (France).

According to the method of color photography.

1909 Brown K.F. (Nimecchina), Marconi G. (Italy).

Robots in the galuzi of the dartless telegraph.

1910 Waals (van der Waals) J. D. (Netherlands).

Follow-up will become a gas and a source.

1911 r. Vin St (Nimechchina).

Vidkrity in the sphere of thermal vibration.

1912 Dalen N. G. (Sweden).

I will install a device for automatic ignition and extinguishing of beacons and buoys that glow.

1913 r. Kamerling-Onnes H. (Netherlands).

Investigation of the powers of speech at low temperatures and the extraction of rare helium.

1914 Laue M. von (Nimechchina).

Analysis of X-ray diffraction on crystals.

1915 Bragg W. R., Bragg W. L. (Great Britain).

Investigation of the structure of crystals using X-ray measurements.

1916 r. was not awarded.

1917 Barkla Ch. (Great Britain).

1928 Richardson O. W. (Great Britain).

Investigation of thermoelectronic emission (the extent of emission depending on temperature – Richardson’s formula).

1929 r. Broglie L. de (France).

Revealing the soft nature of the electron.

1930 r. Roman Ch. St (India).

Works with the dispersion of light and the creation of a combination dispersion of light (Raman effect).

1931 r. was not awarded.

1932 r. Heisenberg St. K. (Nimechchina).

The fate of the created quantum mechanics is the stagnation of water before the transfer of two stages of the molecule (ortho-steam water).

1933 Dirac P. A. M. (Great Britain), Schrödinger E. (Austria).

The creation of new productive forms of atomic theory is the creation of quantum mechanics.

1934 r. was not awarded.

1935 r. Chadwick J. (Great Britain).

Visible to the neutron.

1936 Anderson K. D. (USA).

The appearance of the positron in cosmic exchanges.

1936 Hess St. F. (Austria).

A glimpse of cosmic changes.

1937 r. Devson K.J.

(USA), Thomson J.P. (Great Britain).

Experimental detection of electron diffraction in crystals.

1938 Fermi E. (Italy).

Evidence of the origin of new radioactive elements, isolated when exposed to neutrons, is associated with these nuclear reactions that produce large neutrons.

1952 Bloch F., Purcell E. M. (USA).

The development of new methods for accurately vibrating the magnetic moments of atomic nuclei is related to this phenomenon.

1953 r. Zernike F. (Netherlands).

Creation of the phase-contrast method, the use of a phase-contrast microscope.

1954 Born M. (Nimechchina).

Fundamental research in quantum mechanics, statistical interpretation of the cow function.

1954 r. Bothe St (Nimechchina).

Exploration of the method of registration of escapes (the act of vibration of a quantum, vibration of an electron during scattering of an X-ray quantum on water).

1955 r. Kush P. (USA).

More precisely, the magnetic moment of the electron.

1955 r. Lamb W. Yu. (USA).

Revealing the region of fine structure of water spectra.

1956 Bardin J., Brattain U., Shockley W. B. (USA).

Investigation of the conductors and detection of the transistor effect.

1957 Li (Li Zongdao), Yang (Yang Zhenning) (USA).

Investigation of the laws of conservation (revealing the non-conservation of pairs in weak interactions), which led to important discoveries in the physics of elementary particles.

1958 Tamm I. E., Frank I. M., Cherenkov P. A. (SRSR).

This theory is based on the Cherenkov effect.

1959 Segre E., Chamberlain O. (USA).

Violating the antiproton.

1968 Alvarez L. W. (USA).

Introducing the physics of elementary particles, including the discovery of many resonances behind the help of a water bulb chamber.

1969 r. Gell-Man M. (USA).

This is related to the classification of elementary particles and their interactions (quark hypothesis).

1970 Alven H. (Sweden).

Fundamental works are discovered in magnetohydrodynamics and are found in various fields of physics.

1970 Neel L. E. F. (France).

Fundamental work and discovery in galusa of antiferomagnetism and their stagnation in solid state physics.

1971 b. Gabor D. (Great Britain).

Vinakhid (1947-48) and the development of holography.

1972 Bardin J., Cooper L., Schrieffer J.R. (USA).

Creation of the microscopic (quantum) theory of superconductivity.

1973 b. Jayever A. (USA), Josephson B. (Great Britain), Esaki L. (USA).

Investigation and persistence of the tunnel effect in conductors and conductors.

1974 r. Ryle M., H'yuish Ege. (Great Britain).

Innovative robots from radioastrophysics (zocrema, aperture synthesis).

1975 Bor O., Mottelson B. (Denmark), Rainwater J. (USA).

Development of the so-called regularized model of the atomic nucleus.

1976 r. Richter B., Ting S. (USA).

The introduction of an important elemental part of a new type (jeep part).

1986 r. Binnig R. (Nimecchina), Rohrer R. (Switzerland), Ruska E. (Nimecchina).

The creation of a tunnel microscope that scans.

1987 r. Bednortz J. G. (Nimechchina), Muller K. A. (Switzerland).

Development of new (high temperature) conductor materials.

1988 Lederman L. M., Steinberger J., Schwartz M. (USA).

Confirmation of the creation of two types of neutrinos.

1989 Demelt H. J. (USA), Paul St (Nimechchina).

Development of the method of attrition of a single ion in the paste and high-precision spectroscopy.

1990 Kendall G. (USA), Taylor R. (Canada), Friedman J. (USA).

The main findings have important implications for the development of the quark model.

1991 De Gennes P. J. (France).

Advances in the description of molecular order in folding condensation systems, especially rare crystals and polymers.

1992 r. Sharpak J. (France).

Insertion at the development of detectors of elementary particles.

1993 Taylor J. (junior), Hulse R. (USA).

For the discovery of advanced pulsars.

1994 Brockhouse B. (Canada), Schall K. (USA).

Technology for the investigation of materials in the fields of bombardment with neutron beams.

1995 Pearl M., Reines F. (USA).

For experimental contributions to the physics of elementary particles.

1996 Li D., Osheroff D., Richardson R. (USA).

For the protection of the surface density of the helium isotope.

1997 Chu S., Phillips W. (USA), Cohen-Tanouji K. (France).

For the development of methods for cooling and burying atoms using laser stimulation.

At this time, several signals have been recorded from the eruption of black holes, which will remain active between LIGO and the Virgo observatory.

The foundation of gravitational constrictions is one of the transference of the underground theory of adhesiveness.

Their confirmation is not only confirmed by the rest, but is considered one of the proofs of the founding of black trees.

In the 1970s, Weiss (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) analyzed possible sources of background noise that interfered with the results of the simulation, and thus identified the necessary design of the laser interferometer.

Weiss and Thorne (California Institute of Technology) were the main organizers of the creation of LIGO, Berish (California Institute of Technology) was the main follower of LIGO from 1994 to 2005, during and ongoing operation of the observatory.

Following tradition, in Stockholm (Sweden) on the 10th of 2017, the day of death, there will be an official award ceremony.

The King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustav, will give it to the laureates. The 2017 penny wine garden amounted to 9 million Swedish kronor (1.12 million dollars) for all physics prize winners. Weiss takes half of the bonus, and the rest is divided equally between Berisha and Thorne.

The increase in the size of the city, which means about one million dollars (for example, 8 million Swedish kronor, or about 953 thousand dollars in 2016), was a result of the change in the financial new stability of the fund.

Materials on the topic

In 2010, there were a number of graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and numerous scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences and Nobel Prize laureates in physics for their research on graphene, a two-dimensional modification of carbon.

At the time the prize was won, they were working at the University of Manchester (Great Britain).

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