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Earnings on shares

Although a citizen is a shareholder, he has the right to take away a portion of the income from the work of the organization/company, whose shares are added. Income is classified as dividend payments and can provide income throughout the investor's lifetime. Especially, as great companies, for example, such as Rosneft or Oschadbank. All about those how to buy and how to make money on shares in Gazprom of a private person, rarely does anyone know from ordinary people.

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Legal expansion of the coronavirus may be the reason for canceling the tour package. The travel agency may compensate the client 100% of the price on the basis of the article. 14 of the legislation “On the fundamentals of tourism activity in the Russian Federation.” This legislation seems to mean that a citizen can get a return on his money by making sure that he can afford a trip to the extreme, a trip to which is considered by the insecurity of his self-perception and life.

Registration of financial return for travel due to coronavirus

To quickly return the funds for a tourist trip, if you don’t know how to apply for it, you will need to contact a travel agency and personally submit a written application about it.

Before the application form, the law does not present special minds Therefore, it can be folded by hand or separated on the printer, but it will also contain the client’s signature.

The more hours you have before the round, the more chances you have to easily turn around your money. How much finance can be turned over due to how the travel agency made arrangements and made reservations for the hotel, cafe, and other services.

If the traveler, having praised the decision to see the increase in price and turn the cost, the travel agency can confirm the costs of spending, which it already really knew. Businessmen who organize a tour have no right to insistently ask for compensation for theoretical expenses. To confirm the power consumption on the side of tour operators, the stink may appear in the original:

  1. tickets that are used to buy a singing client;
  2. armor for the hotel, taking into account the entire list of earned services;
  3. The contract, payment is real - for food, service and transfer at the airport; insurance payments for all types of insurance for a new client in the republic;
  4. advance payments for all types of services.

All these and other types of services are required to be actually paid on the day of execution. The travel agency has no right to insistently ask for indemnity, since the costs are laid down as a threat or as a potential payment. Such payments are entrusted to the Vikonavian, who knows the power commercial activity with the satisfaction of a special business leader.

Reversed size

The amount of money that is required to be paid for the cut-off road depends on the factor that is accepted. Shan's first reason allows for the deduction of all financial payments.

However, the deputy will never again demand your pennies. Of course, change the date of departure to another term at the convenience of the parties. At the same time, if the travel agency has already incurred costs, then the costs will be lost from the costs paid. This position is directly stipulated by Art. 32 Federal Law about the protection of spozhivachiv.

The agency is trying to recoup enormous financial losses, resulting from the loss of money from the government's money-lender.

Therefore, achieving 100% compensation of costs will not be easy, since the company was already able to pay hotel reservations, insurance payments and other expenses.

Remember! A number of tour operators include benefits such as:

  1. for those traveling for 30 days or more, the entire travel amount is compensated;
  2. if the product is collected 20-25 days in advance, 90% must be due before release;
  3. for 2-3 years – 70%;
  4. for 1-2 - 50% of the price;
  5. If there are less than 7 days before departure, the deputy spends all the money.

These are greatly respected by the children. Each travel agency includes an agreement on points that are considered important. Whenever there is an increase in travel through a travel agency, the finance for the trip is subject to further compensation.

However, in practice, such damage is rarely done, and only a few of the injured clients are great quantity, and the travel agency has already recognized the costs. In this type of situation, the tourist, who has not arrived, is missing 5 to 25% of the foreign income.

If the trace turns violent

How do we pay for the tour if the travel agency, in the client’s opinion, clearly unfairly cut off the payment or were disappointed with it? In this situation, it is necessary to look for a competent lawyer in state conflicts or to provide services to the protection of the rights of the resident.

Another option is to expand to the power structure - Rosspozhivnaglyad. Whenever possible, there will be a quick re-verification, and the company will be liable to compensate for the damages and a fine to the state if it acted unlawfully.

If your travel package was arranged in advance, then with the help of an agreement signed and sealed with signatures, the return of the cost can go through without obligation.

Among the finances that require reversal - all expenses that were not actually incurred by the travel agency. Such a transfer may include a refund of funds for excursions, food, and hotel reservations. Zagalny list don't hesitate.

Reversing a travel agency's trip is not the only way out of the situation. The deputy may also be requested to reschedule the travel dates. This is the most difficult and most offensive method on both sides to complete the super-chuck.

If you need to return the funds for a previously paid trip, you will need to immediately contact the agency and report all the problems. If you can’t get in touch without any possibility, use the services of friends or family members, or the services of a lawyer for negotiations with a travel agency.

If it is impossible to plan a trip in 1-2 months, food is a problem, so you can recover from the tour and manage your finances. The legislation provides for the right of a companion to enter into the provision of tourist provisions. However, in this case, he is responsible for paying the expenses incurred by the travel agency.

If you don't want to bring anything forward, you'll need to cheat the state - Russia's transition is clearly a case of judiciary. It will go to the extreme to allow the obligatory coverage of finances from unyielding entrepreneurs. However, take into account other risks - an hour wasted on legal proceedings and financial expenses were spent on representing interests by a lawyer.


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The rights of a person who has survived, with legal inheritance

The rights of a person in the hour of repose of a dearly departed person/friend are in no way compromised by the rights of other deceased members of the same people. However, it is necessary to note the blame for all the speeches that were added by the married couple at the hour of their death family life, are recognized as having a special status. And even all those mayno, as it was a legal and financial method added to the hour of family life, and sleeping, then sleeping power, in which every day parts of the skin and friends.

In this case, such a status may not be extended to the situation of registration of legal transactions between a person and his squad. This also imposes a certain burden on the rights of a still living friend in part of the slaughter, as well as in the order of its registration.

Rights and special actions of a person with legal inheritance

The particularities of a friend's rights in the process of mutual relations arise from the regimes of separation and the regulation of speeches in force during the time of the friendship. For example, the legal framework that exists gives the robot two modes: the contractual mode and the legal mode.

Under the contract regime, after the death of one of the friends, the role of the mine begins, which was laid by the man and the friend for their life. The main benefit itself is significant to what a man has the right to during downturns or what the squad will get. Such a contractual regime makes it possible to identify the complexes of that lane, which will reveal the decline after the death of a person.

Once a worker is in agreement with the regime, he has the same rights as friends, since he bathed in love, then under the hour of love drains. The destruction in this case will be revealed only to the part of the person who died, and even this part still needs to be seen.

Friendly part upon inheritance

Here it is important to remember that the recognition of the rights of a living person over a dead person cannot be overlooked by the views, actions or thoughts of other people in decline. A person also has the right to see his own part, as well as the right to take away a part in the loss that appears after the death of another person.

This right can be seriously limited, since it is the written will of the deceased, in which case we can talk about those who can easily stretch him out. Also, rights may be limited in the event that in the written will of the deceased person, excluding the living person from the list of deceased persons. And, if you decide, the rights of a living person can be severely curtailed at a time, since a living person is the primary organs of recognition as a worthless human being.

Human rights under inheritance

In case of recession, all rights of a person consist of two types of rights. This is a combination of such rights as the right of inheritance, as well as the right of power.

This man, who outlived his other half, also retains the rights of power for 50 hundred thousand of all that land that was made and appeared in the middle of the family during the hour of the friend’s sleepy family life. At the moment, there is no need to leave the institution, plus the provisions of both the civil and family codes.

The right of decline here lies in the fact that a person who has survived, calls for an obstructive decline, call more than one (although it is expanded only to those types of seizures, in which there are either obligatory spasms, or a spasm first ї chergi), and here є the moment of realization of my rights of decline on the ground. The part of the waste of a living person will mainly lie in the underground part of the sludge, and the waste part for the person is similar to the parts of other individuals of the same kind.

The rights of a large person

It is clear by law that separation does not mean the exclusion of any status between already crazy people and the squad. So, to put it in other words, the people and the squad become outsiders. And, as a result, a great person is not a fall victim, and falls are excluded, since such blames do not apply:

  1. a retired man having deprived his dear friend of his other half to one of the descendants;
  2. The deceased man lost his children under 18 years old, and he, once he became the children’s representative in law, will be obliged to accept their deceased part;
  3. A long-living person/friend lives with a dead friend/person until the moment of his death, through which he can have full rights to those in order to get rid of the obligatory part.

You can’t talk about parts within the framework of sleeping authority during the hour of repose for too many people, and even during the hour of separation everything can be shared both through the ship’s logistics authorities and on a voluntary basis.

In this case, since there is no such thing and there won’t be any, then everything is okay, alas, first for everything, neruhome maino, will be seen as the power of the very person on whom the inviolability was formed.

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Is the term commanded by the regulatory legal acts of Russia?

The term commandment has a lot of meaning in jurisprudence.

A commandment is an act of the unilateral will of a person, which fixes his order for the implementation of the main and the special non-main things associated with it Mine's rights and obligatory at the time of death. This is a one-sided favor, in which the seller of the written form deprives himself of the fixed order, where the further share of the ruler’s mayna remains after his death. The document is recognized as a unilateral right to the fact that the owner independently collects another subject of legality - the offender, the deceased, who is aware of the fact of the possible transfer of the mine after the death of the owner of the document. Information about the term and the main points of the commandment can be found in Art. 1118 Central Committee of Ukraine. Chapter 62 of the Central Committee of Ukraine is dedicated to its main provisions and principles of development and implementation on the territory of Russia.

The document is drawn up in writing, the use of technology is protected by hand. Electronic versions of the document are not allowed.

The form of folding and the order of verification of the document is dictated by the type of commandment.

Papir emphasizes the process of subduing the commandment. If a person has not sacrificed her life, then after her death, her life will be implemented according to the law, obviously to the point of dispute, as they are sorted from relatives based on the sign of blood.

Two types of decline combine the possible manifestation of the obstructive part in the main social category, which may include, for example, the elderly and the disabled. It turns out that the rules, without knowing them from the commandments, will be seen through the court in part to be consistent with the regulatory legal acts of Russia, and Art. 1149 Central Committee of Ukraine.

The order for the slaughter of the commandment?

Entering the law after death after death is a complicated process, for which the offender must be extremely respectful in order to prevent possible shahrai, which is in the minds of today's world it is necessary to finish drinking often.

In order to begin the decline, people need to go to a notary after death to lay down a covenant and pronounce the text of this document. At this point, the law sees a long, time-consuming sequence that must be completed, and after it is completed, the right to enter is closed.

Art. 1123 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to talk about the secret commandment, so that a relative or another possible descendant may not know about his status, and he himself will have to go to the legal register to confirm or clarify his status.

The order of actions when entering recessions:

  1. Take a paper.
  2. Go to the notary, which will confirm the remaining address of residence of the deceased.
  3. Folding declare about the further entrance at the downturns.
  4. Payment sovereign meeting for carrying out a legal transaction.
  5. Restricting permission to enter the lane must be confirmed by a special paper.

If a person has composed a closed type of commandment during his life, then its text is read by the father at the beginning of his life only after 15 days after the day of death.

Shall I enter the line at the recession for the commandment?

For the collapse of the Russian population to occur, a period of 6 months is visible, during which time it is necessary to formalize the crossing of the lane. In the event that a person misses this hour-long segment, it may be possible to advocate for additional prosecution before the trial, or only for important reasons. Buti can be like this:

  1. I don’t know about the death of the officer of the orderly document.
  2. Having fallen ill, the person spent a long hour at the hospital in connection with this.
  3. Living or traveling to another country and the impossibility of it will deprive you of the connection with the surroundings.
  4. The absurdity and ignorance of the Russian language.

To confirm the reasons, necessary documents are required as proof. Apparently, the term will continue until the end of the day.

Documents for the coming fall of the commandment?

For the next day, the notary will obtain the next documents:

  1. A document that confirms the fact of the death of the citizen, which is a trace to be kept in the Civil Registry Office.
  2. A document that certifies a special decline.
  3. Statement about Bazhannya Oberzhenya Lane.
  4. A document that confirms your remaining residence address.
  5. Order document.

The order for the slaughter without a commandment?

If, after the death of a person, it is clear that the commandment was not completed, the procedure for entering before the mayna, according to the law, will obviously be slightly different until the end of the day:

  1. Check with the notary. Vіn will help you pick up necessary documents, as we guessed earlier.
  2. Assessment of the power of a dead person for the help of specialized companies.
  3. Payment of the sovereign meeting.

In this case, a person can apply to any notary regardless of the residence address or registration of the deceased person.

The term for entering a recession is the same - 6 months, but it can be extended, which is another reason for missing a time slot.

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What does decline rightfully mean?

The right of assignment (PP) is the ability for the land to become officials and have all the rights of the landowners to replace their fathers in the event of the death of the fathers of the same person who deprived the landowner of the land. For example, if my son died, my father died earlier, he lost his children after himself, then at the hour of the downfall, part of the lane that lies directly in front of him will go to his children, who are also on the side of the downfall. (then grandfather died). This is one of classic stocks easing onukami of the subsiding lane on the PP.

But in life there are a lot of situations that are responsible for the daily recession of the first day. In such situations, potential decliners are the sisters and brothers of the deceased. If any of the sisters or brothers have died before, in which case the children have been deprived, the nieces and nephews of the deceased party, the children of the deceased brother, may have the right to succumb to the PP.

PP is also vikorized like these relatives, as they occupy the third stage of decline. In such situations, cousins ​​and brothers can enter into their legal secession.

For such minds, we thank you for the PP. How does the decline in taxes work?

The provisions of the law regarding the reduction of PP are being debated by many minds:

  1. The death of mother and father, as direct descendants, began either overnight, or earlier for the death of grandmother or grandfather (deceasers). This situation is brought up to one of the first stages of decline, and is presented here to illustrate the establishment of decline schemes for PP in practice.
  2. A direct loser who died without being recognized by the ship's inspection authorities as worthless.
  3. The commandment was not missing.
  4. The presence of any relatives in the participants inquired about the decline, which, before speaking, may be clearly documented.
  5. The descendant, who died without being a relative of the first Cherga in his demise, but before the new day's contenders from the Cherga.
  6. The man who died without removing the proper part of the fall in one of the obligatory parts.

All this is one of the most extensive rights of expression.

By right it is given that spadkova transmission

In the process of growing the decline of the myna, based on legislation (which, in other words, we are talking about those episodes, as per the daily commandment), on the level of legislation, 6 groups of relatives were created, which have the right to decline. In this case, priority is given to the largest groups of relatives and relatives.

For example, if one contender really wants to settle down from the first blackness, the decision of the relatives to wait until the next day, they will not take away anything.

Claim for demise on the basis of the PP of the building's relatives less than 1-3 chergi. As with primary parents, who have distant relatives through their family, there is less chance of those who want to be taken away.

When the decline in PP is unbearable

Life is not always fair, especially in these recessions, if there is a recession within the framework of the PP on the right. And so the relaxation does not occur in two situations: within the framework of the ship's enforcement or under the law. Varto look at the offensive situation in the report.

Behind the law

They are not immune to seizures in the following situations:

  1. The father who gets a piece of the recession lane is alive.
  2. My father died almost immediately after the fall of the Great Patriotic War.
  3. In the Testament, the main recession was reduced.

As part of the ship's inspection

This moment manifests itself in the event that it is documented in court that the direct recessionists have become worthless recessioners. And bad stench may be the result of such actions:

  1. The availability of help for a dead father.
  2. Theft of any financial payments, such as the loss of fathers, especially if the payments were ordered by the court.
  3. Zastosuvannya be-yakikh violent acts, as well as the stagnation of the psychological and physical population for the sake of the direct recession for their sake.

Presumably, it can be understood that the entry into the decline on the basis of the right to supply is a chain mechanism for the division of the mine and the assets of the decline between the platforms with more early deaths of direct decliners from 1-3 Cherg. Also, it is important to show respect to the Central Committee of the Russian Federation for the concession of the right to submit and for those moments when these data are in mutual agreement.

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I understand that adoptions are under the law

Lawmakers compared adopted children and other types of diversity in similar ways. The fall of both adopted and adopted children operates on the basis of zagalal orders, and such individuals lie before the fall of the first draft.

The rules of adjudication are expanded both for adopted children and fathers and for their offspring, including those children who were adopted later in life. In accordance with the norms of law, the importance of the established principle comes from the legal legislative principle that governs those who are responsible for the responsibility of their fathers and children.

Adoption by adoptive parents and mother does not give the child, but the adopted child any rights to follow her parents, who are biological, and also other relatives who are related to each other, at least to these very similarities.

There are, of course, a great number of conditions that allow adopted children to maintain important connections with their blood relatives, which also gives them an excellent opportunity to become one of the bearers of family rights in the distant future. chi to the near future.

As a result of all this, an adopted person can in due course become a rightful descendant, and a descendant of both his adopted relatives and relatives who were part of his great homeland.

I would like to express my respect for the process of shrinkage to turn around the process, so that there is confirmation of the sporidity that is present in adopted children. In increasing practice, there are those situations in which the difficulty of completing hard work appears both for relatives and for stepfathers.

Rules for inheritance by adopted persons and adoptive persons

However, those who are adoptees or adoptees are entitled by law to the rights of applicants.

Until 1996, the rights of these children who were adopted were subject to confirmation by a special decree issued specifically by the administration of the region or district. However, due to the updates in the family code, since the person lost the status of an adopted child after 1996, this fact can be confirmed by the additional presentation of the court's praise.

The presence of a proof document, the form of which is indicated by the date of adoption, allows the adopted citizen to waive all the obligations and all rights that were granted to his relatives, whether for natural children.

It is also important to note that adopted children are representatives of the descendants of the first blood and fathers who act as adoptive parents. As soon as possible, the same applies to adopters for adoptions by blood members of the family, which also gives them equal rights to descent.

The provisions and norms of the Family Code are defined illegal rules Therefore, with any adopted children, any rights are abrogated, since the birth fathers are blood-fathers or relatives of blood-fathers, and the rights are abated at the time of the actual adoption of the person. So adopted citizens will not be able to accept any downturn, as they have lost their biological fathers. However, this rule is subject to change great quantity various blames.

Vinyatki shodo spadkuvannya. How to overcome the degradation of adoption

Before such blame lies the following points:

  1. The child was adopted after her parents died.
  2. All these situations, if after the death of one of the parents on the side of any close relative, all rights to inheritance are preserved after the child has been adopted. Among such close relatives one can see, for example, grandmothers and grandfathers. As a result of the adoptions, the entire legacy of the grandmother and grandfather took the place of the deceased father. However, it is important to believe that a similar rule is regulated by the rules on the basis of the right to submit.
  3. The child was adopted by a new man from a living father, and this is a man who is in love with a repeat lover. Mainly, the relationship between the child and the father does not bother anyone.

Those who adopt children can be mothers under different rights so as to reduce the number of children who were adopted by their fathers. And this, among other things, means that the stench is so close to the decline that they go first through.

Inheritance rights for adoptees and adoptees. What can people who have adopted them remove?

As it was established above all, the rights of these children, such as adopted children or adoptive parents, equals. Also, all these and other points are specified in the provisions of Statute 1147 of the Central Committee of Ukraine, as they establish a new order of inheritance for adopted children, as well as citizens, such as adoptees.

It is clear that such provisions require confirmation of the facts of adoption. And qualified notaries may undertake such verification, as they may provide conclusive evidence.

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How the recession is regulated by law

According to the norms and laws of the Central Committee of Russia, everything will be subject to the rule of the Great Deceased, and all the main laws will be transferred to the orders of the Decadents of the first century. Since there are no such relatives, there are relatives of the next generation, but for the sake of mind, so that the ruler of the Maina has not determined the sovereign will of the division of power within the framework of the commandment.

The order of division of the recession lane is determined and regulated by the Acts of the 63rd head of the Central Committee of Russia.

Kim has a recessionary disease, which has the characteristics of recessions and recessions

The Civil Code defines a concept that is explained in the comments to Article 1145 of that same legal act.

The official laws of the Central Committee of Russia, including institutions of decline, are most often based on the principle of Roman private law. For example, the significant level of contention between the side-supplier and its numerical strength lies within the backbone of several generations.

The current laws of the Central Committee of Russia impose similar rules for the identification of controversies for the additional support of a number of people who were born between the time of the birth of the decline and before the day of the birth of the decline, whose stage is controversial It improves the musculoskeletal system.

The presence of as many as seven stages of decline is the price of the current Civil Code, and all previous versions of its law-making act are no more than 4 years old.

An increased number of people, in addition to the additional addition of a number of reductions, can confirm the appreciation of major civil rights in the view of one of the key fundamental constitutional principles lack of moisture content.

What rights do those individuals have, who are the bearers of all the coming times?

The evilness of accepting a recessionary myne is a sequence that is regulated by law, following the rules and basic principles of which the transition of the descent from the decliner to the relatives for the minds of the one who commands the day is required.

In this case, since the descendants of the first category did not, or could not, quickly claim their rights within the term defined and established by law, all the main rights of the descendants are transferred to the relatives of the descendant.

The implementation of the recessionary rights on the decline of the main one, if you want one relative from the previous generation, automatically eliminates all representatives of all the current descendants, whether there is any possibility of retrieving the recessionary mine, or at least one of the parts, even the division of the decline between relatives of different bloods is not subject to the norms of official legislation.

For those who have fallen minds, the rights are transferred to the relatives of the descendants

Therefore, the swelling of the skin's feet should subside as much as possible according to the law. In accordance with the norms of the law, the right to revoke the abdication passes to representatives of the skin attack for the protection of such minds:

  1. The number of days of depression in the front line.
  2. The decliners of the previous years had to reduce their rights both by the seller and by law.
  3. The decliners of the forerunners were tempted to accept the decline, or they did not accept it.

In case of which Vidmova accepts the slaughter, it is necessary to make an additional affidavit, which does not contain any indications of the one on whose behalf Vidmova was slain. And when there is no hostility to the destruction, there is no sign of burning.

Representatives of the recession of the coming times. Cherishness in the bathtub

Well, after the third round the following rounds come:

  1. Fourth: great-grandmothers and great-grandmothers of the deceased.
  2. Heels: great-grandmothers/grandfathers/onuks/onuks. Likewise, until this day, the onuki of the brothers and sisters of the side-successor must remain.
  3. Shosta: the grandchildren of the father's sisters/brothers/uncles/aunts, as well as the sisters/brothers (cousins) of the father's father.
  4. Soma: such unrelated relatives as stepdaughter, stepson, mother and father.

The peculiarity of this character lies in the fact that its representatives are not blood relatives for the side of the descendant. Of course, the relatives of your relatives will be able to reverse the recession only in the same way as the relatives and possible future recessions, for whatever reason, cannot reverse the recession or pretend to be in it.

How is it divided between the recessions of the coming seasons?

According to the legislation, it may be divided equally between the same people. It is important to remember that it was the great power of the descendant, and that it was the powerful power added to the hour of family life.

Even if we talk about privacy, there won’t be any problems, and all those individuals, who are the same people, will be taken away from the regular parts. Since it is more common, then it is necessary to strengthen that part so that it is possible to fall back on that part of the main that belongs to the squad and the squad. Then the result will be that it is easier to remove and add to the hour, the mixture will be divided into two equal parts.

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Spadkov's law is the very area of ​​law that regulates the transition of major obligations and rights from a dead citizen to his official attackers.

Falling behind the law behind the ungodly rules

According to certain articles and provisions of the Central Committee of Russia, depredation within the framework of official legislation is a chain procedure, in the process of transferring depredation and its registration is carried out within the framework of establishing norms and rules.

Established procedures are the following in such situations, if the order of the recession is either daily or ineffective, and also in all these situations, if indicated in the documents, the recession is allowed to enter before the law. Spadshchini.

The key principles of decline within the boundaries of legislation lie in the formation and work of the singing characters, which is the basis for entering into decline. For example, recessionary events can enter into recession and recover slightly less in these episodes, if all the front recessionary events either subside or are voluntarily encouraged to enter into recessionary rights.

The main issue within the framework of legislation includes objects and subjects, and both the object and the subject have their own essence and their own important meaning. Subjects, between the boundaries of the recession, are expressed as physical individuals, then the recession. As far as the object is concerned, the objects at the boundaries of the fall are presented as inanimate objects, like a lane. Moreover, we can either be unruly or indestructible. In addition, the objects may be worth penny units, as well as legal obligations and rights. If the objects for decomposition are daily, then in this case they are destroyed by the powerful forces of the decomposition process, and their significance, essence and meaning are also destroyed.

The relevance and importance of the very inheritance from the norms of law is in no way diminished. This is related, first of all, to those that many subjects may always enter into such mutual relations, and such mutual relations also take on various aspects and minds. The importance of legal nuances and problems of decline in the framework of legislation still loom here.

The legal stage of decline, as well as the provision of rights to the process of decline on the basis of legislation

Provisions for early entry into various objects of decline only gain importance at the moment of death of the party-deceaser, and from that very moment the established and regulated terms of limitation begin to apply. This fact is the basis for two legal bases, that of inheritance on the basis of the covenant and that of inheritance on the basis of the norms of official legislation. In this case, staying on the stand will continue to be a priority.

In order for the legal framework to enter into bankruptcy to appear, it is important to consider the presence of certain factors:

  1. The presence of friends in the relationship between the rescuer and the rescuer. Moreover, we are talking about those mutual relations that are reinforced by the norms of law, and are also confirmed by supporting documentation.
  2. The presence of other relatives in the relationship between the person and the giver.
  3. The revelation of the very fact of the people's transition to the decline of the deceased at the time of his death.

In order to reverse the decline, it is necessary to confirm and document the presence of relatives in each other. This could include passports, a certificate of nationality, a certificate from the Civil Registry Office, as well as other documents. In this case, it is important to know that no other drives to display certificates are covered.

Functions and basic principles of transmission of lanes from recessions

The key functions, principles, as well as the provisions of the decline are fixed in various provisions, paragraphs and articles of the Central Committee of Ukraine. The key principles can be summarized as follows:

  1. Reconciliation is a legal procedure that will only stagnate in these situations, unless any mental reconciliation is replaced by the party giving the reconciliation within the framework of the commandment.
  2. The final stakes of the decliners, the construction of declines strictly in accordance with the law, and the entire part of such a lane, are determined by the law and the norms of the Central Committee of Russia.
  3. The norms of official legislation establish obligatory strictures that regulate the order of entry of citizens into recessions depending on the level and level of competition between potential candidates for salvation and deceased recession-givers.
  4. All these assets that lie on the same page are divided by new main parts, as well as new main rights to the main song.
  5. Those physical individuals that appear to be undesirable will die out in a natural and biological order, and at the moment there is no way to hide how far behind such relatives are.

All these other moments of decline of both vital and non-living mines are obligatory and suggest consideration at the moment of death of the party-deceaser.

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The secret of the commandment - a procedure has been established by law to preserve data about the commandment, as well as about the commandment itself.

What is this commandment?

Who is a notary?

A notary is a legal official who has the right to perform notarial acts. It is of great importance, for example, checking documents, helping with the written promise and further verifying and sending saved papers.

In connection with the visibility of the mass of rights, the notary has a lot of obligations, protection, and preserving the confidentiality of the covenant.

What is this secret place?

The secret of the commandment in the spadkovy right is the intangible right of the subject of unilateral consent to preserve the secret of the minds and moments prescribed in the commandment.

For some people, the legal phenomenon is respected by law, for others - by obligation.

The secret of the commandment is expanding with all its features, regardless of its status. At the link from Art. 1123 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this obligation requires all persons to know information about the commandments. These are the notary, the person whose will is recorded on the paper, and other individuals present at the time of writing and at the time of certification of the document.

In other words, the secret of the commandment is that people save all information about their volitional specialness.

The need to establish a temnitsa covenant from the reserve right is dictated by the choice of the individual and the type of document execution.

There are two types of commandments: open and closed types. Because of the stench that irritates people, they are forced into a secret place, in which, due to the closed commandment, they are unable to find out information about the essence of the document.

With a closed type of commandment, the essence of the paper is written inclusively by the person whose will the document will be signed. The paper is drawn up in written form, then placed in a non-permeable envelope and handed over to the notary. In this case, you do not know what information is stored in the middle of the throat. The document is placed in another envelope, on which all the information about the legal document necessary for the document to gain legal force after the death of a person is written down. Many people do not know about the preparation of a paper, since people themselves do not think about informing their relatives.

When making an open covenant, the notary knows its essence and all the information that is written in the document. The paper can be recognized and formed for the evidence of people close to the person.

Once a document is created, a pressure is placed on a person, which after his death will be brought and officially confirmed by law in a special court, the document cannot acquire legal force. Mainly, because it could not be implemented on the basis of the commandment, the decline of law offenders is based on the law, which is consistent with the legal lines of dispute that arise from the decline of law.

Court practice in this case is gaining the respect of the people because the information is constantly expanding, both the essence of how to write a document, and the very fact of folding paper. People who are close to the person who may make the commandment do not have the right to speak out about the very fact that the commandment was written by the legal clerk to the paper. The action will be recognized as illegal and, accordingly, legal authority of an administrative nature may be established for this individual.

The principle of the prison to the commandment?

Coming from civil law, one can see the low principles of the hidden covenant in connection with the relevant legal acts Russian Federation form the basis of recession law.

  1. People who know any information about the deeds of relatives or other human commandments do not have the right to inform other people about this.
  2. Lyudina, who has recorded her will on the paper, is not obliged to inform about the discovery of the attackers on the document. You have the right not to divulge information about the essence and the very fact of the paper being compiled, but this is not a liability.
  3. In connection with a document about the preservation of the treasury paper, the notary has no right to disclose information about it.
  4. For the destruction of the prison, victims can go to court to get compensation.

The destruction of the prison to the commandment?

The destruction of the secrets of the document entails legal conformity in the form of administrative punishment under this article. 13.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Once again, because the unlawful act led to irrevocable consequences, through which people suffered, punished by a criminal nature under Art. 137 CC of Ukraine.

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The decline of the escapade is the fact of the transfer of power of the decliner in the power of the main state, as well as of the main subjects of the state and municipal institutions.

Decree - Article 1151 of the Central Committee of Ukraine

Literature has the term “arbitrariness”, both in the legal aspect and in the aspect of law, it can be diluted with various legal frameworks, starting with the presence of legal decrees and ending with the commandment. In the same way, you may be deprived of your right to downgrade the lane, and even the stinks may be recognized as unworthy.

Confirmed to Statute 1151 of the Central Committee of Russia, there has been a slight decline and in many cases:

  1. There is an increasing number of adherents to the law (statutes 1142-1150 of the Central Committee of Ukraine) and to the commandment (statutes 1119-1121 of the Central Committee of Ukraine).
  2. None of the recessioners have the right to recession, and all of them were excluded from the recession for the same reasons. Currently regulated by Art. 1117 Central Committee of Russia.
  3. Shrinkers do not accept shrinkage objects.
  4. The recessionists tended to be influenced by the decline on their own, and none of the recessionists indicated that they were likely to be influenced by the mine that was declining, on the cost of other recessionists. .

Also, it’s easy and time-consuming, as it’s possible to get around to a portion of the designated main. Please, within the framework of Article 1151 of the Central Committee of Russia, do not pass on the norms that are imposed on those who have been in the past for a long time, either in the dark or in full obligation.

The state may be called upon to accept the decline only in these episodes, as it was at the expense of the law that it was found out to be a scumbag, and also a special slump, which will not be due to any danger. This is consistent with paragraph 1 of Article 1152 of the Central Committee of Ukraine, unacceptable even by any subordinate state.

Decline in the escapist lane - p procedure for the removal of the cessionary lane to municipal authorities

The Civil Code of Russia conveys the exhaustive effects of all recessionary forces that accept the inevitable decline. Subject to paragraph 2 of Article 1151 of the Central Committee of Ukraine, with the exception of this Article:

  1. Subjects of Russia municipal lighting, on the territory where the moisture grows, is represented as living spaces, plots of land, as well as the appearance of spores and beavers grown on these plots.
  2. The Russian Federation itself, whose power may be transferred in any other way, is completely secret.

Equally important are the possible inheritances of such a mine.

What might be the legacy from the decline of such a mine - from the decline of a vanishing mine of Vidmov from the decline

The institution of such a mine is expected to have great social and legal significance, and even such an institution is subject to any kind of neglected objects of decline. The laws in force on the territory of Russia convey the majority of such problems in these cases, since no one has the right to calm down, either because there was no one to earn money, or, therefore, due to the recessionary conditions of the Id of this lane in general.

Statute 1141 of the House of Culture of Russia reveals the essence of the fact that, regardless of the residential location, there is any light of a municipal nature, and that all the location is transferred to the new government according to the norms of official legislation.

However, due to the fact that the location is located in a place that is great federally significant, then this location may go to the power of the place.

There are different approaches to acceptance power structures and the power has sealed the right to settlement, which may result in different inheritances from a legal point of view. For example, the state added to the recession by taking on the role of recession-bearer. Any power can claim all those mains that are part of the recessionary mass, and regardless of the local area.

The acquisition of both the indestructible and the crumbling lane on the rights of its recovery can cause a certain obligation to dissolve all these borgs, such as the loss-dealer, and those who have not been paid for the sake of the state. The Axis, in such moments, the power takes away all the decline and cannot be repaid with this borg.

The process of decline and the problems of settlement of the ghost lane

To implement the standards for reducing food production, it is necessary to respect the low laws that govern such food. For example:

  1. how to ensure the protection of such power and who is ready to inform us first about the death of a person, since there is no commandment of destruction in it;
  2. how to manage power in such a way as to achieve the interests of the state;
  3. how to print in exchange with a notary and what needs to be done to ensure that the appearance of the citizens, who are responsible for the fraud, is clear;
  4. How to prevent evil in such situations.

Those terms that are fixed and used for the purpose of accepting such a slaughter are in no way expanded to the terms for formalizing the rights to a mine and a squash, which is tampered with (including Article 1154 of the Central Committee of Ukraine). This is due to the fact that such a main thing is not necessarily relaxed as a primary thing (at the moment of regulations of Article 1152 of the Central Committee of Ukraine).

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Many people don’t know how to start a recession. Moreover, more and more people, through employment, are unable to formalize this in the designated term. So how can we get rid of the decline by omitting all the terms from the law? And how is it possible to actually praise the fall after the end of the established term?

People's rights

The praise of the fall after the end of the established term is regulated by federal law. The House of Culture of the Russian Federation speaks about the terms of acceptance of the fall in many articles.

The final position provides a period of six months for the confirmation and further subordination of material resources to the commandment. In addition, this time is characteristic of the situation, if the procedure is carried out under the commandment, so it is consistent with the law. Some advocates, for these or other reasons, do not feel like sending a written complaint due to the authorities' willingness to do so. In such a situation, they will begin a new period of recession.

There are two legally approved ways to recover recessionary resources, in accordance with the term established by law:

  1. Court order. This method is also known to traders as trading. These are great achievements, but in practice they are very rare. Zagalom is a method of tying up with peaceful interests with other slaughterers, which is to give a letter to accept the slaughter of a citizen who is not included in the lines.
  2. law and order. This method is being used if it is impossible to get home, and other people who have already accepted and accepted in their minds for material values ​​are categorically not in favor of the appearance of a new applicant.

Updated transfers

The fundamentals of family law establish terms if all potential consequences may be formally and formally present. Unfortunately, not all the inhabitants of our land are indispensable legal knowledge And please be informed that they may exercise their rights for a period of 6 months from the date of death of the witness.

Many koristuvachs do not understand how to renew omissions of terms. If the citizen fails to show up before the notary, who is responsible for his right during the designated period, he will no longer be able to confirm his claims with the future. The law states that in certain situations, the citizen has the right to obtain the renewal of the minds of the inheritance.

As we analyze the court statistics in cases of continuation of the term for confirming the rights, it becomes clear that the court will be against the applicant if it is possible to maintain its position so as not to undermine the confirmed terms. c, Renewal of the missing term will be possible, including the explanation of your arguments.

Therefore, once the court confirms the situation that the applicant considers effective for a positive decision on this matter, the potential seizure agent can initiate the procedure for redistributing the seizure mass from the restoration of its parts. Reasons that may be considered as actionable may occur:

  1. The fact of the death of the decliner and the beginning of the decline process were taken from the decline that was not included in the line;
  2. The huge man spent a long time behind the cordon, and his relatives did not encourage contact with him. It is not important for him to update the term;
  3. Koristuvach could not resolve the problem through a serious illness or a hopeless situation;
  4. Koristuvach was in the military service or served in the Eternal Forces;
  5. In some situations, a situation in which it is unwritten or not Russian can be accepted as an effective situation, which is supported by documentary evidence;
  6. The citizen is in court and cannot call a notary to confirm his legal rights. This term can be updated without any problems.

Vicarious dating is allowed, as long as the witness is not with a close relative and does not take away the necessary additional benefits in connection with this situation.

At the same time, these moments cannot be recognized as a sufficient basis for updating the status of exchange.

The announcement of the renewal of the term for the acceptance of the fall is not a great formality and, therefore, it is necessary to proceed before its preparation with the utmost respect and conformity.

The importance of a process that is favorable to the result is strongly dependent on the information that is presented to you. According to the law, the discussion about the updated term of acceptance of the fall can be established, and before the information that may be published here, there are certain special benefits.


  1. Povna name the authority that looks at the application;
  2. Features of the parties to the process, as well as the inclusion of everything contact information You can contact them for any help;
  3. Data about the commandment, as well as material resources declared by the applicant;
  4. I will call the price, and also describe the furnishings that led to the imminent line of the collapse;
  5. Ask before the court to continue the possibility of seizing mining resources, as well as the evidentiary basis, which confirms the applicant’s statements.

The template is folded flat until completely hardened. Grammatical amendments, ambiguous information and non-verification of data are not allowed.

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When a situation arises, such as the death of a person, on the right, go to the fight for the main one between all the relatives of this person. In this case, as there is no commandment, the law is established on legal grounds. The division of such rights is carried out at the stage of controversy to the next level. How is the process of inheritance carried out?

Reducing the first cherries

The key principles of inheritance are established within the framework of the Civil and Family Code, as well as various documentation. The main assets are distributed behind the principles of blackness, against the skin of the masses, which they claim cannot be denied, since:

  1. he himself was convinced of his rights to land;
  2. does not have any rights to recession;
  3. є a worthless slump;
  4. without entering into the right to slaughter.

The laws of Russia provide for the protection of the important rights of partners from the lover, and to the birth of other relatives of the father-in-law. Who can make a note until the end of the first blood of the people, since the deceased did not keep the holy commandment?

1142 Central Committee of Ukraine and how long the lane goes behind the first black

Who can wait until the first blood decline? This rule is regulated by Article 1142 of the Central Committee of Russia, which strictly states that before the death of the first generation such relatives as the father, husband and children of the father are placed. In this case, the decline can be formalized both under the commandment and on the basis of legislation within the framework of holiness.

A man or a squad is the very category that is what we call in most cases fresh food At the hour of registration and removal of the slaughter. It is important for you to identify yourself as the legal person under the laws of the Family Code. And a lawful person, one who completely falls under such minds:

  1. The relationship between each other was recorded at the Civil Registry Office department, and was also fully confirmed by supporting documentation and a certificate of placement (registration) of the relationship.
  2. The family and love affairs were confirmed and brought to the attention of the ship's authorities.
  3. You can also wash away those whores that were placed on the stand of religious symbols, or talk about the whores that were laid in the hours of BBB.

An important point: the legislation clearly indicates that the citizens themselves can and can be recognized by the legal friends of the party-spooper. Moreover, since the partner does not register in any way, the partner cannot and does not have any right to quickly obtain rights to enter at the drop of the first draft.

If we talk about those that are distributed in parts of the mine between the decliners, then we can say that among the unprecious spivmeshkans there is still a slight decline in the decline of part of the mine and the mine assets, but the stinks will not be relatives of the former. chergi. Plus, this moment is even less important in that case, since such spivmeskans were in the recessionary period in the morning, or even more.

Also, at the hour of establishing legal frameworks necessary for the death of a person, one can see such important nuances as:

  1. If the lover's communications are determined to be illegal, then the partner is automatically excluded from the list of first-aid respondents.
  2. The love was released through the court or through the Civil Registry Office. However, this extends only to those situations in which decisions about breaking up the pipeline are carried out until the collapse occurs.
  3. A person has the right to avoid death, and this rule tends to imply that the person lives in a completely different place.

Fathers are also like crazy people. In this case, adoptive fathers also enjoy equal rights with biological fathers. Well, as we are talking about how you can take away a larger part, it is important to note that, as the adoptive parents say, it is important that biological fathers have their rights reduced. The one who did not abate the father’s rights, who received the father’s succession, takes away part of the slaughter as a relative of the first devil.

When it comes to children, then under the category of relatives, the first line is spent by those children who were born at the time of love, as well as loving and adopted children. This includes those children who were born 300 days after the death of the birthfather. And here there is one edge important moment: In this case, if the descendant has not yet been born, but is about to be born within 300 days from the moment of the death of the descendant, it is strictly forbidden to vikory or divide it until the moment of the birth of such a descendant.

Another important moment. In this case, since the mother is the bearer of the decline, and because she herself is dying, then in this case the children transform into the first blackness of the mother. And if we are talking about the death not of the mother, but of the father, then in such a time family ties will need to be established both within the framework of a voluntary order and in the framework of ship's promotion.

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Types of commandments before the transfer of the procedure to legislation, behind the commandment of one’s own lane, within the framework of the law.

Do you understand the types of commandments?

A commandment is an act of the unilateral will of a person, which is controlled by civil law and means the share of the lane, as well as the rights and obligations associated with it, after the death of the subject.

The commandment is controlled by civil, temporary, and peaceful law. Call for regulation legal notes huge character in the marriage.

The commandment is a symbol that is so difficult to form. In this case, the document is drawn up with letter view And it acquires legal force after the death of the particularity whose will is confirmed by the document, even if it has been certified by a notary.

To draw up a document, you must comply with the minds dictated by civil law with the method of protecting legal bonds, which is due to the drive of main or special non-main rights and obligations.

The legal right gives the ability to formulate commandments many times, but for the purpose of reducing the previous document, which may lose legal force. The commandment, with the help of a legal agent, can be revised, changed, or supplemented with the required information.

A commandment can be called a lawfully recorded order of an individual’s life in the event of death. This is the kind of decline that is experienced by such people, as, for example, the ability to deprive not only blood relatives, but also close friends. In the process of settling down under the law, it is not possible, speeches are pushed behind the controversial hands, depending on the level of blood competition.

Chapter 62 of the Central Committee of Ukraine is dedicated to the term, where you can find out all the thoughts and subsequent implementation of the paper. At the station 1118-1140.1 of the House of Culture of the Russian Federation, you can find information about the procedure for inheritance and transfer of a mine and the special non-main and mining rights associated with it.

See the commandment:

  1. Notary type.
  2. Closed type.
  3. Mental type.
  4. A commandment for conditions that threaten people’s lives.

Okremi see the commandment?

See the honorable paper:

  1. Notarial commandment. The document, after folding, will be certified by a notary - a legal document authorized to carry out notarial acts. After registration, the document is entered into the notary database, which controls the activity of legal accountants throughout the country. When a commandment is made, it is most often given to the same type of document.
  2. The closed commandment is the most valuable type of orderly document. This is what people say to the paper, as they say that neither relatives nor the notary himself will know about the essence, which is included in the document. The person independently writes a proper document by hand, after which he places it in a special envelope. Two individuals, who are close to the person whose will is being formalized, are signed on this bond. Signatures are necessary to confirm that the person wrote the papier for life, so that it will later be changed. When folded, it is not allowed to remove any technical devices that may interfere with the work due to its special features. If after death, after opening the envelope, it is clear that the document is in electronic format, then the document cannot be transferred with legal force, but can only be transferred in connection with the family lines. The envelope containing the covenant, handed over to the notary, will be inserted by the facsimile before the other envelope on which this document will be placed.
  3. The terminology is in connection with life-threatening environments. In living situations that threaten life, people can fold a decent amount of papier for a long time without singing. But to give it legal force, you need two certificates. The document is drawn up in writing.
  4. The commandment is that on the basis of minds I will enter into a recession. The type of paper is to avenge one and the same exchange of minds, the connection with which the offender withdraws entirely after death close people. If he is not ready to settle the claim and claim the rights assigned to the document, then he is declared unfit and the lane is removed from the property. Behind the law and in connection with the decisions of the court, another ruler will be found, who is a relative of the deceased and is ready to face the challenge.

The form and order of the commandment?

In order for your legal document to begin its work and gain legal force after the death of a person, it is necessary to fold the letter in your hand. The law protects against copyrighted technology, electronic and distributed versions of papers.

The document must be certified by a legal agent such as a notary, but it may also be certified by others. townspeople. For example, the chief doctor of the hospital, the chief commander of the campaign, the chief of the hospital. Such a decision is made to comply with the law in connection with the foundation of the commandment for the singing of the environment.

The citizen who needs to draw up a proper document from the mayn drive, remember that he has the right to change, add and repeat the commandment. It can be folded a certain number of times, but in this case the skin may first be lost in order to waste legal power for the life of the citizen.

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The right to gain access to revocation is regulated by the current federal legislation of Russia. The right to revocation of permanent unemployment for a period of time after the death of the deceased. Registration of a permanent visa must be completed in a letter format, such as the applicant’s written affidavit.


The documents for proper execution are the same as when registering a deed - this is a document that provides special evidence about the transfer of power. Lines for registration of registration for registration. In some episodes it lasts up to three years.

In fact, it is imperative that you do a lot of work to reduce and remove moisture. In obedience order a viconny of minds is transferred.

In this case, there may be massacres. For example:

  1. This transfers the rights of the Volodymyr to the inviolability and the car is in the possession of the driver;
  2. transfer of power to third parties;
  3. Vikonannya of the work process and services for the owner of the government;
  4. payment to third parties of penny compensation;
  5. Other main regulations.

The commander-in-chief actually prepares a warrior-boiler, who may oust the will of the commandment.

Goiter is considered for the viconn only before the prescribed order. I have no right to look at everything. If the descendant realizes that the descendant will die, he has the right to change the commandment of another citizen, all rights of action will be transferred to the rest.

The most expanded version of the law requires a reduction in the number of residential units, apartments or other residential premises, in order to give another person the right to compete for the premises or sing their part for the life of another people or to conquer another period. Since the right of power in the lane, which was part of the destruction, is transferred to another person, the right of the victorious lane, given by the commandment, is deprived of the order.


You can write a commandment to your relative, stating that you are not allowed to comply with any of the rules established by law or the instructions of the commandment. However, one cannot rely on their mercies:

  1. obligatory part, which is transmitted during recessions (corresponding to Article 1149 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  2. in the form of moisture, as another type of contraction is considered to be a condenser.

In another scenario, the situation is influenced by the fear of the deceased and another descendant in that situation, when the first descendant dies and does not get around to accepting him or seeing his part.

At the cost of other people (decline)

Vidmova's rights of power can be crushed at the expense of the attacking people:

  1. The communities among the descendants were handed over the commandment and the law. The culprit is a private keeper of the lane behind the order of the commandment.
  2. The population's calls are subdued accordingly to the right of representation.

It is forbidden to avoid falling due to guards.

Pajove Volodinnya

The law does not transfer the responsibility for the part of the slaughter. Mainly it is completely taken away by the droplet and it is completely confirmed.

Since a person of decline has the right to decline for many reasons at once (for example, because of the law, because of the commandment, etc.), he can then be convinced of the decline for one of the reasons and it is safe for everyone,

The part of the lane that is due to the decline, which is like Vedmova without specifying other features, will be proportionally distributed among other decliners.

The situation is to blame if a different procedure is followed.

Since the consumer spends money on the funeral, this fact does not detract from his right to participate in the part assigned to the new lane.

Umovi Vikonannya

The head of the mind is depressed - the freedom of the mind may be limited. The provisions of the demand are incompatible with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The will will remain in order, as only the decline is resisted. Therefore, the candidate for the withdrawal of the main message has the right to submit a subscription.

Since the duty is imposed on many individuals at the same time, their tribute is distributed proportionally to the removed part of the lane. Obov'yazkov's fate in the Spadshchina cannot be assigned to the victorious commandment.

The minds of the victorious lane are obviously preserved, since the ruler transfers the right of power to other persons. Vikorists lived on the platform of the commandment, holding the exits bearing such responsibility for his morning, as well as the ruler. In case of material damages, the judge has the right to extract the damages from the court.

The legally registered decline means the songs of the mind and the decline. Not being able to serve as a base for the attacker, the fragments of the designated plant will end with another specially seen part of the slaughter. As a supporter, and the possessors can be motivated by their demands.

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Spadshchina is the transfer of the rights of the Volodin people to whom it belonged. All terms - terms of acceptance of the fall, updated term of acceptance of the fall, call for an application for the updated term of acceptance of the fall - are registered in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. There are also important reasons for missing the line of praise for the slaughter.

Legal basis

Lawyers and advocates often argue about the updated term for accepting a fall. Subject to proper legislation, a person has the right to enter into recession right as long as the recession law is released. In which case it is important to note:

  1. the day of clarification by the authorized body of the will of the people (this is due to the obviousness of the commandment).
  2. what is the date of decision ship authorities about the recognition of a person as a dead person (as the fact of inheritance is established).

So people will continue to go to the notary's office for the local government, submit a package of documentation, pay the debt to the state and submit an application, the established form.

Based on the results of the collection of all documents, the representative will obtain a certificate of legal infringement, at which you can dispose of a land mine or go to the registry service to register the right of authority on a land mine.

This animal procedure is established by law in order to preserve justice. It is not possible to open the gate from the hour of death, commandment and commandment. The fragments of the environment sometimes collapse due to the recession, and the process of recovery involves many risks. Just because through the songs one of the descendants does not reach the established line for accepting the decline, this does not mean that nothing can be done to remove it. And here the law demonstrates the possibility of a renewed term entering into the recession.


The decree of the decline occurs immediately after the death of the ruler of the myna. If the notary may give a commandment, written by the Vlasnik Maina, in the case of requests to pronounce the commandment of a deceased relative to the deceased for 15 days.

After the descendants learn about the death of a relative or the commandment, they can write their rights of inheritance within six months. The return period begins 6 months after the date of death of the tester. This term is given to all candidates in the recession - the legal meaning of the covenant document. During this period, all legal operations may be completed: documentation, praise or recovery of parts of the fall, transfer of the rights of the ruler to another person, annulment of the memorial document.

In fact, the let-down is a concrete action of decline before the fall. For example:

  1. Settled in a spare apartment and pays utilities
  2. The closure of the deceased and accepted material mine, assigned for the commandment, is closed by third persons
  3. It supports the recession, protects it from plunder and similar actions.

The factual praise of the slaughter is not sufficient for the legal restoration of it. In order to legally legalize alcohol withdrawal, it is necessary to go to court with a statement about those who are experiencing a decline in adoption.

Don't worry about the process and wait until the end of the process. In order to avoid ship expenses and significant expenses, please contact a notary with an application for approval of the title, if you already have one.

The term for declines begins with the death of the bearer. In these cases, if the deadline for accepting the deed is on a weekend or holy day, you can contact the notary office for the application before the end of the first working day after the holiday.

More precisely, you can submit your application until the end of the 24th year (12th day). You can submit your application through a trusted person (who will require a notarial authorization) or through the Russian Post (you will need notarization of your signature on the application).


When will the claim be written? The need to submit a call may result in distrust of the notary, the inconsistency of the commandment and the duties of the holy ones, placing the fate of many other people in doubt in doubt. Every citizen (or his representative) has the right to declare his authority to actually accept the slaughter, since it was not considered at the time of the slaughter.

How to select an instance? This call is connected with the place where the recession begins. This principle applies if the applicant knows all the nuances of the application. If the applicant intends to clarify the owner of the subject, the application will be submitted at the place of discovery. The fact that the loss is recognized as such is evident when you apply for it at your place of residence or when you register.

It should be noted that the place of death actually remains the main place of residence of the deceased. Subject to relevant information, the claim may be filed with the local authorities of the mine itself. As its parts are in different places, the most valuable object is selected.

After the continuation of the lines of inheritance, the arguments may be prepared in advance, which the court respects and is important. One shortest reasons If I'm sick, at such a time when people are desperately unable to go to the notary. To confirm illness, it is necessary to collect all types medical advances, which confirm this fact.

Another good reason is a business trip to distant destinations. Based on the confirmation, there is no problem. It is much worse if you insist that you are not informed at the hour of death of the commandment. It is practically impossible to convey this fact with documents.

Pozov is obliged to report all the recent trends that have become a decline. They are guilty of re-contesting the court against those who do not know about the fall or who cannot physically assert their rights through the established term.

Important! For dry food, because you don’t know what to do or where to go:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Bezkoshtovna hot legal line.

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The formation of the commandment is subject to the norms of a unified legal framework. Official order You may fill out the official form with full registration (please check back). Since this command may cause health problems, this function is made more important. Due to Rozumov's lack of knowledge, this fact is subject to misinterpretation and the commandment is declared invalid.

The only aspect of the document is the official status of the document, such as folding and notarization. All information is then entered into a single database or registered by a notary. Further from this registration you can verify the presence of the will. At first glance, such a copy is represented by a color certificate with numbering.


The Register of Testaments of the Russian Federation - official website - makes it possible to check the documents before the execution of the cessation. A unified register of covenants and documents allows you to minimize the facts of deception by representatives of other bodies and individuals.

The electronic register of covenants allows you to verify documents remotely.

You can check the commandment at the registry for a small fee.


You can find out about the claims of other relatives or check your will through the registry, since information about inheritance was not found by all notaries.

However, you cannot deny information about those who will be handed over to the deceased, since the service is protecting the secret of the remaining will of the ruler of the main. If people know that information about deceased persons is in the registry, and the evidence is located at the place of registration of the deceased, you should contact a number of offices behind the place of registration. then print out the registration process.

To begin verification, it is necessary to provide legal authorities with verification of your passport, death certificate of the tester, and evidence that confirms the presence of family ties.

In addition, you can search for data via the Internet from the electronic registry service. After entering information into the system, matches are selected. Only a few people can receive information, so you need to confirm your specialness.

Design of inviolability and moisture

As a rule, the legal document is the Certificate of the right of authority to the premises, which until 1998 was issued by the local government authorities, and then by a specialized institution.

The bodies of the Federal Registration Service today maintain registries of power rights and register the establishment of agreements with the immutable mine and the transfer of power rights associated with them.

It is especially important that a package of documents can be submitted before any branch of the registration service, without being bound to the place sovereign registration a great or mighty ruler of indestructibility, the growth of the most indestructible lane, and also the dignified principle of one vikna.

Today, any person can, by submitting a certifying application and paying the amount of the state fee established by law, withdraw the required information from Unified register rights on nerukhom maino. In order to submit a receipt for the payment of the sovereign transfer, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document that identifies the person.

Aside from all the simplicity, for example, a duplicate of the Certificate of Authority can only be obtained by the official himself or by a person authorized by him upon presentation of a notarized power of attorney.

The Crime of the Certificate, a document that establishes the right, and the agreement, on the stand of a certain ruler, has taken away the nerukhom mainno. If we are talking about housing placement, entry into the secondary housing market, then such a document will be a purchase and sale agreement or a contract. If the agreement was purchased by the authority of the municipality, then such a document will be an agreement on the transfer of residential premises. If it has been taken away by the ruler as a decline, it is necessary to present a Certificate of the right to the decline.

As a result of the decision of the court, the following information was subsequently added ship decision. It is important to change the legal documents as soon as the residential premises are installed.


You will need a fresh entry from the Budynka book, which may be issued no later than one month before submitting the documents to the registration authority.

To get it, you need to contact the regional Rozrahunkova-Information Center for Deafness.

As an applicant, the authority of the residential premises has the right to act, whose representative, by proxy, or another person registered in the premises, on which the registration is requested. For this applicant, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a power of attorney, which is a confirmation of the representative of the ruler, or a Certificate of the right of government, which is based on the application of the official.

A certificate of the right to slaughter is a document that must be drawn up after the fact of slaughter. A certificate of the right to subdivide a covenant is drawn up in the presence of a notary. You can verify the certificate of the right to deed at the registered register of the notary chamber.

How can you get rid of evidence about the fall of the Main?


Registration of a death certificate after death is a complicated procedure. In order to know the authority's right to slaughter, it is necessary to issue a certificate. The document is not legal, so it is impossible to seize the assets of the deceased on its basis. This simply confirms the foundation of the law of inheritance for private individuals and sovereign institutions.

A certificate of the right to death guarantees the right to seize the property of a deceased person. To get rid of it, you need to have a small package of documents under your hand. There are certainly a lot of legal subtleties involved with the new changes in the laws. Please turn over the data carefully.

Verified information:

  1. death commandment with the exact date of death;
  2. chi є bazhanya;
  3. what stage of sporidity;
  4. what is spadkova mass;
  5. Chi lie down legally.

Only after verifying the data, the notary can issue a certificate form. Residents may apply for income. There is a fee for this video.

Where can I get a document that confirms the right of inheritance? This food is left before the meal. The certificate is seen by a notary. First, please submit an application for the document, you must: Submit an application. You may contain information so that you can ask for your document to comply with the law. The review of the application is carried out by the notary himself, who confirms the legal right.

  1. The notary may open the deed.
  2. As a result, if there are a number of people, you can choose from them to obtain a document for yourself that part of the body or a legal certificate of moisture from certain parts of the skin.

The certificate of the right to land is seen by a notary after the payment of the sovereign deposit. The amount will be insured individually and will depend on a number of factors:

  1. Vartіst is indicated by the urakhuvannya zagalnyj vartіstі maina.
  2. Discounters of 1-2 lines pay 3% (limit 100,000 rubles) on the return, 6%, or not more than 1 million rubles.

Other categories of beneficiaries are provided through the payment of government taxes. Before them lie underage and legally incompetent hulks. However, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence that they can be withdrawn as payment.

A few words about whores

Before you begin to get acquainted with the documents that confirm the seller’s right to the integrity of what is being sold, ask him for a passport, which is responsible for identifying the person and showing other information. First of all, we must show respect to the seller’s family, to the number of his officially registered lovers and separation. Convert all the dates on your passport with the numbers on the documents that confirm your authority. If the property is put up for sale, was bought in a whore, then a great person or squad at any moment can file a summons before the court, in order to ensure that they legally substitute their lives or other parts. The best friend has the right to extract half of the mine earned from the lover for three years since the day of official separation, since they were not registered with the apartment and did not live in it. Moreover, in some cases the court may extend the limitation period if the reasons for his omission are recognized as important. Ask to present documents to certify about the undermining of a friend or a court decision, as if it were a judicial review. In addition, if the same friend was in court, then it is necessary to clarify whether the court’s decision gained legal force and whether an appeal was not filed.

Minor children

At the seller's passport, special respect must be given to children who may be the owners of the apartment, for example, under a purchase and sale agreement, or after the privatization of infirmity, or the right to own a property. If the seller has minor children, then to sell the apartment he will need permission from the guardianship authorities and approval, which is seen in these and other minds, for example, purchase new apartments a similar area in the singing area of ​​the city. The guardianship and investigation authorities in such situations are concerned about the interests of the child, so if the minds set by them will be violated, then the agreement on the purchase and sale of the apartment may be torn apart by court decisions. Since minor children are not the owners of the property that is being sold, but are only registered in it, then in order to establish a purchase and sale agreement, the consent of both parents will be required in written form. In this case, the parents are not to blame for the abrogation of their father’s rights, and the children are to be registered in the new apartment.

Help with the downturn

It happens that people create official families in an already mature age, behind them, as a rule, they have already lost their first loves and, especially, children, often already grown up, and their living quarters are still present.

Ale yak in that situation, for example, if the woman lives at the man’s apartment, and in his opinion it is saved on the crust of his onuks

More importantly, if a person requires help and constant care through a serious illness, and all of this rests on the shoulders of his friend, what will happen to the living arrangements after the death of the person?

As the squad is unprecise, and, say, on the right itself, through this century, they have the right to a part of the apartment, after replacing the commandment.

And the size of this portion will become no less than half the size that a woman would have had to fall under the law.

This norm is contained in Article 1149 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The order of the significant price of the part and its size depend on such factors as the presence of other people under the law, who are included in the warehouse of the first half of the world, so we can talk about fathers, children, and so on. as well as the presence of another recession mine.

Let's try to review everything that has been said on a completely accessible and awkward butt, so if there is something possible every day that could be the subject of a fall, and for the evidence of one fall of the first devil (a child of a man, just like that Father Onukiv), then In times of decline due to the law, living space was divided between the squad and the adult child in equal parts, then 12 each.

And then there would be no talk about onuks, because in such a situation, according to the law, onuks do not subside.

And once the truth is told, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article, the obligatory part becomes not half, but 14 parts, then, in this case, we go about half 12, and three quarters of the apartments that were lost, go to the onuks, This is due to the commandment (to the skin in the lower parts).

And then the widow can dispose of her plot of land in the living area at her own discretion, so she has the right to live in the new one, having registered the right of authority, as well as sell her plot, exchange or give it as a gift.


A tax for slaughter without a commandment and a tax for a slaughter after a commandment are two different things.

The amount of this fee will depend on the level of dispute between the decliners and the provisions and will be covered under clause 22, clause 1, part 333.24 of the Article of the Submissive Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. 0.3% of the total value of the downgraded main (it is impossible for one sum to exceed one hundred thousand rubles) for downgraders of the first class and first-class sisters and brothers;
  2. 0.6% vіd estimated value inherited lane (it is impossible for a person to exceed 1 million rubles) for the loss of recession.

Communities designated under Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation may be subject to payment of taxes:

  1. people who lived with the tester throughout his life and will continue to live in the transferred settings after his death;
  2. veterans, participants of the Other World War, heroes of the Russian Federation and Radyansky Union ta in.

Commandment and tax

And why is the tax paid for the destruction of the commandment? I don’t give a tribute to a relative and pay for the commandment?

Will the recession be a myth or a reality? A lot of changes have been made to this system. It’s difficult to keep track of everything. Why couldn’t you pay taxes yesterday, but you still have to pay taxes today? To avoid any surprises, it is your responsibility to consistently comply with the changes introduced to the current provisions of the Russian Federation.

On the right is that the real estate tax was actually collected. Nowadays this rule is being extended to the citizens of the Russian Federation. Ale not at all. It turns out that the reduction according to the law in some cases really requires payment of a small amount of pennies.

As expected, people will make large payments from now on. In such cases, a tax is collected for the destruction. True, not very often. Ale from all relatives, how to provide insurance for a very deceased person.

As a rule, preparation is important. Or, in other words, income. There is currently not a lot of information about the process in principle. There are at least two forms of inheritance - by the law and by the covenant. In order to avoid any super-chicks, who and what has the right to submit an application, you should know in which cases you can choose one or the other option.

According to the law without demise, all members of the family accept the order of demise. As a rule, the division expands into those who are close to the first stage.

On the other hand, it is possible to comply with the law, as the commandment indicates the “field” of something specific. The statement about the reduction of the slaughter (partially or otherwise), the appearance of the father, the presence of slackers in the text of the commandment, as well as their statements as positive people - everything will stagnate here. Therefore, do not think that only a commandment gives the right to inherit.

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Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Bezkoshtovna hot legal line.

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The commandment is to complete an important act, which allows you to distribute the potentially dead among the people in decline. In one case, the floor can pass in a peaceful order, in another, this order is completely complicated, as soon as one of the parties begins to claim their rights, and in one case it can be grounded, and in another - not. From the statistics, we will understand that the commandment is also ineffective, as is the court practice of others.

The knowledge of the commandment to the ineffective court practice

The court's practice of recognizing inactivity instructs us to first proceed from the extent to which the parties' claims about the recognized inactivity were legitimate.

Here comes, of course, a law that transfers episodes of inactivity, even if it is even diffused. This phenomenon can be understood as an analogy with the inefficiency of pleasure.

Thus, if the commandment was merciful at the time of the creation of the commandment, it may be a substitute for the commandment to be ineffective. Here it is important to pay attention to the evidence base, because once such a fact is present, other than the presence of evidence in court, it may not help.

There is a problem, if it is not necessary to recognize the commandments as worthless, such commandments are called worthless. These are the commandments that did not take legal form. This is mainly due to obvious violations of the law in the process of making a commandment, for example, if the form of the commandment was not completed, or if the commandment was not its own. Thus, the court practice here is clear, if the commandment is already meager, then the same rights to the main thing behind the commandment are not lost.

It’s also important to lose respect for any violations, such as a typo in a commandment. A commandment is an act that allows for freedom in writing, so there may be some typos and some minor problems with form. This, in essence, cannot but serve to clarify the commandments of the ineffective ones, which is what we are talking about and court practice. The head has a mature, important mind - the importance of fulfilling the sense of the commandment.

Calling statement about the recognition of the invalid commandment

The call for a declaration about the recognition of an invalid law is, in its essence, little different from the call for a recognition of an invalid law.

Here it is necessary to indicate the commandment itself, add it to the documents, and also provide evidence that will become a basis for finding the crime invalid.

From the actual point of view, one looks satisfied with simple activities, but from a formal point of view, not everything is so simple. Many squeamish citizens cannot assert their rights unless they cannot correctly present their interests to the court. Here it is better to be glad that you are eager to get a lawyer who works with such law.

The consecration of the commandment and the recognition of it as ineffective

It is important to ensure that the commandment is not subject to serious legal difficulties. The commandment may be revoked for a number of reasons:

  1. For the sake of life, the giver himself has forgotten the commandments;
  2. It was found invalid;
  3. The commandment is to respect the worthless.

At first glance, it became clear: the legal basis of the commandment has no force, and therefore no legal inheritance. However, the descendants of the era could take advantage of a similar fact, which in essence is no longer the subject of only civil law issues, however, their commandments are no longer considered worthless, and there are no further legal implications.

The only way to bind a commandment and declare it invalid is in court, by substituting the other two methods of binding a commandment. The court, based on all the evidence, and also relying on the provisions of the law, can praise the decision, knowing this commandment to those who are ineffective.

Please understand that the reasons for the commandment are not always legal, so it is better to read the law, special literature, court practice or become a lawyer.

In some cases, the commandment becomes invalid

For certain reasons (Articles 168 - 179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the commandment may be declared invalid in the following cases:

  1. super obey the law;
  2. special depositions, declared by the court to be invalid or often invalid;
  3. a thorough hulk, the unborn will understand the consequences of their actions and destroy them;
  4. committed under the influence of deception, fraud, violence, threats, etc.

Particular cases of inactivity include the following reasons:

  1. destruction of the written commandment;
  2. violation of the rules of the form of the commandment (the commandment may be certified by a notary, in the case of guilt - by other persons established by law);
  3. if the commandment is signed daily on the commandment (with the exception of errors, if the commandment cannot be signed by itself and, therefore, take part in the compiler);
  4. Other substitutes.

This is a comprehensive list of the most extensive types of attacks, but it is not exhaustive, so it is worth taking into account that if you have an idea about the illegality of the commandment, you can completely develop this nutrition.

Important! For dry food, because you don’t know what to do or where to go:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Bezkoshtovna hot legal line.

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Assigned to the recognition of the decline in the law, the right of the decline is limited to the cost of one or many individuals, included and not included until the number of declines is consistent with federal legislation.

The Order has the right to indicate in an official document another citizen as a descendant. (signify a recession), since the first one is already leaving life before the recession begins.

The assignment of spasmodics in the literature is called substitution, and the transferred spacs are called substitutions. A designated citizen can be either a giant or a legal person, as well as a power.


The meaning and recognition of the decline in the commandment is the basis of the given life of the people who have passed away from life. How can you properly recognize your decline? Everything depends on the will of a person. How do you recognize the commandment of the descendants? It is necessary to take into account the decline of the people in the commandment.

The law does not limit the number of subcontractors, and the contractor has the right to replace the contractor and the signed contractor. The original formulation is: “I will deprive power of one or the other, and if there is no way to escape the decline, I will recognize the decline of one or the other,” or you can continue with the words: “As soon as the rest emerge from the decline, the decline may pass... " The protean and triple meta is practically strained to last rarely.

Giver or commandment

  • Gift decoration: benefits

Situations often arise when it is a real pleasure to pass under the gaze of a darcho. For example, people want to sell a room next to a communal apartment. On the right, in accordance with the exact laws, other rulers of the sleeping lane are toiling overriding rights on vikup. When it is necessary to inform them in a proper manner, which often becomes a problem - they do not take information, they duck out of their way. In such a situation, decorating a gift can help.

The grant agreement is also useful in these situations, if the ruler does not hesitate to deprive, for example, the apartment of his legitimate tenants. In such a situation, registering a grant for an apartment can be an alternative way out.

How to arrange a darcha?

Since the gift-giver has thoroughly thought through everything, including the entire implementation of his actions, then I will collect a few documents. The most complex type of gift is the grant of hearing loss. You will need an IPN, a passport, documents that confirm the right to power, inviolability itself, a document from the register for the right to power (BTI certificate), a document that confirms the assessment of the lane. Please note that there is no universal list of documents, the transfer may vary depending on specific circumstances. Okremi vidi The documents must be certified by a notary, who will assist in completing the documents required.

The collected, notarized documents together with the grant agreement are then registered with the Administrative Federal Registration Service. For the conclusion of the contract itself, the participation of a notary may not be necessary, in case of minor inaccuracies or blots, the documents may need to be sent back for further examination. Therefore, the assistance of a professional lawyer will still not be helpful - without it, the process could drag on for months.

How much does it cost to decorate a gift?

Food, how many items are given, is respected, first for everything, donation for the transfer of power:

  1. The gift is daily, as the gift is issued to a member of the family, such as a child, father, or man.
  2. A daily tax, as a gift, is issued to a relative, grandmother, grandmother, or sister.
  3. The tax becomes 13%, since it is granted to distant relatives and third parties.

Other expenses:

  1. Mito for notarization (to be kept in good standing).
  2. Mito for holding. registration, registration of the right of authority (1000).

If the fall victim is declared as unworthy, is considered to be in the fall, does not accept it, without specifying for what purpose he is considered, then the part of the fall that is settled by him goes to the fall line. but up to the right of representation in proportion to the recessionary parts.

In some cases there is no compliance with the law of representation

As a rule, the clutch transmission is switched off when a new clutch is used to replace the dead clutch. As a claimant of the former abrogation of the slaughter, having believed in the new or former knowledge of the worthless, his interests cannot be subsided by the right of representation.

It’s easy to get rid of slackness. Golovnya come to the notary’s office and submit a new package of documentation in accordance with the official federal legislation. Then pick up the necessary documents for the main thing you are buying.

A clean surface is absolutely essential for healthy life people. What is important is that the majority of the world's population lives in areas with low air intensity, which resulted in approximately 6.5 million deaths in 2012 alone. Due to population growth, economic growth and increasing urbanization, the current prevalence of the problem increases

In apparently wealthy Europe, the congestion continues to cause significant harm to people's health, causing an estimated 400,000 immediate deaths. Concerned that wind pollution does not reach the established legal standards in most countries of the European Union, people and environmental organizations are increasingly going to court with possible actions to reduce wind pollution.

The main cause of our problems is the marriage of political will, a symptom of the legal and political order, which puts private profits over public health.

ClientEarth is at the center of this movement. On the basics of the iconic rocheusy court 2014, the right of Gramydyanin’s right to clean the bili bili in the legitimacy in the legitimization of the Union, the clientearth prazu with partners of the condition of the seniority of the certificate to the national court. A look at these ship's certificates confirms the situation in the galaxy of the health of people, while at the same time supporting the efforts to combat climate change.

In Germany, in order to achieve the standards of air pollution, the courts ordered the regional authorities to consider the possibility of blocking diesel fuel in the centers of the city. Judges in Poland, in order to combat winter smog, which instead of solid particles often exceeds the norms established by law, invalidated the protection of solid fire in Krakow. The fence will be in order in 2019.


Confusion does not exist between

All of this is definitely positive news for the health of Europeans. However, despite the fact that it is unfair and does not comply with the norms, the trend in European places is much faster than in the countries that are developing. While Krakiv can entirely lay claim to the title of the most congested place in Europe, it will not come close to the hundred most congested places in the world – on which list the places of Asia are undoubtedly leading , Africa and Close Right.

However, since we are exporting our confusion, it can still threaten us again, in the future.

Works to be carried out in Europe to clean up the wind may aggravate the situation with wind pollution in other regions. Just as the Tyutun industry is looking for new drivers in Asia and Africa to replace the large numbers of foreigners, the European automobile industry is looking for new markets for diesel cars, which are more Don't be happy on European roads. As Europe faces its problems with the urge to export them to other regions, any positive effects on health will go hand in hand with the negative effects on the world that is developing.

The obstructed wind knows no cordons. The obstruction can spread over thousands of kilometers, as we note from time to time in Great Britain, when the sand rises from the Sahara and drank mixes with the local obstructions of the wind, barking the sky and the indices of the clouds. ore mine in the alarming-chervony. Toxic ozone and pollutants created by the interaction of certain chemicals can also be transported over large distances - we can act on the reduction of precursor gases. In short, since we are exporting our confusion, it can still threaten us again, in the future.

The right to a clean lifestyle

Congestion in the wind is one of the greatest global problems Moreover, it is a health problem, and as such, the fight against it will require a global approach. The main problem is the lack of political will, a symptom of a legal and political order that prioritizes private interests over the health of the population. However, part of the global approach to this problem is the regulatory framework that gives clean air the right to run away. This is the right of every person. Enshrined in law and supported by the courts.

The power structure and the problem of the world are composed of many components that vary, which is likely to be the root cause of the problem. However, from the point of view of the law, there are universal principles that can and may be undermined.

The first principle is the availability of legal standards. In order to escape in the clear, guilty people are protected by reasonable and binding legal standards. This ensures that politicians are committed to protecting people's health and that political benefits are not being sacrificed to waste.

In order to escape in the clear, guilty people are protected by reasonable and binding legal standards.

Another principle is the consistency of standards. These standards must be based on the most reliable scientific data about the slow influx of polluted wind. There is a lack of data about any threshold effects - then. No matter what the weather, there is no danger for people's health - whatever the lowest level of congestion we can reach, the better. The recommendations of the World Health Organization are often criticized as a template, but can also be criticized as not entirely objective and sometimes unrealistic, especially for places in countries that are developing. When the level of fine particulate matter reaches 700 micrograms per cubic meter, as is the case in Beijing in Beijing, the recommendation of 10 micrograms per cubic meter seems elusive.

The recommendations of the Worldwide Health Protection Organization are good as a long-term metastasis, and what is necessary is without serious legal requirements that will result in a significant reduction in the health of people before death. ore production, beyond both extreme and reasonable parameters.

The third principle is control over pre-trimmings. Legal standards of nonsense, as it is not controlled. To control the dominant powers and the private sector, strong, independent regulators are needed. There are not enough regulators. Too often, stinks become victims of industrial stockpiling and political pressure - it is understandable, for example, the failure of European regulators to deal with the Dieselgate scandal, which has grown around the reports about those that Volkswagen has completely bypassed the testing of competitors in ikidiv congestion.

Citizens' rights

The main problem is to make people save from the wind, which will kill the stink. In order to protect their right to breathe clean air, people must be armed with three procedural tools.

First, the right to access information about the severity of the wind (ideally by providing data from watchful stations in real time, supplemented by regular calls from reliable government and academic agencies). Let's illustrate the role of information and the publication on Twitter of data from the monitoring station of the US Embassy in Beijing.

In other words, the right to participate in the decision and development of legislative directives to protect the wind, such as the issuance of industrial permits or the formulation of plans to protect the wind.

And I will retain the right to go to court for the violation of laws about obstruction both for the state and for the companies.

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The republic has a precedent: the first time a citizen went to trial for swindle in the hands of the ruler, because he violated his right to be friendly too much of a middlebrow, and on її protection from influx of negative, inspired by the ruler's and other activities. These rights are guaranteed to every citizen by the Constitution of Russia and the federal law “On the protection of children.” The world of cinema is extremely diverse and incredibly rich, as the site displays, where you can watch movies online for 24 years.
It became clearer what to do, moving forward to 1990. Vikonkom For the sake of the people's deputies of the Adigean Autonomous Region, we have sincerely praised the decision “On the transfer of the Fisht-Oshtenivsky massif and the Dzhigursan ridge to the Caucasian Sovereign Biosphere Reserve.” The government of the Republic of Adigea in 1992 confirmed the procedure for organizing the protected territories by accepting the praise “About the transfer of the high-altitude pasture Lagonaki to the Caucasian Sovereign Biosphere Reserve.” Under proper legislation, the republics of the Federation have little right to independently make such decisions. The Federal Law of 1995 “On natural territories that are especially protected” established the authority of Russia, and the authorities viconic ruler The Adigeans adopted a declaration on the adoption of independent decisions on the lands of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve (KDBZ).
For more than 10 years, no one cares to point out the inaccuracies of the final legal procedure without noticing the fact of transferring the assets from the decided regional department of the KDBZ. Moreover, at the hour of 1999, the decision was made to give these territories the status of a UNESCO World Landfall under the category “West Caucasus”, and the authorities of the imperial government of Adigea guaranteed the savings of natural resources. ecosystems and the lack of development of these territories for government activity. UNESCO certificate, which is certified legal status The object, which is under the jurisdiction of the World Decay Convention, is located in the directorate of the reserve in Adler.
Nothing happens forever before the month. The Cabinet of Ministers of Adigea recently praised the resolution “On the creation of a natural park on the territory of the Republic of Adigea.” Under which all the territory, previously transferred to the KDBZ and now under federal authority, with a reduced regime of natural territory that is especially protected, was transferred to the creation of a natural park.
A resident of the Hanskaya village, Valery Brinich, before speaking, who previously served as the director of the KDBZ, having drawn attention to the fact of the violation of his right to a friendly doctor, stating that one of the main principles recorded in federal law“About the protection of the excessive environment” is a presumption of environmental unsafety of the planned government and other activities. Valery Brinich, linking the illegality of the order of Adigea with the violation of his right to a friendly Dovkill, went to trial for sack and asking to know the illegal praise of the order of Adigea. In this case, we note that the order of the republic has transferred its new importance to the territory that is now subject to federal power, as well as to the objects of worldwide destruction. In order to ensure the safety of the World War II sites, Russia is obliged to inform UNESCO about the nature and plans of activities on the territory of the World War II sites. Nothing like that, obviously, broken up.
The Supreme Court of Adygea at the court hearing under the head of Valery Mitusov praised that the praised decree of the republican order does not violate the rights of the citizen Brinich, and the court awarded him the right to discredit this decision in higher judicial instances Iyah.
“I don’t intend to hesitate to defend my rights and am ready to go to the European International Court,” said Valery Brinich. - Under the proper development of alpine skiing on the Lagonaki plateau, the regime of a part of the territory that is especially protected is reduced. At first you will see the most beautiful places in the nature reserve mode, then switch to the natural park mode and forget about the entire territory as dachas. And here we take the cob of the river of the republic and it is formed from the wind pool. Before speaking, a ski resort does not require so much protected territory. These supernatural appetites of the “champions” for the development of the republic can be seen from their heads.

It is important to re-evaluate the importance of today, even if our body is alive! We, unfortunately, rarely think about the spirit and the things that we breathe, but it is even more important, because our body itself wastes not only sourness, but also a lot of other speeches that are not so useful for us.

These ugly words - toxins - depress the work of the prosecutor's office and the systems of the human body. Chastina generous speeches deduced by nature, but other actions from them, for example, important metals are permanently lost in the body, resulting in various diseases of the organs, breathing, blood loss, nervous system, and lead to oncology.

The main cloudy weather in this area is cars. This is the main “postmaster” of gas. The binding of fumes to hemoglobin is strong, but less acidic. Therefore, in the process of living in the workplace, people need to find much less sourness, which is necessary, as a result of which mental activity is harmonized, reflexes are enhanced and there is a possible risk of losing information.

The emission of gas-fueled cars, the mixture of winds, is contaminated by harmful emissions that emit into the atmosphere about 15 other dangerous substances, including acetaldehyde, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, cadmium, n Ikel, selenium, zinc, copper, lead, steel, xylols, toluene .

The weather in booths and apartments is no better, there’s a whole bouquet to be had. chemical elements: formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, styrene, ammonia, polyol, vinyl chloride, butyl acetate, etc. And when certain household materials are ignited, the following is visible: senile acid, cyanide, phosgene - a set of military chemists. And, as is easy to guess, all these words are not best absorbed into the body. For example, styrene causes boredom, headaches, and swelling on the cardiovascular system. Formaldehyde accumulates in the body and must be eliminated. It produces carcinogenic, allergenic and mutagenic effects that lead to depression, headaches, and sore throat. And so on. The main materials used in the construction can be furniture, furniture, insulating materials, glue, and fabric.

Moreover, the cabin can also contain bacteria, viruses, fungi, which are created not only on the sealed hedgehogs, but can also hang around in ventilation systems, live in kilims, and insulating materials. The stench can cause fever, chills, pain, cough and other respiratory illnesses.

For most people, the interconnections of the clouded world and illness are always obvious, because There is no development of ruin in the face of shoddy speeches. However, it’s not good to close your eyes to the insecurity - you don’t know anything about it. How can you be protected from someone?

The best option would be to live in nature, in the distance of great places, highways and low-income areas. Breathing cleanly for three hours, the body is able to cope with new waste through the respiratory system. This allows the body to speed up the process of cleansing accumulated waste and toxins through the respiratory organs. Varto points out that through a healthy respiratory system the body can not only be cleansed, but also often rejuvenate.

Since there is no such possibility, we would like to minimize the occurrence of random speeches at once from the winds. For example, a good walk (especially in the forest) will increase acidity in the body, and subsequently, reduce metabolic processes, speed up mental activity, and increase the tone of the body. At home, you can feel the stains that clean the surface and see sourness, paint the paint on the surface with the help of various accessories, cleaners, ionizers, and simply tidying up can significantly paint the paint on the surface of your home. oh budinka.

The removal of waste and toxins that have already been absorbed into the body can be done by drinking light drinks, going to the lake, as well as through the use of “toxins”, “clinary waste” in the new development of the body under the name yu "Promin-Nik"

For the sake of it, you can change a lot of things in your life for something better. And even if the fruit appears, there may be some confusion. The understanding is that it is healthy to lie in the middle of the bitterness of the wind that drives us. However, the desire to change one’s intelligence and desire for a better one is often influenced by stereotypes, patterns and blockages.

A simple example: if we go to nature, to the country, we feel richer, we have more strength, and we hang better. Who cares a lot - why? And why do we seriously think about what we can earn in order to steadily run clean winds? Who cares much about the fact that it’s worth spending money on the road to buy a car, which you need to sacrifice, but it doesn’t matter to your health. Sociological research shows that in Russia people care about their health.

Among the young middle-aged people, who think about their health, often burst into laughter and generally enjoy the team. However, when a person reaches middle age, the body that has already begun to accumulate I sing the knackness waste and toxins, begins to cause serious problems. And then people begin to wonder about what happened and how to fix it. But correction, as a rule, is not so easy anymore. So why bring it to this point?

It’s a lot better to talk about your health before it’s too late, and even better – start thinking about it now! Breathe in clean air, and your life will become better!

  • 10. 03. 2018

10 Bereznya held a rally near the village of Yadrovo, Volokolamsk district, Moscow region. Residents of Volokolamsk and villages desperately tried to close the sanctuary in order to bring Smith from the Moscow region. For the first time in two years, federal television cameras were filming protests, and federal politician Ksenia Sobchak came here. The police had no respect for the protesters. Police officers can live near Volokolamsk and live in shame

Gavrilova Z'iv Mamona

Andriy to drill near the Volokolamsk region artesian Sverdlovians and wells. However, there is no drilling in Yadrovo. It seems like there are children. What a sin it is to trap people with waters that flow from the Yadrivsky dumping ground - I can’t take it into my soul.

Aunt Olena lives near the church in the village of Amelfino, about ten kilometers from Yadrova. It seems that the head of the Volokolamsk region, Evgen Gavrilov, was a nasty person, aka Mamon. According to the data, the measure of Volokolamsk Peter Lazarev, the company, which is Volodya’s smittezvaliye “TOV Yadrovo”, is not a city. 25% of the company belongs to the administration of the Volokolamsk region, and 75% belongs to some people from Moscow. Therefore, today we are taking part in protest pickets among residents, and Aunt Olena raised awareness about the rally at the church level, following reports that the next service at the church will not be before the Holy Day.

Dmitro is a pensioner. Loitering on the outskirts of Volokolamsk near a private booth. A month ago, when a great stream of stinking gases appeared in the dumps, Dmitry Viv’s dog burst out of the pen and wanted to go somewhere to be surprised.

These people gather spontaneously, subscribe to social networks, post blind spots on bus stops, write on local forums. 3, they managed to gather five thousand people on the square in front of the administration of Volokolamsk. We decided to shut down the training ground. And the head of the administration, Gavrilov, is no better than them. “My head never showed through my pants,” this is how pensioner Dmytro described the authorities’ reaction.

Before the start of the protests, less than 400 Smith trucks were sent to the site per day. Once the protests began, many cars died, and now at least 100 cars are abandoned at the Smitten training ground.

Participants of the protest action at the Yadrovo solid waste disposal site near the Volokolamsk district. Activities demand to close the smelter landfill and oppose the activities of smitte refining and smelting plantsPhoto: Sergey Fadechev/TARS

Activist Irina, who works as a cook, asserts that the smudge carriers, who did not manage to pass the baggage to the landfill, deposit their smudge nearby, at the Sichivsky quarries. The snow will come and we'll be happy.

Silent protest

The low cars in which people arrived in Yadrov stretch along the offending sides of the Volokolamsk Highway for five kilometers. There are at least two thousand cars. Each skin machine has two or three individuals. This means that the meeting on the 10th of February is the least five thousandth. This is a great figure for Volokolamsk.

A rally was organized with the participation of the election campaign headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak. The organization believes that they drove a vantage with an open body to serve as a stage. Use a microphone and two speakers. Virizans from cardboard are figures of Panfilian heroes, who perished completely in the wake of retellings. The stench hangs over the onslaught - in that sense, it was not for this that the heroes perished, seizing the Batkivshchyna, so that now they could lie under Smitte’s bunch of piles of nine-overhead booths.

Ksenia Sobchak is getting married. Vaughn will be late for forty years, like Putin. The organizers explain from the body of the Vantazhivka that Ksenia Anatolievna, having said, was constantly harassed by the Dishniks, but they can’t believe anyone. The Daishniks here are friends, susidi. Among them, the activists who got into chemical suits, smoke peacefully, and the police nod in understanding: “In nature, I’m suffocating at home.”

Tim, for an hour, people seem to be climbing into the body of the vantazhivka, one by one. They are neither orators nor politicians. The stench seems disgusting. “I know this whole place here, I’m a thinker and I’ve grown a landfill more than age-old yalinkas, I’ve lost...” “I have onukki walking here, I’ve been skiing here, and now I can’t ride here.” І little girl Tanya: “I go to school at the counter. I want everyone to breathe in clean air. Shut it up!”

Everyone screams: “Shut it!”

Some of the speakers appear to be anti-Semitic and shout that the company “TOV Yadrovo” is “volodymyut kikes.” Although we are not very drunk, trying to give our fellow countrymen a low appreciation for their active position, they do not fall off the body. A representative from the Moscow Region climbs onto the body Community Chamber, yogo boo. It is necessary to inform you that what has already been brought, having said that, two devices are needed to monitor the return station that the return station is normal.

“Pishov get away!” - shout from the crowd. “Whoa people drive a Maseratti! Don’t listen to him! It’s a waste!”

During the hour of protest at the Yadrove solid waste disposal site near the Volokolamsk districtPhoto: Sergey Fadechev/TARS

What is especially annoying is that the representative of the Community Chamber is confused by the word “Retribution”. That’s the name of the street on which they stand, which can be traced to the present day. The voice is required to be timid on “O”, and the promotion seems to be “Vozmishche”. I immediately understood - a stranger.

"Pishov get away! Maseratti! Fuck!"

It’s important to say women, old people, young people. They never got involved in politics. The stench is the first to scream from the scene, which threatens the right to die. And first shout: “Get away from Gavrilov!” (To the district head), “Get Vorobyov!” (Governor of the Moscow Region), “Get Out of Putin!” (President of the Russian Federation). “Vova! You have seen the future with us, as soon as the wind blows!”

Just before Sobchak’s arrival, the head of the locality, Petro Lazarev, climbs up to the vantazhivka’s body. Vin is yours. Yogo they hear. It seems that on the right there is no difference in the wind. The Gorodnya River just flows under the training ground. So, if the snow melts, the Gorodnya will flow from the landfill into the Lama River, the Lama - to the Great Sister, the Sister - to the Volga. І an environmental disaster on a federal scale.

Lazarev informs that having already written about the catastrophe, it will threaten the entire Volga region, the governor and the president henceforth. You can’t say this, because above his head there’s a poster: “Sobchak is with the President.” And he clarifies: “I support our President Putin, without needing to kick him.”

Right of dihati

When Sobchak arrives, the meeting takes on the form of a meeting. Ksenia stands at the back of the van and throws the gas on the carb. "The right to dihati!" "The stench has stolen our spirit!" “Vorobiova is at the exhibition!” "We are against everyone!"

You won’t have to give up just one meal, because the ice doesn’t give up on all the enemies in the face of its promotion. The word “Yadrovo” sounds like “I”, and the word “O” sounds like “Yadrovo”. According to natovp, running repairs is alien. Well, maybe, Ksenia guesses, and she’s getting better. The pardon is forgiven in full voice for the carbuvanny formula.

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from the "Community Initiative" party, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak (in the foreground) during a protest at the Yadrovo waste disposal site near the Volokolamsk districtPhoto: Sergey Fadechev/TARS

“Well done, great job there,” the team whispered. “Maybe I won’t make it to Moscow, I’ll die on the way.”

Ksenia Sobchak makes it to Moscow safely. The Volokolamsk region will lose its carb gas.

"The stench has stolen our spirit!"

"We have the right to die!"

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