Directly according to Feng Shui at the apartment.



The energy flows freely - the axis from which to learn the secret of a happy life is the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui.

Having organized your life in accordance with this recommendation, we will do everything necessary to achieve health, love, luck, and money.

  • How can I reach him?
  • Feng Shui of an apartment - we understand everything, we focus on the main points.
  • Designated feng shui zones for the apartment
  • The skin of life near the apartment is indicated by the first sector (zone).
  • Its activation and lead to positive changes.
  • It’s important to know what to activate and how.
  • Let's finish first.
  • Any booth is divided into 8 zones - on a number of sides of the light.

The axis of stench from the designated galus and the skin type of them:

pvnich – kar'era

  1. daytime entry - more expensive and expensive
  • Pivnichny gathering – knowledge and wisdom
  • day - self-realization and glory
  • Pivdennyi zahid – kohannya ta shlyub
  1. Pivdenny gathering - wealth
  • entry – children and creativity
  • gathering - health and family.
  • Required sectors are being activated
  • The transport center is connected to the center of the apartment on the plan.

We divide the apartment into 8 sectors (45 degrees each).

Now all your sectors are in the valley.

  1. Correctly folding the life plan will help activate the required zones
  2. Before you activate specific zones, you need to harmonize the entire space of the apartment.

Because in one place everything will be science, but in others it will be abysmal, nothing will come of it.

So, why start decorating your apartment according to Feng Shui:

To clean up. It is important to not only clean up the forgery and wipe away the forgery, but also rake out the heap, throw out all statements, unnecessary, broken speeches.

You yourself will put things in order in your head, get rid of unpleasant doubts and clear the path for positive thoughts.

  1. There is nothing we can do to prevent you from making important decisions.
  2. If you don’t dare to see old clothes, toys, gifts in your life - let’s talk about those that you are not ready to part with.

But for your dear ones, it’s not easy to get rid of insurance in such a situation.

Correctly move the entrance doors and objects near the entrance.

Sector of love and love.

This is probably the most important for women.

Rotashovany on the day of sunset.

Suitable for all types of relationship: between man and woman, fathers, relatives, as well as the intimate sphere.

To support the special friendships, place two candles in this sector - red and white. The stench symbolizes a man and a woman.

You can tie the candles with a red stitch.

If discrepancies arise, then inappropriately burn the candles to cleanse the subtle energies.

For this purpose, it is necessary that all objects in this zone be paired. one of the main feng shui tools for assessing the energy of any location.

For this purpose, you will need a plan of your apartment or office, hut, garden plot, etc., after which you will need to determine the orientation of your space in all directions.

To take a tourist compass, stand with your back to the entrance doors of your apartment and use the compass to navigate, if you do so, you will need to avoid crossings of wet structures.

Therefore, go a short distance ahead of the doors and create another world, and as soon as the stinks are avoided, it means that there is no crossover and your world is determined exactly.

If the results are not the same, try to identify the error code and move to the opposite side.

After you have selected the compass and accurately determined the orientation of your apartment.

Apply a Lo-Shu square to the plan of your apartment, adding it exactly to the sides of the light.

Knowing the descriptions of all sectors and zones of the apartment, we can analyze the energy map of our cabin, and find out which sector should be activated first, so that we can feel happier, happier, richer, etc.

You find out which zone is best suited to grow

1. Career, life path - PIVNICH

Main element: Water.

Living element: Metal.

Color for activating the sector: White, blue, black, black.

The Quarry sector is related to the extent to which you earn money for your living, and it indicates your life path and your goals to the extent that you will pursue them.

The idea is that if you work in the right way, then at work you will feel even kinder, more enthusiastic, and you like your work.

If that’s not the case, then you’ll have to pay respect to this sector of your booth.

2. Mutual love - Pivdenno-Zakhid

Main element: Earth.

Life element: Vogon.

Color for activating the sector: red, rye, all shades of brown.

The sector of love and hunches represents your hunches with a loved one, as well as the hunches with friends and family.

If you are on your own or have problems with your lover, you should focus on this sector and put it in order.

To activate the sector, you can use paired speeches, for example, two vases, red candles, etc.

3. Family - Storage System

Color for activating the sector: red, rye, all shades of brown.

The sector of love and hunches represents your hunches with a loved one, as well as the hunches with friends and family.

Main element: Wood.

Living element: Water.

Colors for activating the sector: brown, green, blue, black, a few reds.

The idea is that if you work in the right way, then at work you will feel even kinder, more enthusiastic, and you like your work.

If that’s not the case, then you’ll have to pay respect to this sector of your booth.

The Family sector stands for your relationships with children, fathers, and also your relatives.

This central sector is responsible for your health in general, for your self-esteem, for how you renew your strength.

This sector is especially expanding, being in the center, it unites other sectors at once, therefore it can flow into all sectors in your booth.

The word health conveys the direct meaning of this sector, because its health lies behind the health of other adjacent sectors, because this sector is not in order, it is a failure - it has a negative impact on all other sectors and is bad for all aspects of life.

Or, if you activate this sector, it will be positive, along with all other sectors in your home.

6. Pomichniki and roads - PIVNICHNO-ZAKHID

Main element: Metal.

The word health conveys the direct meaning of this sector, because its health lies behind the health of other adjacent sectors, because this sector is not in order, it is a failure - it has a negative impact on all other sectors and is bad for all aspects of life.

Or, if you activate this sector, it will be positive, along with all other sectors in your home.

Living element: Earth.

This sector represents travel, patrons, support of friends at important moments in life, as well as spiritual mentors and intuition.

Who do you care about at this important moment in life?

The idea is that if you work in the right way, then at work you will feel even kinder, more enthusiastic, and you like your work.

If that’s not the case, then you’ll have to pay respect to this sector of your booth.

What authoritative knowledge do you have that can help you in difficult situations?

If you have problems with everything, then you should increase respect for this sector and bring it back to health.

7. Creativity and children - ZAHID Colors for activating the sector: gray, white, golden, silver, yellow..

After a few days, she heard about how the zone was activated, and a young woman (who had been her husband for a long time) called her to the cinema.


I began to admire these wondrous dreams even more.

It turned out that it actually contains elements of chaklunstvo.

And I was not spared the healthy gluttony that I was entitled to.
Feng Shui views a household as a living organism that is either in harmony with you or in super-eternity.

In order to allow life energy to move smoothly in your wake, you need to activate the main life aspects or feng shui zones.

They are influenced by the palette of colors, the arrangement of furniture, the presence of various talismans, and the intensity of light.

The statistics report on how to correctly identify the zones.

Apparently, before the beginning of Feng Shui, everything that happens in our life can be divided into nine life aspects or categories.

All the stench, united at once in order, creates a Bagua network.

In the translation "ba" - vesіm, "gua" - trigram, ba-gua - 8 trigrams.

Sometimes they are drawn simply like a table, and it might look like this:

If we put this magic eight-room apartment on the plan of the booth, we can determine where these and other sectors are located.

Further, as everyone writes, to decorate the Feng Shui apartment, we need a compass.

I didn’t have a compass, and I got it from friends, acquaintances and relatives.

Friends, as before, were not deprived of anything - as a result, there were two compasses in my hands.

Oh my, I’m all dressed up, I looked like a Mavpa through the eyepieces of Krilov’s tales.

I don’t mean to fiddle with compasses at all.

I twisted them this way and that, and I think they showed different data.
I was completely lost and thought that I couldn’t get into it on my own.

Since you, my readers, have the same story as I do, please speak up for new jokes - those who are interested in this marvel of technology.

I found the Shvidko's assistants.
A friend helped me navigate through the sides of the light in my mother’s apartment; she was the one who drew the diagram.

We immediately found the approach using an additional compass and made a corresponding entry on the plan.

I hope that you have realized that all directives are always immutable, and we simply adapt them to our everyday life.

Once you correctly designate the sectors in your apartment or hut and quickly enjoy the pleasures of Feng Shui, your life will begin to change.
If the results are good, it means you did everything right.

If you can't help it, you still have something to work on.

We’ll talk about the report on the activation of feng shui zones in the apartment.

other parts, read.

Olya Yoltukova.

  • In the same article about Feng Shui, you can read about the sectors in the apartment, which represent different areas of life.
  • There are 9 of them and they are known by another name: the Wealth sector, the Love sector, the Health sector, etc.
  • In order to activate them correctly and fully enjoy the work of magical talismans, you need to know their correct placement in the booth.
  • Therefore, in this article, we wanted to talk about how to identify feng shui zones in an apartment using various methods.

How do you know the Zoni of Ba-gua?

In the same article about Feng Shui, you can read about the sectors in the apartment, which represent different areas of life.

Feng Shui fakists use different methods for their search.

The most obvious ones are:

Pie method

It is best to work out so that half of the room belongs to one sector, and the other half belongs to another.

It's not a big deal.

Using special Feng Shui methods, you can speed up energy flows in any zone and activate the sector so that it becomes a source of positive energy.

There are 9 of them and they are known by another name: the Wealth sector, the Love sector, the Health sector, etc.

It’s true that in some feng shui cases it’s wrong to talk about placing a Ba Gua grid on the floor plan.

Where better, there are sectors that correspond to a specific place that you need to know - a table in a work office or a bed in a bedroom.

  • To do this, move the compass (or rather take a special feng shui tool, Lopan) from the selected point i, focusing on the light, and determine which zone you are in.
  • It’s true that it will be even more difficult to earn money correctly for beginners.
  • Therefore, if you have little knowledge of the subtleties of Feng Shui, it is better to quickly use the overlay method.
  • And for a more accurate identification of sectors, it is necessary to seek advice from the presiding mayors.
  • According to the main canons of Feng Shui, energy is distributed into the booth in several sectors.
  • They can also be seen both on the plan of the entire space and on the plan of the adjacent room.
  • Therefore, in order to fully understand which sector is consuming each other part of a particular location, you can pay respect to those who are located in the middle of the same.
  • For this reason, all the development of sectors is carried out through the entrance doors.

It is mentally accepted that:

the middle part of the wall with the entrance doors is Pivnich, then the Kar'eri sector,

The essence of the simplest task is to outline the apartment plan along the outer cordons (without a balcony or other outer projections) and divide it into 9 squares.

The rest must be combined with the Lo Shu square, which is the responsibility of discharging the Zirka in order to fly.

Having analyzed the collected data, it is possible to determine which sector belongs to each other part of the alarm, and then analyze the energy that is important in it.

To fully understand this method, you need to be familiar with what the monthly river stars are, what they fly and how they are calculated.

Therefore, for this purpose, in-depth knowledge of Feng Shui is necessary.

24 burn

Most often, this method stagnates in these situations, if it is necessary to accurately delineate the place of moving something directly.

It is based on a special stake, divided into 24 sectors.

It is based on the same classic pattern on 8 light sides, the skin of which is divided into 3 equal parts.

This way allows you to determine the location of the singing sector with an accuracy of up to 15 degrees.

What is practical is to use an additional compass to calculate, de-rotate, and record the corresponding coordinates.

So, if you find that you are at 90 degrees (directly in your booth), then you will need to place a 24 GIR card (you can download it from the Internet) on the location plan in such a way that you will be amazed at the sector called Votok -2 .

Well, each of them has its own number indices on the degree scale, so you can rotate the map as needed for your specific situation.

According to the principles of Feng Shui, zones represent 9 important aspects of life.

The smells are determined individually for each person and appear in the Bagua sieve.

Apparently, you can decorate an apartment in the same sectors, and then enjoy happiness in life, in all its aspects.

Method of assigning zones according to the Bagua system

The significance of the zone is supported by the use of the Bagua grid.

This is a rich bush, which has the correct shape.

The skin side of the geometric figure resembles a trigram.

According to a long-standing legend, a long time ago a large turtle landed on the shore.

On her back was written a divine message: whoever looks like he's got trigrams.

The interior items that people choose for this sector must include an element that corresponds to the astrological sign and number of Gua.

For example, for those who want to move forward, put a small fountain in this area near the apartment.

To increase your success, you can use a photograph or painting of calm flowing water.

A souvenir of a turtle - a representative of the water element - encourages people in their service.

You can complete the Career zone for the best promotion in the service by installing office installations and photographs of the team of military personnel.

Zone of Wisdom and Navchannya

Similar to Feng Shui, the zones of Wisdom and Navigation are marked by the earth element and a beige color.

This sphere was remodeled at the annual gathering of the living area.

It’s good to have an office and library here.

Therefore, this zone has a good start process.

In whose entire sector the mind is activated.

People achieve success in all their endeavors.

It may take longer to fix things and then you will have an hour to fix things.

What can interfere with the flow of the required energy: sharp speeches with sharp edges, dirty magazines, all speeches that can cause problems.

Zone of Podorozheya and Mentors

For the Sima zone, metal objects, coins, photographs of deceased relatives and animals, dried flowers, and animal droppings are contraindicated.

If in the sector there will be inharmonious objects or plants with thorns, this will lead to constant troubles between the members of the family.

There will be tall trees and birch trees in the zone, which will lead to intrigue.

Zone of Children and Creativity

For this zone of the apartment, according to Feng Shui, it is laid out at the entrance, and various activation methods are used.

For example, if you have difficulties with children, you should try to lighten and lighten the objects that indicate the sign and numbers of the Gua child.

Near the Children and Creativity sector there are small bronze statues of deities.

You can hang the little ones or put out clay pots.

It’s best to install a pot with new plants, but you also need to remove dried flowers or vases with bouquets to wilt.

Zone of Wealth and Prosperity

The main element is wood, the colors are red and green.

Roztashuvannya - a pivdenny gathering.

This feng shui zone is associated with prosperity in life.

To strengthen the sector, you need to remove the symbol of pennies, objects made of valuable metals, and stone from a new one.

Varto vikoristovat the vessel with scraped water, filled with clean water.

Fishes are symbols of success.

Therefore, you can place fish in a round aquarium - everyone except representatives of fire signs.

The health sector according to Feng Shui is growing in the heart of the Bagua network.

The element of this zone is earthy, and the color is orange and dormous.

For those who are dreaming about longevity, it’s important to put things in order in this area.

It is necessary that she have things made of wood, room beds in pots, glazes made of clay, green interior items.

All this will help you achieve health on the mental plane.

In this sector you can place water landscapes, paintings that depict living nature.

The decor with boulders and stones will also fit the theme.

Objects that help activate the health zone include: pine leaves, bamboo sticks, unpaired peaches, figurines of a deer, a crane.

In the other part of the Health sector, I would like to bring bonsai.

In this area there is a table, on a table, place 5 or 9 peaches from a tray, a statue or a vase filled with fresh and juicy fruits.

At first glance, you might assume that decorating an apartment using Feng Shui is easy.

Sometimes it works in such a way that people intuitively figure out everything correctly, and after analyzing the life of the Bagua grid, they can make minor adjustments.

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