At the stage of acquiring a computer, it is necessary to proceed consistently. Introduction to the lesson "Program for security". It does not accumulate

Description of the presentation with the following slides:

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Filey operating system are saved in external, long-line memory (on hard drive, memory stick, laser disk, or flash drives). The disk on which the operating system files are located and where they are stored is called the system disk. However, programs can only be downloaded if they are located in RAM, so the operating system files must be stored in RAM. The greatest value lies in the gradual, step-by-step development of the operating system.

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Self-testing of the computer After turning on the computer or restarting the operating system, the processor begins to read and download the microprograms of the computer and the first stage of testing the operating system, which are stored in the BI chip OS (basic input/output system). These microprograms are located in a non-volatile storage device (ROM) that is stored in the computer.

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After increasing the life or re-engineering of the computer, the POST (Power-On Self Test) testing program begins to run, which verifies the functionality of the main devices of the computer: processor, video adapter, RAM, disk drives, power controllers hard disks and keyboards. When malfunctions are detected, diagnostic information appears in the form of various sequences of short and long beeps or text messages. After successful video card initialization, short diagnostic messages are displayed on the monitor screen.

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BIOS Setup The user can install new computer configuration parameters and store them in a special memory chip, which, when the computer is turned on, lives on the batteries installed on the system board. To do this, during the self-test, you must press the Delete key. Get pretentious system utility BIOS Setup has an interface that looks like a system of hierarchical menus. Whenever the battery runs out, the configuration parameters are lost and the computer stops booting up normally.

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Preservation of the operating system After self-testing, a special program that is located in the BIOS begins the search for preserving the operating system. There is a step-by-step search until the disks on the computer are found and the first place (the first, so-called backup sector of the disk) is identified by a special Master Boot program (operating system backup program).

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Storage of the operating system Once the system disk and the backup program are installed in place, they are transferred to the RAM and control of the computer's operation is transferred to it. The program searches for operating system files on the system disk and places them in RAM as program modules.

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If the system disks in the computer are empty, the message “Non system disk” appears on the monitor and the computer “freezes”, so that the required operating system is disabled and the computer becomes unusable.

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After the installation of the operating system is completed, the processing is transferred to the command processor. When using the graphical interface of the operating system, commands can be entered using an additional mouse. During the transformation process, you can select, from time to time, the transformation option in the command row interface (to display the menu of transformation options, you need to press the F8 key). This box on the screen will prompt you before you enter commands.

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Food for thought 1. What are the main stages of computer self-testing? 2. What is stored in the computer’s configuration memory chip? 3. What are the main stages of upgrading an operating system?

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Sound diagnostics POST Signal Reset Possible 1d 2k Graphics adapter not detected Insert (rearrange) adapter 1d 3k Monitor not connected Connect monitor 1d Xk Reset graphics adapter (X must be stored under Video BIOS version) Install move (replace) adapter 1 to the regeneration period or faulty regeneration controller Try install the Setup parameters, replace the DRAM. What does not help is a malfunction of the system board. 2k Correction of DRAM parity (every day for boards that do not support parity control) Replace (rearrange) memory 3k Reset in the first 64 KB DRAM Replace (rearrange) memory 4k Reset the system timer Repair of the system board 5k Reset the processor) Translation become or replace Keyboard controller IC 7k Fixing the protected mode Repairing the system board 8k Fixing the video memory Replace the video memory (graphics adapter) 9k Fixing the checksum ROM BIOS Replace (overwrite) BIOS 10k Fixing the CMOS cache memory і Replace cache memory, check її її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї іnї tuning Setup ї ї ї ії vіdnіvі і ї ії і vіdnі.

Key words:

  • program
  • security software (PP)
  • system not PZ
  • applied PZ
  • programming system
  • operating system
  • archiver
  • antivirus program
  • additional extraterrestrial significance
  • supplement special purpose

2.3.1. Software concept

The program is a formal description of my “intelligent” computer, the sequence of actions that need to be completed on the data to complete the assigned task.

Without robot software, a computer is impossible. Therefore, a computer is viewed as a system - a single whole, which is made up of interdependent elements: hardware (technical devices) and software.

The scope of a particular computer is designated as technical characteristics, and install the new software.

In many cases, the level of software security can be equalized and outweighs the level of computer hardware.

Dedicated tasks (working with text, processing or creating graphic images, performing mathematical calculations, organizing deliveries, accessing information via the Internet, etc.) can be installed on different computers different security programs.

Software security current computers There is a large number of programs, they are constantly developing - existing programs are being expanded, some programs are being replaced by others, and new programs are appearing.

All different things computer programs can be divided into three groups: system software, application software, programming systems.

2.3.2. System software

Operating system

The operating system (OS) is the main part of the software, without which the computer cannot operate.

A computer is a complex system that is formed from the impersonality of hardware (physical) and software (information) objects. Physical objects include memory devices, monitors, keyboards, printers, etc.; All programs and data are accessed to information objects.

In its own way, the computer is part of the “people - computer” system. The thing that ensures interactions between the objects of the system is called an interface.

Hardware interface – features that ensure interaction between computer devices. To ensure proper functioning of the computer hardware, the OS includes device drivers - special programs that control the operation of devices connected to the computer (keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, etc.). The skin device is indicated by its driver, which is the generator of its possession.

The customer interface is a feature that ensures the interaction between a person and a computer. The operating system includes programs that support the dialogue between the user and the computer: you can do the same thing (run the Windows program, extract the text on the printer, admire the power of the computer, etc.), the user gives the OS a reliable team. The operating system executes this command and gives the correct result of the operation or warns about the impossibility of issuing the specified command. A little later we'll take a closer look at the interface of the client for more information.

The most advanced operating systems for personal computers are Windows, MacOS and Linux (Fig. 2.6).

Small 2.6.
Logos of the largest operating systems: left-handed - Windows, Mac OS, Linux

Computers are often sold both without an OS and with an installed OS. Alternatively, you can install a different operating system on your computer by adding a distribution kit on an optical disk. When the OS is installed, programs that are included in the warehouse are copied from the optical disk of the distribution kit to the hard drive of the computer. After installation, the operating system programs are saved in long-term memory - on the hard disk.

Installing the OS from the distribution kit on your hard drive is a must. For example, when using a live distribution of the Linux OS, it is used directly from the CD and loses RAM.

Computer storage is the subsequent transfer of the operating system program from the stored memory (hard or optical disk) into the computer's RAM. Let's look at this process below.

The computer includes a permanent memory (ROM), which stores the computer's testing programs and the first stage of installing the operating system - BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). After the computer is closed, the BIOS programs begin to quit; Information about the progress of this process is displayed on the monitor screen. Testing and adjustment of hardware features is now underway. Assuming that everything is functioning normally, the transition to the next stage is expected - the search for the initial spoiler of the operating system.

The disk (hard or optical) on which the operating system is running and vibrating is called the system disk. At the acquisition stage, a step-by-step analysis of the disks that are in the computer is carried out, by identifying the middle of the system. The sequence of access to computer disks is indicated adjusting the BIOS. A sign of a system disk is the presence of a special program that interferes with the operating system. Since the disk is a system disk, the backup program is read into RAM. Then this program organizes the transfer of other operating system programs from the system disk into RAM.

If, in the process of identifying the system disk, it is necessary to transfer to the device in which another disk is located, then the message “Non system disk” appears on the monitor screen, the required operating system is accepted and the computer stops working. primordial. Service programs

To work with programs that maintain disks, you need to be a sufficiently qualified user. And today almost every person who works on a computer cannot do without the use of archivers and anti-virus programs.

Archivers are special programs that create data compression programs. Archivers will ensure a change in the amount of information that is saved, which means saving disk space and changing the time it takes to copy information, which is especially important when transferring information. ї via the Internet.

p align="justify"> Computer virus - this is a specially written bad program, designed to be used on computers or to display it in good order. The sign that indicates a program virus infection is: the program is not working correctly; full computer robot; the impossibility of maintaining the operating system; knowledge of the program; There is a change in the size of the free memory area; supply of non-transmitted sound signals; parts of the “freezing” of the computer (“freezing” is the name given to the unavailability of the computer).

The creation of computer viruses is not innocent romp, but evil; people who write and blatantly talk about cheap programs are evildoers.

To detect and detect computer viruses, as well as to protect against them, anti-virus programs are deployed. The most popular ones: Kaspersky Antivirus, DoctorWeb, Panda.

In order to prevent your computer from becoming “infected” with viruses and to ensure that your information is safely saved, you must follow these simple rules:

  1. install on your computer antivirus program and regularly test your computer for viruses;
  2. regularly update your antivirus program via the Internet;
  3. Before reading information from the virus, check it for viruses.

Communication programs are designed to ensure access to Internet resources and communication between users.

2.3.3. Programming systems

Programming is the process of creating programs, developing all types of software. Specialists who develop security programs are called programmers.

To record programs, you need to use special movies - movies for programming. These are formal language. The stench is formed from a fixed number of syringes; There are clear rules for writing software. Today there are thousands of programs available. These languages ​​are shared only with other distributors and become familiar to millions of people. Professional programs may include at least a dozen different programs in your work. In 9th grade you will become familiar with my Pascal programming. Perhaps you are familiar with my Logo programming, specially created for the beginning of programming of small children.

My program can be recorded on an archival paper. If you want to exit your computer, you need to enter the program into the computer, convert the output code of the program (my programming code) to the double code, check the correctness of its operation and make corrections if necessary. For which special software is required.

2.3.4. Application software

You can see programs of special purpose and programs of special purpose.

Supplements of halal significance are needed practically for skin problems for work with different types information. You can see the meaning of the additional functions:

  • text editors – for working with text information;
  • electronic tables – for automation of calculations;
  • graphic editors - for the creation and editing of different graphic images;
  • multimedia processors – for creating sound, animation and video;
  • presentation editors - to create materials that allow a large audience not less than a little promotion, but also to highlight the key provisions of his speech;
  • Database management systems - for access to ordered information from a single subject area.

As a rule, when a buyer buys a computer, he installs an office software package on it, which includes the main programs for outside purposes. The following office packages have received the greatest expansion: Microsoft Office for operating rooms Windows systems that Mac OS; for Windows and Linux operating systems (Fig. 2.7).

Small 2.7.
Logos of the most extensive office packages

Additions of special significance are available for professional development in various areas of activity by qualified professionals:

  • types of systems – for automating the preparation of books, magazines and other products;
  • accounting programs – for automated calculations salary and appearance pennies worth enterprises (organizations);
  • computer-aided design (CAD) systems – for the creation of trivial armchairs, mechanisms and other folding objects;
  • computer modeling programs - for testing the stability of projected spores, ensuring the safety of other characteristics transport arrangements and other objects;
  • mathematical packages - for visualization of collapsible scientific and technical developments;
  • geographic information systems – for developing topographic maps, preparing meteorological forecasts, modeling environmental situations, etc.;
  • medical expert systems - to help make a diagnosis of a patient and others.

Among the programs of special significance are also numerical programs: electronic aids, simulators, testing systems, construction kits, encyclopedias and guides. So many brown ones for yourself lighting programs You can find out about various items from the unified collection of digital lighting resources.

2.3.5. Legal regulations for software security

Program for them legal status can be divided into two great groups:

  1. PZ, which means the private power of authors and legal authorities;
  2. Vilne PZ.

The programs included in the first group can be divided into:

  • commercial;
  • mentally cat-free;
  • Feel free to express yourself everywhere.

Commercial programs are sold in special packaging with accompanying documentation. Subject to licensing, the software developers warrant and bear responsibility for their proper functioning. Computer piracy is a scourge that affects illegally copied, corrupted and all commercial software. Most people don’t suspect that buying pirated “compilations” of PZ, which can be sold freely, stinks of breaking the law. Computer piracy, illegally reproducing security programs, killing other programmers, making the development of programs economically unprofitable. In addition, computer pirates most often sell unfinished programs or demo versions to customers.

Mentally cost-free programs(shareware) to be sold by retailers without any costs using the method of advertising and selling to the market. These programs define the terms of action and functional ability. Yakshcho koristuvach u definition of the term When payment is made, you will be notified of a code that activates all program functions.

Freeware includes: new versions of software products that have not yet been finalized; programs, which are partly fundamentally new technologies; updates to previously released programs; outdated versions of programs; drivers for new devices and other programs.

When adding any option to the PZ price group, the buyer selects the program, submitted in a double code, which makes it impossible to make changes before it, except for the distributors themselves.

The best security software removes this limitation, ensuring that everyone has access to the program's output codes. The lawyer for free software security has the right to:

  • vikoristovvat program with whatever method;
  • change and change the program;
  • copy and distribute the program throughout;
  • expand the changed program.

Examples of free software include Linux, the office package, and the Gimp graphics editor.

The most advanced

The totality of all programs designed to run on a computer is called software security.

All the different types of computer programs can be divided into three groups based on functional purposes: system software, application software, and programming systems.

System software includes the operating system and service programs.

An operating system is a complex of programs that ensures the smooth functioning of all computer devices and provides proper access to computer resources.

A programming system is a complex of software features that create the development of computer programs.

Programs that, with the help of certain tools, can access information without having to program it, are called application programs or add-ons.

Based on the legal status, software can be divided into two groups: 1) software, which has the private power of authors and legal authorities; 2) volne PZ.

Food and food

  1. What is the computer's security software? What is your role?
  2. What are the main groups of software that are usually seen for functional purposes?
  3. What are the main functions of the new operating system? What is the name of the operating system in your computer class?
  4. What is the difference between installing an OS and installing it?
  5. When the computer was turned on, the message “Non system disk” appeared. Why is this connected?
  6. At the stage of installing the computer, a step-by-step search is made to the disks available on the computer to identify the middle of the system disk. In your opinion, is this necessary? Why not clearly indicate which disk is the system one?
  7. What is a computer virus? How to protect your computer from computer viruses?
  8. What is the current meaning of programming systems? To understand what types of software and programming systems? Who can work with programming systems?
  9. How long do you think the programming system is?
  10. Scrubbing additional dzherels Information 1, find out the names of five or six programs.
  11. One of the programs is called ADA. Explain this name.
  12. Explain the approach and call the program Pascal.
  13. Find out who is the developer of the Logo program.
  14. Name the types of application programs. Who is the Vikorist applied program of hidden significance?
  15. Who is Vikorist's special purpose applications?
  16. Would you consider computer games to be of legal or special significance? Where should I place the transfer programs? Computer dictionaries and encyclopedias? Ground your testimony.
  17. Consider a graph that describes the computer's software storage.
  18. Why do you think retailers often voluntarily sell unfinished versions of their software products?
  19. What types of programs can be seen under their legal status?
  20. What's so special about the developers of computer viruses and computer pirates?

    1 For Vikonannya 10-13, use Internet resources.


p align="justify"> At the stage of computer restoration, a step-by-step analysis of the disks found in the computer is carried out using the method of identifying the middle of the system disk. In your opinion, is this necessary? Why not clearly indicate which disk is the system one? SO NECESSARY!


How many systems can be used to power the system? If the system disk is in, then you will not be able to change the system settings, I would be so sure

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Operating system (OS)- this is a set of programs that ensure the smooth functioning of all computer devices and provide access to your resources

This is not a systemic software, that is. programs that manage the operating system, processor, external devices, files, application programs, and ongoing dialogue with the user

IBM PCs use the Microsoft Windows operating system, as well as the Linux operating system, which is widely available. On Apple PCs there are different versions of Mac OS. On work stations and servers - Windows NT/2000/XP and UNIX OS. The OS is different, but their purposes and functions are the same. The OS is a necessary stock software for a PC; without it, the computer cannot operate in principle.

MS-DOS - Non-graphical OS, like a vikoryst command-line interface. All teams are recruited behind the writers in a special row. A shell is a program that runs under the operating system and helps you work with it (for example, Norton Commander)

WINDOWS - OS from Microsoft, based on object-oriented window technology. Connections of devices are automatically created. The OS itself recognizes what is installed on the PC and configures it to work with the new hardware. There is a user-friendly user interface. Contains basic functions:

1) kerue file system(Review, view, copy, move, rename);

2) launch and completion of application programs;

3) multi-faceted service (information about parameters, their adjustment, optimization of work, etc.)

OS warehouse:

Software module that manages the file system- The computer process comes down to exchanging files between devices

Command processor- Special program, How does he ask the koristuvach for commands and vikonuє їkh. The user can issue a command to launch programs, perform any operations on files (copying, deleting, renaming), transferring documents to others, etc. The operating system issues the command Viconti

Drivers-programs to control the operation of devices. The skin device is represented by its driver. Technology "Plug and Play"(plug and play) allows you to automate the connection of new devices. During the installation process, Windows selects the type and specific model of the installed device and connects the driver necessary for its functioning. As the computer warms up, drivers are loaded into the RAM. Users can manually install or reinstall drivers.

Graphical interface software modules– programs that allow koristuvachev to enter commands for an additional mouse

Utilities- service programs for disk maintenance (verify, compress, defragment, etc.), file operations (archive, copy, etc.), and for computer files

Dovidkova system– extract information about the functioning of the OS by the login and about the operation of other modules

OS files are stored in external, long-line memory (on a hard drive, memory stick or laser disk). If programs can be downloaded unless they are in RAM, the OS files must be added to RAM.

The disk (hard, flexible or laser) on which the files of the operating system are located and where they are stored is called the system disk.

After turning on the PC, the OS is transferred from the system disk to RAM. Enchantment may be completed according to the enchantment program. However, in order for the computer to finish any program, that program must already be in RAM. The greatest value lies in the gradual, step-by-step development of the operating system.

Once the processor is turned on, it starts running the computer self-test program POST (Power-ON Self Test). The functionality of the processor, memory and other computer hardware is tested.

After self-testing, a special program in the BIOS begins searching for the OS. There is a step-by-step search for existing disks and searches for the first place (the first sector of the disk) using a special Master Boot program (OS backup program).

Master Boot is installed in the OS and the computer is transferred to the computer. The program searches for operating system files on the system disk and places them in RAM as program modules

Installation of the program - installation procedure for most software products, for which a special distribution copy is required.

Copying a software product to a hard drive is called installation. The file from the program has the extension .EXE .COM .BAT It operates autonomously or accompanied by service files. Launching the program means starting the work. However, this software product may differ from the hardware.

Operating system files are stored in external, long-line memory (on a hard drive, memory stick or laser disk). However, programs can only be terminated if they are located in RAM, such as operating system files must be stored in RAM.

The disk (hard, flexible or laser) on which the files of the operating system are located and where they are stored is called systemic.

After the computer is turned off, the operating system becomes active From the system disk to RAM. Infatuation may end up just like that by the program. However, in order for the computer to finish any program, that program must already be in RAM. The greatest value lies in the gradual, step-by-step development of the operating system.

1. The processor flashes to ROM to read information about system configuration, The BIOS will take over the RAM. This stage is completed automatically.

2. Self-testing of the computer is performed: The functionality of the processor, memory and other hardware devices of the computer is checked using the additional POST (Power-On Self Test) program. During the testing process, diagnostic signals may appear in the form of sound signals (for example, 1 long and 3 short - the monitor is not connected, 5 short - the processor is broken, etc.). After successful video card initialization, short diagnostic messages are displayed on the monitor screen. To make changes to the computer hardware configuration during the self-test, you must press the key (Del). Take a look at the BIOS Setup system utility, which has an interface that looks like a system of hierarchical menus.

3. After self-testing, a special program that is located in the BIOS starts Search for a vandal of the operating system There is a step-by-step search for the disks available on the computer (hard disks, hard disks, CD-ROMs) and a search for the right place (for the first one, so called) luxury sector disk) availability of special programs Master Boot(Operating system protection program).

4. It's a system disk program-zavantazhuvach appears on the spot, then there engrossed in RAM And it is transmitted to the computer robot. The program searches for operating system files on the system disk and places them in RAM as program modules.

If the computer does not have system disks, a notification appears on the monitor screen "Non system disk" And the computer freezes, then the load on the operating system is lost and the computer becomes unusable.

After the installation of the operating system is completed, the processing is transferred to the command processor. When you use the command line interface, a prompt appears on the screen before you enter commands. The request is a sequence of characters that indicates the current drive and directory. For example, if the operating system was installed from the C: drive, and the operating system was installed in the WINDOWS directory, then you will be prompted:

When using the graphical interface of the operating system, commands can be entered using an additional mouse.

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