I am not alone among people. Selfishness among people or complete isolation – what’s worse? In order not to perceive the selfishness of people, we need to build a bridge, not a wall

This country is at fault if you reconfigure (and this reconception can be either true or deceptive), because in general there is not a single person in the world who understands and values ​​you well. You climb into your little box, considering all contacts from the outside world as unnecessary. After work, you return to your empty apartment and spend the evening. At night you wander through the smallest charade. You freeze in fear: do you want a party in the room? And at the same time you burst into thoughts that there is no one here and you can’t.

Such self-identity is one of the most complex perceptions that only a person can perceive. Isolation from the outside world brings you to the point of despair, and it seems that nothing can help you. However, in such a situation you can find a positive side. When suffering reaches critical point They become practically intolerable, which often becomes a very strong motivation for going out into the world and starting all over again.

Shvidka additional help

In the hour of a storm, be like a harbor. The human soul needs hydration as much as the body needs sourness. We all dream about love and friendship for all hours, but if at the same time these people seem unattainable, you will be sad if you drink. Please wash your face with a few words from the salesperson at the store, or go to the counter to help you maintain contact with the outside world.

If you feel like you’ve wasted and abandoned, use your skin’s ability to hydrate. For a self-sufficient person who at first glance seems to be a stranger, acquaintance often becomes a straw, as it helps him to turn around. If you can, contact a psychotherapist and sign up for group classes.

Change yourself

Self-esteem is a miraculous engine of progress. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, we can reduce our complexes, irritability, and ineptitude in ourselves. Do you sense the insecurity of marriage between people you don’t know? Much better. Quarrel, brag, if necessary, cry and go through your entire wardrobe. And then take it in your hands, dress up, comb your hair and go out to people. Earn in a way that doesn’t matter to you.

Samy shortest method establish contacts - try to understand people who can understand you, and help them understand you. Some useful communicative actions may be accepted. For example, it’s an invisible method to provide people with food, even though few people can stand up to the calmness of talking about themselves, the poor one.

It is unlikely that the first worm will turn out to be the very same person that you have been joking about all your life. And here people singly, just like you, are looking for someone with whom they can talk to their souls. Don't fall into suspense. You will definitely know each other. Ale just in that situation, as if you were joking.

Vimushena Samota

This can be the case with those who call their departures loving relatives and faithful friends. Sometimes the furnishings develop in such a way that you have to move - any time or the next. Through work, I become healthy, and as a result, it’s time. And then, having stumbled far away from your loved ones, you feel abandoned by yourself.

Shvidka additional help

If you are separated for an unpleasant reason, tell yourself: it’s just a miracle that you don’t have to follow me. An hour of spending time on your own will help you recognize love and show your loved ones how much you care about it. Even in an emergency situation, people often tend not to tell one another about their feelings, respectfully, and understandably. When you divide, it seems like things will get complicated. Current technologies You are allowed to make contacts at any location - telephone and internet are always at your disposal. Find out what is going on with you, write leaves. It is entirely possible that you will be able to get to know people you have known for a long time from a new perspective. And, decide, do not forget the folk wisdom: if you cannot be in order with those you love, love those who are in order with you.

Change yourself

If life's circumstances have separated you from your loved ones for a long time, you will face a difficult decision. And yet, you need to accept it and figure out what is more important to you: arrange things that keep you far from those close to you, or the people closest to you. Sometimes it appears that the most boring career in the capital and behind the cordon does not allow separation from those you love. It happens that for the sake of your loved ones you have to forget your pride, ambitions and bring back those that seemed to be an inviolable living principle. Every day brings new vibrancy to the skin. And just keep them in front of you until you dispose of them.

Selfhood before death

People come to this world alone and go on their own. Such a law of nature and every miraculous face cannot protect us from the waste and separation. If you are leaving your loved ones for the future, explanations will not help. Uncomfortably you stumble before the accusations terrible force, You cannot resist. And whatever the words may be.

Shvidka additional help

In recent times, people, facing death, have called out to mysticism for help. The stinks sang, formed warnings, covered the walls of their inhabitants with chimerical little creatures. Mystery can help you. Read, watch movies, go to exhibitions, listen to music. Behind the great rakhunok, the entire rich culture of mankind is concentrated to the inaccessible khans. And, perhaps, I can help you to understand your respect for eternal values.

Change yourself

If you enjoy what others have created, try creating it yourself. If you have never been creative, take a risk. Dance, paint, write, embroider, sing, start playing musical instruments. Even if you do everything, you will not reach the heights of Picasso and you will not become Mozart. Once again, you will know a way to understand your experiences. And the first and last step is to accept what you have lost and move on, keeping in your heart the image of someone who is truly dear to you.

Why doesn't anyone get closer to you?
  1. You are unfriendly. If you laugh at someone you know, marvel at them, talk kindly, then work hard to get closer.
  2. You are not balakuchi. It’s possible that you don’t support Rozmov because you’re tired or just fussing, but your spouse thinks that you’re bored and wants to give you peace of mind.
  3. You've gotten a bit confused. People who are most self-sufficient are those who value themselves too highly. And that’s why it’s important for them to stick together with the brush on the same level. Of course, you need to value your advantages. But still, there will be hundreds of dollars because the heartfelt burdens for you will not go away.
  4. You speak a lot and hear little. Ideally, spies can talk and hear for about an hour.


Is selfishness a bad thing?

Sometimes unpleasant experiences in marriage can be a symptom of the so-called social anxiety syndrome. When singing, do you often worry about those that you can represent and diminish those who are absent? As the important sustrich or Rozmova checks on you, do you begin to flinch after a few days? Do you feel the nervous tremors, are you blushing and sweating before the hour of prayer? If you have been informed that this is the case, please seek qualified help.

Self-esteem is one of the most important aspects of a person. And yet, since at the moment you associate with people less than you would like, do not fall into despair. There are situations when the situation itself is even worse: it gives you the opportunity to collect your thoughts, assess the situation, and develop a plan for the next day. Animals will always lick their wounds on their own - this is how nature ordered.

Sometimes selfishness can be deceptive. You feel like every soul can’t understand you, but in reality you just don’t yet know how to explain to others what you expect from them. People can't read thoughts. Rozmov's screw can be changed a lot.

Nowadays, people have more opportunities for sprinkling, anyway. Telephone, Internet, mobile systems allow you to communicate with anyone anywhere on earth. Ale, despite the possiblity, there are no fewer people of their own among the people. Since you have recently been separated, you suddenly feel like yourself. The most important thing in this situation is not to immediately rush to the search for a new contender for your hand or heart. You run the risk of publishing low-quality novels, which will add nothing but a feeling of emptiness. Don’t rush, everything will come in its own time. A Nova love Be sure to check it out.

Comment on the article “Alone Among People”

It doesn’t say here about those who are women, because they can’t get along with anyone and do what they want, because they are tied to the point of inability. The child still doesn’t understand anything, she can’t talk, she can’t surf the Internet for long, the child won’t allow it! The man is at work until late in the evening, and the women have to sit against 4 walls!

15.02.2006 01:28:21,

1 message in total .

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Confession of the soul...

So, what are the people in the world who have never experienced self-identity?
I think that no... Each person has felt, only each person has felt in their own way, some people are unique, individual and unique, I would like to believe widely in this...
We miss our lives, like our own roads and roads. To whom, I respect, to be happy, and there is a mandrika-one-minded person, and the Way becomes what is called “single and at once”, people walk hand in hand, support each other, as they are about to enter the Way, even “m, Well, who, not those who “were not spared”, but simply did not arrange the situation in such a way that the valley-bearing sustrich would emerge, passed by and did not notice. keep yourself busy with your rights and thoughts... keep yourself busy, not busy... What then? Shukati? And you know, but suddenly you realize, that this is not the mandrivik with which you can walk the entire road, but rather a companion to the intersection or a fork, so that you go together, or even to some point in the Highway, but, without a doubt. , such companions must be killed, for everything - for evidence, for seconds of happiness and misfortune, to laugh and move on.
Selfishness... in no one is missing the fact that people are so happy at the first second, but only one of the impersonality of feelings and attitudes that they experience...
Vologdina K.V)


Christina! Why do you like the topic of self-esteem so much? What happened to you when you turned 90 and your boyfriend died? So, in whose appearance you perceive the cruelty of self-esteem. In your youth, you simply can’t, because I bet, no matter what you want, so many people and your life’s interests will always collide with the number of people like you. What kind of self-esteem could we talk about, for example, me, if I am constantly busy and needed by others, if without any decision some action can fail?
Christina! Your “Confession of the Soul” could be embellished with another picture, and not the one contained. Tell me, what kind of “self” could this happy girl have, who spread her arms in front of the world in which she can live? More optimism, Christina, in spite of all the negativity. And may you be happy in your old age, that you are happy and well in this world.

Stas, thank you for your thoughts.
It is solid, it is faceless and it does not relate to anyone in particular. That’s what it’s written, but it doesn’t mean that I’m writing about myself, as a person of my own.
It’s less important to praise those, believe me:):):):)!
Of course, more optimism, no doubts :)!

The portal Proza.ru has a generous audience - nearly 100 thousand readers who are constantly looking at over a million pages for the data of the doctor of anxiety disorders, which is based on this text. Each graph shows two numbers: the number of views and the number of referrals.

There is nothing - I guessed everything,
Having guessed for myself, the whole world is mine.
And there is a sound, and the moon is a roar,
Turn back, my light is empty.

I'm choked up empty,
I myself will become a barbarian.
I don’t live anymore, I’m dying,
Bezlich, here I am among people.

I didn’t lose anything,
Empty - you will become empty.
The hour erases the memory of everything,
View and follow my life.

The soul is immortal and therefore
She has piled up a lot of nobles.
And the world does not feel pity for her,
There will be no need for anyone to fix it.

There is nothing - I guessed everything...

I am the most important among people.
I am among my friends.
I am the best among my friends.
One navkolo, wanting navkolo:
I am a kind, honest giant,
I am a good family member,
For a friend I am a reliable friend
And there are no enemies in my district.

Why am I unsociable?
And why am I not loved?

There is no eternal memory and glory,
The worst words are deception and lies.
Life and death are a sacred right,
Those who drink lies are not alarmed.

There are no loud or quiet names,
We are all equals before God.
There are no many people, small or great,
We have a share of different tributes.

There is no nobility in the people,
We are all from a tribe of people.
All the same journey,
We just have different families.

There are no valuable or similar ones,
All people in the world are important.
And the life of us - the original ones,
You, like the nobles, need it.

Nothing lasts forever among people,
I death...

It’s a pity that few people are bothered by it
that is the first fact,
with both feelings and ambassadors
all their internal space is written from their person.

Whether with rough, folding mechanisms,
to misrepresent, only to multiply lies
about the sharing of people’s internal reserves.

Just think about it,
all powerful actions influence the mood of people
no way they can get involved after all
including her “special right”.

It’s as if the doors are soldered into the wall
in front of people...

Everything is empty! I have cooled this world
With yogo sortings and cola graters,
Children no longer trust others’ stories,
Your idol is especially at odds with the law!

And the sky sparkles everywhere, but it’s dark in the soul,
And not a penny, but there is simply no peace,
And it’s easier to quit drinking,
Like a viper from the tea leaves and swamp outlines.

And there was a youth and a gang of friends
Still in Radyansky, our Union, having died.
Having said to Ale Gorbachev, what are we in yogo tyagari,
I collapsed socialism in Sweden.

Get all the factories, factories...

In the same way in the eyes of the other.
And recovery - when will you pass?!
No! - The self does not need pity.
Even the one who has lived here understands correctly.

Buvaya, among people alive, will be his own.
There were a lot of troops, and in the middle of them no one needed.
And it seems that I am about to entrust the foolish and distant.
It’s an important path, if you’re going against the grain of life.

And hearts grow weary of the lies of the company and friendship.
Don’t be angry, just be kind to everyone.
Yes, yes. - And you just need to endure everything.
And the strength to know...

I don't mumble, I scream
I hear silence.
I'm falling apart
I'll lose it in the dark.

I have tears in my eyes,
Alas, I endure all this pain
I'm shaking in the cold
I'm going to dance.

Just like me, empty
There is no one, I want
Among people, I stand alone
In the hot half-fire.

I love you, dear readers! Today we will tell you how to achieve self-esteem. I need to be called upon. And also - how to live in this way.

Do you have no close people? Do you need friends? Do you want to create a family and mother of children? Do you respect that no one needs anything in whose life?

Such food can be placed endlessly. And maybe all the stench will smell from your soul. Through good or bad, you may die. This topic is more or less close to me, because I have experienced both the fall and the fall that they experienced. Having been rich and deprived of the means to live. And I know how to live in the face of self-impression, and how to organize my life in such a way that self-esteem is restored.

Why does self-ness get lost?

Let's be quiet - how did it happen that you were left empty-handed, and you live with such self-indulgence? People don’t want to be close to you, why don’t you want to get close to them, who will drive you away? Does the stench bother you? Do you not understand them?

At marriage

You probably live with a remote forest and there are people around you all the time. So, either the stench bothers you, or the stench doesn’t bother you.

Almost all of our problems are connected with people in another way. They're all on the right. And the problem of self-esteem, no wonder, also comes to blame through people. And not at all because there are none.

Are you telling me how far I'm pushing you?

To the extent that the selfishness of people, and not without them, rots the most. In the first place, there are a lot of people. People are completely different. Tell him about those that I won’t have any of your wine in them.

The problem lies with your communication abilities. My number one goal is to focus on this very aspect.

In your soul

You can also put it this way: you respect that your very desperation does not stick to you. Well... there's a different stink. Not like you.

I know how to get along with them I speak in full However, the interests of different people, valuable installations - different, different goals, and look at the acceptable ways of achieving them. How can you find a good language from them? You just don’t want to be shy! Among such people it is impossible to find neither like-minded people in work, nor comrades in work interests, nor people who share the same interests.

In such a middle-class way, you will come to the point where you begin to separate contentment from self-esteem.

This situation is one of the most widespread. And the lesson here is obvious: show courage, activity and expand your range of activities. Water should not run under a lying stone.

Or maybe you can try to understand the people who are already around you? It’s amazing how their interests and interests turned out this way. There is also a reason behind their aspirations. Perhaps you just don’t study?

And then you should not expand the cola, but the sphere of coagulation in the middle of the stake that has already been formed. Do you yourself show a broad interest in distant people, or do you only respect a powerful person?

How to get rid of self-esteem

  • Get to know people better and they will receive amazing reactions from you. Find those points of interest that appear to be mutually relevant. I hope you don’t become close people, otherwise you’ll get tired of it. The axis can be strengthened and self-sufficient.
  • Before speaking, the mother doesn’t have a lot of close people at all. A bunch of people and a couple of good, reliable friends. Rashta is a different level of distance between point-of-interest interests. Woohoo! Try to find out enough time to tell for such a supposedly limited contingent. It is also necessary for all people to be given respect. Have you forgotten about this?
  • Do you know what it is? the best way organize - and how to separate contentment from self-esteem and how to overcome self-esteem throughout life? Know one - Kohana people, people chew the children and properly breed them. Same way. And you will be satisfied with your self-esteem. Why? But to the one you know for sure, that there is no time and great intelligence.
  • Before speaking, tell yourself: how many hours do you spend on building your stake of loved ones? One year, ten days, a week - for a month? Axis axis. Anitrox. And what do you want next? People can only teach themselves with speeches that are appropriate for them, by people who are on their way, and by the lines before them and behind them. No one can earn money for you and no one will come. It’s all the same, don’t worry and sit and wait, lest a rich relative unknown to you show up, who will soon die and deprive the rich of the loss. You won’t be able to live in such barren conditions. You'll die quickly. Looks like hunger. More swedish, less selfish. And the principle is the same.
  • I am transferring the list and transferring them. It’s possible that you lead a less active life, live in rich places and deal with the helplessness of people. But you don’t have any friends or loyal people. Self-identity among people. So. This happens quite often. My particular thought is this: the axis of this particular episode is the problem with a great deal of hyperbole and you yourself are facing it. Since you go through the process of meeting anonymous people with you and living with them without becoming your friend, I’m not talking about your neighbors - this is a serious reason to think and be surprised at yourself. And you, who care about everything, have absolutely no time for that. I depression. And there is no sin here

I hate it when I begin to suffer because I am tired of my own self-importance, and people obligingly begin to disobey me. And it turns out that – no. I’m not tired yet.”

  • If you are the same, accept it. Like a weather phenomenon. And how I brought myself to the point of change and extreme sharpness. I hope that you will understand the difference between the concepts: “accept” and “calm down.” There is no need for the axis to wander.

Samota is not safe

Meal: What to bring the Samot to" - this is a meal for the fagivts. The axis is in awe of them and marvels - what should psychologists and doctors in other areas tell us about this.

Definitely installed negative influx importance on the mental and physical health of people. The psychological “contagiousness” of self-esteem has been revealed.

All this became the reason that doctors from almost all clinical specializations began to deal with this problem and track the connections between the negative aspects of their patients and self-esteem.

  1. Self-esteem provokes an increase in stress hormones. The increasing level of these hormones, in turn, promotes the risk of such illnesses as: arthritis, diabetes, confusion, heart problems vessel system etc.
  2. Lonely people experience decreased social functioning. It would be essential for a normal life to undergo simple procedures, such as: getting your apartment in order, brushing your teeth, and taking care of yourself - any hygienic procedures, such as cooking food - would be of no use to them mi ta vtrachayut sens. People are sinking psychologically and physically.
  3. It is necessary to understand that social isolation and self-identity carry equal insecurity, but do not necessarily accompany one another. Vіdsutnіst social connections- Objectively. For example, people have been alive for a long time, their relatives and friends have died, and it is no longer possible to start a new colony in order to stay healthy. Self-esteem is a purely subjective consideration of the situation. Selfishness among people is a wider phenomenon. The main reason here is the separation of reality. Thus, large-scale investigations were carried out, of which there were over 70 in different countries And the stinks buried around 3.5 million people, showing unexpected results: young people are at the peak of self-esteem. And the age group over 65 years of age is significantly less mature in terms of self-esteem, and less young.
  4. Same results the rest of the research showed that it itself is an accurate preclinical sign of Alzheimer's disease.
  5. In a logical way: self-esteem is depression, which means that in these circumstances the robotic apparatus is destroyed. Do you see what is the reason for this situation, since in such a situation there would be, for example, a pilot?

Subscribe to updates and write comments, and this is a small victory over self-esteem. And I am always grateful to my readers.

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