Methodology for assessing enterprise personnel. Personnel assessment methods (2). Assessment of special skills and training for staff

Personnel assessment is a system that allows you to measure the results of work and the level of professional competence of employees, as well as their potential in relation to the strategic objectives of the company.

During the assessment, the robot seller compares the professional that fits the other position with the driver who is ideally suited for that position.

At Sunset, a formalized assessment appeared in US companies at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the 1960s, a new technique appeared - management by objectives (MBO - Management by objectives) - the characteristics of the skin's immune system were assessed.

In the 1980s, a methodology was created called Performance management (PM) - performance management. It is the result that is assessed, and the means of achieving it. Transfers to scale Gateway link s spіvrobitnik. It can be a tool for predicting the future professional development of a professional development worker and planning his career in the company.

In the 1980s – 1990s, the objectivity of the assessment advanced with the advent of new technology – “360 degrees”, which conveys the systemic experience of people (workers, patients, colleagues and clients), with whom the drug is used. qiuє.

At the same time, the Assessment Center, which provides comprehensive assessment of competencies, is beginning to gain popularity. Mainly stagnated during the assessment of stoneware with the aim of assigning it to the personnel reserve of the company.

In Russia, the traditional method of assessment is certification.

Modern valuation methods appeared in Russia recently, with the arrival of foreign companies on the Russian market. The number of companies that are part of the RM, Assessment Center, including internal ones, “360 degrees” is growing, but not at such a rapid pace as we would like. Basically, what is wrong is the Russian mentality of unavailability of new technologies, distrust of them, as well as a desire for stability and conservatism.

Let's look at the main methods of personnel assessment that Russian companies use.


The procedure for carrying out attestation is laid out in officially approved documents. For such cases, the organization is responsible for confirming the “Regulations on Attestation” to the company personnel in accordance with the established procedure. The procedure and all regulations are approved and approved by the first persons of the company.

Attestation is the right of the company administration, which can be implemented for all or other categories of healthcare workers. Workers who worked for less than one life, female wives or have children up to three years, and representatives of top management may be excluded from the assessments.

Certification is carried out one, two or three times per river. You may be behind the decisions of the administration, either by chance or by step.

Certification evaluates qualifications, performance results (evaluation sheet or for recommendations from a professional), level of knowledge and practical skills (in the form of a standard examination), business and special skills.

The evaluation criterion is the professional standard of specialties and planting.

An attestation commission is being created from representatives of the middle line, personnel service workers, and members of the professional council. The number is determined by the unpaired number of participants ranging from 5 to 11. A commission in the presence of a worker reviews all the data and makes decisions about the further share of the employee in the organization.

Pouches can be a support for the escape of a doctor here. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
If there is a problem with the decisions of the attestation commission, the worker has the right to file an appeal to the commission for labor disputes in the enterprise or go to court. The Commission may submit a confirmation of its decision.

It lies in the final setting of the task of the ceramicist and the fireman and the assessment of the results of their extermination after the great period (causing the end of financial doom).

The assessment covers all categories and companies.
1) The order shift is taking shape:
a) the manager himself sets the tasks, and then brings them to the attention of the police. Then there is an adjustment to the doctor’s propositions;
b) the manager and the interviewer set tasks independently of each other, and in a conversation they agree with them.
2) The criteria for a specific task are determined (coefficient, the goal of success for a skin task) depending on the company's strategy.
3) The success of the victorious task is indicated. The thought of the ceramist is given priority, or until a decision is made, a good ceramist is obtained.
4) We are approaching the completion of the robot’s jaundice.

The results, methods and competencies of sports professionals are assessed, developmental problems are identified, and the career of a sports professional is planned. All categories and companies will share their fate. The emphasis is placed on the back and forth between the kernel and the regularity of contacts, more formally (formally) and more often (if necessary, informally).

Conversations before setting up a task and a sub-bag interview (concluded with a strong kerivnik and a lighter one) take place quickly, where the spivorbitnik is given a return call on his work and the paths to the development of his success are selected. The advantages and disadvantages of the robot. The results of work based on specifications and competencies are assessed, areas are identified and plans are formed for the professional development of a professional student and the development of his career.

"360 degrees"

Assessing the competencies that people who regularly work in the workplace acquire.

It is established for the next personnel departments, and as an addition to the main system. The specialist himself can initiate this assessment method in order to determine his galus development.

The idea about the coronavirus comes from four sides: the kernel, the subordinates, colleagues and clients (high up, below, in order and close) at a rate of 7 – 12 persons. It is important that people evaluate it not only positively, but also critically.

Competencies assessed:

People management
Communication skills
Organizational features
Please make a decision
Reality before adaptation

Data from completed surveys and questionnaires are collected and sent for processing to an external provider (to ensure continued confidentiality) or processed online (automatically). You can only show your assessment by giving the gateway a tie in this manner.

The results of the assessment (on a five-point scale) are determined by the spivorotenik and yogo kerivnik.

Assessment Center

1) Preparatory stage:
- The significance of the assessment goals;
- Development (updating) of the competency model. The model may reflect the overall strategy of the company and include the competencies necessary for winning a singing position. To develop competencies, business leaders and the first person of the company are required to do so. Competencies are assigned to peers.

2) Development of the procedure Assessment Center:
- development of the scenario plan (timing and logistics of entry);
- modeling and/or adaptation of rights;
- the importance of the set and consistency of assessment methods;
- Training of experts, training of sponsors;
- awareness of the assessment of participants from the Assessment Center program.

3) carried out by the Assessment Center:

- conducting business games, cases, group discussions, which have selected competencies. The topic may be anything, and may necessarily resemble the work of a doctor. The skin case makes it possible to assess the range of competencies of different people. You have the right to join a group of bets. The behavior of the employees is monitored by special supervisors - external consultants, employees of the HR department, representatives of business departments;
- Individual interviews, tests (intelligence, special skills) from a skin participant for the results of the test;
- final assessment of the participant (integration session)- Upgrading of estimates. All observers formulate their thoughts based on people’s behavior during business games and discuss a secret assessment of skin competence;
- folded information for the pouches of the Assessment Center;
- giving a return call to the participants of the Assessment Center. It is very important that consultants/supervisors who give the turning point be tactful and careful. Ambitious athletes with high self-esteem are often assessed in Assessment Centers. After carrying out the turnaround, the stench may lose positive hostility.

Also, evaluation methods can be informally linked coaching, which is not fundamental, but provides more detailed information about the student - his potential, motivation, intentions, strengths and weaknesses. Coaching is a strong motivating method that assesses the performance of a coachee before his or her activity, so at all stages of a coachee’s work it can be distinguished as both an assessment method and a development method. and as a way to motivate a student.

The same characteristics of different methods, stages of implementation of the company’s evaluation system, and the features that arise in your company.

Essential requirements for personnel assessment
The company must evaluate, and the consultant can help inform in this way (the pros and cons of the cutaneous evaluation method), which evaluation method is acceptable to the company and what is needed in the future, resulting from the analysis of the following factors:
Date of the last evaluation call.
The age of entrepreneurship.
To what extent the company is financially prepared before the implementation of the evaluation approach.
The clarity of strategy and mission.
The corporate culture of the company and its idiosyncrasies are to what extent blamed.
Company size.
Scope of activity of the company, nature of products or services provided.
The company has a social and psychological atmosphere.
The stage of work of the spivorbitniks, which extends the assessments and so on.

To ensure the best possible use of the assessment, it is necessary for the consultant and deputy to understand the reason for choosing a consulting company, since the assessments required before the assessment can be different, depending on the real need to demonstrate a level of success and companies before conducting an assessment as a matter of fashion. There is still no need for an assessment, and its implementation can start an irreversible process of disintegration of the company. Therefore, the process of identifying the right intentions, where a clear meta is awakened, is the result of a particular company, the first and greatest polite stage of the personnel assessment carried out.

The skin stage of the work of the specialist in the company transfers a variety of new assessment methods

It becomes more difficult to use those combined with other methods
+ - you can get a little stiff

At the stage of completing the trial term, evaluation interviews and tests for knowledge of the subject of activity will be completed.

Advantages of the assessment

Advantages of assessment for the company
1. Value of work results, equal knowledge and training for the company’s personnel.
2. The possibility of personnel rotation and creation of a personnel reserve.
3. The creation is aimed directly at personnel development programs.
4. Motivation for staff.
5. Pobudova corporate culture.
6. Organizational development.

Advantages of the assessment for a sportsman
1. The important place and role of the skin care professional in the company - horizontally and vertically.
2. The understanding of the assigned tasks, the criteria for the success of their appointment, the importance of the amount of salary and bonuses based on the results of work are clear.
3. The ability to remove the collar ligament of the middle core.
4. A guarantee that the position will not be deprived of respect (as the system works effectively).
5. Possibility of professional and career growth.

Place of personnel assessment in the personnel management process
Advice to the staff. Assessment of personnel helps to identify the need for workers in training, as well as to determine the effectiveness of training programs.
Personnel planning. Assessing work performance allows you to determine both current and future staffing needs.
Good luck to the staff. Information on the evaluation of job performance results is collected to further enhance the selection and selection of personnel.
Development of practitioners and career planning. Assessing work performance allows you to assess the potential of a robot and identify the paths for more flexible and reliable work.
Stimulation and motivation of practice. Assessing performance indicators helps to promote the effectiveness of the motivation and stimulation system, giving feedback to employees, assessing their contributions to achieving the goals of the organization and development.
Formation of a personnel reserve and work with it. Assessing the work and work behavior of athletes is the basis for forming a reserve and assessing the effectiveness of its training.

Improving the company's personnel assessment system

Implementation of the company's evaluation system is carried out in several stages:

1) The decision to create an assessment system in the company was praised by the top management and the HR department of the company. At what stage:
Consider the goals of assessment and input on the motivation of the athletes (conduct training of the athletes in advance).
The Human Resources Management Service may hold a presentation for general knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of various assessment methods.
The decision to promote the evaluation system in the company in general and its method of implementation is praised.
Decision about the creation of a working group.

2) Creation of a working group, which will include representatives of middle management, the HR department, legal and PR services, possibly external consultants and security specialists of the company. The group provides the senior management with a report plan of action for the development and improvement of the system and budget, as necessary.

3) Selection of evaluation methods and development of the first version of the system. Etapi:
a) development of the system of corporate competencies.
b) the organizational structure of the place and the linear ordering of the hierarchy cascade are clarified.
c) the assessment system is consistent with the business planning system in the company and KPI
d) the assessment system can fit into the entire range of HR tools.
e) review and clarify the planting instructions.

The result is that you will finally make decisions about the assessment method, the structure of the assessment system, the set of competencies, the assessment scale, the options of forms and forms.

4) Additional examination of the system and preparation of documents by the HR department: regulations on assessment, assessment forms, instructions for the manager and employee.

5) Information support of the system in the middle of the company, carrying out a plan for managers (evaluators): clarification of the importance of evaluation for the company and employees, a clear description of the sequence of evaluation, structure of evaluation nightly forms and the method of their filling, training for setting orders and transferring them to business -plan, a report on the results of the research for specialists and companies, training on how to conduct assessment interviews with specialists.

6) Additional processing of the system according to the requirements of the middle lanka.

7) Conducting training for staff.

8) Conducting an assessment.

9) Pouch selection, analysis of successes and failures.

Problems and inconsistencies in the advanced assessment system
Inconsistency with the method for assessing the stage of maturity of a business.
Negative attitude of workers before any assessment of their work.
Assessment of the special abilities of medical workers in the field of civil duties and competencies.
The evaluation system is not connected with the system of material and non-material motivation.
Managers respect that the stink of assessments does not linger for an hour.
The participation of the soldiers in the setting of the task is minimal.
Managers give a nasty turn-off, and security officers cannot accept it.
The self-esteem of workers is low and insecure.

  • Personnel assessment, assessment

Key words:

1 -1

The management of the organization aims to rationally utilize human resources. In this case, it is important not only to effectively hire employees who are already hired, but also to control the selection of new ones.

In 2018, the quarry industry may have ongoing assessments that will help achieve economical production. Their advantages rest with an independent expert assessment.

Conduct a special center. This center can confirm that the skills of a professional specialist are based on the standards established by law.

What methods of personnel assessment are effective?

Practice shows that the most effective method is combinations. This is a comprehensive approach that combines with systems of clear and complex analysis.

You can add:

  • system of sum assessments;
  • testing;
  • a system of predetermined grouping of practitioners.

Clear methods for assessing healthcare workers

Current clear methods do not include any indications.

They are told:

  • the method of expansion in current minds is matrix;
  • "360 degrees";
  • discussions like in groups;
  • system of additional displays;
  • analysis of Vikonannya factory.

Basic methods of selection and evaluation of personnel

Basic principles of recruiting to ensure the company has an effective staff:

  • Complexity. Expert analysis of biography and career, identification of labor and special abilities, assessment of knowledge and competencies;
  • Objectivity. Minimal subjective thought of the recruiter. Repeated selections may show partial results;
  • No interruption. The process of searching for a spivorbitnik is not to blame for the terminology. The personnel reserve is part of the company's strategy;
  • Planning. The company may highlight the prospects for development and the need for new technologies;
  • Alternativeity. Effective selection depends on the importance of choice. For this purpose, get more candidates;
  • Activity. Current recruiting can be effective. Basically, this department is a work with potential staff.

Effective selection of volunteers may be carried out in stages:

  • front selection;
  • questionnaire;
  • autobiography;
  • interview;
  • testing;
  • verification of recommendations;
  • medical examination;
  • expert praise for decisions about practice.

You can see four main methods of recruiting personnel:

  • Mass recruiting. The mystery lies in the search for the spyvrobitniks of the lower and middle Lanka. Analysis of requests and directives to staff to identify the candidate’s suitability for established responsibilities;
  • Direct search. These are the methods for selecting a medical practitioner, or a university specialist, who has particular experience and knowledge;
  • Headhunting. A variety of direct search. The technology is in search of a highly qualified fakivist and luring him into a competitor’s company. You can only get back to such problems with the help of a professional from the HR team;
  • Premilinaryng. A current effective way to recruit staff. We respect the choice of doctors among students who are doing internships. Attestation is carried out by HR managers.

Several expert and clear methods of personnel assessment:

  • First choice, carried out at the stage of resume analysis (a clear assessment of the type of characteristics of the candidate, the established characteristics, the availability and possibilities of a vacant position);
  • Spіvbesida(analysis of the professional and special qualities of the candidate during a special relationship with the employer);
  • Assessment center(comprehensive analysis, orientation towards identifying the real strengths of applicants, their professional and psychological characteristics, potential capabilities);
  • Professional training(Direct verification of the knowledge and skills required for the candidate).

What are the best methods for assessing health conditions?

Current methods are more important than objective ones, to be clear. The main advantages of the number of estimates in specific numbers recorded in the form.

Є How many effective methods do you use? What kind of robot sellers can be seen around the world:

  • The Chinese method of compiling ratings;
  • A score has been set;
  • Valid score;
  • Graphic profile system.

Advantages of non-traditional methods for assessing workers

Robot sellers can conduct non-traditional expert analysis.

Current non-traditional methods and their advantages:

  • Graphological. Under the dictation of the practitioner, write a few propositions. The result of the work is checked by a specially hired specialist – a graphologist. You can reveal the character and learn about the skills of a person;
  • Physiognomic– not only untraditional, but also contemporary. This advantage lies in the completely deciphered features behind the exposing rice. In front of such people it is difficult to receive help. In criminology, physiognomy is often distorted, with many people at odds and those who stagnate, not trusting the results;
  • Psychological tests- Non-traditional for analysis by personnel. Tests help to analyze the properties of the sprouting plant and its readiness to remove plantings. Through the analysis of psychological tests, a psychological portrait of a person is formed, which truly reveals the potential and predicts rapid development;
  • Current and non-traditional methods of analysis— astrology, numerology are a lot of quackery. It doesn’t matter to them, but rich companies choose them as their main ones.

In order to provide the company with a clear staff, and not to overwhelm the worker with obligations that are not prepared for any faults, the robot sellers are guilty of vikorizing current classical (to be clear) and non-traditional methods.

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In today’s edition of the “Interview with an Expert” column, we will discuss current methods of personnel assessment with Maxim Peskin, a product specialist at SHL Russia & CIS.

  • Could you please tell us how direct assessments have developed for personnel in Russia - what are the main stages you can see? How can you characterize the exact situation?

The appearance of our latest tools for objective assessment of personnel is quite recent.

Over the past few hours, there has been no information about any kind of objective assessment: a diploma, a biographical interview, verification of personal data - in essence, the range of available tools has been exhausted. Thus, in several organizations, candidates could be given test instructions, but this practice was everywhere. In principle, for many hours an objective assessment of personnel was practically the same thing that HR did not have today: not much more than personnel administration. This is the first stage.

The situation radically changed between the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, when a radical change in economic minds and the emergence of fundamentally new forms and methods of doing business - moreover, the emergence of a business like this - was desired by the fakhivts. New tasks are being implemented in personnel management. Another stage of tying with the expansive growth of various galuzes. Tools, methods and practices of assessment developed within the framework of the key nutrition of personnel management: “How to know yourself the brightest people? This is another stage.

As a result, the third stage begins, which is characterized by the principle of shifting the focus of HR as a whole. Just as in the past decade it was important to get and know the “right” people, today’s most important tasks are related to their savings and developments, the identification of future leaders and the security of the advance of the crisis. va. We are increasingly aware of the need for nutrition from clients: “How can I properly identify high-potency drugs at the start of my career and how can I remove them from the company?”, “Which is the best one?” the revolution needed by future leaders?”, “What kind of plantings do we plant for are my companies key and what motivates people in these settings?”… For which stage the principle is characterized by greater respect for the company’s active employees (especially those who are advanced and highly productive), lower than the current candidates.

Another important topic that is gradually appearing on the market is related to external benchmarking personnel - that. such an assessment, which is simply objective and reliable as such, does not allow reporting information about the equal level of people. Further, more organization is needed to provide nutrition to those who are similar to those of their peers and who have grown up and have a tiredness of galus, which also stands out from their competitors, Find out what kind of development they might need. In principle, this is the fourth stage, and today we can say that such products are less common in leading companies.

  • Currently, there are a lot of assessment tools available to staff from different companies. How do you go about choosing the right tools for your company?

Depending on what kind of instrument one is talking about, the set of criteria will, of course, vary. In any case, the choice of the necessary tools depends on the deep and objective understanding of assessment purposes. The importance of who is to be assessed, what the very characteristics of a candidate or a candidate must be assessed, by what method and by what level of depth, how far this information is available is all the same. And after this we can talk about the choice of assessment tools.

When choosing an assessment tool, consider using standard types of tools for assessing skin aspects. Let’s talk about this a little bit below. There is also another way to choose the best tool for this category (for example, how to choose the best aptitude test). In whose sense you can see a number of obligatory points - please use the checklist to check the skin conditions and look out for obvious and inappropriate ones:

  • The popularity and reliability of the provider, its evidence and recommendations from clients
  • The “theoretical basis” of the provider: how flexible and scientifically grounded are the methodologies, approaches and models
  • The breadth and depth of the portfolio of instruments from which the choice is made
  • “Sharpening” of tools for business, interpretation of specific realities of daily business
  • Readiness for interaction in different formats - initiation, evaluation, customization, development from scratch
  • Information about the validity and reliability of pronunciation tools
  • External flexibility (external validity) of instruments, their foldability, what is compressed (as used, for example, for tests) and depth (for experimental equipment)
  • For tests, the relevance and regularity of updating normative groups is especially important.
  • The mechanism of interaction – for online assessment, it is primarily the clarity, reliability, user-friendliness of interfaces; for face-to-face assessment – ​​the fluidity and intensity of information exchange
  • A set of pronunciation sounds, their brightness and depth

You may find that in the future, when choosing an assessment tool, you will have to choose between highly specialized tools that strictly evaluate specific characteristics, and “general-purpose” tools that will not provide such a deep analysis. , but it is also possible to evaluate a person from different sides. This choice, again, is determined by the purposes of evaluation. For example, when it comes to assessing candidates for office, which constantly recognizes any organizational, technological, and substitutional changes, it is necessary to evaluate the strengths of people in the minds of the middle class, which is dynamically changing Perhaps those tools will be more useful as they allow you to look at the features under different covers. .

  • Company SHL – one of the leaders in the market of valuation instruments. What instruments do you use? Do you make a difference in approaches when assessing candidates for vacant positions and high-ranking company personnel? Why does it lie?

We are aware of the low number of tools used for assessing candidates and candidates throughout their history life cycle in the company. The structure of our instrument portfolio is based on two main models. First of all, we come from the fact that the desired result of an organization is determined by the behavior of people, and the basis of behavior is potential. Therefore, from the point of view of the organization, it is possible to evaluate all three warehouses: the results achieved in the past, today’s actual behavior and the potential elements that lay the basis for the future success of the sportsman as on the both in planting and in organizing the garden.

The most effective way to assess ongoing behavior is through assessment centers. Participants should be aware that they are simulating a real business situation. This approach allows the candidate or student to clearly demonstrate both their strengths and development skills. The SHL portfolio has dozens of rights of different types: analytical presentations, individual business rights (also known as “in-trees” - a number of letter rights that model different aspects and individual administrative-organizational work), group discussions, the right to search for facts, roles Play this way. At the heart of the mechanics of a robot lies the concept of competence - a stable cluster of behavioral manifestations that are guarded against and that signify the success of robots.

You have the right to give the opportunity to put one rating on the competency (if you want, obviously, whose competency needs to be verified with two relevant rights). To equalize the potential, it is impossible to evaluate “in one figure”; the remainder of the values ​​consists of several different entities. First of all, a person’s motivation must be included – the factors that determine what promotes their productivity and effectiveness, and what can go wrong. In other words, these particular features are dependent on the character and individual characteristics that indicate how a person expresses powerful emotions, how they interact with others, and how the difference between relationships prevails. To evaluate these two groups of factors, ask professional caregivers – they are obviously motivated and special.

Before speaking, we do not recommend using clinical specialists in a business context for at least two reasons. First of all, they were initially broken down for other purposes and, in principle, do not indicate nutritional effectiveness for humans at work. In another way, a too strong interpretation of clinical scales, strictly speaking, by non-professional psychologists, can cause more harm, lower cost, and the date of substitution can be labeled on the patient’s phone.

Let's turn to warehouse potential. The third element is the knowledge and skills of a person, for the assessment of which various professional tests are used. Fourth – intellectual value. For this assessment, aptitude tests will be used: from the well-known numerical and verbal tests to tests of critical and systemic thinking, creative abilities, ability to make management decisions, and much more.

If we talk about the merits in the assessment of candidates and other candidates, then there is no fundamental difference in the instruments. Otherwise, it seems that there is no such tool, about which one can say that it is absolutely incomprehensible in one way and effective in another – the only fault would be, perhaps, the assessment using the “360 degree” method. All other tools can be used in one way or another. There is a change in the logic of interpretation of the results.

As a rule, in practice it looks like this. If we are talking about active athletes, then first of all, above all, their behavior is assessed - for which it is most appropriate to conduct an assessment center, and also go to the “360 degrees” method. When we talk, for example, about candidates for any positions, including candidates for the personnel reserve and the program for the development of high-potential personnel, then these or other warehouse potentials most often come to the fore. Then, on the same level as the instruments used for their evaluation, there are various tests and experiments.

The SHL portfolio has a wide range of tools for assessing potential: tests of various abilities, and special and motivational nurses (as well as university-specialized nurses, subdivided into them basics - for example, a trainer of sales styles or a trainer of working styles), and tests of professional skills and knowledge ( for active regions and Galuzey).

  • What methods are most needed by progressive companies?

Progressive companies tend to use a wide range of assessment methods and tools, and their choices are tailored to the specific needs of a given period. However, this does not mean, for example, that the selection of candidates for skin grafting is based on a fundamentally different set of tools. However, progressive companies are characterized by a complex and structured selection process. At the first stages, a variety of different tools are obtained, regardless of planting. Next, at the selection stage, candidates are tested with those tools that most effectively indicate the presence and level of required characteristics. For example, if the department of a large manufacturing company is looking to hire young clerks and specialists from the ceramic industry, then both the first and others may be faced with aptitude tests. However, for potential managers, tests of situational awareness can be carried out, tests can be used to determine the strength of management decisions they make, identify a characteristic managerial style, etc.

A similar picture emerges for the assessment of active recruiters – although our findings show that objective assessment tools are significantly more often used for selection and hiring. According to our Global Trends in Personnel Assessment for 2013, 72% of companies evaluate external hiring, 62% evaluate internal hiring, and, for example, only about 40% evaluate internal hiring. from the identification of high-potency pathogens, Their development, planning of attack, etc. In other words, these decisions for all their importance are much more often determined on the basis of subjective judgments and inconsistent data.

In general, professional tests have historically been deprived of the most popular assessment tool. father-in-law is a beginner and know. If we talk about the global picture, then on the heels of them come special tools and tests of opportunities - for the leveling of the Russian part of the companies, so that the cost of such tools is significantly lower. However, it may not be possible to say that progressive companies are characterized by superiority in certain specific instruments: rather, they are seen in the breadth of the range of methods that are examined, the depth of understanding of the method by which the assessment is carried out, determine the accuracy of the data between the specified assessments and the available tools and efficiency vikoristannya otrimanih tributes.

  • Nowadays, many companies are trying to simplify and automate processes related to assessment. How have these trends affected the positions of service provider companies?

When talking about automation of assessment processes, you can see three areas, although the trends are strongly related to each other.

First, automation and computerization of “old” assessment tools, well known from paper-booklet versions, will continue. Integration of such “digitized” tools within online assessment platforms significantly speeds up the availability of assessment visits and making them more convenient for the client, so almost all providers are committed to this aspect of automation. In fact, today there is no loss of every great category of assessment tools that would only exist offline. The only problem is that simulations can be carried out, otherwise significant progress is expected (see the section below, at the point “In the third”).

In other words, the tools themselves are integrated, and so on. results of assessment visits. And here at a glance IT is about personnel management systems (HRIS - HR Information System) and talents (TMS - Talent Management System). Integration of data will ensure coherence, consistency and consistency in the adoption of personnel decisions at all stages of the life of the employee. In principle, this task already goes beyond the competence of assessment service providers. However, the stinks are connected to the work in the creation of such information systems to support the integration of all data at all stages - from assessment to storage and analysis of information. Power analytics becomes the key point here and the key to competitive advantage for the company.

Thirdly, radically new tools are emerging that challenge today's technological capabilities. The brightest butt is the emergence of electronic individual business rights, or e-trays. It’s not so much the original “intras” transferred to electronic format, but rather a special assessment tool.

The main advantage of the e-tray format is that the simulation of a work situation becomes interactive. The appearance of new documents is determined to be directly related to the participant’s activities (as opposed to the “classic” option, in which documents are available immediately), which ensures the absence of alternative scenarios. Although the e-tray format is gaining popularity today, over the past decade there have been only about 10 companies around the world. The most illustrative example is Deloitte, which is used as a solution as one of the selection stages when hiring graduates, as well as for assessing internal applicants for junior management positions. Why is this format not so popular? This is due, firstly, to the complexity and cost of development (along with the development of “classical” rights) and, in another way, to the problem of transferability of simulation scenarios and, thus, the reliability of the Indicators of competencies.

We can predict that with the nearest fates we will at least try their stagnation; In addition, they are guaranteed the most popular riddle in professional circles.

  • How will assessment methods develop in the near future? What trends can you see in personnel evaluations?

The most important trend that signifies the future sphere of assessment is the steady development of information and computer technologies. In addition to the most important aspects of automation – computerization of rights, integration of data between talent management systems, the emergence of fundamentally new formats – it is also necessary to take into account the growing influx of mobile technologies. Based on our research, assessment tools are increasingly talking about those who need the ability to undergo assessment and/or access results through special programs or portals optimized for mobile devices. However, in the countries where almost a third of the companies are developing, we are talking about and are already engaged, then in the guilty countries there is almost no skin.

Another trend is customization. Fewer companies are ready to cash in on box solutions. Moreover, we are not talking about a superficial change of tools to the basic design of the “packaging”, but, say, a transfer from one side to another. Today we talk about customization on a significant level, on the level of mechanics and an alternative assessment tool. What does this mean? First of all, development from scratch or adaptation of tools to the deputy competency model. In other words, the creation of special information aimed at identifying the most important aspects of the characteristics of a candidate or a candidate is the provision of this information to a very intelligent person, a living manager.

The third trend is linking the results of assessing business results. In principle, this trend cannot be called new, but it can “bring the effectiveness of the instrument” to lie at the basis of any investment activity in principle. Today, we increasingly feel that people themselves are the most important and most valuable asset of a company: it is not surprising that investments in this asset require particularly scrupulous analysis. This trend manifests itself in the interaction between the service/assessment tool provider and the client. Well, the understanding of what is called business impact, the smartness of its meaning and communication today becomes another criterion of a provider’s quality - perhaps one of the most important.

The fourth trend, local in nature, is associated with the progressive adoption of objective assessment tools and more subjective ones. As it was meant above all, Russia is significantly emerging from light indicators due to the development of capacity tests, special tests and similar assessment tools. We understand that in the world of demonstrations, the benefits of such tools are being used more often. Of course, this means that the “primary” methods - biographical interviews, test assignments and cases, recommendations - will always be available to those closest to you. This definitely won’t happen. Regardless of their inferior validity (i.e., predictive validity), such methods can bring significant benefits to the company and address specific issues in the selection and/or evaluation of active athletes.

If we consider the listed trends, then the “megatrend” in the sphere of evaluation, of course, is the advancement of objectivity for the range of various technological and conceptual solutions. Today, objectivity ceases to be limited to other tools and becomes limited to an evaluation system - perhaps, perhaps, a talent management system in an organization.

  • What can you recommend to them? HR -Fahivtsy, who are tasked with organizing a systematic assessment of personnel in the company. Why would you please them to start?

Like and in whatever way great project, Start with the goals and needs that the company stands behind. Why does an organization need staff assessment? What knowledge is transmitted in this way? How will the activities of the organization continue after the assessment has been submitted? What's better to change? What results does a business expect? How can the organization and other interested parties understand that the assessment has been carried out, and that it has been carried out adequately and effectively? And what is equally important is who are the involved parties, who can help, and who will lead the implementation of this project?

Moreover, as a strategic context for clarification, it is necessary to turn to a tactical and organizational one. First of all, what kind of plantings are we talking about? What stage of the life cycle of a newborn worker are we talking about in the organization? In other words, what makes this planting a success is that. How are the indicators interpreted and the business results intended to be represented? Thirdly, what is behind the successful military campaigns in these lands? (In fact, the ideal solution to this nutrition is the development of a complete model of competences for skin planting). I wonder what information about candidates and candidates will be collected – ideally?

In other words, it is necessary to compare business results with the characteristics of people, and then identify the most important categories of objective data that indicate the competence and potential of candidates and candidates, as well as effectively hundred of their robots. And after this, proceed to the selection of assessment tools and the formulation of selection criteria.

Another important step is to approach innovation with the utmost caution. It is important for us that we talk not just about a new tool or method, but about a new platform and approach to evaluation. Varto consider all the pros and cons, evaluate not only the potential advantages of the proposed innovations, but also their principle of relevance to the peculiarities of business. In addition, formal policies regarding the adoption of new platforms and technology in the field of evaluation, which regulate, for example, the value of specific information for the organization, which may select candidates legitimately and honestly, and also identify possible ways to select candidates.

If we reduce all the various recommendations, “best practices”, gurus in the field of personnel management and simple ideas, based on a healthy understanding and business intelligence, to three key points, then, in my opinion, there will be three is coming:

1. Understanding the goals and setting the assessment. As the value of assessment tools, and their absolute stagnation in each individual condition, it is necessary to focus on a clear understanding of the method by which the assessment is carried out, as information is removed as a result of Shenna vplinne. Of course, there is a clear consistency of compromise with certain strategic parameters. However, a significantly risky scenario is one in which HR, in principle, does not take into account those for which assessment tools themselves are used, but the company collects information about people and what role they play in these matters. Other HR processes.

2. The accuracy and efficiency of the tools. It is necessary to use only those tools that are required to supply power and provide the HR with the information it needs. It is then necessary to understand the context of the stagnation of instruments and not fail to find one instrument that provides information on all nutrition and with which to give a comprehensive description of the people who are harmed, mentally seeming, by all Possible options behavior in any situation. In addition, the reliability and validity of the instruments may be supported by independent research. This clearly highlights the need to work with proven, successful evaluation tools and services that are able to validate a wide range of products and solutions that can provide significant global access. In this sphere.

3. Appraisal for the sake of business, and not for the sake of the appraisal itself. Both in the selection of tools and in the selection of data, a logical step is to be followed, which relates to the results of the business as a whole, the performance of people and, as a rule, the characteristics of competencies and potential, such as are measured by assessment tools. Further, investments in personnel assessment may be voluminous and risky, so demonstrating the visibility and viability of such investments is simply necessary. It is especially important to understand that HR today is a full-fledged business partner, and representatives of HR departments are not only expected to provide immediate, effective methods for assessing candidates and employees spivorotniks, and also a properly strategic, systematic approach to business as a whole.

As a matter of fact, the company is guilty of having a low level of complacency, which favors a sense of urgency and the achievement of planned results.

Kerivniki may be rationally placed before human resources. To optimize their activities, special evaluation criteria are developed to ensure a comprehensive assessment of potential capabilities. Even without assessing the prospects of a practitioner, one can really evaluate his professionalism.

Evaluation visits include:

  • hiring labor;
  • drying and thorough examination of the surroundings;
  • identification of the most promising specialists;
  • the highest premiums and other financial services;
  • optimization of work.

The totality of monitoring tools forms a single assessment system. Vaughn is important in the development of enterprise zagalom.

Features of evaluation criteria

The personnel assessment system directly identifies specific skills of the skin spyvulner, its reliability, and its directness. Current methods help to identify the most promising assets of certain candidates, business and special.

Popular staff evaluation criteria:

  • labor efficiency;
  • behavioral characteristics;
  • rhubarb vykonannya posadovy ob'yazki;
  • stage of competence;
  • special features.

Expert staff assessmentє element of the personnel management system. It will be carried out by special centers to establish standards that include control of the robotic process, supervision of specific tasks and the organization of special certification visits.

A guide to various assessment techniques

Monitoring must serve the intended purposes. Personnel assessment methods You can meet with the group.

Main groups of assessment methods

The skin group is divided into subgroups.


  1. Matrix method. Comparison of the indicators of the neurotransmitter with the standard ones accepted as a sign.
  2. External assessment of practice. Operates on the basis Zagalnyh vysnovki for the results of systematic monitoring, development, and interaction.
  3. The method of free demonstrations. The best parts are selected, as well as the weak sides, parts, and shortcomings. Getting ready annual analysis.
  4. Group discussion. More detailed discussion of the working details of the surrounding coronaviruses among the team in the presence of experts and care.
  5. I’ll call the method “360°”. Includes a combination of thoughts from the worker himself, colleagues, minister, and underlings. Characterized by anonymity. The tsikavy method reveals a reversible connection.


  1. The score is point. The system for charging points is being broken up. As a result of the summation, individuals appear to be more and less successful.
  2. The assessment is free of charge. Verified by experts from the skin's core and in the aggregate.
  3. Evaluation by ranks. Formation of a rating system for professional success The results of representatives with the lowest rating may, for example, be short-term.


  1. Testing method. Set up tests. Viconnian rhubarb is assessed.
  2. Added ratings. The scale expands to show different parameters. The middle performers of the Zagalny region are getting excited. This alignment is carried out using a mark (standard).
  3. Grouping. After analyzing the results of the research, the anti-virus fighters are divided into a number of ranking groups: from the weakest to the strongest.

Psychological techniques

No matter what profession, there are important and special qualities of people. Psychological assessment, self-presentation and training are effective. Psychological research must be accurate and detailed in its results. However, for objectivity it is better to get evidence from psychologists.

Such methods of assessment are necessary to identify leaders and potential leaders. Comprehensive certification reveals the level of a person’s appearance.

Main stages

Any complex of assessment approaches includes a number of stages.


VIN includes:

  • praise for the decision about the evaluation approaches;
  • creation of a special working group, its initiation, provision of all necessary information, proposals and requirements for its members;
  • the importance of methods for the purpose of assessing the activity of practitioners, the subject (audience) of assessment;
  • selection of monitoring methods, norms, regulations

Preparation of military personnel includes the necessary equipment. All of them may cancel the information about the planned evaluation in accordance with the prepared order. In addition, individuals who are being assessed are required to ignore recommendations about the rules for filling out questionnaires, completing test assignments, etc.


Includes valid assessment visits.


This includes support for bag monitoring:

  • Honest and clearer results;
  • praising reliable solutions for assessing health professionals;
  • preparation of documentation let's make decisions(punishment and in.);
  • planning work on identified problems and inconveniences.

These steps are standard, and depending on the organization, they can be adjusted to suit the company's specific needs.

Values ​​of assessment for effective work

All elected officials can be seen at the complex. Personnel performance assessment straight forward result. It reveals flaws in the selection of athletes, gaps in the correctness of their motivation, and initial stimulation. And also the level of financial investments made in our developments. When carrying out monitoring, it is important to have the competence of experts and the presence of a well-developed methodological basis.

The need to improve assessment methods

To effectively monitor the business and special needs of health workers, it is important to keep in mind the following:

  1. It is important to recruit professionals, experts, experts, and psychologists for a competent assessment process.
  2. All of his work is directly documented.
  3. When you log in, follow the system for a detailed plan, with constant alerts and updates.
  4. The evaluation system is directly linked to the motivation of the work process.
  5. Members of the team are responsible for being informed about the principles of this work and the results.

The contribution of various employees in achieving their goals is assessed by assessing their individual strengths, business activity, directness to the future and professionalism. Current evaluation methodologies recognize the important role of the individual in a company, identifying the most promising and generally incompetent individuals. This also contributes to the optimization of the sales process.


Applying current management methods to Russian enterprises is not only more important and relevant, but also more complex. The inconsistency lies in the incompetence of the minds of our government activity, as well as in the chronic and accelerated rise of the world in the control room. Most importantly, this is manifested by the remaining fates in the world of the change in the so-called vertical of power, and, simply speaking, the unjustified bureaucratization of all levels of government management and business. On the right, the systems and methods of management that will stagnate in Russia at this time - this is the approach that will stagnate, the best looking guy in high-income countries, 50 - 60 years ago, and the decline in this situation began only recently.

The competitiveness of Russian companies of all sizes and dimensions is similar to enterprises and firms from high-income countries (judging by the quality of goods and services compared with productivity, efficiency Their vibrancy) is extremely low. Without a radical overhaul of control systems at all levels, everyday machines and equipment will not be able to ensure proper economic results. However, with current technologies, management in the country is not all right.

In connection with this, in my work I introduced the technology of personnel assessment as a key tool for managing human resources of an enterprise, planning professional careers, looked at the automation of personnel assessment, and introduced typical methodological documents with certification.

1. Essential characteristics of personnel assessment methods

Early and early in the morning, the staff manager is faced with the task of carrying out staff assessments. When choosing methods for conducting certification of personnel, it is important not to lose sight of their marks, but also: assessing the effectiveness of workers and the type of their positions, as well as identifying promising specialists for them x preparation and drying. From this understanding of the purposes of certification, the division of certification procedures into two warehouses logically follows:

evaluation of work

o staff assessment.

Evaluation of workIt is possible to compare the real space, intensity, commitment and intensity of work with the planned personnel. The planned characteristics of personnel are usually presented in plans and programs, technological maps enterprise robots. The evaluation of the activity gives the opportunity to evaluate:


V· viscousness

· Intensity of exercise.

Personnel assessmentIt is possible to assess the level of preparation of a worker before completing the very type of activity in which he is engaged, and also to identify the level of his potential capabilities by assessing the prospects for growth (rotation), as well as development number of personnel inputs necessary to achieve the goals of personnel policy.

An analysis of management practice shows that corporations tend to be victorious in most cases, immediately resenting the assessment of the performance of their employees. Furthermore, procedures are carried out to evaluate the results of work, and the special and business abilities of the workers, which contribute to the achievement of these results.

It is important to note that before the assessment, personnel may be confronted with the evaluation staff, other supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, HR department managers, external consultants and, as judges, the assessors themselves (self-assessment). Inka). Thus, minimal familiarity with assessment methods among the staff of all practitioners is a guarantee that the methods, once established, will give a consistent effect.

All assessment methods can be divided into methods Individual assessments doctors, which are based on the investigation of the individual abilities of the doctor, and methods group assessments , which rely on the equal effectiveness of central practitioners.

Many evaluation methods that are used today were developed in the last century. However, during the course of the evolution, these methods experienced significant transformations.

The most extensive methods of personnel assessment are:

Questionnaire method.

The evaluation questionnaire contains a complete set of food and descriptions. The evaluator analyzes the presence or absence of significance in the tested rice and identifies a suitable option.

Descriptive assessment method.

The assessor is responsible for identifying and describing the positive and negative behavior of the person being assessed. This method does not provide a clear record of results and is therefore often criticized as an addition to other methods.

Classification method.

This method is based on ranked practitioners based on the following criterion from the shortest to the largest with the assigned serial number.

Matching method for pairs.

In this whole method, the groups of those being tested are equal in one plant, skin from skin, after which it is necessary to protect a number of times, if the tests were found to be the worst in their pair. Based on the results obtained, there will be a final rating for the group

You are assessed on the qualifications of the land operator. The most important component of this type of assessment is a list of tasks that must be completed by the equipment being tested. After completing this list (it may be taken from the instructions), the activity is carried out according to the established time, which is used by the specialist to make a decision on how to complete the assigned tasks b. It is also insured to the extent that material assets are purchased by an economical worker. Then, an assessment is made of the overindulgence of the list of fruits and vegetables, which is tested, for example, on a 7-point scale: 7 - a very high level, 1 - a very low level.

Analysis of the results can be carried out either based on the consistency of the assessments with the standard ones, or on the basis of equalization of the results obtained from workers of the same planting.

Specified subdivision method

With this method, the person conducting the assessment is given the dates of the assessment within the framework of a previously specified (fixed) category of assessments. For example:

% - dissatisfied

% - satisfied

% - completely satisfied

% - good

% - extremely

everything - 100%

The only thing that comes out of a worker is to write down the name of the worker on the card and divide them into groups according to the given quota. The division can be carried out using different criteria (evaluation criteria).

Method for assessing the quality of the current situation

For this method, the evaluation method is used to prepare a list of descriptions of “correct” and “incorrect” behavior of practitioners in typical situations – “virtual situations”. These descriptions are divided into categories according to the nature of the work. Next, the person who conducts the assessment prepares a journal for recording skin care, which is assessed, in which to enter butts of behavior according to the skin rubric. Later, this journal is used to evaluate the business abilities of the sportsman.

Therefore, this method is used in the assessments of core workers, and not by colleagues and subordinates.

Based on various “virtual situations” from which the necessary characteristics of a business worker and the characteristics that become evaluation criteria are derived. The evaluator reads in the rating questionnaire a description of any evaluation criterion (for example, engineering competence) and puts a mark on the scale depending on the qualifications of the person being evaluated. An expensive and labor-intensive method, but accessible and sensible to practitioners.

Behavioral alert scale method

Similar to the previous one, instead of replacing the worker’s significant behavior in the current situation, the worker evaluates the number of drops on the scale, if the worker is involved in this or other specific duties earlier. The method is labor-intensive and requires supplies material costs.

Method of questionnaires and regular questionnaires

Includes a set of food and descriptions of the doctor’s behavior. The evaluator puts a mark opposite the description of this rice character, which, in his opinion, is the power of the pracievnikov, otherwise he leaves empty space. The amount of the badge gives the final rating of the profile of that worker. Vikorystvaetsya for evaluation by kerivnitstvo, colleagues and friends.


This technique was developed by departments of robotics and personnel from sociology.

Axis butt of the interview plan with the method of assessing the specialness. In the interview, it is important to note information about the current components and characteristics:

intellectual sphere;

motivational sphere;

temperament, character;

professional and life evidence;


marriage until professional activity

Early rocks;

children's cage;

professional knowledge (early, middle, high, professional);

military service;

promotion to work at the company;


self-esteem of abilities, health;

family camp, hundreds in the family;

forms of donation.

"360 degree assessment" method.

A professional worker is evaluated by his teammate, by his colleagues and by his fellow workers. Specific assessment forms may be changed, but all assessments will be completed on the same form and results will be processed using separate computers to ensure anonymity. The meta method is to reject the overall assessment of the certified person.

Method of independent judges.

Independent members of the commission - 6-7 individuals - give the certified person a variety of nutrition. The procedure predicts cross-examination from various areas of activity of the certified person. Before the judge, the computer is turned on, on which the judge presses the “+” key for the correct answer and the “-” key for the wrong answer. After completing the procedure, the program appears as a new version. It is possible to manually process the worker’s testimonials, so that the correctness of the testimonials is entered into the form in advance.


To evaluate the doctor, different tests may be collected. Based on their specificity, stench is divided into three groups:

qualifications that allow you to determine the level of qualifications of a worker;

psychological, which makes it possible to evaluate the particular qualities of a doctor;

physiological factors that reveal physiological characteristics people.

The positive side of the test assessment is that it allows you to remove a specific characteristic from a large number of assessment criteria, and it is possible to process computer results. Prote, assessing the potential capabilities of the practitioner, do not insure the tests, as these benefits appear practically.

Committee method.

The assessment is carried out by a group of experts and is intended to identify the candidate’s qualifications, which will give him the right to apply for other positions, including promotions.

This technique consists of the following stages:

The activity is divided into warehouses;

the effectiveness of the skin type of activity is determined by points on the scale (for example, from -10 to +10), and in this way the level of success is determined;

three lists of jobs are formed: those jobs that can be completed successfully, those that are completed hour after hour, and those that never succeed;

o wine concluded comprehensive assessment

o Rating for the most recent appearance:

selection of evaluation characteristics, indicators of the activity of the worker;

wikiristannya different methods collection of information;

Evaluative information can provide a comprehensive picture of a person;

equalization of the real ingredients of the spivorbitnik with the required ones.

The remaining sets of meats are broken up in order to settle the plant. Rest assured, there are 5 to 20 such yaks.

Method of assessment centers.

There are two tasks behind this method:

be aware of the particularities and business characteristics of the doctor (this method is used for assessing medical professionals)

A program of individual training for the kernel is indicated, which allows the development of his abilities and behavioral skills.

Testing takes a lot of time, for example, to assess the professionalism of a master it takes a few years, for a low-level manager - one day, for mid-level managers - two to three days, three more for ceramic workers and ceramic workers. ї Lanka. Axis of procedures that are used for evaluation:

*Victoria of managerial actions. During the last two years, the last two years are required to familiarize themselves with certain instructions, business papers, orders and other materials, necessary instructions for specific technological issues, workers, staff caterers. This is how the company operates properly. After completing two years of work on tasks, interviews are conducted with assessments.

*Discussing problems among a small group. This procedure allows you to identify the right way to practice in a group. Group members are given material to familiarize themselves with and make decisions on their own. given food and during an hour of group discussion (40-50 minutes) reconcile others with their correctness. At all stages of testing, it is assessed by guards at the balls.

*Accept the decision. The last ones are made up of several groups (representatives of competing firms). The work of firms is modeled over several rocks (2-5 rocks). The good man is respected by one fate, the longing of which lies in a low destiny. The effectiveness of the skin test is assessed by experts.

*Rozrobka is a gift to the project. It is necessary to develop a project plan for the development of singing activity within 1 year, which is then submitted to experts.

*Preparation of a business sheet. The skin of testing prepared business leaves from different foods and from different positions: proof, decision making, determining negative information, etc. Let's evaluate the experts.

*Sometimes it is practiced to equalize the results of an expert assessment of a worker with his self-assessment of his particular and business abilities. The results of such an improvement can be even more impressive both for the worker and the worker himself.

Business gambling method.

Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially divided simulated and developing business games. Before the assessment, both the participants in business gambling and the experts-surveillance are considered. Attestation business games carried out based on the result, which allows you to assess the readiness of the staff to complete current and future tasks, as well as individual skin injections. This assessment method can be used to assess the effectiveness of team work among staff.

Method for assessing the achievement of goals.

Kerivnik and light sleeper indicate the key goals of the worker’s activity in the old term (rik-pivroku). The goals should be specific, achievable, but also stressful, and are important both for the professional development of the practitioner and for the thorough functioning of the organization. The goals that are established categorize the scope of the practitioner’s competence and his duties in those specific terms that are necessary to achieve the intended result. These results may be incredible even if they were on the hundreds. The evaluation of the results is carried out jointly by the kerivnik and the practitioner on the basis of individual standards for the implementation of goals, the kerivnik has the highest voice in the selection of bags.

Assessment method based on competency models.

Competency models describe the intellectual and business competencies of a worker, his skills in interpersonal communication, necessary for successful professional activity within the corporate culture, and It is about the organization. The gap between the necessary and With real equals competence becomes the basis for the development of individual plans for professional development. The outcome of these plans, which is reflected in the specific results of professional activity, and is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination.

1.1 System of balanced indicators

From the delays of 10 years in the high- to mid-level countries, the introduction of a system of balanced indicators (BPS) began to be introduced into our country, which is quite modern, control technology, which has become effective Available in different countries and galuzahs. Russian business has immediately undergone a transformation, which is the same technology that will allow our companies to “rush” to the top of world management standards, so that for the effectiveness and efficiency of management, they are on a par with the leaders of the world new business. The number of consultants who are “fueling” business structures in the vastness of Russia is not suitable for the promotion of BSC in them. It is even more important to protect the large number of ceramics of Russian companies that have succumbed to extraordinary successes due to the rise of this fashionable technology. But it's not that simple.

BSC is really only possible in organizations that are developing and starting, in companies with multiple organizational management structures, within the framework of established procedures and regulations for organizational analysis, the formation of cross-functional teams and work groups It will only be possible to effectively establish a BSC if all the progressive management technologies previously developed by humanity have been mastered. BSC does not replace other management technologies, other than one form of increased efficiency.

In essence, the BSC is a format for understanding the formation of an organization in relation to the larger external environment and internal mentality of activity, a format for linking long-term (strategic) and short-term (operational) results of activity Enterprises and firms that move towards more efficient operation of previously fragmented and weakened management technologies , more competent combinations and sequences of their variations. I would especially like to emphasize the close relationship between the BSC and the management of the efficiency and productivity of all aspects of the activities of the enterprise and the company: the type of products, services, productivity of operations, etc. There is the effectiveness of management, including personnel. As well as in managing the effectiveness of development and vigor within the framework of the BSC, the main emphasis is on the correct system of priorities: strategic parameters of the business, the achievement of which will ensure the successful development of the business. The need for guilt and stagnation of the SSP was significantly due to the growing role intangible assets ensured business competitiveness. Consider the stock of intangible assets to include the ownership of intellectual power in business (patents, licenses, etc.), commercial trademarks (brands) and so-called “goodwill” titles - even though they have not yet been taken seriously and everything that is usually called a company’s varity (this may include long-term contracts, and the reputation of the company's leading managers, and much more). In fact, 90% of the underlying value of intangible assets of a private company comes from management potential (management systems, decision making systems, forms of organization and incentives, organizational management structures It’s just that), which today is the main factor in ensuring the competitiveness of the company on a long-term basis. If trademarks, intellectual power, etc. are subject to a large assessment, then the assessment of management potential is 90% - based on the number of kernels and fakhivtsev, their number. There is that petty vaga, its professional disposition and qualifications, skills and knowledge, evidence, efficiency and practicality. American companies today seem to have the greatest management potential in the world.

The role of managerial potential, efficiency, the final results of the work of ceramic workers and fachivts, their growing significance in increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and firms in current minds leads to The role of certification and evaluation of personnel is gradually growing. For the successful establishment of the BSC, it is necessary, first of all, for companies to use current technologies for certification and assessment of personnel, directing them to the required direction, in order to produce accurate and long-term results. Reason:

Administrative work (the work of kernels and fakhivts, as a different type of roseum work) is more difficult to evaluate in a quantitative manner, and in other objective indicators it is equal to physical work. Well, since there are no norms for the development or obligation of the release of viruses directly at the workplace in the sphere of management work.

In the world of advanced specialization, it is therefore necessary to evaluate the productivity of a specialized specialist, the effectiveness of a functional structural unit, and their direct contributions to achieving outstanding results. It is extremely difficult to assess the company's effectiveness without the use of special procedures and assessment methods.

The share of ceramic workers and fachivts in the number of people employed in various galuzes of high-income countries is steadily growing. Reasonable work is becoming an increasingly important factor in selection (or a source of additional performance), while recruitment and personnel assessment procedures are playing an increasingly important role.

The connection between the results of the work of a local practitioner and the ignominious end results for the destruction of minds is more important. Passing through the numerical process of selecting and making management decisions, the results of the activities of the local kerivnik and fakhivtsa are important to see and evaluate. The need for a stronger arsenal of implementation between certification and assessment procedures for personnel.

Spending on human capital translates into the majority of the investment activity of the enterprise.

The success of today's competitive struggle, mainly, lies not in the technical level of production and not in the size of investments or the level of stagnant technologies, but in the management factor, such as the thoroughness of these systems and management structures such as this organization. And because the organization’s management system is thorough, it operates more successfully in the most dynamic and most effective state environment. It’s not for nothing that industrial companies in industrialized countries invest in fixed capital, machinery and equipment with investments in human capital at a rate of 1:2. In our country, traditionally there was a reverse relationship Nya.

It is hardly possible for personnel to correctly assess the effectiveness of such investments without the use of personnel assessment systems.

The external minds of business (the state's middle) and the minds of competitive struggle are changing. On the one hand, the economy of high-middle-income countries (where today we can include, for example, China) is becoming increasingly saturated with high-tech industries. There is less and less stock of natural resources and business from low-frequency intellectually pure products in sales and more and more of it is a waste of intellectual activity and stagnation of results from the industry. And the forms of productivity of intellectual work and, most importantly, physical work (work workers) are radically different from one another. On the other hand, in the world of changing parts of the world, the minds and forms of competition are changing. In place of price competition comes various types of non-price competition. The competitiveness of a business is more determined by the strength and equal advantages of the product, its differentiation, depth of diversification, precision of targeting on target market segments, not Let's equalize the prices. The criteria for assessing the results of the company’s activities in general and its employees (especially management personnel and specialists) are fundamentally changing. Evaluating the results of work for staff based solely on traditional criteria (for example, profits, sales, etc.) may not be sufficiently correct in modern minds. Non-financial criteria (for example, investment activity, flexibility and adaptability of systems and management structures, etc.) are beginning to play an important role.

The complexity of the managerial process (the great number and diversity of functions, professional differentiation, etc.) transfers an increasing role to the evaluation of ceramicists and facists.

The complexity of assessing the effectiveness of management activities will require the development of separate procedures. Nutrition is what you focus on in the assessment and criteria. In our country, the criteria for assessing ceramics are often the marks and tasks they deliver, then. yogo namiri i obitsyanki, vmіnat vіdat stan pravot for real results, in other words, a headache for our kerivnik, no matter what the equal, is a good connection with the hugeness (PR). Of course, PR is important for any professional, but not just one of the criteria.

For organizations and firms in high-income countries, the main criterion is to link the results of the local plant and fencing with the final results of the activity of the enterprise as a whole.

SSP recognized the need to evaluate the very impact of the management practice of the enterprise, including part of the intangible assets, the effectiveness of the growth and development (growth) of which is most important to evaluate carefully. And the management potential of any company is determined by its management personnel, their qualifications, skills, evidence and other parameters. The BSC was used as a tool for assessing the role of intangible assets of various types in enhancing the competitiveness of an enterprise, acknowledging its development organically arose the need to renew all personnel assessment systems new principles, new minds and methods. But the essence of the BSC has lost its immutable motto: evaluate carefully those that, in principle, cannot be accurately assessed.

The problem is that with an unwritten BSC (untruely related to strategy and tactics for increasing competitiveness), with unreasonable or underestimation of this situation, the entire BSC is required first for everything for evaluation the effectiveness of the company’s management potential and its contribution to increased competitiveness , the most important final results that characterize the achievements of the greatest competitiveness, neither the BSC nor the personnel assessment system of the company will give an adequate result by the powers that be.

However, in current minds, such an approach is often insufficiently effective for a comprehensive personnel assessment system. In today's minds, the most pressing issue is the assessment of the effectiveness of expenses for personnel development. selection of personnel, improvement of qualifications, reduction of motivation and incentives for personnel. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of investments in developments for personnel (it is impossible to evaluate them using standard investment analysis procedures neither in terms of totality nor in assessing the contribution to increased finance According to the company's performance indicators, non-financial results are of great importance here).

And this part of the global obligation to invest in business developments is growing more and more, especially in high-tech companies. To assess the effectiveness of the company as a whole and set goals in the field of certification and personnel assessment, other management technologies and other methodological methods are needed at this time. organizational tools that reflect the nature of the task facing the business.

2. The role of personnel assessment and certification systems

To understand the place of current assessment technologies for personnel in the internal company management system, it is necessary for us to initiate a change in the role of the HR service beforehand. In high-income countries over the past decade, there has been an intensive shift in the work of personnel services and personnel management services to directly integrated personnel services, which is associated with a change in the set of functions, the status of the personnel service in the organization value structure of management and roles in the process of appraising management decisions. These services are provided by private companies with a high level of competitiveness.

Modern management theory is commonly seen as What are the equals, what are the stages of competitiveness.And each of them demonstrates their approaches to organizing drug management and human resources services.

It’s hard to see companies with zero level of competitiveness, such as current Russia chimalo. There, the role of the personnel service is reduced to a purely regional one (maintenance of special certificates, registration of special warehouses, registration and identification of personnel decisions). The possibility of such companies surviving in the minds of the market is associated neither with the restructuring of management, nor with the re-profiling or liquidation of these companies.

For practitioners and companies of the first level of competitiveness, the management factor is at least “internally neutral”. They appreciate that in their companies, once regular management has been installed, then management no longer contributes to competitiveness. Managers play their role only in ensuring the stability of production, releasing products without any special twists, without worrying about detailed production and management, or surprises for competitors and employees. They say that the vigor of their germs is sufficient for survival, and there are additional benefits for the production or management of respect for supremacy. The functions of personnel services include recruiting, training and upgrading the qualifications of personnel.

This approach can bring success to the company, as it can find a better place in the market than competition. Call for a small and medium-sized enterprise oriented towards a niche market. However, in a world of increased business scale, it may be that the company either outgrows its niche or enters into competition in a new market segment, or the niche segment becomes a growing market that will add value to other manufacturers. As a result, competition that is distant and unclear becomes close and visible early on. Simply releasing products at reliable quality and establishing regular management is not enough. Special efforts are required to exceed the standards set by competitors in the area of ​​prices, production costs, quality, accuracy of delivery, level of service, etc.

2.1 Characteristics of HR management in enterprises of different levels of competitiveness.

personnel assessment certification display

Characteristics of HR management Russian enterprise first level of competitiveness These are the rices:

A) the understanding that the functions of the personnel service are not limited to regional functions but can be expanded within the framework of the size of the staffing level of the service.

When recruiting personnel for planting ceramics and specialists, it is important to ensure that candidates have sufficient evidence of their track record, consistent with the planting (ourselves before the prior work), without organizing a competitive selection, strictly and in general new candidate testing.

Lack of respect is attributed to the qualifications and motivation of workers, nutrition and personnel management. This type, as a rule, has a high frame length. To be entered, for the non -chisly zbilshiti, the Vobronitva is able to VILITY DODATKOVICIALY, do not dash at that, ShO Taki PIDHID, Shvidsha for everything, negatively know the anchistry of the product, an outlet, I і ї The competitor. Even the calm staging of the frames seems to resemble the fact that there are no irreplaceable people. The exchange of investments in human capital. Should we spend a lot of money on developing human resources potential, preparing qualified personnel from the institute, if we can recruit the necessary workers from outside?

The most important word is that the decision on the landing should be left directly to the kerivniks, the decision is taken by them independently, without expert advice and in accordance with the personnel service.

b) the unreasonable role of the fire management official.

In this case, the nutrition and thoroughness of structures and systems, forms and methods of management are important to supra-worldliness. The bet is to shy away from those that have been successful and have proven themselves well in the past.

The dominance of enterprises of the first level of competitiveness is due, on the one hand, to the weakness of competition in the market, on the other hand, close ties between the local and federal authorities over the market and, on a budget, pennies.

Companies of a different level of competitiveness are trying to develop their own virtualization and management systems “calling them neutral.” This means that such enterprises can fully comply with the standards set by their main competitors in a particular market (Galuzia and region). They are trying to create in themselves those who build companies - leaders: to try to maximize the use of technical techniques, technologies, and methods of organizing production at the leading enterprises of Galuzia; buy raw materials and materials, pharmaceutical products and components from the very same engines that are their main competitors; follow the same principles and approaches in product control and production efficiency (process approach), establish similar flow patterns with processors in their production (including organ systems prices and stimulation); We are starting to implement certification and evaluation systems for personnel.

However, the adoption of advanced methods and management systems is often carried out formally, without a thorough analysis of the essence of these and other management technologies, without the minds of their adaptation to the specifics of the enterprise or company. The results of the HR department are created only in the same way as business leaders already have. Attestation and assessment systems for personnel will stagnate without a serious review of the functions, status and re-importance of personnel services. All enterprises have already reached another stage and are trying to adapt the current approaches to work and personnel.

The peculiarities of enterprises of a different level of competitiveness should be as follows:

A) further expanding the functions of the personnel service and increasing its role in the preparation and training of all personnel decisions.

B) efforts to create an integrated personnel service, including by changing the status of personnel management in the organization.

C) Change of personnel policy. The bet is not on the ceramics and fakhivtsa zagali, but on the appearance of his qualifications and the ability to give a new impetus to the development of the company's business. Such companies should, if necessary, ask for the employment of ceramic workers and fenders from the leading companies of the same kind, relying most importantly on their high qualifications and professional strengths, not the medical specifics of a particular enterprise or production.

D) focus on the most advanced standard management technologies, which will ensure success in the market for the main competitors. Here, the thorough organization and stimulation of operations, management systems follow the principle of reasonable sufficiency.

D) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel are based on the analysis of the type of planting and the results of their determination for an individual worker with the method of creating more efficient staffing, moving the worker to middle of the company. Here the main form of work is the work of the certification commission.

It is necessary to remember that a copy will always honor the original. At the first stage, the direct application of advanced information does not contribute to the competitiveness of the company. Before the establishment of such companies there is food: since their enterprises face other equal advantages in competition in the market, their lower main competitors, then they will definitely need to Should we avoid the unreasonable standards of the organization of production and management that are installed in Galuzia? Those who know the right lines of nutrition are likely to “grow up” to enterprises of the third level of competitiveness and become on a par with the leaders of the industry.

Virology in companies that have achieved third level of competitiveness , they stand as if they were “supported in the middle.” Other sub-sections of the organization are oriented towards this development. The rate is increasing in the development of the organization, constantly improving all management systems, including the personnel service. Here we are already talking about the formation of a full-fledged integrated personnel service, the main goals of which are:

A) the range of functions of the personnel service is the widest. Moreover, traditional direct activities (registration, maintenance of special certificates, registration) do not represent the main place of their work.

B) a skin worker, especially spending the company’s valuable time, is seen as valuable to the company, the expenditure (perception, expense) of which is not visible from a daily economic point of view (loss of expenditure on his preparation and delivery Your qualifications, your competence, knowledge of the specifics of the company’s business is paramount important). The flatness of the frames is reduced to a minimum.

C) orientation towards the continuous development of the most advanced management technologies. Here, the improved organization and stimulation of work, management systems are no longer based on the principle of “reasonable sufficiency”, but become the most important warehouse corporate culture.

D) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel aimed at developing the potential of the employee, at planning his career, to ensure that the skin specialist of the organization can better reveal his special and qualified qualities Effective potential.

D) the status of the integrated personnel service at the establishment is improving. This kerevnik is not only dependent on the first-ever individual company, but also integrates a number of functions and other services that were previously associated with other kerevnik components. m firms.

The number of Russian business companies that have actually reached a different level of competitiveness is already insignificant. Therefore, the task is to rise to the third level of competitiveness in the near future. Try to encourage Russian management in such a way as to create better companies in the world, and at the same time, go straight ahead in the development of effective management systems.

However, there are companies that stand ahead of their competitors on rich fronts. These are the companies that we have reached fourth level of competitiveness , Companies with light class production. They won’t stop copying the best companies in Galusia, but want to improve them to the highest standards. A complete integration of the HR service has already been created, resulting in a wide range of functions that are responsible for aspects of personnel policy. Here, the development of personnel potential is seen as one of the most important aspects of ensuring long-term success in the competitive struggle. The main challenges for HR management in the fourth region are:

A) advanced management technologies directly achieve the latest standards of efficiency in view of the implementation of the main goals of the company. Improved organization and stimulation of operation, control systems can directly overcome all those that competitors have.

B) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel aimed at developing the potential not of the local worker, but of the team of workers and specialists. Everything that concerns career planning, assessment methods relate to this directly.

Also, we can note that with a change in organization there will be a change in the HR service. The more competitive an organization is, the more important its HR department begins to play. At the level of efficiency, their robots were able to ensure the well-being of the entire organization.

.3 Approach staff assessment

The science of personnel management can name two approaches to personnel assessment.

The first approach is traditional, transferring the assessment to the personnel, oriented towards the result of the completed work. Another approach is immediate, transferring the assessment to personnel oriented to the company’s development.

The traditional approach to personnel assessment has the following goals:

promoting the company's employment or praising the decision to move them to another department;

Informing employees about how the company's care team evaluates their work;

assessment of the contribution of the skin neurogenesis is important, and the direction of structural components is the key to achieving the company's goals;

make a decision related to the equal and the minds of payment;

verification and diagnostics of decisions related to training and development of personnel.

The traditional approach is based on the fact that the certification of personnel was primarily connected with the assessment of the work, with the verification of the type of worker of the occupied planting in the appearance of the work It is necessary to visconate the township obligatory.

The traditional approach – domestic and foreign – is separated. The importance lies in the goals, methods and results of certification and assessment of personnel. The traditional accounting approach was of a more formal nature, and it was learned after the fact to ground these and other personnel decisions. The traditional foreign system of certification and evaluation of personnel is viewed mainly within the framework of process management. As a rule, the technology of such control includes the following components:

the designated mission of the company, its goals and strategies for its implementation;

establishment of individual goals of specialists and managers of the organization arising from the previously established goals of the company;

periodic assessment of the stage of achievement of individual goals;

I will begin and help the sick people;

Awarded to the winegrowers for the successful achievement of goals and completion of the assigned tasks.

Personnel assessment, based on traditional goal management, allows for greater control over work and results, linking the company's goals with the individual goals of employees, assessing performance Workers on an objective basis, and not on the subjective Duma of linear politicians, create about An effective basis for rewarding the wine city for the achieved results. Let me make a decision about drying.

At that very moment, the traditional system of personnel evaluation in wealthy leading companies was abandoned and turned out to be ineffective and faded away. The problem lies in the fact that although the system is entirely logical and capable of producing results, it is forced to assume in a number of ways, which will not always stagnate in practice.

First of all, the traditional evaluation system conveys to personnel that the results of the company’s work are a simple sum of the results of the work of the company’s skin specialist.

Current practice shows that the results of a company's work largely depend on the interaction between employees and team work, and not just on individual successes. Interaction between employees, being a key driver of organizational effectiveness, falls outside the traditional goal management system.

In other words, within the traditional management system, the main emphasis is on achieving final results. In front of the tester, there is a meta, result-oriented approach, for example, to get a hand in such a size, and it is important to respect that the tester, which clearly shows what is going on in the future, will find a way to do it. ati.

Thirdly, the traditional goal management system transfers the training of the specialists themselves to the identification of individual goals. Workers want greater control over their work, and the granting of such control, naturally within reasonable limits, will be an additional incentive.

It is true that the identification of goals by the specialists themselves is far from always effective. Sucha theory And the practice of human resource management shows that simply recruiting employees before setting individual goals is not enough. This is due to the fact that the spies are not recruited before the process of identifying the ulterior goals of the organization, from which the individual marks of the spies may be formed.

The process of assessing personnel, focusing on the development of the organization, may correspond to the professional growth and development of employees, and not without focusing on the evaluation of the work of personnel over the past period. Tim would be more wrong to view the assessment as a basis for reducing staff. If an employee is perceived as “human capital,” it would be wrong to “write off” the funds that the organization has already invested in him. It is necessary to think about ways to increase the return of investments (creations) in human capital. Current technologies for assessing and certifying personnel are the best ways to increase the flow of capital, seeking to better manage these corporate resources. This does not mean that after the completion of the assessment and certification, the work places for the specialists are forever saved, but in the worst case, everything is surrounded by personnel rotation, selection of other positions within the company ii. In addition to placing more emphasis on highly professional personnel, the preparation and training of which could have involved the expenditure of significant corporate resources, to personnel that may still be available for work in a given company, it becomes a dominant trend in the current corporate management

The process of assessing personnel, focusing on the development of the company, is highly effective. The most successful emerging companies set tough goals in front of their employees and directly and meaningfully bind the wine city of their employees and managers at the stage up to synchronization of these goals. In these companies, the process of personnel assessment is direct to the current company, implementing both short-term and long-term plans.

Fourthly, the traditional assessment of personnel is directed at the end, while in the current approach, the assessment of personnel is aimed at development, and is intended to help employees directly understand the development of the company, with the same goals as before. sit down. Thus, in the traditional assessment of personnel, the emphasis is on the importance of what has happened, and in the present - on those that have happened and need to be corrected

The process of assessing personnel, orienting towards the development of the organization, includes three main factors:

setting goals and standards and monitoring their implementation;

a look at the Vikon robot;

The improvement of the work, the development of the company and the assessment of the contribution to this development of the skin practitioner is important.

The motivation and work of the student may be reduced only if the student clearly understands what needs to be achieved.

.4 Purposes, principles of organization and purposes of daily assessment for personnel

First of all, before organizing certification for personnel, the personnel department can clearly present the basic and specific, main and additional (additional) purposes of certification and evaluation to personnel, as well as technology the importance and organizational capabilities of the company.

Certification and assessment of personnel is a management technology aimed at achieving the company’s goals and implementing its strategy, as well as improving the efficiency of the organization’s core functions Its management.

The assessment process itself can be either formal or informal. In any case, the assessment of personnel directly affects the increase in payment of workers, promotions and promotions in the planting, salary development, and development of the careers of workers.

Certification and comprehensive assessment of personnel is an invisible part of a well-run personnel service of any kind daily organization. This is a kind of criterion that guarantees competitiveness and stability in the market, an indicator of management agility - the most important thing for today's officials to succeed in the competitive struggle. A system of certification and evaluation of personnel has been correctly developed - the first indicator of the level and quality of personnel work in the company.

At the end, based on the theory of management, CERTIFICATION is the process of supporting the work of a professional worker after the completion of the term of his employment contract, assessing the results of his work for the entire period according to the contract, the designated level of the spivorotenik’s performance is determined by the plant’s instructions, which are subject to the plant’s instructions. basis of the employment contract.

Evaluation of personnel in scientific management is a system of periodic evaluation of the results of a worker’s work or demonstrated skills, approaching the final stage of work (for a month, a quarter, a year) in accordance with goals (standards) and targets (results) iv) activities established for this planting.

Certification and assessment of personnel in a daily organization are obliged to follow a complex of mutually related goals.

To understand why the organization requires certification and assessment of personnel, it is necessary to identify the goals (to be clear) that may be implemented during the completion of certification procedures. prices.

2.5 Purposes of certification and assessment of personnel

Main goals tse:

increasing the efficiency of work and staff;

change in payment for incentives based on work results;

development of doctors;

Additional purposesinclude:

checking the competence of the worker and the team;

re-verification of motivation before work, before work in this area;

Improvement of prospects for the development of a practical worker's career

Zagalni goals:

improvement of personnel management and improvement of the efficiency of personnel work;

advancement of specialty and higher education discipline.


an important number of medics and replanting of plantings, which promote recovery and shortening;

improvement of the moral and psychological climate of the organization.

Please note that vicarious certification as a tool for staff reduction is considered unacceptable.

Let's take a look at the main purposes of certification and evaluation of personnel.

The importance of the effectiveness of work for staff.

Personnel assessment allows you to distinguish effective workers from ineffective ones. The manager is responsible for being able to determine which employees should make contributions to achieve the strategic goals of the organization, and which ones not. In an organization oriented towards achieving high results, there is no place for peers: a nasty Vikonian robot is not guilty of being unmarked. Those workers who cannot overcome the task assigned to them may be given the necessary assistance and the opportunity to improve their work. If the work of the specialist does not meet the necessary criteria, then actions will be taken to correct the following: displacement, reduction in landing and, in extreme cases, removal. Effective company backups never work unless absolutely necessary. If you deprive your work of employees who do not cope with their obligations, you will send the wrong signal to employees who do their jobs well. For example, the American company “Microsoft” sharply allocates about 5% of its employees based on the results of personnel certification.

If you put in place an incorrect evaluation system for personnel, you will end up with a long-term problem. Competitors who achieve high results want their work to be marked and rewarded. To motivate staff to perform efficiently, it is necessary to see the most promising employees, and this process can be paid according to their contribution. The increase in salary does not have to be, however, but may change depending on the results of the achievements of the other professional. The effectiveness of payment as a motivating factor depends entirely on the extent to which the effectiveness of the work can be measured, as well as the ability to differentiate between effective and ineffective agents.

Change of payment for incentives based on work results.

In order to appreciate the increased efficiency of the robots, the good Vikonan robot can be jugated. Spirals that contribute largest contribution to achieve the strategic goals of the organization, to deserve the greatest credit in the city.

Development of the Russian Federation.

The role of the manager is to assist the professional worker in ensuring his professional growth and development. To achieve this, assessment and certification of personnel should be a constructive and dynamic process, oriented towards future achievements.

Unfortunately, assessment and certification of personnel is a strategic process in rich organizations. The smells are associated with the past results of the work, and are not directly related to the improvements in the future. Without an emphasis on the current developments of the professional development staff, personnel assessment can lead to negative results, and the professional development specialists view this assessment as a reflection of their work performance. This is one of the main reasons for the negative assessment before certification of military and military personnel.

3. Personnel assessment technologies

Certification of personnel can be carried out in a variety of ways, depending on the specifics and tradition, and on the peculiarities of the management culture in the organization. Selecting an evaluation system is a function of high quality management. This is largely due to the level of personnel management in the organization: the higher the level, the greater the need for objective indicators and formal assessment procedures for personnel, the more resources the company is willing to spend on this or.

Personnel assessment can be given for two main directions: assessment of work results and assessment of professional skills and approaches to finishing work.

Evaluation of work results.

One of the simplest and most effective methods of evaluation is the evaluation of the final results of the work. We are immediately concerned with such indicators as the use of new work, the amount of revenue generated by the worker, and the number of clients served.

Evaluating the results of the work makes it possible to “link” the effectiveness of the work of the specialist to the effectiveness of the work of the organization as a whole. The significance of the results of practice, as a rule, does not involve special complexity and avoids any subjectivity. Just as when assessing the commercial components of a European ceramics manufacturer, who conducts the assessment, one can come up with its own special, subjective judgments, then when carrying out an assessment, for example, the number of products sold, talk about Vikonana Robot. they will speak for themselves.

Assessment of professional skills and approaches to professional development.

As a rule, a robot is evaluated based on its results. It is not enough to focus either on the results of work or on them. It is necessary to evaluate the application of cutaneous antibacterial agent at the target mark, then. This means that the task is set. It is necessary to evaluate the approach to the study of work, the level of singing skills and establish the standards of practice in this area. Theoretically, human resource management emphasizes such skills and the term “competence” is used. To be more precise, competence is a model of work behavior, an approach, knowledge and skills that are necessary for successful work at an enjoyable or high level and for the successful achievement of goals during the evaluation period.

The biggest problem in assessing the level of volition by beginners is subjectivism. First of all, everyone can understand in a different way what is “good” and what is “bad”, and which approach to the science of work is considered effective and which is ineffective. In another way, when assessing one and the same professional development worker, one is interested in the fact that the professional development worker has identified the optimal approach to completing the task assigned to him, and in others - that the professional development worker has worked very poorly and is victorious. taking a completely wrong approach to the completion of the task set before him. If you deprive your nutritional position of respect, the effectiveness of assessing skills and approaches to work will practically be reduced to zero.

Current theory and practice must be proven to be more effective, but not sooner or later, and therefore more and more stagnant in Russia in terms of food supply solutions. First of all, before carrying out the assessment, options for an effective and ineffective approach to the end of the process are identified (as a rule, a special expert commission). In other words, signs of effective and ineffective work behavior are identified. In other words, the assessment is carried out not on the basis of the evaluator’s thoughts, but on the basis of evidence of good and bad work or, more precisely, on the basis of the work behavior that the employee demonstrated during the period being assessed. In this way, whatever assessments may be made will be clearly argued and supported by real examples.

Assessing the initial training and approaches to finishing work is another important advantage before assessing the final results of the process, which is always possible and reliable. However, the final results are easy to observe and observe, their evaluation does not indicate why these or other results were achieved. If the test worker failed to reach the planned value of the indicator that is being evaluated, it is not clear why this happened and what the test worker himself needs to correct with his work. Nowadays, the assessment of beginners and approaches to final work reveals the reasons for achieving one or another result and obviously makes it possible to directly determine the development and training of personnel.

Current assessment technologies are based on a systems approach that takes into account a variety of mutually dependent factors.

3.1 Methods for extracting information about a doctor’s work

When considering the methods for removing information, it is important to note that the main problem here is the extraction of data to evaluate spivs from different countries, itself: caution, information, censoring colleagues of the assessed spiv Source, information, removed from companions, call.

Be careful.

This method is the most reliable way to obtain information about work to company personnel, and is also the most difficult to complete. Moreover, the inconsistency does not arise only through the possibility of incorrect understanding of the action of the evaluated test agent. The biggest problem with the traditional method of monitoring the work is the lack of time required for constant monitoring as the skin is processed from the lungs. However, it should be noted that through the fact that the operator himself monitors the work of his spies, this method is one of the most advanced. Information about good (or bad) work is rejected by the evaluator directly, and not from third parties, most often based on sensitive or incorrect understanding.

The negative aspects of this include those that the evaluation of the work can be prevented or pre-empted. In order to be unique, it is necessary to evaluate the work and staff outside of real facts, then. Before assessing, argue with specific examples of correct and incorrect work behavior of a sports worker.

Information from colleagues at work.

Workers from the same department or members of the same team, who work together every day, usually have more information about the work of each other, the bottom line. This is information about the work of the specialist with clients, information from the middle of the work team and from other departments of the company. Vikoristannya this method You can help the manager identify problems that are obvious at first glance and that interfere with achieving the company’s goals. The thoughts of doctors about the work of their colleagues can be based on advances or on the wrong rationale, so workers are obligated to provide evidence of both the right and wrong approach to the end of work.

Information from companions.

In order to obtain objective information, it is necessary to evaluate the work from the point of view of a professional student, from the perspective of a student. Moreover, we understand both the company’s clients (external partners) and the staff (internal employees). Conducting investigations and interviews with the company's internal employees will allow us to obtain information about problems that arise among employees. Such testing can be carried out using additional questionnaires, which can be used to collect information about the work of these and other specialists with whom they work in their work.

To survey the company's clients, you can use special questionnaires that indicate the risk of poor nutrition and the quality of services. Clients are not required to fill out forms on behalf of the company. Therefore, all meals must be specific, and their quantity does not need to be greater. The use of such a method for training is limited, but the information is taken away from clients, which is more significant, the idea of ​​​​spirit workers, and in recent cases, the idea of ​​​​a linear server.

An important piece of information about the work of the staff is the money they received from clients. For example, as a criterion of effectiveness can be used minimum strength(or availability) money from clients. Moreover, with additional information, you can learn about the benefits when working with clients and experience the approaches to their removal.


This method of extracting information is necessary, first of all, to measure the actual results of the work and to achieve the individual goals of the specialist. Some information may include not only financial information, but also other information, for example, information about the number of transactions or products sold (in kind). Estimates based on such information are most suitable for grading bonuses and changing performance-based pay for staff. On the other hand, the information is based on reports about the results of the company’s activities (or indeed the report), it is not enough to talk about the reasons for the unexpected mark, it merely records this fact. Therefore, this information is difficult to achieve and is more important for direct development and training to personnel.

3.2 Methods for assessing personnel of an organization

When choosing a performance evaluation system for personnel, it is necessary to consider the goals of the organization and the underlying objectives of the evaluation (for example, development and training of personnel, changes in payment for work). The chosen evaluation system may also reflect the culture of the organization.

You can see three groups of methods: underground methods; assessment of work behavior; evaluation of the results of the work.

Let's take a look at the report on the hidden methods of assessing the organization's personnel.

Zagalni ways.

Letter characteristics method- one of the simplest methods of personnel assessment. Kerivnik can evaluate the work of the underling by describing his work in his own words. Such an assessment can be given to the results of the work of the spivotnik (handling, handling of sold products, their viscosity), business components, approaches to the completion of these and other obligations. You can also evaluate the date of the recommendation before the development of the sportsbook.

An example of the evaluation form for the method of written characteristics is given in Appendix 1.

Ranjuvannya- The oldest and simplest, from a technical point of view, method of personnel assessment. Consistent with this method, the results of the work of the spewers, and the kerivnik, who evaluates, ranks all his lungs from the shortest to the hardest. This method ensures that you will be able to improve your work at the same time based on the underlying factors. The simplicity of this method is attractive.

The ranking is especially limited to a small number of workers, who are assessed for the fact that their uniforms are practically the same. However, in this case, the stagnation of ranking in the evaluation of personnel can be revealed by an extremely subjective approach and lead to great results in the evaluation of spivonics based on average results.


The grading system conveys the presence of specific levels of performance efficiency, for example, highly effective, effective, pleasant, ineffective, unpleasant. The results of the skin assessment test are combined with the descriptions of the skin test, and the test is assigned the rating that best describes the test.

This system can be filled with the front section, then. The skin level in the future is determined to be consistent with the fixation of hundreds of practitioners. This method is called the “specified division method”.

There are many arguments to be made about the benefits of this method, since it allows us to overcome the problem of overestimation and underestimation by the manager of his subordinates, as well as assigning average ratings to each subordinate. Moreover, this technology ensures that managers are more seriously placed before the process of personnel assessment, which greatly increases the confidence in the assessment of those employees who cope well with their obligations, and those who it does not meet the necessary criteria.

Prote technology of a given division for equal efficiency can be supported by the middle of the organization. If implemented incorrectly, this technology can lead to increased competition, preventing trust and degrading the working atmosphere in the team. On the other hand, absolute standards of equal efficiency must be set before the staff, without leading to increased competition among the team. It is also necessary to evaluate the mind and stagnation of the method.

Rating (graphic) scale- one of the most popular current methods of personnel assessment. The rating scale shows different levels of effectiveness in health and wellness, and a singing score is assigned to the skin of these equals. Your manager can choose one from several (usually 5 to 10) competitors according to a specific skin criterion. The evaluation criteria behind the rating scale may vary. Using this additional method, it is possible to evaluate the results of practitioners, the stage of achievement of individual goals, as well as the stage of exercise as a beginner and business skills of a sportsman. An example of the rating scale is shown in Appendix 2.

This method promotes a unified approach (based on a basic scale) using the method of assessing various competitive agents, providing a unified base for assessing personnel in all departments of the organization. In addition, the method of rating scales is simple for Vikoristan, and does not involve any great effort on the side of the manager who evaluates, large penny or time-consuming expenses.

The main problem with this method is the lack of significance in the selection of estimates. What, for example, does a rating of 3 (“pleasant”) and a rating of 5 (“excellent”) mean? What is the difference between them and what should you focus on when choosing one or another assessment? To avoid such problems, the method of rating scales must be used not independently, but combined with other methods of assessment, which allows for more accurate determination and differentiation of different levels of effectiveness.

.3 Organization of the process of periodic assessment of personnel

p align="justify"> The process of periodic personnel assessment (attestation) serves to successfully achieve the company's goals. It allows you to connect the company’s business plan with plans for work and the development of its satellites. The duration of the assessment process (personnel assessment cycle) should be 1 ruble, although it could be more (up to 18 months). The process of periodic evaluation is a cyclical process, then. When the evaluation cycle is completed, the process is repeated again.

An important benefit when carrying out certification is the continuation of the stages of organization of work. The complexity and clarity of the attestation procedures are consistent with the status, qualifications and evidence of the attestation of personnel service managers. Why the practice of working with personnel has to implement complex schemes and procedures from the very beginning is unjustifiable. The first steps from certification may be simple, reasonable for the organization’s professional specialists and handy for the employees of structural departments and personnel department managers.

The most important stages of establishing a comprehensive system of certification and evaluation of workers, directly related to the improvement of the effectiveness of personnel management, are as follows:

) introduction of periodic (call 2 times per river) certification (assessment) of personnel on the basis of interviews and questionnaires (filling out specially divided forms) of the employees of the enterprise using the method of verification Their businesslike and special viciousness. Trival of the stage: 1 – 2 rocks;

) additional interviews and questionnaires by the system of attestation and evaluation sheets, which are completed no more than once per river, by increasing the objectivity of the assessment and verification of the order with other results of the work of the doctor. tnik in this plantation, the level of rank of his plantation vymogam. Trival of the stage: 2 – 3 rocks;

) transition to a personnel management system for the purpose of maximizing the objective assessment of the contribution of the skin athlete to the results of the work of his structural subdivision and organization of the production process. Trival of the stage: at least 2 rocks;

In this manner, the transition to a full-fledged one, based on daily benefits The science of managing a system of comprehensive assessment and certification of personnel cannot take less than 5 hours in total.

The procedure for organizing and conducting attestation conveys a clear order of: terms (frequency) of attestation, technology of attestation, forms (procedures), division of areas of responsibility for the development and execution of the test. in the course of certification, in the order of implementation of the results (substances) of certification.

In the implementation of the assessment and certification system for personnel, it is possible to transfer the advanced stage, instead of which lies in the offensive: the higher quality of the organization of special orders may inform the personnel of the structural units and sports departments. Workers of the enterprise about the terms and for what purpose certification of personnel is carried out, and the purpose of this task is re-examined, Please bring any tips for organization in general and for skin inflammation.

Our well-ordered servicing includes:

voice to someone who is prepared to methodically secure certification, then. expand on the goals, assignments, certification procedures, etc.

identify the flow of documents that may be fragmented before the start of certification;

determine the guiding terms of the first attestation and the period during which all participants in the attestation are required to become familiar with the procedures and documents for the attestation, determine the motivation for respect and proposals.

3.4 Stages of periodic evaluation of personnel

The process of periodically assessing staff's compliance with current tasks:

*Identification of individual work plans for healthcare organizations for the upcoming period;

*Establishment of individual key goals and assignments within the framework of the work plan, for mutual cooperation with the specialist;

*Monitoring the progress of the assigned tasks through mini-communications and more formal interim evaluation communications;

*Assessing the work of healthcare workers and assessing the individual needs of workers, necessary to improve the effectiveness of the work of healthcare workers;

*Expansion of working notes between those being assessed and those being assessed;

*The increase in the size of the winery and changes in payment are dependent on the effectiveness of the work of the plant and the contribution to the achievement of the company’s goals.

The main stages of periodic assessment of personnel:

robot planning;

setting goals, developing evaluation criteria and ratings;

system of individual target indicators;

action plan;

identification of key goals and beginners;

Intermediate conversation or less - conversation;

evaluation of the conversation;

value of assessment;

robot planning.

The cycle of periodic assessment of personnel begins with the approval and discussion of the work plan of the skin specialist and manager for the upcoming period. The main principle of such a negotiated plan is the work in which the key individual goals and objectives for Mayday River, and there are only a small number of less significant goals.

The assessment of the performance of the company’s personnel is based on a combination of direct assessments (or assessments of the results of the work) and indirect assessments (or assessments of the activity of the worker behind the yard), which feeds into the achieved results. iv. The estimates are of the same importance and may have different meanings.

The group of direct assessments includes assessments of the achievement of goals and assessments of the level of contribution made by the employee in the activities of the organization and subdivisions. Since the goals are set strictly individually, the descriptions of assessing the level of contribution are broken down according to each individual and, according to individual groups of practitioners.

Indirect assessments include factors that characterize the worker himself, his professional skills, intelligence and knowledge. These indicators are associated with the results of the activity of a functional worker.

Direct and indirect assessments emerge at once as elements of a formal assessment system, which indicate various significance in personnel work.

The greatest complexity in the implementation of goal management lies in the designated system of individual target indicators. After this, the evaluation process is reduced to a simple operation of comparing the actual results with those that were established at the beginning of the evaluation period.

Also, personnel assessment reinforces the traditional mechanism of personnel management behind a rigid system of individual performance and employee stimulation. It is important to maximize the potential of the skin practitioner in the organization.

Select forms for evaluating results. Evaluation of results, then. The assessment of the student in terms of achieving goals is based on the actual results provided against the given level.

After such a statement, it is not difficult for the technician to determine the overall assessment of the results of the worker’s work, which is assessed for the analysis period of an hour. In this case, the assessment can be considered as an arithmetic mean due to the fact that other things are also considered important. In addition, the kerivnik can include special external conditions that influenced the results and were subject to the control of the specialist, which is being assessed. In this case, this situation may need to be explained in detail in the comments column.

Criteria for choosing an evaluation form. The development of evaluation criteria is the process of selecting a system of officials who have achieved the goals based on how they have contributed to the work of the employee and the results of the period. Moreover, what is assessed is not the ability (potential) of the practitioner, but the actual manifestation professional things at the same time, which is seen during the assessment.

The criteria chosen are the most important and the most relevant to a specific planting or the same group of plantings.

The factor system consists of three main groups:

Technical knowledge and skills;

Beginners face more problems;

Management skills (or skills of inter-personal aggregation for managerial subsistence)

Under technical knowledge and skills, one is respected as a practitioner of the highest level of “know-how” in the sphere of non-intermediate quality.

Tips for solving problems mean being able to identify what data is necessary for a worker to solve problems, identify them and on the basis of which logical steps are taken. The skin of the main groups can be assessed in the simplest version by a single assessment, however, in most cases, more local analysis is carried out within the skin of the main groups.

The development of the system of factors by the HR department must be carried out directly in cooperation with the kernel workers, who are subordinated to the plantations of this professional group.

Management skills can be described as “communication skills”, “coordination”, “representation”. As “importance to the utmost importance” for the characteristics of ceramics, the warehouse knowledge and skills of an effective ceramics maker.


Assessing the personnel of a company with a number of 30 - 50 people (not to mention corporations with thousands of employees) can be a complex and labor-intensive process. And this is achieved not only through the technical complexity of the analysis of the entire set of assessments for skin diseases and the compilation of all necessary assessment documents. In fact, it is not possible to “manually” run different assessment scenarios for personnel, then. the value of the global integrated assessment of security companies when Various values your coefficients of assessment indicators, although this information is relevant when making management decisions.

Obviously, without a reliable computer program that would take care of all the technical complexities, assessment and certification of personnel instead of effective management technology can turn into a routine, formal procedure that does not pay off There is a lot of money and an hour that is included in it. To effectively complete the task of assessing personnel, the program can provide the ability to:

fine-tuning of the system of evaluating indicators to the specifics of the company’s activities;

automated storage of assessment documents;

identification of various vagal coefficients for the evaluation of indicators.

At the end of the day, numerous computer companies and consulting companies are introducing a variety of assessment automation software products to personnel.

Russia currently faces not only a shortage of personnel assessment software, but also the increasing availability of computer programs supporting the adoption of management decisions in human resource management. Such programs as “1C - Personnel”, “BOS - Personnel Manager”, etc. In fact, they are direct decisions of regional and legal affairs, rather than administrative ones. For a good reason The identified problem is a strong underestimation of our extreme importance of human capital, as the most important post-industrial success of the official of innovation and competitiveness of enterprises.

One of the few ways to automate personnel assessment in current practice is computer system"Personnel Assessment" is divided into parts by the consulting company "TOR - Consultant". This program has, on the one hand, demonstrated the feasibility of carrying out assessments for different scenarios, using different assessment forms, on the one hand, and the maximum simplicity of vikoristan, on the other. In addition to carrying out an expert assessment, the program has transferred the possibility of assessment with the help of testing, then. actually ensured the implementation of one of the most advanced methods of personnel assessment - the work behavior monitoring scale.

List of references

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