The line for Apollo is to go on the ring finger.



Palmistry is a science that traces the pattern of lines in the valley.

Behind the shading of the head and other lines, as well as behind their external appearance, one can say a lot about the peculiarity of a person, his character and future.

The line of Apollo on the hand is in another row, but we can say a lot about the state of the soul and the richness of the soul, which is a significant part.


The line of Apollo on the palm extends at the outer part of the monthly hump, which is located on the proximal side of the palm of the thumb and the right ring finger.

It is often called rice of talent and luck.

The Apollo line shows that people have talent in various spheres of mysticism.

If at the breaks the line of Apollo shows a sign that connects the boundary, the meanings can change radically.

For example, the square smoothes out the negative influx of tears.

As a matter of fact, we are talking about the forces of destruction.

  • It is clear from the photo that you can better understand what the square looks like on the line of Apollo.
  • Dodatkova LINII, ShO VENERY VENERY IT PREGNIA LINIAHAHA, talk about the PIDRIMMA OBEKIV in all creative pardons, can be about Piditrim of the CIT-TIKALY: MATERILIARY, FIRICHOVE, EMOTSINO.

What can I say about it?

  • The transverse lines, which cross the line of Apollo, contradict all the webs and failures on the road to the brink.
  • The clearer the cross-line is, the more important the testing will be.

The mirror on the Apollo line promises great success.

A mirror, spread on the hill of the Month, brightens the sky for its ruler:

the star at the end of the icon smooths out all negative aspects and represents all obvious human talents;

Concentration on one thing is to allow you to achieve success in one task, otherwise you will lose your ability in the end.

It is important to understand the significance of the resources used to achieve your goals.

For example, if one wants to diverge in the direction of the humps of Mercury and Saturn, a person uses his intelligence and skill to subtly understand and penetrate into the essence of speeches.

As the hilt stretches towards the hump of Venus, it means that people will find support for that tension in the family or in the kohani people.

There will be some help at the side of dear people, which will help you achieve happiness and harmony, and not just any goals.

Such a person is generally self-critical and constantly strives to grow above himself, which helps her to collapse forward, leaving behind problems.

Gilks ​​that look like Happiness icons

The decoding of the signs on the valley is subtle on the right.

It’s important to note everything here, to highlight the smallest nuances, little bits and pieces.

Moreover, of great importance is the state of the hills themselves, on which the marks are drawn, as well as all other marks.

The ring of Apollo on the hand symbolizes the sovereign, strong-willed nature.

  1. The character of such a person has a portion of healthy egoism.
  2. Palmistry - lines on the wrist meaning, bracelets on the wrist (part 7)
  3. Palmistry – line of children in the valley, with explanations (part 8)

In times of collapse, such individuals shut down and go within themselves.

They still respect for the better way to conduct a single way of sleeping, in principle, the same as before, only no longer in a rich palace, but in a modest shack.

The ring of Apollo, which operates on the ring finger, can gain a lot of meaning.

The “belt” around the finger is clearly visible - people have a lot of natural talents.

The line of Apollo helps the skin of a person, like Volodya.

Its presence in the valley is not a sign of wealth and luxury.

The line of success can be either for a rich person or for a poor person, let’s talk about her lot.

Finding them in the valley is not easy for everyone.

And since there is a daily prospect of wealth on your side, you need to look for evidence from your past life.

    • The truth on the food chain is evident in your new and completely absent ones.
    • How to know and solve the line of Apollo in Russian

  • The line of the sun in Russia is expanded on the base of the valley.
  • Since the line of the sun is obscured by the cross, one can talk about disappointment in life, about financial expenses.
  • The cross in the middle of the picture of wealth speaks about the hem of the membranes, the incompleteness of the work project, and at the end of the picture of wealth - about the end of a career, the loss of business or something else.
  • Numerical developments in wealth may be largely unknown and not properly assessed.
  • Such people are not recommended to apply powder all over their sides.
  • They need to collect their thoughts and not lose interest until they complete the project.

Just like that, we have a great success.

It is very important to review this period.

The square in palmistry has always been a sure sign of protection and protection.

The line of Apollo and the square on it talk about the theft of people from tiles, intrigue and protection.

If the line of success draws a cross from a mirror, you will bring great success to your valor.

Once you see, you can easily complete already printed projects.

Since the line of the sun is not alone (there is a triple and a second one) - its effect on people is strong at times. line of Sun, line of Apollo, line of glory,.

A stable material formation is an important warehouse of happiness.

In classical palmistry, the sign of the Sun is drawn vertically, extends from the base of the palm and collapses to the ring finger.

In people, the dark color is weakly expressed on a daily basis.

There are very few lucky people.

Sometimes called a sign of good luck, people associate luck with the presence of problems and the success of achieving goals.

Wealth is one of the components of happiness, like wealth.

Risa Sontsya speaks about the success of the people’s beginnings.

If you are able to be on a passive (left-handed) hand, spring will burn out and continue from childhood. Since rice is a part of the life of an active person, it is fortunately created in a particularly human way.

Sun's drawing starts from the line of reason - success will be a merit of talent and ability.

People gain popularity with special zusillas.

It’s not easy to provide additional insurance, but it’s not necessary to inform sponsors and good people: wealth and popularity can be easily wasted.

Apollo's figure, coming from the line of the heart, means the manifestation of talent and love for creativity and mystique.

There are no opportunities to create a creative career or gain worldly fame.

If the symbol of Apollo reaches the cusp of Jupiter, there is a possibility of great success in the chosen sphere of activity.

Sometimes it’s happy to talk about the life of the heart: people in retirement are finding themselves and are gaining popularity.

What does the Sontsya line on the valley mean?

There is no happiness in the line, but the darkness of the share is clearly visible, depending on the success of your career.

Other areas of life should not be quieted.

The devil is damned to talk about a careerist who doesn’t waste an hour on the marna balakanin.

People are aware of the popularity of the clever spitting that attracts them to work.

The star on the symbol of the Sun speaks about the mission for which the people showed up.

Volodar’s role is to create a new direction for the mystique, to overcome corruption in the locality and otherwise.

Keep an eye on the forces that can help you in a difficult situation.

Squares seem that a person is seized by other forces, such as those drawn from the happy life of the Volodar, to protect the property from damage, tiles and enemies.

The remaining is a constant problem for famous and successful people.

The islanders say that for a certain period Apollo lost power.


The public forgets the stories of popular celebrities.

For women, islands on the boundary mean maternity leave.

It’s important to hire someone who can live happily ever after.

As soon as the island is lost, it will be possible to restore everything that was lost.

The chrests on the line talk about barriers, financial troubles, problems.

If the sign is not at the end, but after the rice is cooked, difficulties will arise.

You happen to finish a project not far away.

It’s too bad that you haven’t brought in any inheritance on the scale of life.

Line, what can we talk about life successes, success, wealth, recognition.

Line Sontsia.

Lecture No. 6

line of the SUN (line of APOLLO) / Palmistry / sacred characteristics / THE STORE OF PALMISTRY

Line of Apollo, part 5. The beginning of the line.

Pennies and success for the other half of life.

The line of Apollo is also called the line of Talent, Sunshine, Happiness, and Success.

If you want happiness and success, you want to bring more from those married with other friendly signs, for the necessary efforts and spiritual development of a person.

By developing this line, you can get a lot of information about the character, skill and ability of the ruler.

With a short line of Apollo, which begins on the Mount of the Moon, but does not reach the Mount of Apollo, people have talent, but for any reason do not engage in its development.

As it flows through the impersonality of short horizontal lines - not to mention the modern transitions with which one may stumble upon the path of self-realization.

And since it runs parallel to the line of Saturn (Lobe), connecting with a short section, this means that the person is endowed not only with talents in the sphere of mysticism, but also with practicality, which allows her to earn good money.


Since the line of Apollo has an abdomen, which indicates Mercury, a person has two talents.

  1. By showing respect to both, you dissipate your energy.
  2. Palmistry is for the sake of developing one of the main ones directly and investing all your strength in it.
  3. Since at the end two “teeth” create the so-called “fork”, people cannot decide which talent is important, they will have to choose on their own.
  4. If a fork has three teeth (like a chicken foot, a trident or a Greek letter “Psi”), then people can go to the extent of regretting the loss of opportunity.
  5. The “ring” under Apollo’s finger, created by a convex line, potentially testifies to great talent and significant success in life.
  6. This sign appears on the hands of well-known people - prominent politicians, politicians, show business, etc.
  7. Trikutnik on the line of the Sun to talk about stable life success, which brings satisfaction and a rich income.
  8. The cross of your hand is an unfriendly sign.

You often hear about unnecessary connections that contribute and influence the realization of talent. People should choose carefully and not waste time on unnecessary contacts. Palmistry is for the sake of paying respect to birthmarks that appear on the back of Apollo or in the vicinity of him. Such a sign can indicate failure in a career that was expected to be successful.

In addition, a mole is considered to be an indicator of karmic borg.

If it is spread on the left hand, the negative ancestral karma is obvious, and if it is on the right hand, the person runs the risk of tightening and obstructing his karma.

Over the course of life, moles often fade and disappear - which means that the bad karma has already been dealt with.

Line of Apollo (or Line of Sun, or Line of Happiness, or Line of Talent)

on the hand, along a line that goes from the top of the month’s hump and goes straight to the ring finger (Apollo's finger)- we can talk about a person endowed with the power of a person, paired with a flaming line, a person’s head can transform and discover his talents as a writer, and in the shape of his fingers, as they form a square shape and knots on the corners , which is expressed prior to detailed analysis information that people can reveal to themselves in history, with the smooth fingers of poetry.

You can take the line of Apollo as the line that lies under the upper finger, so that it is moved to its place, along the axis of the finger.

Apollo Line, tear up the line

So as not to overestimate the capabilities of a person, and develop a correct analysis of this line, remember that the line of luck and talent expresses the intensity and character of a person’s urges, and also gives creative power to the sphere of Yes, in any case.

The line that goes to the bottom of the well-groomed, then develops from the branches, talking about the need for great fights, there is no need to run there, where you can walk peacefully, the wrong distribution of forces, as a result of which there is disintegration.

This line indicates continuity until maturity, or more periodically, and in persistence in the type of valley, there will soon be a reason that creates disruptions and disruptions in the implementation of plans.

Various signs that renew the distortion of lines can be found in any combinations. One of the most responsive and minimal defects is.

square One of the most responsive and minimal defects is I'm like this

to be at the end of the Line of Apollo, it indicates the end of the fire, and protects against any inconveniences in the sphere of mystique throughout the course of human life.

Line of Apollo, signs on the line

The line of Apollo, which rejects the support of relatives, appears in the appearance of an additional line, which emerges from the line flowing from the hump of Venus, which means that the father and mother will help in the reach of man, material assistance, or just joy, or for the help of family ties . What is the line shuffles

with curved lines, crosses and cuts, it means there will be troubles and failures in the future, and the stronger the curved lines are in strength, the more complex the difficulties appear. Great success in the sphere of mysticism, such as celebrity and fame, can be traced to the end of it.

One of the few places where the star on the line bears the main sign of the hillock (hillock) of Apollo, here you can see the hardened talents of people revealed during the hour of life.

Since such a line casts a star on its sprout, then such a person is increasingly distinguished from childhood itself, the sign of a prodigy - at the price of incredible success.

With this layout of the line of the sign, the line of Mercury is strongly pronounced.

Line of Apollo, span of the line

Just as the Line of Happiness begins with the line of the head, then the talents and innate qualities of a person withdraw their development at the moment when the Line of Happiness begins to take shape. Whether there is a fallout line, or less often the main one, there is a significant transition in the development of human talents, and the reasons for which can be explained by the apparent directness. For example,

it starts at the Heart Line , That’s why people seem to become the reason for the change. As soon as the Line of Happiness and the talent to transcribe the Line of Happiness on the hand, then the plant will be given a man.

If the Line of Success

end with a deep cross

, to talk about those whose talent and success is the reason why people can no longer be helped, and because this cross is located on the hill of Apollo, which means it will be possible after fifty years. Such a person, in general, can be seen to be in good health, which can be easily verified along the Line of Life or other main lines to show the reasons and similarity to this life. Apollo Line, completed line

Like the Line of Apollo end with a fork First of all, let’s talk about specialness with rich talents and about people who are scattered between them, the fiery energy is scattered in different streams, which in itself weakens the process of activity, leading to a further decline.

LyudinaMay I achieve greater success, as it could be concentrated in one or two directions.

So, since you have discovered in your hand a line of talent that splits in two at the end, you need to immediately analyze and choose the activity or activity that will bring you the most satisfaction and reward. Since the line extends to the humps of Mercury and Saturn, then people rely on the hills to achieve success and wealth, in which wisdom and penetration are aroused., stinks mean a periodic need for help from people before drying it, without any possibility of achieving great success.

Line of Apollo, friendly signs

How to enter the line when finished to the "corridor" from the two lines that accompany them, on the back of Apollo, as shown in the attached picture, this means great success with a great reputation, these are very serious people who cannot be compared with the “famous” stage clowns. This line can be called either the line of luck or the line of high status.

Call it what you want, but such a line in Russian, really good and promising!

Gilka, which comes from the line of Apollo, and who gets angry from the line of his head, talk about a person who achieves success in life, depending on his intellectual values. It is good, with which the Line of the Head is strong and we are ready for success.. Tricutnik

, what is created by the evil lines of the Head with the ridges from the line of Apollo, you will see about

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Before speaking, it is even similar to a penny trikutnik, but it is not possible to confuse them.

Like the same line, but also going beyond the line of the Heart, is angry with the line of Apollo, not to speak of good-hearted people who are not alien to the heart, and with such a sign we take away constant support for the heart honesty.

Line of Apollo, unfavorable signs

It is not often possible to get a long and good line on your hands; in most cases, there are cuts or fragments of the line, and most often it is the ear of the heart line.

Such an ear represents a human being, endowed with berries, as given by God Apollo.