Class of birds. Dihannia systems in birds Yaka Budova legen in birds

The greatest needs of birds in the sourdough appeared on the future of their wind-bearing routes and legen, and also led to the appearance of windy bags.

Povitronosny ways in birds they begin with nasal openings (nostrils) in dzobi. Their exudation comes out through a vein of feathers, which forces the penetrating saw and water (in waterfowl, the nostrils are sufficiently swollen with a waxy skin) into the nasal cavity. Through it, through the choanium and oropharyngeal cavity, the empty space comes to the upper throat. There is no epiglottic cartilage here, so the function of the forged vicon is the transverse fold of the mucous membrane and the posterior part of the muscle. The upper larynx passes through the long trachea, which consists of a large number (in chickens from 100 to 130, and in geese - up to 200) closed rings. For example, from the trachea, the lower or vocal larynx is retouched. The Vona (Fig. 3) is widened, through two glottal clefts, and opens into right and lefthead (or primary) bronchi.

Small 3. Singing throat:

1 – trachea; 2 – expansion of the larynx; 3 - locality;

The walls of the glottis, when visible, vibrate with sound frequencies, and the expansion of the lower larynx enhances the sound that is created (resonator). Therefore, the lower larynx, in accordance with the function of the airborne paths, is designed to form the voice of birds.

The cutaneous cephalic bronchus (right and left) runs from the lower larynx to the base of its side.

Lungs The birds are expanded in the thoraco-abdominal empty (in birds there are no rudiments of the diaphragm) left and right-handed from the ridge. The stench is springy (the stench of savages is elastic), and the dorsal surface is connected to the ribs. The lungs are formed from a system of tubes that are open at both ends, and which collapse in only one direction. These tubes are created during the sequential division of the right (in the right leg) and left (in the left leg) primary bronchi into secondary endota ectobronchi. It is important for the dorsal part of the leg to be established endobronchi, and in the ventral one - ectobronchi. The endobronchi penetrate into the parenchyma of the leg and there they successively break down into smaller parts parabronchi entwined with blood vessels air capillaries(Here there is an exchange of gases between the two parts and blood). The ectobronchi may not penetrate the parenchyma of the leg, but emerge from it and create blind spots called with glassy bags.

Povitryani bears spread between the internal organs, between the meats, under the skin, and the viscera (especially in birds) tend to come together with the empty parts pneumatic brushes(cervical and dorsal bones, ridges, shoulders, thoracic and back bones, spinal ends of the ribs). Therefore, through their protruding mouth, birds can breathe when their larynx and trachea are damaged. There are four pairs (cervical, anterior thoracic, posterior thoracic and celiac) and one unpaired one (clavicular) to the main sacs. According to localization and contribution to the external tract, they are divided into the anterior (cervical, clavicular and anterior thoracic) and posterior (posterior and ventral) air sacs. Their banal obsessiveness is greater than once for legends.

There is no gas exchange in airy mice, but Their main function is to ensure proper ventilation of the lungs(Pull and blow again). In addition, the washing bags will be protected chilling of birds,reduce the thickness of your body, serve as a reservoir for wind, conform to the normal body position when swimming, consider the role of a shock absorber for internal organs during sudden movements, as well as shorten the passage of the intestinal tract and see the afterbirth.

In this way, the organs of breathing and blood flow reduce the gas exchange between the alveoli of the lungs and blood. Then, the arterial blood, saturated with sourness, is delivered to the cells, and the excess carbon dioxide, which has settled in them, then with the venous blood enters the structures that ensure its release from the excess middle.

So, the diet in animals with the legen type can be divided into the following stages:

    external ventilation and ventilation;

    exchange of gases between the alveoli and the blood of the capillaries of the small blood flow;

    transport of gases by blood;

    gas exchange between blood capillaries grand stake blood circulation and tissue tissue;

    internal (clinical and textile) care.

The windy streams flow with great lightness, the birds form various smooth flowing streams, drawing directly the flow. You may find it useful to realize that similar maneuvers in birds actually affect the respiratory system. The birds catch the sharp wind. It is believed that the mechanism of flying creatures, which is responsible for the passage of wind, is more complex and more complex than that of other creatures.

The great capabilities of birds

What is it that the birds, weeding in the distance, are wasting minimum strength energy. Most of them, having flown several thousand kilometers, practically do not report any particular effort. It has been proven that planning techniques help birds. The bird's genius lies in the fact that stinks can absorb energy from the wind. The stench of the stench flies far into the mountains in the current of the sharp wind, and then, turning around at the singing point, it flies along with this windy stream. In this case, the anatomical respiratory system of birds plays an important role. A detailed look at bird organs and their functions will help us reveal the secret of the birds’ amazing abilities.

Zagalnye Vidomosti

If we talk briefly about the bird’s dycholic system, it has the following features:

  • The size of the nasal emptying is simply small.
  • On the flattened trachea (at the bifurcation), where it passes from two main bronchi, there is a mechanism for producing sounds - the vocal larynx.
  • Optimal expansion of the leg, which allows the bronchi to move into the middle and close the lip of the bronchioles, enmeshed in a web of capillaries. The thin bronchi do not fork, they are strongly stretched, protruding beyond the boundaries of the organ in the form of thin-walled sacs.

The diagram of the dichotomy system of birds shows the beneficial potential that develops from the advancing branches:

  • empty nose;
  • Rotova empty;
  • throat;
  • trachea;
  • vocal larynx;
  • bronchi;
  • lehenya;
  • air bags.

Budova wind routes

The cobalt point of the dichotomy system of birds is the nostrils. The stench opens the way to pass into the empty part of the nose and through the upper throat into the trachea. The trachea itself in all birds is very large and mainly lies in the form of so many rings that develop from cartilage tissue. In place of the bifurcation of the trophy is the syrinx, which represents the vocal apparatus of birds. This special organ at the lower part of the larynx is dissolved. At this point, the trachea forks into two bronchi, which enters the lung. Having transformed into the secondary bronchi, these organs often emerge from the lung, dissolving the blood sacs in different areas of the body of birds. In the body of birds there are no parabronchi, surrounded by blood capillaries that interact with the secondary ones.


This organ has a concave shape, but is not elastic and does not expand easily. The lungs are tightly secured between the ribs by the way of indentation of the upper dorsal surface. On them you can see traces of the ribs and the appearance of grooves. Such organs of the respiratory system of birds, such as the lungs and bronchi, have a unique appearance. When angry with each other, the stench is a thick sponge that is formed from small spaces. When entering the lungs, the bronchi diverge with more light. For the development of the second and third forks of the bronchi, the birds’ lungs are teased with frequent lips. The stench has a light black color and performs the important function of gas exchange. Small respiratory ducts located in the legs allow atmospheric air into the blood through the epithelial cells. Saturation with acid is also released through the endothelium of the capillaries.

Dihannya folding process

The main feature of the bird's respiratory system is that it is surrounded by the thoracic lung and is not subject to stretching. Kistkova textile does not allow changing the configuration of the bird in this galus, so the legen skips the round for the help of the bronchi. Next you will need to check the bags to ensure the passage of the process of changing your duties. The containers are stretched to allow most of the acid to pass through (75%), which, having been consumed in the secondary bronchi, is blocked by the lungs. When birds are in the weeds, their respiratory sacs gradually expand and contract. Moreover, the faster the wave of the wings is, the more intense the breathing will be. With rapid movements uphill, it is quickly drawn into the lungs and thin-walled structure, and if the bird lowers its wings, it appears that from the bags it will again pass through the leg.

The peculiarity, described above, is what makes birds more likely to have less polish. If the stench is on the mend, the chest will begin to sound and expand.

Thanks to the fact that between the hands and the hands of the birds there is a close relationship, the birds do not perish in the weeds. Please pay attention to one more important detail during this process – strengthening gas exchange.

Podviyne dikhannya

The bird's respiratory system is dampened in such a way that the blood in the chicky pouches is no longer acidic. As expected, the legs suffer from less blood loss (25%) and blood oxidation suffers from a small portion. To replenish the sourness, at the exit of the strings, from the bags, pass through the legs again. In this way, just as when you inhale, so when you see, the legs become rich in sourness, the process of blood saturation occurs in that organ itself. To make the arterial blood more intense, their flows are collapsing one by one. This gas exchange process is usually called other processes.

The role of windbags

When you inhale, the bronchi deliver vital fluid to the leg and posterior respiratory sacs. On the gateway, the wind that has passed through the legen is located at the front tanks. On the right, what is prepared again does not deprive the bird’s body. As a result of the first appearance, the veins are tightened in the anterior sac, and after the other, they are deprived of it. As they pass through the central bronchi and trachea, they exit in the form of carbon dioxide. At this point, you will immediately receive a portion of the chicken from the back pouch that has passed through the leg. The flow of flow comes from one directly. Apparently, delicate creatures play an important role in the process of bird breathing.

Birds have enough air tanks to ensure a comfortable flight. As they grow, the bird's body becomes lighter and its thickness changes. Good surface bags, which are located between the organs, protect birds from overheating under an hour's price.

Classification of dust bags

The feathers are made of 9 thin-walled coatings that are placed before the main ones. In addition, the respiratory system of birds is equipped with intermediate growths and sacs, which expand behind the tube.

They are mainly divided into 4 divisions and one side: cervical, prothoracic, ventral, posterior thoracic and unpaired clavicular. In the middle, the mucous membrane of the sac is covered by a ball of migratory epithelium. Their walls are elastic and form a capillary barrier. The effects of the mixture are placed between the internal organs and meats. They can be seen in the empty pipes of the brush parts.

Due to the presence of a whole set of respiratory sacs, stench can play the following roles in the body of birds:

  • take part in the gas exchange process;
  • set the correct body position near the floor;
  • ensure proper cooling of the body;
  • protects internal organs, acting as shock absorbers;
  • lighten your body;
  • serve as a reservoir for water.

Voice device

One of the most important functions of the respiratory system of birds is to sleep better. Such mastery is again determined by the construction of a unique mechanism of the air-conducting apparatus. The upper cleft, extended behind the tongue, leads to the upper part of the larynx, which is called the pharynx. This area is made up of typical cartilage and, like the vocal apparatus in birds, does not appear (as it does in other land-based creatures of the spinal class).

The syrinx, which is located on the lower part of the larynx, is responsible for the reception of bird sleep. The cartilaginous rings of the trachea support the optimal expansion of the walls of this organ. From its outer parts the voices and bridges emerge and flow into the syrinx. In the area of ​​the bifurcation of the larynx in the middle of the larynx there is another membrane called the inner voice. When the sleeping tissues begin to shrink, the bridles begin to strain. When you see wind from the legs, it penetrates the vocal cord and vibrates the quivering of the bridges, as a result of which stench sounds begin to appear. In this case, the trachea serves as a resonator and expands at the moment of sleep.

Through the special power of the vocal apparatus to change its shape, birds can create various sounds, and the actions of them can imitate the speech of people. For this organ to function normally, it has sufficient space in the bird's body. As a result, in other birds the whole body is gradually affected by the process.

In small birds, the frequency of movements is significantly higher, and lower in great ones. For example, the Godwit can reach 10,000 thousand kilometers in about 9 inch. It is possible to sense the approach of vortices and try to catch a tailwind.

The smallest hummingbird can kill up to 80 wings in one second. With this, she quietly ends her dance in the wind, flying killers, and inadvertently. A little bit more than one gram is important, but in size it’s as big as a bjola. It is noticeable that this miniature bird is a close relative of the common swifts.

The bird's dichotomy system allows people to speak. The most famous parrot is the parrot Jaco. He was also a representative of the Book of Reds. You were able to understand new propositions different languages. The parrot's vocabulary stock is close to 400 words.

For the black swift, the sky serves as a home. Birds can be as high as rocks without turning to the ground. All of your needs are met by the Polota.

In addition to the anatomical bird, the flight of great birds is always influenced by a special design: the feathers of eagles and birds along the edges of their wings turn uphill, creating a vertical ridge. This feature allows you to increase the power of birds with a small size of the wing, which makes their flight easier.

The peregrine falcon is one of the most prominent representatives in the whole world, which can gain up to 300 km/year. Until then, the bird's body is 1 m wide. Their females are larger, the males are smaller.


Having looked at the peculiarities of the dichotomy system of birds, you can safely develop a system that is one of the most complex mechanisms found in nature. For example, the presence of two larynxes allows birds to communicate with each other and produce soothing melodies for people.

The bird's respiratory organs are characterized by: 1) the simplicity of the structure of the nasal cavity. 2) the presence of an independent section in the trachea for the production of sound (vocal larynx), 3) a completely different everyday leg that takes up even a small place in the chest, but is composed of special tissue-bearing organs Ishkiv. It is important to care for birds with the original ability to ventilate their gas exchange plots during the hour of weeding.
Nosova empty-cavum nabi - the neck is short, divided by the nasal septum - septum nasi - on the right and left halves. The nostrils are either round or oval, and in chickens, when entering them, there is a small, intact nasal valve, and near the nostrils there is a crown of short bristle-like feathers. The edges that frame the nostrils are folded from the wax. In geese, the bowel is cut through, so that it is obtained one by one, the nostrils lie in front of the nasal septum.
The skin half of the nasal cavity has three small cartilaginous shells. The labyrinth has no grate brush. The birds' sense of smell is weakly apologetic; The olfactory nerve lies in the dorsal concha and nasal septum. Near the medial cut of the eye, near the frontal bone, there is a package of nasal conduits-gl. nasalis, a visible duct that opens into the nasal cavity.
Larynx-larynx (upper larynx - larynx superior) - expanded on the bottom of the pharynx, you can see the entrance to the throat in the shape of a cleft opening, sharpened by a rim of papillae of the mucous membrane.

The skeleton of the larynx (Fig. 274) consists of ring-like and arytenoid cartilage. The ring-like cartilage is cartilago cricoidea-folding and consists of plates: unpaired ventral (1, 1"), paired buttocks (2, 2') and unpaired dorsal plates (3, 3'). Ventral, curved in the middle of the larynx, the plate has early ossification. Ilyanka On the dorsal edge of the plate, they are sealed with the spinal plates (in geese they grow together) The spinal plates on the dorsal side are closed by the early ossification of the dorsal lobe of the annular cartilage, joining together in this manner, inseparably. On the new front there is two and sloping surfaces
The arytenoid cartilages—cartilagines arytaenoideae—are formed from the cartilaginous dorsal and cartilaginous ventral sections (Ar. d, Ar. v).
In front of the entrance to the throat, at the bottom of the pharynx, the mucous membrane creates a transverse fold, which plays the role of the epiglottis. The inner surface of the throat is lined with migratory epithelium and does not cover the vocal lips.
The skeleton of the larynx is loose and controlled by the muscles: a) anuloid-arytenoid medial-m. cricoarytaenoideus medialis - functions as the sound of the larynx; b) ring-like-arylet-like lateral - m. cricoarytaenoideus lateralis, - widening the throat; c) laryngeal-glossal-m. laryngohyoideus, - hangs the larynx forward, i d) sternolaryngeal - m. sternolaryngius, which turns the throat at the place of rest.
Trachea-trachea (Fig. 273-2) - very long, rounded or transversely oval in cross section. This knuckle is made up of cartilaginous rings, which ossify in old geese and jocks. The mucous membrane of this plot of the wind-bearing pathway does not reveal anything special. The trachea is fragile and is controlled by two organs: a) m. ypsilotrachealis goes to the trachea from the clavicle (or from the lower larynx) and accompanies the trachea throughout its prosthesis; b) m. Bternotrachealis is straight from the thoracic bone to the lateral sides of the trachea.
Speech, or lower larynx-syrinx s. larynx inferior (Fig. 275) - in native birds there is a place where the trachea is aligned to the bronchi (syrinx bronchotrachealis). Its anatomical parts are: the drum, the place with the monthly membrane and the drum (outer and inner) membranes.
The drum-timpanum (2) is a local modification of the respiratory throat in the appearance of growth of several thickenings on the sides of the tracheal rings. The stink geese are getting angry one by one. At the apex of the trachea, a cartilaginous drum protrudes onto the bronchi sagitally, and often ossifies the lumen of the place (3). The vein divides the entrance from the trachea to the bronchus and is supplemented by a permanent fold of the mucous membrane - membrane semilunaris. The drum has a molded device that can be used to work with the vocal lips of the Savior.
There are two such vocal devices, however, pairs - right and left. The skin pair is formed from the inner and outer drum membranes, so they lie one against the other.

Internal tympanic membranes - membranes timpaniformes internae (5) - extend from the sides to the site and adjacent medial wall of the cutaneous bronchus. The stinks are formed by the mucous membrane around the elastic folds that protrude from the middle of the thyroid bronchus.
External tympanic membranes—membranae timpaniformes externae (4)—protrude from the external walls of the skin bronchus, also in the form of elastic folds. As a result of the vibration of these membranes, sound is released. In the area where the vocal organ is located on the left side of the veins, there is a special brushed drum called bulla timpaniformis (Fig. 276), which plays the role of a resonator.
Female birds have less differentiation in their throats compared to males. In songbirds, for tension and relaxation of membranes, special meats are used.
Lungs-pulmones (Fig. 277-8) - are prompted and, regardless of the small amount, are adjusted to the complete exchange of gases, especially during watering. p align="justify"> Birds are also characterized by the presence of a number of specific linings of the bronchial tubes between the legs with the creation of large air-bearing sacs. Stinks play a different role in the lives of birds.
Small behind the waist, the erysipelas on the right and left legs are spread out directly under the ridge and in the recesses between the spinal ends of the ribs, as a result of which their dorsal surface is uneven (it is wedged between the edges ribs that protrude). The ventral surface of the leg extends up to the already described rudimentary diaphragm.
After finishing the tulub, the legen occupy the space from one rib until the nirok is loosened.
Budova's leg is due to its speed and the alignment of the bronchi is even more complicated. The halo divides the bronchi like this. The cutaneous line from the ventral side enters the cephalic bronchus (b) and extends into the genital organ caudally to the posterior edge.
However, it will not end here, but will continue between the legs, expanding at the great cerebral sac (7) (div. far).
After its entrance into the lung, the cephalic bronchus slightly expands in a spindle-like fashion to the anterior vestibulum. From the head bronchus there are two rows - dorsal and ventral - of secondary bronchi.

Most of the secondary bronchi are lost between the parenchyma of the legs, and three bronchi, like the head one, emerge from the skin leg between the organs and the forming sacs (5, 6). Those secondary bronchi that extend between the legs are called internal bronchi-endobronchi, and those that extend their ends beyond the legs-external bronchi-entobronchi. In the common leg, all secondary bronchi are connected to each other by numerous smaller bronchi-parabronchi. The appearance of the parabronchi is already emerging great number vypinannaya with respiratory surfaces”, then the respiratory beds of the legen. The system of bronchial circulation in the lungs has no anastomoses.
Shake the bags. As it turns out, a number of open bronchi open into the air sacs. The stench consists of thin-walled mucous membranes, heavily thickened serous membranes and very poor blood vessels, and give an adhesive that penetrates the cyst (behind the bone of the skull), which therefore becomes pneumatized. There are nine such bags in both regions, one unpaired and the other paired.
1) The interclavicular sac - saccus interclavicularis (1) - develops into an unpaired organ by dissolving along the midsagittal line of two separate branches from the same leg. The vipinanna resembles the clavicular ventral ectobronchus. This pouch is divided into the inner-thoracic and sub-thoracic sections.
The internal thoracic vein lies between the clavicles and surrounds the ventral, dorsal and lateral sides of the heart. The subthoracic vulva creates a number of growths, the middle of which is the inguinal diverticulum – diverticulum axiliaro (2) – which follows the course of the humerus (3). This diverticulum plays an important role in gas exchange during the poultry's flight.
2) Cervical (guy) pouches - sacci cervicales (4) - develop from the cervical ventral ectobronchus of the cutaneous leg. The stench is spread over the trachea and the wind tunnel. From the anterior end of the cervical sac, take the ear of the cervical spine, which goes straight into the neck and pneumatizes the cervical ridges. The same way is to carry out movements near the sternal spine and ribs.
3) Cranial thoracic (or perineal) pouches - sacci thoracici (intermedii) craniales (5) - walk from the caudo-ventral ectobronchus. The stench lies under the lungs and stretches back to the remaining rib,
4) Caudal thoracic (or perineal) pouches - sacci thoracici (intermedii) caudales (6) - the posterior outlet of the posterior lobe of the cephalic bronchus, so that they come out the same way as the anterior sac. The stench lingers all the way up to the liver, throat, intestines and sacs.
5) The cerebral sacs - sacci abdominales (7) - are the largest in volume, with very elastic walls and begin at the posterior end of the cephalic bronchus. They lie freely on the empty body and swell a number of diverticula. The remaining pneumatization is used to pneumatize the transverse ridges, pelvic bones and stegnos.
The hind thoracic and vesical sacs are characterized by specific feature What is believed is that the saccobronchii (d, e) are strengthened among them. These bronchi also enter the leg, expand into their joints and join the respiratory sections of the leg.
The importance of gaseous membranes varies, but what comes first is their share in gas exchange. First of all, the bags serve as reserve reservoirs for wind, which is of great importance for birds; Thus, bobcats and geese can keep their heads wedged in the water for a long time, searching for food. In another way, the very act of gas exchange rises to a very high level, since the gas exchange field of the leg can remove fresh portions of acid from two sides: a) when inhaling from the trachea. ohm; b) when you see two rear pockets. through the sacral bronchi. Due to this arrangement, the oxidation process in the body of birds, and therefore in their life, proceeds even more intensely, with a significant amount of heat visible. The body temperature of birds exceeds that of birds. Thirdly, the inguinal diverticula of the interclavicular sacs, when filling the birds, play the role of the hutra, which replaces the ribcage. When the rocs are calm and moving on land, otherwise seemingly, when the wings are folded, the dihal rocs are seen as a path of expansion and contraction of the chest, especially the roc of the thoracic bone (Fig. 278). When weeding, the thorax, as a supporting place for the flesh of the krill, is properly fixed. Ventilation of the legs in the brain acts passively due to the compression and expansion of the inguinal diverticula by waving the wings for the shortening and relaxation of the chest sores.

The dichotomy system of birds is considered the most complex among all creatures.

This is understandable: the flying way of life relies, inclusively, on an advanced respiratory mechanism and a well-functioning robot.

Scheme of dikhalnykh shlyakhі

The bird's wings are a folding system that consists of several parts:

  1. Nosova and mouth empty;
  2. Upper and lower larynx (pharynx and syrinx);
  3. Trachea;
  4. Bronchi;
  5. Shake the bags.

The bronchi form the basis of the lungs. In this case, the birds only have one trachea, in addition to the savants. Inhaling and seeing behind such a system is a more complex path. The lungs of the birds are so soft that they can pass through them.

When more than 25 hundred thousand rubles are lost from them, the solution is collected in the air. When you see it in the legen, it consumes the reshta kisnyu. This system is called subordinate birds and is a characteristic feature of birds.

Swirling the bird's bags leads to the “sourness of the bird” and allows for the “bird paradox”, which suggests that birds need to breathe more than other animals and people, and their legacies may be significantly less important. The bearings are of the same size, low-fragility and attached to the bones of the ridge and ribs .

The birds do not have a diaphragm, and the wind is created by changing the pressure in the wind bags, which are stretched and compressed by the breast muscles. The shaking bag acts as a pump.

Budova's dichotomy system photo

Expanding it, the bird pumps it into the new outer air (a part of it, as they said, settles into the leg through a hole in the trachea); then she squeezes it, and again goes the other way - through the legs, the signs come out at the trachea and above.

This kind of breathing becomes more intense as time goes on; Again, the bag is inflated on its own and comes out during the process of flapping the wings. The more intensely a bird flaps its wings, the deeper it breathes.

In addition to the respiratory function of the airbags, they have additional benefits: to lighten body weight, absorb the heat, and ensure buoyancy in waterfowl.


It is described that the wild way of birds allows more effectively to maintain gas exchange equal to the legs of birds, and especially reptiles and amphibians. It’s fresh every morning to come to the legion and for an hour to breathe, and for an hour to see.

When you are treated again, you cannot immediately leave the body: between the legs and trachea there is an anterior sac, and at the first sight of need, the breath is lost there. At the next hour, you will have to go out again, and then a new portion that has passed from the head-posterior medial sac through the legs will be replenished.

The bird's set of blown bags is large and is surrounded by looked at two. The cranial sacs, which include the clavicular, cervical and cranial. A large number of these empty shells will provide the bird with a light body and even a dry coat.

However, the functions of the bird's respiratory system are not directly interconnected. Vaughn speaks for the song. The air passes through the lower larynx - the Sirinx, which is also a prominent feature of the class of birds. The trachea plays the role of a resonator and can become stronger during sleep.

These other changes in the shape of the vocal apparatus allow birds to create a large number of sounds and closely imitate human language. Based on the size of the trachea, we can say that in small birds the whole organism is responsible for the resonance.

The dichal system of birds is special. This is due to the fact that swimming requires more energy than walking on land and swimming in dry water. In order for more energy to be generated in the body, it needs more acid. However, the dynamic system of birds in the process of evolution is no longer as effective as it turned out to be. It is typical for birds to have this name Podviyne dikhannya when the sourness of the legion comes both when you inhale and when you see it. This dikhannya is also called uninterrupted. This is perhaps due to the fact that not only birds fly legends, ale i leather bears. Legene bags are also called wind bags.

When the bird inhales, it breathes out both the lungs and the hind leg sacs. Gas exchange (the penetration of acid into the blood and the release of carbon dioxide from it) occurs less in the legs. Therefore, as you inhale, the air in your hindquarters becomes deprived of fresh (rich in sourness). Apparently, the vicoristan now comes from the legen at the front of the leg, and again from the back of the leg comes at the leg. From the anterior air sacs, exit through the central bronchi and trachea when visible.

Apparently, the respiratory system of animals (zocrema and birds) becomes like lungs, and other organs, it is important to play an additional function. Birds have a throat, trachea, and bronchi. In addition, in birds, the lower part of the trachea has a lower larynx with a vocal apparatus. From the beginning there is the upper throat, then the trachea, then the lower throat, from which comes one central bronchus, which divides into two (right and left). The bronchi go to the leg and settle there on the second and third.

The lightest birds fly on Bud's lips. Moreover, this “sponge” is thick, which is important because of the different parts of the bronchi. The walls of the second and third bronchi are covered with a thick capillary layer.

The legen's pockets of birds in their daily routine can sometimes overextend the legen. This is important not only for the process of breathing, but also for changing the strength of the body, as well as for cooling during the process of sweating. Energy appears to be in the form of warmth. If the birds did not effectively cool their bodies, they would have overheated.

In the dichotomy system of birds, there are several pairs and one unpaired one. The stench permeates the thin walls, which are easily stretched. Bears are created due to the infection of the bronchi. The swollen bags lie in the middle of the internal organs, between the meats and tend to go near the empty tubular cysts.

The mechanism for detecting and removing the air from the birds in the water and in the calm (if the stink does not fly) varies. A calm bird expands and contracts its chest. At the floor, the sweaty bags expand and contract, causing the rot of the meats to spread and the dark meats to spread. The birds' breasts become less fragile and provide support for the winged birds. When the wings rise, the armpits stretch, and when they descend, the armpits squeeze. The more intensely the bird flaps its wings, the more intense the breathing process becomes. The number of breaths and breaths per bird in the weeds can be dozens of times greater in order to become calm.

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