Service position map. Map (scheme) positioning (spring). Peculiarities of interpretation of fusion maps



Robot control

from discipline


Product positioning and positioning strategy. Models of buying behavior


Faculty: regional and statistical

Specialty: accounting, analysis and audit

Special reference number:


Main part:……………………………………………………………………………….3

1. Position of the product. Positioning strategy………………3

2. Models of bathing behavior………………………………………………………... 10

3. Test……………………………………………………………………………………….13




The term “marketing” is similar to the English market – market and literally means activity in the market sector. However, in the economic sense, marketing is a broader concept that includes active and comprehensive market involvement, as well as active entry into the market, the formation of needs and sales. Connecting the recruiter with a friend, helping them find one another - this is the main goal of any marketing activity.

In the minds of market traders and especially during the transition period before the market, marketing is one of the most important economic disciplines. In addition, to the extent that the marketing system was correctly designed to ensure the effective functioning of the entire people's dominion.

To quickly distribute goods over the market, it is necessary to carefully influence the market and inform officials how to influence the behavior of buyers. As a result, there has been little understanding in marketing science of principles such as buoyant markets, purchasing behavior, market segmentation, product positioning, etc.

By this name control robot This means the positioning of a product above the market and what strategies for positioning can help a company distribute its product, as well as the models of purchasing behavior in the process of high-quality purchasing.

Main part.

1. Position of the product. Positioning strategies.

Product position- the importance of its place on the market among other similar products from the point of view of the trader himself. The result of positioning is specific marketing activities from development, expansion and promotion of goods to the market.

Positioning steps:

1. Value for a set of competitive advantages;

2. Select competitive advantages that correspond to the company’s goals

3. Formation and consolidation of the taken position on the market.

Competitive advantages are the advantages that a company gains over its competitors for the exchange of propositions to competitors of greater value, either for the exchange of lower prices, or for greater benefits, which compensate for higher prices.

A more practical position is the establishment of those in which the products compare with similar products of competitors. The difference is calculated according to the additional “map” of the competitive position in the coordinates of the sign appropriate for the partner. Determine the positioning of the product using cards divided into 4 quadrants (Fig. 1.1).

Small 1.1. Typical example of positioning a product with clusters of employees

When positioning, the optimal segment is selected and the postmaster takes the optimal position in the middle of this segment. The decision “what position a product may take” signifies the input to the process of product and service strategy, and the path to its achievement - the strategy itself.

Positioning maps are the most popular way to visually represent a company's capabilities. Thus, once we have identified the ideal similarity of competitors, as well as the place of the product and competitors' products based on their advantages, we can conduct an analysis of marketing opportunities. Below is a butt map of the positioning of products on the margarine market:

Rice. 1.2. Map of product positioning on the margarine market

This map shows two important things for those living in key power: 1) “to drink when lubricated” and 2) “instead of cholesterol.” The map allows you to understand that Merete margarine is considered a leader in both powers. Whenever authorities examine goods, they should conduct a multivariate analysis. However, it is often easier and more effective to deal with two authorities simultaneously and to achieve mutual substitution.

The company, with the help of marketing, is working on songs designed to create a favorable position with the knowledge of the target group of people who, in addition to other products, this product is created by it itself. After selecting the segment which business you want to serve, you should conduct an analysis of competitors in that area. Based on the positions taken by competitors, the business can take two options for determining its market position:

1. Take a place next to one of the competitors and fight for dominance in this segment. Businesses can be aware of the following: 1) they can create a more competitive product than a competitor; 2) the market is large enough to accommodate the number of competitors; 3) the enterprise has more significant resources than its competitors, and/or 4) the chosen policy most closely matches the competitive capabilities of the enterprise.

2. The creation of a product of market novelty is consistent with the consumption of companions. Buyers (residents) are really impressed when the goods manufacturer, in keeping with their needs and needs, paints their products, creates their modifications, equipping the goods with new additional characteristics. However, before such a decision can be praised, the quality of the enterprise may be limited by the reality of: 1) the technical capabilities of creating a unique product; 2) economical possibilities creation and production at the boundaries of the level of prices; 3) a sufficient (to allow for profit) number of potential buyers, which gives the advantage of this kind of product. Positive feedback on this mind means that the manufacturer knows the most promising “niche” in the market and is ready to make consistent efforts to fill it.

Positioning strategy- The dominant line of action is from gaining a competitive edge in the market segment, which is evolving as part of the product positioning. The following positioning strategies are evident:

· For the attributes of the product, for example, low price, high brightness, novelty;

· Use of crusty products for living conditions, for example, the production of toothpaste, which prevents caries;

· For the environment, for example, a cold drink can be used as a way to replenish the loss of liquid by the human body, and it is recommended for people whom doctors recommend to live in abundance;

· suitable for older types of consumers, for example, “soft” shampoos for children; focused directly on the competitor, for example, it ensures superiority of the product in any attribute over the product of a specific competitor;

A different combination of these positioning strategies is possible, for example, positioning price-yield relationship, as shown in Fig. 1.3

Yakist virobu

1. Premium mark-up strategy

2. High price strategy

3. Super price strategy

4. Price protection strategy

5. Average price strategy

6. Good price strategy

7. Robbery strategy

8. Strategy of household economy

9. Saving strategy

Small 1.3. Nine strategies that demonstrate “price-yield”

Strategies 1, 5 and 9 can be implemented simultaneously on the same market, if one company sells high-yield products at a high price, another sells medium-yield products at a middle price, and a third sells low-yield virobes at low prices. Competitors are growing peacefully until there are three groups of buyers in the market: those who focus on price, price and offending factors all at once. Positioning strategies 2, 3 and 6 represent ways to attack diagonal positions. The motto of strategy 2 is to say: “Our virus is the same high brightness, as well as the products of a competitor 1, but our prices have significantly increased.” Adopters of strategy 3 will enjoy even greater savings. Perhaps they will be able to convert the yakism-oriented companions to protect (since only the sector 1 is not particularly attractive to snobs).

Positioning strategies 4, 7 and 8 are characterized by a price-protected price, which can lead to claims from buyers and increased bad publicity about such a company. Professional market participants may be unique from such strategies.

The positioning strategy can be either offensive or defensive.

Offensive (offensive) strategy connected with Keruvan's product range. With an expanded assortment, market share increases (part of the market is taken from competitors), it becomes more difficult for competitors to introduce their products, and competitive positions are strengthened. Also, expanding the assortment increases competition between product variants and is accompanied by increased costs for development and marketing. In a number of cases, the company uses the tactics of repositioning and emphasizing respect for the new characteristics of the product when managing its assortment.

Defense positioning You can base it on the “fort on an island” strategy. The essence of this lies in the fact that product options (or brands), which are positioned as expensive and high-quality, are protected from price competition by cheaper options intended for buyers who are price-elastic.

The effectiveness of positioning is strongly protested by the market itself, before the introduction of a new product, the market needs to be primed, there must be marketing support, an important warehouse that is the promotion of goods to the market (communication policy).

Also, the purchasing motives of the target group, when positioned, may be supported by the marketing characteristics of the product, competitive advantages and features. That being said, there are seven minds needed to choose the right market position:

· understand well the real position of the brand among the buyer’s knowledge (the level of popularity of the brand and the level of loyalty to the brand);

· Know the positioning of competing brands, especially the main competitors;

· Select a valid position and arguments for its promotion (marketing characteristics + purchasing motives = positioning = advertising argument);

· Assess the potential profitability of the position taken;

· Confirm that the brand has sufficient potential to achieve the required position among buyers;

· assess the impact of the positioning (and whether there are enough resources to occupy and defend the selected position);

· Consider the suitability of the chosen positioning with other marketing factors (price, communication and sales).

When it comes to choosing a strategic positioning, then you can come from a number of perspectives - purchasing motives, competitive advantages of the product, symbolic value of the product, the presence of additional support or services, customer service, guarantor ii, the presence of competing brands (the remaining strategy is called a competitor's strategy). Thus, J. Wind sees six alternative ways of brand positioning:

· Positioning, based on the main part of the product;

· positioning based on benefits and major problems;

· Positioning is based on a special method of selection;

· Positioning focused on a specific category of buyers;

· positioning of a completely competitive brand;

· Positioning based on the difference with the new product category.

2. Models of bathing behavior.

Last year, the active market began to understand the understanding of its associates in the process everyday spilkuvanniya with them. However, the increase in the size of firms and markets has allowed rich marketing executives to have direct contact with their clients. Marketing executives have to work more often to change the behavior of their employees.

Living behavior– the totality of people’s actions in the process of choosing, purchasing and obtaining goods and services to satisfy their needs and needs. The changing behavior of residents is influenced by the type of food they buy and how they buy it. Therefore, businesses and marketers spend a lot of effort on tracking the differences between the spontaneous factors of marketing and the reaction of their employees. The starting point of all this is the model shown in Fig. 2.1. It shows that the spontaneous factors of marketing and other influences penetrate the “black screen” of the buyer’s knowledge and call out songs [2, p. 186-187].

Small 2.1. Model of bathing behavior

It shows that the spontaneous factors of marketing and other influences penetrate the “black screen” of the buyer’s knowledge and click on songs. Favorable factors for marketing include several elements: product, price, methods of expansion and stimulation. Other subdivisions are formed from the main forces and from the precise purchase; economic, scientific-technical, political and cultural Seredovishche. Having passed through the “black box” of Svedomosti, all customers click on a series of cautious purchase reactions presented on the right side: select product, select brand, select dealer, select time of purchase, select duty purchases. The current market is to understand what is available in the “black box” of information between the subordinates and the appearance of their influences. The “black screen” itself consists of two parts. Persha are the buyer’s displays, giving the main infusion of how people accept and react to the stimuli. The other part is the process of praising the font decision, where the result lies.

For results new investigation Nielsen Company (The Nielsen Company), during the period of shopping in stores, customers are faced with one of several models and make purchasing decisions - depending on the product category.

1. Inertial model, or “autopilot”: praise for the purchase decision

follow the inertia and the spark; level of friendliness to the outside

dii minimal.

2. Variable model, or “search for variety”: the buyer searches for new similarities, options, formats.

3. “Active mode” model: the buyer is sensitive to additional advertising and other features of pre-store activity and “noise” about the product.

4. Model "Poshuk" great prices": the buyer is sensitive to promotions and discounts.

Living people are not ready to waste energy on wasteful decisions. To simplify their lives, they often buy “on autopilot”, including the inertial model and making decisions on the benefits of this or that product, without paying attention to labels or prices. And here the choice of the same brand is indicated by a symbol. Nowadays, residents are not ready to try anything new, and marketers will have to try to develop a strategy to allow them to switch the respect of their fellow residents. Such “automatic” categories include kava, porridge, sire, margarine and mayonnaise.

However, this rule does not apply at all to “categories that are activated”, where people are sensitive to advertising and “noise” about the product. As Nielsen's research has shown, before the "activated" categories lie such young categories as energy and sports drinks, ready-to-drink tea (iced tea), nutritional yogurt, as well as such an old category as chocolate.

Those who purchase products from the list of “categories that are activated” also turn on “autopilot”. The intensity of their respect is directed towards the search for alternatives. To successfully sell products in such categories, you need to generate a steady “noise” about your brand through active advertising, the introduction of new options and innovative packaging, which allows you to see the product on the police and ensure the respect of your neighbors.

When purchasing products that fall under “variable” categories, “autopilot” is also turned on. Lively children are fueled by that very same relish and are constantly searching for new products and innovative products. The “variable” mode is turned on, temporarily, when customers go beyond frozen foods (processed drinks). In this context, informative packaging plays an important role in respecting the customer’s respect, as well as in influencing the purchase decision. Such “variable” categories include, for example, stove, chewing gum, salad dressings and sauces.

Current purchases in categories that follow the “good deal” model will result in equal prices and respect for promotions. The investigation revealed that such categories can be included different views canned food – fish, tomatoes, fruits.

3. Test. Seeing action is characteristic of “caution.”

A. Collection of these inventories.

B. Measuring and recording the results of daily work in the store.


The current resilient market is being disrupted by high dynamics. Current consumer needs, competitive activity patterns and technologies are constantly evolving. The intensity and scale of competition are increasing. In such minds, success is due to non-standard approaches to the identification of new market segments and additional benefits to the product. This creates difficulties for companies that focus on a single niche, as over time, niches of high-value products gain the respect of great companies that are exploring new directions for development.

Leather goods tend to stick out over the market, so there is a need for clear and original advertising and various promotions to keep the goods dry. In addition, this enterprise must also expand the range of separate sales and the range of intermediary organizations, since it obviously does not engage in even great and expensive production, for example, the production of aircraft carriers. This is the mother's fault high rhubarb service, today's buyer is looking for clear service and a wide range of additional services. And only after winning everything possible, the company can insure that it will be able to take a place in the heart of the buyer. The most important thing for a knowledgeable and satisfied customer is to think about the company's products, competing products, problems and prospects for life and work life. Only with this knowledge can the drinks of your companions be satisfied with peace again.

Positioning is the development and creation of the image of a product in such a way that when planting with Svidomosti, the buyer buys the current place, which evolves from the development of competitors’ products, as well as a complex of marketing elements, in addition which people need to be reminded that these products are created especially for them, and that You can identify with your ideal.

Meta positioning is intended to help potential buyers see this product among its competitors, thereby giving them an advantage when purchasing. Otherwise, the positioning is not easy to assign a possible place to a product over the market in the future, but rather the rapid change in its competitive position in a specific market segment in the view of creating potential buyers. great incentives to live.

Positioning maps are used both to develop marketing strategies and to achieve higher planning targets. The most important of them is the formation of changes of mind on the replacement of our product in the form of competitive propositions. Positioning maps also serve to segment the market into subcategories that meet the different needs of buyers. They should be used to identify and highlight the benefits of the product in such a way that they can then be publicized in advertising and other marketing programs for a specific target audience. Using positioning maps, areas of unsatisfied needs are identified that may be satisfied with new products or adaptation of existing products.

Residents make their purchasing decisions in a vacuum, so with the help of marketing, the enterprise can identify all target consumers and indicate how the process of making a purchasing decision proceeds. The most important thing for a knowledgeable and satisfied customer is to think about the company's products, competing products, problems and prospects for life and work life. Only with this knowledge can the drinks of your companions be satisfied with peace again.

List of references

1. Marketing: Navchalny handbook / Ed. S.N.Bilousova, A.G. Bilousova. - View.

5th - Rostov n / D: Deniks, 2007 - 314 p.

2. Fedko V.P., Fedko, N.G. Fundamentals of marketing: exam types

“The series is going to sleep” - Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 2001 - 384 p.

3. Marketing: Instructor: A.N. Romanov, Yu.Yu. Korlyugov, S.A. Krasilnikov and in. / For ed. O.M. Romanova. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1996 - 560 p.

4. Kotler F. - Marketing - Management - St. Petersburg: Peter COM, 1999 - 896 p.

5. Policy and practice of marketing in enterprises Basic methodological guide. M.: ISARP, "Business - Thesaurus", 1998, 1999.

6. Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing: Prov. from English - St. Petersburg: AT "Koruna", ATZT "Litera Plus", 1994.-698 p.

It is acceptable that the concept of a consumer drink for consumption was added to others. Nowadays - the designated place for the powder product is one hundred percent different products for consumption. In Fig. 11.2 and two parameters are selected - price and hour of preparation, which is used to create a positioning map for the product - for consumption. A small drink for consumption promotes the purchase of a low price and Shvidke cooking. Its closest competitors are porridges that do not require boiling, and the closest competitors are eggs with bacon. These contrasting indicators can be distinguished with knowledge of the product sales and market concepts.

The next step is the development of the product concept into the brand concept. In Fig. 11.2.6 presents a brand positioning map, which shows the exact positions of the three existing brands of retail drinks for consumption. The company can praise the decision about the price and calorie content of its drink. The new brand is obliged to drink loudly.

For example, food economics is traditionally focused on the theory of nutritional value and related models. U social psychology They should be called models of evaluative thoughts in the cognitive structure, in order to emphasize that innovation is not only a product of the evaluation of authorities and thoughts, but also the extent of their power, but also their knowledgeable about the category of product. In parallel with the development of evaluative models of thought, a class of models has emerged in which the mechanism for evaluating the contribution is based on the known ideal point of view for the living. Trademarks or objects that are closest to the ideal display on the positioning map (behind a wide-ranging scale) are considered the most important, and those that have been scaled up are the least important. The ideal point of view is initially determined, and then a relationship is formed to the object that is located at any distance from it.

In a number of categories, the integral assessment, which characterizes the rating of associates to a company, product, etc., can be compared with any standard, ideal assessment, which often appears as a point on the map of a position. on the bath. For example, to generate a two-dimensional positioning map, characteristics such as tire price and service terms can be selected. An ideal point is placed on the map field, which indicates the minimum possible price and maximum service life of the tire, as well as points that characterize the values ​​of these characteristics for tires of real brands that are being evaluated. The residual pressure is determined according to the stage of improvement of the ideal point.

Work on positioning is related to analytical research of sales, product substitutes, rating of outstanding product sales, equal and cluster analysis, assessment of profitability, etc. As for marketing, the follower's intuition plays a great role in positioning. Therefore, a map of competitive positions, based on intuitive findings, can show which target segments are most suitable for direct analysis. The intuition is supported by consistent ratings of trademarks (with the understanding of their explicit parameters), by the experience of buyers about their observations about the similarity and similarity of product brands, etc. Competitive maps make it possible to identify the ideal product for a seller and use this information in product policy and positioning strategy.

Vnaslikovo Nednikiv Visnahnutikh Pіdkhodiv often vicoristovyu is Bagatovimirne Cabinet, it is not vimaga, the viyavannna attribute, but the similarity is similar to the same doslizlijuvani goods for them in the Tsiloma. For example, those living on the basis of a paired comparison are asked to determine the level of similarity of the skin pair of goods that are being treated. Once upon a time, the attributes of the appearance do not differ. Then, the tracked goods are placed in their order according to the level of their similarity in two-or three-dimensional coordinates (an affinity map will be created). For example, the section on product positioning shows the results of the development of ideas by the Chrysler Corporation on the position of brands passenger cars. There were two insufficiently clearly defined attributes: conservatism - spirituality and representation - practicality.

(Synopsis) - this is a graphical diagram based on a two-dimensional coordinate system, which shows how people deal with violence brands(Goods). The coordinate axes indicate the two selections for waking up the map. The selection of areas of competition is carried out carefully for the purposes of analysis - the most important officials of the singing segment of the market are most often victorious.

Steps to follow the positioning map

1. Collection of significant vocabulary of a companion for a product group

Conducted using a focus group method and a few specific interviews. In addition to these nutritional criteria, there are criteria for companions, which are used to describe a specific product group (10-20 criteria). When the lists of criteria are compiled by ourselves important moment This is the correct formulation of the companions, and not the companions.

2. Assessment by employees of all objects following all criteria
The identified criteria are converted to a different type of scale and the participants are asked to evaluate the leather brand based on all the criteria.
Technically, every respondent evaluates two to six brands in one interview. The objects of investigation can be: the image of the “ideal product”, a product without packaging, packaging options, advertising materials, etc.

3. Vision of factors among vision criteria

As a result of factor analysis, respondents' ratings based on the criteria are translated into many fewer factors (areas of competition), including the creation of positioning maps that characterize the subjective response of brands present on the market.

4. Pobudova and position map analysis

With the help of such a map, the “image of the brand” compared to other brands is described, and its position and perspective are indicated.

Positioning map (diagram) - a graphical diagram of a two-dimensional coordinate system that shows how people perceive different brands (products). The coordinate axes represent two ways to provide a map of areas of competition.

The selection of areas of competition is carried out carefully for the purposes of analysis - the most important officials of the singing segment of the market are most often victorious. The positioning map is formed by a set of values ​​for the selected positioning parameters, positioning forms in the form of a two-dimensional matrix, in which the products of competing companies are represented.

As parameters for each positioning map, you can select different pairs of characteristics that describe the products being tracked. Often such bets are chosen based on the results of the training of partners.

The map looks like this (in the example, price-volume): square, divided into 4 equal segments. The bottom edge is straight “price”, the left is straight “yakness”. Beyond the distance from the zero segment there is low and high intensity, low and high price. When positioned, we distribute competitors on the map for a competitive price, and it is estimated that our product will be. Butt card positioning:

Stages of the positioning map: 1. Collection of significant vocabulary of the individual for the product group Conducted by the focus group and a few special interviews. In addition to these nutritional criteria, there are criteria for companions, which are used to describe a specific product group (10-20 criteria). When compiling a list of criteria, the most important point is the correct formulation of the habitants and not the breeders.

  • 2. Evaluating by the fellows all objects following all the criteria. Change the identified criteria on a different type of scale and ask the fellows to rate the leather brand by all the criteria. Technically, every respondent evaluates two to six brands in one interview. The objects of investigation can be: the image of the “ideal product”, a product without packaging, packaging options, advertising materials, etc.
  • 3. Seeing factors among the seen criteria As a result of factor analysis, respondents’ ratings based on the criteria are translated into many fewer factors (areas of competition), with the help of which, and to draw positioning maps that characterize subjective competition presence of brands present on the market.
  • 4. Pobudova and analysis of the position map. With the help of such a map, the “image of the brand” compared to other brands is described, and its position and perspective are indicated.

apply it. How to position the map?

Product positioning is a key part of daily marketing.

Every time new products enter the market, hundreds and thousands of similar products compete head-to-head in supermarkets.

How can we win a large part of the market and loyal companions for such minds?
It is necessary to create a unique positioning for your product in order to convey the key benefits for a specific target audience.

One of the ways to earn this is by creating a “positioning card” (or otherwise called a “sensing card”).

A positioning map is a method of schematic, visual representation of how potential customers of your product perceive highly competitive products.

The main advantage of this tool lies in the fact that all products (competitors) are displayed at once on the positioning map. The target audience equals and sets them one to one.

You can use the following positioning card for marketing:

  • when developing a product and service positioning strategy,

  • identification of profitable market niches for the release of new products to the market (identify obvious “gaps” where customers’ needs are satisfied),

  • repositioning of original products,

  • identification of your main competitors and positioning,

  • assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the product in relation to competing brands and all the criteria important for the employee,

  • identification of competitive advantages for the brand

After analyzing the obtained data, the company can position its product so that it fills an identified gap in the market or competes with other products.

Pobudova cards positioning (priynyattya)

The axis of vision is the principle of creating a map and positioning.

Croc first

To activate the positioning map, select 2 lines x and y. The x-axis goes right-handed to the left, the whole y-axis goes uphill.

As a matter of fact, two product characteristics that are significant for the potential audience are highlighted, for example:

  • price and brightness,
  • price and comfort,
  • necessity and luxury, etc.

Croc is different

Once criteria are established for evaluating a position or identifying competing products, it is necessary to collect data for placing competing products on the position map.

Data for the positioning map (spoilage map) is collected using the method of quantitative and precise research, the results of field investigations, focus groups, interviews, surveys of target audiences, etc.

Krok third

The placement of competing products on the positioning map is based on research data.

Croc quarters

Interpretation of data. It is very important, for example, to develop a strategy for entering a new product into the market by interpreting the positioning map, and apparently incorrectly chosen positioning can increase the success of sales. It is possible that new data will emerge that will benefit additional research and analysis.

Position map (mapa spriynyattya). butt

Take a look at our positioning map butt. Our creations are based on the benefits of our team.

Kozhen draws a map of brands. And these benefits can be extended to all products and services. And the stench was not caused by any power, but was the result of the company’s work.

Regardless of what some people like, for example, the jaundicedness and prices of the product vary from others, there will be similarities. And as a result of these marketers, it was agreed that “meta companies will put a hole in the client’s brain.”

Positional maps need to be analyzed more for diagnostic purposes, the data removed can be analyzed and confirmed by other investigations. Launching a new product is based on the data of the card and is rizikovano.

For example, the criteria selected for evaluation may not be significant when choosing a product. Also, the analysis may include other important changes, for which employees can evaluate the products, but you did not pay attention to their choice.

Another weak side of the map: you have taken away the positioning map with unoccupied niches, which does not mean new potential positioning.

Marvel at the map up there. There was an unoccupied niche with a combination of such characteristics as low acidity and high price. The product from this combination is not required. A company that markets a product to an unoccupied niche can spend a lot of money.

And the axis is another butt of the positioning card (spinning card). Here we have a very unoccupied niche: high profitability and garni of savory fruit (the card has been chosen).

It is possible to look at this segment to launch a new product, having analyzed in detail the real and potential consumption of the product in order to understand what will be consumed in this product.

Finally, we present a few words from Jack Trout, one of the authors of the “Position” concept.

  • If you want to express your enmity against a person, you will not be able to worm your way into their knowledge, and then completely and systematically create friendly enmity about yourself.
    Information is handled differently. In order to overcome hostilities, you must avoid them. The reason why you are obliged to get out, and not in return, is that people do not like to change their knowledge. From that moment, when the stinks began to embrace you with a singing rank, they do not want to change their thoughts about you.

  • Today, when a company stands up, it immediately senses the fierceness of its competitors behind its back, because today’s business is not about walking, but about running. To turn around the loss of business, the company has to watch out for mistakes made by others, and then figure out how to take advantage of this situation.

  • A strong company is not built on its product or service, but on the position in which it borrows from Svedomosti's associates

  • The simple and important thing is to increase your share of the market, not the profit. As the market appears, your number one goal is to establish a dominant position in the new one. Too many companies are afraid of turning away profits first to improve their positions.

  • The attack on the leader should be carried out on a strong front, preferably with one single product or service.

  • Failure to convey the reaction of competitors is the cause of marketing failures.

  • Without changes in product or service, prices or methods of expansion, whatever strategy will be a relentless flow of water.

  • Sometimes you don’t have to pay attention to other competitors. You must take the risks of greater competitors seriously, especially since they are much greater for you. First and foremost, you must evaluate what will happen if you achieve success.

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