As an anti-virus for children with chickenpox. The most effective medicinal methods for the treatment of chickenpox in children: Miramistin, Viferon and other effective drugs. Antiviral walks for wind chills

Chickenpox in children cannot be treated without the help of green leaves. are prescribed by a doctor to change the amount of symptoms and alleviate illness.

Chickenpox in children begins with high fever. It will rise sharply to 38-39 degrees. The incubation period from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms lasts two to three years. In this case, the child becomes a carrier and can infect other children just a few days before the first infection.

  • The child suffers from headaches, perhaps carry-over or boredom.
  • Then the visip appears: fractional red digits.

  • Over the course of the last year, bulbs appear on these patches, filled with weed.
  • Visipannya is accompanied by unbearable itching.
  • After a day or two, the bulbs break out and become stripped.
  • The stains are covered with a pick as they dry and fall off.
  • It’s already the period of dressing up.

When there is chickenpox, the temperature stays for about 3 days on the beginning of the first wheat. The temperature may appear again during another period. Antiviral drugs for chickenpox in children may be needed if the high fever did not end in the first day, but continues throughout the entire period of illness. After these days, after the remaining scurf on the skin, the child ceases to be infectious to those who leave. Also, antibiotics for chickenpox may be prescribed by a pediatrician, since the bacterial infection is added to the viral one.

Everyone small children chickenpox can be relieved with a candle Viferon, as there are no allergic manifestations or obvious side actions. Also Viferon Available in gel form. In the gel form, the wine is added to the liquid form of the viscous mixture.

As an antiviral drug for chickenpox in children over 2 years of age you can vicorista Zovirax. This drug is available as an ointment for chickenpox and drops. You can also replace it with Graprinasin or Yogo is a cheap analogue Novirin.

The main antiviral drug for chickenpox in children Acyclovir. This drug is antiviral based on interferon. This warehouse includes proteins similar to those that the body uses when fighting viruses. Return the respect that Acyclovir contraindications for children under 3 years of age And in this situation, it is the fault of the doctor to be victorious.

When it's windy in children over 4 years of age You can use an anti-virus drug Cycloferon. The process of vitality of the cells comes into play when the stench ceases to be palatable to the virus.

Children over 6 years of age you can use the drug Kagocel. As a product of interferon, it has a strong anti-virus effect. Children of six years of age can already roll this tablet without turning pink, since the package instructions indicate oral administration.

Ergoferon in case of chickenpox in children, it is not widely used, although it has both antiviral and antihistamine effects. It is most common to experience stagnation in case of various allergic reactions.

Doctor Komarovsky talks in a video about the use of antiviral drugs for chickenpox in children. What is green is the best way to treat chickenpox, but also for other reasons.

Any medications for chickenpox in children must be prescribed by a doctor. You will need to select the optimal complex of medicinal treatments to ensure the health of your child and her life. And you zastosovali Antiviral drugs for chickenpox in children? Share videos on the forum.

The causative agent of chickenpox is the herpes virus, the development of which is caused internally. It is therefore important to immediately develop a cure for this illness; the most effective are antiviral solutions (for example, “Viferon” for chickenpox), which will reduce the proliferation of viruses. When they are frozen, the illness progresses much easier and faster, without any complications. Chickenpox infection is practically impossible to control and there is no specific therapy for illness today.

The herpes virus can only be treated with special medications.

Product range

The waste of antibacterial and antiviral drugs is simply unacceptable, the stink remains of different authorities. The very antiviral drugs for chickenpox are prescribed for the disease, folk celebration Don’t forget that we can help you. If the virus penetrates the human body, then its further action is multiplication, which leads to the progression of illness. Antiviral drugs can reduce the activity of microorganisms that enter the human body and stop the proliferation of already infected cells. With the help of medications, the human immune system is highly resistant to illness.


Before choosing a product, determine what types of anti-virus products are available. Antiviral drugs can be divided into two main types: direct antivirals and immunostimulants. The first type of work is aimed directly at the virus, which is important when treating chickenpox. And another type of axis stimulates the production of interferon. Interferon is a protein that reduces the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

A person who has fallen ill with chickenpox is obligated to rely on two types of drugs, since some of them can be used to cure the illness. To pay attention to the fact that there is no cure for chickenpox, drugs are prescribed that can help treat the herpes virus and still bring a positive result.


How should you choose for celebration? Below is a list of the ones found and most effective.


Antiviral tablets are designed to increase the growth and spread of the herpes virus.
  • “Viferon” is the widest range of treatments for chickenpox, as prescribed by doctors for adults and children. Available in both ointment and candle form. The most commonly used candles are candles.
  • "Kipferon" is a children's drug that will help relieve the symptoms of chickenpox. The drug can be given to children at least 2 years of age. This disease is often indicated even in the event of a serious illness. "Kipferon" is not a contraindication, but it is positive characteristic drug, and its price is not accessible to everyone.
  • "Valtrex" - helps to increase the growth and spread of the virus, after which the body begins to independently fight the infection. The drug “Ergoferon” has similar power effects.
  • “Isoprinosine” acts as an immunostimulant and antiviral drug. It helps both adults and little ones when they are sick.
  • "Cycloferon" - treatments that increase the production of interferon. In addition, after taking the drug, the body’s resistance to shock increases. Most often, it is important to take into account the shape of the walks, so that the fragments are removed manually.
  • “Ophthalmoferon” produces eye drops, stagnates in case of chickenpox of an important form, when the process of formation on the eyes begins.
  • “Arbidol” belongs to the group of drugs that have a clear antiviral effect. Liki can be given from the courtyard vika. This drug increases the level of endogenous interferons in the body.

  • Amixin acts as an oral low-molecular synthetic inducer of endogenous interferon. This effect lies in the stimulation of α-, β- and γ-interferons in the body, suppressed immunosuppression and an active antiviral influx on the entire human body. Vipus tablet form. Suitable for use by both adults and children (age 7 years old).
  • "Anaferon" acts as a homeopathic drug. This benefit during the period of chickenpox may be considered as an addition to halal therapy in case of illness. Issue form: walking.
  • "Kagocel" is prescribed for chickenpox, where fragments of antiviral tablets accumulate high rhubarb expression and suppress the vibration of late interferon. Children aged 6 years and older can take walks.

In the opinion of pediatricians, the greatest benefit from chickenpox for children is competent monitoring of the skin during the hour of illness. To remove unwanted itchy sensations, use creams, ointments, moisturizers and other medications. In addition, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines, sedatives and immunomodulatory medications.

In case of severe illness, the main treatment for chickenpox is antiviral drugs, as prescribed by specialists. Typical chickenpox progresses in a fluctuating manner, with periods of physical ailments in the appearance:

  • prodromal symptoms: migraines, headaches and cough;
  • fever and weakness in every body;
  • rozladi roboti shkt;
  • hanging on the head, face, stomach and ends.

In most cases, especially in childhood illnesses, the process occurs in a mild form with minimal manifestations and aftereffects. The organism of children up to the 7th century is built to resist the herpes virus Varicella Zoster on a high level.

Causes and consequences of the first symptoms of chickenpox

Symptoms of chickenpox may arise unexpectedly, especially if the child who has become infected is not ready to deal with the infection. Most often, children succumb to the virus from the preschool team. There it is even widening, like a windy, speckled path.

Moreover, even adults can get chickenpox. Even in places of mass purchasing, closed areas there are often a lot of unprotected people who have not previously contracted type 3 herpes.

The specificity of the infection is symptomatic discomfort, causing the invasion of dermatotropic microorganisms in the skin and epidermis. Having spread through the blood circulation system to all internal organs, the wine penetrates the skin and provokes destruction of the tissues of the upper ball.

As a result of this activity, toxic substances are produced that trigger the allergic reaction. Because of this, a strong and constant persecution can be felt in the localities, which can lead to such unacceptable things as:

  • in-depth design of accessories;
  • bacterial infection of the skin;
  • excess tissues like scars.

Adults have an angry disposition. Viruses in the epithelium are also activated. If enanthems appear in the mouth, nasopharynx and other organs, then to prevent the formation of putrefactive bacteria, it is necessary to take some special external treatment against chickenpox. Check it out from the list of remedies recommended by your doctor.

Wind bulbs go through several stages of development: starting with little ones and ending with scones. The most safe ones for additionally attached bacterial infections are papules and vesicles that are easy to dissect. The cutting of the skins is carried out until the sprout ball of the epidermis is destroyed, after which, when the skins are sunk on the surface, they are no longer lost. Such scars can appear on any part of the body, including the face.

Temperature as an indicator of chickenpox infection

In case of acute skin symptoms, it is important to trace the patient until the patient is ill and monitor the changes in body temperature. For adults, this period is characterized by fever attacks and the appearance of new cavities. During the hour of mild chickenpox, the readings may not exceed 38 °C. To reduce the temperature, it is not necessary to use an antipyretic agent such as chickenpox.

A thermometer reading above 39 C during chickenpox indicates a serious weakening of the immune system or the beginning of the development of an additional infection. In this case, the procedure indicates the restriction of the patient and the conduct of advanced laboratory tests.

Ditinі z high temperature It is necessary to ensure optimal quarantine and adhere to clear rules of observation, for example:

  • adhere to bed rest until the end of the acute period;
  • frequently ventilate areas;
  • fertilize 60-70%;
  • keep the temperature in the room no more than 18-20 C;
  • Dress the child in the open space white from natural materials.

Among antipyretic drugs for the treatment of any symptoms viral infection, This includes chickenpox, which is not caused by Aspirin. It has been proven that this primary medication negatively affects the functioning of the liver and can cause Reye's syndrome. For young children, taking acetylsalicylic acid can cause serious damage to brain tissue and be fatal.

How to treat chickenpox: methods and techniques

In fact, children with severe symptoms of illness do not require drug therapy. Their immunity is built up in the face of daily activity and can be restored quickly without taking chickenpox tablets. A using the live method prevention of deformation in children with mild forms of illness and proper drying of external ointments, gels and creams for the treatment of viscosity.

There are no ointments for lubricating windshields. And today's greenery is given up in favor of other more effective options. Like chickenpox for small children, diamond green flowers are less popular among residents of the entire Soviet Union. However, few people have ever seen foreign medicine.

Ethyl alcohol is added to the stock of brilliant green, which, after application, is dried and dried on dry plots. This is especially true for children 1-5 years of age and people with a delicate and sensitive skin. Of course, barvnik does not have an evidence base for carcinogenic safety. Therefore, doctors would like to increase their respect for more daily and effective additional aids such as wind pumps for adults and children:

  • calming - Fenistil, Kalamin, Tsindol, zinc ointment;
  • mixture with antiviral components - Acyclovir, Miramistin;
  • drugs with local immune-stimulating action – Cycloferon, Viferon;
  • decomposition of essential oils - celandine, calendula, tea tree.

A significant anti-infectious effect is produced by the use of potassium permanganate, which should be avoided by taking short-hour baths during windy periods.

The practical availability of systemic treatments for chickenpox for both adults and children is readily available at work internal organs, The fragments, for example, are susceptible to bacterial contamination of the building, resulting in poisoning disorder and intestinal dysbiosis. In addition, complex drugs may have a lot of side effects, which are difficult to absorb during self-medication.

When taking these drugs, it is assumed that the patient is in good health due to chickenpox, and the presence of contraindications, possible allergies, is associated with the use of various drugs. An antibacterial agent is necessary for ointments and for removing stains, marks, residues allergic reaction.

A small child may rarely need a strong soreness due to skin irritation. However, through the activation of microorganisms of herpes in the bulbs, a turbocharged sensation arises that the herbs will become stronger. You can relieve anxiety and restore normal sleep in your baby with the help of the essential oil of valerian. It is enough to place a small bag of grass next to it or sprinkle a few drops on it lightly.

Strong itching will help to take the antihistamine effect of Fenistil. For ease of dosing, place it in the vicinity of the speckles. It is also good to understand the negative effects of Suprastin. It is sold in the form of tablets and helps with chickenpox infection in most adults and children.

How do you get rid of itching?

Additional drugs that a doctor can prescribe after diagnosing chickenpox include complex problems. The main goal of such treatments is to avoid additional infections. Products that protect the surface of the epidermis from harmful fungi and bacteria can be found in almost all ointments that are used to treat chickenpox.

If external conditions are maintained, the development of visips through this cycle will ensure a reliable transition to putrefactive microorganisms and accelerated healing of wounds. As a result of the change in the itching, the child does not ruin the deep balls of the cover. And after the spontaneous loss of scabs on the skin after chickenpox, the liquid traces are not lost.

Power and stagnation of external interests

Fenistil trace is applied to the elements of the body after a skin shower or bath. To do this, use a cotton swab and a stick to gently rub the skin under the skin. Acyclovir may contain foreign viral components, otherwise it will become responsible for the symptoms of fahivtsa and especially in cases of severe skin viscera. The cream is made up of 5% active ingredient. Apply it with a thin ball of mistya visipan.

This is suitable for both children and adults.

This effect appears on the skin like this:

  • there is laceration around the edges of the temple;
  • has anti-verbicide action;
  • relieves painful sensations;
  • swelling changes;
  • protects against the growth of microbes.

The versatility of using this treatment for chickenpox is truly the best drug. Kalamine's warehouse includes zinc oxide. This component of the family has long been successfully stagnated in many cases of skin diseases.

Another popular product is synthetic tannin in cream or powder form. It's called Vin Delaskin. The tanning agent in this warehouse is made for skins similar to natural ones. It is widely used for the treatment of dermatitis, in which it is necessary to relieve irritation and burning of tissues. To get the full effect of Delaskin, rub it with light hands on a plate with hanging pans.

To properly treat yourself in these ways, follow the doctor’s recommendations. And also we will give a more detailed methodology and terms for the selection of these drugs. Caution is necessary for people who may have drug allergies or may be harmed by taking any drug.

To avoid reactions to any component, you need to conduct an independent allergy test. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the mixture on the surface of the inner side of the hand or forearm. You can look around this place for a few hills. As soon as there appeared some red flames or dishes, or biscuits, which should not be frozen.

On sale you can find a number of options for ointments based on zinc oxide. The cheapest one in the pharmacy will be zinc ointment. The doctor may also recognize the stagnation of Tsindolu, which contains glycerin as its main ingredient. After treatment, the dry veins will soften and dry the skin tissue, immediately imparting an antimicrobial effect.

Alpisarin can be used in cases of allergies to herbs and essential oils, the fragments form a hood Likarsky Roslin. Whole mango leaves, alpine honeymoon and others. Among the most popular cosmetic preparations is Derzhsypol. Research has shown that it can spread to various microorganisms, germs and viruses of the herpes family.

Another one is Flacoside, which contains the components from the oxamite of the Amur leaf of Laval. It is patented as an anti-herpetic and hepatoprotective agent. This is why adults often get stagnant during the time of chickenpox.

Immunomodulators in complex settings

In order to support the body's dry system against the influx of herpes zoster, it is necessary to use special compounds that will inhibit the activity of viruses. In fact, cycloferon is responsible for the propagation of herpes in the cells through the development of their intractability. In addition, the immune system removes part of the active cells to further fight the infection.

The chickenpox is an infectious disease that can be diagnosed in both children and adults. In the remaining period, illness can take on important forms and occur.

Sickness, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase in temperature and itchy skin. The pharmaceutical market is promoting a number of medical preparations, which relieves the unpleasant symptoms. Faces with chickenpox will lessen the symptoms, but will not see them again.

Preparations for the treatment of chickenpox

There are a number of medicinal benefits that help reduce and dry out the skin. The most effective and effective drugs are described below.

It is important to choose the right faces from the presented variety


To relieve itching in an adult, 60-90 skin tissues should be rubbed with a small amount of ointment, diluted in boiled water. Some parts are coated with talcum powder. All 7 days of illness are due to bed rest. Throughout this entire hour, cleanliness of hands and bed linen are carefully maintained.

Therapeutic methods for treating adults include the use of desensitizing and symptomatic drugs. For consumption, a specialist prescribes an antibiotic.

The range of drugs for adults is very wide

As a rule, the list of liquids for bathing consists of:

  • Diazoline;
  • Acyclovir;
  • mint infusion;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Zirteka;
  • Viferona.

When treating adults, their diet changes. The basis of the harvested hedgehog is red and milky hedgehog. It is important to maintain good hygiene and take a bath.

What should a little child drink?

There are a number of antiherpetic drugs that are used to treat swine fever, which provokes outbreaks. Unfortunately, children under 2 years of age are rarely prescribed antiherpetic medications due to a large number of side effects.

Small children can easily withstand illness and often do not require medical therapy. In young patients, the basis of treatment is to prevent the development and extinguishment of skin rashes. To make an old stick look like a new one, you can pick out the green stuff and circle the skin around the stake. From the moment the dryness appears, you can dry it for 5 days and continue to use it again.

For the treatment of children, the following drugs are often used:

  • mint infusion;
  • Kipferon;
  • Acyclovir.

All drugs may be considered more dangerous

Zastosuvannya of brilliant green - for that against

Since 10 years ago, chickenpox was associated with frozen greens for bathing, today many fathers ask nutritionists about the effectiveness of the procedure.

Zelenka will lose its most popular feature

In fact, the greenery is very thick brown authorities, and itself:

  • disinfectants;
  • anti-flash;
  • dry;
  • change the size of the wall.

The preparation of brilliant green is absolutely safe, there is no risk of teasing, allergic reactions or chemical additives. In general, we pay special attention to the importance of removing the skin and the importance of fighting illness.

What antibiotics are needed?

Zastosuvannya vipravdane u vipadkah:

  1. Guilty complications that can be revealed through secondary infection.
  2. The appearance of a vesicle (buying up of sackcloths, filled with soil).

To treat the skin during chickenpox, antibiotics are rarely prescribed. Their effect is even worse when caused by bacterial infection, which can result from a weakened immune system.

Antibiotics for chickenpox, regardless of severity or course, are not required. Stinks fight bacteria, and chickenpox fights a virus.

Whether any drug therapy threatens side effects and overdosed. Therefore, when taking medications, it is necessary to wait with the doctor and remember the dangers of self-medication. Chickenpox, which occurs in its primary form, usually requires the use of external agents to combat itching and uninfected damaged areas of the skin.

Among various infectious diseases in children, one of the leading places is occupied by chickenpox. The cause of illness is a viral microorganism that belongs to the herpes family. It is miraculously transmitted by a wind-droplet path, but in this case it does not have any resistance to the influx of external factors into an excessively middling environment.

Recreational visits under the hour of chickenpox are being celebrated at home during the harsh quarantine period. This is necessary so that there is no decomposition during the windy hour. There is no cure for chickenpox for children; the illness goes away on its own. There is also a low number of medications that can help relieve the discomfort that invariably accompanies the manifestation of chickenpox.

Antiviral drugs for chickenpox should be taken in order to reduce the virulence of the infection and protect the body from the disease.

Such combinations can be used to:

  • Acquired bacterial infection;
  • Incineration of the brain membranes;
  • Burning of legen structures;

Varto means that chickenpox is by no means an innocent illness. Patients with chickenpox who are not treated promptly may become infertile for a year. Through ignorance of the factors behind the appearance of this disease and treatment methods, a number of benefits emerge.

In case of chickenpox in children, it is necessary to take care Suvory regime take medications that relieve symptoms, as well as strengthen the immune system for a more effective fight against illness

In the first days there is a vinification of the Pukhirtsev visips and advancements temperature readings body, it is important to adhere to bed rest, the fragments of reproduction and activation of the varicella-zoster virus in the child’s body provokes inflammatory intoxication.

It is important during this period to give more warm drink and reduce the temperature with antipyretic medications.

This article tells you:

Antiseptic solutions for the treatment of chickenpox

The main treatments for chickenpox for children are special grades of antiseptics. The stench is necessary so that the papules (the bulbous viscera on the outside) dry out and harden. In addition, it is necessary to use antiseptic agents to help eliminate bacterial infection of wounds.

Previously, visipanna was smeared with diamond green.

In case of windy weather, the replacement of brilliant green can be used:

  • fucorcin;
  • Tsindol suspension.

Fukortsin is an effective method of combined storage, without damaging the skin, drying it out and being non-infectious.
Tsindol suspension is used to reduce exudation in the form of itching during chickenpox and to protect the skin from the manifestation of processes of an incendiary nature, and thus to differentiation. The use of antiseptic agents is necessary so that the infection does not spread to other parts of the body.

It is not recommended to cover the skin with rinds, which may have antihistamine and antiviral effects.

On the other hand, it is very difficult to determine the exact dosage for a child, and there may be few side effects.

You can help your little ones relieve severe itching and prevent the development of incendiary processes with the help of an additional daily dose - Calamine.

This has a pronounced antiseptic effect, drying dryness, as well as cooling irritation of the skin, removing dullness and allowing the fabrics to wear much faster.

If the mucus appears empty in the mouth, which is not uncommon with chickenpox, you can treat the mucous membrane with a special antifungal and antibacterial agent Miramistin.

Suitable for chilling for small children, as it does not have any special taste or smell.

Antipyretic effects in chickenpox

Advancement will appear often. During mild cases of chickenpox, temperature readings may not rise above 38 C. In such cases, antipyretic effects in the form of tablets or syrups are not required.

The thermometer readings rise above 38.5, which is direct evidence that the child’s immunity is greatly weakened. The doctor can determine low laboratory tests, which will help determine adequate therapy and prevent the development of serious complications.

A child with a high temperature must be quarantined and in strict bed rest. In addition, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the living areas, freshen the skin, and moisturize normal temperature between 18-20°C.

It is important to remember that among various antipyretic syrups and tablets there is no risk of Aspirin.

It is contraindicated for young children to use it because it has been reported that acetylsalicylic acid can cause damage to the tissue structures of the brain.

When body temperature is elevated, children are prescribed antipyretic medications, such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in syrup or suppositories.

These types of faces can be cut, but just need to be adjusted.

Read also

Antihistamines for children

The weevil that appears during chickenpox is associated with something that practically does not stick. This is the most unpleasant and uncomfortable moment when you get sick. In order to relieve the baby's suffering, it is necessary to take antihistamine (anti-allergic) medications. It is important to remember that it is not recommended to apply puffy rashes, because scarring may develop in this area, which can be very difficult to put on.

One of the best ways to treat chickenpox in children, or more precisely, to relieve itching, is a number of antihistamines of the 2nd and 3rd generations. The smell of the building will remove the itching, soothe irritations and over-exertion of the skin, and also reduce the pressure on nervous system ditini.

The most broad ones are:

  • Tavegil;
  • Loratadine;
  • Zovirax;
  • Rhinecold.

It is necessary to use histamine blockers (activators of allergic reactions) under close supervision and only after the doctor’s recommendation. This will help avoid drug overdose and possible negative effects.

Another way to remove itching spots on the skin is Fenistil gel.

This type of medication is used for the external lubrication of damaged areas of the skin and is characterized by deeper penetration. After washing the skin, apply the gel to the skin using a cotton swab and apply it to the area around the skin.

Before exposing any person to anything else, it is recommended to test for a possible allergic reaction.

A small amount of medication should be applied to the forearm. If it turned out to be red or white, it’s not easy to get rid of chickenpox.

Immunoglobulins and antiviral medications

One of the key parts of complex therapy for chickenpox is the use of special immune-stimulating drugs. This is to allow the child’s body to increase its strength to fight illnesses.

The most popular method is Cycloferon. The medicinal substance is rolled out as a linement for application to the skin. The candle looks like it has a wide range of anti-russian drugs Viferon. The liquid is quickly absorbed from the intestines and begins to fight viral organisms.
In those with a high risk of developing a glaucoma, serious antiviral drugs in the form of tablets and internal injections are prescribed.

Tips for hygienic baths for chickenpox

When going to the bathroom during a wind chill, it is extremely important to follow the correct hygiene procedures. Previously, there was a thought that it was not only impossible to swim in the wind, but it would be unsafe.

However, modern medicine has proven that water procedures are extremely necessary, especially during the development of infection in children.

There are various bacterial microorganisms on the human skin, which, if hygiene is not maintained, can cause a secondary infection in the epidermis injured by the fire.

Failure to adhere to hygienic standards for chickenpox can provoke guilt:

  • Gniynikiv;
  • scarring on the skin;
  • The presence of scars after whipping;
  • Virazkov’s emotions are difficult to succumb to celebration.

In order to benefit from this, you need to take medications correctly. Take a shower just before the hour of chickenpox. You can also take a bath using anti-chickenpox remedies.

Herbs that may have a non-infectious effect and can cause itching on the skin of a child:

  • Chamomile is pharmaceutical;
  • Celandine;
  • Calendula.

The cream of these collections can be added to a mixture of oak bark. This will help the wounds get started. You can add a mild dose of potassium permanganate to the bathtub. This speech is intended to give a medicinal and non-infectious effect.

Please remember that you can take a bath with added potassium permanganate for more than 10 minutes.

Add potassium permanganate to the bath for bathing, to help relieve inflammation and pain on the skin.

It is important not to indulge in self-medication if you have uncharacteristic symptoms of chickenpox. In case of a strong, unbearable temperature, extreme weakness of the baby, excessive drowsiness, blue skin, blood vessels and vomiting, it is necessary to urgently go to the police for help.

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